WHALEN SPEED WSRD Can-AM X3 Upgraded Fuel Pump User Guide
- June 9, 2024
Table of Contents
WHALEN SPEED WSRD Can-AM X3 Upgraded Fuel Pump
Some Tools you’ll NEED
- Eye and hand protection
- Wouldn’t recommend any open flames near your machine.
- T30 Torx (removing plastics)
- 10mm wrench/socket
- Flat head screw driver assortment
- Hammer (to remove sending unit ring)
- Upgraded Fuel pump
- WSRD Fuel pump relay harness
- Installation/moutning hardware (for relay)
- 20AMP upgraded fuse
Please locate your fuel pump, it’ll be underneath the passenger side upper
dash plastic piece. There will be an assortment of T30 torx bolts you’ll need
to remove to get the fuel pump exposed.
After you removed the steel sending unit protector bracket. Held on by x2 10mm bolts. You can focus on loosing the fuel pump sending unit plastic ring.
- Usually a flat head screw driver and hammer work well to break it loose.
Also mind the arrow molded onto the sending unit itself. It will need to be installed in the same direction.
Just be mind full of debris around the fuel sending unit. You want to avoid any of that falling into your fuel tank.
When removing the sending unit itself.
There will be a bit of fuel inside the unit itself. Try to recyle the fuel back into the tank while your removing it. -
This will be the hardest part of the job. There are three (3) small tabs that’ll need to be removed to get the halves separated.
Using small headed flat head screw drivers, putting pressure to release each tab.
Try not to break the plastic housing, sometimes they can be fragile.
Remove the factory fuel pump.
Align the new fuel pump and install it into the lower section.
Recommended to install the fuel pump seal onto the fuel pump itself first.
Install the upper section by lining up the fuel pump seal and pressing down evenly. Also, aligning the clips of the upper body to lower body at the same time.
Make sure it fully seats without issue.
Reinstall the fuel level and fuel pump power harness. And proceed to install it back into your machine.
Using provided hardware.
Please install the ground cable of the relay harness onto the rive nut itself.
swap factory 10amp fuse w/ supplied 20amp fuse. factory 10amp will blow if not changed.
F5″ on fuse box lid
“F5” on fuse box lid
“f28” on fuse box lid
Only XR42/XR52 packages will need to do this
- adjust the fuel pressure regulator inward (1/4″ Allen) until it bottoms out. Then back it out ONE FULL TURN OUT!
- Pull up on the plastic regualtor cover, that’ll expose the regualtor.
Again, tighten all the way in and then back out one full turn.
P: 269-415-0040
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