THERMASGARD 36600-2025 Temperature Measuring Transducer Instruction Manual

September 17, 2024

THERMASGARD 36600-2025 Temperature Measuring Transducer


Temperature measuring transducers, calibratable, with W-Modbus (Wireless)

FON +49 (0) 911 ⁄ 5 19 47-0


W-Modbus sensor (slave)

The two LEDs L1 and L2 (on the right of the “Pair” push-button) indicate the wireless state of the sensor. They activate after the system is switched on and deactivate automatically after approx. 30 minutes.
If required, the LEDs can be reactivated manually using the “Pair” push- button.

The LED (on the left of DIP switch A) flashes to indicate that Modbus communication is active.
If there is a fault in the Modbus cables, the LED lights up red steadily.


  • Different functions are assigned to the “Pair” push-button.
  • Briefly pressing the button (tap) activates the status LEDs for approx. 30 minutes.
  • A long press of the button (≥ 10 seconds) activates Pairing.
  • Deactivation takes place automatically when you exit the Pairing mode on the master gateway.
  • A long press of the button (approx. 3 seconds) activates Bluetooth. The status LED L2 flashes green. The unit remains visible for approx. 60 seconds and can be detected by the Lumenradio W-Modbus app. The connection remains active until you press “Disconnect” in the app or activate Pairing mode on the unit.
  • For more information, see “Configuration” (W-Modbus app).


The bus address is set to “1” at the factory and can be changed using DIP switches (see “Modbus configuration” section).
The bus address can be changed at any time, even after pairing to a gateway.
To pair a W-Modbus sensor (slave) to a master gateway (DDC/PLC), both units must be set to Pairing mode. This also applies if the unit needs to be integrated into an existing network. Nodes that have already been paired are also automatically set to Pairing mode and paired again. Only one master gateway may be in Pairing mode at any one time in the immediate vicinity (wireless range)!
The W-Modbus sensors (slave) – hereinafter referred to as the sensor – are paired in three simple steps:

Activate pairing (open the connections)

  • The sensor is automatically set to Pairing mode at the factory.
  • Manual activation is performed by pressing the “Pair” push-button (long push of button for ≥ 10 seconds).
  • The status LEDs indicate that Pairing mode is active: L1 flashes red, L2 is turned off.
  • On display units, [PAIRING] is shown alternately with the configured bus address.
  • Please refer to the unit-specific operating instructions for the procedure for activating or deactivating Pairing mode on the master gateway (DDC/PLC).

Pair the units (set up a connection)

  • When Pairing mode is active, the sensor automatically searches for a gateway that is set to Pairing. This process can take approx. 1 – 2 minutes.
  • The status LEDs indicate the running processes: L1 flashes red – L2 is lit red [PAIRING] is shown first on display units.
  • The status LEDs then indicate successful pairing: L1 flashes green – L2 is lit green or orange (depending on the quality of the wireless connection).
  • On display units, [CONNECTED] is shown after successful connection.
  • Note! If the unit is paired with a master gateway from a third-party provider, the status LEDs indicate using different colours: L1 continues flashing red – L2 is lit green.[PAIRING] remains showing on the display.
  • Now there is a temporary connection that can be secured as described in step 3.
  • After approx. 2 – 3 minutes, you can already test the Modbus communication and exchange data in this phase.

Deactivate pairing (secure the connections)

  • After all units have paired successfully, the user must manually terminate pairing on the master gateway. This also terminates pairing on all paired units.
  • The sensor then performs an auto-restart and a secure connection is established. Modbus communication is re-established within 2 – 3 minutes.
  • The status LEDs indicate the ongoing restart: first, L1 and L2 turn off.
  • On display units, [NO NETWORK] is shown briefly.
  • The status LEDs then indicate that the connection is secure: L1 is lit green –L2 is lit green, orange or red (depending on the quality of the wireless connection).
  • On display units, [SECURED] is shown after the connection is secured.
  • A permanent connection is now established and remains even after the unit is restarted. Data exchange can begin in standard mode.

Status LEDs turn off (LED L1 and L2 turn off)

  • LEDs deactivate automatically after a 30-minute time-out.
    The LEDs can be reactivated using the pair button (short push of button).
    Error message (LEDs L1 and L2 flashing red – Display units show [W-M ERR!].)

  • Perform a reset: disconnect the unit from the power supply for approx. 1 minute, then switch it on again. If the error persists, please contact S+S Technical Support.

General bus topology structure with terminating and bias resistors (Mixed configuration)


  • The W-Modbus protocol is based on the 2.4 GHz ISM radio band and employs a patented frequency hopping technology to maximise reliability and resistance to interference.
    This means that reliable radio transmission can also be ensured in industrial environments.

  • In the W-Modbus network, up to 100 nodes can communicate with each other over a long distance of up to 500 m (open field) using one gateway. A standardised W-Modbus module ensures compatibility with all W-Modbus units.

  • The W-Modbus sensors only need to be supplied with power. Only the slave address is configured manually, the transmission parameters (baud rate and parity) are set automatically. No terminating resistor is required.
    The sensor is then paired with a gateway.

  • The W-Modbus gateway can be installed anywhere along the Modbus line. It serves as a junction between a wired
    Modbus and radio-based W-Modbus. Even mixed configurations of wired and radio- based Modbus units can be easily integrated into existing network topologies via the W-Modbus gateway.

The bus address is set to „1“ at the factory and can be changed using DIP switches.
The bus address can be changed at any time, even after pairing to a gateway.
With display units, the modified bus address is shown on the display for approx. 30 seconds.

Configuration using „193“ as an example


The device address in the range of 1 to 247 is set at DIP switch [A].
For switch positions 1 to 8 see the table on the back!
Address 0 is reserved for broadcast messages. Addresses greater than 247 must not be assigned and are ignored by the device. The DIP switches are binary- coded with the following values:

  • DIP 1 = 128…………. DIP 1 = ON
  • DIP 2 = 64…………. DIP 2 = ON
  • DIP 3 = 32…………. DIP 3 = OFF
  • DIP 4 = 16…………. DIP 4 = OFF
  • DIP 5 = 8…………. DIP 5 = OFF
  • DIP 6 = 4…………. DIP 6 = OFF
  • DIP 7 = 2…………. DIP 7 = OFF
  • DIP 8 = 1…………. DIP 8 = ON

The switch positions shown here result in the Modbus address 128 + 64 + 1 = 193

The bus parameters for W-Modbus sensors are automatically configured.
The required settings (e.g. baud rate) are made directly on the W-Modbus gateway.

Integrated fault diagnostics function (see „Function 08 Diagnostics“ table)


The Lumenradio W-Modbus app can access W-Modbus units.
To do this, Bluetooth must be activated manually on the unit (using the „Pair“ push-button). The unit then becomes visible and can be connected via the app.
For further information, see „Commissioning“ („Pair“ push-button)

In App mode, the Lumenradio W-Modbus app can access the gateway:

  • Firmware updates of the wireless module
  • Error detection (duplicate bus addresses, communication errors, etc.)
  • Individual unit names
  • Checking the network setup
  • Documentation of the network setup (PDF)

You can find more information via the help function in the app.
The app is available for Android and Apple mobile devices through the app store.

Link for Apple Lumenradio W-Modbus app:

Link for Android Lumenradio W-Modbus app:


The display value depends on the set unit system (see table “Function 05 Write Single Coil”).
If required, the unit can be switched from SI (default) to imperial units.

Standard display
By default, the first line indicates the value while the second line indicates the corresponding unit statically: temperature [°C] [°F]. Resolution is 1/10 of values.


Error display
Sensor breakage and sensor short circuit are detected and reported as an error, which is indicated on devices equipped with a display. The error status can also be retrieved by means of a bus query.


Freely configurable display (Tyr 3)
The Modbus interface allows the display screen to be individually configured, both in the 7 segment range and in the dot-matrix range. This means that messages such as those from the PLC can be displayed.

For the individual display, the register 4×0001 (physical display value) must contain the value 10.
The registers 4×0002 to 4×0022 contain information about the characters and segments to be displayed. The two left-aligned positions are represented by the register 4×0003 (range -9…99). The value 0 switches off the display of both positions. The display is only active if the register 4×0002 has positive values.

In the default setting (register 4×0001 contains the value 0 for the standard display), even the characters I-Q (registers 4×0014 to 4×0022) are freely programmable in the dot-matrix range.
In this case, the current measured value is automatically displayed in the 7-segment area.

Composition of Segment Pattern (Register 4×0005)

  • Bit 0 …… Dot A
  • Bit 1 …… Dot B
  • Bit 2 …… Dot C
  • Bit 3 …… Dot D
  • Bit 4 …… Dot DP2
  • Bit 5… .. – –
  • Bit 6 …… Dot E
  • Bit 7 …… Dot DP1
  • Bit 8 …… – –
  • Bit 9 …… – –
  • Bit 10 …. – –
  • Bit 11 …. – –
  • Bit 12 …. – –
  • Bit 13 …. – –
  • Bit 14 …. – –
  • Bit 15 …. – –


ASCII-Code-Tabelle für Dot Matrix Anzeigebereich

32 Leer
33 !
35 #
36 $
37 %
38 &
40 (
41 )
42 *****
43 +
44 ,
46 .
47 /
48 0
49 1
50 2
51 3
52 4
--- ---
53 5
54 6
55 7
56 8
57 9
58 :
59 ;
60 < ****
61 =
62 > ****
63 ?
64 @
65 A
66 B
67 C
68 D
69 E
70 F
71 G
72 H
--- ---
73 I
74 J
75 K
76 L
77 M
78 N
79 O
80 P
81 Q
82 R
83 S
84 T
85 U
86 V
87 W
88 X
89 Y
90 Z
91 [
93 ]
--- ---
94 ^
95 _
96 \
97 a
98 b
99 c
100 d
101 e
102 f
103 g
104 h
105 i
106 j
107 k
108 l
109 m
110 n
111 o
112 p
113 q
--- ---
114 r
115 s
116 t
117 u
118 v
119 w
120 x
121 y
122 z
123 {
124 **
125 }
129 ü
132 ä
142 Ä
148 ö
153 Ö
154 Ü
223 °

ASCII characters or control characters not listed in the table are displayed as spaces.


Function 04 Read Input Register

Register Parameter Data Type Value Range
3×0001 Temperature Without filtering Signed 16 Bit – 500…+ 1500

+150.0 °C
 |  |  |  | – 580…+ 3020| – 58.0 … +302.0 °F
 |  |  |  | – 999…+ 9999| Overflow
3×0002| Temperature| Filtering 1 s| Signed 16 Bit| – 500…+ 1500| – 50.0 … +150.0 °C
 |  |  |  | – 580…+ 3020| – 58.0 … +302.0 °F
 |  |  |  | – 999…+ 9999| Overflow
3×0002| Temperature| Filtering 10 s| Signed 16 Bit| – 500…+ 1500| – 50.0 … +150.0 °C
 |  |  |  | – 580…+ 3020| – 58.0 … +302.0 °F
 |  |  |  | – 999…+ 9999| Overflow

Function 02 Read Discrete Input

Register Parameter Data Type Value Range
0x0001 Sensor error – breakage Bit 0 0 / 1 ON – OFF
0x0002 Sensor error – short circuit Bit 1 0 / 1 ON – OFF

Note : The addresses 1×0003…1×0008 are read with the value „0“.

Function 05 Write Single Coil

Register Parameter Data Type Value Range
0x0001 reserved    
0x0002 System of units SIImperial Bit 1 0 / 1 SI

(Default) – Imperial
Temperature                           [°C]        **** [°F]

Function 06 Write Single Register & Function 16 Write Multiple Register

Register| Parameter (Display)| Data Type| Value| Range
4×0001| Physical parameter displayed ***| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…10| 0…10
Standard display:**


|  | 0| Default setting
Alternative display:

Freely configurable display

|  | 10|
4×0002| 7-Segment Value| Signed 16 Bit| –999…9999| –999…9999
4×0003| 7-Segment Value| Signed 8 Bit| –9…99| –9…99
4×0004| –|  |  |
4×0005| Segment Pattern| Unsigned 16 Bit|  | See Binary Pattern
4×0006| Dot Matrix Character A| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0007| Dot Matrix Character B| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0008| Dot Matrix Character C| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0009| Dot Matrix Character D| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0010| Dot Matrix Character E| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0011| Dot Matrix Character F| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0012| Dot Matrix Character G| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0013| Dot Matrix Character H| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0014| Dot Matrix Character I| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0015| Dot Matrix Character J| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0016| Dot Matrix Character K| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0017| Dot Matrix Character L| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0018| Dot Matrix Character M| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0019| Dot Matrix Character N| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0020| Dot Matrix Character O| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0021| Dot Matrix Character P| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character
4×0022| Dot Matrix Character Q| Unsigned 8 Bit| 0…255| ASCII character

  • The display value depends on the set unit system (see table „Function 05 Write Single Coil“).

Function 08 Diagnostics

The following sub function codes are supported

Sub Function Code Parameter Data Type Answer
00 Echo of transmission data (Loopback)   Echo data
01 Restart Modbus

(Reset listen-only mode)

|  | Echo telegram
04| Activation listen-only mode|  | No answer
10| Delete counter|  | Echo telegram
11| Counter bus telegrams| Unsigned 16 Bit| All valid bus telegrams
12| Counter communication errors (Parity, CRC, frame errors, etc.)| Unsigned 16 Bit| Faulty bus telegrams
13| Counter exception telegrams| Unsigned 16 Bit| Error counter
14| Counter slave telegrams| Unsigned 16 Bit| Slave telegrams
15| Counter telegrams without answer| Unsigned 16 Bit| Broadcast messages (address 0)

Function 17 Report Slave ID Composition of answer telegram

Byte No. Parameter Data Type Answer
00 Number of bytes Unsigned 8 Bit 9
01 Slave ID (device type) Unsigned 8 Bit 3 = THERM ASGARD ®

**xx wModbus (Tyr 3)
02| Slave ID (device class)| Unsigned 8 Bit| 80 =
KYM ASGARD ® ** (Wireless)
03| Status| Unsigned 8 Bit| 255 = RUN, 0 = STOP
04| Version number (release)| Unsigned 8 Bit| 1…9
05| Version number (version)| Unsigned 8 Bit| 1…99
06| Version number (index)| Unsigned 8 Bit| 1
07| Serial number 1| Unsigned 8 Bit| XX
08| Serial number 2| Unsigned 8 Bit| YY
09| Serial number 3| Unsigned 8 Bit| ZZ

© Copyright by S+S Regeltechnik GmbH
Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung der S+S Regeltechnik GmbH.
Reprint in full or in parts requires permission from S+S Regeltechnik GmbH.

Subject to errors and technical changes. All statements and data herein represent our best knowledge at date of publication. They are only meant to inform about our products and their application potential, but do not imply any warranty as to certain product characteristics. Since the devices are used under a wide range of different conditions and loads beyond our control, their particular suitability must be verified by each customer and/or end user themselves. Existing property rights must be observed. We warrant the faultless quality of our products as stated in our General Terms and Conditions.


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