ADDERLink XD522 Video Extender User Guide
- June 4, 2024
Table of Contents
ADDERLink XD522 Video Extender
Quick Start Guide
Transmitter – front
Receiver – front
Transmitter – rear
Receiver – rear
Video support
AdderLink XD522 works hard to transfer the highest possible video bandwidth between the transmitter and receiver units. To allow for the differing grades of CATx links used to join the transmitter and receiver, AdderLink XD522 periodically checks the quality of link A (the primary cable joining the transmitter and receiver). In this way it can accurately determine which of two video transfer modes can be supported. Please see the rear page for details about achieving good quality links. On the front panel, the HR indicator will illuminate when High Rate mode is available, whereupon the available bandwidth for video signals is more than doubled. The manner in which bandwidth is made available to the two video ports differs between the Low and High Rate modes, as described here:
Note: The example modes shown here are for illustrative purposes and are based upon average requirements for current video displays. Video displays from some manufacturers may consume more signal bandwidth than those shown here.
- All approximate video mode bandwidth figures are quoted with reduced blanking.
Tips for achieving good quality links
Due to the large volumes of data that must be transferred between the
transmitter and receiver, every AdderLink XD522 installation is highly
dependent upon good quality CATx cable links. Video performance is
particularly reliant on high speed communication channels. For this reason,
the AdderLink XD522 units periodically test the link quality to determine
which of two video transfer modes can be supported: Low Rate or High Rate.
Please see page 3 for details about high and low rate video modes. The main
factors that affect link quality are:
- The length and type of CATx cable used,
- The number, length and type of intermediate patch connections,
- The quality of the cable terminations.
The table below provides a brief overview of distances that may be achieved
using different CATx cable types. Please see the full user guide for more
EDID management
AdderLink XD522 intelligently manages the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) information that each video display provides (detailing their supported resolutions) before reporting them to the host PC. In this way AdderLink XD522 can mask the resolution modes that cannot be supported within the available bandwidth. The display attached to Video port 1 will always be given priority. If sufficient bandwidth does not exist for the modes declared by the second display, then it will not be reported to the host PC.
Front panel indicators
The six front panel indicators on each unit provide a useful guide to operation:
- A On Main A link is connected. Flashes Main A link is not connected. Off No power is present.
- B On Optional B link is connected. Off Optional B link is not connected.
- V1 On Video port 1 is connected and receiving video. Flashes Video port 1 is connected but not receiving video. Off Video port 1 is not connected.
- V2 On Video port 2 is connected and receiving video. Flashes Video port 2 is connected but not receiving video. Off Video port 2 is not connected.
- HR On High Rate mode is active. Flashes HR mode is preferred but cannot be established, LR mode active. Off Low Rate mode is active.
- PS On Power connected. Flashes Upgrade error (other indicators show error code). Off No power.
IMPORTANT: Please see the full AdderLink XD522 user guide for safety, warranty and regulatory information. The full user guide is available from
- 2022 Adder Technology Limited
- All trademarks are acknowledged. Part No. MAN-XD5x2-QS-ADDER
- Release 1.1
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