J Tech Photonics 1.1 Compliant Dual Driver Kit Instruction Manual
- October 30, 2023
- J Tech Photonics
Table of Contents
1.1 Compliant Dual Driver Kit
This is the new DUAL LASER driver to couple with the 14W DUAL LASER HEAD.
As with the previous generations, the driver is designed to follow the federal
guidelines for safety compliance for high power Class 4 laser operation. This
includes the use of a key enable switch, safety interlock system, power off
reset, and laser LED indicators. All of these features make for a safer laser
operation and will comply with federal laws regulating such operations.
At the heart of the driver is a current level controller with an inductive
loop and a power mosfet to give constant current with enough power capability
and control for laser use. Couple this with inherent safety features like soft
starting, current isolation, reverse protection, ESD protection, and thermal
shutdown control and you have all you need in a small package.
The power level can be controlled via external PWM signal at the recommended
frequency of 1Khz. If external PWM is not available, then there is an internal
power level adjustment by switching to internal mode.
The Dual laser diode driver is cost effective and easily integrated into
industrial, research, or enthusiast projects and products. The driver can be
operated in CW mode or in Input Control Mode to be interfaced to remote
electronics. This design uses optical isolators for super fast response and
input range while protecting the laser from deadly ground loops. The board has
screw terminal connections as well as Molex mini‐fit Jr. connectors for easy
connections to external equipment for control and the laser diode output.
Minimum Operating Voltage| 11.8V
Maximum Operating Voltage| 12.5V
Current Level Settings| 1amp, 2amp, 3amp, 4amp
Current Adjust Modes:| External PWM, Internal Potentiometer
Current Range Accuracy| Within 10% of current limit
Laser Diode Protection:| Soft Start, Reverse Voltage, Current Limit, Thermal
Integrated Safety Features| Laser Enable Key Switch, Integrated Laser
Interlock, Power off Reset, LED Indicators
AC Adapter Input Voltage:| 100 – 240 VAC
Control Signal Digital Isolation Voltage:| 4500 Vrms
Minimum Control Signal ”Turn On” Voltage:| 2.8 Volts
Control Signal Maximum Voltage:| 24 Volts
Control Signal Maximum Current:| 50 ma
Control Signal Maximum Frequency:| 3KHz
Connectors:| Screw Terminal and JST PH Connectors
Operating Temperature:| 0 to 40 °C
Storage Temperature:| -40 to 70 °C
Dimensions:| 4.2” x 3”
- Operate the Dual Driver Board in an explosion free area.
- The Dual Driver Board may reach high temperatures under operation. Make sure there is adequate airflow to the Driver Board. Also, make sure there is adequate protection around the Driver Board and that it is not in contact with other materials.
- When connected to laser diode components, the output of the laser can be up to several watts of power.
Always use proper safety eyewear and laser safety protection when connecting to laser components in your final system. When operated incorrectly the laser component can cause severe damage to eyes and health.
- All statements of safety are only applied when the driver board is used in its intended purpose.
- You are legally responsible for any injury to anybody resulting from the use of or assembly of the driver board or their finished products.
- You Accept this driver board as a COMPONENT for integration in a system of YOUR OWN design and will be legally responsible from any and all LIABILITIES.
Inspect the shipping container for damage.
Verify the contents of the package:
- High Current Driver Board
- 2- Key switches
- Power Adapter with connector according to ordering country (Some OEM packages will not have a power adapter).
- Power / Enable Switch: Down = OFF, Up = ON
- Laser Enable Key Switch: Key Up = OFF, Key to Right = Enabled
- Safety Interlock: Screw Terminals for “Normally Closed” interlock switches. (shown defeated)
- Reset Switch: Press momentarily to reset interlock and power faults
- Mode Selector Switch: Left = CW Mode, Right = Input Control Mode
- LED Indicators: Left = Laser Enabled, Right = Laser Emission ON
- H3 – Laser / LED Output Connector:
- H1 – Laser / LED Output Screw Terminal:
- H4 – Input Control Connector:
- H2 – Input Control Screw Terminal:
- VR1 – Potentiometer for Analog Current Level
- Power Adapter Plug (center pin positive)
- Laser Fan Connector
- Remote Reset Switch Connector
Top = Negative Output, Bottom = Positive Output
Left = Negative Output, Right = Positive Output
Top = Negative Input, Bottom = Positive Input
Left = Negative Input, Right = Positive Input
- Jumper J1 Current Limit Selector: This will limit the output current of the driver to the selected level.
Factory set is 3amps with J1 1&2&3 jumpers in place. Current Limit (Amps)| Jumper Position On
1| 1
2| 1,2
3| 1,2,3
4| 1,2,3,4 - J2 – Power Modulation:
The laser driver has an interlock system which is NORMALLY CLOSED and contains
a voltage in the cable of 12V supplied by the laser driver board. This means
if any switch along the interlock chain becomes OPEN, then the circuit will
open and the laser will disengage the laser.
Examples of use of the interlock system include the emergency stop button
switch and an enclosure door switch.
When integrating the laser driver and laser into an OEM machine, all entrances
to the machine (enclosure doors) must have an interlock switch in order to be
considered compliant with Class 4 laser rules. Multiple switches can be added
along the chain when integrating the laser driver into OEM machines as long as
they are wired in series.
Here is an example of an interlock system:
Example Safety Interlock System
Switches are all Normally Closed (NC)
In the example above the
switches are connected in series so if ANY of the switches are opened, the
interlock will engage.
If the laser driver was purchased in a kit including the emergency stop
button, it will be wired to the interlock key.
If not, then the key will be shipped with a jumper, defeating the interlock
system. It is up to the consumer to make sure the interlocks implemented
correctly before use of the laser.
The safety features of this laser driver include both a safety interlock and a
power monitor to watch for power outages. If either of these features is
activated, they will disable the laser and the user MUST reset the laser
driver to continue operation of the laser. Here are the situations for each of
these safety features and how to reset the feature:
Safety Interlock: If the interlock is tripped, either by an emergency stop
switch being activated or by an enclosure door switch opening you must:
- Make sure the situation is clear for laser operation and make sure the laser is not being controlled in an ON position.
- Clear all switches that have been activated back to the Normally Closed position.
- Press the reset switch on the board (or remote reset switch if installed)
- The laser is then ready for use again.
Power Outage Monitor: If the power adapter is either unattached from the laser driver or there is a power outage, then the laser driver will disable the laser. This is in case there is a power outage situation in which the laser was left ON and to prevent unknowing persons being injured when the power comes back on and not realizing the laser was left ON.
- Make sure the situation is clear for laser operation and make sure the laser is not being controlled in an ON position.
- Plug back in the power adapter (if it was removed from the board).
- Press the reset switch on the board (or remote reset switch if installed)
The remote reset switch option allows for placement of another reset switch to
a more convenient location, like the front of the machine for example. The
switch can be mounted on a panel and attached tight with the provided locking
nut. Attach the connector to the back of the driver board on the farthest
right connector. KEY SWTICH
The laser driver includes a key switch to enable or disable the laser. This is
a requirement for Class 4 laser operation. The key is only removable in the
“unlocked” position with the key facing up. The key can then be stored in a
safe place to prevent unwanted use of the laser by children or others who are
not authorized to use the equipment.
When the key is turned clockwise to the right, the laser will be enabled. The
key cannot be removed when the laser is enabled. The laser driver can be
turned off with the power switch while the key is still in the Enabled
The key can sometimes be a bit difficult to turn so be gentle with it as it
might break away the plastic housing if forced. MODE SELECTOR SWITCH
The driver board has a selector switch for the two different modes of the
- Input Control Mode: This is when the switch is on the RIGHT. This mode allows for a signal to be connected to connectors H2 or H4 for a signal to turn the laser on and off. Use this input with your controller to turn the laser on and off with G Code commands.
- CW Mode: This is when the switch is on the LEFT. This mode stands for “Constant Wave”, which means that the laser will turn on and stay on until the switch is turned back to the right or the power on the board is turned off.
The input connection provides an optically isolated input for control of the
laser diode. The connection and the jumper settings were described in the
previous sections. The voltage required to turn on the opto-isolator is 2.8
volts. The input can handle up to 24 volts. The input can be cycled with no
degradation up to 3KHz. It will work with 3.3V, 5.0V and 12V, 24V logic boards
from various manufacturers like National Instruments. Typical Control Signal
with “non inverting” set running at 3KHz. Ch 1 control, Ch 3 output. Typical
Control Signal with “inverting” set running at 3KHz. Ch 1 control, Ch 3
- Before operation read the Safety section of this manual.
- Properly connect the output of the driver to the laser or LED to be driven. Ensure the connections are correct.
- If using input control, connect the input signal to the driver board.
- Make sure the jumpers are correctly set for current limit and input control to the desired settings.
- Plug in the adapter to the AC power.
- Plug in the adapter to the Driver Board.
- Make sure the safety interlocks are correctly assembled or the defeat jumper is on the interlock key.
- Turn the key switch clockwise to the ENABLED position
- Press the RESET button on the driver board. You should hear an audible “click” which is the safety relay connecting. If you do not hear a click, check your interlock circuit and make sure the driver has power.
- Push the power switch to the ON position.
- Your driver is now ready to produce current for your laser. If in CW mode, the “enabled” and “laser on” LEDs will light up and the output will be enabled. If in input control mode and the input signal is not enabled, the “enabled” LED will only light up. When the input control signal gets enabled, the “laser on” LED will light up and the driver output will be enabled.
- Laser Diodes and LEDs are meant to be driven within their specifications. Degradation of the diode will occur when diodes are overdriven beyond their specifications.
- Keeping laser diodes on for a long continuous time will degrade the diode is thermal issues are not addressed.
- The high current driver board will reach high temperatures if the board is continuously driving high current for long durations. Make sure it has adequate airflow.
- Keep the driver board in a well ventilated area.
- Using the Mode Selector Switch as an ON/OFF switch for the laser:
o When there is no input control, you can keep the power switch on and use the Mode Selector Switch to control the output of the laser.
There are two sets of adjustment for controlling the current output. There are
the current limit jumpers and the internal potentiometer. The current limit
jumpers are J1 and have the “1 2 3 4 ” on them will set the MAX current the
board can provide with the potentiometer set to FULL (all the way turned
clockwise). The numbers are in 1amp increments:
- 1 – 1amp limit
- 1&2 – 2amp limit
- 1&2&3 – 3 amp limit (factory recommended)
- 1&2&3&4 – 4 amp limit
Having all four jumpers on gives a maximum of 4 amps possible. Having three
jumpers on gives a maximum of 3 amps. We recommend keeping it below the
maximum current for your laser diode if you don’t want the possibility of
overdriving the laser which will probably kill it quickly.
Set the jumper on J1 to the appropriate range you desire to drive the diode.
For example, a 2Amp range will have the jumper 1 and 2 on. This will give an
output current of greater than 2 Amps within 10%.
You can use the external PWM to software control the power from this point. If
you do not have software control, then you can use J2 to put it into internal
mode and use the potentiometer to control the output level.
To get a specific current, adjust the potentiometer VR1 with a small flat head
- To REDUCE current, turn counter clockwise
- To INCREASE current, turn clockwise
To get exactly 2 Amp of current, adjust the potentiometer VR1 counter counter-
clockwise to decrease the current to the diode and clockwise to increase the
current to the diode.
The potentiometer has 21 turns of adjustment and can achieve a resolution of
1% or better.
The output current has been set to your factory set current level at the
factory. There is not a need to verify this current if you purchased a laser
from J Tech Photonics.
If you do want to check the current output, we recommend using a clamp style
current meter to check the output of the driver board before hooking up the
laser to verify the output is within the limits of operation of the diode
laser. This is a very useful tool when adjusting the current to a specific
value with the potentiometer. Alternatively, you can use a clamp style meter
to check the current on the output wire to the laser. This method is normally
not as accurate as the multi meter but can provide a view of the current as
the laser is in operation.
Depending on your laser efficiency you can estimate the output power of the
diode. Many lasers are 1:1 to 1:7 for current to Watts. For J Tech Lasers, it
normally is about 1:5.
Do not use a normal digital multimeter to check the current on the newest 5amp
driver. It will quickly overheat the driver as it is not designed for this
type of load. Do not use a typical digital meter on current setting. It will
overload the driver. You can use it as a “pass through” current sense.
Depending on the compliance voltage of the laser diode, it is preferable to
choose the correct power adapter to meet the needs of the laser while
minimizing excess voltage dissipated as heat across the regulators.
There are several AC/DC wall adapters in the accessories section of
www.jtechphotonics.com to choose from, or you
can purchase your own. The requirements are:
- AC to DC current
- Positive center
- 2.1mm I.D. x 5.5mm O.D
- Female
- Output voltage of 12.3V recommended
If you purchased the OEM version of the laser driver, you can either purchase
your own adapter or connect it to your own power supply. For integration into
other systems, it is advisable to use the system power supply as long as it is
in the range of the laser diode you are driving.
It is necessary to choose a power supply that will have enough voltage to run
the laser diode at maximum current as well as be not more than a few volts
over the compliance of the laser diode. Any additional voltage above the
compliance voltage of the laser diode will be dissipated as heat. Excessive
additional voltage can lead to overheating of the laser driver. To figure out
how much voltage is needed for a minimum, take the compliance voltage of the
laser diode and add the voltage drop from the laser driver.
We recommend a 12V supply for all 445nm blue diodes.
The following drawing is provided for mounting. Units are in inches.
J Tech Photonics, Inc.
Copyright 2023
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Tech Photonics 1.1 Compliant Dual Driver
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