Wuloo WL-666 Wireless Intercom System User Manual

June 8, 2024

Wuloo WL-666 Wireless Intercom System



Thank you for your purchase!

The intercom system is the latest product of our company. This product carries a variety of great features including:

  • Clear voice quality for high-quality communication;
  • Incredible long-range communication (up to 1 mile);
  • Easy expandability to allow you to expand to multi-intercoms systems; Multiple power sources so you can use the power bank for outdoor use; Special anti-interference
  • features including 10 channels and 3 codes to help easily solve interference problems;
  • User-friendly design. This product is shipped with a quick start guide and detailed instructions. You can also contact the Wuloo service team for product related questions and help at any time!

We are dedicated to providing customers with a 100% satisfactory service. Please feel free to contact us if you have encountered any problems with your purchase. Our fast and friendly team will provide you with the best possible service!
Customer Service E-mail: [email protected]
Wuloo Official Facebook Page : @WulooOfficial
Page link: https://www.facebook.com/WulooOfficial/

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What’s included in the Box

Intercom Overview

Every intercom station has the following accessories. If you purchase additional stations, each new intercom station will come with its own set of the accessories listed below.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-

Getting Started

The basic steps for setting up your intercom are as follows:

  1. Connect AC Power
  2. Set Code & Channel
  3. Make an “Address List”
  4. Test Connection
  5. Distribute Different Stations to Different Users
    Note: The examples that follow are for 2 intercom stations. For multiple intercom stations, follow the same directions as listed below.

Connect AC Power

Every intercom is equipped with an adapter (DC 5V1A) and a cable. Please connect every intercom station to your local AC power. We kindly suggest that you use the original adapter and cable that was included in your packaging to turn on your device(s). Please feel free to contact us if you have encountered any problems with the adapter or cable. We will send you a free replacement as covered by the warranty and will give you a discount on future purchases if your warranty expires.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-

Set Code & Channel

This intercom has 3 codes (A, B, and C) as well as 10 channels (0-9) available. The right table shows the different frequencies and codes.
Code Setting: In the area beside the power port, you can select code A, B, or C for your intercom. We suggest setting all the stations to the same code to ensure efficient communication. After setting up your intercom codes, you can simply start adjusting the channels to make calls. You do not have to set a new code every time you call a different user.

Channel Setting: After setting the code, you can set different channel numbers for each intercom station. Press and hold any channel number key for 3 seconds to set the channel number of that intercom. within your network, press the channel number of the intercom you wish to communicate with, then press the CALL BUTTON. To talk to the user of the other intercom, press and hold the TALK button as you speak. After communication has ended, each intercom will automatically restore to the original channel number within 1 minute of intercom inactivity.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-

Make an “Address List”

If you have a large intercom system with many intercom units and each unit has a different channel number, you may need an “address list” to help you remember which intercoms belong to which users. Record the channel number for each user, and give every user of your integrated intercom system this “address list.” We recommend making this list for larger intercom systems, though it may not be necessary for networks with fewer intercoms.

Test Connecting

The steps for testing your connection are as follows:

Step 1: Separate intercoms at least 5 meters apart to prevent interference
Step 2: Set up each intercom to have the same code, but different channels. For this test, Intercom A will have code A and channel 3 while Intercom B will have code A and channel 5. If you are testing multiple units, continue to program them to the same code while assigning each intercom a different channel number (0-9).Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-

If you can hear audio on both ends of the intercom system using the steps above, you have successfully set up all the units of your intercom system.

Distribute Different Stations to Different Users

After testing, you can assign different intercom stations and “address list” to different users.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-


  1. You will need to press and hold the TALK button when you want to speak to another user. Simply clicking the TALK button is an invalid entry;
  2. You cannot press the T TALKALK button on both sides of the system at the same time. One side may press and hold the TALK button to speak, then release the TALK button TALK after they have finished their message. The other side can then answer your message by pressing and holding the TALK button and repeating the same steps. You will not be able to hear the other user’s voice if both sides are pressing and holding the TALK button at the same time.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-fig-8 Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-fig-9

Advanced Settings

Volume Setting
This intercom has 8 levels of volume available. Press VOL+/VOL- to set the volume.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-fig-10

Code & Channel Setting

The intercom is a real-time communication system, and it requires that the two machines have the same channel and code. If you would like to communicate between 2 intercom stations, you will need to set the same channel and code for each of them before communication can begin.
This intercom has 3 code settings (A, B, and C) and 10 channels (0-9) available.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-fig-11

Set the code on the back of the intercom. Press and hold any channel number key for 3 seconds to set the channel number to that intercom. When you want to call another intercom station, press the channel number of the intercom you wish to communicate with, then press the CALL button. To speak to the user of the other intercom, press and hold the TALK button as you speak. After communication has ended, each intercom will automatically restore to their original channel number within 1 minute of intercom inactivity.

We suggest setting all the stations to the same code to ensure efficient communication. After setting up your intercom codes, you can simply start adjusting the channels to make calls. You do not have to set a new code every time you call a different user.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-

Functions Description

This intercom has multiple functions you can enjoy:

To use the TALK feature , press and hold the TALK button , and the indicator will turn red light. Please speak while the red indicator light is on as you press the TALK button . Once you are done talking, release the TALK button and the indicator will turn off. Then your message will be sent and any other intercom station with the same channel and code settings will receive your message.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-


  1. Intercom is single-way same frequency communication system. When you press the TALK button , you cannot receive messages.
  2. Intercoms have a TOT transmission time limit of 1 minute. This means you cannot press and hold the TALK button to speak for more than 1 minute per message.
  3. When multiple intercom stations are set to the same channel and code, any message sent by any of those units will be received by every intercom with those same channel and code settings. For example, if 4 intercoms are set to code B on channel 4, any message sent by one intercom will be received by the remaining 3 intercoms.
  4. Intercom will restore the original channel number if the intercom has been inactive for more than 1 minute;

This function is used for calling all the intercom stations at the same time. Press&hold the GROUP button , then you can speak to all the intercom station in this system even if they have different channel&code.
How to confirm if the intercom station is in this system? You just need to check if the intercom’s frequency and code in our frequency table(check the table in the 2.2 in this instruction manual).Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-

“GROUP” function update: Add a switch for GROUP function

For Wuloo intercom system have sold a huge amount in USA, so some customers will get interference from other home or pick up strange conversation when your neighbors also bought Wuloo intercom system. When your neighbors use “GROUP” function, you can not solve this issue by change channel or code.
So Wuloo technology department made a update version for Wuloo intercon system, we made a switch for GROUP function, if you get a interference and can not solve it by changing channel or code, it means you get interference by GROUP function from your neighbors, so you can turn off the GROUP function of your intercom units, then you can solve the interference.

How to turn on or turn off the GROUP function:
The GROUP function is turned on by default at the factory.

Turn off the “GROUP”:
Press&Hold the “GROUP” button and “VOL-” button at the same time, you will hear a beep voice, it means you have turned off the GROUP function. After you turned off the GROUP function, when you press the GROUP button, there is a beep voice and you can not use GROUP function anymore.

Turn on the “GROUP”:
Press&Hold the “GROUP” button and “VOL+”button at the same time, you will hear a beep voice, it means you have turned on the GROUP function. And you can use GROUP function as before.

Put the intercom in the room you wish to have monitored (for example, a baby’s room), and then press the MONITOR button . This interOR com unit will stay in transmit mode, where it will constantly send audio to any intercom unit with same channel and code. The monitor function has a 10-hour time limit. If you need to monitor for a longer period of time, you will need to reset it again every 10 hours.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-

VOX(Voice Operated Exchange)

Press the VOX button on the intercom station to enter VOX mode. In this mode, the channel number key of this unit will flash blue.
In VOX mode, you do not need to press and hold the TALK button to speak. Every time you want to speak, you will need to speak closely into the intercom station to activate it. When you are speaking closely into the intercom, the indicator light will turn red meaning it has successfully detected your voice.
Any other intercom unit with the same channel and code can receive your audio message and can press and hold the TALK button to answer you. Besides, other station can also enter VOX mode at the same time.
When both sides enter VOX mode, both of you can speak without holding the TALK button , but please note:1. You need to say something(like “Hello”) to activate it before you speak words; 2. You need to wait until other side finished speaking, then you can start to activate your intercom and speak in your side;So it means even both side can use VOX function and speak without hold the TALK button at the same time, but the communication have some delay, and you need to talk one by one and keep patience.

VOX mode has a 24-hour time limit. If you need to talk with another station for a longer period of time, you will need to reset it again every 24 hours.
To quit VOX mode, simply press VOX button again.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-

VOX mode and MONITOR mode are very similar, but also have a few key differences:

Monitor mode VOX mode

An intercom unit in MONITOR mode should be put in the monitored room (like a baby’s room)| An intercom unit in VOX mode should be stationed on your side to help you speak without pressing and holding the TALK button
Monitor mode lasts for up to 10 hours| VOX mode lasts for up to 24 hours
The monitor does not need voice activation| VOX mode needs to detect someone within a

close speaking range to activate the intercom

In MONITOR mode, monitoring side|
cannot send audio messages, even if you| In VOX mode, you can speak without pressing
press and hold the TALK button.| and holding the TALK button. The other user
You can only hear the voice from the

monitored room (like a baby’s room) or

| can press and hold the TALK button to talk to


change to another channel or code to|
speak with others|

Set the channel and code to the same settings as the intercom you want to call, then press the CALL button . Both your intercom and other user’s intercom will ring. Other intercoms can hear the ring, they can press and hold the TALK button to speak to you and release the TALK button after they have finished speaking. You can then press and hold the TALK button to reply

Usage Scenario

We set a usage scenario to help you understand it better and use it better.
Usage scenario description: there is a company, including 4 departments, including the general manager room, financial department, HR department and sales department. This company bought 4 intercom stations, and distribute them to 4 departments to help them communicate better.

Firstly :set the channel and code for every intercom, and distribute them to every department, shows as below table:

Channel 2 3 4 5
Code A A A A
Device Location General Manager Room Financial Department HR


| Sales Department


Usage Scenario 1: The general manager informs the entire staff that they’re having a meeting in the meeting room in 10 minutes. In this case, the manager can use the GROUP function on the intercom found in his office to notify all the intercoms at the same time.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-

Usage Scenario 2: The general manager’s office has something important to tell the financial department and needs to ask the financial manager to come to his office right away. In this case, the general manager can use the CALL function to call the head of the financial department by pressing and holding the TALK button to send the message.Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-

Usage Scenario 3: General manager room need to talk with sales department, may be need talking 3-5minutes(it means talking will take a while but not too long). In this case, can use VOX function, General manager room can talk with sales department without pressing the TALK button.Wuloo-WL-666

Usage Scenario 4: There is a meeting in the HR departmental office, but the general manager is busy and doesn’t have time to participate in the meeting. However, the meeting is still very important, and the general manager wants to listen in on the meeting. In this case, the office of the HR department can set their intercom to MONITOR mode, and the general manager can set his or her intercom channel and code to the same one as the intercom in the HR department. The general manager can now hear audio from the HR department meeting. Please note that in this case, the general manager can listen to the meeting but cannot speak to the participants of the meeting .Wuloo-WL-666-Wireless-Intercom-System-fig-21

Additional Notes


  1. The intercom system is a real-time communication system which has no memory or storage function. Therefore, you cannot receive any information while you are talking to other users.
  2. Please note that you will need to set the same channel and code if you want 2 intercom stations to receive communication. It also means that any other user can also communicate if they have same channel code. For example, your neighbors may be able to interfere with your intercom system. We suggest setting another channel or code to avoid interference.


Most issues that arise can easily be resolved by changing the settings on your intercom.
Please read this user manual carefully before you use this machine. Use the table below to find your exact issue and the possible solutions for it. If you need more help, you are welcome to contact us via our customer service email at [email protected] and our official Facebook page: @WulooOfficial

Trouble Possible Solution

The intercom is connected to AC power, but the machine does not work

| 1.  Check the AC power cord to see if it is connected properly. If it is not, please connect it now.

2. Change the AC adapter that was included in your initial set. We will send you a new adapter for free if the current adapter broke within your warranty period. If your warranty has expired, you can buy an adapter from our store at a significant discount.

The intercom cannot receive responses

| 1. Check to make sure the intercoms have been set to the same channel and code. The two intercoms must have the same channel and code for the users to communicate.

2. Be sure to release the TALK button after speaking. You will not be able to hear responses while you are holding the TALK button.

3. Check to make sure the intercom is not in monitor mode. Monitor mode can only send audio but cannot receive it. If so, you can press the MONITOR button again to quit monitor mode.

4. Your volume may be too low. Press the VOL+ button to increase the volume of your intercom device.

The intercom cannot talk to other intercoms

| 1. Check to make sure the intercoms have been set to the same channel and code. The two intercoms must have the same channel and code for the users to communicate.

2. Please press and hold the TALK button to speak after the other user has finished speaking. Release the TALK button to receive responses from the other user.

The intercom is making a continuous “beep” sound


1. Move the intercoms away from each other or other devices (e.g., speakers) to eliminate interference from other audio devices.

2. Change your intercom to another channel or code to avoid interference from other wireless intercom devices.

The intercom units do not work| 1. Try setting up the units in different locations. If the units work in a different location but not in your home, the issue may be with the walls of your home or office.

The intercom does not receive any information while it is in Monitor mode

| 1.   Monitor can only support 1 monitor unit (receiving audio) per 1 monitored unit (sending audio). Or, multi-monitor (many units receiving audio) to 1 monitored unit (one unit sending audio). One monitor unit cannot receive audio for several monitored units that are all sending audio to it at the same time.

2.   The monitor function can work for up to 10 hours at a time. Please reset monitor mode if you wish to monitor for a longer period of time.

3.   The intercom station in monitor mode is the “monitored” side. Please place the intercom close to the person you wish to monitor, for example, a baby.

4.   The monitored side (the side with the intercom on monitor mode) can only send audio but cannot receive it.

Adding Additional Units

This intercom system supports expansion to more intercom stations, providing you with even more convenience.

Expand to more intercom stations

If you find that you do not have enough intercom stations, and you wish to expand to include more devices, you can purchase additional intercom units in our store. Please select the same model number when purchasing additional units. Once your additional intercoms arrive, set them to the same channel and code as your existing system to communicate with the intercom devices you’ve already installed.

Questions & Answers

Below are some common problems encountered by our customers as well as the detailed answers you can use for your reference. We hope this information can help you use your device more efficiently.

Question 1: Why does my intercom sometimes receive noise?
Answer 1: This is likely due to the fact that the intercom uses FM wireless technology. It uses public frequency, so if someone close to you is using wireless intercom devices at the same frequency, you may experience interference. To solve this problem, you just need to change the intercom settings to a different channel or code.

Question 2: This intercom uses FM wireless communication. Do I need to have a license?
Answer 2: T his intercom system uses public frequency, so there is no need for a license.

Question 3: Can I talk to the other user without pressing the TALK key?
Answer 3 : No, you cannot. You must hold the TALK button the entire time you are speaking as usual. That is the working principle of the intercoms. All similar machines operate in a similar manner. However, you can use the VOX function to talk without holding the TALK button. To learn more about the VOX function, please read part 3.3.4 of this manual.

Question 4: If I use a public frequency, will I encounter interference?
Answer 4: Interference is rare, however, it can happen. When others use the same frequency, you may experience interference, you can avoid this by simply changing your channel or code.

Question 5: Can I use batteries for these machines?
Answer 5: No, this intercom does not work with batteries. Alternatively, you can use the power bank (DC 5V1A ) instead. This works well when you want to use the power bank and take the intercom outdoors.

Question 6: What voltage do the intercoms work with?
Answer 6: This intercom package comes complete with an adapter that supports 100-240V AC power. The original adapter is useful worldwide.
If you have more concerns, please feel free to contact us via our customer service email at
[email protected]. We will do our best to answer you within 12 business hours. You can also visit our official Facebook page and @WulooOfficial. We will reply to you immediately if our admin is online, or usually within 6 hours if the admin is not immediately available. Thank you very much for choosing Wuloo!


We believe in honesty and reliability for all our products. That’s why all of our products must pass a strict test before they are packaged for shipping. We are dedicated to providing our customers with 100% satisfactory service and so, we are proud to provide a warranty service for this product:

  1. We provide free replacements instead of repairs for quality-related issues detected within 1 year.
  2. We provide a whopping 50% discount for new replacement purchases made within 2 years if the intercom has suffered accidental damage (e.g., drop and break).
  3. We also provide lifetime service for all questions regarding your intercom.

If you have any additional questions, you are welcome to contact us via email or Facebook:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page: @WulooOfficial
Page link: https://www.facebook.com/WulooOfficial/
For additional coupons and deals on products, follow us on our Facebook page. We send out coupons and promotions regularly to help our previous customers save the most on their future purchases! Thank you so much for choosing Wuloo!

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