lxnav S8x Gliding Digital Speed To Fly Variometer User Manual

June 12, 2024

lxnav S8x Gliding Digital Speed To Fly Variometer

Product Information

The S8x S10x is a digital speed-to-fly variometer, final glide calculator, and navigational system with a simple moving map. It is manufactured by LXNAV and is currently on version 9.11. The product is designed to provide pilots with essential information and features to enhance their flying experience.


  • Interfaces for easy connectivity
  • Various options for customization
  • S8/S80 Club functionality
  • Technical data including power consumption, size and weight, audio output power, and environmental limitations

Operating Modes:

The S8x S10x has several operating modes that offer different functionalities:

  1. Quick Access Menus: Provides quick access to various features such as MC/BAL, Reset G, Layout, Select/Select Near, WPT Elevation, Edit Target, FLARM Traffic, Event, Night, Edit Task, Start Task, Restart Task, Next Waypoint, Send WPT, Load/Save, Export, and Wind.
  2. Info Mode: Displays important information with a quick access menu.
  3. FLARM Mode: Allows editing targets and provides FLARM traffic information.
  4. Thermal Assistant Mode: Assists in thermal flying with a quick access menu.
  5. Waypoint Mode: Provides numerical, wind, and AHRS pages for navigation.
  6. Task Mode: Allows editing navboxes and provides numerical, wind, AHRS pages with a quick access menu.
  7. Setup Mode: Configures QNH & RES, flight recorder settings, and vario parameters.

Product Usage Instructions

To use the S8x S10x variometer, follow these steps:

  1. Power on the device by pressing the power button.
  2. Use the Quick Access Menus to navigate through different features and modes.
  3. In Info Mode, access the quick access menu to view important information.
  4. In FLARM Mode, use the quick access menu to edit targets and view FLARM traffic.
  5. In Thermal Assistant Mode, use the quick access menu for assistance in thermal flying.
  6. In Waypoint Mode, navigate through numerical, wind, and AHRS pages for navigation.
  7. In Task Mode, edit navboxes and access numerical, wind, and AHRS pages with the quick access menu.
  8. In Setup Mode, configure QNH & RES, flight recorder settings, and vario parameters.

Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on each operating mode and its corresponding features.

S8x S10x
Digital speed-to-fly variometer, final glide calculator and navigational system with simple moving map
Version 9.0

MAparyil 22002213


Rev #59

Version 9.11

Important Notices

1.1 Limited Warranty
2 Packing Lists 2.1 S80 (80mm) Variometer Unit 2.2 S8 (57mm) Variometer Unit 2.3 S10 (57mm) Variometer Unit 2.4 S100 (80mm) Variometer Unit 2.5 S10D and S8D Repeater Unit 2.6 S100D and 80D Repeater Unit
3 Basics 3.1 LXNAV S8x/S10x at a Glance 3.2 LXNAV S8x/S10x Features 3.2.1 Interfaces 3.2.2 Options 3.2.3 S8/S80 Club 3.2.4 Technical Data Power Consumption Size and Weight Audio output power Environmental limitations
4 System Description 4.1 Push Button ­ Rotary Switches 4.1.1 Power Button 4.2 Rotary Switches 4.3 Buttons (Three) 4.4 Switching on the Unit 4.5 User Input 4.5.1 Text Edit Control 4.5.2 “Spin” Control 4.5.3 Selection Control 4.5.4 Checkbox and Checkbox List 4.5.5 Slider Selector 4.6 Switching Off
5 Operating Modes 5.1 Quick Access Menus 5.1.1 MC/BAL 5.1.2 Reset G 5.1.3 Layout Layout in the Numerical Page Layout in the Graphical Page 5.1.4 Select / Select Near (Only in WPT mode) 5.1.5 WPT Elevation 5.1.6 Edit Target 5.1.7 FLARM Traffic 5.1.8 Event 5.1.9 Night 5.1.10 Edit Task (Only in Task Mode) 5.1.11 Start Task (only in Task Mode) 5.1.12 Restart Task (only in Task Mode) 5.1.13 Next Waypoint (only in Task Mode) 5.1.14 Send WPT 5.1.15 Load/Save

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Version 9.11

5.1.16 Export 5.1.17 Wind 5.2 Info Mode 5.2.1 Quick Access Menu 5.3 FLARM Mode 5.3.1 Quick Access Menu Edit Target FLARM Traffic 5.3.2 FLARM Warnings 5.4 Thermal Assistant Mode 5.4.1 Quick Access Menu 5.5 Waypoint Mode 5.5.1 Quick Access Menu 5.5.2 Numerical page 5.5.3 Wind Page 5.5.4 AHRS Page 5.5.5 Quick Access Menu 5.6 Task Mode 5.6.1 Numerical Page 5.6.2 Wind Page 5.6.3 AHRS Page 5.6.4 Quick Access Menu Editing navboxes 5.7 Setup Mode 5.7.1 QNH & RES QNH Safety Altitude
5.7.2 Flight Recorder Recording Interval Auto Finish Finish Before OFF Logger Always ON Pilot Co-Pilot Competition Number Registration Number
5.7.3 Vario Parameters Vario Needle Filter Vario Sound Filter Netto Filter Relative Filter SC Filter Smart Filter Needle Range Auto SC (Speed Command) TE Compensation Vario Average Time Integrator Reset Temperature Offset Airspeed Offset HAWK enable/disable

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32 32 33 33 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 39 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 45
45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 49 49

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Version 9.11 HAWK wind variance HAWK Horizontal wind average HAWK Vertical wind average 5.7.4 Display Automatic Brightness Minimum Brightness Maximum Brightness Get Brighter In Get Darker In Brightness Night Mode Darkness 5.7.5 Files Profiles Waypoints and Tasks Airspace File Logbook FlarmNet file 5.7.6 Logbook 5.7.8 Graphics Indicator Setup Map Airspace Waypoints Glider and Track Thermal Assistant Task FLARM Modes 5.7.9 Sounds Equalizer Option Vario Sounds FLARM Sounds 5.7.10 Obs. Zones 5.7.11 Warnings FLARM Warnings Altitude Warnings Airspace Warnings Visual Messages/Warnings Voice Warnings 5.7.12 Units 5.7.13 Hardware Digital Inputs Communication Setup Battery Setup Remote Stick (NEW) Flaps AHRS CAN Bridge FLARM 5.7.14 Polar and Glider Polar

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Version 9.11 Speeds Flaps 5.7.15 Profiles 5.7.16 Password List of Password Functions 5.7.17 Admin Mode 5.7.18 About 6 Variometer and Altimeter 6.1 Altimeter 6.2 Speed Command 7 HAWK 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Wind Model 7.3 The potential climb rate 7.4 The Aerodynamic Model 7.5 Dynamic behaviour 7.6 HAWK system activation 7.7 Setup parameters 7.7.1 Netto Vario 7.7.2 Vario 7.7.3 Relative Vario (Super netto) 7.7.4 Levelling AHRS 7.7.5 HAWK Parameters 7.7.6 Graphical display 7.7.7 Audio source 8 Flying with the LXNAV S8x/S10x 8.1 On the Ground 8.1.1 Power on Procedure 8.1.2 Set Elevation and QNH 8.1.3 Pre-Flight Check 8.2 Airborne 8.2.1 Final Glide Calculation 9 Installation 9.1 Installing the LXNAV S8x/S10x 9.2 Connecting the LXNAV S8x/S10x 9.3 Cut-outs 9.3.1 Cut-Out for S8 and S10 9.3.2 Cut-Out for S80 and S100 9.4 Available Cables for GPS/FLARM and PDA Ports 9.5 Installation of Options 9.5.1 S8xD Option (Repeater) Data Exchange 9.5.2 Flap Sensor (Flap ­ CAN) 9.5.3 Universal Flap Sensor (Flap ­ CAN, Flap – 485) 9.5.4 MOP2-CAN 9.5.5 MOP2-UNI 9.5.6 Remote Stick (Remote-CAN) 9.5.7 AHRS Option and HAWK option Activation using a license file Activation using a license key 9.6 Ports and Wiring 9.6.1 LXNAV S8x/S10x Ports

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Version 9.11

April 2023 LXNAV S8x Ports


108 LXNAV S10x Ports

108 PDA Port (RJ45)

108 GPS Port (RJ12)

109 Main Port

109 Audio Port

109 LXNAV S8X Wiring

110 LXNAV S10x Wiring

111 LXNAV S8xD/S10xD Wiring


9.7 S8x/S10x Configurations


9.7.1 Symbols


9.7.2 Using external BT module


9.7.3 Nano/Nano3 ­ Sxxx – MiniMap


9.7.4 Nano3 – Sxxx – Oudie


9.7.5 Colibri II ­ Sxxx – Oudie


9.7.6 Colibri/Volkslogger – Sxxx – Oudie


9.7.7 Colibri/Volkslogger – Sxxx – Oudie


9.7.8 FLARM ­ Sxxx – FlarmViewX – Oudie


9.7.9 FlarmMouse – ADSB ­ Sxxx – FlarmView – Oudie


9.7.10 FlarmMouse ­ Sxxx – Oudie


9.7.11 FlarmMouse ­ Sxxx ­ Oudie ­ Flaps Sensor


9.7.12 FlarmMouse – Nano3 – Sxxx – Oudie


PowerMouse + (Nano3) – Sxxx – Oudie


9.7.13 S8x/S10x­ S8xD/S10xD


9.7.14 S8x/S10x­ Flarm UNI/MOP UNI ­(LX80xx/90xx)


Sxxx Vario Connection to a LXxxxx


9.8 Data Transfer


9.8.1 S8x/S10x


9.8.2 Other Data Transfers


10 Firmware Update


10.1 Updating LXNAV S10x and S8x Firmware Using a Micro SD Card


10.2 Updating LXNAV S8x Firmware Using a Micro SD Card (up to fw. 5.43) 122

10.3 Updating LXNAV S8x Firmware Using a Micro SD Card (OLD Method) 122

10.4 Incomplete Update Message (OLD version)


11 FAQ


12 Revision History


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1 Important Notices

Version 9.11

April 2023

The LXNAV S8x/S10x system is designed for VFR use only as an aid to prudent navigation. All information is presented for reference only. Terrain, airports and airspace data are provided only as an aid to situation awareness.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. LXNAV reserves the right to change or improve their products and to make changes in the content of this material without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements.
A Yellow triangle is shown for parts of the manual which should be read carefully and are important for operating the LXNAV S8x/S10xsystem.
Notes with a red triangle describe procedures that are critical and may result in loss of data or any other critical situation.

A bulb icon is shown when a useful hint is provided to the reader.

A cloud icon is shown when this functionality is supported only on S10x- systems.

Limited Warranty

This LXNAV S8x/S10x product is warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for two years from the date of purchase. Within this period, LXNAV will, at its sole discretion, repair or replace any components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the customer for parts and labour, the customer shall be responsible for any transportation cost. This warranty does not cover failures due to abuse, misuse, accident, or unauthorized alterations or repairs.
IN NO EVENT SHALL LXNAV BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER RESULTING FROM THE USE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT OR FROM DEFECTS IN THE PRODUCT. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. LXNAV retains the exclusive right to repair or replace the unit or software, or to offer a full refund of the purchase price, at its sole discretion. SUCH REMEDY SHALL BE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY.
To obtain warranty service, contact your local LXNAV dealer or contact LXNAV directly.

April 2021

© 2021 LXNAV. All rights reserved.

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2 Packing Lists

Version 9.11

April 2023

LXNAV S8x or S10x main unit Main power cable for S8x/S10x + CAN terminator Speaker GPS cable (S7-GPS-IGC included, other types optional, this cable is included only with the
S8x device) PDA cable (optional) 2×6 mm screw Bluetooth antenna GPS antenna Barogram calibration chart

Second Seat: Main S8xD unit Y cable splitter (optional, only with remote stick) Main 3m CAN cable

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Version 9.11

2.1 S80 (80mm) Variometer Unit

April 2023

P Total P Static GPS/Flarm Audio Jack

TE PDA Port Main Power

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2.2 S8 (57mm) Variometer Unit

April 2023

Audio Jack Main Power NOT IN USE

P Static P Total GPS/Flarm Port PDA Port

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2.3 S10 (57mm) Variometer Unit

April 2023

GPS Antenna Audio Jack GPS/Flarm Port Main Power
PDA Port

TE NOT IN USE Bluetooth Antenna
P Total P Static

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Version 9.11

2.4 S100 (80mm) Variometer Unit

April 2023

NOT IN USE TE GPS Antenna GPS/Flarm Port
Audio Jack

Bluetooth antenna P Total
P Static PDA Port Main Power

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Version 9.11

2.5 S10D and S8D Repeater Unit

April 2023



PDA (on S10D)

The S10D has also a PDA port, however the S8D does not.

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Version 9.11

2.6 S100D and 80D Repeater Unit

April 2023

CAN PDA (on S100D)
CAN The S100D has also a PDA port, however the S80D does not.
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3 Basics

Version 9.11

April 2023

3.1 LXNAV S8x/S10x at a Glance
The LXNAV S8x/S10X is a standalone digital variometer, final glide calculator and navigation system with a simple moving map. The LXNAV S8x/S10x has both GPS/FLARM and PDA/PNA input/output. The unit has standard dimensions that will fit into a glider panel with an opening of 80 mm diameter (3.15″) or 57 mm diameter. It is also able to supply a PDA/PNA with power (5VDC/1A). The unit has an integrated high precision digital pressure sensor and inertial system. The sensors are sampled more than 100 times per second. Real Time Data is displayed via a vario needle, an airspace map and up to 4 variable numeric fields displayed on a QVGA 320×240 pixel, 3.5-inch (S80/S100) or 2.5-inch (S8/S10), high brightness (1200 nits) colour display. To adjust values and settings the LXNAV S8x/S10x has two rotary push button knobs and three additional push buttons.

The LXNAV S8x/S10x can be expanded with one or more repeaters (LXNAV S8x/S10x) via the CAN bus. This allows both pilots in a two-seat glider to have independent control of all functions of each unit in the front or the rear seat.

The S10x unit includes a built-in IGC-approved flight recorder, a Bluetooth module and its own backup battery which provides from 3 to 4.5 hours of independent operation. The S10x is also capable of running HAWK system, which provides pilot a real-time three-dimensional wind. You can learn more about HAWK in chapter 7.

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April 2023

3.2 LXNAV S8x/S10x Features

An extremely bright 3.5” (S80/S100) or 2.5″ (S8/S10) QVGA colour display readable in all sunlight conditions with the ability to adjust the backlight.
Two rotary switches (knobs) with push button function and three push buttons are used for input.
Pre-loaded polar database for nearly all gliders. GPS/FLARM and PDA/PNA input/output. FLARM Indication if a FLARM is connected to the GPS/FLARM port. Programmable “needles” for selectable data such as netto vertical speed, relative
(super netto) and vertical speed (vario). 320×240 pixels colour screen for additional information such as average, thermal vario,
time, speed etc… Many custom audio settings. 100Hz sampling rate for very fast response. Speed to fly indication. TE compensation can be selected to be either pneumatic TE probe or electronic TE. Audio equalizer, for custom vario sound performance. Audio thermal assistant. Built-in high level, IGC-approved flight recorder. Built-in Bluetooth module. Backup battery. Engine noise level sensor (ENL). Built-in GPS module.

3.2.1 Interfaces
GPS/FLARM port input/output on RS232 level (RJ12 connector, none-Standard IGC) (12V/2A)
PDA port input/output on RS232 or TTL level for PDA/PNA devices with 5V power supply (8 pin RJ 45, 5V / 1A).
Audio port (Standard 3mm phone jack). 1Mbit CAN bus for extension to S8xD repeater or Remote stick (CAN remote).

3.2.2 Options
By using a CAN bus system, a second seat device can be connected. The unit installed in the rear seat of the glider is independently powered and receives all the necessary data from the main unit. The communication between both units is exclusively via the CAN bus system (Remote stick, Second seat device).

3.2.3 S8/S80 Club

The S8 Club and S80 Club are special price performance editions of the basic S8 and S80 units.

The following features are optional on this device: Task mode (see Chapter 5.6), Digital

inputs (see Chapter, Pilot profiles (see Chapter 5.7.15) and Airspaces (see

Chapter Every option can be upgraded separately at any time. To purchase

additional options please contact LXNAV.



S8 Club


S80 Club

TASK mode










Digital inputs Yes




Pilot profiles





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3.2.4 Technical Data
Power input 10-28 V DC.

Version 9.11

April 2023 Power Consumption

Device S8 S8D / S10D S80 S80D / S100D S10

Min. Brightness (mA) 140 at (12V) 90 at (12V) 140 at (12V) 90 at (12V) 170 at (12V)

Max. Brightness (mA) 190 at (12V) 140 at (12V) 190 at (12V) 140 at (12V) 200 at (12V)


190 at (12V)

250 at (12V)

Max charge current (mA) Additionally, up to 220mA Additionally, up to 220mA

Newer models using brighter displays and consumption might be higher up to 3W. Size and Weight

Device S8 S8D / S10D S80 S80D / S100D S10 S100

Size 57 mm cut-out 61x61x95mm 57 mm cut-out 61x61x48 80 mm (3.15″) standard aircraft cut-out 81x81x132mm 80 mm (3.15″) standard aircraft cut-out 81x81x45mm 57 mm cut-out 61x61x70mm 80 mm (3.15″) standard aircraft cut-out 81x81x64mm

Weight (g) 339 210 460 290 348 515 Audio output power
The unit has class D amplifier. The output power depends on speaker impedance. – 2.6W with 4 speaker – 1.65W with 8 speaker. Environmental limitations
Operating temperature: -20°C to +70°C Storage temperature: -30°C to +85°C Relative humidity: 0%-95%

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4 System Description

Version 9.11

April 2023

4.1 Push Button ­ Rotary Switches
The two Rotary switches also have a push button function. The LXNAV S8x/S10x detects short or long presses of the push button. A short press means just a click, a long press means pushing the button for more than one second.

4.1.1 Power Button
The system is powered up by pressing any of the push buttons or a press of either of the rotary knobs. A long press of the upper rotary knob will turn the S8x/S10x off. Use this instead of the avionics master switch.

4.2 Rotary Switches
The upper rotary knob is designed for direct volume control. A short-press on the upper rotary knob will produce an option to select between options and adjust volumes for the Vario, Speech and FLARM beep.

A long-press on the upper rotary knob will shut down the system cleanly.

The lower rotary knob is used to adjust settings within the current mode or within menus. With the lower rotary push button, it is possible to toggle between the MC and the Ballast and Bugs settings. In all other menus this knob is used for setting values and editing texts.

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April 2023

4.3 Buttons (Three)

The three buttons between the two rotary knobs have fixed functions. The top button is ESC (CANCEL), the middle is to switch between modes and the lower button is the ENTER (OK) button. The upper and lower buttons are also to rotate between subpages in the WPT and TSK modes.

Push button used for: Mode selection Confirm option in some menus
Push button used for: Switch between modes Exit from the menu
Push button used for: Mode selection Confirm option in some menus

Rotary switch with push button
Enter and operate only in the volume menu
Rotary switch with push button used for: Adjusting the level of the zoom Enter/confirm the selection/function

4.4 Switching on the Unit
Pressing any of the buttons or rotary knobs will turn on the S8x/S10x. The first LXNAV welcome screen will appear with the system information (Device name, Version, Serial number…)
The S8xD rear seat unit cannot be powered up before the S8x/S10x has been powered up.

When the boot procedure is completed the setup elevation dialogue will be displayed.

The user must set either the Elevation or the QNH with the lower rotary button. After pressing the lower rotary button, the user can switch between the Elevation and QNH dialogues. As soon as the settings are set the middle button must be pressed to proceed.
The upper push button also has the power OFF function.
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April 2023

4.5 User Input

The LXNAV S8x/S10x user interface consists of dialogues which have various input controls. They are designed to make the input of names, parameters, etc., as easy as possible. Input controls can be summarized as: Text editor Spin controls (Selection control) Checkboxes Slider control
To move the function from one control to another, rotate the lower rotary knob as follows: Clockwise rotation will select the next control. Counter clockwise rotation will select the previous control. The lower PUSH button enters
the selected feature. Faster rotation of the rotary knob will increase the rate at which the value changes i.e.
bigger steps in value.

4.5.1 Text Edit Control
The Text Editor is used to input an alphanumeric string; the picture below shows typical options when editing text/numbers. Use the lower rotary knob to change the value at the current cursor position.

Press the push button to move to the next character

Rotate the rotary knob to change the value

Once the required value is selected, press the lower push button to move to the next character
selection. To move back to the previous character, press the upper push button. When you
have finished editing, press the Enter key ­ the lower rotary button. A short press of the middle push button exits from the edited field (“control”).

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April 2023

4.5.2 “Spin” Control
“Spin” controls are designed for numeric parameters. Rotate the knob to increase/decrease the selected value. To increase a value in larger steps, spin the lower rotary knob faster.

4.5.3 Selection Control
Selection boxes, also known as combo boxes, are used to select a value from a list of predefined values. Use the lower rotary knob to scroll through the list.

4.5.4 Checkbox and Checkbox List
A checkbox enables or disables a parameter. Press the lower rotary knob to toggle the value. If an option is enabled a check mark will be displayed, otherwise an empty rectangle will be displayed.

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4.5.5 Slider Selector
Some values, such as volume and brightness, are displayed as a slider icon.

April 2023

With a push of the lower rotary button you can activate the slide control and then by rotating the knob you can select the preferred value and confirm it via the push button.
4.6 Switching Off
You will lose your settings if you power down the S8x via the panel master- power switch. The S10x will shut down properly when switching off via the master­power switch.
To archive your settings, you should shutdown device with a long-press of the volume (top) knob.
All settings are saved during the power off procedure. We strongly recommend switching off the unit by using a long-press of the (top) knob. If the system is powered off via the master switch, changed data will not be saved. Flight parameters at take-off such as target altitude and position will remain in the stored memory so that your final glide calculations are not affected.

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5 Operating Modes

Version 9.11

April 2023

The LXNAV S8x/S10x has five operating modes. The middle (Menu) push button toggles through the 5 display modes in a circular way. The diagram below shows the mode structure of the LXNAV S8x. With the upper and lower buttons, it is also possible to move between subpages.

Info Mode

FLARM Mode Thermal Mode Waypoint Mode

Task Mode

Setup Mode

Info Mode: Contains the GPS data, Altitude, Battery and Sunset time, OAT. FLARM Mode: Showing FLARM targets in range (if a FLARM device is connected to the
GPS port). Thermal Mode: Showing a thermal assistant during circling (S8x only if a GPS source is
present). Waypoint Mode: Simple navigation screen to a waypoint plus subpages (S8x only if a
GPS source is present). Task Mode: Task screen showing the task and airspace plus subpages (S8x only if a GPS
source is present). Setup Mode: For all aspects of the setup of the S8x/S10x.
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April 2023

5.1 Quick Access Menus

For each mode a quick access menu is available, which varies from mode to mode. Items available in quick access menus are: MC/BAL Reset G Layout Edit target (only FLARM page) FLARM traffic (only FLARM page) Select (Only in WPT mode) Select Near (Only in WPT mode) Send WPT WPT elevation (Only in WPT mode) Event Night Edit Task (only in task mode) Start (only in task mode) Next (only in task mode, visible only after pressing Start) Restart (only in task mode, visible only after pressing Start) Load (only in TSK mode) Save (only in TSK mode) Wind (only in WPT and TSK mode)

5.1.1 MC/BAL

To change the McCready value, press the bottom rotary knob and press on MC/BAL. A short press of the lower rotary knob moves from McCready to the Ballast box and pressing the lower rotary knob again will open the Bugs box. If no action is performed within 3 seconds, the box will close, or you can also press CLOSE anytime (lower push button).
5.1.2 Reset G
“Reset G” is a method of re-setting the “G” meter if configured as the yellow bar on the vario scale.
5.1.3 Layout
The sidebar, number and position of navboxes can be defined in this menu. The position (vertical or horizontal) is set by rotating the lower rotary knob. After confirming you can set number of navboxes and also define which navbox you would like to have. The layout setting is different for the numerical or graphical page.
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April 2023 Layout in the Numerical Page
In the numerical page the number of navboxes and sidebar can be set. Every navbox can be defined separately. Sidebar
The user can select between the different sidebar options that can be displayed on the page (classic Speed to Fly-push/pull bar, Flaps tape, Speed tape and combined Speed & Flap tape). The Speed to Fly bar is dynamic.

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Version 9.11

April 2023 Layout in the Graphical Page
In the graphical page navboxes can be vertical or horizontal (2 types). The sidebar cannot be set in this page. Every navbox can be defined separately. Editing Navboxes
You can select the required data for the highlighted navbox. A short press of the lower rotary knob selects the desired setting and returns you to the navbox selection. Selecting the EXIT (middle) button at any time saves the setting and moves to the main mode.

List of available navboxes: Type
Altitude (m) Altitude (ft) Flight level Hgt.above tkoff. Total Altitude Standard altitude Gained altitude Current vario Netto vario Vario average Netto average Thermal avg. HAWK Avg.Net HAWK Avg.Var HAWK sideslip HAWK AOA

Navbox title Alt Alt FL Hgt Alt T AltS AltG Var Net Var A Net A Thrm hNetA hVarA hSlip hAOA

Altitude in Meters Altitude in Feet Flight level Height is the vertical distance above takeoff. Altitude which considers also the kinetic energy Altitude above 1013.24hPa Gained altitude in last thermal Current vertical speed Vertical speed of air mass Average vario (average vario time can be set) Average vertical movement of air mass Average vario from beginning of circling (Green T) HAWK netto average HAWK vario average HAWK sideslip angle HAWK angle of attack

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True airspeed Indicated airspeed Last 60′ speed Ground speed Speed to fly Ground Track Magnetic Heading Current glide ratio Theor.glide ratio Gliding efficiency Local Time Flight time G-load G-load min.flight G-load max.flight MacCready L/D MacCready Active freq. Standby freq. XPDR Transp. Outside temp. Battery voltage Average wind Wind comp.

TAS IAS Sp60′ GS STF Trk Hdg E theE glE Time Flt T g gmin gmax Emc Mc COM STBY XPDR OAT Battery Wind cWnd

Flap Current Flap Requested Distance Distance (nm) Bearing to target Steering course Radial Arrival altitude
Arrival for Mc0 Required alt.

Dis Dis Brg To Rdl Arr Arr0 ReqA

Required L/D Frequency Task remain distance Task req. L/D Task arrival Mc0 Leg cross distance Task Remain.time

reqE Freq tDis tskE tAr0 xTrk tRemain

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True airspeed Indicated airspeed Average speed for last hour Speed over ground, taken from GPS Calculated speed to fly from MC setting (McSpeed) Track over ground taken from GPS Heading (from compass) Glider current glide ratio in last three minutes Theretical glide ratio including wind into account Ratio between current E and theoretical E Local time Airborne time G load ­ current Minimum g-load during flight Maximum g-load during flight Calculated glide ratio at selected McCready value McCready setting Active frequency Standby frequency Transponder frequency OAT ­ Outside air temperature Battery voltage Wind direction and speed Wind component (first number is component calculated from GS-TAS / second number is a component from a Wind vector) Current flap position Requested flap position Distance to the target in meters Distance to the target in nautical miles Bearing to the target if GPS is present Steering course to the target On radial of selected target Arrival altitude on target
Arrival altitude on target with Mc=0 Required altitude to real target elevation (without safety altitude taken in account) Required glide ratio to the target Target frequency Task remaining distance Required glide ratio to task finish Arrival altitude on task with Mc=0 Off distance from the task leg Task remaining time

The safety altitude has no influence on the required alt calculation!

To configure navboxes in SC mode on the ground you must first turn Auto SC off, configure your navboxes and then set Auto SC back to your preferred setting. The unit will automatically switch between SC to VARIO navboxes, when switching from SC to VARIO mode or vice versa

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5.1.4 Select / Select Near (Only in WPT mode)
To select a waypoint, rotate the lower rotary knob to highlight the select option and then press once. This will open the Waypoint list.

A waypoint can be selected from the alphabetical list of waypoints (see uploading files in Chapter Rotating the lower rotary knob moves you through the waypoint list in alphabetical order, clockwise increases the value, counter-clockwise decreases the value. To select the first letter of the desired waypoint, rotate the lower rotary knob, then press the lower push button to move to the next selection of the letter. Rotate the lower rotary knob until the second letter of the required waypoint is highlighted and then repeat the process until the required waypoint is the only selection available. Press enter (lower rotary button) to select the waypoint. The screen will then change back to the navigation mode and show a line to the waypoint, waypoint name and the relative bearing.
Select Near to select a WPT from the list which is sorted by distance from the current location. You can sort waypoints by Name/Distance and Bearing by pushing the upper or lower push button. Selection of a WPT is as described above.
5.1.5 WPT Elevation
WPT elevation can be modified in this menu (can be raised or lowered). Changing elevation will have consequences on most of the navboxes, so please pay attention before changing its parameters!
5.1.6 Edit Target
The user can edit the FLARM target details.
5.1.7 FLARM Traffic
This mode shows all available FLARM traffic around the glider with their FLARM ID codes; the user can also edit all FLARM object data.
5.1.8 Event
Event is used to log an event. The recording rate will be increased to 1 second for one minute. A message “Event marked” will be displayed on the screen.
5.1.9 Night
Selecting night will cause the unit’s brightness to be decreased to its minimum. Pressing again on “night” will reset the brightness to the value defined under settings.
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5.1.10 Edit Task (Only in Task Mode)
Selecting the edit task via a short press of the lower rotary knob will enter the task editing screen. The first time you edit a task it will be blank. A short press of the lower rotary knob will open another menu with the option to: Edit, Insert, Delete, Zone, Delete All Options

Selecting Insert will allow you to enter a waypoint from the list as a start point. Rotating the lower rotary knob moves you through the waypoint list in alphabetical order, clockwise increases the value, counter-clockwise decreases the value. To select the first letter of the desired waypoint, rotate the lower rotary knob, then press the lower push button to move to the selection of the next letter. Rotate the lower rotary knob until the second letter of the required Waypoint is highlighted and then repeat the process until the required waypoint is the only selection available. Press ENTER to select the waypoint. Once the start point is selected, rotate the lower rotary knob clockwise and click to select the second turn point. Edit the second turn point as above. Repeat for all the points in the task. When you have completed editing the task, press the (middle) button to save the task and return to the Task navigation mode.

You can also change the Observation zone from the defaults for each Waypoint. To do this select EDIT TASK->select waypoint in the task and then press the lower rotary knob. The quick access menu allows you to insert, edit, delete, delete all task, change the zone for the Waypoint, or edit task options. If you select Zone you can modify the zone for that specific waypoint only.

Finish zone has an option to enter its elevation and check to navigate to the nearest point of the zone. Final glide will be calculated to the elevation of the finish zone including polar, MC, BUGS and safety altitude. If navigate to the nearest point is checked, the final glide will be calculated to the edge of the zone and not to the centre.

Navigate to near point is possible Task options Under task options are available setting for Event procedure start of the task.
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When event start procedure (PEV Start) is in use, pilot must record an event before crossing the start line or exiting start zone. After pressing the event button, a wait time period starts (wait before). When this period finishes, start interval (start period) will open in which a penalty-free start may be made.

Press EVENT button to trigger event start procedure. An Event Marked! (x) message with number of events will appear. If you have enabled nav box for Event Proc., you will see time counting down. For waiting period, the title of the nav box will show WAIT!. Once count down is finished a message “Start window is open.” will be shown and start interval countdown start count down, the title will show GO! message. When pilot sees this countdown, a penalty free start can be done. When time of the start window is over, the title of the nav box will show CLOSED message. Event button may be pressed at any time, up to a total of Max.events times. Each press of PEV cancels the previous start window and restarts the wait time timer.

Multiple events recorded within 30 seconds will be treated as a single event at the time of the first event of the cluster.

On the next timeline a scenario with Event Proc. Nav box is shown. It is assumed that wait time interval is 20 minutes, start window is 8 minutes and maximum number of events is three.
The PEV has been triggered at 11:55. Now we are waiting for 20 minutes, until 12:15.

At 12:15, you will get a message, »Start window is open«. Now we have 8 minutes of the time to cross the start line without penalties. At 12:23 you will get a message »Start window is closed« We can repeat start procedure for »Max Events« times. When the number of evnets ecceeded the number of Max.Events, there will be a title in the Nav box “MAX.PEV”.
5.1.11 Start Task (only in Task Mode)
Selecting start followed by a short press of the lower rotary knob will start a task.
5.1.12 Restart Task (only in Task Mode)
Selecting restart followed by a short press of the lower rotary knob will restart the task.
5.1.13 Next Waypoint (only in Task Mode)
Selecting next followed by a short press of the lower rotary knob will advance the task to the next waypoint in the task.
5.1.14 Send WPT
With pressing that option, selected waypoint will be sent to SxxxD unit.
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5.1.15 Load/Save
In the Load menu you can create files to load into the instrument or you can upload them to the instrument via the SD card. To save the currently active task select Save in the quick access menu. The task will be saved in the internal memory.

Be aware to insert the SD card facing the right way to avoid damage to instrument or the card itself. Micro SD card must be inserted with pins facing away from the screen (top of the card facing towards the screen).

5.1.16 Export
Every task can be exported to the external sd -> to a .cup file on the SD card.
5.1.17 Wind
Here you can switch between automatic wind calculation by the instrument or setting the wind parameters yourself. When Wind calculation is disabled you can manually set the wind speed and direction.

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5.2 Info Mode

The Info Mode gives you a snapshot of the GPS position, date and time along with the Flight level, altitude, Battery status and FLARM status. The Flight Level equivalent is also available in meters or feet as is the Altitude navbox.

Description: The logger status is displayed as Stop or Run. You can also set logger to be always turned
on (see Chapter The GPS status is displayed as OK, BAD, NODATA together with the number of satellites. Latitude and longitude Local time and date Sunrise and sunset time. Flight level also in meters Altitude in meters and ft Battery status IGCAlt ­ IGC altitude (altitude read from the IGC sensor) FLARM status (TX ­ transmits data / and a number of received FLARM devices) OAT ­ outside air temperature GFL ­ G-force levels. Minimum and maximum recorded G-force level
5.2.1 Quick Access Menu
A short press of the (lower) rotary button activates the Quick Access menu.

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5.3 FLARM Mode

If the S8x/S10x is connected to a FLARM source via the GPS port (in the S10x called the FLARM port) then the FLARM Mode will display a map of the relative positions of FLARM targets that are within range. By rotating the lower rotary knob you can change the range of the display from 0.5 km to 150 km. Switching between FLARM targets is possible via the up/down button. Data from a selected FLARM object can be seen in 4 corners: FLARM ID, Distance, Vario and Relative altitude (Above / Below). There is also an indication of how many FLARM objects are present displayed as: TX/number.

This mode can be disabled via Setup>graphics>modes>FLARM mode. Distance, relative altitude and vario indications are related to the selected target.

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5.3.1 Quick Access Menu
A short press of the lower rotary button activates the Quick Access menu.

April 2023 Edit Target
The user can edit the following FLARM objects data: FLARM ID Competition sign Pilot Aircraft type Registration Airfield Communication frequency (object’s communication frequency)

These settings can be accessed by pressing the lower rotary button, selecting EDIT target and then modifying the data of interest. FLARM Traffic
All FLARM objects in range are displayed in this mode. The following details are shown: FLARM target ID Relative distance Vertical speed (vario data from the object) Relative altitude

If you press on the selected FLARM target you can enter the edit target menu where you can insert a target’s data.

5.3.2 FLARM Warnings
Regardless of which Mode you are in, if a FLARM target triggers an urgent (third warning level) or important (second warning level) warning then the screen will change to the FLARM warning mode automatically.

Extract from the FLARM Operating Manual:
Warnings are given in order of the time remaining before a potential collision, not the geometrical distance. The first warning level for another aircraft or an obstacle is delivered at less than 19 – 25 seconds before the possible collision; the second warning level is delivered at less than 14 – 18 seconds before; the third level at less than 6 – 8 seconds before.

The warnings continue as long as FLARM calculates a threat of collision. The warning level may decline or be cancelled, depending upon the prediction. The warnings are selective; they are only issued if the calculation reveals a high probability of collision in the near future.
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5.4 Thermal Assistant Mode

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The Thermal Assistant mode displays a graphical representation of your location within the thermal. If you are thermaling to the left, there will be an aircraft symbol on the right of the ring of bubbles and the bubbles will appear to rotate clockwise (towards the symbol of the glider). If you are in a right-hand thermal there will be an aircraft symbol on the left and the ring of bubbles will appear to rotate anticlockwise (towards the symbol of the glider). Large red bubbles indicate the strongest lift within the thermal and small blue dots indicate the weakest lift or sink within the thermal. Yellow bubbles indicate lift equal to your MacCready setting, average thermal or average climb rate depending on your preferred setting (refer to Chapter The point of strongest lift is indicated by a white large bubble.
You can use the thermal assistant to visually determine which part of the thermal has the strongest lift and adjust your turn accordingly to manoeuvre the glider in the direction of the strongest lift and away from the weakest lift or sink.
The thermaling assistant can be set to automatically change to the Thermal assistant mode or it can be manually selected. See Chapter for settings.
The two navboxes within the Thermal Assistant Mode can be configured using the quick access menu. If HAWK option is activated, the HAWK parameters can be used for these two navboxes as well.
This page can be configured via: Setup->graphics->modes->thermal mode. Look out of the cockpit! Looking into thermal assistant might be life-threatening for you and other pilots in the thermal.
5.4.1 Quick Access Menu
A short press of the (lower) rotary button activates the Quick Access menu.
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5.5 Waypoint Mode

The Waypoint Mode is a quick access screen to provide simple navigation to a Waypoint or Airport. By rotating the bottom rotary knob, you can vary the range of the display from 0.5 km to 100 km.

The first page shows a line to a selected waypoint, the name of the selected waypoint at the top of the screen and the relative bearing with chevrons indicating the direction to turn towards the selected waypoint.
5.5.1 Quick Access Menu
A short press of the (lower) rotary button activates the Quick Access menu.

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5.5.2 Numerical page
The Waypoint mode has a second page which contains numerical data. Default are 4 navboxes: Average Vario, Netto, Altitude and True Airspeed. In addition, the central line shows the status of the FLARM, GPS, Cruise/Climb and battery status. This second page can be selected by pressing the lower push button once. You can return to the Waypoint navigation mode by pressing the upper push button (top button of the three).

HAWK needle
Vario indicator needle Last thermal average
McCready setting Red diamond
Wind vector
Yellow Bar (Min/Max vario or Min/Max g-

Upper numbers
Flarm status
Climb/cruise simbol Speed to fly simbol
Side bar
Battery GPS status Lower numbers Range/units Vario or Sc scale

The Vario Needle can display: the Vario, Netto, Relative or Speed to fly value (Setup>Hardware->Indicator). The scale can be chosen in the range of +/-5 +/-10 or +/-20. The cursor style can be thin, medium or thick. It can be linear or non-linear (setup->graphics>indicator). Within the software the range can be set to m/s, kts, km/h, mph or fpm (in Setup, Units, Vertical speed). The HAWK needle will show same parameter as Vario needle but calculated with HAWK system. To learn more about HAWK setup see chapter 7.7.1 and 7.7.2.
SideBar can be configured to display a Speed to fly bar, Speed tape or flap tape. The Speed to fly bar symbol indicates which speed you must fly relative to the current MacCready setting, sink rate and speed. One arrow means 10 units of speed faster or slower Speed Tape represents the Indicated Air Speed (IAS) in speed tape form depending on the speed settings (see Polar & Glider – Speeds). The speed tape will change colour from green, yellow to red depending on the settings and the IAS. Flap Tape can display the recommended flap position. If a Flap sensor is present on the CAN bus, the flap tape will also display the actual flap position. Speed and Flap tape is a mix of both, speed and flap tape.
The Red diamond symbol can show Netto, Average Netto, Average vertical speed or Gforce.
The Blue arrow symbol shows the current MacCready value. The Green T symbol represents last thermal average value.
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The Yellow Bar can show Max and Min values of vario over defined time (average vario) or G meter (over whole flight).
The FLARM Status symbol indicates the presence of a FLARM unit (grey), if the FLARM receives any data from other FLARM units, the symbol becomes red.
The GPS symbol is green when the GPS status ID is OK, and red when GPS status is bad. If GPS data is not detected, the symbol will disappear.

The numerical navboxes can be changed using the Quick Access menu with a short press of the lower rotary knob followed by selecting navbox from the menu and a further short press of the lower rotary knob. With the first navbox highlighted with a yellow border you can scroll through the four navboxes using the lower rotary knob. Select the navbox you wish to change with a short press of the lower rotary knob. This will open a list of available navboxes.

Select the required navbox and then save this with a short press of the lower rotary knob. Repeat the process for any other navbox that needs to be changed.
5.5.3 Wind Page
On this page live wind vector and averaged wind vector are shown. Live wind is presented in blue colour when HAWK option is active otherwise it is in white colour. Second grey coloured arrow in the background is used for averaged wind. Average wind is calculated from all checked wind methods.
Wind arrows are always drawn relative to glider orientation. E.g.: If arrows are pointing downward, it indicates head wind. If arrows are pointing left or right, it means side wind.

When using HAWK option, default average time for wind is set to 30 seconds. User can modify it in Vario parameters. If HAWK option is not used, averaging time is fixed to three minutes. To learn more about HAWK see chapter 7.
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5.5.4 AHRS Page
The Waypoint mode has a fourth page which displays the AHRS (To enable this feature refer to chapter 9.5.7).

The Pitch offset can be adjusted via the lower rotary knob.
For competitions the artificial horizon can be disabled via the Setup>Hardware>Ahrs menu. See chapter ( for more details. When the artificial horizon page is active a BFION event is written to recorded flight for verification purposes.
5.5.5 Quick Access Menu
A short press of the (lower) rotary button activates the Quick Access menu.

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5.6 Task Mode

The task mode can display a navigation page including airspace and a task. By rotating the lower rotary knob, you can change the range of the display from 0.2 km to 100 km.

Task mode is not enabled on the S8/S80 Club version. To purchase this option please refer to Chapter 3.2.3.
5.6.1 Numerical Page
The Task mode has a second page which contains numerical data. Defaults are Average Vario, Netto, Altitude and True Airspeed. The central line also displays the status of the FLARM, GPS, Cruise/Climb and battery. This second page can be selected by pressing the lower push button once. You can return to the task navigation page by pressing the upper push button.
The navigation boxes in this second task page can be changed using the Quick Access menu and selecting navbox.
5.6.2 Wind Page
On this page live wind vector and averaged wind vector are shown. Live wind is presented in blue colour when HAWK option is active otherwise it is in white colour. Second grey coloured arrow in the background is used for averaged wind. Wind arrows are always drawn relative to glider orientation. E.g.: If arrows are pointing downward it indicates head wind. If arrows are pointing left or right it means side wind.
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When using HAWK option, default average time for wind is set to 30 seconds. User can modify it in Vario parameters. If HAWK option is not used, averaging time is fixed to three minutes. To learn more about HAWK see chapter 7.
5.6.3 AHRS Page
The Task mode has a fourth page which displays the AHRS (To enable this feature refer to chapter 9.5.7).

The Pitch offset can be adjusted via the lower rotary knob.

For competitions the artificial horizon can be disabled via the Setup>Hardware>AHRS menu. See chapter ( for more details. When the artificial horizon page is active a BFION event is written to recorded flight for verification purposes.

5.6.4 Quick Access Menu

A short press of the lower rotary knob activates the Quick Access menu. The following menus

are available:



Edit task






Reset G


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Changing the Start, Edit task, MC/BAL is the same as Page 1 of the Task mode. Editing navboxes Selecting the navboxes option and then pressing the bottom rotary knob will allow you to select one of the three boxes by rotating the lower rotary knob followed by a short press. You can then select the required data for the highlighted navbox. A short press of the lower rotary knob selects the desired setting and returns you to the navbox selection.
Pressing the EXIT (middle) button at any time saves the setting and moves to the main page.

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5.7 Setup Mode

The setup mode allows you to change the configuration and base settings for the S8x/S10x vario.

Following items are listed in the setup menu: QNH &RES Flight recorder Vario parameters Display Files Logbook Graphics Sounds Observation Zones Warnings Units Hardware Polar & Glider Profile Password Admin mode About
You can scroll up and down the list of settings by rotating the lower rotary knob and selecting a setting to change with a short press of the lower rotary knob.
All menus have the EXIT button which will exit to the previous menu. You can also exit from the menu if you press the middle push button.
Some of the options have sub menus and these are selected in the same way.
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Turn the lower rotary knob to select the required entry field. Press the lower rotary knob to select it and start editing the value. A further short press will enter the value. QNH This feature may be used to offset the altitude datum as the result of pressure changes during the flight. Since changing the QNH influences the indicated altitude, care should be taken when changing the value as an incorrect setting could upset the final glide calculation. Safety Altitude This setting is the altitude reserve or safety altitude and is the height that the instrument adds to the final glide altitude required so the glider arrives over the final glide destination at the selected safety altitude. Once the safety altitude has been specified, the pilot must keep the final glide indicator on 0 to arrive at the safety altitude (setup one of the navboxes in the primary or secondary pages of waypoint or task modes to be Arrival Altitude).

5.7.2 Flight Recorder
The S10x vario system has a built-in IGC-approved flight recorder. In this menu the user can set flight recorder parameters and the pilot’s data.
The S8x version 6 or higher also has a flight recorder which does not have a digital signature and therefore is not approved for badge flights according IGC standards. Recording Interval Set the recording interval from 1 ­ 20 seconds.
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If this functionality is enabled, the flight recorder will automatically finish the flight under the following conditions: GPS status OK Groundspeed lower than 20 km/h True airspeed lower than 40km/h Absolute vario lower than 1m/s for 300 seconds Finish Before OFF If this setting is enabled the flight will be finished if the user powers down the unit. Logger Always ON
This setting will enable logging of flight immediately after power on and will log the fight until the unit is powered down. The only condition to start logging is the presence of a valid time (GPS status BAD or OK). Logging will not start if the GPS status is Very Bad (no valid time present).
Please use this function if you really understand its function. Enabling this function the flight will never finish any you will not see it in the logbook.

This function can create multiple IGC files, depending how many times you have turned OFF and ON the unit. Pilot Insert the pilot’s name which will be stored in the declaration. Co-Pilot If the system is used in a two-seater the name of the co- pilot may also be entered. Competition Number Insert the competition number of the glider which is also stored in the flight file. Registration Number Insert the registration number of the glider which is also stored in the flight file.

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5.7.3 Vario Parameters

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April 2023 Vario Needle Filter
Vario needle filter sets a time constant of the Vario needle. The value can be adjusted between 0.1 and 5 s with step 1.0s or 0.1s. Default value is 2.0 s.

A lower number (0.1s compared to 5.0 s) means very sensitive (fast vario). Vario Sound Filter
Sets a time constant of the Vario sound. The value can be adjusted between 0.1 and 5 s in steps of 1.0 s or 0.1 s. Default value is 2.0 s. Netto Filter
Sets a time constant of the Vario Netto needle. The value can be adjusted between 0.1 and 5 s in steps of 1.0 s or 0.1 s. Default value is 4.0 s. Relative Filter
Sets a time constant of the Vario Relative needle. The value can be adjusted between 0.1 and 5 s in steps of 1.0 s or 0.1 s. Default value is 4.0 s. SC Filter
SC filter sets a time constant of the Speed-To-Fly needle. The value can be adjusted between 0.1 and 5 s in steps of 1.0 s or 0.1 s. Default value is 4.0 s. Smart Filter
Using the Smart vario filter the vertical speed can be further filtered. The Smart vario filter defines the maximum speed of the vario needle. “1” is the highest damping, “8” the lowest. “Off” means no additional filtering.




FILTER 0.5 to 5

Smart Vario FILTER 1 to 8 or OFF

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April 2023 Needle Range
Needle range sets the full-scale range of the vario (2.5 m/s, 5 m/s or 10 m/s). Default value is 5 m/s (10 kts). Auto SC (Speed Command)
Auto SC defines the conditions when the instrument (needle) will switch automatically between vario and speed to fly mode. It is just a needle mode.

OFF: Switching exclusively by means of an external switch connected to the S8x/S10x. With new versions of Remote sticks there is no longer a “physical” switch connection between the Remote stick and the Vario unit ­ it is a switch on the Remote stick which is connected through the RS485 bus.
GPS: When the GPS detects that the glider is circling an automatic change over to vario will happen after approximately 10 seconds. Detection of straight flight will cause a change to speed command.
IAS: When the IAS exceeds a pre-set value. The IAS at which switching occurs can be selected in 5 km/h steps from 100 up to 160 km/h (or the equivalent in knots or mph).
G-meter ­ for switching between cruise and climb mode based on the G measured by the inertial system. When glider starts circling the S8x/S10x will automatically switch from cruise to climb mode.

The external switch wired to the LXNAV S8x/S10x has absolute priority and will override all other switching methods. VP (Vario priority) input can also override a hard-wired SC switch.

To configure navboxes in SC mode on the ground you must first turn Auto SC off, configure your navboxes and then set Auto SC back to your preferred setting. External SC switch not installed If you do not have an external SC switch or Flap switch, you must do this manually. The procedure is as follows: Go below the hardware input settings Assign one of the inputs as a “SC switch”
You have two SC switch states, red and green. One of them will switch the unit to cruise mode and you can change the values on each page.
When done, change the input back to the default and enable SC switch to GPS mode. TE Compensation The LXNAV S8x/S10x offers two methods of vario Total Energy Compensation: Pneumatic TE Pitot tube Electronic TE compensation
It is important to note that the method of TE compensation is defined when the instrument is installed by virtue of the pneumatic connections made to the TE and static ports. Changing the compensation type in the setup mode below WILL NOT change the method of compensation ­ the pneumatic plumbing must be changed first.

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If the TE pitot tube has been connected, TE compensation should be set to 0%. No further adjustment of the TE compensation is possible. Quality of the TE tube is the one and only factor.

For electronic TE compensation, connect the TE port to static. Set the Vario Param TE compensation initially to 100% and then adjust this with flight testing as described below. TE Fine-Tuning The electronic TE compensation can be fine-tuned during flight using the following procedure: It is essential that this is only performed in smooth air; it is not possible to tune the TE accurately in turbulent air.
Set TE compensation to 100%. Accelerate up to approximately 160 km/h (75 kts) and keep the speed stable for a few
seconds. Gently reduce the speed to 80 km/h (45 kts). Observe the vario indicator during the manoeuvre. At 160 km/h the vario will indicate
about -2 m/s (-4 kts). During the speed reduction the vario should move towards zero and should never exceed zero. If the vario shows a climb the compensation is too low; increase the TE% and vice versa. Try another “zoom” to assess the change and make further adjustments if necessary.
Electronic TE compensation is only effective when the Pitot tube and static sources are colocated and the pneumatic lines to the instrument are approximately the same length. The best sensor to use is the combined pitot/static Prandtl tube. If problems are experienced with the electronic TE compensation the most likely cause is the glider’s static source.
The static source can be checked by plumbing the pneumatic tubes for electronic compensation and then setting the TE: to 0%. In still air accelerate to approximately 160 km/h (75kts) and slowly reduce the speed to 80km/h (45kts). Observe the vario indicator. If the static source is good the vario should immediately start to move to show a climb. If the needle initially shows increased sink and then moves to a climb, the static source of the glider is unsuitable and there is no way to provide successful TE compensation electronically. The use of a dedicated and accurate fin-mounted pitot/static source such as a Prandtl tube might help. Vario Average Time Vario average time defines the integration period for the average netto vario in seconds. The default is 20 seconds. Integrator Reset If this item is enabled the average vario (integrator) will be reset to 0 when switching from SC to Vario mode. Temperature Offset The LXNAV S8x/S10x is supplied with an external outside air temperature (OAT) sensor. With the offset setting it will correct static errors of temperature measurement. Airspeed Offset The user has the possibility to make an airspeed offset if the measurement is not correct.
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Version 9.11 HAWK enable/disable Using this checkbox, pilot can switch on/off HAWK system.

April 2023 HAWK wind variance
Wind variance smooths the horizontal and vertical wind (netto vario) readings. The larger the value of wind variance is, the more nervous the readings. Recommended value for wind variance is 0.11. To learn more about HAWK system, read chapter 7. HAWK Horizontal wind average
Horizontal wind average defines period, which is used for average horizontal wind calculation, which is displayed as grey arrow on wind page. HAWK Vertical wind average Vertical wind average defines period, which is used for average relative and average netto calculation. Both values can be shown as navbox on numeric or graphic page.
5.7.4 Display Automatic Brightness If the Automatic Brightness is checked the brightness will be automatically adjusted between the minimum and maximum parameters set. If the Automatic Brightness is unchecked the brightness is controlled by the brightness setting. Minimum Brightness Use this slider to adjust the minimum brightness for the Automatic Brightness option. Maximum Brightness Use this slider to adjust the maximum brightness for the Automatic Brightness option. Get Brighter In The user can specify in which time period the brightness can reach the required brightness. Get Darker In The user can specify in which time period the brightness can reach the required brightness. Brightness With the Automatic Brightness unchecked you can set the brightness manually with this slider.
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April 2023 Night Mode Darkness Set the percentage of the brightness to be used after a press on the NIGHT mode button.

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5.7.5 Files
The Files menu allows you to upload or select Waypoint, Airspace and FlarmNet files. Profiles Saved profiles on the SD card can be loaded into the device via this menu. Waypoints and Tasks Selecting the Waypoints and Tasks menu opens a list of .cup files available in the internal memory. Pressing add new lists the files present on the SD card. Selected files are automatically loaded into internal memory.

Selected files can be also removed from the internal memory after using remove function. The file size of a waypoint file is limited to 1MB. The supported format is CUP as generated with the SeeYou program. Some versions of CUP may not be compatible if they are not created according to the CUP standard, which is a proprietary format from the Naviter company. The number of CUP files that can be viewed or selected is 20.
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April 2023 Airspace File
Selecting the Airspace menu opens a list of .cub and .lxa (files from ASAPT database) files available in the internal memory. Pressing add new lists the files present on the SD card. Selected files are automatically loaded into internal memory.

Selecting a file loads this file for use.

The LXNAV ASAPT database file format is also supported and can be loaded into the system.

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Version 9.11 Logbook The logbook page lists all the flights sorted by date.

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If GPS data is present the logbook will show the date and time of departure. Manual navigation (without GPS) will show the duration and will be marked with “–” marks.
The user can download a flight by a short press on the lower rotary button. FlarmNet file Selecting the FlarmNet option opens a list of .fln files available on the SD card or in the internal memory. Selecting a file loads it.

Please note that only one FlarmNet file can be active at any one time.

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5.7.6 Logbook
The logbook page lists all the flights sorted by date.

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If GPS data is present the logbook will show the date and time of departure. Manual navigation (without GPS) will show the duration and will be marked with “–” marks.

The user can download a flight by a short press on the lower rotary button.

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5.7.8 Graphics
The Graphics option has sub menus for Map, Airspace, Waypoints, Glider and Track, Tasks, FLARM, Theme setup and Modes. Indicator Setup Vario indicator graphics and preferences can be adjusted in this menu. Needles When HAWK option is installed, user can define, if he wants to see only HAWK (blue) needle, TEK vario (red) needle or both needles. Vario Needle Vario needle means, when your vario is in vario mode. A needle can be set to Vario, Netto, Relative or G-meter. When using HAWK option it is recommended to set Vario needle to Relative. SC needle SC needle means, when your vario is in SC mode. A needle can be set to Vario, Netto Relative or G-meter. When using HAWK option it is recommended to set SC needle to Netto. Yellow Bar Yellow bar can be set to G-meter, Min/Max vario or no bar. Red Diamond Red diamond symbol can be set to No diamond, Average, Netto, Average Netto, G-meter or SC.
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Version 9.11 MacCready The blue triangle can be enabled or disabled.

April 2023 Thermal The green T can be enabled or disabled. Red Cursor Style It is possible to pick between thin / middle or thick cursor style. Needle Range Type
Non-linear needle means that positive climb numbers are not in the linear scale, but they are wider at weak climb and narrower at very strong climb rate. If you wish to always have the same space between numbers, use the linear scale. Colour style ­ Gauge: Inner With this dialogue you can change the background colour for the vario gauge (Outer ring) and the background of the information circle within the gauge. You have the following choices:

Gauge White White Black Black

Inner Black (default) White White Black User msg. Transp.
With this dialogue you can change the transparency of the user messages when they are displayed overlaid on each screen from 0 to 100%. Default is 50%. Navbox Transparency
With this dialogue you can change the transparency of the navboxes which are overlaid on each screen from 0 to 100%. Default is 44%. Map The map orientation can be Track Up or North Up.

Graphic settings of Navboxes from the graphical page can be adjusted in this menu. It is possible to adjust following settings: Navboxes background transparency Navboxes background colour Navboxes border transparency Navboxes border colour Navboxes title colour Navboxes value colour

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Airspaces are not enabled on S8/S80 Club version. To purchase this option please refer to Chapter 3.2.3.
In this dialogue you can define the airspace map presentation. Check the Show airspace item to enable airspace displays in navigational modes. If this item is unchecked no airspace will be displayed.
Use Show only airspace below to eliminate airspace which is going to be too high for the day. For example, if the forecasted cloud base is to be 1500 m, set this value to 1600 m and your screen will be much more readable.
In the airspace type list, you can specify how each airspace type is displayed. You should define each type of airspace zone separately. First choose an airspace type from the list. You can modify the Transparency of the selected type. The Zoom value defines to which zoom level this type is going to be visible. The Colour and Width items specify how the selected airspace zone will be drawn. All settings listed above can be changed for airspace classes A, B, C, D, E, F and for the following types of airspace: Control zone Restricted zone Prohibited zone Danger zone Glider sector Airway sector Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) Military zone Other zone

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In this dialogue you can define whether waypoints are displayed or not, how many characters are displayed and the size and colour of the label. Show Waypoint Check the dialogue box to enable waypoint labels for the Waypoint and Task Modes. Max Visible This defines for how long waypoints and detailed symbols are displayed. If the maximum number of waypoints on the current screen is more than the defined value only small blue dots will be shown for waypoints and no labels will be drawn. Label Zoom The Label zoom value defines up to which scale of zoom waypoints are visible. 20km means the whole width of the screen represents 20 km. Label Length You can choose to display all the characters in the waypoint name or a maximum of 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or none. Label Font Size You can choose between 24, 18 or 16 points. Label Font Colour You can choose a font colour from the pallet of 12 colours. Glider and Track

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In this dialogue you can choose to show a line to the target and your track line together with the colour from the pallet of 15 colours. Show line to target Check the dialogue box to display a line to the target. Line to target You can choose the colour of the target line from the pallet of 15 colours. Show track line Check the dialogue box to enable a line to the target. Track line You can choose the colour of the track line from the pallet of 15 colours. Thermal Assistant Colour Circles By There are three options for the thermal assistant: Auto Span, MacCready and Average Vario.
The colours in the thermal assistant indicate below average (blue), average (yellow), above average (red) and the strongest point of thermal (white).
If Auto Span is selected then the Thermal Assistant will use the average performance of the last circle to calculate below, average and above average climb and indicate accordingly i.e. red bubbles for strongest lift and blue dots for weakest lift or sink.
If MacCready is selected then the Thermal Assistant will use the current MacCready setting to show rate of climb below, MacCready and above the MacCready setting
If Average Vario is selected then the Thermal Assistant will use the average vario for the flight to show the rate of climb below average vario, average vario and above average vario. Switch to Thermal Assistant Mode When in circling is selected the S8x/S10x will change to the Thermal Assistant mode when the glider starts turning in a climb. It can change to the Thermal mode also if SC mode is switched to Vario mode, if setting SC-VAR. switch is selected. If the box is disabled the thermal assistant mode can be accessed manually.
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The S8x will only detect turning if a GPS or FLARM device is attached. The S8x uses a combination of change of speed, angle of bank and direction change to indicate circling.

The S10x has an internal GPS module. Use Active Navigation Data
If this item is checked, all the data relating to navigation will be calculated to either Wpt or Task, depending on which page the thermal mode was switched from. For Manual Switching
If you manually switch to thermal mode, all navigation data will be related to the setting you have selected here (waypoint or task data) Thermal Assistant Ping Method If the Thermal assistant ping method is enabled the user will hear a PING during circling. When the PING is heard the pilot must expand the circle to centre the thermal. In the settings there are two methods available to trigger the PING: time before thermal maximum and angle before thermal maximum. Time before Ping Using this method, the user will hear a PING (different audible signal) the selected number of seconds before maximum of thermal. Angle before Ping Using this method, the user will hear a PING (different audible signal) the selected number of degrees before maximum of thermal. Task

With this dialogue you can change the colour of the task line and turn point zone and modify the zone transparency and Zone line width. Show Only Current Zone It shows only the current active zone on the task.
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Version 9.11 Task Colour You can choose the colour of the task line from a pallet of 15 colours.

April 2023 Zone Colour You can choose the colour of the task line from a pallet of 15 colours. Zone Transparency With this dialogue you can choose the level of the zone transparency from 0 to 100%. Zone width This dialogue defines the line width of the zone with a choice of 10-line widths.

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In this menu you can choose to show FLARM traffic on the map, select target on map only, change glider colours and adjust the FLARM object timeout and graphical settings. Traffic on Map Check the dialogue box to display FLARM objects on the screen. Select Target on Map Only There will be only the selected target on the map. Colours Colours can be set for the following: Glider Above Colour Glider Below Colour Glider Near Colour Selected target Colour Label Text On the map it is possible to show additional, related text next to the FLARM object. This option can be set to None, Competition sign, Climb rate and Relative vertical. Active Timeout Adjusts the time a glider symbol remains on the map after it has last been seen by the FLARM. Inactive Timeout Inactive timeout setting sets the time for inactive gliders on the FLARM target list. Inactive gliders are gliders where the FLARM signal has been lost for a period longer than the Active timeout. The targets become inactive and remain only in the FLARM target list for this time. Draw Line to Selected Target Check this option to enable or disable a line drawn to a selected FLARM target. Draw History Select if a trail is to be drawn behind FLARM targets to show where the targets have been. Plane Icon size Use this item to adjust the pixel size of FLARM targets.
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April 2023 Modes
Task, Thermal and FLARM modes can be disabled via this menu. Additionally the AHRS page can be disabled here.

For competitions the artificial horizon can be disabled in this menu. When the artificial horizon page is active a BFION event is written to the recorded flight for verification purposes.

5.7.9 Sounds
The sounds option has a sub menu for Equalizer, Vario and FLARM. Equalizer Option
With the lower rotary knob, you can adjust the volume for each frequency. The settings are stored when you exit the screen (via the middle button).

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Vario Sounds

Version 9.11

April 2023

In this menu the user can change all the parameters for vario sounds.
The volume for Vario, FLARM and Speech can also be adjusted directly via the upper rotary knob whilst in the FLARM, Waypoint and Task Modes. Vario Volume The user can set the default vario volume. Sound shape In this menu, you can choose between following shapes: Sinus, Triangular and Harmonic. Vario audio mode: Linear positive: the sound is interrupted with silence every few milliseconds when the
needle is positive; on negative side sound is linear (not interrupted). Linear negative: inverse function to Linear positive. Linear: the sound is linear and non-interrupted in full scale range. Digital positive: similar to Linear positive, except the way of beeping is sl Digital negative: inverse function to Digital positive. Linear positive only: the sound is present only at positive values, for negative values
there is silence. Digital positive only: similar function to Linear positive only, except the sound is
similar to the digital tone. Digital: similar function to Linear, except the sound is similar to the digital tone. The
frequency is not changing linearly, but by steps. Sounds like playing a flute. SC Audio Mode SC audio mode has five modes: SC positive: the sound is interrupted with silence every few milliseconds when the needle
is positive; on negative side sound is linear (not interrupted). SC negative: inverse function to SC positive. SC: the sound is linear and non-interrupted in full scale range. SC Mixed: for positive relative values the sound represents relative; for negative relative
values the sound represents SC (for that setting it is recommended to set SC needle to relative). Relativ: the variometer will produce the same sound as defined in Vario audio, except it will follow relative speed values.
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April 2023 Vario Audio source
Vario audio source is shown when HAWK option is activated. You can choose between HAWK or TE vario audio source for variometer sound. SC Audio source
SC audio source is shown when HAWK option is activated. You can choose between HAWK or TE vario SC audio source for speed to fly sound. Dead band
Dead band setting defines the width of the audio dead band in speed to fly mode. Default value is ±1 m/s. Audio Frequencies
Freq at 0% defines the tone frequency at 0 m/s. Freq at +100% defines the tone frequency at full + deflection. Freq at -100% defines the tone frequency at full ­ deflection. Equalization Pre-Sets We have three options: default LXNAV speaker, flat setting or user defined.
The volume for Vario, FLARM and Speech can also be adjusted directly via the upper rotary knob whilst in the FLARM, Waypoint and Task Modes. Voice test Press this button in order to test quality of voice messages. FLARM Sounds FLARM Volume Adjust the default FLARM volume with the slider. FLARM Low Alarm For distant FLARM targets the S8x/S10x gives a short or long message, just a beep or be turned off (19-25 seconds before possible collision). FLARM Important Alarm For close FLARM targets the S8X can give a short or long message, just a beep or be turned off (14-18 seconds before possible collision).
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April 2023 FLARM Urgent Alarm:
For very close FLARM targets the S8x/S10x gives a short or long message, just a beep or be turned off (6-8 seconds before possible collision).

The volume for Vario, FLARM and Speech can also be adjusted directly via the upper rotary knob whilst in the FLARM, Waypoint and Task Modes.

For the alarm sound the user has the possibility to select between beep, short message and long message sounds. Short message is of the form: “Traffic two o’clock” Long message sounds like: “Traffic two o’clock, two kilometres, two hundred meters above”.
5.7.10 Obs. Zones
The default Observation Zones can be configured in this section for all tasks.

The Start, Waypoint and Finish zone can be configured separately although the setup is very similar.

Direction: Options include Start, Previous, Next, Symmetrical or Fixed angle. Angle 12: is greyed out unless fixed angle is specified in Direction. Line Check Box; typically used for Start and Finish. If line is checked then Angle 1, Angle
2 and Radius 2 are greyed out. Angle 1: Sets the angle of the Turn Point Zone. Radius 1: Sets the radius of the Turn Point Zone. Angle 2: Sets angle 2 for complex Turn Points and Assigned Area Tasks. Radius 2: Sets the radius for complex Turn Points and Assigned Area Tasks. Auto Next: Typically used in racing tasks, this will change the navigation of the S8x/S10x
to the next turn point when a single fix is made within the Turn Point Zone.
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To Near: if this is checked it will navigate to nearest point of the zone.

5.7.11 Warnings

April 2023

There are FLARM, Altitude and Airspace warnings. FLARM Warnings Enable FLARM Warnings Warnings can be enabled or disabled in this section. The warning dismiss time can be set from 0 to 120 seconds. Display PCAS Alarms Check this item to see non-directional traffic on the FLARM screen. Non-directional traffic will be drawn with a dotted circle at the received distance from the aircraft position. The PCAS timeout is setup separately in the next time spin control. Display Urgent Alarms Third level approximately 8 seconds before predicted collision. Display Important Alarms Second level approximately 13 seconds before predicted collision. Display Low Alarms First level approximately 18 seconds before predicted collision. Dismiss While Circling This dismisses FLARM alarms for FLARM targets in the same thermal. FLARM warnings for urgent alerts override this. Dismiss Time If a FLARM warning is dismissed, there will be no FLARM warnings for the number of seconds set in that menu. Once a certain FLARM alarm is set off you can dismiss it for that set amount of second by pressing the lower knob. Altitude Warnings Altitude Alarm This can be set in meters or feet. The S8x/S10x will display a warning before reaching the selected altitude.
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April 2023 Warn me before
This is related to the Altitude alarm; it can be set from 10 to 500 seconds. The predicted time to reach alarm altitude is calculated from the average vario. Airspace Warnings Minutes Off
Once a warning appears, you can disable it for a specific time in minutes. This time can be set here. Seconds before Entry You can set how many seconds before entering the airspace you would like to get the warning. Minimum Altitude Difference This defines the minimum altitude difference to the zone. Minimum Distance The minimum distance to the airspace before the warning appears can be set here. Alert On
Alerts can be defined for specific zones (Class A, B, C, D, E, F, Other, Control, Restricted, Prohibited, Danger, Airway, Glider sector, Transponder and Military).

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Visual Messages/Warnings

April 2023

The S8x/S10x will provide the following visual messages/warnings: Digital signature failed (it will appear immediately after initial setup) Freezing temperature (it is related to the OAT measurement) Task started Inside zone Next zone Outside zone Airbrakes not locked Check landing gear Low external battery
Running on internal battery (if flight recorder is running)
Shutting down (if flight recorder is not running and there is no external power) Freezing temperature (if the outside temperature is 1 degrees) Altitude warning Airspace warning Airspace warning visual message
There are 2 different Airspace visual warnings. When you are approaching an airspace an orange warning will appear. Once you enter the airspace a red warning will appear.

The first row is a name of the airspace. You can terminate a warning for 5 minutes by pressing an upper button or lower button, which will cancel it for today. H: horizontal distance from the airspace V: vertical distance from the airspace INS: means inside UNK: unknown (data not available)
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Version 9.11 Voice Warnings The S8x/S10x will trigger the following voice warnings:

April 2023

Gear Warnings CHECK GEAR: this warning is triggered 5 minutes after take-off if the landing gear is not wired to any of the inputs of the S8x/S10x. CHECK LANDING GEAR: during the flight, gear up, airbrakes opened.

Airbrakes Warnings CHECK AIRBRAKES: if you are on the ground, speed 0, gear down, airbrakes opened. This warning is repeated every 30 seconds. WARNING AIRBRAKES, WARNING AIRBRAKES…: during the acceleration, gear down, airbrakes opened. CHECK AIRBRAKES: speed, airbrakes opened*.

Low battery (if the battery is low ­ see battery chemistry setting). Stall speed (warning is related to the stall speed set in the menu).
FLARM voice message long: Traffic at: position, distance, vertical distance.
FLARM voice message short: Traffic at: position.

*airbrakes and/or landing gear should be wired to digital inputs!

5.7.12 Units
Use this menu to specify units, UTC time offset and type of ballast input.

UTC Offset: in half or whole hours plus or minus Zulu. System of units: Metric, English, US. Distance: Units available; statute miles, nautical miles, kilometres. Altitude: Units available feet, meters. Temperature: Units available; degrees centigrade or degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure: Units available; inches of mercury (inHg), mm of mercury (mmHg), mbar. Speed: Units available; fpm, m/s, mph, kts, km/h. XC Speed: Units available; fpm, m/s, mph, kts, km/h. Vertical Speed: Units available; fpm, m/s, mph, kts, km/h. Wind: Units available; fpm, m/s, mph, kts, km/h. Weight: lbs or kg Load: lb/ft2 or kg/m2 Longitude/Latitude: DD.ddddd, DDMM.mmmmm’, DDMM’SS.ss”, DD.dddd,
DDMM.mmm’, DDMM’SS” Ballast: weight (insert ballast in kg), load (ballast kg/m2), overload (factor of overload).
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5.7.13 Hardware
The Hardware setup has a sub menu for Digital inputs, Indicator, Communications, Battery, Remote Stick, Flaps, Bridge. Digital Inputs

Digital inputs are not enabled on S8/S80 Club version. To purchase this option please refer to Chapter 3.2.3. VP Input (Vario Priority) When this input is activated by grounding the appropriate wire, the unit will change over to Vario immediately. This input wire is set open (not grounded) as a factory default on delivery. This switch has priority over all SC switching methods. This means it will override all other signals for SC and switch unit to vario mode. This input is not wired in standard wiring ­ it must be wired by the customer. SC Switch The LXNAV S8x/S10x has an input for an external speed command switch. Using the external switch, it is possible to manually switch between SC and Vario. Setting the SC switch to ON mean that closing the switch will cause the instrument to enter SC mode. Setting the SC switch to OFF means that closing the switch will select Vario mode. There is a third option by setting SC INPUT to TASTER and connecting a push button to the input; each key press will toggle between SC and Vario (mandatory setting for LX Remote, which provides a push button for SC).
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April 2023 Digital Inputs 1,2,3,4
The LXNAV S8x/S10x has 4 external digital inputs which can be set to indicate the state of the landing gear, airbrakes, canopy switch, tail dolly switch and event input. The wiring is described in Chapter Example of Warnings Triggered by the Input:
1. Gear Warnings CHECK GEAR: this warning is triggered 5 minutes after take- off if the landing gear is not wired to any of the inputs on the S8x/S10x. CHECK LANDING GEAR: during the flight, gear up, airbrakes opened.

2. Airbrakes Warnings CHECK AIRBRAKES: if you are on the ground, speed 0, gear down, airbrakes opened. This warning is repeated every 30 seconds. WARNING AIRBRAKES, WARNING AIRBRAKES…: during the acceleration, gear down*, airbrakes opened. CHECK AIRBRAKES: speed, airbrakes opened.

Input pins are available on the rear DB15 connector, but they are not wired.

Input is active when it is shortened to ground. Communication Setup
This is used to configure the two ports on the back of the S8x/S10x for connecting to a GPS/FLARM source and to a PDA. Each port can be configured separately. Direct link: PDA-GPS link If your PDA device does not support an automatic switch to DIRECT LINK between the GPS and PDA ports, there is a manual DIRECT LINK menu. The user can select between PDAGPS or BT-GPS. When automatic baud rate is enabled the LXNAV S8x/S10x will automatically search on all speeds to receive valid data on the GPS(FLARM) port. When the S8x/S10x receives a valid NMEA sentence it will lock on that baud rate and stop searching.
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PDA-GPS link is normally automatic, but some PDA software requires manual settings.
Connecting the S8x/S10x to the FLARM extension port can lead to insufficient data being sent. Please connect the S8x/S10x to the main FLARM port. BT-GPS Link Allows a PNA device connected via Bluetooth to directly communication with a device which is connected to the GPS/FLARM port (FLARM/Nano). PDA Baud Rate Set the baud rate of the PDA port. The baud rate on the PDA port must be set to same as it is on the PDA device otherwise S8x/S10x and PDA will not communicate with each other.
The baud rate on PDA must not be lower than the setting on GPS port. GPS (S10x-FLARM port) Baud Rate Set the baud rate of the GPS/FLARM port.
To obtain best performance from the LXNAV S8x/S10x it is recommended that both baud rates are set as high as possible. Bluetooth Toggle this setting to switch ON/OFF the internal Bluetooth module. If the BT module is turned off the power consumption will be lower and the operating time of the internal battery will increase. Send Declaration to GPS Port This will automatically send a declaration to an external Flarm module. NMEA output NMEA output on PDA port and on BT can be enabled or disabled. If you are not using a PDA port this setting should be disabled to obtain better performance.
Before using Bluetooth, a Bluetooth antenna must be connected to the unit.
The Bluetooth password is 1234 or 0000. This Bluetooth is compatible with iOS and Android. Beeps Controlled by PDA If a PDA is connected to the S8x/10x, the PDA can send a beep command to the S8x. If this feature is enabled the S8x/10x will beep on request from the PDA.

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April 2023 External Target
If this item is checked the unit will accept target information received by the PDA, BT or GPS ports. The user will see information on the screen that a new target has been received. The user can accept or ignore the target. Battery Setup S10x units have 2 options listed:
External battery
Internal battery External Battery Chemistry
The user must select the battery from the battery list to obtain the proper voltage measurement. Batteries used in gliders today are not only the old- style lead acid battery but also Lithium Ion (LiIon) and Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePo) are available. Each battery type has a different power delivery curve and it is now possible to configure the Low and High Battery warnings.

Select battery from list gives you a drop-down list with the suggested battery settings for Full Voltage, Low Battery Voltage and Empty Voltage as pre-sets. Selecting one of these will set the values in the following boxes.
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Alternatively, you can manually change the Full Voltage, Low Battery Voltage and Empty Voltage if your battery type is not listed. Those settings will influence the battery level icon and low battery warning. Internal Battery S10x units have also a built-in internal battery where you can check the health and settings of this battery. Health of the Battery
This shows the health of the internal battery and its charge level. Charge level while connected to external power will indicate 100% when charging, even if battery is not full. If the battery is full it will display “FULL”.

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Version 9.11 Settings of the Internal Battery

April 2023

The following values can be set: Preserve battery = charger will not be activated until the battery drains below 75%. Charge to full = if it is not checked, the battery will be charged up to approximately 90% (when charging current drops below 0.45A). Charger mode = can be set to ON / OFF or automatic.
Automatic mode will stop charging when the charging current drops below 10mA. Then the charge status will indicate FULL. If preserve battery is enabled, charging will take place only when the battery is below 75% and will charge to full or 90%, depends on setting.
The internal battery will not supply power to any peripheral devices such as remote stick, FLARM, PDA…
S10x will charge internal battery only when external power is present and the unit is powered on. Battery Calibration Sometimes internal battery needs to be self- calibrated. New calibration of the battery can be done with full discharge cycle.
To start the process, charge the battery to FULL. When you see FULL, remove external power, and leave it running until internal battery is empty. If battery is not calibrated the indication of the SOC % might be wrong. Value however is always correct at the FULL charge state in every case. Remote Stick (NEW) The remote stick is also connected to the CAN bus which is the main wiring of the S8x/S10x. The device must be registered in case of a two-seat device as it is possible to have two remote sticks; one registered to the main device and the other one to the second seat device. Registering the remote stick can be carried out in the following way: Press any button on the remote stick ­ the S8x/S10Xwill detect the presence of the remote stick on the CAN BUS. Go to Setup->Hardware->Remote stick. To confirm the remote stick, you must press the OK button on the remote stick.
The process is similar for the second remote for the S8xD repeater unit. Be sure that at the time of registering repeater unit, front unit is not in Register mode, otherwise both units will listen to the same remote stick.
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Whilst the remote stick uses a different type of communication than the Sxxx, the user must specify for what purpose remote stick will be used when ordering one. In case of Sxxx instruments, an adapter named Remote CAN will be included. On one side it is connected to the CAN bus via a DB9 connector and on the other side to appropriate wires of the remote stick. Follow the colour marks on the pring contacts. The Can bus is always under power, consequently the remote stick is also under power. After the flight disconnect the batteries or turn off the master switch to prevent discharging the batteries.

The remote stick is only recognized if the system is under external 12V power. It will not work if the S10/S100 is running on the internal battery only. Flaps
When a flap sensor is installed, use this menu to set the flaps position. Toggle SC/Vario at option allows you to select when (depending on flap position) the instrument will switch between SC and vario mode. Use the page selector to select the desired flap position. Press SET to set the position. Repeat this procedure for all flap positions.

When all flap positions are set, a green dot will be displayed with current flap position. If flap labels are not set yet, press EDIT to name the labels. Flap labels must be entered with increasing speed range. It is recommended that flaps labels are set together with the speed range in the Polar and Glider setup. It is also possible to toggle between cruise and climb mode using the flap sensor. AHRS Once AHRS option or HAWK option is activated as described in chapter 9.5.7, use this menu to calibrate AHRS for installation errors.
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Place your glider in levelled position and select Level, it will set system pitch offset and current pitch will be set to 0°. You can also modify User pitch offset. Reset off. Button will reset system pitch offset and user pitch offset to zero (Factory default). Align gyros will adjust drift of gyroscopes, which solve the problem of small pitch and roll offset during flight. Reset gyros will set back to factory defaults all user gyro alignments.

During flight user pitch offset can be adjusted via the lower rotary knob.

In this menu AHRS can also be Locked by Password.

The AHRS locked option may be used by contest organizers. They can lock or unlock an AHRS with their own password. If AHRS is Locked by Password and the password has been forgotten, please use the password 23519. CAN Bridge The CAN Bridge is an external device which is sold separately and is used to output NMEA data or to connect a radio or transponder to the system.
Refer to the installation manual for details on the wiring of the CAN Bridge.
Once a CAN bridge is plugged in to the CAN BUS, Bridge Sxxxxxx will appear in the Hardware menu.

First, you must define the functionality. The dialogue will change based on what you select and will display relevant items.
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NMEA output is used to transmit NMEA sentences. You can select desired NMEA sentences and define the baud rate at which they will be transmitted. Radio Bridge The Radio Bridge is used to operate a radio through the main display unit. First the type of connected radio must be selected. For the list of supported devices please refer to CAN Bridge installation manual found on www.lxnav.com.

Due to Becker AR6201 not supporting RS-232 connections it is not yet supported.
Selecting Config radio will open the radio setup menu. In this menu you can select Show target warnings. This will trigger warnings generated from the device (example: radio is too hot). Here you can also setup active and standby frequency, volume, squelch volume and VOX volume.
If your airport has a frequency, it will be automatically selected as standby frequency on the radio once the airport is selected. Auto select target frequency must be selected for this to work. XPDR Bridge The XPDR Bridge can operate the transponder via the main unit. You can set the ICAO Identity in the XPDR Setup menu which is opened by clicking Config XPDR. It can also show target warnings from the transponder. For the list of supported devices please refer to CAN Bridge installation manual found on www.lxnav.com.
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If a FLARM or PowerFLARM is connected to the system its information, configuration and aircraft configuration can be seen or configured in this menu. Info

Here you can see all information about the external FLARM/PowerFLARM device. information is: Hardware Firmware Flarm ID Serial Number Obstacle database Obstacle date

Available Config
The FLARM configuration such as FLARM/PCAS and ADSB horizontal and vertical range can be set here. Mode C/Do not track mode and Stealth mode can be enabled or disabled. Stealth mode meaning ­ if enabled, other FLARM units will not receive altitude and vario information concerning your glider (only a dot will appear on their instruments). For collision warnings this mode has no influence. Do not track enabled will not allow an object to be seen on the OGN. Aircraft Config
The Aircraft type such as glider / Tow plane / Helicopter etc… can be set here. The ICAO address is the code which has to be configured in the config file if a transponder is present. If that code is not set, a transponder in the cockpit will be seen as a FLARM object all the time. Flight Recorder The FLARM’s flight recorder settings can be modified in this menu.
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April 2023 Flarm error codes
Error codes are displayed on Sxxx screen, flarm displays or you can read it on flarm generated files on flarm’s SD card.
11 = Firmware expired (requires valid GPS information, i.e. will not be available in the first minute or so after power-on) 12 = Firmware update error 21 = Power (e.g. voltage < 8V) 22 = UI error 23 = Audio error 24 = ADC error 25 = SD card error 26 = USB error 27 = LED error 28 = EEPROM error 29 = General hardware error 2A = Transponder receiver Mode-C/S/ADS-B unserviceable 2B = EEPROM error 2C = GPIO error 31 = GPS communication 32 = Configuration of GPS module 33 = GPS antenna 41 = RF communication 42 = Another FLARM device with the same Radio ID is being received. Alarms are suppressed for the applicable device. 43 = Wrong ICAO 24-bit address or radio ID 51 = Communication 61 = Flash memory 71 = Pressure sensor 81 = Obstacle database (e.g. incorrect file type) 82 = Obstacle database expired. 91 = Flight recorder 93 = Engine-noise recording not possible A1 = Configuration error, e.g. while reading flarmcfg.txt from SD/USB. B1 = Invalid obstacle database license (e.g. wrong serial number) B2 = Invalid IGC feature license B3 = Invalid AUD feature license B4 = Invalid ENL feature license B5 = Invalid RFB feature license B6 = Invalid TIS feature license 100 = Generic error 101 = Flash File System error 110 = Failure updating firmware of external display 120 = Device is operated outside designated region. The device does not work. F1 = Other

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5.7.14 Polar and Glider

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The Polar and Glider section allows you to load and edit a set of parameters for your glider’s polar. You can select from a pre-defined list of most common gliders or create your own polar.

Select Glider from List: presents you with an alphabetical list of all the common gliders and
associated polar data. All glider data will be copied from the chosen polar. Verify that the best glide ratio and minimum sink rate are displayed. To see whether the polar data matches your glider’s performance, review the MacCready Setting Menu where you can verify the values.

You can modify the polar by changing coefficients a, b and c. A polar is defined as a quadratic equation with the parameters a, b, and c. Use the SeeYou program (Tools->Polar) to calculate coefficients a, b and c for a given glider’s polar. The program requires three sink points entered at selected speeds (e.g.: 100 km/h, 130 km/h, and 150 km/h). The program will calculate the values of a, b and c, which should be noted and entered into the LXNAV S8x/S10x.
Class: Options for Touring, Ultralight, World, Twin-seater, Club, 18-meter, 15-meter, Open, Standard and Unknown are available.
A, b, c: Options can be adjusted or entered for a non-listed glider. Reference load (wing loading) value represents the value at which the polar was
measured. Reference weight corresponds to the weight value at which the polar was measured. Maximum take-off weight is the maximum take-off weight allowed for the glider. It
is not used in the calculation; it is just a reminder to the pilot of the maximum take-off weight. Empty weight is weight of the glider without the pilot and ballast. Pilot weight is the weight of the pilot with parachute and baggage.
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Co Pilot Weight is the weight of the co-pilot with parachute and baggage.

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. + . + . . .

In case of a two-seater configuration both users have possibilities to change parameters. The last change performed is synchronized into both instruments. Speeds The user can set the following speeds: Stall speed (VS0) Stall speed (VS1) Approach speed (Vapp) Best climb (Vec) Max flaps (Vfe) Manoeuvre speed (Va) Max speed (Vne)
These speeds will be used as warnings such as stall speed Flaps For setting up flaps please refer to Chapter for more details.

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5.7.15 Profiles

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In this menu, the pilot can save his own settings in a profile. Different profiles are useful if more than one pilot is flying the same glider, or if the glider has a variable wing configuration (15m, 18m). All the S8x/S10x settings are saved in each individual profile (glider information, pilot information, user interface…).

With the lower rotary knob, a pilot can scroll between different profiles that are stored within the internal storage of the S vario. Please note that the profiles are not stored on the SD card. When you select the profile pressing the lower rotary button will cause a sub menu to appear with the following options: Edit (edit name of the profile) Active (make that profile active) Lock (lock that profile. All later changes on the S vario will not be stored to the profile
which is useful to protect a profile from changes in a club or syndicate environment) New (create new profile. You have the option to copy an existing selected profile or create
a new factory default profile) Save to SD (copy the profile from the internal storage to the SD card) Cancel (do nothing and exit from that menu) Delete (delete selected profile) At power on the profile selection menu will appear. A user
can select between all the available profiles stored within the S vario.
Settings cannot be saved into the DEFAULT profile, therefore you have to create your own profile.
Character (A) means currently active profile.
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5.7.16 Password
There are several system passwords which run specific procedures as listed below: List of Password Functions


99999 00666 30000 23519 01043 00111 89891 23519 43001 32233

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5.7.17 Admin Mode

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In this menu a pilot can lock the unit and protect the settings with a password. If admin mode is selected and a password applied, the settings on the unit will be locked and are not able to be changed. This function is very useful in a club glider where not all the pilots are experienced enough to setup the unit. In this case the designated administrator can lock the unit with a password. The unit can be unlocked anytime with the same password. Do not forget the admin password. If it is forgotten the only way to recover is to enter password 00666 which resets the whole instrument to factory default and all settings will be lost.

5.7.18 About
In the about page information about the display platform and the sensor box can be viewed. The user can view the following details:
IGC serial number Indicator version A and B, Sensor box version A and B.

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6 Variometer and Altimeter

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All signals from the pneumatic sensors (altitude, speed) are derived from high quality pressure sensors, which mean that no flask is necessary. The vario signal is derived from the altitude signal. All signals are temperature and altitude compensated. The colour display shows the vario information as well as many other parameters. The display is user configurable. The Variometer can be configured to show:

Range 5, 10 and 2.5 m/s or 10, 20 and 5 kts. Time constants 0.1 s to 5 s, in addition there are 4 settings for electronic processing for
the vario signal. Netto shows the air mass lift and sink. Relative shows the lift or sink that would be achieved if the glider was circling at
thermaling speed.

There are two ways by which the vario indications can be corrected for total energy. Electronic TE compensation is based on speed changes with time and pneumatic compensation with a TE probe. The quality of the TE compensation depends entirely on the location, size and dimension of the TE tube. The installation must be leak-proof.
If an electronic TE compensation is selected the TE (Pst) port should be connected to a good static pressure source. If pneumatic compensation is selected the TE (Pst) port should be connected to the TE probe.

Electronic TE Compensation

TE (Pst) LXNAV S8(0)

Compensation with TE probe

6.1 Altimeter
The altimeter of the LXNAV S8x/S10X is temperature compensated from -20ºC up to + 60ºC. The altimeter is calibrated up to 20000 m.
6.2 Speed Command
Speed command flying based on the MacCready theory is a very useful tool to optimize crosscountry speed. When the instrument changes to speed command mode the audio will change and become a director informing the pilot whether he is flying too fast or too slow. To reduce confusion between vario and speed command audio some special features are incorporated:
Continuous audio signal and other kinds of signals can be chosen. For details see setup.
No audio at correct speed (dead band).

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7.1 Introduction
HAWK system was developed by Prof. Heinrich Meyr1 and Peng Huang2 in cooperation with LXNAV. It features a completely new approach towards measuring the three-dimensional wind vector.
A conventional vario measures the vertical movement of the glider (vario) based on an energy conservation principle. This value can be assigned to the red needle of the LX instrument. In perfectly smooth air, the change of the vertical kinetic energy (velocity) is compensated by an equal amount of potential energy (altitude). A total energy compensated (TEK) vario works well under the condition of constant horizontal velocity. However, any change of the horizontal velocity (horizontal wind gust) is interpreted by the TEK vario as a change of the vertical velocity (kinetic energy), thus causing the well- known false reading of the TEK vario.
The HAWK does not measure the vertical movement of the glider. It measures the air mass movement in three dimensions. The climb rate of the glider (“HAWK vario”) is derived by subtracting the ideal sink rate given by the circle polar from the vertical climb rate of the air mass. It is, therefore, crucial to understand that the “HAWK vario” shows the potential climb rate of the glider. This is the climb rate of the glider achievable under ideal conditions. “HAWK vario” value is shown by the blue needle of the instrument in thermaling mode.
If the pilot uses the two-needle approach the red and the blue needle are normally close. If they differ substantially, it hints that the pilot flies with a large sideslip angle causing additional drag and sink. Changing the yaw string pointing slightly outside makes the red approach the blue needle: the real climb rate approaches the potential climb rate. This will be discussed in detail in section 7.3 and 7.4.
In cruise mode, the blue HAWK needle should be assigned to “netto” or “relative”. At all speed the HAWK needle then shows the climb rate of the air mass (“netto”). If “relative” is assigned to the needle, it shows the minimum sink rate subtracted from the “netto”.
The horizontal dimensions of the air mass movement show the wind. The wind is live wind. In mountain flying it is of crucial importance to have the wind indication following the rapid changes of the wind in real time. Today’s wind estimation algorithms deliver only mean values with average times in the range of minutes.
The unique differentiator of HAWK is It delivers the horizontal wind and the vertical air mass movement (vario) in real time No false climb indication due to horizontal gusts in fast cruise mode. If HAWK signals show a thermal there is a thermal with high probability A few seconds earlier indication when approaching a thermal than the TEK vario No false reading due to horizontal gusts in turbulent thermals No compensation required
1RWTH Aachen University and Barkhausen Institut, Dresden, Germany. 2Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.
7.2 Wind Model
The HAWK requires a mathematical model of the three-dimensional wind vector. Figure below shows wind field estimated by HAWK. The wind vector d(x, y, z; t) depends on the three

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Wind field estimated by HAWK.
spatial coordinates (x, y, z) and the time t. The wind field is described by very complex mathematical equations. For our purposes, it is sufficient to use a greatly simplified model. We assume that the wind vector comprises two elements: a slowly varying component and a rapidly varying random disturbance. Next figure shows that the more turbulent the air mass, the larger the random increment is. The three wind components are assumed to be independent of each other. All three obey the same mathematical law. The perspective representation of a three-dimensional vector on the display does not make sense for gliders. Glider pilots are used to reading the vertical component of the vector on the Vario and interpreting the xy components as “wind”.

Time behaviour of the wind field d(x, y, z;t).
For an intuitive understanding of the model, we limit ourselves to the vertical component. We are used to interpreting the rate of the variometer by the movements of the pointer. For this reason, we look at the increment over a time interval of 1 second.
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In picture above, the variometer shows a value of 3m/s. This value corresponds to the slowly changing part of the model. The rapidly changing, random part corresponds to the fluctuations of the pointer around the mean. The pointer fluctuations are Gauss distributed, see right picture above. The Standard Deviation parameter, d determines how likely an increment is around the mean of 3 m/s. For example, d = 1 m/s states that 68% of all changes are in an interval of 1 m/s. The value d = 0.1 corresponds to a very quiet air mass. Most changes will be at an interval of 0.1 m/s. The true model parameter d is of course unknown to the instrument. The key question is, therefore, how do we select the corresponding parameter in the S10/100?
The only way to do this is to use the same data sensor signals for different values of wind variance and study the behaviour of the vario. We can do this because we record all sensor signals at 100Hz using the special logging function in S10/100.

Behaviour of the air mass movement for various values of wind variance = (0.001, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5) in a typical flight.
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Let us choose a value wind variance = 0.1, which looks plausible. Qualitatively, if we select a very small value of wind variance = 0.001 the algorithm will average the estimate since it
considers large deviations d as highly unlikely and suppresses them. We next consider the opposite case and select a much larger value wind variance = 0.5. The algorithm reacts quickly to any disturbance. We will observe a nervous reading of the needle in the instrument. Picture above shows a segment of a typical flight. We observe that the most likely values are around wind variance = 0.1. For wind variance = 0.5 the random fluctuations are larger. The values smaller than 0.05 are too small since they suppress important details of the time behaviour. It appears that the values in the interval of 0.050.2 are the preferred ones. But this is a qualitative and subjective observation not based on a rigorous mathematical optimization. In summary, the selection of the wind parameter, Wind variance, is not very sensitive. It leaves room for personal preferences of the pilot, as vario needle filter for the TEK vario. During tests most pilots have chosen a value between 0.050.2.

7.3 The potential climb rate
The “HAWK vario” is a derived quantity from the primary information of the algorithm. It is computed by subtracting the ideal circular polar sink rate from the estimated vertical air mass movement (“netto”). The “HAWK vario” equals the potential climb rate of the glider. By this we understand the maximum achievable climb rate of the glider.

The two-needle approach helps to optimize the thermaling performance by comparing the real climb rate of the red needle (“TEK vario”) to the potential climb rate of the blue needle (“Hawk vario”). For example, if the pilot flies with a large sideslip angle, the difference between the two needles can be minimized by flying with a smaller sideslip angle. The red needle will approach the blue needle: the real climb rate has become larger.
7.4 The Aerodynamic Model
The HAWK uses the polar diagram of the glider and a sideslip coefficient to compute error signals. The sideslip coefficient is calculated from the aerodynamic properties of the glider. These parameters are internal variables of the HAWK and cannot be modified by the user. The sideslip angle has a strong impact on the performance of the glider. The string is a simple but key instrument for the pilot to keep the sideslip small. A sideslip causes an additional drag which is particularly annoying during circling since it largely increases the sink rate. The increase of the sink rate is reinforced when the pilot flies with a large roll angle (circle polar). During circling most pilots fly with the string slightly outside. The HAWK calculates the sideslip angle. The large majority of pilots fly with small sideslip angles of less than 4 degrees. Before we demonstrate the effect by an example, we recall some properties of the conventional TEK vario. Assuming a smooth thermal, the TEK vario measures the actual climb rate of the
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glider, not the air mass movement. If we fly with a large side slip, the glider`s climb rate is smaller than flying with zero sideslip in the same thermal. The Netto TEK and the Relative TEK
vario are derived quantities by adding fixed constants to Vario TEK. These constants are
calculated from the polar diagram in still air.
The HAWK operates entirely differently: it estimates the climb rate of the air mass (Netto
HAWK) from the vertical wind triangle. The sum of vertical wind (climb rate of the air mass)
and vertical true airspeed (sink rate) equals the vertical “ground” speed (actual climb rate of the glider). The vertical ground speed is the actual climb rate of the glider. More details can
be found in the paper of the Segelfliegen Magazin “Wissen, woher der Wind weht” which can be downloaded from our webpage.

Fig Vertical wind triangle

An example greatly helps to illustrate the details. The table below summarizes the velocities during three circling segments of the same flight by an ASG 32. The segment A has been taken during right circling with a roll angle of about 40 degrees. In the picture on the next page the average sideslip angle is around 2.7 degrees. The glider climbs with 1.4 m/s (2nd row in Table). The Netto HAWK equals 2.7 m/s. The sink rate HAWK is estimated as 1.0 m/s. According to the vertical wind triangle, the summation of the Netto HAWK and the sink rate HAWK equals 1.7 m/s. Due to the short-term averaging, the difference is not exactly 1.4 m/s as the actual climb rate. We next compare this to the readings of the TEK vario. The average Netto values of TEK and HAWK over the segment A are the same. In the 6th row we show the sink rate computed from the circle polar using the roll angle computed in the artificial horizon of the HAWK.

Average Sideslip angle Climb rate of glider Netto (HAWK) Sink rate (HAWK) Netto (TEK) Sink rate (circle polar) Netto HAWK ­ Netto TEK Vario (HAWK) Vario (TEK)

A (580 670s) 2.7 deg
2.7 m/s
1.0 m/s 2.7 m/s
1.0 m/s 0 m/s 1.7 m/s
1.8 m/s

B (2033 2106s) 12 deg 1.8 m/s
4.4 m/s
2.9 m/s 2.6 m/s
1.1 m/s 1.8 m/s 3.3 m/s
1.9 m/s

C (2106 ­ 2194s) 6.2 deg 2.1 m/s
4.5 m/s
2.4 m/s 3.2 m/s
1.3 m/s 1.3m/s 3.2 m/s
2.4 m/s

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Segment A: Sideslip angle and Netto difference.
In a nutshell: The agreement between TEK and HAWK vario during stationary circling of the glider is particularly good. This changes completely when we analyse segment B and C. Picture below shows two segments B and C of the same flight of the ASG 32. They are taken during left circling with a roll angle of 45 degrees. In segment B the sideslip angle has been intentionally increased by the pilot to a large value of 12 degrees.

Segment B and C: Sideslip angle and Netto difference.
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In segment C the sideslip angle is decreased to 6.2 degrees. The string is slightly pointing outside, as usual. We first analyse segment B where the sideslip angle is 12 degrees. The glider climbs with 1.8 m/s (2nd row in Table 1). The vertical wind (Netto HAWK) equals 4.4 m/s. The Vertical TAS (sink rate) is estimated as 2.9m/s. Based on the vertical wind triangle, the summation of these two values equals 1.5 m/s. Due to the short-term averaging the difference is not exactly
the climb rate 1.8 m/s. We next compare the Netto HAWK to the readings of the TEK vario. The most striking result is that the Netto values of TEK and HAWK differ by 1.8 m/s because
the glider suffers from a large sink rate due to the large sideslip. The Netto TEK is derived by
adding a fixed constant to Vario TEK. This constant does not consider the impact of circling and sideslip.
We next analyse segment C. The glider climbs with 2.1 m/s faster than in the segment B. This
is expected due to a smaller sink rate in a smaller sideslip. The sink rate HAWK is decreased to 2.4 m/s. The Netto TEK increases from 2.6 m/s (B) to 3.2 m/s (C). This increment is due to less drag in the segment C. There is still a large difference of 1.3 m/s (C) between the Netto
values of TEK and the HAWK, but the difference is less than in the segment B. The sink rate of the HAWK decreases from 2.9 m/s to 2.4 m/s. The difference between the sink rate HAWK
and the circle polar sink rate is 1.1 m/s. It equals the loss of the climbing rate due to a sideslip caused drag.

In a few cases it has been reported that the average HAWK vario in weak thermal shows too large climb rates of up to 0.5 m/s. The analysis of the recorded flight data in the lab showed that the sink rate was larger than the theoretical value computed by the circular polar. The side slip angle was small. The difference could therefore not be attributed to the side slip angle. The additional drag can be caused by a number of reasons. A single cause-effect logical chain could not be identified. Possible reasons are wrong polar and glider data, malfunctioning of the pressure system, inaccurate time mismatched static and total pressure signals etc.

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TEK and HAWK vario during one circle

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7.5 Dynamic behaviour
Dynamic behaviour of the TEK vario and the HAWK vario is different. The vario HAWK and TEK are shown in the first figure above. The average climb rate of the two varios is shown in the bottom right. They are comparable taking into account the short averaging interval. As expected, the behaviour as a function of time is markedly different. The signal of the TEK vario depends on the averaging time constant chosen by the pilot and on the false signals caused by horizontal gusts. The HAWK vario signal depends on the wind parameter SIGWIND and internal parameters. The resemblance of the vario signals increases in smooth thermals. Thermal assistant: It is obvious that the thermal assistant shows a different pattern. Note that the maximum of the HAWK vario in the above example occurs 4 sec earlier.

7.6 HAWK system activation
In order to run HAWK system, a HAWK option must be purchased. Please contact your local dealer or LXNAV directly to get your HAWK option. Once you receive option file from us refer to Chapter 9.5.7 for installation procedure.

HAWK system can also be tested free of charge for a period of 31days. Please visit www.lxnav.com to obtain you demo option for HAWK system.

7.7 Setup parameters

7.7.1 Netto Vario
The HAWK estimates the vertical air mass movement. For a conventional TEK variometer the term “Netto” is understood as the vertical air mass movement. However, the TEK variometer only approximates the vertical air mass movement by adding the sink rate to the measured TEK Vario value. But for practical purposes, the difference between the “Netto” and the real vertical air mass movement is small. For this reason, we also use the term “Netto” for HAWK.
7.7.2 Vario
For the compensated TEK variometer the (primary) output TEK Vario is the actual climb/sink rate of the glider. The HAWK computes the value by subtracting from the vertical component of the air mass movement “Netto” the polar sink rate (TAS, roll angle). Notice that the sink rate is computed using the estimated roll angle in the circle polar computation.

7.7.3 Relative Vario (Super netto)
In the speed to fly mode the pilot wants to know the potential climb rate of a thermal. This
value is the vertical climb rate “Netto” of the HAWK. If one subtracts from “Netto” the constant minimum sink rate this is the “Relative” output. For the TEK Variometer the “Relative” must be computed from the primary source TEK Vario by adding the current sink rate minus the minimum sink rate. All computations are summarized
in the following table.

Netto Relative (Super netto) Vario

Classical vario calculation TEK_Vario+sink_rate(IAS,roll_angle) TEK_Vario+sink_rate(IAS,roll_angle)min_sink_rate TEK Vario

HAWK calculation Netto Netto-min_sink_rate

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7.7.4 Levelling AHRS

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It is absolutely necessary that the plane is aligned with the longitudinal axis defined in the manual of the glider. Any misalignment leads to systematic errors in the HAWK algorithm.

HAWK algorithm can compensate ±10° of the pitch offset. If the unit is installed in the glider with more offset, HAWK algorithm might not work properly.

If installed device is not perfectly aligned with glider longitudinal axis it is essential to do a pitch alignment, which can be done in Setup>Hardware>AHRS menu. Put glider into zero degrees pitch position, usually this is a weighting position and press Level button in this menu. Device will perform auto- levelling procedure and system pitch offset will be calculated. See also chapter for more details.
7.7.5 HAWK Parameters
HAWK parameters can be setup in via Setup>Vario Parameters menu. See chapter 5.7.3 for details. Following parameters can be set there: Wind variance SIGWIND: range 0.005 to 0.5 (recommended value: 0.11). See chapter Horizontal wind average: range 0.1 to 100sec (recommended value: 30sec). See chapter Vertical wind average: range 0.1 to 50 sec (recommended value: 10sec). See chapter
7.7.6 Graphical display
It is recommended to set following display options, when using HAWK system. In Setup>Graphics>Indicator set both needles to be visible. Set blue needle for HAWK values and red needle for TEK values. Set vario needle type to vario or relative and SC needle type to netto or relative. See chapter for details.
7.7.7 Audio source
When HAWK option is activated, audio source can be chosen between HAWK or TE vario. See chapter and for more details.

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8 Flying with the LXNAV S8x/S10x

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To get the best out of the LXNAV S8x/S10x it is important that some preparation is made prior to take-off. Trying to configure the instrument or set a task while flying is very hazardous especially in a competition. Pre- flight preparation will help ensure that the flight will be both safe and enjoyable.

8.1 On the Ground

8.1.1 Power on Procedure
Press any of the rotary or push buttons to start the LXNAV S8x/S10x. The LXNAV S8x/S10x welcome screen will appear. The first screen shows the version of the boot loader, firmware, hardware and serial number. The boot procedure normally takes a few seconds. When completed the Set Elevation dialogue is displayed.

8.1.2 Set Elevation and QNH
This setting is crucial for final glide calculation: therefore please pay careful attention to it.

The instrument will offer elevation over standard pressure level QNE. Use the knob to finetune the elevation. The QNH should be changed only when airfield elevation and QNH pressure are given. This might happen in some competitions. In all other cases the elevation should always match QNH pressure.
The Set Elevation dialogues are not shown if the LXNAV S8x/S10x is switched off and on during flight. QNH can be also corrected during flight under Setup- QNH and RES menu.
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8.1.3 Pre-Flight Check
After elevation setup the LXNAV S8x/S10x will switch to the Info screen for normal operation mode. Use the middle (Menu) button to scroll to the FLARM, Waypoint or Task Screen to verify that the MacCready, Ballast and Bugs settings are set to the expected values for the current flight.

In any of these screens press the lower rotary button to raise the dialogue box to check or set MacCready, Ballast and Bugs values.

Rotate the lower knob to modify any setting. Next check the safety altitude (height above destination, arrival altitude) setting. Refer to Chapter to find how to define the safety altitude.
8.2 Airborne
8.2.1 Final Glide Calculation
Final glide is a function calculated from the target distance, target elevation, altitude, wind component, MC setting and Bug setting. The S8x/S10x will have sufficient information to calculate this automatically if a GPS source is attached and the target to navigate to is set in the Waypoint or Task screen. To display the Arrival Altitude (above Safety Altitude) make sure you have configured at least one of the navboxes on the primary or secondary screens to Arrival Altitude.
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9 Installation

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The LXNAV S8x/10x requires a standard 57 or 80mm cut-out. Three pressure connectors are fitted to the back of the S8x/S10x. functions: Pstatic means static pressure connector. Ptotal means pitot or total pressure connector. TE means total energy TE pressure connector.

A label shows their

If the unit is to be configured for electronic TE compensation the connections are as follows: Pstatic Static Ptotal Pitot or Total pressure TE/Pstatic Static

If the unit is to be configured for pneumatic TE compensation using a TE tube, then the connections are: TE/Pstatic TE tube Pstatic Static Ptotal Pitot or Total pressure

If the Ptotal and Static are connected the wrong way around there will be no integrator (average climb) and speed to fly indication during the flight.
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Version 9.11

April 2023

The LXNAV S8x/S10x is connected to 12 Volt power supply via the 15-pin SUB-D connector. Optionally the LXNAV S8xD can be connected via the CAN bus and the connectors are labelled with “CAN” at each end.

The instrument has no internal fuse. A 3A external fuse is required! Power supply cables should use a minimum of 0.5 mm² wires.

9.1 Installing the LXNAV S8x/S10x
The LXNAV S8x/S10x vario should be mounted in a standard 80 mm hole.

hollow-core screw M6
Remove the two rotary knob caps with a knife or flat screw driver, then hold each knob and unscrew it. Remove the remaining two screws and the two M6 threaded nuts. Install the S8x/S10x into the panel and screw back all screws, nuts and knobs. Ensure that between the knobs and the panel there is sufficient space so that the button can be pushed.
Ensure that the LXNAV S8x/S10x is locat


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