SEAWARD 500+Series Apollo Plus Wi-Fi Data Transfer Instruction Manual

October 30, 2023

SEAWARD 500+Series Apollo Plus Wi-Fi Data Transfer



The Apollo+ series instrument is a tester that allows wireless data transfer between the instrument and compatible devices via Wi-Fi. This replaces the previous Bluetooth functionality for data transfer. This guide provides instructions for downloading and uploading data to Windows, Android, and Apple devices.


Your Apollo Plus series instrument has the functionality to create a wireless hotspot for the sole use of transferring data wirelessly between the instrument and the Apollo Series Tester. This functionality replaces previous Bluetooth functionality for data transfer.
Please note, this does not change the method for connection of wireless accessories such as Barcode Scanners and Printers which remain compatible via Bluetooth.

Compatible Devices

The Wi-Fi data transfer method is compatible with mobile devices, including tablets and phones. It is important to note that this method of data transfer does not change the method for connection of wireless accessories such as Barcode Scanners and Printers which remain compatible via Bluetooth.

Required Items / Apps

The Wi-Fi data transfer method requires a mobile device capable of connecting to a Wi-Fi network, with a web browser and internal storage to save the downloaded data. In addition, an app containing a barcode scanner can be advantageous.

File Size

Please ensure that the file size of the data to be transferred is kept to a maximum of 3MB of data. If the file is too large (i.e., greater than 3MB), the Apollo + will display the following text on the Wifi Download page in the Status file: “File Size too Large”. When creating a file for upload, for example from PATGuard 3, please ensure the file size limit is adhered to.

Wi-Fi Hotspot Details and Configuration

Default Hotspot and Password

By default, your Apollo + tester is configured with the following details:

  • SSID: Apollo (This is the display name shown when performing a Wi-Fi Search)
  • Password: password (This is the password requested on your device when attempting to connect to the Apollo +)

Changing the SSID and Password

If desired, it is possible to change both the SSID and Password to that of your choice. In order to do this:

  1. From the Home Screen, press connectivity menu (F4) and select Connectivity (3) to enter the Wi-Fi Settings Screen.
  2. Press the Wi-Fi Button (F3) to enter the Wi-Fi Settings Screen.
  3. Use the directional arrows to select the field to be edited (highlighted in red) and use the Keyboard to enter desired details.
  4. Once complete, press the Save button (F3) to store new SSID and Password.

In order to do this, from the Home Screen press (F4) and select Connectivity (3) to enter the connectivity menu.

Press the Wi-Fi Button, (F3) to enter the Wi-Fi Settings Screen;

Use the directional arrows to select the field to be edited (highlighted in red) and use the Keyboard to enter desired details.
Once complete press the Save button (F3) to store new SSID and Password.

Setting up Wi-Fi Download

Setting up for PATGuard 3 or ASCII Data

To set up Wi-Fi download for PATGuard 3 or ASCII Data:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Select the download option from your mobile device.
  3. Enter the IP address of your Apollo + tester in the web browser of your mobile device.
  4. Select the file you wish to download.
  5. Save the downloaded file to your mobile device.

In order to initiate a download of data the Apollo hotspot must be activated and the file processed.

From the Main Menu select Download by using the keyboard arrow keys or selecting key number 5.


In the Download from Apollo field select To PATGuard 3 or ASCII, using the keyboard arrow keys to select from the dropdown menu.

(a) In the “using:-” field select “ Wi-Fi” (for the Apollo+ Series).

You now have a choice of either downloading all data (F4) or to filter by selecting (F2).

Note : If filtering the data, select the filters you wish to apply using the keyboard arrow keys and when complete

press Accept using (F4).

When filtered, or if downloading all data, press the START button (F3) to initiate the Wi-Fi and process the download file.
The Apollo+ will display the Wi-Fi Download screen, initially at 0% with the Status: Initialising Wi-Fi. After a few moments a blue progress bar will complete to 100% and status will change to Wi-Fi Ready for Transfer.
The Apollo+ is now ready to transmit downloaded data, see Section 6 for device Set Up.

Downloading Clone Data from an Apollo 500+ or 600+

Note : Downloading Clone Data can be used to backup current user settings or to transfer to another Apollo 500+ or 600+, not applicable to Apollo 400+.

To download clone data from an Apollo 500+ or 600+:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Select the download option from your mobile device.
  3. Enter the IP address of your Apollo + tester in the web browser of your mobile device.
  4. Select “Download Clone Data” from the Apollo + web page.
  5. Select the file you wish to download.
  6. Save the downloaded file to your mobile device.

From the Main Menu select Download by using the keyboard arrow keys or selecting key number 5.

In the Download from Apollo field select Clone Data, using the keyboard arrow keys to select from the dropdown menu.
In the “using:-” field select “ Wi-Fi” (for the Apollo+ Series).
press the START button (F3) to initiate the Wi-Fi and process the download file.
The Apollo+ will display the Wi-Fi Download screen, initially at 0% with the Status: Initialising Wi-Fi.
After a few moments a blue progress bar will complete to 100% and status will change to Wi-Fi Ready for Transfer, and display the file to be transferred
The Apollo+ is now ready to transmit downloaded data, please see Section 6 for device set up

Creating Wi-Fi Hotspot Connection

To create a Wi-Fi hotspot connection:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. From the Home Screen, press connectivity menu (F4) and select Connectivity (3) to enter the Wi-Fi Settings Screen.
  3. Press the Wi-Fi Button (F3) to enter the Wi-Fi Settings Screen.
  4. Select “Create Wi-Fi Hotspot” from the Apollo + web page.
  5. Enter the SSID and Password of your choice.
  6. Save the changes.

Please note, the following Android instructions were created using a Samsung S10, screen shots and sequences may differ slightly dependant upon the phone manufacturer and their implementation of Android.
Before connecting to the Apollo+ it is advised to turn off Mobile Data, and possible Bluetooth to avoid any connection issues. As the Apollo does not provide internet access some mobile devices will attempt to make internet connections via Mobile Data which will interfere with the ability to connect to the Apollo download server.


The Apollo+ will now be searchable via the Wi-Fi function of your device, head into the Wi-Fi setting on your device and begin a search for new Wi-Fi Network


Once found click the Apollo SSID to connect and when prompted enter the password


Your mobile device may display a message that the device you are connecting to does not have internet access, this is expected, simply accept the connection, and your device should now be connected to the Apollo+ Wi-Fi Hotspot and you are ready to move to Section 7 to initiate transfer.


Initiate the Download

To initiate the download:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Select the download option from your mobile device.
  3. Enter the IP address of your Apollo + tester in the web browser of your mobile device.
  4. Select the file you wish to download.
  5. Save the downloaded file to your mobile device.

Once the mobile device is connected to the Apollo+ Wi-Fi Hotspot there are 2 methods for downloading the data.

Via Barcode Scan
If your device has a QR Scanning app installed it is possible to open this and scan the QR Code displayed on the Wi-Fi Download screen of the Apollo.
Once scanned the App should provide a link to click that will take you to the download web page

Via Web Brower
Alternatively navigate to a browser, such as Google Chrome or Safari on your device and in the address bar enter the details as displayed on the Apollo+ screen and as below.

In both instances the Web browser will navigate to an Apollo Download page with a Hyperlink as shown below. Click this link and the mobile device will initiate the download and save the results to internal memory.


Uploading Your Apollo 500+ and 600+

The Apollo 500+ and 600+ have the ability to Upload from the following:

  • From PATGuard 3 uploads a .gar file from PATGuard 3
  • Printer Logo s uploads custom logo that can be used on the 75mm labels
  • Clone Data uploads a backup file (.tar) with the current user setting
  • Background image s uploads an image that can be used for a background image
  • List Configuration Data uploads user defined configuration data

Note : Apollo 400+ does not have an Upload facility.

Uploading from PATGuard 3 to an Apollo 500+ or 600+ via Wi-Fi

In order to use the upload results facility you must first transfer results from PATGuard to a Flash Memory stick.

To upload from PATGuard 3 to an Apollo 500+ or 600+ via Wi-Fi:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Select the upload option from your mobile device.
  3. Enter the IP address of your Apollo + tester in the web browser of your mobile device.
  4. Select “Upload Data” from the Apollo + web page.
  5. Select the file you wish to upload.
  6. Upload the file to your Apollo + tester.

In PATGuard 3, If you have not already, select “Instruments” and “Add Test Instrument” In “PAT Testing” , select the “Site” or “Location” you wish to upload.

Select the “Data Transfer” tab and “Upload to Tester” , select the “Destination” test instrument and correct Flash Memory Stick drive, next select the Site & Location you want to upload including the data to be included (where applicable) – press OK.
A message saying – “File Saved Successfully:\ApolloUpload.gar” should appear on the Memory Stick.
This file can then be transferred to a remote Mobile Device using other programs, for example via e-mail or Whatsapp.

From the Main Menu select Upload by using the keyboard arrow keys or selecting key number 7.

In the Upload data into Apollo field select From PATGuard 3, using the keyboard arrow keys to select from the dropdown menu.

In the “using: -” field select “ “WiFi”.

On the Apollo the following message will be displayed “WiFi Upload mode – Press F2 to begin” – select this using the function key (F2). The following screen will be shown with the status “Initialising Wi-Fi”

After a few seconds, the status will change to “Ready for upload” and the Apollo is primed to receive data.

Note: When selecting one from multiple files please ensure the correct file is highlighted.

A message saying “SSS data uploaded OK” will be shown on the Apollo 500+ or 600+

Note: The uploaded data is displayed in a different location to the already tested data: From the Apollo 500+ or

600+ Home Screen select Main Menu (F4), then select View Data , (1) and then the Filter button (F2).

In the Status: section select Uploaded using the keyboard arrow keys and Accept (F4). In this new list all the uploaded data will be displayed.

Uploading Printer Logos to an Apollo 500+ or 600+

To upload printer logos to an Apollo 500+ or 600+:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Select the upload option from your mobile device.
  3. Enter the IP address of your Apollo + tester in the web browser of your mobile device.
  4. Select “Upload Printer Logos” from the Apollo + web page.
  5. Select the file you wish to upload.
  6. Upload the file to your Apollo + tester.

Note : Create your logo ensuring it is a .bmp (bitmap image), it is black and white (monochrome – 1 bit depth), has maximum image dimensions of 320 pixels by 240 pixels and has a maximum file size of approximately 15,000 Bytes (15KB).

From the Main Menu select Upload by using the keyboard arrow keys or selecting key number 7.

In the Upload data into Apollo field select Printer Logos, using the keyboard arrow keys to select from the dropdown menu.
Follow a similar method described in the Uploading from PATGuard 3 to an Apollo 500+ or 600+
When the file is successfully uploaded new printer logos installed OK will appear above the file name.

Return to the Main Menu using function key F5.

Select View Data by selecting number 1
Note : You will require test data to be already stored on the instrument to do this.

Select an asset using the keyboard arrow keys and Accept (F4). Select a full test result using F4 again to display the Test Details for the asset.

Select menu/options, function key F4, to display the Test Results Option.

Highlight and select Print Label using the keyboard arrow keys and Accept (F4).
A virtual image of the current label is shown on the instrument and other label formats can be selected using function key  (F3).

To select the logo that was uploaded use the Tools function key (F2)

Using the keyboard arrow keys, select either the Pass Logo: or Fail Logo: field, the uploaded logo should be available for selection. After highlighting the required logo, ensure you select the correct Printer and then save this setting by using Save (F3).
Your logo should now appear on the instrument, as a virtual label image, and is ready to be printed. Alternative  versions of the label can be selected using the function key (F3)

Uploading Clone Data to an Apollo 500+ or 600+

To upload clone data to an Apollo 500+ or 600+:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Select the upload option from your mobile device.
  3. Enter the IP address of your Apollo + tester in the web browser of your mobile device.
  4. Select “Upload Clone Data” from the Apollo + web page.
  5. Select the file you wish to upload.
  6. Upload the file to your Apollo + tester.

This feature is not supported by Wifi transfer, please refer to the Apollo+ user manual for instructions to upload a Clone file to the Apollo+ using a Flash Memory Stick or USB – PC Cable

Uploading Background Images to an Apollo 500+ or 600+

To upload background images to an Apollo 500+ or 600+:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Select the upload option from your mobile device.
  3. Enter the IP address of your Apollo + tester in the web browser of your mobile device.
  4. Select “Upload Background Images” from the Apollo + web page.
  5. Select the file you wish to upload.
  6. Upload the file to your Apollo + tester.

Note : Create your background image ensuring it is .png format and 478 x 190 pixels (to fill the screen). If you upload a smaller image it will be repeatedly displayed on the screen creating a tiled effect.

From the Main Menu select Upload by using the keyboard arrow keys or selecting key number 7.

In the Upload data into Apollo field select Background Images, using the keyboard arrow keys to select from the dropdown menu.
Follow a similar method described in the Uploading from PATGuard 3 to an Apollo 500+ or 600+
When the file is successfully uploaded New Background image installed OK will appear above the file name.

Return to the Main Menu using function key F5.

From the Main Menu select Users by selecting number 2

The current user Background image can up changed / updated using the arrow keys to select from the dropdown.

Confirm the User changes by selecting Save (F4).

Uploading List Configuration Data to an Apollo 500+ or 600+

To upload list configuration data to an Apollo 500+ or 600+:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Select the upload option from your mobile device.
  3. Enter the IP address of your Apollo + tester in the web browser of your mobile device.
  4. Select “Upload List Configuration Data” from the Apollo + web page.
  5. Select the file you wish to upload.
  6. Upload the file to your Apollo + tester.

The Apollo 500+ or 600+ will allow you to upload a text file containing an updated list of descriptions that can be selected by the instrument. The lists that can be updated are (note; in brackets are the names used by the text file to represent that field and the maximum number of possible entries):

Asset Description

|   [Comment]| Apollo 500+


| Apollo 600+


Location| [LocationName]| 100| 100
Site| [SiteName]| 100| 100
Asset Group| [CommentGroup]| 100| 100
Make| [CommentMake]| 100| 100
Model| [CommentModel]| 100| 100
Notes| [CommentNotes]| 100| 100
Custom User Test| [UserTestName]| 100| 100
Custom User Test Units| [UserTestUnits]| 100| 100
Result of Custom User Test| [UserTestResult]| 100| 100

The text file used to update the Apollo 500+ or 600+ must use the names above, and [END] and in the format below (note; this example is shown without data – just the field names). For an example showing data please see below for an example of a populated text file.


From the Main Menu select Upload by using the keyboard arrow keys or selecting key number 7.
In the Upload data into Apollo field select List Configuration Data, using the keyboard arrow keys to select from the dropdown menu.
Follow a similar method described in the Uploading from PATGuard 3 to an Apollo 500+ or 600+
The Apollo 500+ or 600+ will begin the upload and in the Apollo Configuration Upload message display the field name and number of each uploaded, for example.


Press OK to accept the upload. This uploaded data can then be used from the dropdown selections when setting up / using your Apollo 500+ or 600+.

Transferring Data from Your Device to the Apollo

Initiate an Upload using Android

Before transferring data ensure you have connected your Apollo to your mobile device as per instructions in section 6.1, If you have already done this the Apollo should be stored in your list of Wifi connections for future use.
Once the mobile device is connected to the Apollo+ Wi-Fi Hotspot there are 2 methods for downloading the data.

To initiate an upload using Android:

  1. Ensure that your Apollo + tester is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. From the Home Screen, press connectivity menu (F4) and select Connectivity (3) to enter the Wi-Fi Settings Screen.
  3. Press the Wi-Fi Button (F3) to enter the Wi-Fi Settings Screen.
  4. Select “Create Wi-Fi Hotspot” from the Apollo + web page.
  5. Enter the SSID and Password of your choice.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. Select the upload option from your Android device.
  8. Select the Apollo + tester from the list of available Wi-Fi networks.
  9. Select the file you wish to upload.
  10. Upload the file to your Apollo + tester.

Via Barcode Scan
If your device has a QR Scanning app installed it is possible to open this and scan the QR Code displayed on the Wi-Fi Download screen of the Apollo.
Once scanned the App should provide a link to click that will take you to the download web page

Via Web Brower
Alternatively navigate to a browser, such as Google Chrome or Safari on your device and in the address bar enter the details as displayed on the Apollo+ screen and as below.
In both instances the Web browser of the connected device will navigate to an Apollo Upload page as shown below;


There will be a button named “Choose file”, click this to access the device memory and from here find and select the correct file you wish to upload.
Once selected, the filename will be displayed within the Upload Webpage, press the submit button to send the file to the Apollo.


Depending upon the file size, wait a few seconds to minutes and the Apollo will display a message in relation to the File it has received, and request the file to be Accepted,

Select (Y) or Yes on the option and the file will be stored in memory.

Online Resources

For additional resources, please refer to the online resources provided by Seaward.

For more information about your Seaward Apollo Plus and for a downloadable version of the operational manual please got to

To download the Apollo plus software supporting PATGuard 3, Time manager 3 and Auto scheduler, please go to

To register and activate your Apollo Plus please go to


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