RAM Audio DALIM Series Third Party Ethernet Control Instruction Manual

August 29, 2024
RAM Audio

RAM Audio DALIM Series Third-Party Ethernet Control

Product Specifications

  • Product Name: Third-Party Ethernet Control Manual
  • Series: Pi / DENEB / DALIM
  • API Version: 1.1
  • Minimum Firmware Version: v3.1.13
  • Document Version: v2.2

Product Usage Instructions

UDP Discovery Device Data

Description of how to retrieve UDP discovery device data.

Real-Time Values Monitor

Instructions on monitoring real-time values.

Monitoring Live Data

Steps to send a message for monitoring live data.

Select Snapshot Preset

How to select a snapshot preset and the associated steps.

Set Device Name

Instructions for setting the device name and related details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of this document?

A: The purpose of this document is to guide third-party users in communicating with a RAM Audio amplifier via an Ethernet connection.


The objective of this document is to be a guide to the “third-party” user when communicating with a RAM Audio amplifier via an Ethernet connection.


TCP is the protocol used for communicating a controller device with the amplifiers on an Ethernet network. Each amplifier is assigned a unique IP address on the local network where they will be installed. All Ethernet- controllable amplifiers leave our factory configured to receive a dynamic IP through a DHCP server. If this server is not present, an auto IP will be assigned using the APIPA protocol. In any case, a manual IP can be configured. In order to be able to communicate with any of these amplifiers, it is necessary to send the data to the IP mentioned above on the TCP port 1001. In the same way, all amplifiers will respond to the preselected IP control (selected by means of a command that will be later referred to).  On the other hand, the Controller must read the incoming TCP packet and extract the IP address that sends this data.


In the communication between a RAM Audio amplifier and a controller, two types of data are found: the Monitoring Parameters (with which we can obtain the value of parameters like the output tension, the temperature, etc.) and the Control Commands (with which we can modify the value of certain amplifier parameters like the output level or its power-on state). This communication is made by means of data packets, the structure of which will be explained later

Monitoring Parameters (UDP)

UDP Discovery Device Data

To obtain the device data we send a UDP frame with a single data value 0x58 (‘X’) to the IP: and to port: 65535 The device will respond with an UDP frame with the following data

Byte Code Description
0 0x41 Control value with the character ‘A’

The following bytes indicate the mac address of the device
1 ..| xx| Decimal value in ASCII code of the 6 digits of the mac

For a MAC FC:0F:E7:51:36:40 you receive: 32 35 32 2e 31 35 2e 32 33 31 2e

38 31 2e 35 34 2e 36 34 (

..| 0x2f| Data separation character ‘/’
The following 4 data indicate the data receiving port of the device (1001)
..| 0x31| ‘1’
..| 0x30| ‘0’
..| 0x30| ‘0’
..| 0x31| ‘1’
..| 0x2f| Data separation character ‘/’
The next 5 bytes indicate the status of the device
..| 0x4e| ‘N’: Programing mode
..| 0x2a| ‘’: No errors
..| 0x2a| ‘
’: Still to be implemented
..| xx| ‘M’ : Static Mode ‘I’: DHCP Discovered ‘*’: DHCP Discovering

‘Y’: Static Mode ‘Y’: Auto-IP Mode

| xx| ‘C’: Connected with other client ‘*’: Not connected
..| 0x2f| Data separation character ‘/’
The next bytes indicate the IP address
..| xx| Decimal value in ASCII code of the IP address

For a IP: you receive: 31 36 39 2e 32 35 34 2e 32 30 36 2e 32

31 34

..| 0x2f| Data separation character ‘/’
The next bytes indicate the hardware model
| xx| Characters in ASCII code

For “DSPBPi” you receive: 44 53 50 42 50 69

..| 0x2f| Data separation character ‘/’
Byte| Code| Description
The next bytes indicate the device name
| xx| Characters in ASCII code

For “NoName” you receive: 4e 6f 4e 61 6d 65

..| 0x2f| Data separation character ‘/’
The next bytes indicate the device model
..| xx| Characters in ASCII code

For “DALIM 14Q” you receive: 44 41 4c 49 4d 20 31 34 51

..| 0x2f| Data separation character ‘/’
The next bytes indicate the brand name
..| xx| Characters in ASCII code

For “RAM Audio” you receive: 52 41 4d 20 41 75 64 69 6f

..| 0x2f| Data separation character ‘/’

Real-Time values monitor

In parameter monitoring, different data are obtained continuously from the amplifier. This monitoring can be activated or deactivated at the user’s request. This is a UDP communication.

UDP receive header (when monitor communication is activated)

Byte Code Description
0 0x49
1 0x50
2 0x41
3 0x44
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID Size LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x09 Monitor
11 0x00
12 0x73 Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Data is received in the following order

Byte Nº Bytes Description
16 1 Device input channels
17 1 Device output channels

Input Vumeter
18| 2| Vumeter Correction

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

20| 2| CH1 vumeter value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

22| 2| CH2 vumeter value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

24| 2| CH3 vumeter value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

26| 2| CH4 vumeter value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

Byte Nº Bytes Description

Output Vumeter
28| 2| Vumeter Correction

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

30| 2| CH1 vumeter before dynamics value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

32| 2| CH1 vumeter after dynamics value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

34| 2| CH2 vumeter before dynamics value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

36| 2| CH2 vumeter after dynamics value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

38| 2| CH3 vumeter before dynamics value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

40| 2| CH3 vumeter after dynamics value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

42| 2| CH4 vumeter before dynamics value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

44| 2| CH4 vumeter after dynamics value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

*Analogue Levels (only DENEB / DALIM)
46| 1| CH1 Volts sensor calibration Value
47| 2| CH1 Volts Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

49| 1| CH2 Volts sensor calibration Value
50| 2| CH2 Volts Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

52| 1| CH3 Volts sensor calibration Value
53| 2| CH3Volts Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

55| 1| CH4 Volts sensor calibration Value
Byte| Nº Bytes| Description
56| 2| CH4 Volts Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

58| 2| CH1 Current sensor calibration Value (LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)
60| 2| CH1 Current Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

62| 2| CH2 Current sensor calibration Value (LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)
64| 2| CH2 Current Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

66| 2| CH3 Current sensor calibration Value (LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)
68| 2| CH3 Current Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

70| 2| CH4 Current sensor calibration Value (LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)
72| 2| CH4 Current Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

74| 1| CH1 Temperature sensor calibration Value
75| 2| CH1 Temperature Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

77| 1| CH2 Temperature sensor calibration Value
78| 2| CH2 Temperature Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

80| 1| CH3 Temperature sensor calibration Value
81| 2| CH3 Temperature Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

83| 1| CH4 Temperature sensor calibration Value
84| 2| CH4 Temperature Value

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

Clip (1: Enabled / 0: Disabled)
86| 1| CH1 Clip
87| 1| CH2 Clip
88| 1| CH3 Clip
89| 1| CH4 Clip
Output Level Value




| CH1 Output Level

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00 + Polarity + Mute)

94| 4| CH2 Output Level

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00 + Polarity + Mute)

98| 4| CH3 Output Level

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00 + Polarity + Mute)

102| 4| CH3 Output Level

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00 + Polarity + Mute)

Fault State, 1 = correct operation (only DENEB / DALIM)
106| 1| CH1 Fault State
107| 1| CH2 Fault State
Byte| Nº Bytes| Description**
108| 1| CH3 Fault State
109| 1| CH4 Fault State
RMS Limit Threshold
110| 2| CH1 RMS Limit Threshold

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

112| 2| CH2 RMS Limit Threshold

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

114| 2| CH3 RMS Limit Threshold

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

116| 2| CH4 RMS Limit Threshold

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

PEAK Limit Threshold
118| 2| CH1 PEAK Limit Threshold

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

120| 2| CH2 PEAK Limit Threshold

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

122| 2| CH3 PEAK Limit Threshold

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

124| 2| CH4 PEAK Limit Threshold

(LSB Value: 0x00FF + MSB Value: 0xFF00)

***GPI MUTE Value (only DENEB / DALIM)
126| 1| GPI MUTE Value
Priority Active
127| 1| CH1 Priority Active
128| 1| CH2 Priority Active
129| 1| CH3 Priority Active
130| 1| CH4 Priority Active

  • In Pi amplifiers this value corresponds to the DSP output level after the dynamics
  • Pi amps do not have this sensor. The value will always be 1
  • Pi amps do not have this feature. The value will always be 0

Monitoring live data. Message to send


Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID Size LSB (0x000000FF)
--- --- ---
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x09 Monitor
11 0x00
12 0x0e Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Enable / Disable Monitors

This is a 13 bytes data and includes the activated monitoring selection, received Port, received IP and received MAC.

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (13 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x00


| Monitor Disabled Monitor Enabled
1| 0x03| Monitor Port (MSB: 0xFF00)
2| 0xea| Monitor Port (LSB: 0x00FF)
3| 0xa9| Monitor Target IP
4| 0xfe| Monitor Target IP
5| 0x17| Monitor Target IP
6| 0x0b| Monitor Target IP
7| 0x00| Monitor Target MAC
8| 0x01| Monitor Target MAC
9| 0x02| Monitor Target MAC
10| 0x03| Monitor Target MAC
11| 0x04| Monitor Target MAC
12| 0x05| Monitor Target MAC
13| 0x00| —


To activate receive monitors in Port:1002 in device with IP:, MAC: 00:01:02:03:04:05 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 28 00 00 00 09 00 0d 00 00 00 01 03 ea a9 fe 17 0b 00 01 02 03 04 05 00


We send the device identification request. The amplifier display will turn on and off repeatedly. To ask the amplifier to turn the screen on and off send a udp frame with a single data value 0x42 (‘B’) to the IP device and to port: 65535

Control Commands (TCP)

The general structure of data packets

The data packets consist of a series of bytes and their length will vary according to each case. In this manual, the bytes are represented in different ways, either in hexadecimal or decimal format.

Real-Time control message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0xXX Command
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Header data


For an amplifier to identify communication as correct, the first 4 bytes of the header always have to be these ones:

Byte Code Description
0 0x53 ‘S’
1 0x43 ‘C’
2 0x4f ‘O’
3 0x4c ‘L’

API Version

As of October 25th 2023, the communications API is version 1.1. If this information is not correct, the amplifier will reject the communication.

Message ID

These 4 bytes indicate the number of the instruction message sent by the control software. This number is generated by the control software and it is the decision of the control software designer to use it. The amplifier, in its response, will include this number. Even if it is not used, the communication structure must be maintained respecting these 4 bytes for the identification number.


Byte 10 determines the Command requested from the device. Requested commands can be the following:

Command Hex Value
Real Time 0x08
Monitor 0x09
Set Device Name 0x0C
Get Library List 0x0F
Set Power Status * 0x10
Recall Snapshot Preset 0x20
Get Device Basic Info 0x23
Get Third Part Info 0xC8

Set power Status is not available for Pi amps

Parameter Size

These two bytes indicate the size of the instruction sent, in number of bytes. This number corresponds to the bytes sent starting with byte 16.

Real-time structure of data packets

Real-time control message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x08 Real Time Command
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Within the real-time instructions, in byte 16, it is determined which device value we want to change

Byte 16 Hex Value Value to change
0x03 User Eq
0x1F User Gain
0x20 User Delay
0x21 Amplifier Volume Level
0x27 User HP
0x28 Route Input Select

Route Input Select

It is a 7 bytes data and includes the selection of input routing and its value

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (7 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x28 Route Input Select
1 xx (The same as byte 5)
2 0x00 Matrix Type (Always 0)
3 0x01 Always this value
--- --- ---
4 0x04 Always this value
5 0x01




| Route CH A Route CH B Route CH C Route CH D
6| 0x00







| Select Input 1

Select Input 2

Select Input 3

Select Input 4

Select Input 1+2

Select Input 3+4 Select Matrix

7| 0xff| Always this value


To select input 1+2 in route C, send:

53 43 4f 4c 01 01 28 00 00 00 08 00 07 00 00 00 28 03 00 01 04 03 04 ff Source Input Select

This data is 7 bytes and includes the selection of input routing and its value

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (7 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x29 Source Input Select
1 0x01




| Channel 1

Channel 2

Channel 3

Channel 4

2| 0x00












| Primary Input Analog 1 Primary Input Analog 2 Primary Input Analog 3 Primary Input Analog 4 Primary Input AES3 1 Primary Input AES3 2 Primary Input AES3 3 Primary Input AES3 4 Primary Input Network 1* Primary Input Network* 2 Primary Input Network 3* Primary Input Network* 4
3| 0x00


| Secondary Input is disabled Secondary Input is enable
4| xx| Thershold (value x10). Lower part of the word (0x00FF)
5| xx| Thershold (value x10). Upper part of the word (0xFF00).
6| 0x00


| Secondary Input Analog 1 Secondary Input Analog 2
| 0x02| Secondary Input Analog 3
0x03| Secondary Input Analog 4
0x04| Secondary Input AES3 1
0x05| Secondary Input AES3 2

0x06| Secondary Input AES3 3
0x07| Secondary Input AES3 4

0x08| Secondary Input Network 1*
0x09| Secondary Input Network* 2
0x10| Secondary Input Network
0x11| Secondary Input Network* 4

  • It depens of the amplifier characteristics
  • Refers to any AOIP signal


To select the AES3-2 input on the primary source and the Analog-1 input on the secondary with a threshold of -35 dB’s on channel 2, send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 28 00 00 00 08 00 07 00 00 00 29 01 05 01 DD FF 00

User Eq

This data is 10 bytes long.

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (6 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x03 User Eq
1 0x01




| Input 1

Input 2

Input 3

Input 4

2| 0x13






| EQ Band 1

EQ Band 2

EQ Band 3

EQ Band 4

EQ Band 5

EQ Band 6

3| xx| Filter Type (See table below)*
4| xx| Frequency. Lower part of the word (0x00FF)
5| xx| Frequency. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).
6| xx| Gain (value x10). Lower part of the word (0x00FF)
7| xx| Gain (value x10). Upper part of the word (0xFF00).
8| xx| Q (value x10)
9| 0x00


| Disable Band Enable Band
10| 0x00


| Disable Main Eq Enable Main Eq
Index| Filter Type Description
0x00| Bypass
0x01| Parametric with adapted Q
0x02| Parametric with constant Q
0x03| Low-pass shelving filter 6 dB’s
0x04| High-pass shelving filter 6 dB’s
0x05| Low-pass shelving filter 12 dB’s
0x06| High-pass shelving filter 12 dB’s
0x07| Low-pass shelving filter 12 dB’s with Q
0x08| High-pass shelving filter 12 dB’s with Q
0x09| Low-pass
0x0a| High-pass
0x0b| Low-pass with Q
0x0c| High-pass with Q
0x0d| Band pass
0x0e| Remove band
0x0f| Bypass with 180º offset
0x10| Bypass with 360º offset


To put in channel 1 input gain of +12dB with normal polarity and unmuted, send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 01 00 00 00 08 00 0a 00 00 00 1f 01 78 00 00 01

User Input Label

This data is 10 bytes and includes the selection of input label and its value.

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (10 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
1 0x1A Change Label
0 0x01




| Input Label 1

Input Label 2

Input Label 3

Input Label 4

2| 0x06| Label Size (Always this value)
3| 0x01| Input Label (Always this value)
4..9| xx| User Input Label in ASCII code


To change the Input label to “In A” in CH 1 send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 28 00 00 00 08 00 07 00 00 00 1A 01 06 01 49 4E 20 41 00 00

User Output Label

This data is 10 bytes and includes the selection of output label and its value.

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (10 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
1 0x1A Change Label
0 0x01




| Output Label 1

Output Label 2

Output Label 3

Output Label 4

2| 0x06| Label Size (Always this value)
3| 0x09| Output Label (Always this value)
4..9| xx| User Input Label in ASCII code


To change the Input label to “Out 1” in CH 1 send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 28 00 00 00 08 00 07 00 00 00 1A 01 06 09 4F 75 74 20 41 00

User input gain

This data is 6 bytes long and includes gain, mute and polarity control.

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (6 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x1f User gain
1 0x01




| Input Way 1

Input Way 2

Input Way 3

Input Way 4

2| xx| Gain in dB. Lower part of the word (0x00FF). +12.0 to -40.0 dB
3| xx| Gain in dB. Upper part of the word (0xFF00). +12.0 to -40.0 dB
4| 0x00


| Normal polarity Inverted polarity
5| 0x00


| Muted Unmuted


To put in channel 1 input gain of +12dB with normal polarity and unmuted, send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 01 00 00 00 08 00 0a 00 00 00 1f 01 78 00 00 01

User output gain

This data is 6 bytes long and includes gain, mute and polarity control

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (6 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x1f User gain
1 0x10




| Output Way 1

Output Way 2

Output Way 3

Output Way 4

2| xx| Gain in dB. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

3| xx| Gain in dB. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

4| 0x00


| Normal polarity Inverted polarity
5| 0x00


| Muted Unmuted


To put in channel 1 output gain of +12dB with normal polarity and unmuted, type: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 01 00 00 00 08 00 0a 00 00 00 1f 10 78 00 00 01

User input delay

This data is 4 bytes long. For channel 1 maximum value is 300.0 ms., for the rest 90.0 ms.

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (6 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x20 User Delay
1 0x01




| Input Way 1

Input Way 2

Input Way 3

Input Way 4

2| xx| Delay value x10. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).
3| xx| Delay value x10. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).


To put in channel 1 input delay 12.6 ms., send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 01 00 00 00 08 00 03 00 00 00 20 01 7E 00

User output delay

This data is 4 bytes long. The maximum value is 90.0 ms.

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (6 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x20 User Delay
1 0x10




| Output Way 1

Output Way 2

Output Way 3

Output Way 4

2| xx| Delay value x10. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).
3| xx| Delay value x10. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).


To put in channel 1 output delay 12,6 ms., send:  53 43 4f 4c 01 01 01 00 00 00 08 00 03 00 00 00 20 10 7E 00

Amplifier Volume Level

This data is 6 bytes long and includes gain, mute and polarity control.

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (6 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x21 Amplifier Volume Level
1 0x10




| Output Way 1

Output Way 2

Output Way 3

Output Way 4

2| xx| Gain in dB. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

3| xx| Gain in dB. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

4| 0x00


| Normal polarity Inverted polarity
5| 0x00


| Muted Unmuted


To put in channel 1 level volume gain of +12dB with normal polarity and unmuted, type: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 01 00 00 00 08 00 0a 00 00 00 21 10 78 00 00 01

User HP Filter

This data is 8 bytes long and includes gain, filter type, frequency cut, order and active control

  • RT Header (16 Bytes) Data (8 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x27 HP user filter gain
1 0x01




| Input Way 1

Input Way 2

Input Way 3

Input Way 4

2| 0x00| 0: High Pass




| Xover Type: Butterworth Linkwitz-Riley Bessel
4| xx| Frequency Cut [20..20000] LSB (0x00FF)
5| xx| Frequency Cut [20..20000] MSB (0xFF00)»8
6| 0x00..0x08| Order
7| 0x00


| Active Disabled Active Enabled


To activate the user HP Butterworth filter on channel 1 at a cut-off frequency of 50 Hz with order 4, send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 01 00 00 00 08 00 0a 00 00 00 27 01 00 00 32 00 04 01

Select Snapshot Preset

Select Snapshot Preset message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
--- --- ---
10 0x20 Snapshot Recall
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Select number of Snapshot

This data is 1 byte long and includes the number of Snapshot to select.

  • Snapshot Select Header (16 Bytes) Data (1 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 xx Snapshot preset number (1..20)


To select the Snapshot number 2, send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 00 00 00 00 20 00 01 00 00 00 02

Set Device Name

Select Snapshot Preset message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x0C Set Device Name
11 0x00
12 0x0e Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
--- --- ---
14 0x00
15 0x00

Device Name

The device name has a maximum length of 14 characters. Each character corresponds to the ASCII code

  • Snapshot Select Header (16 Bytes) Data (1 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0..14 xx Device Name in ASCII code


To change the device name to “Amp2”, send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 00 00 00 00 0C 00 0E 00 00 00 41 6D 70 32

Select On/Off Standby

Select Snapshot Preset message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x10 Standby
11 0x00
12 0x01 Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Select Standby

This data is 1 byte long and includes the number of Snapshot to select.

  • Snapshot Select Header (16 Bytes) Data (1 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
0 0x00


| Standby Enabled Standby Disabled


To put the device in Standby, send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 00 00 00 00 10 00 01 00 00 00 00

Get Standby Status

Select Snapshot Preset message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x11 Get Standby Status
11 0x00
12 0x01 Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Heather received when send “Get Standby Status”

Byte Code Description
0 0x49
1 0x50
2 0x41
3 0x44
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x11 Get Standby Status
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Data Received

Byte Code Description
16 0x00



| Standby On

Standby Off by Amplifier / Remote control software Standby Off by GPI

Get Device Basic Info

Select Snapshot Preset message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
--- --- ---
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x23 Get Device Basic Info
11 0x00
12 0x01 Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00


To get the device basic info, send:  53 43 4f 4c 01 01 00 00 00 00 23 00 01 00 00 00 00

Header received when send “Get Device Basic Info”

Byte Code Description
0 0x49
1 0x50
2 0x41
3 0x44
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x23 Get Device Basic Info
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Data Received

Byte Code Description
16 xx Hardware type
17 xx Module hardware version
18..33 xx Serial Number
34..53 xx Manufacturer name
--- --- ---
54..73 xx Model name
74 0x00


| without AES3 with AES3
75| 0x00


| without DANTE / AES67 with DANTE / AES67
76| 0x00


| without Voltage sensor with Voltage sensor
77| 0x00


| without Impedance sensor with Impedance sensor
78| 0x00


| without temperature sensor with temperature sensor
79| 0x00


| without standby with standby
80| 0x00


| 2 channels output

4 channels output

Byte Code Description
81 xx Operation Time in hours. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

82| xx| Operation Time in hours. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

83| xx| Operation Time in 15 minutes block
84| 0x00


| without GPIO with GPIO

Select Get Third Part Info

Select Get Device Data message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0xC8 Get Third Part Info
--- --- ---
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

Select Data

This data is 2 bytes long and includes the selected data and the channel to get information

  • Get Device Data Header (16 Bytes) Data (2 Bytes)
Byte Code Description
16 0x00 Preset Name
0x01 Use Name
0x02 Way Name
0x03 Snapshot Name
0x04 Device Name
0x05 User Input Gain
0x06 User Output Gain
0x09 Get Volume
0x0A Get Join Select
0x0B Get User Eq
0x0C Get User Delay
0x0D Get Limit Active
0x0E User Input Label
0x0F User Output Label
0x10 Primary, Secondary and Routing Input
Byte Code Description
--- --- ---
17 0x01




| Channel 1

Channel 2

Channel 3

Channel 4


To get the input data gain from channel 2, send: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 00 00 00 00 C8 00 01 00 00 00 05 01

Header received when send “Get Third Part Info”

Byte Code Description
0 0x49
1 0x50
2 0x41
3 0x44
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0xC8 Get Third Part Info
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

*If the communications header received by the amplifier is not correct, the amplifier will return a response header with byte 11 with value 0x01

Data Received

This data is of variable length and depends on the information requested

  • Received message Header (16 Bytes) Data (variable length)

Preset Name

Byte Code Description
16…27 xx Character in Hex ASCII code

Use Name

Byte Code Description
16…27 xx Character in Hex ASCII code

Way Name

Byte Code Description
16…21 xx Character in Hex ASCII code

Snapshot Name

Byte Code Description
16…37 xx Character in Hex ASCII code

Device Name

Byte Code Description
16…23 xx Character in Hex ASCII code

User Input Gain Data

Byte Code Description
16 xx Gain in dB. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

17| xx| Gain in dB. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

18| 0x00


| Normal polarity Inverted polarity
19| 0x00


| Muted Unmuted

User Output Gain Data

Byte Code Description
16 xx Gain in dB. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

17| xx| Gain in dB. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

18| 0x00


| Normal polarity Inverted polarity
19| 0x00


| Muted Unmuted

Get Volume

Byte Code Description
16 xx Gain in dB. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

17| xx| Gain in dB. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).

+120 to -400 (Real value +12.0 to -40.0 dB)

18| 0x00


| Normal polarity Inverted polarity
19| 0x00


| Muted Unmuted

Get Join Select

Byte Code Description
16 0x00


| Disable Join Enable Join

Get User Eq

Byte Code Description
16 0x00


| Main Eq disable Main Eq Enable
The equalizer has 6 equalization bands that are received sequentially starting with 1 and ending with 6.

The data follows the next order and repeats sequentially for a full channel.

..| xx| Type (see table in page 13)
..| xx| Frequency. Lower part of the word (0x00FF).
..| xx| Frequency. Upper part of the word (0xFF00).
..| xx| Gain (x10). Lower part of the word (0x00FF).
..| xx| Gain (x10). Upper part of the word (0xFF00).
..| xx| Q value (x10)
..| 0x00


| Eq Band Disable Eq Band Enable

The frame, without the header, has a total length of 43 bytes

Get User Delay

Byte Code Description
16 xx Delay (x10). Lower part of the word (0x00FF).
17 xx Delay (x10). Upper part of the word (0xFF00).

Get Limit Active

Byte Code Description
16 0x00


| RMS Limit Disable RMS Limit Enable
17| 0x00


| PEAK Limit Disable PEAK Limit Enable

User Input Label

Byte Code Description
16…21 xx Character in Hex ASCII code

User Output Label

Byte Code Description
16…21 xx Character in Hex ASCII code

Primary, Secondary and Routing Input

Byte Code Description
16 0x00..0x03



| Analog Primary Input 1 to 4

AES3 Primary Input 1 to 4

Dante/AES67 Primary Input 1 to 4

17| 0x00..0x03




| Analog Secondary Input 1 to 4

AES3 Secondary Input 1 to 4

Dante/AES67 Secondary Input 1 to 4 Priority Select Disable

18| 0x00| Input 1 Select
| 0x01| Input 2 Select
0x02| Input 3 Select
0x03| Input 4 Select
0x04| Input 1+2 Select
0x05| Input 3+4 Select
0x06| Matrix Select
19| xx| Priority threshold in dB´s (Value x10). Lower part of the word (0x00FF).
20| xx| Priority threshold in dB´s (Value x10). Upper part of the word (0xFF00).


If you send input data gain from channel 2: 53 43 4f 4c 01 01 00 00 00 00 C8 00 01 00 00 00 05 01 You receive, if Gain = +7 dB, Normal polarity and Unmuted: 49 50 41 44 01 01 00 00 00 00 C8 00 04 00 00 00 46 00 01 01

Select Get Library List

Select Get Device Data message header

Byte Code Description
0 0x53
1 0x43
2 0x4f
3 0x4c
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF0000) » 24
10 0x0F Get Library List
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00


To get the different name presets, send:  53 43 4f 4c 01 01 00 00 00 00 0F 00 01 00 00 00 00

Header received when send “Get Library List”

In a first data transmission, the received header indicates the number of data that are going to be received (Params size)

Byte Code Description
0 0x49
1 0x50
2 0x41
3 0x44
4 0x01 API Version
5 0x01 API Version
6 0x00 Message ID LSB (0x000000FF)
7 0x00 Message ID (0x0000FF00) » 8
8 0x00 Message ID (0x00FF0000) » 16
9 0x00 Message ID MSB (0xFF000000) » 24
10 0x0F Get Library List
11 0x00
12 0x0a Params Size LSB (0x000000FF)
13 0x00 Params Size MSB (0x0000FF00) » 8
14 0x00
15 0x00

In the following communications, the names of the different presets are sent.

Data Received

You will receive a frame with the following characteristics

Byte Data Description
16 ‘S’ Indicates that the name of a snapshot has to be received
17 xx Number of snapshot
18… xx Name of Snapshot
.. ‘\0’ At the end of the text a null character will be received

This data structure continues until all the names of the snapshots present on the amplifier are complete. When a first data with the character ‘P’ is received, it will indicate that the next name is that of an amplifier system preset. The same data reception structure will continue as for Snapshots

Byte Data Description
.. ‘P’ Indicates that the name of a snapshot is to be received
.. xx Number of snapshot
.. xx Name of Snapshot
--- --- ---
.. ‘\0’ At the end of the text a null character will be received

If you receive the following data frame:

49 50 41 44 01 01 00 00 00 00 0F 00 04 00 00 00 53 01 44 69 72 65 63 74 20 4f 75 74 00 53 02 42 61 73 69 63 20 4d 6f 6e 6f 20 28 31 20 69 6e 20 34 29 00

You receive names of Snapshots

  1. “Direct Out”
  2. “Basic Mono (1 in 4)” If you receive the following data frame: 49 50 41 44 01 01 00 00 00 00 0F 00 04 00 00 00 53 01 44 69 72 65 63 74 20 4f 75 74 00 53 02 42 61 73 69 63 20 4d 6f 6e 6f 20 28 31 20 69 6e 20 34 29 00

You receive names of Snapshots

  1. “Direct Out”
  2. “Basic Mono (1 in 4)”

Manufactured in the EU by C.E. Studio-2 s.l. Pol. Ind. La Figuera – C/ Rosa Luxemburgo nº34 46970 Alaquas – Valencia – SPAIN Phone: +34 96 127 30 54 Fax: +34 96 127 30 56 ramaudio.com, info@ramaudio.com


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