FLYFANS K-8 Karakorum Jet Trainer Instruction Manual
- June 9, 2024
Table of Contents
FLYFANS K-8 Karakorum Jet Trainer
Wingspan: 930mm
Length: 1026mm (without pitot tube)
Dry weight: 530g
Flying weight: 1150g (Full loading)
Wing loading: 72.6g/dm²
Power System: 6S/4S 64mm EDF x 1
ESC: 40A ESC x 1
Servos: 9g servos x 8
Battery: 6S/4S Lipo
Radio: 6 Channel TX and RX
4S Version: 2200-2600mAh 4S Lipo; 6S Version: 2200-4200mAh 6S Lipo.
KIT| KIT + Servos| PNP
Shock Absorber| KIT| KIT
Landing Gear| 9g Servo x 8 (Installed)| 9g Servo x 8 (Installed)
| | 40A ESC x 1 (Installed)
| | 4S: 2840-3200KV 64mm EDF (Installed)
| | 6S: 2840-2300KV 64mm EDF (Installed)
- Fuselage*1
- Left Wing*1
- Right Wing*1
- Horizontal Stabilizer*1
- Drop Tank L*1
- Drop Tank R*1
- Wing Tube*1
- Front Wheel *1
- Landing Gear L*1
- Landing Gear R*1
- Drop Tank Pylon * 2 (Installed for Kit+S/PNP)
- Aileron Pushrods*2
- Flap Pushrods*2
- Elevator Pushrods*2
- Rudder Pushrods*2
- Front Wheel Pushrods*1
- Screws for wings*4 (Silver)
- Screws for Horizontal stabilizer*2
- Screws for EDF*2 (Black)
- Front Wheel Steering Arm*1
- Pitot Tube*1
- Velcro*1
Model Assembly
Horizontal stabilizer Servo
Set 9g servo to the neutral point and screw on Servo arm. Glue the servo into the slot on the Hori-zontal Stabilizer. Suggested cable length is 15cm.
NOTE: Require 1 normal and 1 reverse 9g Servo. -
Ajust pushrods length then link the Servo arm and Control horn.
NOTE: We recommend using the 3rd hole on the servo armFlap and Aileron Servo
Set 9g servos to neutral position and screw on the Servo arms. Glue servos into the slot, making sure the flap servo is in the correct starting point and correct flap movement direction.
Caution: We recommend using the 3rd hole on the Servo arm. -
Align all cables along the cable slot. Glue Drop Tank pylon slot into the wing.
Same procedure with the other Wing.
Rudder Servo
Set 9g servo to neutral position and screw on Servo arm. Glue the servo into the slot on the Rudder.
Ajust pushrods length then link the Servo arm and Control horn.
Caution : We recommend use the 2nd holes on Servo arm. Horizontal Stabilizer
Connect two Servo leads from the Horizontal Stabilizer to the Y cable, Insert the cable into Fuselage.
Install Horizontal Stabilizer onto fuselage. Tighten the screws with 2.5mm hexagon key. EDF & ESC
Install ESC into the ESC compartment and connect the 3 power leads to the EDF. Test the EDF to ensure the blades spin in the correct direction. If the blades are spinning in reveres swap any of the two motor leads.
Install the EDF using the 2 x black screws.
Install the EDF cover and secure with the provided screws
Landing gear Installation
Install the main landing gears, ensuring that the springs are facing forward.
- For a scale look, Position the main landing gears with the wheels inboard.
- For more stable taxiing, position the wheels outboard.
Install nose landing gear and tighten the set screw.
Link Front Wheel Steering Arm and servo arm with push rod. Main Wing installation
Insert the carbon spar into the fuselage. Following the labels in the servo leads, connect the Aileron and Flap servos.
Install both wings and secure with screws.
Slide both Drop Tanks into the wing Pylon
Install Pitot tube onto Nose cone.
Flight Setup
Check the C.G.
The Center of Gravity (CG) location is 63mm from the leading edge of the main
wing (as shown) with the battery pack installed.
The center of gravity can be adjusted by moving the battery forward or aft.
Model Setup
- We recommend using dual rates for a better flying experience.
- For takeoff and landings, using Low rates on the Elevator and ailerons provided for a smoother rotation on takeoff.
- During ground taxiing the use of the recommended high rates provided better steering authority. In flight we recommended the use of Low rates for scale flying and using the high rates for extreme maneuvers.
The travel range of the Flaps servo is 90 degrees. Please limit the Flaps travel to 85 degrees to avoid damage to the aircraft and prevent binding of the servo.
- Move the battery forward or aft as necessary to achieve the recommended CG for your maiden flight. Readjust the position of the battery after your maiden to suit your flying style.
- During landing configuration, the use of full flaps will slow the plane down quickly. Please be aware of your airspeed to avoid stalling.
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