Flairmesh FMD100 Over the Air Module User Guide

June 3, 2024

FMD100 Over the Air Module
User Guide

Copyright © 2022 Flairmesh Technologies
All rights reserved.
Flairmesh Technologies assumes no responsibility for any errors, which may appear in this document.
Furthermore, Flairmesh Technologies reserves the right to alter the hardware, software, and/or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice and does not make  any commitment to update the information contained herein. Flairmesh Technologies’ products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or  systems.
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Release Record

Version Release Date Comments
1 17, Jul. 2022 First release.


This document describes a common procedure to perform Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware upgrade of Flairmesh’s Bluetooth modules and USB dongles.


To make the, we need an iOS App “GoFlooGoo” from Apple’s AppStore. The direct link is, https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gofloogoo/id1621927554

Configure Target’s UUID128 in GooFlooGoo

After installing “GoFlooGoo”, before open it, we shall configure its BLE service UUID128 so it only searches and connects to the expected module or dongle.
Go to the “Settings” of the iPhone and search for “UUID128”, open the item of “UUID128/GoFlooGoo”, and set the value as Table 3.1.Flairmesh FMD100 Over
the Air Module - Figure 1

Table 3.1 Default BLE GATT Service UUID128

Model UUID128 Comments
FMA100 F455A208-5970-11EC-BF63-0242AC130002
FMB100 1AAA5F34-3A93-4B89-B05B-1B4A89930CE0 The UUID128 can be read by

“BC:LU” command on its UART interface. Refer to the programming interface manual.
FMD100| 1AAA5F34-3A93-4B89-B05B-1B4A89930CE0| Same as above.

OTA Procedure

Run “GoFlooGoo”, click the “New Paring” button at top-right corner to connect the device to be upgraded.

Flairmesh FMD100 Over the Air Module - Figure 2

When connected, the “Upgrade” button turns on. Click on it opens a file browser. Choose the “*.bin” firmware file that has been copied onto the phone, in the screenshot a  firmware “FMA100_1_2_2_6…bin” on the Cloud drive is shown as an example. Click on the file starts the OTA procedure, shown as an example. Click on the file starts the OTA procedure,

Flairmesh FMD100 Over the Air Module - Figure 3

When the progress reaches 100%, the device will validate the firmware (5~10seconds) and then reset itself, the connection will break for several seconds and resume. After  reconnected, the state shall become “Ota Done” which indicates a success. After that, the device will reset itself again to fully shift onto the new firmware. In the following screenshot that excluding the first “” (which shall be the original firmware version for the device), there’re two of “” (which is the new firmware version after OTA, it’s harmless to perform OTA on the same version).
When it reaches here, it’s done and click the button “Remove Paired FlooGoo” to disconnect with it.
If any error happens, the device will return to the old firmware after the failure. The bootloader always checks and only switches to the new firmware after a successful  verification. A new OTA can be performed once it resumes working and connectable in the old firmware.

Flairmesh FMD100 Over the Air Module - Figure 4

Flairmesh Technologies

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