CHAMELEON ANTENNA Multi-Band Pocket User Manual
- June 9, 2024
Table of Contents
Be aware of overhead power lines when you are deploying the CHA Pocket Series.
You could be electrocuted if the antenna gets near or contacts overhead power
Photographs and diagrams in this manual may vary slightly from current
production units due to manufacturing changes that do not affect the form,
fit, or function of the product. All information on this product and the
product itself is the property of and is proprietary to Chameleon AntennaTM.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Thank you for purchasing and using one of the new Chameleon AntennaTM Multi-
Band Pocket High Frequency (HF) Series antennas (CHA Pocket Series). The CHA
Pocket is a multi-band HF antennas that can literally fit in your pocket when
not in use.
This series of antennas are designed for ultra-light (all are 200g) low power
(QRP) portable operation. When running low power, an effective antenna is
essential to actually making contacts – these are full-size antennas with
full-size performance, but built with lightweight materials and miniaturized
They were designed to complement the exciting new lineup of lightweight,
battery operated, HF portable transceivers available from Icom, Yaesu,
Elecraft, Xiegu, and other manufacturers and are perfect for Parks On The Air
(POTA), Summits On The Air (SOTA) and other portable expeditions.
In addition to ultra-light QRP portable operation, an antenna in this series
would be ideal as an emergency backup antenna for a base station or as a
temporary antenna in a camp ground, motel, apartment, or condominium – their
stealthy design makes them barely noticeable.
Several antennas in the series are configurable to facilitate Near-Vertical
Incident Sky wave (NVIS) communication. All models are suitable for Amateur
Radio Emergency Service (ARES) / Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
(RACES), Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN), and amateur
radio operators (hams) involved in field communication and disaster response.
The CHA Pocket Series can be deployed by the operator in the field in
approximately 20 minutes, using a tree or light-weight telescopic pole.
Antennas built by Chameleon AntennaTM are versatile, dependable, stealthy, and
built to last. Please read this operator’s manual so that you may maximize the
utility you obtain from your CHA Pocket Series antenna.
HF Propagation
HF radio provides relatively inexpensive and reliable local, regional, national, and international voice and data communication capability. It is especially suitable for undeveloped areas where normal telecommunications are not available, too costly or scarce, or where the commercial telecommunications infrastructure has been damaged by a natural disaster or military conflict. Although HF radio is a reasonably reliable method of communication, HF radio waves propagate through a complex and constantly changing environment and are affected by weather, terrain, latitude, time of day, season, and the 11-year solar cycle. A detailed explanation of the theory of HF radio wave propagation is beyond the scope of this operator’s manual, but an understanding of the basic principles will help the operator decide what frequency and which of the CHA Pocket Series antennas will support their communication requirements. Surface waves follow the curvature of the Earth beyond the radio horizon. They are usable, during the day and under optimal conditions, up to around 90 miles, see table (1). HF radio waves propagate from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna using two methods: ground waves and sky waves. Ground waves are composed of direct waves and surface waves. Direct waves travel directly from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna when they are within the radio line-ofsight. Typically, this distance is 8 to 14 miles for field stations.
Table 1. Maximum Surface Wave Range by Frequency.
Frequency | Distance | Frequency | Distance |
2 MHz | 88 miles | 14 MHz | 33 miles |
4 MHz | 62 miles | 18MHz | 29 miles |
7 MHz | 47 miles | 24 MHz | 25 miles |
10 MHz | 39 miles | 30 MHz | 23 miles |
Sky waves are the primary method of HF radio wave propagation. HF radio waves
on a frequency below the critical frequency (found by an ionosonde) are
reflected off one of the layers of the ionosphere and back to Earth between
300 and 2,500 miles, depending upon the frequency and ionospheric conditions.
HF radio waves can then be reflected from the Earth to the ionosphere again
during multihop propagation for longer range communication. The most important
thing for the operator to understand about HF radio wave propagation is the
concept of Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF), Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF), and
Optimal Working Frequency (OWF). The MUF is the frequency for which successful
communications between two points is predicted on 50% of the days of in a
month. The LUF is the frequency below which successful communications are lost
due to ionospheric loses. The OWF, which is somewhere between the LUF and
around 80% of the MUF, is the range of frequencies which can be used for
reliable communication. If the LUF is above the MUF, HF sky wave propagation
is unlikely to occur. The HF part of the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum is
usually filled with communications activity and an experienced operator can
often determine where the MUF is, and with less certainty, the LUF by
listening to where activity ends. The operator can then pick a frequency in
the OWF and attempt to establish contact. Another method is using HF
propagation prediction software, such as the Voice of America Coverage
Analysis Program (VOACAP), which is available at no cost to download or use
online at
The operator enters the location of the two stations and the program show a
wheel with the predicted percentage of success based on frequency and time.
ALE, which is the standard for interoperable HF communications, is an
automated method of finding a frequency in the OWF and establishing and
maintaining a communications link. Even under optimal conditions, there is a
gap between where ground waves end (around 40 to 90 miles) and the sky wave
returns to Earth on the first hop (around 300 miles). NVIS propagation can be
used to fill this gap. The frequency selected must be below the critical
frequency, so NVIS is can normally only be used on frequencies from around 2
to 10 MHz. Frequencies of 2 – 4 MHz are typical at night and 4 – 8 MHz during
the day.
40 Meter Off-Center Fed Dipole
40 through 20 meters are the most useful bands for portable QRP operation.
These bands will enable the portable operator to have both daytime and
nighttime capability for short (using NVIS), medium, and long-range
communication. Also, the antenna itself is a manageable size for portable
operations – even more so with the CHA Pocket OCFD! Figure (3) shows a self-
supporting Inverted V field installation using a 13-foot lightweight
fiberglass telescoping “Crappie” pole. An OCFD is different from a standard
dipole antenna because the feed point is not in the center of a half
wavelength antenna, but offset so that around 1/3 of the antenna is on one
side of the feed point and 2/3 on the other. This changes the impedance of the
feed point so it can no longer be directly fed with 50 Ohm coaxial cable. But,
when fed with the matching transformer, the results are an effective multiband
antenna (a wide-range antenna tuner is necessary on some bands).
- Bands: 7.0 – 54.0 MHz (40 – 6 meter amateur bands)
- Power: 50W SSB, 20W all other modes
- SWR: Frequency-dependent, but less than 2.0:1 from 7.0 – 7.3 MHz and 14.0 – 14.35 MHz. See Figure (4).
- Connector: BNC
- Length: 68 ft 9 in.
- Installation Height: Matching Transformer height (as shown in the self-supporting example) approximately 13 ft.; 25 ft. or higher for optimal performance.
- Weight: 7 Oz – Less than 200g.
- Tuner Required: Yes, except on the 40 and 20-meter amateur bands NVIS: Yes
OCF Dipole Antenna Installation
The CHA Pocket OCFD Antennas are comprised of the components shown in the
plate (2). The letter references are used to identify components in the
installation procedure.
The antennas can be installed as a Flat-Top (Horizontal Dipole) or Inverted V.
Use the procedure below to install the OCFD antennas.
- A. Matching Transformer / Feed D. Antenna Wire Point Unit
- B. Suspension Loop
- C. BNC Connection
- F. End Insulator
- E. Velcro Strap
Installation Procedure:
- Select a site suitable for installation of the
- Dipole or OCFD antenna. Unit can be secured to the pole using
- Using a Bowline or similar knot, tie a length something like a Bongo Tie, otherwise loop of Paracord to the Suspension Loop (B) on the Paracord over a tree branch or other top of the Matching Transformer / Feed support.
- If using a telescoping pole, the Feed Point
- Point Unit (A).
- Unwind the Antenna Wires (D) in the
- Connect the Coaxial Cable to the BNC general directions in which they will be Connector (C) on the bottom of the Feed installed.
- Point Unit.
- Raise the Feed Point Unit to the desired height and secure the free end of the
- Paracord.
- If using a telescoping pole, two legs of the antenna can be used as guys. Attach a length of Paracord to the pole for the third guy line.
- Recovery Procedure
- Using a Bowline or similar knot, tie lengths of Paracord to both End Insulators (F).
- Secure the free ends of the Paracord to the end supports, such that the antenna wires have a slight sag.
- Connect Coaxial Cable to Radio Set and perform an operational test.
To recover the CHA Pocket Series Antenna, perform the following steps:
- Disconnect the Coaxial Cable from the Radio Set.
- Lower the antenna to the ground.
- Disconnect the Coaxial Cable from the Matching Transformer / Feed Point Unit. Reinstall protective cap on BNC Connection.
- Carefully roll (do not twist) the Coaxial Cable.
- Neatly roll up the Paracord. Note: The Paracord may be left tied to the Suspension Loops.
- Neatly roll up the Antenna Wires. Secure using Velcro Straps.
- Remove dirt from antenna components and inspect them for signs of wear.
- Place all antenna components into a carry Bag for storage and to be ready for next deployment.
- Ensure the Coaxial Cable is securely connected.
- Inspect Antenna and Coaxial Cable for cuts in insulation or exposed shielding. Replace if damaged.
- If still not operational, connect a Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Power Meter and check SWR.
- If SWR is greater than 8:1, replace Coaxial Cable. Most problems with antenna systems are caused by the coaxial cables and connectors.
- Check your frequency to ensure you are operating within the specified frequency range of the antenna.
- If still not operational, contact Chameleon AntennaTM for technical support. Be sure to provide the specific indications of the problem (e.g., “My antenna tuner can’t find a match when tuning up and I don’t hear anything while receiving.”. Also, provide details, such as antenna model, configuration, frequency, and what steps you have taken to troubleshoot the problem.
- Silver, H. Ward (editor), 2013, 2014 ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 91st Edition, American Radio Relay League, Newington, CT.
- 1987, Tactical Single-Channel Radio Communications Techniques (FM 24-18), Department of the Army, Washington, DC.
- Turkes, Gurkan, 1990, Tactical HF Field Expedient Antenna Performance Volume I Thesis, U.S. Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, CA.
The Chameleon Antenna equipment is available in Europe from Passion Radio Shop.
- Nevada – USA
- The Chameleon Antenna equipment is available in Europe from Passion Radio Shop.
Documents / Resources
[pdf] User Manual
Multi-Band Pocket, Multi-Band, Pocket
- VOACAP Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program
- VOACAP Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program
- Chameleon Antenna equipment in France - Passion Radio
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