eSTAR Beauty 3 Touch Tablet User Guide Product Information: eSTAR Tablet eSTAR BEAUTY 3

October 30, 2023

Beauty 3 Touch Tablet

Product Information: eSTAR Tablet eSTAR BEAUTY 3

The eSTAR Tablet eSTAR BEAUTY 3 is a device that complies with
European Union safety, health, and environmental protection
requirements as indicated by the CE marking on the product or its
package. The parts of this device are made from recycled materials
as indicated by the RoHS mark.

It is important to note that device usage in restricted areas or
premises may affect the shorter lifetime of the device. When using
the device in restricted areas, observe all safety warnings and
instructions to ensure proper usage. Keep the device at a safe
distance of more than 15 cm from a heart pacemaker to reduce the
likelihood of interference.

It is also important to not keep any flammable liquids, gas or
explosive materials where the device or its parts and accessories
are stored. This device features a navigation system for easy

Product Usage Instructions:

  1. Ensure that the device is fully charged before use by
    connecting it to a power source using the provided charger.

  2. Turn on the device by pressing and holding the power button
    until the logo appears on the screen.

  3. Use the navigation system to access apps and features by
    swiping left or right on the screen.

  4. When using the device in restricted areas, observe all safety
    warnings and instructions to ensure proper usage and to prevent
    damage to the device.

  5. To avoid interference with a heart pacemaker, hold the device
    on the opposite side of the body than a pacemaker and keep it at a
    safe distance of more than 15 cm.

  6. Do not keep any flammable liquids, gas or explosive materials
    where the device or its parts and accessories are stored to prevent

Quick Start Guide



GB Thank you for purchasing eSTAR smart tablet. Before starting using it, we recommend reading this quick start guide. A detailed manual may be found on the website The content of this quick start guide may differ from software and hardware configuration of your eSTAR model; · Quick start guide contains information subject to change without prior notice. The latest version is available on the website; · Equipment of eSTAR products and/or accessories may differ by regions/countries; · Equipment of eSTAR products is designed specifically for certain model and may be incompatible with other eSTAR products; · eSTAR shall not be responsible for malfunctions, caused by usage of incompatible accessories (chargers, earphones , etc.); · Additional accessories for eSTAR products can be purchased from regional eSTAR products representative; · eSTAR shall not be responsible for missing information and failures, caused by improper usage of hardware and software, or other accidents.
Safety measures In order to use the device in a safe manner ­ to avoid injuries or failures, please read the following information:
· High volume, while using earphones, can lead to adverse effect to your hearing. Please adjust the volume properly, in order to avoid hearing damage.
· Warning: be careful for not to cause electric shock, fire and explosion; · Do not touch eSTAR product and its parts with wet hands, and do not use the device, while
charging it; · Do not pull the charger by cable; · Do not bend or damage power cord; · Do not use damaged or faulty charger; · Do not drop and break the charger or device. · Do not use the device during thunderstorm ­ it could affect the operation of the device and increase
the risk of electric shock; · Do not disassemble the product by yourself; · When cleaning the screen of your tablet or smart phone, do not use alcohol, thinner, or benzene,
as this could lead to permanent damage of your device screen; · Most of eSTAR products are not resistant to moisture or water; in case of using eSTAR products
under these conditions, the device can become permanently damaged; · Do not press the tablet or smart phone screen too hard ­ it may become damaged; · Do not use the device while driving, it could cause a traffic accident.
Protect the environment. Ensure the appropriate disposal of eSTAR device · When disposing devices, follow the local rules and regulations. · Use the eSTAR- approved batteries and chargers, specifically designed for your device. Using an incompatible charger can lead to failure or damage of your device. · Do not burn the devices that are no longer used. · Do not place the devices on heating equipment, such as microwave ovens, cookers, or radiators. Batteries may explode when overheated. · Do not crush or puncture the device. Make sure that the device is not under pressure from the outside – it can result in internal short circuit or device may overheat.

This symbol on the product or accompanying documents means that the device and GB electronic accessories (e.g.: charger, earphones, USB cable, etc.) should not be mixed with general household waste. USER, protect yourself and the surrounding environment, take the opportunity to contribute to conservation of nature for future generations, recycle waste and give it for recycling. · For information, where and how to deliver this electronic waste for safe handling, the private persons should contact the seller of the product (shop, online shop, etc.) or local authorities; · For information, where and how to deliver this electronic waste for safe handling, the legal persons should address the supplier of this product, and if they have agreement with electronic waste recycling organization concluded, they should give it for recycling directly.

CE marking on the product (or its package) shows that this product complies with European Union safety, health, and environmental protection requirements.

RoHS mark shows that the parts are made from the recycled materials.

Important information
· Battery will be fully charged by discharging and charging it for 2-3 times. · Extreme temperatures (heat / cold) can deform your device and reduce the battery charge, and it
may affect the shorter lifetime of the device.

Device usage in restricted areas or premises

Warning: when using the device in restricted areas, observe all safety warnings and instructions.

· Always turn off your device where it’s usage is forbidden;

· Do not use your device near other electronic appliances;

· Most electronic devices use radio frequency signals. Your device may interfere with other

electronic appliances.

· Do not put your device near the heart pacemaker. If possible, try not to hold your device closer

than 15 cm from heart pacemaker; your device can interfere with pacemaker. In order to reduce

the likelihood of interference with heart pacemaker, hold the device on the opposite side of the

body than a pacemaker.

· Do not use your device in hospital or close to medical appliances, the radio frequencies of which

could interfere;

· In case you are using any medical device, contact it’s manufacturer and make sure that its radio

frequency does not interfere;

· Turn of the device when near to potentially explosive places;

· Always follow the instructions, markings and signs for the potentially explosive places;

· Do not use the device when fuelling (in gas station) or near flammable materials or chemicals;

· In place where the device,

its parts or accessories are

stored, do not keep any

flammable liquids, gas or explosive materials;

· Your main responsibility is to drive safely. Never use the device while driving, if rules forbid that;

· Turn off your device, when taking off and landing. The device may interfere with aircraft

navigation system. 3

Obsah je uzamcen
Dokoncete, prosím, proces objednávky. Následn budete mít pístup k celému dokumentu.
Proc je dokument uzamcen? Nahnvat Vás rozhodn nechceme. Jsou k tomu dva hlavní dvody: 1) Vytvoit a udrzovat obsáhlou databázi návod stojí nejen spoustu úsilí a casu, ale i financní prostedky.
Dlali byste to Vy zadarmo? Ne. Zakoupením této sluzby obdrzíte úplný návod a podpoíte provoz a rozvoj nasich stránek. Teba se Vám to bude jest nkdy hodit. ) Mozná zpocátku ano. Ale vzte, ze dotovat to dlouhodob nelze. A rozhodn na tom nezbohatneme. 2) Pak jsou tady ,,roboti”, kteí se pizivují na nasí práci a ,,vysávají” výsledky naseho úsilí pro svj prospch. Tímto krokem se jim to snazíme pekazit. A pokud nemáte zájem, respektujeme to. Urgujte svého prodejce. A kdyz neuspjete, rádi Vás uvidíme!


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