meris OTTOBIT jr Bitcrusher Pedal User Manual

June 9, 2024

meris OTTOBIT jr Bitcrusher Pedal


Product Information

The product is a Meris pedal that unites art and engineering to provide an exceptional musical experience. It has a manual version 6, and its contact information is as follows:

The pedal has several sections, including front panel controls, global settings configuration mode, stutter in-depth, stutter hold in-depth, sequencer in-depth, expression jack modes in-depth, knob behavior in-depth, presets in-depth, tempo in-depth, MIDI CC tables, preset 1 factory settings, factory reset, and technical specifications.

Product Usage Instructions

To use the product, you need to understand its front panel controls as described in Section 1 of the manual. The controls include:

  • Sample Rate: Changes the sample rate from 48 Hz to 48 kHz
  • Stutter: Changes the play speed and length of the stutter
  • Tap LED / Alt Function Switch: Tap to enter tempo; hold for Alt Functions. LED blinks at the quarter note tempo rate.
  • Tap Tempo: Sets the speed and the timing of the Sequencer and the Stutter. Hold to freeze the Stutter Buffer
  • Filter: Changes the cutoff frequency of the Meris original ladder style low pass filter from 96Hz to 24kHz.
  • Sequencer Play Mode: Sets Sequencer to Play Once, Play Twice, Play 4 Times, Play 8 Times, or Play Continuously
  • Bits: Changes the bit depth from 1 bit to 24 bits
  • Sequencer Multiply : Sets the sequencer speed as a multiple of the tap tempo
  • Bypass LED / Sequencer Type Switch: Switch LED Indicates bypass status. Small LEDs indicate active sequencer type. Both small LEDs  OFF indicates sample rate sequencer active
  • Bypass: Processes signal when LED is ON, passes dry signal entirely in analog (buffered or relay) when OFF

The product also has a global settings configuration mode as described in Section 2 of the manual. You can start the global setting configuration mode by holding the (L) LED switch on power up for 3 seconds; all of the front panels’ LEDs will blink 3 times. You can then configure the following settings:

  • Input Mode: NO IN, STEREO IN (TRS)
  • Kill Dry: With DRY MUTED, the pedal delivers wet only in active mode; in bypass, the entire pedal is muted.
  • Expression Mode: TAP, PRESET, MIDI
  • Line/Synth Level: LEVEL, LIN
  • Bypass Mode: PASS, RELAY
  • MIDI Thru On: Toggle (R) foot switch
  • Global Tempo: Toggle (L) foot switch
  • MIDI Channel: Select channels 1-16 or Omni

Refer to the manual for more detailed instructions on using the product and its various features.





HOLD (L) LED switch on power up (power up takes 3 secs); all of the front panels LEDs will blink 3 times

KILL DRY: With DRY MUTED, the pedal delivers wet only in active mode; in bypass, the entire pedal is muted.



LEDs on the front panel blink to indicate EXP, TAP, PRESET, & MIDI


MIDI THRU ON Toggle (R) foot switch


GLOBAL TEMPO: Toggle (L) foot switch





The Ottobit Jr.’s Stutter effect records and plays back audio to create the stuck buffer sound popularized by the character Max Headroom in the 80s. The Stutter control knob sets the stutter length and how many times the stutter repeats. The knob is broken up into three-speed ranges: full speed, double speed, and half speed, and each range has 7 different selections. Adding to that, the minimum position of the stutter knob turns the stutter off, and turning the knob to its maximum sets the stutter to random, giving you 23 positions in total. Here they are:

Stutter knob sections

  1. Stutter Off
  2. Full Speed, Stutter Once
  3. Full Speed, Stutter Twice
  4. Full Speed, Stutter Three Times
  5. Full Speed, Stutter Four Times
  6. Full Speed, Stutter Six Times
  7. Full Speed, Stutter Eight Times
  8. Full Speed, Stutter Sixteen Times
  9. Double Speed, Stutter Once
  10. Double Speed, Stutter Twice
  11. Double Speed, Stutter Three Times
  12. Double Speed, Stutter Four Times
  13. Double Speed, Stutter Six Times
  14. Double Speed, Stutter Eight Times
  15. Double Speed, Stutter Sixteen Times
  16. Half Speed, Stutter Once
  17. Half Speed, Stutter Twice
  18. Half Speed, Stutter Three Times
  19. Half Speed, Stutter Four Times
  20. Half Speed, Stutter Six Times
  21. Half Speed, Stutter Eight Times
  22. Half Speed, Stutter Sixteen Times
  23. Random (combination of all of the above, plus the reverse of all the above)


Hold Tap Tempo, hold an external tap switch, or send the Stutter Hold MIDI CC to freeze the audio that is being stuttered. The Stutter Hold works by freezing whatever the stutter is playing. If the stutter is playing back some snippet of audio, then holding tap will immediately hold that snippet indefinitely until you let go. You can also enter a stutter hold before a stutter has trapped any audio. Without playing anything, hold tap to tell the Ottobit Jr. that you want the stutter to be held, and then we you play something it will stutter that note or chord until you let go. Both ways work, and the response time should feel immediate. If you are having trouble getting the stutter to trigger, try playing dry guitar into the Ottobit Jr. Then, once you get the results you’re after, try adding back your external effects. The pick attack detection can work on most signals, but if your signal is extremely noisy, then it may have a hard time discerning pick attacks from the noise (like if you had an extremely cranked fuzz pedal at the input).


The Ottobit Jr, features a 6-step sequencer with three different control types: Pitch Sequence, Filter Sequence, and Sample Rate Sequence. To set the value of each of the six steps, simply hold the Alt switch and move the knob corresponding to the step you want to edit. For all sequencer types, while holding Alt to edit a step, when the knob is at minimum that step is skipped, and when the knob is at the maximum that step is muted. To tune just one step, hold down the alt button, set 5 of the knobs to a minimum, and then just use one of the knobs to tune a single step. This is a good way to go if you feel a little lost. And this is usually how to start dialing in a sequence. Set all the knobs to Skip and then start adding the steps into the sequence one by one.

Pitch Sequence
When set to sequence pitch, each step gives you the choice of every semitone between and octave below and an octave above the guitar pitch, with the middle of the knob equal to no shifting (just dry guitar). And as with every mode, when the knob is at minimum, that step is set to Skip; and when the knob is set to maximum, that step is set to Mute. To sum up, between Dry, Skip, Mute, and 24 different semitones, you have 27 different choices for the pitch sequence on each step.meris-OTTOBIT-jr-Bitcrusher-Pedal-

Filter Sequence
The sequencer controls the filter as a modifier, meaning each individual step of the sequencer modifies whatever the main front panel Filter knob is set to. This way, the sequence is always tracking what the front panel Filter knob is doing and the Filter knob always sets the overall maximum cutoff frequency. It is probably easiest to think of it in terms of percent. When adjusting the steps, if you turn a 2nd layer knob to noon that step will change the filter frequency to 50 percent of what you had set on the front panel. So if you set the main Filter control to a cutoff of 1000Hz, then when that step of the sequence comes around you would hear a filter cutoff of 500Hz.

Sample Rate Sequence
The Sequencer also works as a “modifier” or “second source” when controlling the Sample Rate. When the sequencer is set to Sample Rate, it is modifying whatever the front panel Sample Rate knob is set to just like it does when it is set to control the Filter cutoff. And as with every mode, when the knob is at minimum, that step is set to Skip; and when the knob is set to maximum, that step is set to Mute.



Expression Pedal
The expression pedal works by morphing between two complete settings of all of the knob values (even the second layer knob values). This gives you two complete and distinct presets in one that you can then use the expression pedal to morph between. Put the expression pedal to the “toe up position” and set the knobs (including the 2nd layer ones) any way you wish, and then put the expression pedal to the “toe down position” and set the knobs to create your second sound. Now sweeping the expression pedal from heel to toe will smoothly morph between those two sets of settings. You can also manipulate the expression pedal using MIDI CC #04.meris-OTTOBIT-jr-Bitcrusher-Pedal-

Tap Switch
For the Ottobit Jr., the external switch controls Tap Tempo and have all of the same functionality as the tap button on the main pedal, this includes Stutter Hold. As with the main tap switch, if you hold the externally connected tap switch it will cause the stutter to hold the current or the next valid stutter buffer.

4 Button Preset Switch
This mode gives you access to an instant enabling of presets 1 through 4 when connected with a proprietary Meris 4 button switch.

The Ottobit Jr. features both MIDI In and Out via the EXP jack and has a rich and deep MIDI implementation. All the knobs, alt functions, expression pedals, and switches are available via MIDI CCs. You can receive program change messages (MIDI PCs), and sync to MIDI Beat Clock (Ottobit Jr.), you also have the ability to send and receive presets. Be sure to set your desired MIDI channel in Global Settings Configuration Mode. If you have multiple devices connected to MIDI in a chain, you will probably want each device to set to listen to and send on its own channel.


Depending on the EXP Jack modes you have chosen, the Ottobit Jr. will scan the top layer knobs and update the knobs on power-up. If your Ottobit Jr. is set to either “Expression Pedal” or “Tap Switch” for its EXP mode, then it will scan the knobs at power up. This means if you change the knobs whether the unit is off, those values will be how the pedal sounds the next time you turn the pedal on. Additionally, the Tempo and the Sequencer Types are auto-saved and return to whatever they were set to last when powering up the pedal. In these two EXP modes, Ottobit Jr. behaves exactly like all classic guitar pedals work (WYSIWYG). If your Ottobit Jr. is set to either “4 Button Preset Switch” or “MIDI” for its EXP jack mode, then the pedal will simply recall the preset that is stored in the current memory location. This setting makes sure that the Ottobit Jr. functions like a standard multi-preset device for those who depend on recalling exact sounds for performance.


The Ottobit Jr. features 16 internal preset locations. The first four presets are accessible by a compatible 4-button footswitch and all sixteen presets are accessible by MIDI Program Change messages. To save a preset simply hold the Alt button. The preset is saved every time you edit the “Alt”/2nd layer knobs, this is how the Ottobit Jr. is able to keep your sequencer step settings in its memory after power down. To save a preset to a different location than your current location, either press the desired preset button on a compatible 4-button footswitch or send a Program Change message over MIDI to whichever preset you would like to edit. After you are done with any changes, just press and hold the “Alt” button to save. The Ottobit Jr. can also send and receive full presets for via MIDI Sysex Data. To send a preset from the Ottobit Jr. to your computer, while holding the Alt button, press the Bypass LED (sequencer select) switch. The Ottobit Jr. is also always listening for preset data. Simply send any presets you have backed up on your PC back to the Ottobit Jr. and it will overwrite that preset with the data you sent. If you are happy with the newly received preset, press Alt and the Ottobit Jr. will save that data to the current preset location.

For MIDI preset users, all Meris pedals with a barcode serial number affixed to the back of the unit and packaging include a way to change ALT parameters without auto-saving the current sound. You can now access the Alt parameters w/o auto-saving by holding the Right LED/button while turning a knob. If your pedal has a barcode above the serial number (located on the unit and packaging), your unit includes this feature.


In the Ottobit Jr. you can set the tempo using one of the following tappings in quarter notes using the integrated Tap switch or External Tap switch, MIDI Beat Clock, Tempo MIDI CC, Tap Switch MIDI CC. The Ottobit Jr. has a very wide tempo range that extends from 23.4 BPM to 6000 BPM. This lets you put the Sequencer in the audio band to allow for ring mod effects. You can even get the Sequencer running at speeds of up to 768000 BPM by using the “Sequencer Mult” control. Both the Stutter and the Sequencer listen to Tap Tempo. That’s also where the “Sequencer Mult” knob can come in handy; it works the way a note division control works, and you get lots of options to have the Sequencer run at a faster rate (although still linked to tempo) than the stutter. For odd meters, try limiting the Sequencer to an odd number of steps, by setting Bsome of the step values to “Skip”.


control change| ottobit jr . control| receive v a l u e range| transmit v a l u e range
CC# 04| expression pedal| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 14| bypass| 0 to 63 = fx bypass

64 to 127 = fx enable

| 0 for fx bypass

127 for fx enable

CC# 15| tempo| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 16| sample rate| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 17| filter| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 18| bits| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 19| stutter| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 20| sequenCer| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 21| sequenCer mult| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 22| step 1| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 23| step 2| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 24| step 3| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 25| step 4| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 26| step 5| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 27| step 6| 0 to 127| 0 to 127
CC# 28| tap| 127 = tap press| 127 = tap press
CC# 29| sequenCer type| 0 – 62 = pitCh 63 = sample rate 64 – 127 = filter| 0 = pitCh

63 = sample rate

127 = filter

CC# 31| stutter hold| 0 to 63 = hold off

64 to 127 = hold on

| 0 = hold off

127 = hold on



toe up

| Parameter| Knob Position| real WorlD v a l u e| miDi D e cim a l| miDi heX
sample rate| max| 48 khz| 127| 7f
toe up| filter| max| filter is bypassed| 127| 7f
toe up| bits| max| 32 bits| 127| 7f
toe up| stutter| min| stutter is off| 0| 0
toe up| sequenCer| max| Continuous sequenCe| 127| 7f
toe up| sequenCer mult| min| 1x mult| 0| 0
toe up| step 1| 11 o’CloCk| down a perfect 4th| 38| 26
toe up| step 2| 10 o’CloCk| down a minor 6th| 26| 1a
toe up| step 3| 8 o’CloCk| down an oCtave| 3| 3
toe up| step 4| 2 o’CloCk| up a perfect 5th| 102| 66
toe up| step 5| 1 o’CloCk| up a major 3rd| 87| 57
toe up| step 6| 12 o’CloCk| no pitCh shifting| 63| 3f
| sequenCer type| n/a| pitCh sequenCer| 0| 0
| tempo| n/a| 143 bpm| 42| 2a
toe down| sample rate| 12 o’CloCk| 11930 hz| 63| 3f
toe down| filter| 12 o’CloCk| 1926.2 hz| 63| 3f
toe down| bits| 11 o’CloCk| 8 bits| 58| 3a
toe down| stutter| min| stutter is off| 0| 0
toe down| sequenCer| max| Continuous sequenCe| 127| 7f
toe down| sequenCer mult| 11 o’CloCk| 8x mult| 50| 32
toe down| step 1| 11 o’CloCk| down a perfect 4th| 38| 26
toe down| step 2| 10 o’CloCk| down a minor 6th| 26| 1a
toe down| step 3| 8 o’CloCk| down an oCtave| 3| 3
toe down| step 4| 2 o’CloCk| up a perfect 5th| 102| 66
toe down| step 5| 1 o’CloCk| up a major 3rd| 87| 57
toe down| step 6| 12 o’CloCk| no pitCh shifting| 63| 3f


off 0
full 1x 1-11
full 2x 12-17
full 3x 18-22
full 4x 23-28
full 6x 29-34
full 8x 35-40
full 16x 41-45
double 1x 46-51
double 2x 52-57
double 3x 58-63
double 4x 64-68
double 6x 69-74
double 8x 75-80
double 16x 81-86
half 1x 87-91
half 2x 92-97
half 3x 98-103
half 4x 104-109
half 6x 110-114
half 8x 115-120
half 16x 121-126
random 127


off 0-3
1x 4-32
2x 33-59
4x 60-87
8x 88-115
infinite 116-127


1x 0
2x 1-19
4x 20-39
8x 40-59
16x 60-79
32x 80-99
64x 100-119
128x 120-127


Type cc range cc transmit
Pitch 0-62 0
sample rate 63 63
filter 64-127 127


halF steP interval cc range
skip na 0
-12 (oCtave) -oCtave 1-12
-11 -maj7 13-16
-10 -min7 17-20
-9 -maj6 21-24
-8 -min6 25-28
-7 -p5 29-32
-6 -aug4/dim5 33-36
-5 -p4 37-40
-4 -maj3 41-45
-3 -min3 46-49
-2 -maj2 50-53
-1 -min2 54-57
0 unison 58-73
+1 +min2 74-77
+2 +maj2 78-81
+3 +min3 82-86
+4 +maj3 87-90
+5 +p4 91-94
+6 +aug4/dim5 95-98
+7 +p5 99-102
+8 +min6 103-106
+9 +maj6 107-110
+10 +min7 111-114
+11 +maj7 115-118
+12 (oCtave) +oCtave 119-126
mute na 127


Holding down the “Sequencer Mode” button (or R LED button) on power up resets all of the presets and all of the global settings back to their original factory values. Once the reset is complete, simply recycle the power on the unit.


  • Conversion 24-bit A/D and D/A
  • DSP 32-bit floating point
  • Sample Rate 48000 Hz
  • Input Impedance 1 Meg Ohm
  • SNR 110dB typical
  • Frequency Response 20Hz-20kHz
  • Max Input Level +9 dBu (instrument level setting) +12.5 dBu (line/synth level setting)
  • Power 9V DC center-negative, 150mA, 2.1mm jack
  • Bypass Selectable True Bypass (Relay) or Analog Buffered Bypass
  • Dimensions 4.25” wide, 4.5” long, 2” tall
  • Weight 14.6 ounces


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
  • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment requires shielded interface cables in order to meet the FCC class B limit. Any unauthorized changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.


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