IDEAL LINGO Instructions

June 3, 2024


  • Assemble the LINGO Game Unit and Puzzle word Board as
  • One player takes the role of the Question Master (QM), the remaining players separate into 2 teams.
  • Give each team a sheet from the Score Pad.
  • Toss a coin to decide which team will go first.

LINGO is the game where small words win big money. The object of the game is to win as much money as possible by guessing the hidden LINGO words. Each game consists of   Three Rounds followed by the End Game

Let’s play LINGO…

RouNd I: 4-letter LINGOs

  • The QM slides Blank Panels into the fifth and sixth columns of the LINGO Game Unit as these columns are not needed for 4-letter LINGOs
  • The QM picks a 4-letter word from the dictionary section of this leaflet. This is the LINGO the team in play has to guess
  • For each LINGO, the initial letter of the word is always revealed to give a clue to what the LINGO may be. To do this, the QM slots the corresponding Initial Letter Panel into the first column of the LINGO Game Unit. In this example the LINGO starts with the letter T.
  • The QM rotates the LINGO Game Unit towards the team in play and turns over the 20 second
  • The team in play now has until the sand runs out to guess the remaining three letters of the LINGO and write them in the bottom row of the Game Unit using the Dry-wipe Pen

To show how well the team has guessed, the QM now drops coloured Marker Tiles into the LINGO Game Unit as follows:

  • A green tile if the letter is in the correct position.
  • The QM rotates the LINGO Game Unit back towards the team in play and restarts the 20 second timer.
  • The team in play gets another attempt to guess the LINGO by writing their second guess in the row above the first word
  • NOTE: If the team fails to write a LINGO guess within the 20 second time limit or writes a word that does not exist in the English language*, play passes to the other
  • The first team to guess the LINGO scores £200 and circles that amount on their Score Sheet.
  • There are 5 attempts to guess each LINGO. If on the fifth attempt, the team in play does not guess the LINGO, the QM allows the other team to make a final guess for the £200. If they are also unsuccessful, the QM wipes the board and starts a new LINGO.
  • Teams alternate when starting a new
  • Play carries on in this manner,until a total of three 4-letter LINGOs have been played.
  • Both teams now play a bonus Puzzleword round – see later.

RoUNd 2: 5-letter LINGOs

  • Play exactly as detailed in Round 1, but this time remove the Blank Panel in column 5 and the teams guess 5-letter LINGOs. LINGO
  • Play a total of three 5-letter LING0s with each correctly guessed LINGO scoring f300.
  • Remember that each team also plays a Puzzleword at the end of this round

RoUNd 3: Quickfire LINGOs

  • Each team now play both a 4-letter and a 5-letter LINGO, but there is no passing of play in this round and the scoring is as follows:
    £500 if the LINGO is guessed in the first attempt
    £450 if the LINGO is guessed in the second attempt
    R400 if the LINGO is guessed in the third attempt
    £350 if the LINGO is guessed in the fourth attempt
    £300 if the LINGO is guessed in the ifth attempt

  • Don’t forget that both teams play a Puzzleword at the end of this round.

Puzzle words :

  • At the end of each of the three Rounds, both teams plays their own bonus Puzzleword.
  • The QM picks a 12-letter Puzzleword from the list at the end of this leaflet and writes it onto the wipe-clean panel inside the Puzzleword Board.
  • The QM closes all the Puzzleword Board doors so that only the initial letter is showing.
  • The QM reads the Puzzleword “Clue”, turns the Puzzleword Board to face the team in play, then randomly flips up the doors as approximate 1 second intervals so that the team in play can see the word starting to be revealed.
  • The team can shout out as many answers as they like As soon as the Puzzleword is guessed the QM stops opening the doors.

The scoring for the Puzzleword is as follows:

  • Guessing the Puzzleword after Round 1: Score £25 for each uncovered letter.
  • Guessing the Puzzleword after Round 2: Score £50 for each uncovered letter.
  • Guessing the Puzzleword after Round 3: Score £100 for each uncovered letter.

The Grand Total:

  • After playing Rounds 1 to 3 and the corresponding Puzzlewords, the teams add up the money they have won so far and write the Grand Total on their Score Sheet.

END Game:

  • Both teams now play the End Game by playing a 4-etter, a 5-letter and then a 6-letter LINGO ll within 90 seconds.
  • The team with the smllest Grand Total goes first (NOTE: in the event of a tie, the team with the youngest member goes first).
  • Play each LINGO as described in the main game, but use the 90 second Sand Timer.
  • NOTE: lay the Timer horizontally to pause the sand falling each time play stops for the QM to add Marker Tiles or set up the next LINGO. Return the Timer to the vertical position when the team is ready to restart guessing.
  • Score the End Game as follows:
    • For guessing just the 4-letter LINGO – you win half your Grand Total score
    • For guessing the 4, 5-letter LINGOs – you win your Grand Total score
    • For guessing the 4 and 5 and 6-letter LINGOs – you win double your Grand Total score
    • For guessing no LINGOs – you win nothing!

The team with the most money after the End Game is the ultimate winner.

Score Sheet:
If you use up all the Score Sheets in this game, download a printable copy from our website:

Option #l- Quick Play: If you don’t have time to play a full game, skip Round 1 and 2 and simply play Round 3, its Puzzleword and then the End Game.

Option #2-Large Group Play:
IT you nave a large grOup who want to play, that is great. Split into 3 or 4 teams. Each team gets a Score Sheet. Play exactly as detailed in the main rules with the following two exceptions 1) play always passes to the team on the left to start to next LINGO 2) only the two teams with highest score progress into Round 3.

Option #3- Advanced Play: Want a harder challenge? In Round 3, rather than play a 4 and 5-letter LINGO, try playing 5 and 6-letter LINGOs instead. Or for an even harder challenge, play 5-letter LINGOs in Round 1, 6-letter LINGOs in Round 2 and 5 and 6-letter LINGOs in Round 3.

  1. ABBREVIATION Clue: Is it getting shorter?
  2. ACCELERATION Clue: Let’s go faster.
  3. ACCIDENTALLY Clue: What’s the chances?
  4. ACCOMPANYING Clue: I’ll go along with that.
  5. ACCOMPLISHED Clue: Expertly done.
  6. ACCUMULATION Clue: I didn’t realise I had so many.
  7. ACHIEVEMENTS Clue: I knew you could do it.
  8. ACKNOWLEDGED Clue: Roger that over and out.
  9. ACQUAINTANCE Clue: Don’t I know you?
  10. ACQUISITIONS Clue: Adding to my collection.
  11. ADDITIONALLY Clue: And another thing …
  12. ADMINISTERED Clue: A well controlled project.
  13. AGGRESSIVELY Clue: In a hostile manner.
  14. AGRICULTURAL Clue: Food for thought
  15. ALLITERATION Clue: Peter Piper picked this.
  16. ALPHABETICAL Clue: Easy as ABC.
  17. ALTERNATIVES Clue: There are other ways.
  18. AMBIDEXTROUS Clue: On the other hand …
  19. ANNOUNCEMENT Clue: I have some news for you.
  20. ANTICIPATION Clue: You’ve been waiting for this one.
  21. ANTIOXIDANTS Clue: Give your body a boost.
  22. APPLICATIONS Clue: Putting in formal requests.
  23. APPOINTMENTS Clue: I’ll make a note of these.
  24. APPRECIATION Clue: Thank you very much.
  25. ARCHITECTURE Clue: It takes a lot of design.
  26. AROMATHERAPY Clue: It smells lovely in here.
  27. ARRANGEMENTS Clue: Sound like a plan.
  28. ASSOCIATIONS Clue: We have the same interests.
  29. ASTRONOMICAL Clue: Get your head above the clouds.
  30. AUTHENTICITY Clue: Fake news?
  31. AVAILABILITY Clue: Let me check my diary.
  32.  BACKBREAKING Clue: It’s hard work.
  33. BODYBUILDING Clue: Feel the bum.
  34. BREAKTHROUGH Clue: After this it all made sense.
  35. BREATHTAKING Clue: An amazing view.
  36. BROADCASTING Clue: Sending out the right signals.
  37. CALCULATIONS Clue: Do they add up?
  38. CANCELLATION Clue: The show doesn’t always go on.
  39. CAPABILITIES Clue: You have the skills.
  40. COMMISSIONER Clue: I represent authority here.
  41. COMMUNICATED Clue: Word’s got around.
  42. COMPETITIONS Clue: You could win big.
  43. CONCENTRATED Clue: Looks thick and gloopy.
  44. CONFIDENTIAL Clue: Don’t spread it around.
  45. CONFIRMATION Clue: Yes, that’s correct.
  46. CONGREGATION Clue: We are gathered here today …
  47. CONNECTIVITY Clue: We’re all joined together.
  48. CONSEQUENCES Clue: It’s all about the outcome.
  49. CONSERVATION Clue: Take good care of things.
  50. CONSIDERABLE Clue: A large amount.
  51. CONSISTENTLY Clue: You ALWAYS do ii like this.
  52. CONSTRUCTION Clue: Let’s build it up.
  53. CONTEMPORARY Clue: It’s a modern look.
  54. CONTINUOUSLY Clue: It never stops.
  55. CONTRIBUTORS Clue: A lot of people took part.
  56. CONVERSATION Clue: Talk among yourselves.
  57. COORDINATION Clue: Let’s get organized.
  58. DEPRECIATION Clue: Not what is used to be.
  59.  DESTINATIONS Clue: Places to go, people to see.
  60. DIFFICULTIES Clue: Obstacles in your way?
  61. DISAPPOINTED Clue: It’ll give you a sad face.
  62. DISCIPLINARY Clue: In the headmaster’s office!
  63. DISCONTINUED Clue: You can’t have it now.
  64. DRAMATICALLY Clue: Making a song and dance!
  65. ECONOMICALLY Clue: On the cheap.
  66. EMBARRASSING Clue: Are you turning red?
  67. ENTERTAINING Clue: Worth some applause.
  68. ENTHUSIASTIC Clue: They are so keen!
  69. ENTREPRENEUR Clue: Great mind, great business?
  70. ESTABLISHING Clue: A sense of being settled
  71. EVOLUTIONARY Clue: Of the ape and the man.
  72. EXAMINATIONS Clue: Look closer.
  73. EXASPERATION Clue: It’s just so frustrating!
  74. EXPECTATIONS Clue: Whal do you think happens next?
  75. EXPENDITURES Clue: That’s where the money goes!
  76. EXPERIENCING Clue: I’ve got the feels!
  77. EXPERIMENTAL Clue: Let’s give this a try.
  78. EXPLANATIONS Clue: Now do you understand?
  79. FINGERPRINTS Clue: You always leave these behind.
  80. FIREFIGHTERS Clue: It’s getting hot in here.
  81. FUNDAMENTALS Clue: Back to basics.
  82. GOVERNMENTAL Clue: A high level of authority.
  83. GRANDPARENTS Clue: Even older than your parents!
  84. HEADQUARTERS Clue: It’s all about the base.
  85. HIPPOPOTAMUS Clue: I can run faster than you think.
  86. HISTORICALLY Clue: It’s a bit old now.
  87. IDENTIFIABLE Clue: Can you tell what it is yet?
  88. ILLUSTRATION Clue: Worth a thousand words.
  89. IMPLEMENTING Clue: Let’s put this into practice.
  90. IMPRISONMENT Clue: Get me out of here!
  91. IMPROVEMENTS Clue: Let’s make things better.
  92. INCONSISTENT Clue: Not always the same.
  93. INCORPORATED Clue: It’s included now.
  94. INCREASINGLY Clue: Continuing to get bigger.
  95. INDEPENDENCE Clue: Free at last!
  96. INDIVIDUALLY Clue: The single life.
  97. INFLAMMATION Clue: It’s gelling bigger.
  98.  INSTRUCTIONS Clue: Just follow me and we’ll make ii.
  99. INSUFFICIENT Clue: Not sure that will be enough.
  100. INTELLECTUAL Clue: Knows all the answers!
  101.  INTELLIGENCE Clue: When you know, you know.
  102. INTERACTIONS Clue: It’s all about teamwork.
  103. INTERMEDIATE Clue: You’re just an inbetweener!
  104. INTERVENTION Clue: I’m stepping in.
  105. INTIMIDATING Clue: Now you’re scaring me!
  106. INTRODUCTION Clue: Once upon a time
  107. INVESTIGATOR Clue: Looking for the facts.
  108. KINDERGARTEN Clue: Early learning for Arnie.
  109. MANIPULATION Clue: In your hands?
  110. MATHEMATICAL Clue: Does ii all add up?
  111. MEASUREMENTS Clue: Size does matter.
  112. METROPOLITAN Clue: Life in the city.
  113. MODIFICATION Clue: Just one little change.
  114. NEGOTIATIONS Clue: Let’s talk about this.
  115. NEUROLOGICAL Clue: You’ve got a nerve!
  116. OCCASIONALLY Clue: It’s just now and then.
  117. OVERWHELMING Clue: When it’s just too much!
  118. PARTICIPANTS Clue: You and your fellow players.
  119. PERFORMANCES Clue: Might be on stage.
  120. PERIODICALLY Clue: Just now and again.
  121. PERSPECTIVES Clue: Depends how you look at it.
  122. PERSPIRATION Clue: Phew! Look how hot I am.
  123. PHOTOGRAPHER Clue: Living life through the lens.
  124. PREPARATIONS Clue: Are you getting ready?
  125. PREREQUISITE Clue: The right qualification perhaps?
  126. PRESCRIPTION Clue: Keep taking the pills!
  127. PRESERVATION Clue: Save it for later.
  128. PROFESSIONAL Clue: Smart and capable, just like you.
  129. QUESTIONABLE Clue: Really? I’m not so sure.
  130. REFRIGERATOR Clue: That’s totally cool man.
  131. REGENERATION Clue: It’s coming back to life.
  132. RELATIONSHIP Clue: Mother, father, husband, wife …
  133. REPLACEMENTS Clue: Just find some more.
  134. REPRODUCTION Clue: Could be an exact copy?
  135.  SATISFACTION Clue: When you get ii just right …
  136. SHAREHOLDERS Clue: They want their dividends.
  137. SIMILARITIES Clue: Just like something else?
  138. SPOKESPERSON Clue: Listen to what they say.
  139.  STAKEHOLDERS Clue: Should they declare an interest?
  140. STANDARDIZED Clue: Same old, same old …
  141. STORYTELLING Clue: Once upon a lime.
  142. STRAWBERRIES Clue: Goes down well in Wimbledon.
  143. SUBSCRIPTION Clue: I get this on a regular basis.
  144. SUPERNATURAL Clue: I have shivers down my spine.
  145. SUPPLEMENTAL Clue: Just a little bit more …
  146. SURPRISINGLY Clue: Wasn’t expecting that!
  147. SURROUNDINGS Clue: You’re in the middle of ii.
  148. SURVEILLANCE Clue: The “eyes” have ii!
  149. TEMPERATURES Clue: These rise and fall.
  150. TRANSFORMING Clue: It’s not the way it started.
  151. TRANSLATIONS Clue: Lost in these.
  152.  TRANSPARENCY Clue: See right through this clue.
  153. UNACCEPTABLE Clue: This clue isn’t good enough!
  154. UNAUTHORIZED Clue: You can’t go inside.
  155. UNBELIEVABLE Clue: Truth is often stranger than fiction.
  156. UNEMPLOYMENT Clue: It’s not nine to five.
  157. UNIDENTIFIED Clue: Is it a bird or is it a plane?
  158. UNIVERSITIES Clue: The seat of learning.
  159. UNSUCCESSFUL Clue: It didn’t work this time.
  160. VERIFICATION Clue: I will need to see proof of your ID.
  161. VOLUNTEERING Clue: You don’t have to do ii if you don’t want to.

Lingo© IDTV. Licenced by All3media International Ltd.
© 2021 John Adams Leisure Ltd. IDEAL• is a registered trademark of John Adams Leisure Ltd.
John Adams Leisure Ltd., Hercules House, Pierson Road, Enterprise Campus, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. PE28 4YA, England. EU authorised representative: John Adams Leisure EU Ltd., 1 Castlewood Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 H685, Ireland.
For customer services call 01480 414361 or email
Please retain this information for reference. MADE IN CHINA.
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WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard · contains small parts.

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