MINOLTA SR-1 Film Camera Owner’s Manual
- June 9, 2024
Table of Contents
Minolta SR-1 Owner’s Manual
SR-1 Film Camera
6 Steps before shooting
Bach step is explained in detail on the following
Film loading
20 or 36 exposures 35mm film con be used.
To open the camera hack, pull out the rewinding knob Ill until it stops, then with a slight extra pull, the heck will mien and the film (answer al will return automatically to the starting pcuition.
Insert film mag.nine iii into the film chamber, so that the film axis knob of the magazine is placed on the bottom side of thr chamber.
Push the rewinding knob’ Ill clown, to its original position. If you should have any difficulty then turn the knob around slightly and push down.
Using the lcnurled base of the film take-up spool (5) turn until the film catch-ing dip :4) faces the up-per side.
Insert the film leader into the take-up spool as per picture along the bottom side of the take-up spool. Make sure the film spro-cket gear teeth are enga-ged with the film perfo-rations.
Advance the film lever (6) bey making several short strokes until both sides of the film perforations are engaged properly in the film sprocket gear teeth (7). When the film advance lever stops release the shutter (8) so that sunlight. you can advance further.
Load and unload the film in the shadow and never under direct -
Please make sure that the film is placed parallel to the camera body befoer closing the camera back.
Again advance the lever (6) until it stops and then release the shutter (8). Repeat this action twice and advance the lever once more, then you are ready to shoot.
Notice the film counter window. A red arrow will indicate that the first film frame is in position to be exposed and you are ready for the first shot.
Emulsion Speed Numbers
Films | A S A |
Ansco Soper Hypan
Kodak Panatomic X
Kodak Plus X
Kodak Tri X| 40)
(DIN) 1 4
(DIN) 1 7
(DIN) 21
( daylight type)
( daylight type)
Super Anscachrome
( daylight type)
Anscochrome| 32
3 2
Film emulsion speed indicator :
For your reminder set the indi-cator to the emulsion speed num-ber (ASA or
DIN) of the film you have just loaded. To set the indicator turn the dial knob
1101. For instance, if your film, speed is ASA 200, set it as this picture
indicates. When color film is being used the indicator is set on the red
figures. Emulsion speed numbers iASA) are listed right for your con-venience.
They are also given on the in• struction sheet which comes with each film.
Advancing the flim
Do not advance the lever while the shutter is still in motion
Note: Unless the film advancing lever is completely winded, the shutter
can not be released
The film advancing lever performs the following five actions simultaneously
- Advances the film one picture frame.
- Advances the film counter to the next number.
- Cocks the shutter mechanism.
- Sets the quick-return mirror mechanism.
- Opens the diaphragm fully.
You can turn the lever either by making several short strokes or by one 180 degree stroke until it stops as it is illustrated in the pictures.
The shutter speed dial is marked with figures B to 500.
The figures 1, 2. 4, 8, 15, …. 500 indicate respectively shutter speeds of 1
second. 1..;), second. 1/4 second, 1/8 second. 1/15 second …. 1/500 second.
The B position or bulb enables you to keep opened as long as the shutter
button is pressed position is used when more than one second required. the
shutter down. This’i exposure is The red letter-X corresponds to about 1/50 of
second speed., This position or speed is used with strobes or electronic flash
equipment. (Please read page 25).
The shutter speed setting
How to set shutter speed
Pull up the black knurled part of the speed dial and turn until the desired
shutter speed figure is next to the center red line, then set down the speed
dial. The shutter speed can be set either before or after advancing the lever.
Setting the diaphragm
The diaphragm is set to desired aperture figure by turning the diaphragm
setting ring (11).while pressing the click stop button (12). When the white
dot coincides with the figure you choose, release your finger from the button
and it will be locked in the selected figure. Should the diaph-ragm ring left
in any intermediate position between figures the ring will move to the next
figure position when the shutter is released.
The diaphragm ring has aperture figures from 2 to 22. The more the figure
increases the less light volume is permitted through the lens. The following
illustration indi-cates the relationship between aperture and light voluthe.
The aperture stops are used for control of exposure on the film. and at same
time to control the depth of field In order to check the depth of field in the
foreground and back ground of the subject, adjust the diaphi-agm before
cocking the lever. (see page 16 for detailed infor-mation).
What Is a COMPLETE AUTO-PRE-SET DIAPHRAGM? wiqpisseelnim . This is an advanced
feature which Minolta is very much proud of. plii In general, with other
single lens reflex cameras it is very difficult to focus when the aperture is
small since the viewfinder will be very dark. For this reason it is necessary
to open the lens to its maximum aperture when focusing and then to close the
aperture down to the f stop desired after focusing. The Minolta SR-1
completely eliminates this difficulty. When the lever is advanced, the lens
will be opened to its maximum aperture and therefore it becomes very easy to
focus and frame the subject through the extra-bright viewfinder. And when the
shutter is released, immediately before the shutter mechanism starts to open,
the aperture will automatically close down to the preset aperture stop. This
automatic preset mechanism is also contained in the Wide. angle F2.8.35mm
lens, F3.5-100mm lens and F2.8-135mm lens as well as in the Standard F2-55mm
“the light value scale”
How to use “the light value scale”
The lower part of the shutter speed dial and the diaphragm setting ring are
marked with small yellow figures (13) that are the divided light values-i.e.
any combination of figures between the shutter dial and diaphragm ring would
correspond to a light value. If you have an exposure meter with Light Value
Scale, you can get the proper exposure setting by using the yellow figures
marked in the shutter dial and in the diaphragm ring.
First, read off the light value number indicated by your exposure meter and then divide this value between the shutter speed dial light value and the aperture ring light value. For example, if the light value number of your exposure meter is 13, you may divide it into 7 on shutter side and 6 on aperture side as in the right illustrations or 9 on the shutter side and 4 on the aperture side. You will get the proper exposure as long as the combinations add up to 13. In this case 7 and 6, 9 and 4, 5 and 8, 6 and 7. Which side the priority in combination will be given to depends upon the subject you are about to shoot. For instance, if you are to shoot a fast moving subject, it is necessary to use a fast shutter speed. Assuming that a speed of ;Sao of sec. is sufficient set the shutter speed light value index to 8•(1/250sec.) and then, using the example that the light value given by a exposure meter is 13, set the aperture light value index to 5-(f5.6) (13-8=5) If you wish to give priority to aperture setting rather than to shutter speed in order to achieve a greater depth of field, it is necessary to use a larger number on the aperture light value index.
Focusing and framing of subject
It is recommended to focus after advanc-ing the winding lever due to the
greater brightness of the viewing field and shal-lower depth of field.
However, if you wish to check the depth of field, you can do so before
advancing the winding lever.
By looking through the viewfinder eye-piece and turning the lens barrel (15)
either to the right or left your subject image will become sharper and
clearer. At the sharpest point you are in focus and ready to shoot. The same
image you sec will appear on the film negative.
This is one of the biggest advantage of the Mino that there is no parallax correction problem, i.e.. however close you may get to your subject you do not have to worry about parallax compensation. What you see through the view- finder is exactly what you will get on the film negative. Further advantages are followings: you can see (1) The real relationship between subject. background and foreground. (2) The actual color condition when using filters. (3) Depth of field changes in accordance with the change of aperture settings. These results canbe obtained before advancing the winding lever which will automatically open the diaphragm fully. Should you desire the above advantages CO adjust the aper-ture and the shutter speed. 0 focus the lens approximately and view the subject, 0) advance the film and C4) focus the lens critically.
Infrared film Indicator :
When using infrared film you must move back the focused distance indicated by
▲ mark to “R” position.
The black ring of finder eye-piece 1141 can be screwed off :1: turning counter-clock-wise in order to attach finder accessories such as the angle viewfinder and critical focus-ing (magnifier) viewfinder. The flash accessory shoe is attached by screwing in the eye piece.
Focusing and framing of subject
Depth of field The depth of field of a lens is the range of distance within which all subjects are in relatively sharp focus when the lens is set for a given distance. This range varies with the lens aper-ture, being greatest when the lens is stopped down and least when it is open full. The photographs on the next page illustrate the re-lationship. The same sub. ject was taken at different aperture settngs.
Taken at F2 ( ½0osec.)
Taken at F22 ( ¼%sec.)
At large aperture, only the subject (girl) is in sharp focus while the
background (the castle) and the foreground (the boy) are fuzzy. This is an
example of shallow depth of field.
Overall picture is in comparatively sharp focus. This is an example of great
depth of field.
The principles governing It are:
- The depth of field is greater as the distance is increased or the aperture is stopped down.
- The depth of field grows less as the distance is decreased or the aperture is enlarged.
- The depth extends greater into the background than the foreground.
- The depth of field is greater with a shorter focal length lens and shallower with a longer focal length lens. Because the depth of field can be controlled by the aperture stops, you can either bring to sharp-ness both the background and foreground or em. asize the subject sharpness only by making the ckground fuzzy. oliage framing the distant view or deep shadows it the foreground will also set off the lighter dis. with strong effect
You can check the effect of the depth of field by setting the aperture and focusing before advancing film. However. should you advance the film first and then wish to check the depth of field, you must refer to the depth of field scale (17).
The arrow mark▲ on the ring (17) indicates the distance between camera and focused subject_ The two sets of figures on both sides of the arrow mark are aperture stops and the distance framed by the two same figures shows the depth of field. For instance, if you are focusing on a subject 15 feet away and if you are using a f 11 aperture, it will be possible to read off the distances oppo-site the figures 11 on both sides of the depth of field scale which will be approximately 10 feet to 37 feet. This will be the range of distance within which all subjects are in relatively sharp focus.
Depth of Field Table
Releasing the
When you release the shutter button :
- The aperture will close automatically to the pre-set f stop.
- The mirror will rise up to allow expo-sure to be made.
- The shutter curtain will open to expose film at pre-set shutter speed.
- The mirror will instantly return to its original position.
How to aim
The camera may be held accordingly for either horizontal or vertical pictures.
It is best to press the camera firmly against your face and to release the
shutter with a slow pressure to avoid all movements and insure sharp
negatives. Whichever eye is convenient for you to focus and view with may be
used although for sequence shots it is advisable to use the right eye to
permit free use of the rapid winding lever. The lever contains a double
exposure prevention mechanism and therefore the film can be advanced only
after you release the shutter. Unless the lever is advanced completely, the
shutter can not be released.
Attention : When using shutter speeds of 1/15 sec. and slower it is best
to use a tripod to avoid camera movement. If a tripod is not available, set
the camera on some-thing or hold the camera against something steady.
A Cable release may be screwed into the shutter release button. It is best to
use a cable release (19) when using a tripod.
When using slow shutter speeds such as 1/2 of sec. or 1 second, please be
careful not to advance film while the shutter mechanism is still in motion.
Film rewinding
When you have finished tak-ing all pictures (20 or 36 ex-posures), you will
not be able to advance the lever any fur-ther. If you force it further, the
film will tear or pulled out of the film magazine and it will be impossible to
rewind film back into the magazine.
It is absolutely necessary to rewind the film back into the magazine in order
to unload the film from camerae
When you have finished tak-ing all pictures, push in the re-, winding release button (20) and it will click into place,the button should remain in after releas-ing your finger, if the but-ton pops up again then advance the lever very slightly while pushing the button down and it will click into place.
Raise up the crank (21) and rewind in a clockwise direction as the arrow on the knob indi-cate until you feel the film is slip out from the clip of the take up spool and a sudden release of tension.
Ann: When operating the crank rewinding lever, please do not pull up the rewinding knob. If you do so, the cam-era back will open and the entire film will be exposed.
Open the camera back by pulling out the rewind knob as far as it goes (see page 4 step it Remove the film magazine.
The use of self-timer
The self-timer allows you to get yourself into the picture. Also the self-
timer can be used to minimize camera move-ment Even while you are hold-ing the
camera at slow shut-ter speeds with the self-timer working, you can minimize
blurring better than by press-ing on the shutter release.
Attn: If you press the shutter release button without pushing the self-timer
button (23), the shutter will open without lett-ing the self-timer work.
To charge or set the self-timer push down lever 122). When the lever is push down to the position this picture indi-cates, you will get a time lap of about 10 seconds.
To start the self-timer, push but-ton (23) toward the lens barrel and the shutter will automati-cally release after the time lap of about 10 seconds. If you set the shutter dial on “B” and use the self-timer, you will get approximately a 2 sec-ond constant exposure automati-cally.
Flash photography
It is recommended using flash for night shots and for filling in dark shaded
areas. You can use either regular flash or strobe light.
When you use a strobe light (Electronic flash) :
Please make sure the shutter speed dial is set on the red mark “X”. Speeds
slower than X (about 1/50 of sec.) may be used. With strobe light the camera
is synchronized at speeds from 1 second to 1/50 of second.
When you use flash bulbs :
Please make sure you use FP. class bulbs. (Focal Plane bulbs) The camera is
synchronized at all shutter speeds from 1 second to 1/500 of second when using
FP. class bulbs.
Shutter speed to
be used for flash photography
(The speeds showed by oblique lines are the speeds you can use)
The important factor .in flash photography is the aperture setting. The
apertureNetting is deterrnined by the brightness of flash and the distance
from the light to subject. As these factors vary greatly, precise in-formation
on instructions is attached with flash bulbs and strobe light units.
How to connect
flash gun
If you wish to attach a flash gun on the camera, you can do so by using the
SR-1 accessory clip (which is avai-lable separately)→
How to attach the SR-1 accessory clip
A) Unscrew the black eye piece ring (14) by turning it counter-clockwise.
B) Attach the accesso- ry clip (25) over the penta-prism cover and screw in
black ring which will hold it in place.
C) Slide flash gun shoe into the accessory clip.
⇐ Insert the flash connection plug into synchronization make sure the plug is
inserted into the proper terminal. When using a regular flash gun, insert plug
into the terminal marked with blue PP and when using a strobe light unit
insert plug into the terminal marked with red X.
Interchanging the lenses
Antomatic pre-set lenses can be changed even after ad-vancing the lever and
still maintain the fullest aperture opening.
To remove lens
While pushing down the lens change-button (26) turn the lens barrel counter-
clockwise until it stops (1/8 of a turn) and still holding unto the lens
barrel lift up carefully.
To attach lens
Insert the lens into the bayonet mount by lining up the red dot on the lens
barrel with the red dot on the camera body and turn the lens clockwise until
it stops (1/8 of a turn)
Interchangeable Lenses for Minolta SR-1
Your camera has the improvement as follows : —
How to set shutter speed
Turn the shutter speed dial until the desired shutter speed figure is next to the center red line. The shutter speed can be set either before or after advancing the lever.
Your camera has the improvement as follows :
How to attach the SR-1 accessory clip.
A) Push the accessory clip onto the eyepiece as picture. The sp-ring on the
accessory clip will fix the clip on the penta-prism co-ver.
B) Slide flash gun shoe into the accessory cl-ip.
C) For detaching the ac-cessory clip, push up the two buttons of clip, it will
come off easily.
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