Western Digital Data60, Data102 Firmware Update CLI User Guide
- September 18, 2024
- Western Digital
Table of Contents
- Data60, Data102 Firmware Update CLI
- Product Information
- Specifications
- Product Usage Instructions
- Chapter 1: Overview
- Chapter 2: Firmware Update CLI Commands
- Q: What should I do if I encounter issues during the firmware
- Q: Are there any restrictions on using the product in life
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –help
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –list
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –drive –list
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –file <path/firmware_filename>
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –list
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –eid USWSJ00220EZ000A –file <path/
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –drive –list
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –drive –model WUS721010AL5204 –file <path/
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –force –file <path/firmware_filename>
- IOM IOM_FW : firmwares/iom_firmware/HGST_Ultrastar-
- Drive DRIVE_FW : firmwares/drive_firmware/VXGSC980.bin DRIVE_MODEL :
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom
- ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –drive
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
Data60, Data102 Firmware Update CLI
Product Information
- Software Version: 1.0
- Document Number: D018-000971-000
- Revision Date: August 2024
Product Usage Instructions
Chapter 1: Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the Firmware Update CLI
application, including its purpose, prerequisites, and instructions
for downloading and installing it.
Chapter 2: Firmware Update CLI Commands
This chapter details the specific CLI commands required to
update the firmware of the product.
Q: What should I do if I encounter issues during the firmware
update process?
A: If you encounter any issues during the firmware update
process, please contact Western Digital Datacenter Platforms
technical support. Be prepared to provide relevant information such
as part number, serial number, product name, software version, and
a brief description of the issue.
Q: Are there any restrictions on using the product in life
support applications?
A: Western Digital does not recommend using its products in life
support applications where a failure may directly threaten life or
injury. Users assume all risks in such cases.
User Guide
Firmware Update CLI for Ultrastar® Data60 & Ultrastar Data102
Software Version 1.0 Document D018-000971-000
Revision 01 August 2024
User Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Points of
Contact…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… iv
Chapter 1. Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
2 Downloading the Firmware Update
CLI……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 Installing the Firmware
Update CLI………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Chapter 2. Firmware Update CLI Commands……………………………………………………… 8
General Notes………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9 help………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
21 Firmware Update Using a Configuration
File………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
User Guide
Revision History
Date August 2024
Revision 01
Revision History
Comment Initial release for software version 1.0
User Guide
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates’ (collectively “Western
Digital”) general policy does not recommend the use of its products in life
support applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the product may
directly threaten life or injury. Per Western Digital Terms and Conditions of
Sale, the user of Western Digital products in life support applications
assumes all risk of such use and indemnifies Western Digital against all
This document is for information use only and is subject to change without
prior notice. Western Digital assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document, nor for incidental or consequential damages
resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
Absent a written agreement signed by Western Digital or its authorized
representative to the contrary, Western Digital explicitly disclaims any
express and implied warranties and indemnities of any kind that may, or could,
be associated with this document and related material, and any user of this
document or related material agrees to such disclaimer as a precondition to
receipt and usage hereof.
Each user of this document or any product referred to herein expressly waives
all guaranties and warranties of any kind associated with this document any
related materials or such product, whether expressed or implied, including
without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose or non-infringement. Each user of this document or any
product referred to herein also expressly agrees Western Digital shall not be
liable for any incidental, punitive, indirect, special, or consequential
damages, including without limitation physical injury or death, property
damage, lost data, loss of profits or costs of procurement of substitute
goods, technology, or services, arising out of or related to this document,
any related materials or any product referred to herein, regardless of whether
such damages are based on tort, warranty, contract, or any other legal theory,
even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
This document and its contents, including diagrams, schematics, methodology,
work product, and intellectual property rights described in, associated with,
or implied by this document, are the sole and exclusive property of Western
Digital. No intellectual property license, express or implied, is granted by
Western Digital associated with the document recipient’s receipt, access
and/or use of this document or the products referred to herein; Western
Digital retains all rights hereto.
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Ultrastar are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital
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Not all products are available in all regions of the world. Pictures shown may
vary from actual products. Product specifications subject to change without
Western Digital 5601 Great Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95119
© 2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
User Guide
Points of Contact
Points of Contact
For further assistance with a Western Digital product, contact Western Digital
Datacenter Platforms technical support. Please be prepared to provide the
following information, as applicable: part number (P/N), serial number (S/N),
product name and/or model number, software version, and a brief description of
the issue. Website: https://portal.wdc.com/s/ Email: enterprisesupport@wdc.com
UK Import Representation Contact
PO Box 471 Leatherhead KT22 2LU UK Telephone: +44 1372 366000
EU Import Representation Contact
BP 80006 92135 Issy les Moulineaux, France
The topics in this chapter provide an overview of the Firmware Update CLI
application, including its purpose, prerequisites, and instructions for
downloading and installing it.
In This Chapter:
– Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 –
Prerequisites………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 – Downloading the
Firmware Update CLI………………………………………………………… 2 – Installing the Firmware Update
User Guide
1. Overview 1.1 Overview
1.1 Overview
The Firmware Update CLI version 1.0 is an in-band, command-line software
utility for updating SEP and OOBM enclosure firmware — or drive firmware for
installed drives — on the following Western Digital platforms.
· Ultrastar Data60 · Ultrastar Data102
1.2 Prerequisites
This section lists the prerequisites for proper function of the Firmware
Update CLI utility.
Operating Systems
Table 2: Supported Operating Systems for Firmware Update CLI Linux®
Debian 12.5 Oracle® Linux 7.9 Red Hat Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) 9.3 Ubuntu®
Server 22.04
Windows Window Server® 2022
Third-Party Software
The following third-party software must be installed on the host server
running the Firmware Update CLI.
Table 3: Required 3rd-Party Software for Firmware Update CLI Linux N/A
Windows sg3_utils version 1.45
User Guide
1. Overview 1.3 Downloading the Firmware Update CLI
1.3 Downloading the Firmware Update CLI
This procedure provides instructions for downloading the Firmware Update CLI
utility from the Western Digital Business Support Center.
Step 1: Open a web browser and navigate to: https://portal.wdc.com/s/. The
login page for the Western Digital Business Support Center will be displayed:
Figure 1: Western Digital Business Support Center Login Page
Step 2: Enter a valid email address and password into the Email Address and
Password fields. Then click the Login button. The Western Digital B2B Portal
page will be displayed:
Figure 2: Western Digital B2B Portal
User Guide
Step 3: Click Downloads at the top of the page. Figure 3: Downloads Link
1. Overview 1.3 Downloading the Firmware Update CLI
The Download Resource page will be displayed: Figure 4: Download Resource Page
Step 4: Use the Select Product drop-down list to select your platform
(Ultrastar Data60 or Ultrastar Data102).
Figure 5: Select Your Platform
The downloadable resources for that product will be displayed:
User Guide
Figure 6: Download Resources
1. Overview 1.3 Downloading the Firmware Update CLI
Step 5: Under Select an option, click the caret symbol to expand the Chassis Firmware menu. Figure 7: Select the Chassis Firmware
User Guide
1. Overview 1.3 Downloading the Firmware Update CLI
Step 6: Click the caret symbol to expand the Current version menu. Figure 8: Select the Current Version
Step 7: Click to select the 3x->4x FW Update Tool and files option. Figure 9:
Select the Firmware Update Tool
Step 8: From the file options on the right, click to select the
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate utility. The software bundle will download to
the host.
Result: The Firmware Update CLI application has now been downloaded from the
Western Digital Business Support Center. What to do next: Proceed to
Installing the Firmware Update CLI (page 7).
User Guide
1. Overview 1.4 Installing the Firmware Update CLI
1.4 Installing the Firmware Update CLI
The Firmware Update CLI is a portable application; it does not require
installation to perform its functions.
Step 1: To use the application, simpliy extract/unzip the downloaded software
bundle to any location on the file system of the host OS. The application can
then be launched from that path.
Result: The Firmware Update CLI application is now ready for use.
Firmware Update CLI Commands
The topics in this section provide information and instructions for using the
Firmware Update CLI commnads.
In This Chapter:
– General Notes……………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 –
help…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 –
iom……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12 –
drive……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 –
list……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 –
model…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16 –
file……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 –
eid………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20 –
force…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21 – Firmware Update Using a
Configuration File………………………………………………22
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.1 General Notes
2.1 General Notes
This section lists notes that apply to all Firmware Update CLI commands.
Note: The Firmware Update CLI utility can be launched from the directory where
the software bundle was extracted/unzipped. Before use, navigate (change
directory) to that directory.
Note: Commands can be run from Linux or Windows operating systems. The Linux
syntax is presented throughout this document. For Windows, include .exe after
the utility name: Linux: # ./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.2 help
2.2 help
The –help or -? option is used to print usage information about the Firmware
Update CLI utility.
Command Syntax & Output Examples
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –help
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_16_22_19_29.txt
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate <–iom | –drive> [–model <drive model
number>] [–file
Note: -i, –iom:
Perform Enclosure/IOM related operations.
-d, –drive: Perform drive related operations.
-l, –list: Lists the details of the enlosures or drives (based on the options specified)
connected to the host. If list option is not specified, the tool will perform
firmware update based on the
information provided using other arguments.
-m, –model < model number of the drive > (Applicable only for drive related operations. Optional for listing drives.) Selects only those drives which belongs to the given model number.
-f, –file <FW Bundle file with/without path> Enter FW Bundle File. Providing full path is optional. If path is not provided then script will search for
FW Bundle in Current Working Directory. Ex. Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate -f
[-e, –eid < Enclosure SAS Address > ] This option is usefull to choose
Enclosure to update in case of multiple enclosure is
connected on same host. Not mandatory for single Enclosure system Enclosure
SAS Address is part of ses page 7 and can be retrived using below command.
grep ENCLOSURE | awk -F, ‘{print $3}’
-o, –force FW Update to proceed forcefully. Force FW Update will be applicable on below
exceptions. 1. All Expanders are not on same version. 2. SEP-OOBM are not on
released sync version.
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.2 help
-?, –help Display tool usage help.
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.3 iom
2.3 iom
The –iom/-i option is used to perform enclosure/IOM related operations.
Note: The –iom/-i option is intended to be used along with other options. See
list (page 14), file (page 17), force (page 21), or Firmware Update Using a
Configuration File (page 22) for usage examples. Unless used in conjuction
with a configuration file or other options, the –iom/-i option will produce
the following error.
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital
Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_16_22_45_20.txt
Error: IOM firmware file information missing! Please provide the input as
command line argument or in config file.
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.4 drive
2.4 drive
The –drive/-d option is used to perform drive related operations.
Note: The –drive/-d option is intended to be used along with other options.
See list (page 14), file (page 17), or Firmware Update Using a Configuration
File (page 22) for usage examples. Unless used in conjuction with a
configuration file or other options, the -drive/-d option will produce the
following error.
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital
Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_16_22_45_20.txt
Error: Drive firmware file information missing! Please provide the input as
command line argument or in config file.
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.5 list
2.5 list
The –list/-l option is used to list the details of the enlosure(s) or drive(s)
connected to the host.
Note: This option requires the additon of the –iom/-i or –drive/-d option to
specify whether to list the enclosure or drive details.
Command Syntax & Output Examples
List Enclosure Details: 1. Use the –iom/-i and –list/-l options.
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –list
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_22_14_52_59.txt
Connected Enclosure(s):
Enc Address
4011-005 4.0.111
List Drive Details: 1. Use the –drive/-d and –list/-l options.
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –drive –list
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_22_14_55_10.txt
DUT Device
Port Capacity State
Model Number
Firmware Lnk Spd Cap/Cur
— —————– —- ——– ————- ———-
————— ——– —————————
0 /dev/nvme-fabrics NVMe 11.9 MB unretrievable No
Firmware unretrievable/unretrievable
2 /dev/sdaj
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
3 /dev/sdak
SAS 12.0 TB Good
HUH721212AL5200 A640
4 /dev/sdal
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
5 /dev/sdam
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
6 /dev/sdan
SAS 10.0 TB Good
HUH721010AL4200 A92C
7 /dev/sdao
SAS 10.0 TB Good
HUH721010AL4200 A92C
Serial Number ————Serial VCG1MY2M 8DG3WUVD VCG1PX2N VCG1NTDM 7GJJ44EK 7JGV4LYG
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.5 list
8 /dev/sdap
SAS 10.0 TB Good
HUH721010AL4200 A92C
9 /dev/sdaq
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
10 /dev/sdar
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.6 model
2.6 model
The –model/-m option is used to perform drive related operations.
Note: The –model/-m option is intended to be used along with other options.
See list (page 14) or file (page 17) for usage examples. If used on its own,
the –model/-m option will produce the following error.
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital
Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_22_17_9_53.txt
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate: option requires an argument — ‘m’
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.7 file
2.7 file
The –file/-f option is used to update firmware on the enlosure(s) or drive(s)
connected to the host.
Note: This option requires the additon of the –iom/-i or –drive/-d option to
specify whether to update the enclosure or drive firmware.
Note: If the firmware file is located in the same directory as the Firmware Update CLI utility, there is no need to specify the path to the file, only the firmware filename itself. If the firmware file is not located in the same directory as the Firmware Update CLI utility, specify the full path to the firmware file on the host.
Command Syntax & Output Examples
Update Firmware on a Single Enclosure: 1. Use the –iom/-i option and the
–file/-f option, along with the firmware filename.
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –file <path/firmware_filename>
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_23_5_50_26.txt Target File = HGST_Ultrastar-DATA60-DATA102Server60-8_SEP_bundle_4011-005_4.0.111.tar.gz
Identified below FW Upgradable Enclosure connected to Host
Enc Address
4011-005 4.0.111
FW Update status for IOMA = [0x0] FW Update status for IOMB = [0x0] Current FW
Version = 4011-005 Target FW Version 4011-005 Starting FW update with file
HGST_Ultrastar-DATA60-DATA102Server60-8_SEP_bundle_4011-005_4.0.111.tar.gz on
handle /dev/sg2 FW Download is completed Successfully FW Update is completed
for 4011-005, reset command is sent, sleep for 10 minutes. Verify New FW
4011-005 for Enclosure ID: USWSJ00220EZ000A FW Update completed Successfully
for Enclosure ID: USWSJ00220EZ000A for Version
4011-005 FW Update is completed for all the files. Successful Exit! Status
Code : 0
Update Firmware on a Single Enclosure in a Multi-Enclosure Setup: 1. Use the –iom/-i and –list/-l options to list the enclosure(s) connected to the host, and note the SAS address of the enclosure(s) you want to update.
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –list
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.7 file
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_22_14_52_59.txt
Connected Enclosure(s):
Enc Address
4011-005 4.0.111
4011-005 4.0.111
2. Use the –iom/-i option, the –eid/-e option along with the enclosure SAS address from step 1 (page 18), and the –file/-f option along with the firmware filename.
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –eid USWSJ00220EZ000A –file <path/
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_23_6_17_45.txt Target File = HGST_Ultrastar-DATA60-DATA102Server60-8_SEP_bundle_4011-005_4.0.111.tar.gz
Identified below FW Upgradable Enclosure connected to Host
Enc Address
4011-005 4.0.111
FW Update status for IOMA = [0x0] FW Update status for IOMB = [0x0] Current FW
Version = 4011-005 Target FW Version 4011-005 Starting FW update with file
HGST_Ultrastar-DATA60-DATA102Server60-8_SEP_bundle_4011-005_4.0.111.tar.gz on
handle /dev/sg2 FW Download is completed Successfully FW Update is completed
for 4011-005, reset command is sent, sleep for 10 minutes. Verify New FW
4011-005 for Enclosure ID: USWSJ00220EZ000A FW Update completed Successfully
for Enclosure ID: USWSJ00220EZ000A for Version
4011-005 FW Update is completed for all the files. Successful Exit! Status
Code : 0
Update Drive Firmware: 1. Use the –drive/-d and –list/-l options to list the drive(s) connected to the host, and note the model number of the drive(s) you want to update:
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –drive –list
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital
Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_22_14_55_10.txt
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.7 file
DUT Device
Port Capacity State
Model Number
Firmware Lnk Spd Cap/Cur
— —————– —- ——– ————- ———-
————— ——– —————————
0 /dev/nvme-fabrics NVMe 11.9 MB unretrievable No
Firmware unretrievable/unretrievable
2 /dev/sdaj
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
3 /dev/sdak
SAS 12.0 TB Good
HUH721212AL5200 A640
4 /dev/sdal
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
5 /dev/sdam
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
6 /dev/sdan
SAS 10.0 TB Good
HUH721010AL4200 A92C
7 /dev/sdao
SAS 10.0 TB Good
HUH721010AL4200 A92C
8 /dev/sdap
SAS 10.0 TB Good
HUH721010AL4200 A92C
9 /dev/sdaq
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
10 /dev/sdar
SAS 10.0 TB Good
WUS721010AL5204 C920
2. Use the –drive/-d option, the –model/-m option along with the drive model number from step 1 (page 18), and the –file/-f option along with the firmware filename.
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –drive –model WUS721010AL5204 –file <path/
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_23_7_57_55.txt
Device ——–/dev/sdaj /dev/sdal /dev/sdam /dev/sdaq /dev/sdar
FW File ———–VXGSC980.bin VXGSC980.bin VXGSC980.bin VXGSC980.bin VXGSC980.bin
Update Status ———————–Download was successful. Download was successful. Download was successful. Download was successful. Download was successful.
Drive firmware update successful. Status Code : 0
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.8 eid
2.8 eid
The –eid/-e option is used to specify a specific enclosure ID in the event of
a multi-enclosure setup. Note: The –eid/-e option is intended to be used along
with other options. See file (page 17) for a usage example. If used on its
own, the –eid/-e option will produce the following error.
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital
Corporation or its affiliates Logfile =
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate: option requires an argument — ‘e’
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.9 force
2.9 force
The –force/-o option is used to force a firmware update in the event of the
following conditions:
· The expanders in IOMs A & B are not on the same firmware version · The SEP &
OOBM are not using compatible firmware versions (i.e. released bundle)
Command Syntax & Output Examples
Note: This option requires the additon of the –iom/-i and –file/-f options to
specify an enclosure firmware update and the firmware filename.
Note: If the firmware file is located in the same directory as the Firmware Update CLI utility, there is no need to specify the path to the file, only the firmware filename itself. If the firmware file is not located in the same directory as the Firmware Update CLI utility, specify the full path to the firmware file on the host.
1. Use the –iom/-i option, the –force/-o option, and the –file/-f option along with the firmware filename.
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom –force –file <path/firmware_filename>
Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate v1.0.7 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates
Logfile = Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate_2024_7_22_7_12_5.txt Target File = HGST_Ultrastar-DATA60-DATA102Server60-8_SEP_bundle_4011-005_4.0.111.tar.gz Force Update is Enabled, Will try to perform FW Update
Identified below FW Upgradable Enclosure connected to Host
Enc Address
4011-005 NA
FW Update status for IOMA = [0x0] FW Update status for IOMB = [0x0] Current FW
Version = 4011-005 Target FW Version 4011-005 Starting FW update with file
HGST_Ultrastar-DATA60-DATA102Server60-8_SEP_bundle_4011-005_4.0.111.tar.gz on
handle /dev/sg2 FW Download is completed Successfully FW Update is completed
for 4011-005, reset command is sent, sleep for 10 minutes. Verify New FW
4011-005 for Enclosure ID: USWSJ00220EZ000A FW Update completed Successfully
for Enclosure ID: USWSJ00220EZ000A for Version
4011-005 FW Update is completed for all the files. Successful Exit! Status
Code : 0
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.10 Firmware Update Using a Configuration File
2.10 Firmware Update Using a Configuration File
For scenarios where multiple systems require the same enclosure and/or drive
firmware upate, the Firmware Update CLI includes a firmware directory (for
storing firmware) and a configuration file, which references this directory.
Using these features reduces the number of command options required for each
The Firmware Directory
The Firmware Update CLI software bundle includes a firmware directory with the
following structure:
firmwares/ | drive_firmware | |
To use the directory: · Place a drive firmware file in the
firmwares/drive_firmware directory · Place an enclosure firmware file in the
firmwares/iom_firmware directory
The Configuration File
The Firmware Update CLI software bundle includes a config file that references
the files in the firmware directory using a key:value format:
To use the configuration file, add the following values: · For the IOM_FW :
value, add the relative path to the enclosure firmware file · For the ENC_ID :
value, add the SAS address of a particular enclosure, if needed · For the
DRIVE_FW : value, add the relative path to the drive firmware file · For the
DRIVE_MODEL : value, add the model number of the drives to be updated
The following is an example of a filled-in configuration file:
IOM IOM_FW : firmwares/iom_firmware/HGST_Ultrastar-
DATA60-DATA102Server60-8_SEP_bundle_4011-005_4.0.111.tar.gz ENC_ID :
Drive DRIVE_FW : firmwares/drive_firmware/VXGSC980.bin DRIVE_MODEL :
User Guide
2. Firmware Update CLI Commands 2.10 Firmware Update Using a Configuration File
Updating Enclosure Firmware
1. Place the enclosure firmware file in the firmwares/iom_firmware/
directory. 2. Add the relative path to the configuration file. 3. If needed,
specify the SAS address of the enclosure in the configuration file. 4. Update
the enclosure firmware using the –iom/-i option:
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –iom
Updating Drive Firmware
1. Place the drive firmware file in the firmwares/drive_firmware/ directory.
2. Add the relative path to the configuration file. 3. Specify the drive model
to be updated. 4. Update drive firmware using the –drive/-d option:
./Ultrastar_Data60_102_FWUpdate –drive
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