Svenska Retursystem Mobile App User Guide

August 27, 2024
Svenska Retursystem

Mobile App


Product Information


  • Product Name: Crate and Pallet Ordering System
  • Manufacturer: Not specified
  • Features: Order crates and pallets, manage orders, create
    transactions, view balance, handle claims and returns

Product Usage Instructions

Log In and Place an Order

All orders for crates and pallets are placed when you are logged
in to our website. Here, you can see order history, future orders,
and make changes to orders that are already placed.

Log in

  1. Go to and click Log in in the menu bar to the
    right. Scroll down to the bottom of the menu and click Log in.

  2. Enter your username and password, which you received when you
    became our customer. Then click Log in.

  3. You can also log in through the webpage:

Forgot password

  1. If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot password on
    the login page.

  2. Enter your username and click Reset.

  3. A link to reset your password will be sent to the email address
    you registered. Click on the link in the email and enter a new

  4. Go to the login page and log in with your new password.

Switch Between Locations

If you have more than one location connected to your user, you
can switch between locations. Click on the down arrow and select
location. Orders, pick up orders, and transactions will be made for
the selected location.

Place an Order

When you need a delivery of freshly washed crates and pallets,
you place an order. Order stop is 10:00 am on weekdays. Lead time
and minimum order volume are specified on the price list.

Full vehicles are better for the

It is best if you make your order environmentally efficient by
ordering a full vehicle. You also receive quantity discounts on
larger orders. See price info on your price list.

  1. Log in to your account via

  2. Click on your customer name in the top right corner. Select the
    facility for which you want to create an order. If you only have
    one facility, it is preselected.

  3. After you have selected the facility, click on Menu in the top
    left corner. Then click on Order.

  4. Click on Create order at the top of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I change or cancel an order?

A: To change or cancel an order, go to your order history, find
the specific order, and follow the provided steps for modification
or cancellation.

Q: What should I do if I encounter issues with my


A: If you encounter any issues with your delivery, such as
damaged crates or missing items, please contact our customer
support immediately for assistance.



In this PDF, you can find instructions for everything from how to log in to how to order crates and pallets as well as order pick up of crates and pallets.
Click on the subject you want to learn more about here in the table of contents. On each page you can click on “What do you need help with?” or the menu sympol to return here.

LOG IN AND PLACE AN ORDER Log in Forgot password Switch between locations Customer details Place an order Change or cancel an order Copy or schedule an order See order history Request a temporary delivery address Add or remove delivery or pick up location
PICK UP OF PALLETS AND CRATES Create pick up order Change or cancel pick up order Copy or schedule pick up order Print waybill
CREATE TRANSACTION AND MANAGE GOODS DELIVERIES Create transaction See your transaction view Manage goods deliveries
SEE BALANCE AND BALANCE INVOICE Check your balance Manage balance invoices
CLAIMS, RETURNS AND FEEDBACK Create claims and returns and send feedback
Back to the beginning of the table of contents

All orders for crates and pallets are placed when you are logged in to our website. Here, you can see order history, future orders and make changes to orders that are already placed.
Log in
1. Go to and click “Log in” in the menu bar to the right. scroll down to the button of the menu and click “Log in”
2. Enter your username and password, which you received when you became our customer. Then click “Log in”.
3. You can also log in through the webpage: gin
Forgot password
1. If you have forgotten your password, click “Forgot password” on the login page.
2. Enter your username and click “Reset”.
3. A link to reset your password will be sent to the e-mail address you registered. Click on the link in the e-mail and enter a new password.
4. Go to the login page and log in with your new password.


Switch between locations
If you have more than one location connected to your user you can switch between locations. Click on the down arrow and select location. Order, pick up orders and transactions will be made for selected location.
Customer details
If your user has the role Kundadmin you can create new users and apply to add another location to your account. Go to “Customer details” in the menu. Click on “Add new user” and fill in the fields. Choose user privilege group depending on what privileges the user should have. Fill in active user and add the locations the user should have access to. Save and inform the user about user name and password. As Kundadmin you can also change information on existing users. To apply for a new location, click on “Add new location” and fill in the fields. Thereafter Customer Service will handle your application and come back to you. If you wish to have the role Kundadmin, contact our Customer Service.


Place an order
When you need a delivery of freshly washed crates and pallets, you place an order. Order stop is 10:00 am on weekdays. Lead time and minimum order volume is specified on the price list.
Full vehicles are better for the enviroment
It is best if you make your order environmentally efficient by ordering a full vehicle. You also receive quantity discounts on larger orders. See price info on your price list.


1. Log in to your account via
2. Click on your customer name in the top right corner. Select the facility for which you want to create an order. If you only have one facility, it is preselected.
3. After you have selected the facility, click on “Menu” in the top left corner. Then click on “Order”.

Continues on next page …

4. Click on “Create order” at the top of the page.
5. Select desired delivery date. This field shows the first possible delivery date. Enter your order reference in the field below. Under “Internal note” you can write a text that only you can see. Select the articles and the quantity you want to order. The truck at the top right shows your order volume.
6. If you want a telephone notification, click in the box on the left, under services. Then, enter phone number.
7. Some customers can choose optional services. If you want an optional service, select this from the drop-down list under “Additional services”. You can find the price per optional service in our price list. Then, choose the time, or the period in which, you want to receive your order.
8. At the bottom of the page, you will see a summary of selected products and cost. To remove a product, click to the right of the product, and then click on the X that appears. If you want an order confirmation by e-mail, please enter your email address here.
9. Then click “Send order to SRS”, at the bottom of the page. A confirmation message saying that the order has been placed is shown on the page.
10. Your order has now been placed. Click “Yes”, to review your order.


Change or cancel an order
Click “Modify order” or “Cancel order” on the order page after you clicked up the current order. You can change or cancel your order, until order stop at 10 a.m. on the day before the order will be loaded and still has the status unplanned.
Copy or schedule an order
Click “Copy Order”, to place a similar order where the order contents are pre- filled. You can also schedule your order so you don’t need to place a new order each time.
See order history
Go to the login page and click on “Menu” and then “Order”, to see your order view with order history and all your current and upcoming orders.


Request a temporary delivery address
1. To send a request for a temporary delivery address when placing a new order, click on “Temporary address to ship this order to”.
2. Then, enter the temporary delivery address in the field that appears. Then, wait for Retursystem to approve your request. For repeated orders to the same alternative delivery address, contact customer service and we will add a new delivery address linked to your user.
Add or remove delivery or pick up location
Under the “Customer detail” tab, on the login page, you can add and remove users and locations using customer admin permission. Contact customer service to obtain customer admin permission.


Pick up orders can only be created by customers in Sweden. Empty crates and pallets can be collected when you have assembled a volume of at least 3 pallets spaces and want to return your crates and pallets. Order stop is 10:00 am on weekdays for pick up the next weekday.
Remember, it is important that crates and pallets are collected as soon as possible, since in other parts of the cycle there is someone who needs to order empty crates and pallets. If we all help each other, the better the cycle spins!
Create pick up order
1. Log in and click on “Menu” and then the “Pickup order” tab.
2. You can now see a view of your pick up orders with order history, current pick up orders, and upcoming pick up orders. Click “Create pickup order” to add a new pick up order. You will then come to the order page.
3. Select desired pick up date. This field shows the first possible pick up date. Under “Internal note” you can write a text that only you can see. Then, select the items and quantity you want collected. The truck at the top right shows your ordervolume.
4. At the bottom of the page you will see a summary of your selected products for your pick up order as well as the amount you will get back. If you want confirmation of your pick up order by e-mail, please enter your e-mail address here.

WHAT DO YOU NEED HELP WITH? Continues on next page …

5. Then, click “Send pickup to SRS”, at the bottom of the page. A confirmation message for your pick up order is shown on the page.
6. Your pick up order is now placed. Click “Yes”, to review your pick up order.
Change or cancel pick up order
Click “Modify pickup order” or “Cancel pickup order” on the order page after you clicked up the current order. You can change or cancel your pick up order, until order stop at 10 a.m. on the day before the pick up will be loaded and still has status unplanned.
Copy or schedule pick up order
Click “Copy pickup order”, to place a similar pick up order where the order contents are pre-filled.


CMR for the booking will be possible to print after 13:00 the day before pick up. You will not be able to make any changes in the booking when the CMR is printed.



In Smart Pooling, you can manage goods deliveries on Grey pallets.
Create transaction
1. Log in and click on “Menu” and then the “Transactions” tab.
2. Then, click “Create transaction” and fill in the obligatory fields that appear. Obligatory fields are marked with an asterisk. 3. Then, click “Save” after filling in all the obligatory fields to finish. NOTE! Remember to enter amount of SRS Grey pallets on the shipping label that goes with the physical goods!

Recipient: Select the recipient by typing part of the name, customer number, or town in the recipient field.
Flow direction: When you send goods on pallets, choose the outgoing flow direction. When the sender does not report a goods delivery on Grey pallets, the recipient has to create an inbound transaction. In these cases, the sender will be charged the user fee that otherwise would have been charged to the recipient.
Transaction date: The transaction date is the date on which the delivery will arrive at the recipient or when the shipping responsibility is taken over by the recipient. You can only select today’s date and forwards.
Important: Create the transaction before the goods arrive at your recipient. Otherwise, the probability of being charged a reverse user fee increases, because the recipient can create the transaction before you do.
Order reference: The order reference is the recipient’s purchase order number, which both the sender and the recipient recognise.

Carrier: You can choose any carrier.
Transport responsibility: After carrier is specified you can choose to define transport responsibility. Choose Sender shipping if it is the sender who is responsible for the shipping, and Recipient shipping if it is the recipient who is responsible for the shipping.
Waybill number : The waybill number has to be entered and match the one stated on the waybill note following the physical delivery.
Important: Be careful to make sure that the order reference and waybill number are placed in the correct field.
Attach file: Attach the waybill note or purchase order to make things easier for the recipient.
Internal notes: Here, you can write an internal note, which is only visible to users linked to your customer number.
Article: Select the article and quantity that is delivered on the order to which the transaction relates.
External comments: Here, you can provide an external comment to the recipient.



See your transaction view
1. Log in and click on “Menu” and then the “Transactions” tab. The transaction view shows all goods deliveries, both inbound and outbound.
2. At the top of the list, you can select the time interval for which you want to see your transactions. Here, you can also choose how you want to filter the list or the locations for which you want to see transactions. You can also search in the list at the top right. Remember to clear the filter, before you perform a new search.
3. Click “Export to excel” to export the transaction view to an Excel list.

Symbols: The column at the far left of the list shows whether it is an outgoing or inbound transaction.
If the recipient has created an inbound transaction, a red dot appears. This happens when the sender does not report a goods

delivery on Grey pallets and the recipient registers an inbound delivery. In these cases, the sender will be charged the user fee that would otherwise have been charged to the recipient.
action is new, approved, automatically approved by the system, or adjusted.

Calendar: This column shows how many days there are remaining until the transaction is automatically approved.
an e-mail address linked to their location, you can send an e-mail by clicking on the envelope.



Manage goods deliveries
1. Directly on the home page, in the Action center, you can see if there any goods deliveries that need to be reconciled. A number in the orange circle indicates that there are transactions needing action.
2. Click the different links in Action center you arrive directly at a prefiltered transaction list with the transactions that require an action from you.
3. Click on the transaction you want to reconcile. You should check that the consignment note number, number of grey pallets, the date, and the order reference match with the consignment note that came with the physical delivery.
4. Click “Approve”, if the transaction matches the received goods or adjust the number of grey pallets you received and enter a reason, write an external comment and attach the consignment note. Alternatively, click “Nothing received” if you have not received the current delivery to which the transaction relates.

In this view, another company has created transactions to you and you need to verify them.
In this view, your recipients have received transactions from you and have chosen to adjust them.
In this view you see how many of your transactions that are sent to SRS for judgement.

It is important to verify the transactions on time:

When a transaction has been adjusted 2 times, you can ask Svenska Retursystem for assessment by clicking on “For SRS

assessment”. We use consignment notes in the first instance to confirm how many pallets the transaction concerns. There is also one option under “Information” to see how SRS has decided to judge the transaction.

An open transaction is automatically approved after 3 to 7 working days.

You can always see your current balance on Grey pallets by logging in to


Check your balance
1. Log in and click on “Menu”. Under the tab “Balance”, the current balance for Grey pallets is displayed as of the picked date. Transactions with dates in the future are not included. Important: The user is responsible for ensuring that the balance is correct.

All balances are as of the picked date Total: The total of all approved transactions. Open transactions do not affect the total balance before they are approved.
Inbound: Open transactions on their way to you.
Outbound: Open outbound transactions.

including those that are open.

2. If your balance is wrong check that all transactions are reported and if you have received Grey pallets that are not registered. If it still isn´t correct, contact us and our balance controllers will help you with an investigation.
Manage balance invoice
Log in and click on “Menu”. The “Invoices” tab shows all balance invoices for Grey pallets.

invoices to see if they are paid, what dates they refer to and invoice numbers. You can also export the list of invoices to Excel. If you want a detailed specification, you can contact Customer Service for help. Daily rent

  • user fees are charged 2 times a month. The number of daily rents on the invoice refers to the entire invoice period, if you divide it by 14 days, you get a rough number for how many pallets you have had per day on balance. Check the current price list to see the prices that apply to you.


It is important that we obtain information about deficiencies in our products and services and, for this reason, we encourage you to complain about products that do not meet our quality goals. Read more about them in our Service Goals (link). You can also submit requests to return crates and pallets that you do not have any use for and to submit feedback.

Create claims and returns and send feedback
1. After logging in, you select “Claims, returns and feedback” from the menu at the top left.
2. You will then be taken to a list of your complaints and returns. Here, you can see historical complaints or the status of your current ones.
3. Select “New Complaint”, when you have a complaint about any of our products that do not belong to a specific order. A complaint shall be created when our products or services do not meet our service goals.
4. Select “Complaint order”, if you have received an order that you want to complain about.
5. Select “Feedback”, when you have comments to share.
6. Select “Return”, when you want to return products for which you do not have any use. For example, if you are seasonal and have crates or pallets left at the end of your season.
Depending on the selection you make, you will get slightly different fields to fill in.

The title and message always need to be filled in and the case has to be described here. It is a good idea if you include all the information that could be necessary for us to handle the case.
Contact details also need to be filled in, so we can get back to you.
Order number is filled in when there is a complaint or return of a specific order.
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If you want a return of the goods complained about and a replacement order, you select this by clicking in the appropriate option.
7. Select the article in question and enter the appropriate reason in the drop-down list. Then enter the quantity. If it concerns full modules, you can select the quantity in the second dropdown list, otherwise you can enter the quantity manually in the box below reasons.
If the case concerns more articles, repeat the above for all articles.
If the reason is not the same for all units, this can be specified in the message box. For example, “one module of broken green full size crates and five modules of dirty black full size crates”.
8. Uploading a file or image is optional, but can help and assist us in investigations. For example, a picture of the module label allows us to track when the goods were washed and at which facility.
Click on the green button at the bottom to submit the case to us. Alternatively, cancel the case by clicking the white button.
The processing time per case is one week, which means that we will get back to you within five working days. If the goods are to be collected, we will send shipping documents and information about the return to the e-mail address you provided.


Together with producers, wholesalers, shops and restaurants, we operate a circular system that ensures that Sweden’s food flows are even more efficient and better for the environment.
The smart cycle for our food

Svenska Retursystem AB
Support | 019-33 37 22


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