BUFFET CRAMPON ClariMate Silent Clarinet System User Manual

June 11, 2024

BUFFET CRAMPON ClariMate Silent Clarinet System

Buffet Crampon ClariMate User Manual

Technical Information

The Buffet Crampon ClariMate is a digital music instrument that allows for silent practice. It can be used in standalone mode or with a mobile device using Bluetooth or USB connection. It has a built-in rechargeable battery and comes with a USB charging cable. The ClariMate should be charged for up to 8 hours before first use.The device is not designed for fast charging and should only be charged using the provided cable.

Quick Start Guide

To set up your ClariMate, follow the steps below:


  1. Insert the ClariMate tube into the ClariMate. The tube should be fitted into the ClariMate slot with the bigger, less flexible side of the tube (coloured black) going into the ClariMate and the smaller side going into your clarinet (coloured grey).

  2. Install your ClariMate onto your clarinet, between the mouthpiece and the barrel. Make sure it is tight against the barrel, but not too much pressure is applied.

  3. Insert the included black active reed into your mouthpiece and position it like a standard reed.

  4. Turn on the ClariMate using the power button on the top right.
    Wait until the green LED lights up and you hear a soft chirp/stimulus before blowing into the ClariMate.

  5. Plug in headphones to the ClariMate and wait until you hear the soft chirp or until the green LED begins to pulsate. You can now blow into the ClariMate without making the reed vibrate, and you should hear a sound from your headphones.

USB Mode

Connect the ClariMate to a computer or mobile device using the provided USB cable. The device will be detected as a MIDI device and can be used with compatible software.

Bluetooth Mode Android/iOS

Pair the ClariMate with a mobile device using Bluetooth.
Download the ClariMate app from the App Store or Google Play. The app includes various features such as fingering training and software/firmware updates.

MIDI Mode (Advanced!)

The ClariMate can be used as a MIDI controller with compatible software. Follow the instructions for USB mode to connect the device to a computer or mobile device.

Button and LED Functions Summary

The power button on the top right turns the device on and off.
The green LED indicates that the device is on and ready to use. A soft chirp/stimulus indicates that the device is ready to use. The LED will flash when charging and turn off when fully charged.

App Overview

Fingering Training Mode

The ClariMate app includes a fingering training mode that helps users practice fingerings for various notes. The app provides feedback on accuracy and speed.

Software/Firmware Updates

The ClariMate app includes software/firmware updates that can be downloaded and installed through the app.

Power and Additional Options:

Burger Menu

The “burger menu” in the app provides access to additional options such as calibration and advanced settings.

Dear Musician,
Thank you for choosing Buffet Crampon and the ClariMate.
This leaflet contains simple instructions and technicalities for discovering your ClariMate, your gateway to silent practice and the realm of digital music.

Technical Terms

Throughout this manual you will find some technical terms used recurrently, which are useful for a more complete understanding of the functioning of an electronic musical device.
Here is a brief non-scientific explanation of some of these terms. Please note that you do not need to understand these terms in detail to make good use of your ClariMate!
Chirp/Stimulus: The soft continuous buzzing sound that is produced by the ClariMate in the body of the clarinet.
Bluetooth: A wireless communication technology used to transmit data and audio signals over short distances between multiple devices.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface): A communication protocol used for interaction between an electronic musical instrument (your ClariMate) and a computer or synthesiser. MIDI is explained further in the MIDI section of the manual.
VST (Virtual Studio Technology): A type of software which allows you to integrate virtual synthesisers and effects into your DAW.
Synthesis: The different techniques of generating sound using an electronic source from scratch Physical Modelling Synthesis: A synthesis technique which uses mathematical models and algorithms to produce realistic, “physics-based” sounds

Quick Start

Your ClariMate should be partially charged when you receive it, but please charge it fully before use for up to 8 hours; you can do this by connecting the included USB cable directly to the ClariMate on one end and to a charger on the other end, just like charging your mobile phone.

IMPORTANT: Do not use a charger with any other cable than with the charging cable provided, as this may cause damage to your ClariMate and void your warranty Please note the ClariMate is not designed for fast charging

Note that a red LED light will turn on on the bottom left of the ClariMate when charging and will turn off automatically when the ClariMate is finished charging.
Please note that due to the fingering detection technology used, your ClariMate will be more demanding in note detection than an acoustic clarinet. We believe this will help musicians using the device to be better clarinettists, with more accurate fingering placement, but you may find it a bit different than what you are used to, as the ClariMate will not cover for mistakes the way an acoustic instrument can!
While it is charging, you can download the ClariMate application for both your computer and your mobile phone. You can find them on the Apple app stores for iOS and MacOS, the Google Play store for Android and the ClariMate website for Windows
Once fully charged, you should be ready to get started!


  1. First fit the ClariMate tube into the ClariMate. Your ClariMate will not function properly without the tube inserted. The tube is fitted into the ClariMate slot with the bigger less flexible side of the tube (coloured black) going into the ClariMate and the smaller side going into your clarinet (coloured grey). When pulling out the tube, make sure to pull it out close to the ClariMate so you do not risk damaging it.

  2. Install your ClariMate onto your clarinet, between the mouthpiece and the barrel, making sure it is very tight against the barrel, but make sure to not apply too much pressure. The ClariMate is an instrument and should be treated with care.

  3. You can now insert your mouthpiece above the ClariMate with the included black active reed, which is inserted into the mouthpiece and positioned like a standard reed.

  4. Please note the mouthpiece with the black plastic active reed needs to be inserted BEFORE the ClariMate is turned on in order for the reed to be calibrated and function correctly, otherwise your ClariMate will need to be restarted after inserting the reed. However, it is entirely possible to use the ClariMate without the reed or with it inserted but not calibrated. You can use the ClariMate with a regular cane reed but the pitch bend and reed features will not be available (your sound will automatically be in tune). You must also make sure to blow straight through the mouthpiece, without making the reed vibrate.

  5. To use the ClariMate in standalone mode, turn it on using the power button (top right)
    on the ClariMate. The green LED will light up. Do not blow into the ClariMate before the green led starts flashing and you hear the soft chirp/stimulus.

  6. Plug in your headphones to the ClariMate and wait a few seconds until you hear the
    soft chirp starting or until the green LED begins to pulsate. You can now blow into the ClariMate, without making the reed vibrate, and you should hear a sound from your headphones!

  7. The next sections indicate the steps to take to use your ClariMate in USB, standalone, bluetooth playalong and MIDI mode. This will allow you to calibrate your ClariMate, as well as get access to more functionalities.

USB mode

  1. Follow instructions 1-4 in the setup (B. a.) section for fitting your ClariMate into your ClariMate

  2. Plug in your ClariMate to your computer using the provided USB cable, and launch the ClariMate application on your computer.

  3. Once the application is launched, turn on your ClariMate in USB-mode by holding the top left (USB) button and pressing the top right (power) button. Keep holding the top left (USB) button until an orange light turns on. This should only take a second.

  4. Your ClariMate should automatically connect to the application, although it might take
    a few seconds to show up. Once it does, you should hear a quiet chirping sound coming from your clarinet. The orange LED will start to flash slowly. This tells you the unit is on and ready to be played!

  5. Once you’ve done that, you can now calibrate the reed. Press the “ reed cal” button on the bottom of the sound section of the app. Place the instrument in your mouth with your mouth open and press okay. Next, place your embouchure as if you were trying to play in tune, and press okay.

  6. The reed should now be calibrated and you will be in tune when the value of the reed meter is at ‘0’.

  7. Please note any changes you make will be saved in the ClariMate next time you turn it on!

  8. If your clarimate is having issues recognising your notes, this is normal! Please go to the fingering training mode section (D.a) to learn how to train your ClariMate.

Bluetooth Mode Android / iOS

  1. Follow instructions 1-4 in the setup (B. a.) section for fitting your ClariMate into your ClariMate
  2. Turn on your phone’s bluetooth and location services (location is required for bluetooth to work properly, but your location is NOT used by the ClariMate app)
  3. Turn on your ClariMate by holding the bottom left (bluetooth) button and then pressing the top right (power) button.
  4. A blue LED should turn on and flash next to the bottom left (bluetooth) button
  5. Connect your ClariMate to your phone in your device’s bluetooth settings (the default connection pin code is 5555)
  6. Open the ClariMate app and select your ClariMate if prompted. It may take up to 30 seconds to show your ClariMate.
  7. If not prompted, go to the three bar menu and select the connect option, or click on the bluetooth button on the bottom left
  8. You can now edit all the ClariMate settings directly from your phone!
  9. Next time you pair your ClariMate, it should automatically connect to your phone and to the ClariMate app when turned on provided your phone’s bluetooth settings are on once you open the ClariMate app. If this doesn’t work, please follow the steps in this section again.

MIDI Mode (Advanced!)
What is MIDI? MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It is a communication standard that allows musical instruments with each other. MIDI is used by the large majority of digital instruments today, such as synthesisers, computers and your ClariMate! MIDI transmits only data, not audio and is often used to “control” a sound system (such as a synthesiser). In this case, the “controller” transmits data such as pitch (the frequency of the note), velocity (how hard the note is played), volume (the amplitude of the note), and many more in the form of CC messages. A CC message is used to control different characteristics of a signal, for example CC7 is associated with master volume, while CC2 is used for breath control, and CC11 is an expression control, and often used with a breath controller as well. The CC values can be sent between 0 and 127, which allows for a smooth range of expression.

The ClariMate can send four different MIDI values simultaneously: Pitch (through the notes you play), expression or breath (through the intensity of breath), pitch bend (through the ClariMate reed) and velocity (through the note’s attack strength when playing staccato and the breath strength when playing legato)

  1. First connect your ClariMate to your chosen device, and turn it on. MIDI will be enabled as soon as you switch to the MIDI tab in the app, represented by the 5 pin MIDI symbol (the tab all the way on the right!)

  2. MIDI will work in USB or bluetooth mode via Windows or MacOS, and in bluetooth mode via Android and iOS. We recommend using MIDI in USB mode to reduce latency as much as possible.

  3. Here are the default and built-in settings for MIDI

    • MIDI is enabled by default, and can be disabled by pressing the disable MIDI button.

    • The breath signal is sent as CC11 by default, this is to attempt to make the ClariMate compatible with the large majority of synthesisers. Breath is selectable in the app as CC2, CC11 and CC7

    • The breath curve is rescaled to the chosen breath threshold, which means that as soon as you reach the threshold, the MIDI value sent will be your chosen breath CC with a value of 1

    • Notes will only be sent when your breath is above the threshold

    • Pitch bend will be sent automatically when the ClariMate reed is calibrated.
      If you do not wish to use pitch bend, you can either turn off the reed in the ClariMate app or turn off pitch bend in your chosen VST or synthesiser

    • Velocity is sent by default at a constant value of 64, but it can also be sent as a dynamic value, which will make it change with each new note, based on breath pressure

    • The value of the dynamic velocity is based on an algorithm which follows the pressure level.

    • The channel is sent as 0 by default.. This can also be set to channel 1, which will only send on MIDI channel 1. Since most synthesisers are set by defaultto receive on Omni (all channels), this ensures compatibility with most synthesisers.

    • The Playing Mode option allows you to set the order of note on and off messages. Playing mode will send a note off for the current note AFTER the next note on, which allows for much smoother legato playing in most VST software. Composition mode will send a note off for the current note BEFORE the next note on, which allows for better compatibility with composing software such as Musescore and Sibelius, which tend to read the playing mode as a chord, rather than a succession of notes.

  4. You should now be able to connect your ClariMate as a MIDI device to any MIDI enabled software synthesiser, sound bank, VST, etc.

  5. You can now use your clarinet, your ClariMate and MIDI to control any virtual synthesiser or even hardware synthesisers as long as they accept MIDI connections.

  6. The best and most latency-free way to play MIDI sounds is with an external audio interface, which acts as a replacement for the built-in sound cards in computers, and allows you to connect various devices such as microphones, MIDI controllers and more to your computer directly.

Button and LED functions summary

  • Press 1. Power on in standalone mode. Power off. Turns on the green LED.
  • Hold 2 + Press 1. Power on in reed calibration mode.
  • Press 2. Validate open and closed reed calibrations (only while ClariMate is turned on in reed calibration mode)
  • Hold 3 + Press 1. Power on in bluetooth mode. Turns on the blue LED.
  • Press 3. Volume down.
  • Hold 4 + Press 1. Power on in USB mode. Turns on the orange LED.
  • Press 4. Volume up.
  • Hold 4 + Hold 3 + Press 1. Power on in safe mode. Turns on the yellow led Useful only when your ClariMate is not responding.

App Overview

The ClariMate app allows you to adjust all the ClariMate settings in one place. Available on your phone and on your computer, you can connect to it via bluetooth or USB.
The ClariMate app has 5 different screens: Note display (home), Note Training, Synth Controls, Breath Controls, and MIDI

This displays the note you are currently playing, both in terms of fingering and in terms of its position on the staff

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  1. Shows you the recommended fingering for the note you are currently playing
  2. Shows you the name of the note as well as the quality of recognition (green = perfect, yellow = OK, red = bad, needs retraining)
  3. Shows you the position on the staff of the note you are currently playing
  4. The menu allows you to access the power settings for your ClariMate as well as additional fingering settings
  5. The tabs allow you to access the different pages of the app. The current tab is highlighted in gold.
  6. The battery monitor lets you know how much battery your ClariMate has left, and gives you information about its charging status
  7. The unplug USB button allows you to unplug your ClariMate safely without first turning it off.
  8. The bluetooth button shows the bluetooth status and lets you connect to your ClariMate in bluetooth mode
  9. The connected led shows the status of the ClariMate USB connection (green = connected, red = disconnected)

This is where you can retrain your ClariMate in case it is not recognising the fingerings you are playing correctly. You can also load preset fingerings in this section and save your custom fingerings.

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  1. The Start Training button lets you start the fingering recognition training on your ClariMate
  2. Shows the percentage of note recognition quality
  3. The load/save button allows you to save a currently loaded training set or load a previously saved one or the default training set.
  4. The range indication tells you which type of training set you have loaded in your ClariMate. Refer to section D.a. Fingering Training Mode below
  5. Shows you the recommended fingering for the given note.
  6. The red light will light up when the ClariMate is recording a note for training
  7. The selection wheel allows you to select a note you want to train
  8. The untrain note button allows you to untrain the currently selected note
  9. The Untrain All button allows you to untrain all notes. This is useful when redoing a training set from scratch!
  10. The finish training button lets you finish the training and go back to playing

See section D. a. Fingering Training Mode for detailed instructions

This is where you can control the sound of your ClariMate. You can change the volume, the environment volume (This is used to adapt the ClariMate to the ambient noise of your environment) and you can transpose the ClariMate, as well as change the reed opening.

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  1. The ClariMate volume option allows you to set the volume of the ClariMate built-in sound using the dial.
  2. The transpose option lets you transpose the ClariMate built-in synth up to +12 or -12 semitones using the dial. Please note that transposing sends a MIDI note. You may need to hit “clear MIDI” in the MIDI tab after transposing your ClariMate.
  3. The transpose presets let you quickly select a Bb (none), Bass (-12 semitones) or A (-1 semitone) clarinet.
  4. The Stimulus volume option Allows you to set the level of the ClariMate stimulus using the dial. This controls the level of the ClariMate stimulus/chirp, which is the note recognition technology. This should be set to a higher level when in a noisy environment or a lower level when in a quiet environment.
  5. The Stimulus Volume button Controls the Stimulus vol. presets

The breath controls section allows you to set the breath threshold (the point at which your ClariMate starts to make a sound). A higher threshold means you have to blow harder to make a sound. A lower threshold means it is easier to make a sound. Setting the threshold too low can result in a sound being permanently played. You can also use this screen to calibrate the ClariMate active reed.

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  1. The Reed gauge lets you see the status of the reed. It switches between a raw value when the reed is not calibrated and a scaled value between 0 and 100 when the reed is calibrated, with 0 being the “in tune” point.
  2. The Reed on/off button lets you turn on or off the active reed function
  3. The Pressure gauge lets you see the breath threshold and pressure status. The light blue is the threshold, the point you need to reach for the sound to activate. The dark blue is the pressure value, which will turn red when it goes above the threshold.
  4. The breath Threshold option lets you set and select the breath threshold value using the dial on the right.
  5. The Breath Sensitivity option lets you set and select the breath sensitivity value using the dial on the right. This controls how much your breath is translated into direct breath data. Changing this value is only necessary if you are using a ClariMate plug or you feel the ClariMate is much too easy to blow into. Make sure to not blow into the ClariMate while changing this parameter!
  6. The reed cal button allows you to calibrate the ClariMate reed.
  7. The Player Blow button lets you set between Autoblow (ClariMate will make a sound by itself without the musician needing to blow, useful for practising fingerings) and Player Blow (default, ClariMate will not make a sound unless the player blows into it).

The MIDI section allows you to connect your ClariMate to the world of MIDI! This lets you play other sounds using your clarinet and a computer. We’ve made it as simple as possible for a plug and play experience. You’ll find specific MIDI information in section B. d. MIDI mode (Advanced!) above.

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  1. The breath section allows you to select which MIDI CC message the breath pressure sends. You can select between CC2, CC7 and CC11 (default).

  2. The velocity section allows you to select the type of velocity message to send, either a constant velocity of 64 (default) for every note, or a dynamic velocity based on the breath pressure level for every note.

  3. The channel out section allows you to select which channel the MIDI is sent to. This can be set to 0 (default) or 1.

  4. The Playing Mode lets you set the ClariMate in Playing Mode (default) or Transcription Mode. Playing Mode sends note off messages for the current note in a phrase AFTER
    a subsequent note on message, allowing for better legato playing in most synths. Transcription Mode sends note off messages for the current note in a phrase BEFORE a subsequent note on message, allowing for better compatibility with composing software.

  5. The Clear MIDI button lets you clear all outgoing MIDI messages, in case of a stuck note or other MIDI issues.

  6. The pressure gauge lets you see the breath pressure level in the same way as on the breath pressure page.

  7. The Disable MIDI button lets you disable and re-enable the MIDI functionality

Fingering Training Mode

The ClariMate by default should recognise all notes from low E to high G with some alternate fingerings. If you would like to go up to high C with more alternates or your chosen fingerings for your instrument do not work properly (ie. notes are not recognised as they should be, the sound is skipping between notes, etc.) you can redo the training manually

If you prefer a video tutorial for training your ClariMate, you can find one on the Buffet Crampon YouTube Channel with the title, “ClariMate – Note training tutorial”, or click here: https://youtu.be/F6760J_J-O0

  1. Go to the application training tab and hit the Train button

  2. The default training trains between E2 and G5, and is recommended for most players.
    If you would like to train all the way up to C6 with more alternate fingerings (but a slightly higher stimulus volume), you can select this mode in the app burger menu under Fingerings, E2-C6. This will clear your existing training set.

  3. You can either choose to redo the entire training set or simply choose the notes that are not responding well using the rotating dial or the +/- buttons

  4. Each prompted note will give you a recommended fingering, but feel free to use your own fingering method

  5. Make sure not to leave your unused fingers laying on the keys as this can cause a disturbance in the recognition method.

  6. You only need to blow a very short stream of air for each note(think of playing a staccato eighth-note immediately followed by a rest)

  7. Wait for the red light to come on and back off after blowing, and make sure to maintain your fingering placement while the light is on

  8. The training will automatically go up a note chromatically until they are all trained.

  9. You can choose to end the training at any point by clicking on the play button.

  10. You can then save your training set when done.

Software/Firmware Updates

Please note that the firmware updates will not be available on a phone, this feature is available only through Windows or MacOS computers. Your computer app should prompt you when you connect your ClariMate if the firmware needs to be updated.

  1. Connect your ClariMate to your computer via USB
  2. Open the ClariMate app on your computer
  3.  In the top left corner, click on tools, then Update Software
  4.  First update the ClariMate by selecting the Firmware tab
  5.  Select the firmware version you wish to install and click download (the latest version will always be at the bottom, with the most recent date).
  6.  Once downloaded, click on update instrument
  7.  Leave your ClariMate plugged in while updating, this can take a few minutes
  8.  For the application, the update can be downloaded from either the www.ClariMate. us website for the Windows version, or the respective app stores for Android, iOS and MacOS versions.
Power and Additional Options: Burger Menu

The burger menu on the top left of the ClariMate app allows you to access additional fingering and power settings, as well as the console (useful in support scenarios when asked by a Buffet Crampon team member)

  1. Click on the burger menu, represented by the 3 horizontal line icon
  2. The fingerings option lets you select between E2-G5 (default) and E2-C6 (expert). The E2-G6 option produces a slightly louder chirp and may be a little bit more difficult to use well, it is recommended for expert clarinetists
  3. The power options allow you to change the Audio turn off time as well as the Device Power off time
  4. Audio turn off time is the time it takes for the ClariMate chirp/stimulus to turn off when the ClariMate is left idle. The chirp should automatically come back on when you start playing
  5. The device power off time is the time it takes for the ClariMate to turn off when the ClariMate is left idle. This turns off the ClariMate completely
  6. These settings are saved to the device after a power off/on cycle
  7. The console option lets you see the ClariMate console. There is no need to use this unless instructed to do so during a support action by Buffet Crampon or a Buffet Crampon authorised dealer or repair center.

Cleaning Instructions

  1. Make sure your ClariMate is fully turned off, and unplug it from its charger
  2. Remove the rubber tube by pulling lightly until it comes off
  3. The tube can be washed with water once removed, and air dried
  4. Your ClariMate can be cleaned with a dry cloth on both the mouthpiece end and the barrel end
  5. The ClariMate reed can be cleaned carefully with some warm water and air dried or dried with a cloth. Make sure not to apply too much pressure on the moving parts as this may damage the reed!
  6. Do not put any cleaning material through the ClariMate breath hole or inside the headphone or charging ports, as this may damage the unit and void your warranty
  7. Do not put any liquids on the ClariMate itself as this may damage the unit and void your warranty


If your ClariMate is having any issues, please follow these steps

  1. Make sure it is fully charged by plugging in the supplied charging cable to a wall adapter for 4 hours
  2. Download and install the latest firmware and app updates in the app as detailed in the Software/Firmware Updates section of this guide
  3. If your ClariMate is unable to start, you can start your ClariMate in safe mode by following these steps
    • Press and hold the two left (USB and Bluetooth) buttons and press the power button.
    • Release the buttons after 1 second. Your instrument should start in safe mode with a yellow LED.
    • Follow the update instructions listed in the Software/Firmware Updates
    • Restart your ClariMate normally (not in safe mode)
  4. Have a look at our ClariMate training videos available on the Buffet Crampon Youtube Channel
  5. Contact Buffet Crampon support on our ClariMate.us website

Technical Specifications

  • Reversible hybrid instrument allowing you to turn your clarinet into a standalone or connected electronic wind instrument
  • Adapts to any Bb or A clarinet with customisable fingering recognition
  • High-quality breath sensor with realistic clarinet settings.
  • High-quality onboard clarinet sounds
  • LIthium-ion battery for up to 4 hours battery life
  • USB-C port for connecting to a computer, charging, MIDI and software updates
  • Bluetooth included for a seamless play along experience and changing settings through your phone
  • Reed positioning and usage emulating acoustic clarinet embouchures
  • Headphone/line output through ⅛” port
  • 5.4cm x 6.9cm x 8.0cm and 45g

Box contains

  • USB C to A cable
  • Carry case
  • 2 (two) active reeds
  • ClariMate unit
  • Breath tube
  • 3 (three) plugs of diameters 2mm, 3mm and 4mm
  • 3 (three) replacement O-rings

 Compatible Apple models

  • iPhone 13 Pro Max®, iPhone 13 Pro®, iPhone 13®, iPhone 13 mini®, iPhone SE® (3rd generation)
  • iPad mini® (6th generation)
  • iPad® (9th generation)
  • iPad Pro® (12.9-inch) 5th Generation, iPad Pro (11-inch) 3rd Generation, iPad Air® (5th generation)
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max®, iPhone 12 Pro®, iPhone 12®, iPhone 12 mini®
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max®, iPhone 11 Pro®, iPhone 11®, iPhone SE® (2nd generation) iPad Pro (12.9- inch) 3rd Generation, iPad Pro (11-inch)
  • iPhone XS Max®, iPhone XS®, iPhone XR®
  • iPhone X®, iPhone 8 Plus®, iPhone 8®
  • iPhone 7 Plus®, iPhone 7®
  • iPhone SE®
  • iPhone 6s Plus®, iPhone 6s®, iPad (6th generation), iPad Pro (9.7-inch), iPad (5th generation), iPad Pro (12.9-inch) 1st Generation Apple, iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro, iPad mini and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Use of the Made for Apple badge means that an accessory has been designed to connect specifically to the Apple product(s) identified in the badge and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the opera-tion of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.

Important ClariMate Safety Instructions

Warning: Failure to follow these safety instructions could result in fire, electric shock, injury, or damage to ClariMate or other property. Read all the safety information below before using ClariMate.
Handle ClariMate with care. ClariMate contains sensitive electronic components and can be damaged if dropped, burned, punctured, or crushed. Don’t use a damaged ClariMate, as it may cause injury. Avoid heavy exposure to dust or sand.
Repairing: Do not open your ClariMate and don’t attempt to repair your ClariMate by yourself. Disassembling your ClariMate may damage it and may cause injury to you. If your ClariMate is damaged or malfunctions, contact Buffet or an Authorized Service provider. For a list of Buffet Crampon service centers and official Buffet Crampon dealers, refer to the Buffet Crampon website.
Charging: Charge your ClariMate with USB-C to USB-A cable ( included with your ClariMate). You may also charge ClariMate with other third-party USB cables and power adapters that are compliant with USB 2.0 standard or later and with applicable country regulations and international or regional safety standards. Other adapters may not meet applicable safety standards, and charging with such adapters could pose a risk of death or injury. Using damaged cables or chargers, or charging when moisture is present, can cause fire, electric shock, injury, or damage to ClariMate or other property.

Do not use or store in the following types of locations:

  • Subject to temperature extremes (e.g., direct sunlight in an enclosed vehicle, near a heating duct, on top of heat-generating equipment); or are
  • Damp (e.g., baths, washrooms, on wet floors); or are
  • Exposed to steam or smoke; or are
  • Subject to salt exposure; or are
  • Exposed to rain; or are
  • Dusty or sandy; or are
  • Subject to high levels of vibration and shakiness; or are
  • Placed in a poorly ventilated location.

To prevent hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods. Use of the unit at high volume for extended periods of time may cause hearing loss. If you ever experience any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you should immediately stop using the unit and consult a specialized physician.
Do not allow foreign objects or liquids to enter the unit, other than normal saliva content from proper use of the device (e.g. blowing into it normally); never place containers with liquid on the unit Do not place containers containing liquid (e.g., flower vases) on this product.
Never allow foreign objects (e.g., flammable objects, coins, wires) or liquids (e.g., water or juice) to enter this product. Doing so may cause short circuits, faulty operation, or other malfunctions.

Turn off the unit if an abnormality or malfunction occurs. In the following cases, immediately turn off the power and contact your dealer, a Buffet Crampon service center, or an official Buffet Crampon dealer for service.

  • If smoke or unusual odor occurs; or
  • Objects have fallen into, or liquid has been spilled onto the unit; or
  • The unit has been exposed to rain (or otherwise has become wet); or
  • The unit does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change in performance. For a list of Buffet Crampon service centers and official Buffet Crampon dealers, refer to the Buffet Crampon website.

Be cautious to protect children from injury. Always make sure that an adult is on hand to provide supervision and guidance when using the unit in places where children are present, or when a child will be using the unit.
Do not drop or subject to strong impact. Otherwise, you risk causing damage or malfunction.
Handle batteries carefully. If used improperly, you risk fluid leakage, overheating, combustion, explosion, etc.

Carefully observe the following:

  • Do not heat, disassemble, or toss them into a fire or water.
  • Do not expose them to sunlight, flame, or any other source of extreme heat.
  • Do not attempt to charge a dry cell battery.
  • Make sure to use only the charger that has been provided by Buffet Crampon.

Route all power cords and cables in such a way as to prevent them from getting entangled.
Injury could result if someone were to trip on a cable and cause the unit to fall or topple.
Avoid climbing on top of the unit, or placing heavy objects on it
Otherwise, you risk injury as the result of the unit toppling over or dropping down.
Disconnect all cords/cables before moving the unit
Damage or malfunction may result if you fail to disconnect all cables before moving the unit.


  • Using the unit near power amplifiers (or other equipment containing large power transformers) may induce hum. To alleviate the problem, change the orientation of this unit; or move it farther away from the source of interference.
  • This unit may interfere with radio and television reception. Do not use this unit in the vicinity of such receivers.
  • Noise may be produced if wireless communications devices, such as cell phones, are operated in the vicinity of this unit. Such noise could occur when receiving or initiating a call, or while conversing. Should you experience such problems, you should relocate such wireless devices so they are at a greater distance from this unit, or switch them off.
  • When moved from one location to another where the temperature and/or humidity is very different, water droplets (condensation) may form inside the unit. Damage or malfunction may result if you attempt to use the unit in this condition. Therefore, before using the unit, you must allow it to stand for several hours, until the condensation has completely evaporated.
  • Do not place containers or anything else containing liquid on top of this unit. Also, whenever any liquid has been spilled on the surface of this unit, be sure to promptly wipe it away using a soft, dry cloth.


  • Never use benzine, thinners, alcohol or solvents of any kind, to avoid the possibility of discoloration and/or deformation.


  • Before sending the unit away for repairs, be sure to make a backup of the data stored within it; or you may prefer to write down the needed information. Although we will do our utmost to preserve the data stored in your unit when we carry out repairs, in some cases, such as when the memory section is physically damaged, restoration of the stored content may be impossible. Buffet Crampon assumes no liability concerning the restoration of any stored content that has been lost.
  • The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Buffet Crampon SAS is under license.
  • The company names and product names in this manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Bluetooth is a technology for wireless communication between devices within an area of about 10 meters (33 ft.), and employs the 2.4 GHz frequency band.

nHandling Bluetooth communications

  • The 2.4 GHz band used by Bluetooth compatible devices is a radio band shared by many types of equipment. While Bluetooth compatible devices use a technology minimizing the influence of other components using the same radio band, such influence may reduce the speed or distance of communications and in some cases interrupt communications.
  • The speed of signal transfer and the distance at which communication is possible differs according to the distance between the communicating devices, the presence of obstacles, radio wave conditions and the type of equipment.
  • Buffet Crampon SAS does not guarantee all wireless connections between this unit and devices compatible with Bluetooth function.


  • Any data stored within the unit can be lost as the result of equipment failure, incorrect operation, etc. To protect yourself against the irretrievable loss of data, try to make a habit of creating regular backups of the data you’ve stored in the unit.
  • Buffet Crampon assumes no liability concerning the restoration of any stored content that has been lost.
  • Use a reasonable amount of care when using the unit’s buttons, jacks and connectors. Rough handling can lead to malfunctions.
  • When disconnecting all cables, grasp the connector itself—never pull on the cable. This way you will avoid causing shorts, or damage to the cable’s internal elements.
  • To avoid disturbing others nearby, try to keep the unit’s volume at reasonable levels when playing through an amplifier.


  • The following actions may subject you to penalty of law:
  • Disassembling or modifying this device.
  • Removing the certification label affixed to the back of this device.
  • Using this device in a country other than where it was purchased
  • Keep this product at least 22 cm (8-11/16 inches) away from a location where a cardiac pacemaker is installed. There is a risk that it could affect the operation of a pacemaker.
  • Radio Frequency (Operational Frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz
  • Maximum Output Power (EIRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 dBm (2.5 mW)

This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause interference; and
  2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that is deemed to comply without testing of specific absorption rate (SAR).

This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that is deemed to comply without testing of specific absorption rate (SAR).

Regulatory Information


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2A9ASGC727884

This transmitter should not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. The equipment generates very low levels of radio frequency energy and meets the FCC exposure guidelines.
Model Name: ClariMate
Type of Equipment: Digital Wind Synthesizer
Responsible Party: Buffet Crampon USA
Address: 7255 Salisbury Road, Suite 4
Jacksonville – FL 32256 – USA
Telephone: +1 904 821 0234
Email: corporate-usa@buffetcrampon.com

The equipment is in conformity with RE Directive (2014/53/EU). The following harmonised standards and/or other relevant standards have been applied:
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (ARTICLE 3.1 (B) OF THE RE DIRECTIVE) EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4 (2020-09), EN 55032:2015, EN 55035:2017
L. Disposal and recycling
The equipment must be disposed of properly according to local laws and regulations such as WEEE. It contains electronic components and a battery and must be disposed of separately from household waste.


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