South Coast AQMD Rule 314 Reporting Program and Support Instructions
- June 2, 2024
- South Coast AQMD
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- South Coast AQMD Rule 314 Reporting Program and Support
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South Coast AQMD Rule 314 Reporting Program and Support
The data collected is used to update the emissions inventory for the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), which includes Orange County, the non-desert portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties, and the Riverside County areas west of the Palo Verde Valley. This annual emissions inventory is essential to properly design and evaluate clean air strategies for this region’s Air Quality Management Plan in order to comply with state and federal air quality standards.
Architectural coatings manufacturers subject to SCAQMD Rule 314 – Fees for Architectural Coatings must file for a Manufacturer ID Number and report their annual quantity and emissions from all architectural coatings, regardless of the quantities or size of the container, that are distributed or sold into or within the SCAQMD for use in the SCAQMD, and are subject to Rule 1113 – Architectural Coatings. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to utilize all available resources as necessary in reporting the quantity, emission factors (material VOC and coating VOC), as well as quantifying emissions for each product or grouped products, as well as the associated fees calculated using total quantity and emissions.
The fee payment and the Annual Quantity and Emissions Report must be submitted to the SCAQMD on or before April 1st (the official due date).
An architectural coatings manufacturer that has acquired another architectural coatings manufacture, on or after July 1 of the reporting year, shall have an additional 6 months, or any additional time approved by the Executive Officer, to submit the fee payments and the Annual Quantity and Emissions Report for the acquired architectural coatings manufacturer.
If both the fee payments and the Annual Quantity and Emissions Report for the previous calendar year are not received by May 30, they shall be considered late; and a surcharge for late payment shall be imposed as follows:
Less than 30 days: 5% of past due amount
30 to 90 days: 15% of past due amount
91 days to one year: 25% of past due amount
More than one year : 50% of past due amount
The fee payments and the Annual Quantity and Emissions Report shall be considered to be timely received by the SCAQMD if it is postmarked on or before May 30. If May 30 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a state holiday, the fee payments and Annual Quantity and Emissions Report may be postmarked on the next business day following the Saturday, Sunday, or the state holiday with the same effect as if they had been postmarked on May 30.
If an architectural coatings manufacturer submits the Annual Quantity and Emissions Report in such a manner that SCAQMD staff has to manually enter the data into the SCAQMD database, then the architectural coatings manufacturer shall pay at the time of submittal a non-refundable fee of $384.81 for the first two hours of SCAQMD staff time. The architectural coatings manufacturer shall be assessed additional fees at the rate of $192.41 per hour for any additional time beyond the first two hours. Fees listed in this booklet are subject to change and the responsible person completing the report should review the latest version of Rule 314 which can be obtained from the SCAQMD web site.
Rule 314 requires an architectural coatings manufacturer to submit a written request for any proposed revisions to previously submitted Annual Quantity and Emissions Reports. Amendment requests submitted after one year from the official due date must include a non- refundable standard evaluation fee of $384.81. In addition, evaluation time beyond two hours shall be assessed at the rate of $192.41 per hour not to exceed 10 hours.
Rule 314 requires an architectural coatings manufacturer to submit a written request to correct the previously submitted Annual Quantity and Emissions Report and request a refund of overpaid fees. Refund Requests must be submitted within one year from the official due date to be considered valid. The Refund Request must include a revised report and all applicable supporting documentation.
Product Code: Enter product code. Each product code entered in the
spreadsheet must be unique.
Brand Name: A collection of experiences and associations attached to a
company, organization, product, or service; more specifically, brand refers to
concrete symbols such as a name, logo, slogan, and design scheme. A brand is a
symbolic embodiment of all the information connected to a company,
organization, product, or service. Note: apostrophes, commas, quotation marks
and trademark symbols (™ ® © ) cannot be used.
Product Name: Enter the product/label name for the product code above.
Product Type: Waterborne or Solvent Based. Waterborne coatings use water
as the primary solvent or dispersant and should be noted as waterborne.
Otherwise, by default, the product should be noted as solvent-based.
Category: Category definitions are defined in section 10 of this
instruction booklet and/or as defined in Rule 1113 – Architectural Coatings.
Low Solids coatings should be categorized under their primary category. (For
example, most low-solids coatings either fall under the Stains or
Waterproofing Sealers or Waterproofing Concrete/Masonry Sealers category).
Product Usage : Enter recommended exposure – interior, exterior, or dual
purpose interior/exterior products.
Coating VOC (g/L): Also known as Regulatory VOC. Enter the VOC content in
grams of VOC per liter of coating as supplied, or for multi-component coatings
as recommended for use, by the manufacturer, less water, less exempt
compounds, and less any colorant added to the tint bases. This may be
determined from the formulation data or previously determined by U.S. EPA
Reference Test Method 24 (Determination of Volatile Matter Content, Water
Content, Density, Volume Solids, and Weight Solids of Surface Coatings, Code
of Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 60, Appendix A) with the exempt
compounds’ content determined by Method 303 (Determination of Exempt
Compounds) in the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD)
“Laboratory Methods of Analysis for Enforcement Samples” manual, or Method 304
[Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in Various Materials] in
the SCAQMD’s “Laboratory Methods of Analysis for Enforcement Samples” manual.
Refer to the definition in this booklet or SCAQMD Rule1113.
Material VOC (g/L): Also known as Actual VOC. Enter the VOC content in
grams of VOC per liter of material for each product as supplied or for multi-
component coatings as recommended for use by the manufacturer. This is the
weight of all volatile materials less the weight of water and less the weight
of exempt compounds per the entire volume of the coating. This is NOT the same
as VOC Regulatory. Refer to the definition in this booklet or SCAQMD Rule1113.
Note: For a discussion of the difference between the VOC of coating and the VOC of material, as well as an Excel spreadsheet that can be used to calculate those values, please see the SCAQMD VOC webpages.
Maximum Material VOC as Thinned: Enter the grams of VOC per liter of
material with the maximum thinning allowed with a VOC, as listed in the
Technical Data Sheet. This only applies to coating entered as Solvent Based
Averaging Compliance Option: Click checkbox if the product is sold as
part of an approved Averaging Compliance Option (ACO). The ACO is a program
that allows manufacturers to sell products over the VOC limit provided they
offset those emissions with coatings below the VOC limits. This is a rigorous
compliance program that requires the submittal of a plan, which includes a 6
month review process. The ACO will be phased out on January 1, 2015.
3-Year Sell-Through : Click checkbox if the product was (1) manufactured
prior to the effective date of the applicable limit, (2) exceeds the
applicable limit and (3) was sold up to three years after the effective date.
Low Solid: Click the checkbox if the product qualifies as a Low-Solids
Coating (contains one pound or less of solids per gallon of material).
Small Container Exemption: Click checkbox if the product is sold under the
small container exemption, see Rule 1113 (f)(1).
4,000 Foot Exemption for stains or lacquers: Click checkbox if the product is
sold above 4,000 feet, see Rule 1113 (f)(3)(D).
Quantity Sold Gal > Liter: The total annual quantity (in gallons) of
coatings sold in containers greater than one liter for each product.
Quantity Sold Gal <=Liter: The total annual quantity (in gallons) of
coatings sold in containers with capacities of one liter or less for each
Fees listed in this booklet are subject to change. The responsible person completing the report should review the latest version of Rule 314, which can be obtained from the SCAQMD website.
Note: The online reporting program will automatically calculate the emissions and fees once the data is entered. The emissions are based on the VOC of material and the number of coatings sold.
Annual Emission: The total annual emissions in pounds per year for each product for all container sizes. Emissions are calculated by converting the material VOC in grams per liter to pounds per gallon and then multiplying the material VOC times the annual sales.
Sample Calculation: Sales Fee: Calculated
by multiplying the total sales volume in gallons (include all container sizes
for each product) by the following quantity fee rates:
Annual Quantity Fee $0.047 per gallon of paint
Emission Fees: Calculated by converting the emissions for each product from pounds per year to tons per year and then multiplying the tons per year by the following emission fee rates:
Annual Emission Fee $335.68 per ton of VOC emissions
Definitions listed in this booklet are subject to change and the responsible person completing the report should review the latest versions of Rules 314 and 1113 which can be obtained from the SCAQMD website.
Aerosol Coating Product: a pressurized coating product containing pigments, resins, and/or other coatings solids that dispenses product ingredients by means of a propellant, and is packaged in a disposable can for hand-held application, or for use in specialized equipment for ground marking and traffic marking applications.
Aluminum Roof Coatings: roof coatings containing at least 0.7 pounds per gallon (84 grams per liter) of coating as applied, of elemental aluminum pigment.
Annual Quantity and Emissions Report: the quantity of each architectural coating distributed or sold into or within the District for use in the District during each calendar year, reported as gallons and their associated VOC content, as supplied, reported in grams per liter, for each product in all container sizes.
Appurtenances: accessories to a stationary structure, including, but not limited to: hand railings, cabinets, bathroom and kitchen fixtures, fences, rain-gutters and down-spouts, window screens, lamp-posts, heating and air conditioning equipment, other mechanical equipment, large fixed stationary tools, signs, motion picture and television production sets, and concrete forms. -
Architectural Coatings: any coatings applied to stationary structures and their appurtenances, or to fields and lawns.
Architectural Coatings Manufacturer: is any person, company, firm, or establishment who imports, blends, assembles, produces, packages, repackages, or re-labels an architectural coating, excluding retail outlets where labels or stickers may be affixed to containers or where colorant is added at the point of sales. For the purpose of this rule, a private labeler is an architectural coatings manufacturer.
Authorized Representative: is the person authorized by the Responsible Party to prepare and submit the Annual Quantity and Emissions Report on behalf of an architectural coatings manufacturer.
Below-Ground Wood Preservatives: wood preservatives formulated to protect below-ground wood.
Bituminous Coating Materials: black or brownish coating materials, soluble in carbon disulfide, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons and which are obtained from natural deposits, or as residues from the distillation of crude petroleum oils, or of low grades of coal.
Bituminous Roof Primers: primers formulated for or applied to roofing that incorporate bituminous coating materials.
Bond Breakers: coatings formulated for or applied between layers of concrete to prevent the freshly poured top layer of concrete from bonding to the substrate over which it is poured.
Clear Wood Finishes: clear and semi-transparent coatings, including lacquers and varnishes, applied to wood substrates, including floors, decks and porches, to provide a transparent or translucent solid film.
Coating: is a material which is applied to a surface in order to beautify, protect, or provide a barrier to such surface.
Colorants: are solutions of dyes or suspensions of pigments.
Concrete-Curing Compounds: coatings formulated for or applied to freshly poured concrete to retard the evaporation of water. Concrete-curing compounds manufactured and used for roadways and bridges (does not include curbs and gutters, sidewalks, islands, driveways and other miscellaneous concrete areas) are those concrete-curing compounds that meet ASTM Designation C309, Class B, and meet a loss of water standard of less than 0.15-kg/m2 in 24 hours as determined by the California Transportation Department, California Test 534.
Concrete Surface Retarders: coatings containing one or more ingredients such as extender pigments, primary pigments, resins, and solvents that interact chemically with the cement to prevent hardening on the surface where the retarder is applied, allowing the mix of cement and sand at the surface to be washed away to create an exposed aggregate finish.
Driveway Sealers: coatings that are applied to worn asphalt driveway surfaces in order to:
- (A) Fill cracks;
- (B) Seal the surface to provide protection; or
- (C) Restore or preserve the surface appearance.
Dry-Fog Coatings: coatings which are formulated only for spray application so that when sprayed, overspray droplets dry before falling on floors and other surfaces.
Exempt Compounds (See Rule 102-Definition of Terms.) -
Faux Finishing Coatings: coatings that meet one or more of the following subcategories:
- Glazes: coatings designed for wet-in-wet techniques used to create artistic effects, including but not limited to dirt, old age, smoke damage, simulated marble and wood grain finishes, decorative patterns, color blending, and wet edge techniques.
- Decorative Coatings: coatings used to create a gonioapparent appearance, such as metallic, iridescent, or pearlescent appearance, that contain at least 48 grams of pearlescent mica pigment or other iridescent pigment per liter of coating as applied (at least 0.4 pounds per gallon).
- Japans : pure concentrated pigments, finely ground in a slow drying vehicle used by Motion Picture and Television Production Studios to create artistic effects, including but not limited to, dirt, old age, smoke damage, water damage, and simulated marble and wood grain.
- Trowel Applied Coatings: coatings applied by trowel that are used to create aesthetic effects, including, but not limited to polished plaster, clay, suede and dimensional, tactile textures.
- Clear Topcoats: clear coatings used to enhance, seal and protect a Faux Finishing coating that meets the requirements of subsection (b)(18)(A), (B), (C) or (D). These clear topcoats must be sold and used solely as part of a Faux Finishing coating system, and must be labeled in accordance paragraph (d)(7).
Fire-Proofing Coatings: opaque coatings formulated to protect the structural integrity of steel and other construction materials and listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. for the fire protection of steel.
Flat Coatings: coatings that register a gloss of less than 15 on an 85-degree meter or less than 5 on a 60-degree meter.
Floor Coatings: opaque coatings that are formulated for or applied to garage, flooring; including but not limited to decks and porches, and clear coatings formulated for or applied to concrete flooring, but do not include Industrial Maintenance Coatings.
Form Release Compounds: coatings designed for or applied to a concrete form to prevent the freshly poured concrete from bonding to the form. The form may consist of metal, wood, or some material other than concrete.
Formulation Data: the actual product recipe which itemizes all the ingredients contained in a product including VOCs and the quantities thereof used by the manufacturer to create the product. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are not considered formulation data.
Gonioapparent: means a change in appearance with a change in the angle of illumination or the angle of view, as defined according to ASTM E 284.
Grams of VOC Per Liter of Coating or Colorant, Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds: the weight of VOC per combined volume of VOC and coating or colorant solids and can be calculated by the following equation:
Grams of VOC per Liter of Coating, Less | = | Ws | – | Ww | – | Wes |
Water and Less Exempt Compounds | Vm | – | Vw | – | Ves | |
Where: | Ws | = | weight of volatile compounds in grams | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | |||
Ww | = | weight of water in grams | ||||
Wes | = | weight of exempt compounds in grams | ||||
Vm | = | volume of material in liters | ||||
Vw | = | volume of water in liters | ||||
Ves | = | volume of exempt compounds in liters |
For coatings that contain reactive diluents, the Grams of VOC per Liter of Coating, Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds, shall be calculated by the following equation:
Grams of VOC per Liter of Coating, Less | = | Ws | – | Ww | – | Wes |
Water and Less Exempt Compounds | Vm | – | Vw | – | Ves | |
Where: | Ws | = | weight of volatile compounds emitted during curing, in grams | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | |||
Ww | = | weight of water emitted during curing, in grams | ||||
Wes | = | weight of exempt compounds emitted during curing, in grams | ||||
Vm | = | volume of the material prior to reaction, in liters | ||||
Vw | = | volume of water emitted during curing, in liters | ||||
Ves | = | volume of exempt compounds emitted during curing, in liters |
Grams of VOC per Liter of Material: the weight of VOC per volume of material and can be calculated by the following equation:
Grams of VOC per Liter of Material | = | Ws | – | Ww | – | Wes |
Vm | ||||||
Where: | Ws | = | weight of volatile compounds in grams | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | |||
Ww | = | weight of water in grams | ||||
Wes | = | weight of exempt compounds in grams | ||||
Vm | = | volume of the material in liters |
Graphic Arts Coatings (Sign Paints): coatings formulated for hand-
application by artists using brush or roller techniques to indoor and outdoor
signs (excluding structural components) and murals, including lettering
enamels, poster colors, copy blockers, and bulletin enamels.
High-Temperature Industrial Maintenance Coatings: industrial maintenance
coatings formulated for or applied to substrates exposed continuously or
intermittently to temperatures above 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Industrial Maintenance Coatings: coatings, including primers, sealers, undercoats, intermediate coatings and topcoats, formulated for or applied to substrates, including floors, that are exposed to one or more of the following extreme environmental conditions:
- Immersion in water, wastewater, or chemical solutions (aqueous and non-aqueous solutions), or chronic exposure of interior surfaces to moisture condensation;
- Acute or chronic exposure to corrosive, caustic or acidic agents, or similar chemicals, chemical fumes, chemical mixtures, or solutions;
- Repeated exposure to temperatures in excess of 250 degrees Fahrenheit;
- Repeated heavy abrasion, including mechanical wear and repeated scrubbing with industrial solvents, cleaners, or scouring agents; or
- Exterior exposure of metal structures.
Interior Stains: stains labeled and formulated exclusively for use on interior surfaces.
Lacquers: clear or pigmented wood finishes, including clear lacquer sanding sealers, formulated with nitrocellulose or synthetic resins to dry by evaporation without chemical reaction.
Low-Solids Coatings: coatings containing one pound or less of solids per gallon of material.
Magnesite Cement Coatings: coatings formulated for or applied to magnesite cement decking to protect the magnesite cement substrate from erosion by water.
Manufacturer: any person, company, firm, or establishment who imports, blends, assembles, produces, packages, repackages, or re-labels an architectural coating, not including retail outlets where labels or stickers may be affixed to containers or where colorant is added at the point of sale.
Market: to facilitate sales through third party vendors, including but not limited to catalog or ecommerce sales that bring together buyers and sellers. For the purposes of this rule, market does not mean to generally promote or advertise coatings.
Mastic Coatings: coatings formulated to cover holes and minor cracks and to conceal surface irregularities, and applied in a thickness of at least 10 mils (dry, single coat).
Metallic Pigmented Coatings: decorative coatings, excluding industrial maintenance and roof coatings, containing at least 0.4 pounds per gallon (48 grams/liter) of coating, as applied, of elemental metallic pigment (excluding zinc).
Multi-Color Coatings: coatings which exhibit more than one color when applied and which are packaged in a single container and applied in a single coat.
Nonflat Coatings: coatings that are not defined under any other definition in Rule 1113 and that register a gloss of 5 or greater on a 60 degree meter and a gloss of 15 or greater on an 85 degree meter according to ASTM Test Method D 523 as specified in paragraph (e)(6).
Non-Sacrificial Anti-Graffiti Coatings: are clear or opaque Industrial Maintenance Coatings formulated and recommended to deter adhesion of graffiti and to resist repeated scrubbing and exposure to harsh solvents, cleansers, or scouring agents used to remove graffiti.
Pearlescent: exhibiting various colors depending on the angles of illumination and viewing, as observed in mother-of-pearl.
Pigmented: containing colorant or dry coloring matter, such as an insoluble powder, to impart color to a substrate.
Post-Consumer Coatings: finished coatings that would have been disposed of in a landfill, having completed their usefulness to a consumer, and does not include manufacturing wastes.
Pre-Treatment Wash Primers: coatings which contain a minimum of ½ percent acid, by weight, applied directly to bare metal surfaces to provide necessary surface etching.
Primers: coatings applied to a surface to provide a firm bond between the substrate and subsequent coats.
Product: is an architectural coating which is identified by means of a unique product code and product name, as written on the container label and that is subject to one of the coating category VOC limits specified in Rule 1113 paragraphs (c)(1) or (c)(2) -
Responsible Party: for a corporation is a corporate officer. A responsible party for a partnership or sole proprietorship is the general partner or proprietor, respectively.
Reactive Diluent: a liquid which is a VOC during application and one in which, through chemical and/or physical reaction, such as polymerization, becomes an integral part of the coating.
Reactive Penetrating Sealers: clear or pigmented coatings labeled and formulated for application to above-grade concrete and masonry substrates to provide protection from water and waterborne contaminants, including, but not limited to, alkalis, acids, and salts. Reactive Penetrating Sealers must meet the following criteria:
Used only for reinforced concrete bridge structures for transportation projects within 5 miles of the coast or above 4,000 feet elevation or for restoration and/or preservation projects on registered historical buildings that are under the purview of a restoration architect.
Penetrate into concrete and masonry substrates and chemically react to form covalent bonds with naturally occurring minerals in the substrate.
Line the pores of concrete and masonry substrates with a hydrophobic coating, but do not form a surface film.
Improve water repellency at least 80 percent after application on a concrete or masonry substrate. This performance must be verified on standardized test specimens, in accordance with one or more of the following standards: ASTM C67, or ASTM C97, or ASTM C140.
Not reduce the water vapor transmission rate by more than 2 percent after application on a concrete or masonry substrate. This performance must be verified on standardized test specimens, in accordance with ASTM E96/E96M.
Meet the performance criteria listed in the National Cooperative Highway Research Report 244 (1981), surface chloride screening applications, for products labeled and formulated for vehicular traffic.
Recycled Coatings: coatings formulated such that 50 percent or more of the total weight consists of secondary and post-consumer coatings and 10 percent or more of the total weight consists of post-consumer coatings, and manufactured by a certified recycled paint manufacturer.
Restoration Architect: an architect that has a valid certificate of registration as an architect issued by the California State Board of Architectural Examiners or the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards and working on registered historical restoration and/or preservation projects.
Retail Outlet: any establishment at which architectural coatings are sold or offered for sale to consumers.
Roof Coatings: coatings formulated for application to exterior roofs for the primary purpose of preventing penetration of the substrate by water, or reflecting heat and ultraviolet radiation.
Rust Preventative Coatings: coatings formulated for use in preventing the corrosion of metal surfaces in residential and commercial situations.
Sacrificial Anti-Graffiti Coatings: non-binding, clear coatings which are formulated and recommended for applications that allow for the removal of graffiti primarily by power washing.
Sanding Sealers: clear wood coatings formulated for or applied to bare wood for sanding and to seal the wood for subsequent application of coatings.
Sealers: c oatings applied to either block materials from penetrating into or leaching out of a substrate, to prevent subsequent coatings from being absorbed by the substrate, or to prevent harm to subsequent coatings by materials in the substrate.
Secondary (Rework) Coatings: fragments of finished coatings or finished coatings from a manufacturing process that has converted resources into a commodity of real economic value, but does not include excess virgin resources of the manufacturing process.
Shellacs: clear or pigmented coatings formulated solely with the resinous secretions of the lac insect (laccifer lacca). Shellacs are formulated to dry by evaporation without a chemical reaction providing a quick-drying, solid, protective film for priming and sealing stains and odors; and for wood finishing excluding floors effective January 1, 2007.
Solicit: is to require for use or to specify, by written or oral contract.
Specialty Primers: coatings formulated for or applied to a substrate to seal fire, smoke or water damage; or to condition excessively chalky surfaces. An excessively chalky surface is one that is defined as having chalk rating of four or less as determined by ASTM D-4214 – Photographic Reference Standard No. 1 or the Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology “Pictorial Standards for Coatings Defects”.
Stains: are opaque or semi-transparent coatings which are formulated to change the color but not conceal the grain pattern or texture.
Stationary Structure: include but are not limited to, homes, office buildings, factories, mobile homes, pavements, curbs, roadways, racetracks, and bridges.
Stone Consolidants: coatings that are labeled and formulated for application to stone substrates to repair historical structures that have been damaged by weathering or other decay mechanisms. Stone Consolidants must meet the following criteria:
Used only for restoration and/or preservation projects on registered historical buildings that are under the purview of a restoration architect.
Penetrate into stone substrates to create bonds between particles and consolidate deteriorated material.
Specified and used in accordance with ASTM E2167.
Swimming Pool Coatin gs: coatings specifically formulated for or applied to the interior of swimming pools, including but not limited to water park attractions, ponds and fountains, to resist swimming pool chemicals.
Swimming Pool Repair Coatings: chlorinated, rubber-based coatings used for the repair and maintenance of swimming pools over existing chlorinated, rubber-based coatings.
Tint Base : an architectural coating to which colorants are added.
Traffic Coatings: coatings formulated for or applied to public streets, highways, and other surfaces including, but not limited to, curbs, berms, driveways, and parking lots.
Undercoats : coatings formulated for or applied to substrates to provide a smooth surface for subsequent coats.
Varnishes: clear or pigmented wood finishes formulated with various resins to dry by chemical reaction.
Volatile Organic Compound (Voc): as defined in Rule 102 – Definition of Terms. For the purpose of Rule 1113, tertiary butyl acetate (tBAc) shall be considered exempt as a VOC only for purposes of VOC emissions limitations or VOC content requirements and will continue to be a VOC for purposes of all recordkeeping, emissions reporting, photochemical dispersion modeling, and inventory requirements which apply to VOCs, when used in industrial maintenance coatings including zinc-rich industrial maintenance coatings and non-sacrificial anti-graffiti coatings..
Waterproofing Sealers: coatings which are formulated for the primary purpose of preventing penetration of porous substrates by water.
Waterproofing Concrete/Masonry Sealers: clear or pigmented sealers that are formulated for sealing concrete and masonry to provide resistance against water, alkalis, acids, ultraviolet light, or staining.
Wood Preservatives: coatings formulated to protect wood from decay or insect attack by the addition of a wood preservative chemical registered by the California Environmental Protection Agency.
Worksite: any location where architectural coatings are stored or applied.
Zinc-Rich Industrial Maintenance Primers: are primers formulated to contain a minimum of 65 percent metallic zinc powder (zinc dust) by weight of total solids for application to metal substrates.
Grams of VOC Per Liter of Coating, Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds
Category Codes
| Current Limit| Averaging Ceiling Limit| 3-Year
Sell-Through Limit
Bond Breakers| 5| 350| N/A| N/A|
Clear Wood Finishes| 20,36,46,47| 275| N/A| N/A|
Varnish (Clear)| 46| 275| 350| N/A|
Varnish (Semitransparent)| 47| 275| 350| N/A|
Sanding Sealers| 36| 275| 350| N/A|
Lacquer (includes Lacquer Sanding Sealer)| 20| 275| N/A| N/A|
Concrete-Curing Compounds| 7| 100| N/A| N/A|
Concrete-Curing Compounds For Roadways and
| 7| 350| N/A| N/A|
Concrete Surface Retarder| 58| 50| N/A| 250| Until 1/1/17
Driveway Sealer| 52| 50| N/A| 100| Until 1/1/15
Dry-Fog Coatings| 8| 50| N/A| 150| Until 1/1/17
Faux Finishing Coatings| | | N/A| |
Clear topcoat| 9a| 100| N/A| 200| Until 1/1/17
Decorative Coatings| 9| 350| N/A| N/A|
Glazes| 9b| 350| N/A| N/A|
Japan| 9c| 350| N/A| N/A|
Trowel Applied Coatings| 9d| 50| N/A| 50| Until 1/1/17
Fire-Proofing Coatings| 10| 150| N/A| 350| Until 1/1/17
Flats| 13| 50| 250| 100|
Floor Coatings| 14| 50| 100| 100|
Form Release Compound| 16| 100| N/A| 250| Until 1/1/17
Graphic Arts (Sign) Coatings| 17| 150| N/A| 500| Until 1/1/17
Industrial Maintenance (IM) Coatings (Includes Antenna (1) & Anti-Fouling
(2))| 19| 100| 420| 250|
High Temperature IM Coatings| 18| 420| N/A| N/A|
Non-Sacrificial Anti-Graffiti Coatings| 19a| 100| N/A| N/A|
Zinc-Rich IM Primers| 56| 100| N/A| 340|
Magnesite Cement Coatings| 22| 450| N/A| N/A|
Mastic Coatings| 23| 100| N/A| 300| Until 1/1/17
Metallic Pigmented Coatings| 24| 150| 500| 500| Until 1/1/17
Multi-Color Coatings| 25| 250| N/A| N/A|
Nonflat Coatings – Low Gloss| 26| 50| 150| N/A|
Nonflat Coatings – Medium Gloss| 27| 50| 150| N/A|
Nonflat – High Gloss| 28| 50| 150| N/A|
Pigmented Lacquer| 20| 275| N/A| N/A|
Pre-Treatment Wash Primers| 29| 420| N/A| N/A|
Primers, Sealers, and Undercoaters| 30| 100| N/A| N/A|
Quick-Dry Enamels| 31| 50| N/A| N/A|
Quick-Dry Primers, Sealers, and Undercoaters| 32| 100| N/A| N/A|
Reactive Penetrating Sealers| 59| 350| N/A| N/A|
Recycled Coatings| 33| 250| N/A| N/A|
Grams of VOC Per Liter of Coating, Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds
Category Codes
| Current Limit| Averaging Ceiling Limit| 3-Year
Sell-Through Limit
Roof Coatings| 34| 50| N/A| N/A|
Roof Coatings, Aluminum| 53| 100| N/A| N/A|
Roof Primers, Bituminous| 4| 350| N/A| N/A|
Rust Preventative Coatings| 35| 100| 400| 400|
Stone Consolidant| 61| 450| N/A| N/A|
Sacrificial Anti-Graffiti Coatings| 60| 50| N/A| 100| Until 1/1/15
Shellac| 37,38| | | |
Clear| 37| 730| N/A| N/A|
Pigmented| 38| 550| N/A| N/A|
Specialty Primers| 39| 100| N/A| 250|
Stains (Clear/Semitransparent/Opaque)| 41| 100| 350| 250|
Stains, Interior (Clear/Semitransparent)| 40| 250| 250| N/A|
Swimming Pool Coatings| 42,43| | | |
Repair| 43| 340| N/A| N/A|
Other| 42| 340| N/A| N/A|
Traffic Coatings| 45| 100| N/A| N/A|
Waterproofing Sealers| 48| 100| N/A| N/A|
Waterproofing Concrete/Masonry Sealers| 49| 100| N/A| N/A|
Wood Preservatives| 50,55| | | |
Below-Ground| 50| 350| N/A| N/A|
Other| 55| 350| N/A| N/A|
Default| 51| 250| N/A| N/A|
- Does not include compounds used for curbs and gutters, sidewalks, islands, driveways and other miscellaneous concrete areas.
VOC Limits Grams of VOC per Liter of Material
COATING | VOC Limit (g/l) |
Low-Solids Coating2 | 120 |
Low-Solids should not be entered as the coating category. Enter one of the other categories above and then click on the Low Solids checkbox. Typically these products fall under the stains or waterproofing sealers or waterproofing concrete/masonry sealers categories.
Free support is available from SCAQMD staff. The support staff will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. Support is available through the following channels.
Help and Appointment Hotline:
If you need help completing your report, call the Help and Appointment Hotline
909-396-2390. SCAQMD staff will be
available to provide immediate responses to your questions, to the extent
possible. You may also schedule an appointment for a one-on-one consultation
by calling this Hotline.
You can send your questions via e-mail to (please include your telephone number,
occasionally support staff may need to obtain additional information to answer
your question) and a response will be promptly e-mailed back to you.
Published supplemental instructional materials are available on the web. In
addition to published supplemental instructions, additional information is
available on the web such as SCAQMD rules, and other information.
Scheduled in-person appointments may be arranged upon request. For a scheduled
appointment, you will need to bring the forms and all pertinent information
for the reporting year. This may consist of:
- Product formulation records (including both grams of VOC per liter of coating and grams of VOC per liter of material):
- Laboratory reports [including percent weight of non-volatiles, water, and exempts (if applicable); density of the coating; and raw laboratory data] of test methods conducted as specified in paragraph (m)(1) or
- Product formulation data or physical properties analyses, as applicable, with a VOC calculation demonstration; and
- Production records including, if applicable, batch tickets with the date of manufacture, batch weight and volume; and
- Distribution records:
- Customer lists or store distribution lists or both (as applicable) and
- Shipping manifests or bills of lading or both (as applicable); and
- Sales records consisting of point of sale receipts or invoices to distributors or both, as applicable.
Support staff will help you fill out the forms and calculate your emission fees (if applicable) for your Annual Quantity and Emissions Report. There is no charge for this service. However, support staff cannot prepare your report for you.
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