WILDEBOER VK2 Volume Flow Controller Owner’s Manual

September 14, 2024

VK2 Volume Flow Controller



  • Maintenance-free VK2 Volume Flow Controller for ventilation and
    air conditioning systems

  • Adjustable on site with outstanding control accuracy

  • Sizes available: B x H = 200 x 100 to 600 x 300

  • Casing tightness class C as per DIN EN 1751

Product Usage Instructions:


The VK2 Volume Flow Controller is a mechanical controller
designed for maintaining constant volume flows in ventilation and
air conditioning systems. It can be adjusted on-site with
exceptional control accuracy.

Description, Sizes, Technical Data:

The VK2 volume flow controller comes with a duct casing
featuring a flanged connection. It operates without any auxiliary
power supply, ensuring maintenance-free operation. The control
device has a setting pointer with scale for volume flow set point

Setting Up the Volume Flow Controller:

  1. Identify the suitable size based on your system requirements (B
    x H dimensions).

  2. Attach the volume flow controller to the designated area in the
    duct casing.

  3. If required, adjust the volume flow set point using the setting
    pointer with scale.

Maintaining Constant Volume Flows:

Regardless of variations in pressures, the VK2 Volume Flow
Controller ensures that the volume flow remains constant throughout
the entire pressure range. Refer to the provided table for specific
volume flow ranges.


What are the available sizes for the VK2 Volume Flow


The VK2 Volume Flow Controller is available in sizes ranging
from 200 x 100 to 600 x 300.

Is the VK2 Volume Flow Controller suitable for systems with

variable volume flows?

Yes, the VK2 Volume Flow Controller can be used in systems with
variable volume flows, such as those with day/night changeover or
fully variable load-dependent operation.


with soOupntdioanttenuator

VK2 Volume Flow Controller
for ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Adjustable on site. Outstanding control accuracy. Sizes B x H = 200 x 100 to 600 x 300. Casing tightness class C as per DIN EN 1751.
User manual 3.2 (2020-12) 1

VK2 Volume Flow Controller
With the basic version of the VK2 volume flow controller, the volume flow set point is adjusted manually. The controllers operate without any auxiliary power supply! The volume flow set point is preselected on an adjusting device with scale and, with variable pressures, is kept constant to a high degree of accuracy. The controllers are adjusted at the factory for the entire volume flow range. · The volume flow set point is easy to adjust on site! · The volume flow set point can be preset at the factory if
requested when ordering. Subsequent changes are easy to do on site. see page 7
Option VK2 volume flow controller with actuator-driven adjustment of the volume flow set point. Depending on which actuator is selected, two set points or any intermediate values are possible. Can be used in systems with variable volume flows, for example with day/night changeover or fully variable load- dependent operation.
Option VK2 volume flow controller with acoustic insulation for thermal protection and reduction of external sound radiation. Can be used for controllers with manual and motorised setting of the required volume flow!

Height H Height H [mm]

Width B 100
Volume flow controller is attached here! User manual 3.2 (2020-12) 2

1000 1500

Option SKB-V sound attenuators for volume flow controllers for reducing internal flow noise. Sound attenuator length 1500 mm.
Maximum possible reduction of flow noise in [dB] with a Width W [mm] 200 300 400 500 600
Number of splitters 1 1 2 2 3 100 – – – – 150 -15 -9 – – 200 -15 -9 -15 -11 -14 250 – -9 -15 -11 -15 300 – -9 -15 -11 -14

Subject to change

VK2 Volume Flow Controller
Description, sizes, technical data

Duct casing with flanged connection

Acoustic insulation with sheet metal casing (optional equipment)

Control device Setting pointer with scale Volume flow set point adjustment

X = 50 mm; with actuatordriven adjustment, X = 130 mm

VK2 volume flow controllers are maintenance-free mechanical controllers that operate without any auxiliary power supply to maintain constant volume flows in ventilation and air conditioning systems.

They are installed in supply and exhaust air ventilation ducts and are not position-sensitive. The casing and control mechanism are made of galvanized sheet steel. The damper blade for volume flow control is centrally supported and guided in special bearing bushes, with stainless-steel shafts. The setting device is equipped with a rotary pointer, scale and locking device. The volume flow set points can be adjusted manually or by actuator within the volume flow ranges Vmin to Vmax. The special control mechanism ensures a high degree of control accuracy with a deviation of only approx. ± 5% to ± 15%*). This means that, with variable
pressures, the volume flow is kept constant throughout the entire pressure range.

· Sizes B x H x L:

as shown in table opposite

· Overall volume flow range: Vmin = 200 to Vmax = 7000 m³/h

· Pressure range:

50 to 1000 Pa see page 4

· Casing tightness:

Class C as per DIN EN 1751

· Interior temperature range: -20 to +70°C, up to 90°C for a short time only

Inflow Width Height Length cross-

Volume flow


L section AA Vmin Vmax

[mm] [mm] [mm] [m²] [m³/h] [m³/h]

200 100 300
150 325 200 425 300 100 300 150 325 200 350 250 450 300 500 400 200 375 250 450 300 500 500 200 375 250 400 300 500 600 200 350 250 500 300 500

0.030 0.040 0.030 0.045 0.060 0.075 0.090 0.080 0.100 0.120 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.120 0.150 0.180

200 800
250 1200 350 1550 250 1200 350 1650 500 2100 600 2800 750 3500 700 3300 800 3700 1000 4250 875 4125 1000 4375 1200 5200 1125 4750 1400 6000 1600 7000

· Options · Actuator-driven setting to two volume flow set points, 230 V AC or 24 V AC/DC. · Continuous actuator 24 V AC/DC, setting to any desired volume flow set point · External acoustic insulation with sheet metal jacket · Factory preset for volume flow set point see page 7

*) Larger deviations occur with lower volume flow rates, especially with small sizes! Control deviations stated as a percentage relate to the selected volume flow set point.
It is assumed that the incoming flows are largely undisturbed.

· SKB-V sound attenuator for volume flow controller

VK2 Volume Flow Controller
· satisfy the hygiene requirements as per VDI 6022-1, VDI 3803-1, DIN 1946-4, DIN EN 16798-3, SWKI VA104-01, SWKI VA105-01, ÖNORM H6020 and ÖNORM H6021.
· are resistant to microbes, so they do not promote the growth of microorganisms (fungi, bacteria). This reduces the infection risk for people, and also means less cleaning and disinfection work!
· are resistant to cleaning agents and disinfectants, and are suitable for use in hospitals and similar facilities!
· With Environmental Product Declaration as per ISO 14025 and EN 15804: EPD- WIL-20150037-ICA1-EN.

Subject to change

User manual 3.2 (2020-12) 3

VK2 Volume Flow Controller
Sound power level in the connecting duct (flow noise)

Example: Specified:

Width Height Flow rate Velocity Static pressure drop Sound power level

W = 400 mm
H = 250 mm
V = 1500 m³/h
vA = 4.2 m/s DpS = 250 Pa LWA1 = 38 dB(A) LWA2 = 24 dB(A) LWA = 62 dB(A)

Sound power level LWA2 [dB(A)]

· The sound power level inside the connecting duct is calculated in the nomograms as an A-weighted overall level LWA. Corresponding octave sound power levels LW-Oct can be calculated for every size and all operating points using the Wildeboer dimensioning software; also for designs with additional SKB-V sound attenuator.
· With SKB-V sound attenuators, the sound power levels LWA can be reduced by up to 13 dB.
· Important: The sound levels indicated in the nomograms are stated as sound power levels! They represent the sound energy introduced into the duct system. They are used for acoustic calculations, e.g. when adding sound attenuators.
Please note: In many cases, the sound pressure levels Lp or LpA are specified giving general attenuations of up to 19 dB. When comparing numerical values, always bear in mind the difference between the sound power level and sound pressure level. Furthermore, the degree of attenuation is only obtained with specific connected ducts, deflections, branches and rooms.
Area of application for all sizes

Volume flow range [m³/h]

Sound power level LWA1 [dB(A)] Flow velocity vWA [m/s]

Permitted range of use
Pressure range [Pa]

Height H [mm]

Width W = 300 m

User manual 3.2 (2020-12) 4

Subject to change

VK2 Volume Flow Controller
Sound power level outside the connecting duct (radiated noise)


Specified: Width


Volume flow

Flow velocity

Static pressure drop


Radiated noise Sound power level*)

W = 300 mm H = 150 mm V = 700 m³/h vA = 4.3 m/s DpS = 400 Pa

LWA1 = LWA2 = LWA =

31 dB(A) 22 dB(A) 53 dB(A)

Sound power level LWA2 [dB(A)]

*) The mean sound pressure level in the room is:
· 14 dB lower with acoustic insulation
· 8 dB lower without acoustic insulation
than the sound power levels LWA determined from the nomograms.
However, the acoustic insulation can only achieve the stated values if connected ventilation ducts are also suitably soundproofed (insulated).
The sound pressure level can be further reduced by carrying out additional sound attenuation measures on site (suspended ceilings, high degree of room attenuation).


W [mm] Width

H [mm] Height

V [m³/h] Flow rate

AA [m²] Inflow cross section

vA [m/s] Flow velocity in AA

DpS [Pa] Static pressure drop

LWA [dB(A)] A-weighted sound power level


LW-Oct [dB] Octave sound power level

LW-Oct = LWA + DL

DL [dB] Relative sound power level to LWA


[Hz] Octave mid-frequency

Lp [dB] Sound pressure level LpA [dB(A)] A-weighted sound pressure level

Sound power level LWA1 [dB(A)]

Height H [mm]

Width W = 300 m

Subject to change

User manual 3.2 (2020-12) 5

VK2 Volume Flow Controller
Technical data for adjustment actuators, installation instructions

Technical data for adjustment actuators




Supply voltage Function range
Run time for 90°
Connected load
Power consumption Protection rating Connection cable
approx. 1 m long 0.75 mm² Ambient temperature

230 V AC 85 to 265 V
150 s 6 VA 2.5 W IP 54

24 V AC/DC 19.2 to 28.8 V
150 s 4 VA 2 W
IP 54

24 V AC/DC 19.2 to 28.8 V
150 s 4 VA 2 W
IP 54




-30 to +50 °C -30 to +50 °C -30 to +50 °C

Adjusting actuator M1
Single-wire control

Two-wire control

Adjusting actuator M2
Single-wire control

Two-wire control

Adjusting actuator M3
Adjusting voltage Feedback voltage

Installation instructions
· VK2 Volume flow controllers are adjusted for the entire scaled application area.
· To install the controllers, a straight inlet section at least 3 times as long as the nominal width W and a straight outlet section at least 1.5 times as long as nominal width are required. Installation directly downstream or upstream of flow disturbance points (bends, branches, etc.) reduces the control accuracy.
· The volume flow set point is adjusted during installation. This does not affect the control accuracy.
· The basic version is adjusted manually by setting the pointer to the required set point on the scale and fixing this setting.
· Dual controller: If the duct cross-section is larger than the available controller size, two or more VK2 volume flow controllers can be installed in parallel. The volume flow must be distributed in such a way that each controller is configured to the same flow velocity.
Suitable metal plates for connecting the flanges and compensating for differences in length must be provided on site. Sound power levels must be added together.
· VK2 volume flow controllers and SKB-V sound attenuators are supplied individually. Assembly on site!
· Volume flow controllers with actuator-driven adjustment enable two-point operation (single-wire control) in combination with the actuators M1 (230 V AC) and M2 (24 V AC/DC). The corresponding motor limit stops are positioned in order to adjust the two flow rates.
As delivered, the two limit stops of the actuators are set to the 0 direction of travel and the largest possible angle of rotation. The maximum angle of rotation corresponds to the largest possible volume flow set point, and the minimum is equivalent to a “cutoff” at a residual leakage that is significantly lower than the minimum volume flow as specified in the catalogue.
This can be extended to include three-point operation using an additional 0 circuit arrangement (two-wire control). When operated in this way, the actuator remains in its current position and the VK2 volume flow controller adjusts the corresponding set point.
· Volume flow controllers with actuator-driven adjustment in combination with the actuator M3 (24 V AC/DC) enable continuous adjustment of the set point. The actuator is controlled with a setting voltage Y of DC = 0…10 V, and moves to the position specified by the control signal; however, the operating range of the motor only starts at 2 V. The flow rate set point changes almost linearly with the setting voltage.
As delivered, the actuator is set to 0 direction of travel and the adjustable mechanical limit stops are set for the largest possible angle of rotation, which means that when Y = 10 V, the maximum angle of rotation corresponds to the maximum volume flow set point, and at 0…2 V the minimum angle of rotation is approached; this corresponds to a “cutoff” at a residual leakage that is significantly lower than the minimum volume flow set point.
The purpose of the feedback voltage U = 2…10 V DC is to provide an electrical indication of the volume flow set point setting and to serve as a subsequent actuating signal for other actuators.
· All the actuators are overload-proof, do not require limit switches, and stop automatically at the limit stop.
· All the actuators can be equipped with a self-resetting pushbutton to allow manual adjustment.
· The direction of travel of all the actuators can be reversed via a changeover switch on the motor.
· In the event of a power failure, the motor remains in its current position and the controller controls the corresponding set point.
· Installation instructions are enclosed with the volume flow controllers and must be followed!

User manual 3.2 (2020-12) 6

Subject to change

VK2 Volume Flow Controller
Ordering data, specification text

VK2 – – – –

Width W [mm] x Height H [mm] see page 3

Actuator-driven set point adjustment:

Two-point/three-point actuator 230 V AC


Two-point/three-point actuator 24 V AC/DC M2

Continuous actuator 24 V AC/DC


see pages 2, 3 and 6

Acoustic insulation:

with acoustic insulation


see pages 2 and 3

with sound attenuator
– from a height of 150 mm; mounting on site –
SKB-V with glass fibre
SKB-V with glass fibre+ perforated plate
For technical design also see user manual 6.2: SB splitters and SKB sound attenuators
Flow rate presetting [m³/h] – not with actuator-driven set point adjustment The numerical value must be in the range Vmin and Vmax as per the size of the controller! see pages 2 and 3
Ordering example: VK2 – 400 x 250 – DS – 1500 – SKB-V

Select texts not highlighted in bold as required!


Maintenance-free, rectangular volume flow controller for positionindependent installation in ventilation ducts for supply and exhaust air in ventilation and air conditioning systems. Casing and control mechanism made of galvanized sheet steel, with acoustic insulation. With centrally supported damper blade for volume flow control, with stainless steel bearing shaft in special bushes. Adjustment device with rotary pointer, scale and locking device for the volume flow set point, can be adjusted manually or by actuator. Volume flow controller designed as mechanical controller for constant volume flows without any auxiliary power supply. With special control mechanism for a high degree of control accuracy throughout the entire control range. The volume flow set point must be infinitely adjustable throughout the control range. With variable pressures of between 50 and 1000 Pa, the volume flow must be kept constant with a deviation of roughly ±5% to ±15%. Casing tightness class C as per DIN EN 1751. Certificate of conformity as proof of compliance with the hygiene requirements as per VDI 6022-1, VDI 3803-1, DIN 1946-4, DIN EN 16798-3, SWKI VA104-01, SWKI VA105-01, ÖNORM H6020 and ÖNORM H6021. With Environmental Product Declaration as per ISO 14025 and EN 15804.


Volume flow:

……… m³/h

Pressure drop:

……… Pa

Maximum sound power level

Flow noise

……… dB(A)

including SKB-V sound attenuator

Radiated noise

……… dB(A)






……… mm


……… mm

Complete with fixings


………. ……….


………. ……….

…… pc. SKB-V sound attenuator- L deliver: install:

………. ………. ………. ……….

Subject to change

User manual 3.2 (2020-12) 7


Factory – Administration

Telephone: +49 (0)4951 – 950 – 0


+49 (0)4951 – 950 – 27120

E-mail: info@wildeboer.de

Internet: www.wildeboer.eu





Utrecht office Telephone: +31 30 767 0150 E-mail: info@utrecht.wildeboer.eu




Leipzig office

Telephone: +49 (0)34444 – 310 – 0


+49 (0)4951 – 950 – 27298

E-mail: info@leipzig.wildeboer.de

Ulm office

Telephone: +49 (0)7392 – 9692 – 0


+49 (0)4951 – 950 – 27299

E-mail: info@ulm.wildeboer.de



air distribution fire protection noise protection building control systems


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