SLAMTEC LPX-T1 270 Lpx Scan Designer Instruction Manual

September 25, 2024

SLAMTEC LPX-T1 270 Lpx Scan Designer


  • Product Name: LPX SCAN DESIGNER
  • Manufacturer: SLAMTEC Inc.
  • Version: 0.1.0 (Mar. 2024)
  • Website:


Q: How many cases can the LPX-E3P1 sensor store?

A: The LPX-E3P1 sensor can store up to 64 cases for monitoring different scenarios.

Q: What is a monitoring case?

A: A monitoring case is a collection of all status information currently monitored by the sensor, including fieldsets and corresponding configurations.

Software Overview

LPX SCAN DESIGNER is a monitoring field configuration software developed by SLAMTEC for the LPX series LIDAR sensors. With this software, you can easily configure the field to be monitored, and when the sensor is runnig, the sensor’s built-in monitoring program monitors the configured field without the need for external equipment to process and calculate the LIDAR data. You can also configure the lidar’s operating parameters, simulate the field monitoring program function, and view the device status in LPX SCAN  DESIGNER. Before using this software for the first time, please make sure to read this document in full to avoid endangering personal safety or causing property damage.


Monitor Field / Field

A monitoring field refers to an field monitored by a sensor. It can contain one or more polygons, circles, sectors, rectangles, etc. A sensor can monitor one or more fields at the same time. For example, LPX-E3P1 can monitor three fields at the same time.

Field Set

Field Sets are fields that sensors monitor simultaneously. An field set can contain one or more fields. When the sensor is working, it will monitor all fields in an field set and output the intrusion status of all fields in the field set.

Monitor Case / Case

The monitoring case is a collection of all status information currently monitored by the sensor. A case contains a field set and the corresponding input and output configuration. A sensor can store one or more cases. For example, the LPX-E3P1 can store up to 64 cases. When the sensor is working, the monitoring case can be switched through the external output to adapt to different working cases.


Double-click the installation package and follow the prompts to install. After the installation is complete, double-click the shortcut or SLAMTEC LPX ScanDesigner.exe in the installation directory to start the application. After starting, the program will display the “Overview” interface, where you can see the connected device information and device overview.

Connect to sensor

Refer to the sensor’s operating guide to connect the power and signal cables, and connect the lidar to the computer via the Type-C configuration cable. Click “Connect to Device” in the upper left corner of the interface to automatically refresh the devices available for connection. Select the device to be connected and click “Connect”.

Config Fields

Select the “Monitoring Field Design” tab in the “Configuration” page on the left. The “Create Design from Template” interface will pop up by default. Select “Simple Configuration” here to continue.

The “Simple Configuration” template provides a field set containing two monitoring fields, which are configured as “Warning Field” and “Protection Field” respectively. The field mon-itoring software provides a variety of monitoring field types, and you can freely choose the type of each field. The total number of configurable field sets in this software, the number of monitoring fields contained in a single field set, and the configurable monitoring field types are determined by the specific sensor model. Please refer to the data sheet of the corresponding model device for details, or query in the “Overview” page of this program. This document takes LPX-E3P1 as an example. The sensor supports up to 64 field sets, each with three simultaneously monitored monitoring fields, and each field can be configured as a recognition, warning, or a alarming field. The maximum radius of its warning field is 10 meters, and the maximum radius of the alarming field is 4 meters, and it provides excellent black low-reflectivity object monitoring capabilities. Select the preset field in the “Field Settings” on the right, and you can see that a circle within the field monitoring range is drawn in the preset monitoring field, and the sensor will monitor the entire field of the circle.

Create Monitor fields

The software provides the function of drawing polygons, rectangles, circles, and sectors. When drawing a polygon, first select “Draw Polygon” in the top toolbar, click the left mouse button to add the first point, continue to click the drawing field with the left mouse button, and double-click the left mouse button to end the polygon drawing. The software will automatically connect the head and tail of the polygon to form a closed figure. After completing the polygon creation, left-click to adjust the coordinates of each point of the polygon in the right toolbar, and you can also add and delete points.

When drawing a rectangle, first select “Draw Rectangle” in the top toolbar, hold down the left button, drag to a satisfactory size and release the left button to complete the drawing. Similarly, click on the newly drawn shape, and you can adjust the starting point coordinates, length, width, and rotation angle of the rectangle in the toolbar on the right, or you can directly drag and adjust in the figure.

If you need to draw a circle, select “Draw a circle” in the top toolbar, hold down the left button, drag to a satisfactory size and release the left button to complete the drawing. You can adjust the center coordinates and diameter of the circle in the right toolbar, or you can directly drag and adjust in the figure.

Drawing a sector is similar to drawing a circle. You can also adjust the starting angle of the sector in the toolbar on the right.

The final monitoring range will be clipped according to the maximum range of the monitoring field: for graphics that are completely within the monitoring field, the field inside the graphics and between the graphics and the lidar will be used as the monitoring range; for graphics that are partially within the monitoring field, the part outside the monitoring field will not be used as the monitoring range; for graphics that are completely outside the monitoring field, no related monitoring range will be generated.

Adding Fields and Fieldsets

When no graphics are selected, the toolbar on the right is “Field Settings”, where you can create, delete, or copy fields or field sets.
For the created fields and field sets, you can rename them to easily identify the monitoring purpose of the current field or field set.
The maximum number of field sets that can be created and the number of fields in each field set are limited by the currently connected sensor model. The maximum number of field sets will not exceed the maximum number of field sets supported by the current sensor model, and the number of fields in each field set will not exceed the maximum number of simultaneously activated fields supported by the current sensor model.

Draw concentric fields using associative (mask) mode

In obstacle avoidance cases, it is often necessary to generate cases with different ranges based on the same shape. You can use the association (mask) function of this software to draw concentric fields. First draw the maximum monitoring field range in the current field, add an field to the current field set in “Field Settings”, turn on the association (mask) mode below, and select the pre-fill type. The software provides multiple types of circular filling, forward filling, and proportional filling. Select the required filling type, and then set the filling distance in the figure or in the toolbar on the right.

By dragging the newly added field, you can change the field it is associated with.

You can still draw additional monitoring range graphics in this mode.

Note that the extent of the field generated in this way will still not exceed the maximum size of the current field mode.

Adjust the position and angle of the sensor

When the center of the drawn graphic is different from the actual lidar installation orientation, you can adjust the monitoring field with one click by adjusting the direction and position of the lidar.

Select “Edit Lidar Placement Parameters” in the top toolbar or select the lidar in the picture (default is at the coordinate origin), and the lidar’s coordinates, rotation angle, and installation direction (upright or inverted) can be adjusted in the right toolbar. The monitoring field in the software will be regenerated with the new orientation of the lidar.

Config Monitor Case

The monitoring case is the actual output mode of the configured monitoring field, including parameters such as the number of resampling times, output delay, hold time, and output ports corresponding to different fields in the current monitoring field. By configuring the monitoring case, you can flexibly control the monitoring signal output parameters you need.
Select “Case Design Configuration” in the left tab to start configuring the monitoring case.

Add and edit Monitor Case

Click “Add New Case” to create a monitoring case. You can also create a new monitoring case by copying an existing monitoring case.

For the monitoring case you created, you can rename it to easily identify the monitoring purpose of the current monitoring case. The instance number corresponds to the number of instances called in the sensor (starting from 0).
The “Multi-sampling” option can adjust the number of resampling. A high number of resampling helps improve the accuracy of monitoring applications, but it also increases the output delay. The “Angular Resolution” option can adjust the monitoring resolution of the instance. Different resolutions can adapt to monitoring objects of different sizes. “Output Delay” is the delay from the sensor identifying an object within the monitoring range to the output signal; “Output Hold” is the delay from the disappearance of the object to the cancellation of the signal output (in extreme cases, the output signal will be triggered only after the object disappears. At this time, the output signal will be used as the starting point, and the output hold time will be delayed once before stopping the output, that is, the minimum signal hold time). If the currently connected sensor does not support the adjustment of an option, the option will remain fixed and cannot be edited.

On the right, you can bind the field set corresponding to the monitoring case. The corresponding order of the fields in the field set and the output ports defaults to the order of arrangement in the field set. If you need to change the port corresponding to the field, just drag it to the port you want to configure. If the order of the fields in the field set corresponding to the instance changes, or if an field set is added or deleted, a warning symbol will appear at the corresponding position in the current instance. Pay attention to update the current instance.

Upload and download monitoring cases

Upload the newly created monitoring case

Click “Write to Device” on the left to jump to the monitoring case writing interface, as shown below:

The left side is the newly created monitoring case, and the right side is the currently connected device. You can choose whether to use the “Update Mode” to update the monitoring case according to your needs. When writing to the device using the update mode, only the newly designed instance data will be updated without erasing the existing data in the sensor. When the update mode is not used, all the data in the sensor will be erased, and then the monitoring case data to be written will be written.

Load configured monitoring cases from sensors

Click on the “Stored field information” on the left, the software will read all monitoring cases in the sensor and display them in a list.

Click on the monitoring case to be modified, and click “Import selected to the editor”, you can view the imported case in the “Monitoring field design” interface, modify it as needed, and configure it to an existing or new case in the “Case design configuration”, and then click “Write to device” to write it to the device.

Test monitoring case configuration

After completing the above monitoring case configuration, you can verify its validity as de-scribed in this section. Make sure that the sensor is powered and connected normally. Click “Monitoring field design” to switch to the case number corresponding to the current input IO pin, as shown in the figure below:

Click “Switch to start device measurement preview”, the sensor starts working and outputs real-time point cloud images. At this time, you can move the obstacle to the specified field and observe whether the corresponding output IO or corresponding channel indicator light changes, so as to complete the monitoring case test.

Document History


  • Address: E-10F Shengyin Tower, 666 Shengxia Rd., Shanghai, China Made in China
  • May 17, 2024 | Product datasheet Subject to change without notice

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