Laurel LNET1 Generation 2 Laureate Communication Boards User Manual

June 9, 2024

LNET1 Generation 2 Laureate Communication Boards

Generation 2 Laureate Communication Boards
User Manual
LAUREL Electronics Inc.
3183-G Airway Ave, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626, USA Tel: 714-434-6131 · Fax: 714-434-3766 · Website:

1. Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………… 2 2. Gen 2 Communication Boards Overview …………………………………………………… 3 3. Gen 2 Communications Boards Operation ………………………………………………… 6 4. Gen 2 Board Installation ………………………………………………………………………….. 8 5. WiFi Board Installation & Range Considerations …………………………………………10 6. Network Setup Utility Installation……………………………………………………………….11 7. LWIFI Series Network Setup Discovery Screen…………………………………………..14 8. LNET1 Series Network Setup Discovery Screen …………………………………………17 9. Gen 2 Board Use as an RS485 Gateway …………………………………………………..18 10. LNS Screen Details …………………………………………………………………………………21 11. Instrument Setup (IS) Software with Gen 2 Boards ……………………………………..24 12. Data Caching, Data Rates & Read Rates …………………………………………………..28 13. Gen 2 Modbus Implementation …………………………………………………………………29 14. Diagnostic Tool QModMaster……………………………………………………………………39 15. Gen 2 Communication Board Specifications ………………………………………………49 16. Appendix: Ethernet Primer & Definitions …………………………………………………….51 17. Warranty ………………………………………………………………………………………………..53
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Laurel Gen 2 (generation 2) communication boards were introduced in 2022 and fit in the middle board slot of 1/8 DIN sized Laureate Series 2 digital panel meters, counters and timers. LNET1 is a faster alternative to the legacy Gen 1 (generation 1) LNET board. LNET1485 is a faster alternative to the Gen 1 LNET485 board. LWIFI, LWIFI485, LWIFIX and LWIFIX485 are new WiFi boards. All Gen 2 communication boards are low in cost and use cache memory for high read rates. Gen 2 communication boards covered by this manual: · LNET1 connects its host meter to an Ethernet local
area network (LAN) via an RJ45 connector and a standard 10/100 Base-T Ethernet cable. It also has a mini-USB for connection to a PC or HMI. USB is used for discovery with Laurel Network Setup (LNS) software. It can also be used for data transfer to a PC or HMI at 38400 baud. The board’s host (or Main) meter can be programmed over the USB port using our Instrument Setup (IS) software. · LWIFI comes with an internal (or printed) 2.4 GHz WiFi antenna and is an easy way to connect a host meter to a WiFi network. It is suited for WiFi applications where the meter is mounted on a benchtop or inside a plastic enclosure that does not block radio waves. LWIFI also comes with a mini-USB jack. USB is used for discovery with Laurel Network Setup (LNS) software and can also be used for data transfer to a PC or HMI at 38400 baud. The board’s host (or Main) meter can be programmed over the USB port using our Instrument Setup (IS) software. · LWIFIX has the same capabilities as LWIFI but comes with an external 5 dBi antenna and a 30″ antenna cable instead of a printed internal antenna. Use of an external antenna allows meter installation inside a metal cabinet and increases range up to 30 m (100 ft).
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· LNET1485 has the same Ethernet capabilities as LNET1 but has with an RS485 port in lieu of USB. Connection to the USB port of a PC uses Laurel’s RS485 -to-USB converter cable CBL06. Programming with Laurel Network Setup (LNS) software also requires RS485 splitter cable CBL08. The RS485 port can be used for programming, for data transfer at up to 115 kbits/sec, and as an Ethernet- to-RS485 gateway to an RS485 bus with up to 31 meters or transmitters. LNET1485 is a faster replacement for the Gen 1 LNET485 board.
· LWIFI485 has the same capabilities as LWIFI but comes with an added RS485 port. That port can be used for programming, for data transfer at up to 115 kbits/sec, or as a WiFi-to-RS485 gateway to an RS485 bus with up to 31 Laureate meters or transmitters. The RS485 bus can reach locations that WiFi cannot reach.
· LWIFIX485 has the same capabilities and antenna as LWIFIX but comes with an added RS485 port. That port can be used for programming, for data transfer at up to 115 kbits/sec, or as a Wifi-to-RS485 gateway to an RS485 bus with up to 31 Laureate meters or transmitters.
High data rates are a major advantage of Gen 2 communication boards compared to legacy Gen 1 boards when used for data polling. The legacy communications boards, which include RS232, RS485, USB and Ethernet, are limited to about 2 or 3 updates per second when used in a polling command mode since they only operate at up to 9600 baud, and the meter’s 8-bit processor has to perform meter operation and communication operations in sequence. In Gen 2 communication boards, a more powerful on-board processor polls the meter’s microcomputer board at 19200 baud at rates up to 60 readings per sec and stores data in cache memory. The cached data can then be read asynchronously by an external master as fast as every 2 msec with Ethernet or every 10 msec with WiFi or USB. Please see the Data Update Rates section of this manual.
The Modbus protocol is used for all external communications with Gen 2 boards. That protocol is a master-slave protocol, where a master (typically a PC or HMI) issues commands, and a slave (or instrument) responds to these commands, for example by supplying data. The protocol is named Modbus TCP/IP when used with WiFi or Ethernet, and Modbus RTU when used with USB or RS485. The command set is the same, as documented in the Modbus Implementation section of this manual.
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Laurel’s Custom ASCII protocol is not available for external commands with Gen 2 products, and there is no data streaming. However, Modbus commands are seamlessly translated by the Gen 2 board processor to Custom ASCII commands for internal operation, which includes communications between the Gen 2 board and the host meter, and between the Gen 2 board and remote instruments on an RS485 bus. This explains why the host meter and Slave meters on an RS485 bus have to set up for the Custom ASCII protocol.
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LWIFI & LWIFIX operate the same, but LWIFI has an onboard printed antenna while LWIFIX comes with an external antenna and a 30″ (76 cm) antenna cable. The external antenna is designed for mounting on the top surface of a metal cabinet that would block the radio signal of the onboard antenna. It also provides greater range than the onboard antenna. Operation of an LWIFI or LWIFIX board requires that these be logged into the same wireless network as a PC or HMI that serves a Modbus Master. Logging into the wireless network requires entry of the network’s WiFi Name (SSID) and Password via the board’s USB connection. Once the PC or HMI and all wireless instruments are on the same WiFi network, the PC or HMI can issue Modbus TCP commands as detailed in this manual to collect data from the instruments and change setup parameters. Devices by different manufacturers can be on the same wireless network. All devices on the network are addressed by their IP address, as assigned by the wireless router. LWIFI485 & LWIFIX485 add an RJ11 connector for RS485 communications. RS485 can be used for programming and for data transfer as Slave to a PC. It can also serve as a Master and support an RS485 bus with Laureate Modbus Slave instruments with a half-duplex RS485 interface and an address from 2 to 31. Reasons to use RS485 cabling when WiFi is available is that RS485 can reach distances up to 2000 feet (600 meters) at 19200 baud, and that it can be fed into metal cabinets and overcome obstructions that would block radio signals.
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LNET1 & LNET1485 allow a Laureate meter, counter or timer to be plugged into the same wired LAN as a PC or HMI that serves a Modbus Master. As or WiFi, devices by different manufacturers can be on the same network and are addressed by their IP address. That address is typically assigned by the router, but with LNET1 and LNET1485 it can also be entered by the user with our Laurel Network Setup (LNS) software, as explained in this manual. LNET1 comes with an RJ45 connector for Ethernet and a mini-USB connector for programming or for data transfer in parallel with Ethernet. LNET1485 comes with an RJ45 connector for Ethernet and an RJ11 connector for RS485, but no mini-USB connector. The RS485 port can be used for programming, for data transfer at up to 115 kbits/sec, and as an Ethernet-to-RS485 gateway to an RS485 bus with up to 30 Modbus Slave meters or transmitters whose Modbus address has been set to different values from 2 to 31. Slave meters must be equipped with an L485 RS485 communication board and can be daisy-chained using our nonreversing 6-wire data cables CBL03-7 (7 feet) or CBL03-1 (1 foot). Use daisy-chained RS485 wiring to minimize Ethernet cabling.
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Laurel Gen 1 or Gen 2 communication boards come installed in a Laureate meter or counter when called out in the 6th digit position of the meter or counter model number. For example, an L2000CDCV1 meter includes a WiFi board P/N LWIFI with an internal antenna and USB. Please see the photo to the right of a meter with an LWIFI485 board in the middle slot. Visible are the Mini-USB and RS485 connectors.

6th Digit

Board Description

0 None (no communications board)

1 RS232 with one RJ11 jack

2 RS485 with two RJ11 jacks for daisy chaining (recommended for RS485 bus)

4 RS485 with two RJ45 Jacks (use RJ11 jacks for new designs)

5 USB with one USB Type B jack

6 USB + RS485 for USB-to-RS485 gateway

7 Ethernet (not for new designs)

8 Ethernet + RS485 for Ethernet-to-RS485 gateway (not for new designs)

A Ethernet + USB for programming or data

B Ethernet + RS485 for programming, data, or Ethernet-to-RS485 gateway

C WiFi with internal antenna + USB

D WiFi with external antenna + USB

E WiFi with internal antenna + USB +RS485

F WiFi with external antenna + USB + RS485

Gen 1 P/N

Gen 2 P/N


Communication boards can also be installed later by the user by inserting them into
the middle backplane slot that is reserved for communications boards. The boards are automatically recognized by the meter’s processor, but software setup is required as detailed in this manual.

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Disassembling your meter
To install a new board, first remove the electronics assembly from its case. The first step of disassembly is to remove any connectors. Then use a flat blade screwdriver to press down on two spring-loaded tabs at the top of the rear panel to free the panel from slits at the top the case. Lift up the rear panel to free it from the slits at the bottom. This will unhook the rear panel, and the electronics assembly will slide out.

Circuit board alignment pins

Two spring loaded top tabs

Knockouts for circuit boards

Rear panel grooves for circuit board alignment

Two fixed bottom tabs

Reassembling your meter
1. Verify that the top and bottom edges of all circuit boards are at the same horizontal level. If boards are inserted one electrical pin off, this may burn out the electronics.
2. Slide the electronics assembly back into the case until the display board is seated flush against the front of the case.
3. If the added board is an LNET1, use wire cutters to snip off the horizontal plastic divider.
4. Carefully insert the fixed bottom tabs of the rear panel into the bottom of the case, then nudge the circuit boards from side to side with a flat-blade screwdriver until each board is held firmly by an alignment groove in the rear panel. Also note the alignment pins in the middle of the rear panel.
5. Once all boards are held firmly, insert the top tabs of the rear panel into the case.
6. Verify that the installed rear panel is flat. Reinstall the rear panel if it bulges out, if the top tabs cannot be inserted, or if there is no room for connectors.
7. Once the rear panel is in place, reinsert the connectors.

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A digital panel meter with an LWIFI or LWIFI485 board, which comes with an internal printed antenna, needs to be mounted on a benchtop or in a plastic enclosure that is transparent to 2.4 GHz radio waves. WiFi is suitable for indoor communication distances of 30 m (100 ft) or less. The presence of nearby circuit board traces reduces power radiated by LWIFI by about 10 dB compared to LWIFIX with an external antenna.
A meter with an LWIFIX or LWIFIX485 board, which comes with an external antenna and a 760 mm (30″) long antenna cable, can be mounted inside a metal cabinet that blocks radio waves. The antenna should be vertical and be mounted on the top surface of the cabinet, which will then act as the antenna’s ground plane and help shape an antenna pattern which is omnidirectional in the horizontal plane. The antenna gain in the horizontal direction is 5 dBi. Also consider using LWFIX in lieu of LWIFI, since it has about 10 dB higher output. WiFi range depends on many factors. These include the radiated power and sensitivities not only of the WiFi board but also of the WiFi router. Received radio power on either end is increased by the sum of gains in dB of both antennas. It is decreased by loss in dB of the antenna cable inside the cabinet and most significantly by loss in dB along the radio path. Each -3 dB reduces power by a factor of 2. Each -10 dB reduces power by a factor of 10. WiFi range can be 90 m (300 ft) with an external antenna and an unobstructed lineof-sight connection outdoors, but it is half of that or less indoors. Signal loss is caused by materials like concrete, bricks, plaster and flooring that absorb radio waves, and by nearby metal objects that reflect and scatter radio waves. To maximize range, minimize obstructions between the WiFi router and meter antennas. Also maximize the height of both antennas. If possible, place the WiFi router in a raised, central location to eliminate WiFi dead zones. WiFi range is also reduced by interference from competing 2.4 GHz signals from other WiFi networks, IoT devices and leaked radiation from products like microwave ovens.
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Laurel Network Setup (LNS) is a software utility that must be run on a PC to set up Gen 2 communication boards prior to their use. This utility works with the microcontroller used in Gen 2 boards, not in older Gen 1 boards.
Download the file NetworkSetup_2_1.exe (100 kB) from Laurel’s software downloads web page or click here. Copy the downloaded file into a PC directory of your choice. You may also wish to paste a shortcut on your Windows desktop. To execute, doubleclick on the file name or on your shortcut.
Before you can run LNS software on a PC, the Gen 2 communications board must be set by connecting it to the USB port of a PC on which LNS software has been installed.
If your Gen 2 board has a mini-USB Type B jack, use a readily available USB cable with a mini-USB Type B connector and a USB Type A connector like our CBL07 USB cable.
If your Gen 2 board is a P/N LNET1485 which does not have USB but has RS485, use our CBL06 RS485-to-USB adapter cable. It is possible to use that cable for LNS software with any Gen 2 board that has an RS485 jack.
Before you can run LNS software on a PC, the host meter of the Gen 2 communications board must be set up to the following:
· 19200 baud · Custom ASCII protocol · No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit (N81), address 1.
To do so, enter these settings from the meter front panel, as illustrated on the next page:
· SEr 1: 160 The digit 6 selects 19200 baud. · SEr 2: 0111 The second to last 1 selects the Custom ASCII command mode.
The last digit 1 selects address 1. · SEr 3: 00000 · SEr 4: 000
If the connecting cable (USB or RS485) to the PC is missing, if the communication settings of the host meter are not correct, or if the host meter is not under power, you will get the error message “No Network Board Found.”
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If the MENU

key does not work, see Section 9 “Enabling & Locking Out Menu Items.”

Press Menu Select Key .SEr 1. Fixed Parameters: No parity 8 data bits 1 stop bit
.SEr 2. Serial Setup 2
.SEr 3. Serial Setup 346

Press Digit Select Key 000 Output filtering 000U Baud rate
__000U Output update rate
_0000U Line feed _0000U Alarm data with readings _0000U Control of data output _0000U Meter address with Custom ASCII protocol 00000U Half or full duplex 00000U Special start & stop char. 00000U RTS mode (for RS232)
00000U Termination characters 00000U Data sent in continuous mode

Press Value Select Key

0 Send unfiltered signal 1 Send filtered signal

0 300 baud 1 600 baud 2 1200 baud 3 2400 baud 4 4800 baud 5 9600 baud 6 19200 baud

60 Hz

50 Hz

0 Line frequency Line frequency

1 0.28 sec

0.34 sec

2 0.57 sec

0.68 sec

3 1.1 sec

1.4 sec

0 No line feed after carriage return 1 Line feed after carriage return

0 No alarm data 1 Alarm data with reading

0 Continuous data output 1 Data output on ASCII command only

Select 1 thru F for addresses 1 thru 15. Select 0. thru F. (with decimal point) for addresses 16 thru 31.

0 Half or full duplex 1 Do not use

0 Standard continuous mode 1 Special start & stop characters

0 Normal RS232 operation 1 Single RS232 transmission mode
with -e jumper on RS232 board

0 Only at end of all items 1 At end of each item

0 Reading 1 Peak 2 Valley 3 Reading + peak 4 Reading + valley 5 Reading + peak

  • valley

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SEr 4. Serial Setup 4.

000U Modbus ASCII gap timeout
000U Serial protocol
__000U Parity

0 1 sec 1 3 sec 2 5 sec 3 10 sec
0 Custom ASCII 1 Modbus RTU 2 Modbus ASCII
0 None, 2 or more stop bits 1 Odd, 1 or more stop bits 2 Even, 1 or more stop bits

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LWIFI Series Gen 2 boards come with a wireless WiFi connection for use with Modbus TCP/IP commands, plus a USB port for connection to a PC for programming or data transfer. Models with 485 include an RS485 port which can be used for connection as a Slave to a PC or as a Master and gateway to an RS485 bus with up to 31 Laureate meters or transmitters. Connect the USB port of your LWIFI series board to the USB port of a PC with the Laurel Network Setup (LNS) utility. Upon launch, the LNS utility will present you with a blank discovery screen.
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Click on “Connect to Gen 2” in the upper left of the screen, and the LNS screen will start to self-populate.
The LNS screen will now show the Network Board Type, the COM port used by the PC, and the MAC address of the WiFi chip. At this point the IP Address and WiFi Signal Quality are still shown as “No Connection.”
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Enter WiFi Name (SSID) and WiFi Password of your WiFi network, and click on “Update WiFi Settings.” This will initiate the WiFi connection, and the missing WiFi items will fill in.
Click on Main under “Instrument Detect” to update the LNS screen and delete previously discovered items which do not apply. In WiFi networks, the IP address is assigned by the WiFi router with DHCP. Knowledge of the IP address is essential, since it is part of Modbus TCP commands.
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LNET1 comes with a wired Ethernet connection for use with Modbus TCP/IP commands, and a USB port for connection to a PC for programming or data transfer. LNET1485 comes with wired Ethernet and an RS485 port in lieu of USB. The RS485 port can be used for programming, for connection as a Slave to a PC, or connection as a Master and gateway to an RS485 bus with up to 31 Laureate instruments. For use with LNS software, connect the LNET1 series board to the PC via a Laurel’s CBL06 RS485-to-USB adapter cable. Upon launch, the LNS utility will present you with a blank LNS discovery screen as for LWIFI. Click on the “Connect to Gen 2” button in the upper left, and the screen will self- populate, as shown below. The left side of the screen includes the “Network Board Type,” the USB COM port used the PC, the factory assigned MAC address, and a DHCP assigned IP address. The right side of the screen allows a static IP address to be assigned, and the MAC address to be changed.
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9. Gen 2 Board Use as an RS485 Gateway
A part number ending in 485 indicates that the board includes an RJ11 connector for RS485. While the RS485 port can be used to program the host meter and transfer data at rates up to 115 kbits/sec, its main intent is to serve as gateway to an RS485 bus with up to 31 daisy-chained Laureate instruments called Slaves. These can be a mix of Laureate 1/8 DIN sized meters, counters and timers, and also include LT series transmitters set to RS485. The host meter of the Gen 2 board and the Slave meters can be interconnected by Laurel’s non-reversing, half-duplex RS485 cables, P/N CBL03. These come in a 7-foot length (CBL03-7) and a 1-foot length (CBL03-1). The Slaves need to be set up from their front panel for 19200 baud, their own individual address between 2 and 31, and the Custom ASCII protocol. That protocol is used for GEN 2 internal network operation. During actual instrument operation, outside commands need to be in Modbus RTU/TCP format and are translated to Custom ASCII by our firmware.
LWIFI485 and LWIFIX485 boards. If the connection to the PC is via USB and if the connection to the remote slaves is via daisy chained RS485, press on “Slaves” under “Instrument Detect.” The bottom of the screen will then self- populate with all detected slaves, their address, and their measurements. The host meter and slaves can also be individually programmed via the USB link using Instrument Setup (IS) software running on the PC.
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LNET1485 board. This board does not have a mini-USB connector but has an RJ11 connector for RS485. This connector can be used for setup using Laurel Network Setup (LNS) software or Instrument Setup (IS) software, and for data transfer with an RS485 bus with a mix of up to 31 Laureate meters and transmitters. For setup purposes only, insert an RS485 splitter at the RJ11 connector. This needs to be an RJ12 male to dual RJ12 female splitter adapter 6p6c, Laurel P/N CBL08 The male connector needs to be at the end of a cable for mechanical clearance purposes. Once the network has been set up, the RS485 splitter can be removed. LNS software setup is as for WiFi, except that “WiFi Signal Quality” does not have an entry in the LNS screen.
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The Slaves need to be set up from their front panel for 19200 baud, their own individual address between 2 and 31, and the Custom ASCII protocol. That protocol is used for GEN 2 internal network operation. During actual instrument operation, outside commands need to be in Modbus RTU/TCP format which is translated to Custom ASCII by our firmware.
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10. LNS Screen Details
The items displayed by an LNS screen for a Gen 2 board with Slaves on an RS485 bus:
Network Board Type: As programmed into the Gen 2 board and discovered by the LNS utility over USB.
Firmware revision: As programmed into the Gen 2 board and discovered by the LNS utility over USB.
Communication Port: The COM port used by the PC for USB communications to the Gen 2 board, as discovered by the LNS utility.
WiFi Signal Quality: An MCS (Modulation Coding Scheme) score from 0 to 7 to indicate WiFi signal quality. An MCS score of 3 or less indicates low signal quality. An MCS sore of 7 MCS indicates a WiFi data rate of 72.2 Mbits/sec. The MCS score is only displayed after WiFi communications have been established after entering the correct WiFi SSID and password in the upper right of the screen. Otherwise “No Connection” is displayed.
IP Address: As assigned by the network router to the Gen 2 board. With WiFi, the address is always dynamic. With WiFi, the IP address is only displayed after entering the correct WiFi SSID and password in the upper right of the screen. Otherwise “No Connection” is displayed. With Ethernet in lieu of WiFi, the IP address can also be static as assigned by the router or be assigned by LNS software. The IP address needs to be known for Modbus TCP WiFi or Ethernet communications.
MAC Address: A unique 12-character hexadecimal number assigned by the manufacturer to the WiFi or Ethernet chip as discovered by the LNS utility. While LNS software can change the MAC address, there should be no reason for you to do so.
Instrument Type: The Laureate instrument type as discovered by the LNS utility over USB.
RS485 Status: “Master” is displayed if the host meter serves as a gateway (or master) to meters on an RS485 bus. “Slave” is displayed if the host meter does not serve as a gateway to meters on an RS485 bus.
RS485 Num Slaves: The number of slave meters from 0 to 31 on the RS485 bus if the host meter serves as a gateway (or master) to meters on an RS485 bus. The number 0 indicates no slaves.
RS485 Address: The Modbus address to be used by Modbus RTU when addressing the host meter as a Modbus slave. The factory default is 1. Modbus commands can be used to assign an address from 1-255 as explained in the Appendix to this manual. The RS485 address is blank if the host meter serves as a Master to one or multiple Slaves on an RS485 bus.
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RS485 Mode: The baud rate, data bits, parity and stop bits used for communications with the host meter as a Modbus slave. The factory default is 38400, 8, n, 1. As explained in the Appendix to this manual, the baud rate can be set to 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200. Baud rates above 38400 only apply to RS485 in Slave mode. Parity can be set to odd, even or none. Stop bits can be set to 1 or 2.
WiFi Settings requires entry of the correct “WiFi Name (SSID)” and “WiFi Password” to enter access the WiFi network. Press “Update WiFi Settings” after you have made your entries. If your entries are correct, the fields “WiFi Signal Quality” and “IP address” are populated, otherwise “No Connection” is displayed.
Cache Setting: Choices are “Displayed Measurement Only” or “All Measurement Readings.” The first selection only writes the latest measurement into cache and is best for high read rates. The second selection writes 6 values into cache. The 6 values depend on the meter type:
· Analog input meter (model numbers starting with L1-L4): alarm status, display value, peak value, valley value, display value, display value.
· Scale/weight meter (model numbers starting with LW): alarm status, display value, peak value, net value, gross value, display value.
· Counter/timer (model numbers starting with L5-L8): alarm status, display (item 1) value, peak value, valley value, item 2 value, item 3 value.
Alarm and overload status are contained in the lower 5 bits of holding registers 7000 and 7800. If a bit is set to 1, the alarm or overload condition exists. If a bit is set to 0, the condition does not exist. Bit 1 is the least significant (or right-most) bit.
· Bit 5 indicates signal overload, like 21V being applied to the 20V range. · Bit 4 indicates an alarm condition on alarm 4. · Bit 3 indicates an alarm condition on alarm 3. · Bit 2 indicates an alarm condition on alarm 2. · Bit 1 indicates an alarm condition on alarm 1.In the resulting Establish
Communications screen, select the COM port discovered by the Network Setup utility and 19200 baud, then click on Establish. After you see “Communications Established,” click on “Main Menu” to enter the main section of IS software.
Instrument Detect: Click on “Main” to repeat discovery of the host (or Main) meter. Click on “Slaves” to repeat discovery of slaves on an RS485 bus connected to the host meter. If “Detect” is not pressed, the last findings are retrieved from EEPROM,
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thereby saving about 10 seconds. Always press Detect if you have changed your host meter or have added or removed slaves. The bottom of the LNS screen lists the Main meter (or host meter to the Gen 2 board) plus any discovered Slaves, along with their Modbus address and latest measurements. If “Cache Setting” was set to “All Measurement Readings,” real time entries will also be displayed for Peak, Valley, Item 2, Item 3 and Alarms. Check these values to verify that your network is working as expected. Shown below is an example of a network which includes a Main meter with an LWIFI communication board, two Slave meters on RS485 bus, and two Slave transmitters on the same RS485 bus. In this example, the LWIFI USB port is used with Laurel Network Setup (LNS) software to enter the WiFi SSID and password, and to discover the LWIFI board’s IP address. Measurement data is transferred to a PC or HMI (not shown) which is connected to the router either via an Ethernet cable or wirelessly.
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Instrument Setup (IS) software is a free PC based Windows graphical user interface (GUI) with pull-down menus that can be used as an alternative to front panel programming for Laureate meters. It saves time and avoids human error when multiple meters are to be programmed in the same way. Please see our separate Instrument Setup (IS) Software Manual. The procedure in this section applies to an LWIFI, LWIFIX or LNET1 Gen 2 board which is connected via USB to a PC on which LNS and IS software have been installed. 1. IS software with the Gen 2 host (or Main) Meter
To apply IS software to the host or “Main” meter of the Gen 2 board from the LNS discovery screen, click on “Main” under “Instrument Setup.” You will be prompted to click on “Yes” to exit the LNS utility and launch IS software.
In the “Communications Setup” screen of IS software, select the “Custom ASCII” protocol, click on “RS485 Full Duplex,” and click on “Yes” to indicate that there is only one meter on the RS485 bus. In the “Establish Communications” screen, select the COM port discovered by the LNS utility and 19200 baud. Click on “Establish” to establish communications. Two lines highlighted in green should appear at the bottom of the screen to indicate success. Click on “Main Menu” to enter main IS software screens. To get started with IS software, click on “DPM” or “Counter” in the top menu bar and then on “Get Setup” to upload setup information from the DPM our Counter to your PC. Click on “Put Setup” to download any changes to your PC. You must recycle power to the host (or Main) meter to reenter the LNS utility after running IS software, or the LNS utility will return the message “No Network Board Found.”
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IS software Communication Setup screen for host (or Main) meter.
IS software Establish Communications screen for Main or Slave meters. – 25 –

2. IS software with RS485 Slaves To apply IS software to Slave meters or transmitters on the RS485 bus connected to a Gen2 LWIFI, LWIFIX or LNET1 board from the LNS discovery screen, click on “Slaves” under “Instrument Setup.” You will be prompted to click on “Yes” to exit the LNS utility and launch IS software.”
In the “Communications Setup” screen of IS software, select the “Custom ASCII” protocol, click on “RS485 Full Duplex,” click on “No” to indicate that there are multiple meters on the RS485 bus, enter the address 1-31 of the meter to be programmed, and press Enter. The resulting “Establish Communications” screen will be as for the host (or Main) meter. Select the COM port discovered by the LNS utility and 19200 baud. Click on “Establish” to establish communications. Two lines highlighted in green should appear at the bottom of the screen to indicate success. Click on “Main Menu” to enter main IS software screens. To get started, click on “DPM” or “Counter” and then on “Get Setup” to upload setup information from the DPM our Counter to your PC. Click on “Put Setup” to download any changes to your PC. You must recycle power to the host (or Main) meter to reenter the LNS utility after running IS software, or you will get the message “No Network Board Found.”
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IS software Communication Setup screen for Slaves. 3. Using Modbus commands to program meters on the fly
While IS software is great for initial setup of a meter, it is not suitable for changing operating parameters during normal meter operation. Examples of parameters to be changed “on the fly” are setpoints for relay action. Operating parameters can be changed with Modbus commands. With only a few exceptions, these can modify all setup parameters entered via a meter’s front panel or via Instrument Setup (IS) software. A warning is that changing any parameter in non-volatile memory of a Laureate meter causes a meter reset. During reset, normal meter operation is suspended, and the word “Reset” may flash one or multiple times.
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Cached operation is a key feature of LWIFI, LWIFIX and LNET1 Gen 2 communication boards. It allows much faster command mode operation than for Gen 1 communication boards. The use cache decouples the rate at which the Gen 2 board can poll its host meter as a Master from the rate at which the Gen 2 board can be polled as a Slave by external Modbus commands.
If the host meter is an analog input meter, a Gen 2 board can get updated readings from its host meter as fast as every 16.666 msec if the meter is set for 60 Hz noise rejection or every 20.000 msec if the meter is set for 50 Hz noise rejection. Note that every 17th reading is not updated since the meter then zeroes itself.
If the host meter is a counter set to frequency or rate mode, a Gen 2 board can get updated readings from its host meter every programmed gate time from 10 msec to 199.99 sec + 30 msec + 0-2 signal periods.
The fastest rate at which updated values can be read via external Modbus commands is paced by the measurement update intervals of the meter. Unchanged values are read by the external Modbus Master when data is read from cache at a rate faster than that at which readings are updated into cache.
Single values written into cache can be retrieved via WiFi, Ethernet, USB or RS485 using Modbus commands at these maximum rates:
· Ethernet: every 2 msec · WiFi: every 10 msec · USB: every 10 msec (at 38400 baud) · RS485: every 5 msec (at 115200 baud)
A set of 6 analog values are written into cache every 100 msec (60 Hz filtering) or 120 msec (50 Hz filtering) if the “Cache Setting” is set to “All Measurements.”
USB communications between an LWIFI, LWFIX or LNET1 board and an external Modbus Master use the Modbus RTU protocol, 38400 baud and address 1. These parameters cannot be changed.
WiFi communications between an LWIFI or LWFIX board and an external Modbus Master use the Modbus TCP protocol at a baud rate allowed by IEEE 802.11 b/g/n.
Ethernet communications between an LNET1 or LNET-485 board and an external Modbus Master use the Modbus TCP protocol at a 10 or 100 Mbits/sec.
System-internal communications between a Gen 2 board and its host meter use the Custom ASCII protocol, 19200 baud, N81, and address 1. These parameters need to be entered into the host meter from its front panel or with IS software.
System-internal communications between a Gen 2 board and Slave meters on an RS485 bus use the Custom ASCII protocol, 19200 baud, and N81. These parameters and the meter address need to be entered into each Slave meter in advance.
– 28 –

1. Modbus Protocol Overview
The Modbus protocol is used for external commands with Gen 2 communication boards, not Laurel’s Custom ASCII protocol or the Ethernet/IP protocol. The same Modbus function codes and registers apply to Modbus TCP, which is used with Ethernet or WiFi, and to Modbus RTU, which is used with USB or RS485.
The Gen 2 Modbus protocol implementation described in this manual is simpler than that for Laurel’s legacy Gen 1 boards. However, all Gen 1 Modbus protocol commands also work with Gen 2 boards. Please see our Gen 1 Modbus Protocol Communications Manual, Analog Input and our Gen 1 Modbus Protocol Communications Manual, Pulse Input.
Modbus is a master/slave protocol, where a master writes data to a slave’s registers and reads data from a slave’s registers. A register is a memory location. A master is a device like a PC or PLC that initiates requests. A slave is typically an instrument, like a Laurel meter, that responds to requests. A slave cannot initiate requests. Each slave that is addressed over an Ethernet or WiFi network has an IP address and will only respond if addressed. A slave that is connected via USB has address 1 since USB is not designed for multipoint addressing.
· A Holding Register is a 16-bit memory location that may be read or written. If a 32-bit value is to be held in Holding Registers, two 16-bit register addresses must be specified.
· A Coil is a 1-bit memory location that is used to control a specific outcome. It may be read or written.
· An Input Register is a 16-bit register that may only be read.
Decimal memory addresses are stated in this manual, not hexadecimal. Use an online tool to switch from decimal to hexadecimal if required.
Base 1 memory addresses are stated in this manual, not Base 0. With Base 1, numbering starts with 1, not 0. To switch from Base 1 to Base 0, add 1 to the address.
A Function Code specifies the type of register. The following Function Codes are described in this manual:
· FC01 is used to read multiple 1-bit coils. · FC03 is used to read multiple16-bit holding registers. · FC04 is used to read multiple 16-bit input registers. · FC05 is used to write to a single 1-bit coil. · FC0F is used to write to multiple 1-bit coils. · FC06 is used to write to a single 16-bit holding register. · FC10 is used to write to multiple 16-bit holding registers.
– 29 –

Signed integers in two’s complement format are binary numbers where the most significant (or leftmost) bit represents a minus sign when it is a 1. See Wikipedia for a more detailed description.
2. Gen 2 Reading the Display Value with Cached “Displayed Measurement Only”
If the Network Setup utility is set to cache “Displayed Measurement Only,” the cached meter reading will be available for retrieval via Modbus every 10 msec.
Use the table below if the reading is desired as a 32-bit signed two’s complement integers with a separately read decimal point.

Funct. Code

Input Register Base 1 Address

Register Contents

Data Format


Read decimal point position

0001 = xxxxxx. 0002 = xxxxx.x 0003 = xxxx.xx 0004 = 0005 = xx.xxxx 0006 = x.xxxxx


Low address is most significant word. High address is least significant word.

Combine 16-bit words to form a 32-bit integer.

Use the table below applies if the reading is desired as a 32-bit real number in IEEE 754 floating point format.

Funct. Code

Input Register Base 1 Address

Holding Register Contents

Data Format


Low address is most significant Combine 16-bit words

word. High address is least signi- to form a 32-bit floating

ficant word.

point number.

– 30 –

3. Gen 2 Reading Six Parameters with Cached “All Measurements”
If the Network Setup utility is set to cache “All Measurements,” six readings will be available for retrieval via Modbus every 10 msec.
Use the table below if readings are desired as 32-bit signed two’s complement integers with a separately read decimal point.

Funct. Code
FC03 FC03 FC03 FC03 FC03 FC03

Input Register Base 1 Address

Register Contents

Data Format


Read decimal point position

0001 = xxxxxx. 0002 = xxxxx.x 0003 = xxxx.xx 0004 = 0005 = xx.xxxx 0006 = x.xxxxx


Alarm and overload status in bits 1-5: – – – – – – – – – – – 5 4 3 2 1

Bit 1 = Alarm 1 Bit 2 = Alarm 2 Bit 3 = Alarm 3 Bit 4 = Alarm 4 Bit 5 = Overload

7002-7003 Display measurement value

7004-7005 Peak Value

7006-7007 7008-7009 7010-7011

Valley value for analog DPMs. Net weight for scale meters. Valley for counter/timers.
Display value for analog DPMs. Gross weight for scale meters. Item 2 for counter/timers.
Display value for analog DPMs. Display value for scale meters. Item 3 for counter/timers.

Low address is most significant word. High address is least significant word. Combine 16-bit words to form a 32-bit integer.

– 31 –

Use the table below applies if readings are desired as 32-bit real numbers in IEEE 754 floating point format.

Funct. Code
FC03 FC03 FC03

Input Register Base 1 Address

Holding Register Contents

Data Format


Alarm and overload status in bits 1-5: – – – – – – – – – – – 5 4 3 2 1

Bit 1 = Alarm 1 Bit 2 = Alarm 2 Bit 3 = Alarm 3 Bit 4 = Alarm 4 Bit 5 = Overload

7802-7803 Display measurement value

7804-7805 Peak Value

7806-7807 7808-7809 7810-7811

Valley value for analog DPMs. Net weight for scale meters. Valley for counter/timers.
Display value for analog DPMs. Gross weight for scale meters. Item 2 for counter/timers.
Display value for analog DPMs. Display value for scale meters. Item 3 for counter/timers.

Low address is most significant word. High address is least significant word. Combine 16-bit words to form a 32-bit floating point number.

4. Gen 2 Reading and Writing DPM Relay Setpoints, Scale and Offset
Use the table below to read or write these Holding Registers. Use Function Code FC03 to read, and Functions codes FC06 or FC10 to write. Any read or write involving these registers will cause the meter to reset.

Input Register Base 1 Address
0502-0503 0504-0505 0506-0507 0508-0509 0510-0511 0512 & 0517

Holding Register Contents
Setpoint 1 value Setpoint 2 value Setpoint 3 value Setpoint 4 value Scale factor value Offset value

Data Format
Low address is most significant word. High address is least significant word. Combine 16-bit words to form a 32-bit signed integer in 2’s complement format.

– 32 –

5. Gen 2 Reading and Writing to Coils
Coils are 1-bit memory addresses that are used to control specific outcomes. They may be read or written. Use Function Code FC01 to read. Use Function Codes FC05 or FC0F to write. Any write involving these coils will cause the meter to reset.

Analog input DPM & Scale/Weight Meter
Cold reset skipped Latched alarms reset Peak value reset Remote display reset External Input B true External Input B false External Input A true External Input A false Valley reset Tare function Tare reset

Coil #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Pulse Input Counter/Timer
Cold reset Function reset Latched alarms reset Peak value reset Remote display reset External Input B true External Input B false External Input A true External Input A false Valley value reset Store totals & reset

Coil #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

– 33 –

6. Gen 2 Non-Volatile Memory Addresses for Advanced Reading or Writing
Use Function Code FC03 to read and Function Codes FC06 or FC10 to write. Any read or write to these registers causes a meter reset.

Byte 3

Byte 2

Byte 1

Magnitude (Mag)


Sign + Magnitude (S+M)
Sign + DP + Magnitude (S+DP+M)




Sign = 1 for negative


DP = 6 for D.DDDDD



2’s Complement (2’s C) XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX

– 34 –

Gen 2 DPM Non-volatile Memory Addresses (2 bytes/address)

Dec Addr
617 616 615 614 613 612 611 610 609 554 558 524 523 522 521 520 519 518 517 516 515 514 513 512 511 510 509 508 507 506 505 504 503 502 501 500

MS Byte
Setup1 Deviation4 Byte 3 Deviation4 Byte 1 Deviation3 Byte 2 Setpoint4 Byte 3 Setpoint4 Byte 1 Setpoint3 Byte 2 Alarm Cnfg4 Version (read only) Tare Setup Serial Cnfg4 (Bits) Deviation2 Byte 3 Deviation2 Byte 1 Deviation1 Byte 2 Configuration Analog Setup Lockout2 Serial Cnfg2 Options Setup Alarm Cnfg Byte 2 Analog High Byte 3 Analog High Byte 1 Analog Low Byte 2 High Read Byte 3 High Read Byte 1 High In Byte 2 Low Read Byte 3 Low Read Byte 1 Low In Byte 2 Offset Byte 3 Offset1 (2’s Comp) Scale Factor2 Setpoint2 Byte 3 Setpoint2 Byte 1 Setpoint1 Byte 2

LS Byte
Serial Confg3 Deviation4 Byte 2 Deviation3 Byte 3 Deviation3 Byte 1 Setpoint4 Byte 2 Setpoint Byte 3 Setpoint3 Byte 1 Alarm Confg 3 M Type (read only) Analog Type Modbus Address (Byte) Deviation2 Byte 2 Deviation1 Byte 3 Deviation1 Byte 1 Sig Cond Type (do not change) System Decimal Point Lockout1 Serial Cnfg1 Filter Input Type Alarm Cnfg1 Analog High Byte 2 Analog Low Byte 3 Analog Low Byte 1 High Read Byte 2 High In Byte 3 High In Byte 1 Low Read Byte 2 Low In Byte 3 Low In Byte 1 Offset Byte 2 Scale Factor3 (Sign+DP+Mag) Scale Factor1 Setpoint2 Byte 2 Setpoint1 Byte 3 Setpoint1 Byte 1

Stored As
Bits Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement Bits Byte Bits
Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement
Sign+DP+Mag 2’s Complement 2’s Complement 2’s Complement

– 35 –

Gen 2 Counter/Timer Non-volatile Memory Addresses (2 bytes/address)

Dec Addr MS Byte of NV RAM
616 Deviation4 Byte 3 615 Deviation4 Byte 1 614 Deviation3 Byte 2 613 Setpoint4 Byte 3 612 Setpoint4 Byte 1 611 Setpoint3 Byte 2 610 Alarm Confg4 609 Version (read only) 608 T Stop 607 R Show 606 R Stop 553 Analog High2 Byte 3 552 Analog High2 Byte 1 551 Analog Low3 Byte 2 550 Serial Confg4 548 Total A Byte 6 548 Total A Byte 4 547 Total A Byte 2 546 Total B Byte 6 545 Total B Byte 4 544 Total B Byte 2 542 Do not use 541 Cutoff Byte 2 540 Recog Character 539 Do not use 538 Display Item 537 Pulses Byte 2 536 Scale Multiplier 535 Source 534 Timeout Byte 2 533 Gate Time Byte 2 532 Lockout2 531 Config 530 Serial Config2 529 Options 528 Setup 527 Alarm Config 2 526 Analog High Byte 3

Stored As
Mag Mag Mag 2’s C 2’s C 2’s C Bits Byte Byte Byte Byte 2’s C 2’s C 2’s C Bits Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag –Mag Byte Bits Bits Mag Bits Bits Mag Mag Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits 2’s C

LS Byte of NV RAM
Deviation4 Byte 2 Deviation3 Byte 3 Deviation3 Byte 1 Setpoint4 Byte 2 Setpoint3 Byte 3 Setpoint3 Byte 1 Alarm Confg3 M Type (read only) T Start R Skip R Start Analog High2 Byte 2 Analog Low2 Byte 3 Analog Low2 Byte 1 Modbus Address Total A Byte 5 Total A Byte 3 Total A Byte 1 Total B Byte 5 Total B Byte 3 Total B Byte 1 Analog Type Cutoff Byte 1 System Decimal Point Resolution Slope Pulses Byte 1 Analog Output Setup Batch Timeout Byte 1 Gate Time Byte 1 Lockout1 Serial Config3 Serial Config1 Filter Input Type Alarm Config1 Analog High Byte 2

– 36 –

Stored As
Mag Mag Mag 2’s C 2’s C 2’s C Bits Byte Byte Byte Byte 2’s C 2’s C 2’s C Byte Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Bits Mag Bits Bits Bits Mag Bits Bits Mag Mag Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits 2’s C

525 Analog High Byte 1 524 Analog Low Byte 2 523 Deviation 2 Byte 3 522 Deviation 2 Byte 1 521 Deviation 1 Byte 2 520 Offset2 Byte 3 519 Offset2 Byte 1 518 Scale2 Byte 2 517 Offset1 Byte 3 516 Offset1 Byte 1 515 Scale1 Byte 2 514 Setpoint2 Byte 3 513 Setpoint2 Byte 1 512 Setpoint1 Byte 2 511 High Read2 Byte 3 510 High Read2 Byte 1 509 High In2 Byte 2 508 Low Read2 Byte 3 507 Low Read2 Byte 1 506 Low In2 Byte 2 505 High Read1 Byte 3 504 High Read1 Byte 1 503 High In1 Byte 2 502 Low Read1 Byte 3 501 Low Read1 Byte 1 500 Low In1 Byte 2

2’s C Analog Low Byte 3

2’s C Analog Low Byte 1

Mag Deviation2 Byte 2

Mag Deviation1 Byte 3

Mag Deviation1 Byte 1

2’s C Offset2 Byte 2

2’s C Scale2 Byte 3

S+M Scale2 Byte 1

2’s C Offset1 Byte 2

2’s C Scale1 Byte 3

S+M Scale1 Byte 1

2’s C Setpoint2 Byte 2

2’s C Setpoint1 Byte 3

2’s C Setpoint1 Byte 1

2’s C High Read2 Byte 2

2’s C High In2 Byte 3

S+DP+M 2’s High In2 Byte 1


Low Read2 Byte 2

2’s C Low In2 Byte 3

S+DP+M 2’s Low In2 Byte 1


High Read1 Byte 2

2’s C High In1 Byte 3

S+DP+M High In1 Byte 1

2’s C Low Read1 Byte 2

2’s C Low In1 Byte 3

S+DP+M Low In1 Byte 1

2’s C 2’s C Mag Mag Mag 2’s C S+M S+M 2’s C S+M S+M 2’s C 2’s C 2’s C 2’s C S+DP+M S+DP+M 2’s C S+DP+M S+DP+M 2’s C S+DP+M S+DP+M 2’s C S+DP+M S+DP+M

– 37 –

Gen 2 Scale/Weight Meter Non-volatile Memory Addresses (2 bytes/address)

Dec Address
529 528 527 524 523 522 521 520 519 518 517 516 515 514 513 512 511 510 509 508 507 506 505 504 503 502 501 500 553 554

MS Byte
Tare3 Tare1 Serial Cnfg 3 Setpoint2 Diff 3 Setpoint2 Diff 1 Setpoint1 Diff 2 Configuration Analog Setup Lockout 2 Serial Cnfg 2 Options Setup Alarm Cnfg 2 Analog High 3 Analog High 1 Analog Low 2 High Reading 3 High Reading 1 High Input 2 Low Reading 3 Low Reading 1 Low Input 2 Offset 3 Offset 1 Scale Factor 2 Setpoint2 3 Setpoint2 1 Setpoint 1 2 Serial Cnfg 4 Spare

LS Byte
Tare2 Spare Count Setpoint2 Diff 2 Setpoint1 Diff 3 Setpoint1 Diff 1 Signal Conditioner Type (do not change) System Decimal Point Lockout 1 Serial Cnfg 1 Filter Input Type Alarm Cnfg 1 Analog High 2 Analog Low 3 Analog Low 1 High Reading 2 High Input 3 High Input 1 Low Reading 2 Low Input 3 Low Input 1 Offset 2 Scale Factor 3 Scale Factor 1 Setpoint2 2 Setpoint1 3 Setpoint1 1 Modbus Address Analog Output Type

– 38 –

1. About QModMaster QModMaster.exe is a freeware Windows program which allows a PC to serve as a Modbus Master. It is an easy tool to verify communications, send requests to Modbus Slaves, and view their responses. The current version handles Base 1 and allows the viewing of IEEE 754 floating point values.
2. QModMaster Download and Launch Download QModMaster- from and copy it into a directory of your choice. Do an “Extract All” to unzip it. The executable file will be QModMaster.exe. Click on it to launch QModMaster. You may wish to create a shortcut to that file.
3. QModMaster Configuration a. The first step is to click on Options > Modbus TCP. In the Modbus TCP Settings dialog window, enter the IP address of the LWIFI and click on OK.
– 39 –

b. The second step is to click on Options > Settings. In the Settings dialog window, ensure that everything is configured as shown and click on OK. These are the default settings:
– 40 –

4. Example 1: Obtaining a Floating Point Measurement from a DC Voltmeter The screen capture below demonstrates the setup to read the currently displayed measurement in floating point format. The critical items are: · Modbus Mode = TCP · Function Code = Read Holding Registers (0x03) · Start Address = 8200 (dec) · Number of Registers = 2 · Data Format = Float
After QModMaster has been set up to read the floating point value: · Click on the Connect icon to establish a TCP/IP connection to the LWIFI equipped
instrument. · Click on the Bus Monitor icon to view the command/response operation. · And finally, click on the Read/Write icon to perform the operation.
– 41 –

The instrument’s displayed value of 221.35 is read and presented in the main QModMaster window. The values in holding registers 8200 and 8201 are combined to form a 32-bit value and are displayed in floating point format.
– 42 –

The QModMaster Bus Monitor window below presents the Modbus Command transmitted to the LWIFI and its response. Note that the hexadecimal values of 59 9A 43 5D represent the value in IEEE 754 floating point format (little endian). See Wikipedia for a condensed description of IEEE 754.
– 43 –

5. Example 2: Obtaining a Signed Integer Measurement from a DC Voltmeter This example uses a Modbus command to read the currently displayed signed integer value from an LWIFI equipped DC voltmeter. The TCP configuration of QModMaster is the same as for the previous example. In this case, the instrument is displaying -199.86. The screen capture below shows the main window of QModMaster which is setup to read the displayed integer value. The critical items are: · Modbus Mode = TCP · Function Code = Read Holding Registers (0x03) · Start Address = 7400 (Dec) · Number of Registers = 2 · Data Format = Hex The Read/Write icon has been clicked and the values of holding registers 7400 and 7401 are displayed.
The QModMaster Bus Monitor window below presents the Modbus Command transmitted to the LWIFI and its response. Note that the hexadecimal byte values of B1 EE FF FF represent the 32-bit signed two’s complement display value. The four bytes are combined as FFFFB1EE to form the 32-bit value which is -19986 decimal. A condensed description of two’s complement is available on Wikipedia.
– 44 –

– 45 –

6. Example 3: Reading Alarm & Overload Status from a DC Voltmeter This example uses a Modbus command to read the alarm and overload status from an LWIFI equipped DC voltmeter. The TCP configuration of QModMaster is the same as for the previous example. The screen capture below shows the main window of QModMaster which is setup to read the alarm and overload status. The critical items are: · Modbus Mode = TCP · Function Code = Read Holding Registers (0x03) · Start Address = 7000 (Dec) · Number of Registers = 1 · Data Format = Binary The Read/Write icon has been clicked and the 16-bit value of holding register 7000 is displayed.
The QModMaster Bus Monitor window presents the Modbus Command transmitted to the LWIFI and its response. Note that the hexadecimal byte values of 00 05 represent the same alarm and overload status shown above in binary.
– 46 –

The diagram below describes how each of the bits is interpreted: – 47 –

You may wish to use the Windows calculator to convert two’s complement values to decimal and vice versa.
– 48 –

Communication Interfaces, LWIFI Board Communication ports ……………. WiFi with integral antenna, USB 2.0 port, RS485 port WiFi module ……………………………….. ATWINC1510-MR210PB (with integral antenna) Antenna ………………………………………………………………………. 2.4 GHz printed antenna USB interface …………………………………………………… USB 2.0 via mini-USB connector
Communication Interfaces, LWIFIX Board Communication ports …………… WiFi with external antenna, USB 2.0 port, RS485 port WiFi module ………………………………… ATWINC1510-MR210UB (for external antenna) Connector to external antenna …………………………………………………. Hirose male U.FL Antenna cable type…………………………………………………………………….. 50 ohm RG174 Cable length ………………………………………………………………………………… 760 mm (30″) Cable loss at 2.4 GHz ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2 dB Cable connectors ……………………… Female U.FL to circuit board, RP-SMA to antenna Antenna …………………………………………………. External omnidirectional 2.4 GHz dipole Antenna polarization……………………………………………………………………………… Vertical Antenna gain …………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 dBi Antenna height ………………………………………………………………………………. 200 mm (8″) Recommended antenna location………………… Top horizontal surface of metal cabinet USB connector ……………………………………………………………………….. Mini-USB Type B RS485 connector……………………………………………………………………………………… RJ11
Communication Interfaces, LNET1 Board Communication ports ………………………………………………….. Ethernet port, RS485 port Ethernet connector …………………………………………………………………………………… RJ45 RS485 connector……………………………………………………………………………………… RJ11
WiFi Performance
Wireless LAN standard…………………………………………………………… IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Transmit/receive frequency …………………………………… 2.4 GHz license-free ISM band Maximum data rate with 802.11 n ………………………………72.2 Mbits/sec, MCS index 7 Maximum radio range, unobstructed outdoors…………………………………… 90 m (300 ft)
USB Performance
USB applications ……………………………………………Meter programming or data transfer USB connector ………………………………………………………………………………….. Mini-USB USB cable …………………………………….. Mini-USB to USB Type A connectors (CBL07) USB data rate ………….. 38400 baud for Modbus, 19200 for Instrument Setup software COM port ……………………………………. Discovered by Laurel Network Setup (NS) utility
RS485 Performance
RS485 applications ………………. WiFi or Ethernet to RS485 gateway, or polling by PC
– 49 –

RS485 connector……………………………………………………………………………… 6-pin RJ11 RS485 cable …………. Non-reversing 6-wire data cable with RJ11 connectors (CBL03) RS485 data rate ……………… 19200 for Instrument Setup software or RS485 gateway, ……. 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200 baud for polling by PC COM port ……………………………………. Discovered by Laurel Network Setup (NS) utility Cache Operation Data written into cache………………………………………….Display value or set of 6 values 6 values for analog input DPM …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………..Alarm status, display value, peak, valley, display value, display value 6 values for scale/ weight meter…………………………………………………………………………. ………………. Alarm status, display value, peak, net weight, gross weight, display value 6 values for pulse input counter/timer …………………………………………………………………. ……………………………..Alarm status, item 1 (display value), peak, valley, item 2, item 3 Write interval into cache for 1 value ………………………….. 16.666 msec or 20.000 msec Write interval into cache for 6 values …………………………………. 100 msec or 120 msec Read interval from cache …………… Set by external Modus Master, 10 msec minimum Measurement Update Intervals Analog input meter ………. 16.666 or 20.000 msec (set for 60 or 50 Hz noise rejection) Frequency/rate pulse readings……………….. Gate time + 30 msec + 1-2 signal periods Communication Protocols Meter polling via Ethernet or WiFi …….. Modbus TCP/IP (same command set as RTU) Meter polling via USB or RS485……………………………………………………… Modbus RTU System internal………………………………………………………………..Custom ASCII protocol Mechanical Gen 2 board dimensions …………………………………………………………………..79 x 39 mm Mounting location ……………… Middle slot of Laureate Series 2 panel meter or counter Environmental Operating temperature …………………………………………………………………. -40°C to 85°C Relative humidity …………………………………….. 95% from 0°C to 85°C, non-condensing
– 50 –

Node refers to an Ethernet or WiFi connection point that is receive and send data on a network. As used by Laurel, Node (with a capital N) refers to the chip that processes Ethernet or WiFi data. Each Node has a unique MAC address.
MAC address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number that is most often displayed with a colon separating every two digits (or octets), like 2C:54:91:88:C9:E3. MAC addresses are allocated by IEEE and are programmed in by the factory. Do no change a Node’s MAC address, since non-allocated values may be blocked by a managed switch.
An IP address (e.g., is used to address Ethernet or WiFi nodes on a LAN (local area network) or WAN (Internet or Wide Area Network). With wired Ethernet, an IP address can be Static or Public so that it can be addressed on a WAN. It can also be dynamic as assigned by a router or other DHCP device for addressing on the same LAN. Dynamic IP addresses on a LAN are also called private or local. With WiFi, and IP address is always dynamic as assigned by the wireless router.
Device, as used by Laurel in context of Nodes, refers to an instrument supported by a Node. That can be the single host (or main) meter or transmitter that holds the Node. That can also be one of multiple meters or transmitters on an RS485 bus supported by the Node when the part number of the Gen 2 board ends in 485.
A port number is associated with each software application and serves as a password for two-way packet transmissions. Default port numbers assigned to our Nodes are TCP port 502 for Modbus TCP transmissions, UDP port 63179 for UDP transmissions, and TCP port 80 for web server http:// transmissions.
A router is a device that bridges two networks and forwards data packets to their destinations on a LAN. Transmissions are passed based on the destination IP addresses and the port number of the application. Normally a router will use its built-in DHCP server capability, and network devices will use their built-in DHCP client capability to negotiate private (or local) IP addresses for all devices on the LAN.
A switch is a device that forwards and branches data packets between different segments of the same LAN. An “unmanaged switch” is a simple plug-and-play device. A “managed switch” or “smart switch” adds programmable capabilities and security features.
A DHCP server dynamically assigns an IP address and other network configuration parameters to nodes on the LAN so that they can communication with each other and with other networks. A dynamic IP address is assigned by a wireless router to each WiFi node on the network. On a WAN (Internet or Wide Area Network) where the host computer is outside of the remote LAN, the public IP address of the router of the remote LAN must be entered for all nodes on its LAN.
– 51 –

Instrument Setup (IS) software is a free Window-based application that runs on a host PC. It and is designed to program Laureate meters or transmitters that communicate with that PC, for example to set scale factors. It is an alternative to front panel programming for meters. It is the only way to program transmitters, which do not have a front panel. The only way to access IS software via a Gen 2 communication board is to click on “Main” or on “Slaves” under “Instrument Setup” in the LNS (Laurel Network Setup) screen. This allows the IS software to be applied to the Main (or host meter) or Slave meters on an RS485 bus. IS software has “Node Discovery” and “Device Discovery” functionalities, but these only work with Gen 1 LNET or LNET485 boards and with LTE transmitters. Access to Gen 2 boards by IS software can only be via LNS software. Node Manager (NM) software is a free Windows-based application, but it only works with Gen 1 Ethernet products, like LNET or LNET485 boards and LTE transmitters. It does not work with Gen 2 communication boards.
– 52 –

Laurel Electronics Inc. warrants its products against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase.
In the event of a defect during the warranty period, the defective unit may be returned to the seller, which may be Laurel or a Laurel distributor. The seller may then repair or replace the defective unit at its option. In the event of such a return, freight charges from the buyer shall be paid by the buyer, and freight charges from the seller shall be paid by the seller.
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from:
1. Improper installation or miswiring. 2. Improper or inadequate maintenance. 3. Unauthorized modification or misuse. 4. Operation outside the environmental specifications. 5. Mishandling or abuse.
The warranty set forth above is exclusive and no other warranty, whether written or oral, is expressed or implied. Laurel specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Any electronic product may fail or malfunction over time. To minimize risks associated with reliance on Laurel products, users are expected to provide adequate system-level design and operating safeguards. Laurel’s products are intended for general purpose industrial or laboratory use. They are not intended nor certified for use in life-critical medical, nuclear, or aerospace applications, or for use in hazardous locations.
Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. In no event shall Laurel be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including loss of profits) whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.

Copyright 2022-2023, Laurel Electronics, Inc. – 53 –

6 January 2023


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