neocom software TRBOnet Enterprise Software User Guide

June 9, 2024
neocom software

software TRBOnet Enterprise Software
User Guide

TRBOnet Enterprise Software

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This document was last revised on April 1, 2022.


1.1 About This Guide
This document is intended for administrators setting up evaluation and proofof-concept deployments of MOTOTRBO Dispatch over IP solutions. The document describes  how to configure  and use the  Geofencing feature.
1.2 About TRBOnet
TRBOnet is a suite of professional applications for MOTOTRBO digital two-way radio networks. TRBOnet manages voice and data communication paths across network endpoints. It provides a unified graphical dispatcher workbench interface for the entire range of workforce fleet management tasks.
For more information about TRBOnet products, refer to our website.
1.3 Contacts

Region Phone Email & Support 
EMEA +44 203 608 0598 — general and  commercial inquiries — technical support — online knowledge base

Americas| +1 872 222 8726
APAC| +61 28 607 8325


The Geofencing feature in the TRBOnet Location Tracking module is designed for implementing various motion and location-based subscriber management rules. In the outdoor GPS-based scenario, the two types of source events for triggering response actions are:

  • Enter/exit a region
    The next consecutive GPS fix from a subscriber beyond a user-defined perimeter. Or, a subscriber remains in or out of a user-defined perimeter beyond a pre-set time period.

  • Speed above/below a threshold
    A subscriber accelerates, slows down or remains stationary over a userdefined limit.

A geofencing rule definition in TRBOnet can combine both location and motion data received from a radio to target the managed subscribers as broadly or narrowly as required.


This section describes how to draw map regions and specify region-based geofencing rules.
3.1 Drawing Regions
In TRBOnet Dispatch Console, you can draw polygonal regions, circular regions, and routes.
3.1.1 Drawing a Polygonal Region Draw a polygonal region manually

  • Make sure the Location Tracking tab is selected in the left pane.

  • In the right pane, on the Map toolbar, click .

  • On the Drawing toolbar, click and choose Draw on the map.

  • Left-click points on the map to create the polygonal region.

  • Once finished, click the Save link.
    In the Object on Map dialog box that opens, specify the following parameters:

General tab

  • Name
    Specify a name for the map region.

  • ID
    Enter the ID of the map region.

  • Description
    Enter a description for the map region.

Region tab

  • Color
    Select a color to display the region on the map.

  • Fill region area
    Select this check box to fill in the region area on the map.

  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency level (in percent) for the fill color.

Logical Groups tab

  • Select the Logical Groups that will be associated with the map region. Draw a polygonal region by coordinates

  • Click and choose Specify coordinates.

  • Click the Add link to add a point.

  • Coordinate system
    From the drop-down list, select the convenient format (for example, Decimal Degrees) for the coordinates.

  • Latitude/Longitude
    Enter the coordinates of the point.

  • Click OK to add the point.

  • Click the Edit link to edit the selected point.

  • Click the Delete link to delete the selected point.

  • Once finished editing the region’s points, click the Save button.

3.1.2 Drawing a Circular Region Draw a circular region manually

  • Click and choose Draw on the map.

  • Click on the map to place the center of the region. Drag the sizing handles to adjust the radius of the region. To change the center position of the region, click another place on the map.

  • Once finished, click the Save link.
    In the Object on Map dialog box that opens, specify the following parameters:

General tab

  • Name
    Specify a name for the map region.

  •  ID
    Enter the ID of the map region.

  • Description
    Enter a description for the map region.

Region tab

  •  Color
    Select a color to display the region on the map.

  • Fill region area
    Select this check box to fill in the region area on the map.

  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency level (in percent) for the fill color.

Logical Groups tab

  • Select the Logical Groups that will be associated with the map region. Draw a circular region by coordinates

  • Click and choose Specify coordinates.
    In the Circular Region dialog box, specify the following parameters:

  • Coordinate system
    From the drop-down list, select the convenient format (for example, Decimal Degrees) for the coordinates.

  • Latitude/Longitude
    Enter the coordinates of the circle’s center.

  • Radius
    Enter the radius of the circle.

3.1.3 Drawing a Route

  • Click and then set route points one after another by clicking on the map.

  • Once you have finished drawing a route, click the Save link.
    In the Object on Map dialog box, specify a name and description for the route.

  • Click the Route tab.

  • Color
    Select the color in which to display the route on the map.

  • Fill region area
    Select this check box to display a transparent edge around the route line. The edge width is specified by the value of the Tolerance zone parameter.

  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency, in percent, for the line edge.

  • Tolerance zone
    Specify the corridor width (in meters or feet, depending on what is chosen in Tools > Options > Advanced / Measurement system). If a radio passes out of this tolerance zone, the dispatcher will receive an alarm signal.

3.2 Defining Geofencing Rules

  • Click Administration, Tasks (1), and double-click Geofencing (2) in the Tasks pane. The administrator can add/disable/delete the rules for Geofencing as well as edit the currently selected rules:
  • Click the Add Rule button (1) and select the appropriate rule from the drop-down list (Map Region, Beacons, Radios, Lone Worker) to add a rule to the current Geofencing configuration. A new rule will be displayed in the list of rules (4).
  • Click the Disable rule button (2) to disable the selected rule.
  • Click the Delete rule button (3) to delete the selected rule.
  • Rerun the rules after each rule edit, …
    If you select this option (though it is not recommended), the rule will be rerun each time the rule is modified, or the server is restarted, or when the scheduled time window starts.

3.2.1 Map Region Rule
This section describes settings that can be applied for a Map Region rule.
General tab

  • Name
    Specify the rule name.

  • Description
    Add a description of the rule.

  • Run the rule on a schedule
    Select this option and in the boxes below specify the schedule for the rule to run.

  • Days of week
    In the drop-down list, select the days of the week on which to run the Geofencing rule.

  • Start time
    Specify the time at which to activate the rule.

  • Stop time
    Set the time at which to deactivate the rule.

  • After the rule is triggered

  • Reset Alarm mode when the rule conditions are no longer met Select this option to reset Alarm mode after the rule is triggered.

Location tab Trigger this rule when a subscriber:

  • Enters the selected regions
    Select this option so that the rule will be triggered as soon as a subscriber enters the selected region.

  • Leaves the selected regions
    Select this option so that the rule will be triggered as soon as a subscriber leaves the selected region. For multiple nested/overlapping regions
    Choose one of the options specifying for multiple regions whether to consider only outer border of the group of regions, or any border of a region within the group.

Perform the following actions:
Here you specify which actions to execute when the rule is triggered.

  • Activate Alarm mode
    Select this option to activate an Alarm mode in the Dispatch Console.

  • Activate Lone Worker mode
    Select this option to automatically turn on or off the Lone Worker mode for the radio if it enters or leaves the selected region.

  • Send Text Message to the source radio
    Select this option to automatically send a text message to the radio when it enters or leaves the selected region.

  • Send notification
    Select this option to send a notification to others when the radio enters or leaves the selected region. Click the Recipients link and specify the recipients to send the notification to.

  • Send Request To Talk to the source radio
    Select this option to automatically send a Request To Talk to the radio when it enters or leaves the selected region.

Speed tab Trigger the rule when a subscriber:

  • Moves faster than
    Select this option and specify the maximum allowed speed for the vehicles. The rule will be triggered when the vehicle with the radio exceeds this speed limit.

  • Moves slower than
    Select this option and specify the minimum allowed speed for the vehicles. The rule will be triggered when the vehicle with the radio falls below the specified speed.

  • Remains motionless for longer than
    Select this option and specify the time period, in seconds, during which the vehicle is allowed to remain motionless. The rule will be triggered when the vehicle with the radio remains motionless for longer than this specified time period.

  • Track speed in relation to regions
    From the drop-down list, select where to track the speed of the vehicles: inside or outside the selected regions, or independently of the regions.

Perform the following actions:
Here you specify which actions to execute when the rule is triggered.

  • Activate Alarm mode
    Select this option to activate an Alarm mode in the Dispatch Console.

  •  Send Text Message to the source radio
    Select this option to automatically send a text message to the radio when it enters or leaves the selected region.

  • Send Request To Talk to the source radio
    Select this option to automatically send a Request To Talk to the radio when it enters or leaves the selected region.

Regions tab

  • All regions
    Choose this option to apply this rule for all regions.

  • Only selected regions
    Choose this option to apply the rule for one or several regions.

  • Select all
    Click this button to select all regions in the list.

  • Deselect all
    Click this button to deselect all regions in the list.

Radios tab

  • All radios
    Choose this option to apply this rule for all radios.

  • Only selected radios
    Choose this option to apply the rule for one or several radios.

  • Select all (1)
    Click this button to select all radios in the list.

  • Deselect all (2)
    Click this button to deselect all radios in the list.

  • Collapse all (3)
    Click this button to collapse the view of radios in the list.

  • Expand all (4)
    Click this button to expand the view of radios in the list.

  • (5)
    Click this button, and from the drop-down menu, select filters for the radios to be displayed in the list (Online (Indoor, GPS Fixed, No GPS), Offline).

  • (6)
    Click this button, and from the drop-down menu, select which list to display: Radio List, Radio Groups, or Logical Groups.

Lone Worker tab

  • All Tasks
    Choose this option to execute all Lone Worker tasks configured by the administrator when the rule has been triggered.

  • Only selected tasks
    Choose this option, and in the list below, select the Lone Worker tasks to be executed when the rule has been triggered.

3.2.2 Other Rules
This section describes settings that can be applied for Geofencing rules of the types other than Map Region (Beacons, Radios, and Lone Worker). These settings are represented in the table below:

Rule Type Tab Name Parameters Description
Settings common for all rule types General Name – specify the rule name.

Description – add the rule description.
Scheduler| Run the rule on a schedule – select to start a scheduler for Geofencing rules.
Days of week – select the days of the week on which to activate the Geofencing rule. Start time – set the time at which to start the rule. Stop time – set the time at which to stop the rule.
Radios| All radios – choose to apply this rule for all radios;
Only selected radios – choose to apply the rule for one or several radios;
Rule Type| Tab Name| Parameters Description
Beacons Allows configuring rules when a radio enters or leaves the beacon coverage zone| General| Control mode:
Control entering beacon coverage zone – select to enable the rule when a radio enters the beacon coverage zone. Control leaving beacon coverage zone – select to enable the rule when a radio leaves the beacon coverage zone. Activate Alarm mode if the rule has been triggered – select this option to activate Alarm mode in the Dispatch Console if Beacons rule has been triggered.
Reset Alarm mode if the rule is not triggered – select to reset Alarm mode in the Dispatch Console automatically if the rule condition was not triggered (for example, when Control entering beacon coverage zone is selected and the radio enters the monitored coverage zone and then leaves the zone, the alarm mode in the Dispatch Console will be reset automatically). Send Request to Talk to a radio if the rule has been triggered – select this option to automatically send a Request To Talk to the radio if the rule has been triggered. Send Text Message to a radio if the rule has been triggered – select this option to automatically send a text message to the radio if the rule has been triggered.
Activate Lone Worker if the rule has been triggered – select this option to allow automatically activating a Lone Worker policy for a radio in case of entering or leaving beacon coverage zone.
Scheduler| See above.
Radios| See above.
Beacons| All Beacons – choose to apply this rule for all beacons;
Only selected beacons – choose to apply the rule for one or several beacons.
Lone Worker| All Tasks – choose to apply all tasks configured by the administrator when the rule has been triggered; Only selected tasks – choose this option, and in the list below, select the Lone Worker tasks to be executed when the rule has been triggered.
Rule Type| Tab Name| Parameters Description
Radios Allows using radio(s) as map region(s) and monitoring when another radio enters or leaves the vicinity of the radio’s zone| General| Control mode:
Control Entering Region – select to enable the rule when a radio enters the vicinity zone associated with another radio. Control Leaving Region – select to enable the rule when a radio leaves the vicinity zone associated with another radio. Activate Alarm mode if the rule has been triggered – select to activate Alarm mode in the Dispatch Console if Radios rule has been triggered. Reset Alarm mode if the rule is not triggered – select to reset Alarm mode in the Dispatch Console automatically if the rule condition was not triggered (for example, when Control Entering Region is
selected and radio enters to the monitored vicinity zone and then instantly leaves the zone, alarm mode in the Dispatch Console will be reset automatically). Send Text Message to a radio if the rule has been triggered – select to inform radio subscriber if the rule has been triggered. Send Request To Talk to a radio if the rule has been triggered – select to inform radio subscriber if the rule has been triggered. Minimum distance between radios – specify the distance, in meters or feet,  epending on what is chosen in Tools

Options > Advanced / Measurement system. When a  distance is less than the selected value, the rule will be triggered according to the settings above.
Color of region – select the color for the radio’s vicinity zone.
Scheduler| See above.
Radio Regions| Select the radios that will used as the regions the rule is applied for.
Radios| See above.
Map Regions| Rule works only in regions
Select this option and then choose either All regions or Only selected regions.
Rule Type| Tab Name| Parameters Description
Lone Worker Allows configuring scheduled Lone Worker tasks| General| Days of week – select the days of the week to activate the Lone Worker rule.
Start time – set the time to start the rule; Stop time – set the time to stop the rule.
Radios| See above.
Lone Worker| Select either All tasks or Only selected tasks from the list of Lone Worker tasks configured by Administrator.
When a Lone Worker task is mentioned as Disabled, the Administrator should enable the task.

3.3 Activating Geofencing Rules

  • To activate the Geofencing task, in the Tasks pane, select the check box next to the task name.

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Neocom Software
150 South Pine Island Rd., Suite 300
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Americas: +1 872 222 8726
APAC: +61 28 607 8325


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