Hillsborough County Land Development Code Instructions
- August 31, 2024
- Hillsborough County
Table of Contents
Land Development Code
- Application Package: PD Application Package
- Resolution: Minimum 300 dpi for images
Product Usage Instructions:
I. Prior to completing the application:
If you have any questions about your project, contact
ZoningIntake-DSD@HCFLGov.net. For a pre-submittal review, submit a
Request for Pre-Submittal Review. Gather all required items before
submitting to avoid rejection.
II. Application submittal:
Submit Part A and Part B requirements as separate PDFs with 300
dpi resolution to ZoningIntake-DSD@HCFLGov.net. Check completeness
before 3:00 PM on the cut-off day to avoid delays.
III. Post-application submittal:
After a complete submission, you will receive a payment request
within one business day. Pay promptly to avoid delays or extra
fees. Refer to the fee schedule for details. Payments are accepted
via HillsGovHub portal.
A Sufficiency Review Meeting will be scheduled to confirm all
requirements are met.
Q: How can I ensure my application is not rejected?
A: Make sure to gather and submit all required documents as
separate PDFs with 300 dpi resolution before the cut-off day at
3:00 PM.
Q: What happens if I miss the cut-off time for submission?
A: Your application will be continued to the next hearing date,
and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Major Modification to PD Application Package
Instructions to Applicants for Requests Requiring Public Hearing:
I. Prior to completing this application:
If you have any questions regarding your proposed project prior to submittal
of this application, please email ZoningIntake-DSD@HCFLGov.net. If you would
like staff to conduct a review of your proposal prior to the submission of
your formal application, please complete and submit a Request for Pre-
Submittal Review.
Please ensure you gather items that will need to be submitted prior to
submitting your application as incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Some of the items necessary may be obtained as follows:
· Property information such as folio numbers, future land use, current zoning,
section/township/range and other information may be obtained by using the
Hillsborough County Map Viewer and searching for the necessary address in the
search bar at the top.
· Sunbiz Forms may be obtained by visiting Sunbiz.org.
· A Copy of the Current Recorded Deed(s) may be obtained by visiting the
Hillsborough County Property Appraiser’s website at HCPAFL.org and conducting
a Property Search. Search by folio number or property address and select the
correct result. Scroll down to Sales History’ and select the most recent
Instrument Number’. Select one of the results to view and save the current
recorded deed.
· Close Proximity Property Owners List may be requested by emailing
gisdept@hcpafl.org. Include all folio numbers and the notice buffer distance
area in the request. Please Note: If your property has an Agricultural Future
Land Use Designation (A, AR, AM, AE) or a Future Land Use Designation of RES-1
you must obtain a list of all property owners within 500 feet of the subject
property. For all other Future Land Use Categories you must obtain a list of
all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. If the property
contains more than one future land use category, the greatest applicable
notice distance shall apply per LDC Section 10.03.02.E.1. If the notice
distance extends to includes parcels in an adjacent county jurisdiction, those
property owners will need to be included in the list. Contact the property
appraiser’s office for the applicable county jurisdiction to obtain that list.
II. Application submittal:
Part A and Part B of the submittal requirements include specific requirements
and their requisite forms necessary for a complete and sufficient application
· Part A will verify the property owner has authorized the application and
includes forms and documents needed to verify the area for the proposed
· Part B includes the specific additional submittal requirements for the type
of application being submitted.
Documents must be submitted as separate PDF documents with a minimum image
resolution of 300 dpi labeled according to their contents and submitted in a
single email to ZoningIntake-DSD@HCFLGov.net. Incomplete submittals will
receive an email indicating the documents that are missing and will require a
full resubmittal.
IMPORTANT: Review the entire application (both Parts A and B) for completeness
prior to submission. Ensure you have your complete application submitted by
3:00 PM on the cut-off day for your desired hearing or your application will
miss the cut-off and be continued to the next hearing date. Incomplete
applications will not be accepted.
III. Post-application submittal:
Complete submittals will receive a payment request email. The deadline to make
the payment is one business day after you receive this request. Failure to
complete the payment by the deadline will result in application delays and/or
additional Fastrack fees. Please view our current fee schedule for a list of
zoning fees. Payments must be made through the HillsGovHub portal.
Instructions on how to create an account and how to make a payment are also
A Sufficiency Review Meeting will also be required to ensure all application
requirements have been met.
Remember, the Hillsborough County Land Development Code requires public notice
for this category of application. After payment is received, you will receive
a Letter of Notice that must be sent to all addresses on the Adjacent Property
Owners List and/or HOA list. A Certificate of Mailing must also be provided.
Instructions on completing your Letter of Notice and obtaining a Certificate
of Mailing, will be sent with the Letter of Notice via email. Mailing
deadlines and the deadline to submit the certificate of mailing will also be
included on this email.
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Application No: Hearing(s) and type: Date:
(MM) Submittal Requirements for Applications Requiring Public Hearings
Official Use Only
Type: Type:
Intake Date: Receipt Number: Intake Staff Signature:
Representative’s Email:
The following information is used by reviewing agencies for their comments and
should remain constant, with very few exceptions, throughout the review
process. Additional reviews, such as legal description accuracy, compatibility
of uses, agency reviews, etc., will still be conducted separately and may
require additional revisions.
The following ownership information must be provided and will verified upon
submission initial submittal. If you are viewing this form electronically, you
may click on each underlined item for additional information.
Part A: Property Information & Owner Authorization Requirements
1 q
q Property/Applicant/Owner Information Form
2 q 3 q
q Affidavit(s) to Authorize Agent (if applicable) NOTE: All property owners
must sign either the Application form or the Affidavit to Authorize Agent. If
property is owned by a corporation, submit the Sunbiz information
indicating that you are authorized to sign the application and/or affidavit.
q Sunbiz Form (if applicable). This can be obtained at Sunbiz.org.
4 q 5 q
q Property/Project Information Sheet All information must be completed for
each folio included in the request. Also, please make a note of any partial
folios included.
q Identification of Sensitive/Protected Information and Acknowledgement of
Public Records
6 q 7 q 8 q 9 q 10 q
q Copy of Current Recorded Deed(s) q Close Proximity Property Owners List q Legal Description for the subject site q Copy of Code Enforcement/Building Code Violation(s) (if applicable) q Fastrack Approval (if applicable)
Additional application-specific requirements are listed in Part B.
2 of 17
Property/Applicant/Owner Information Form
Application No: Hearing(s) and type: Date:
Official Use Only
Type: Type:
Intake Date: Receipt Number: Intake Staff Signature:
Address: TWN-RN-SEC:
Name: Address: Email:
Name: Address: Email:
Name: Address: Email:
Property Information
Future Land Use:
Property Size:
Property Owner Information City/State/Zip:
Daytime Phone Fax Number
Applicant Information City/State/Zip:
Daytime Phone Fax Number
Applicant’s Representative (if different than above) Daytime Phone
Fax Number
I hereby swear or affirm that all the information provided in the submitted
application packet is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge, and
authorize the representative listed above to act on my behalf on this
Signature of the Applicant
I hereby authorize the processing of this application and recognize that the
final action taken on this petition shall be binding to the property as well
as to the current and any future owners.
Signature of the Owner(s) (All parties on the deed must sign)
Type or print name MM
Type or print name
3 of 17
Affidavit to Authorize Agent (If applicant is other than owner)
State of Florida County of Hillsborough
(Name of all property owners), being first duly sworn, depose(s) and say(s):
1. That (I am/we are) the owner(s) and record title holder(s) of the following described property, to wit:
Address or general location:
Folio No(s):
2. That this property constitutes the property for which a request for a:
is being applied to the Board of County Commissioners, Hillsborough County.
(Nature of request)
3. That the undersigned (has/have) appointed as (his/their) agent(s) to execute any permits or other documents necessary to affect such permit.
4. That this affidavit has been executed to induce Hillsborough County, Florida, to consider and act on the abovedescribed property;
5. That (I/we), the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signed (Property Owner)
Signed (Property Owner)
Type or Print Name
Type or Print Name
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of q physical presence or q online notarization,
day of
(name of person acknowledging)
, by
q Personally Known OR q Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of q physical presence or q online notarization,
day of
(name of person acknowledging)
, by
q Personally Known OR q Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced
(Signature of Notary taking acknowledgment)
(Signature of Notary taking acknowledgment)
Type or Print Name of Notary Public
Type or Print Name of Notary Public
Commission number MM
Expiration date
Commission number
4 of 17
Expiration date 10/2023
Property/Project Information Sheet
Application No:
Official Use Only
Proposed Project Name (If applicable):
Proposed Utilities:
q Public water
q Private Well
Service Area:
q Urban Service Area q City of Tampa
Is subject parcel (s) subject to foreseen lot splitting?
Related Applications:
q Public Wastewater q City of Temple Terrace q Yes
q Septic Tank q No
Code Enforcement/Building Code violation No. (if applicable):
List each folio within the proposed project along with the corresponding information for each (Use additional sheets if necessary).
Folio Number
Owner(s) Name(s) as listed on the deed
Current Zoning
Future Land Use Category
Total Acreage:
- If Current Zoning is PD, list PD application number as well. ** Section / Township / Range
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Identification of Sensitive/Protected Information and Acknowledgement
of Public Records
Pursuant to Chapter 119 Florida Statutes, all information submitted to
Development Services is considered public record and open to inspection by the
public. Certain information may be considered sensitive or protected
information which may be excluded from this provision. Sensitive/protected
information may include, but is not limited to, documents such as medical
records, income tax returns, death certificates, bank statements, and
documents containing social security numbers.
While all efforts will be taken to ensure the security of protected
information, certain specified information, such as addresses of exempt
parcels, may need to be disclosed as part of the public hearing process for
select applications. If your application requires a public hearing and
contains sensitive/protected information, please contact Hillsborough County
Development Services to determine what information will need to be disclosed
as part of the public hearing process.
Additionally, parcels exempt under Florida Statutes §119.071(4) will need to
contact Hillsborough County Development Services to obtain a release of exempt
parcel information.
Are you seeking an exemption from public disclosure of selected information submitted with your application pursuant
to Chapter 119 FS? q Yes
q No
I hereby confirm that the material submitted with application
q Includes sensitive and/or protected information.
Type of information included and location
q Does not include sensitive and/or protected information.
Please note: Sensitive/protected information will not be accepted/requested
unless it is required for the processing of the application.
If an exemption is being sought, the request will be reviewed to determine if
the applicant can be processed with the data being held from public view.
Also, by signing this form I acknowledge that any and all information in the
submittal will become public information if not required by law to be
(Must be signed by applicant or authorized representative)
Intake Staff Signature: __ Date:
6 of 17
Specific Submittal Requirements for Major Modification to PD
This section provides information on items that must be addressed/submitted
for a Planned Development Major Modification and will be subsequently reviewed
when the application is assigned to a planner. Where certain information does
not apply to a project, a notation shall appear on the plan stating the
reason, for example, “No existing water bodies within project.” Additionally,
the explanations and justifications for when certain information does not
apply to the project shall be included in the Narrative. If Hillsborough
County determines the submitted plan lacks required information, the
application shall not proceed to hearing as provided for in DRPM Section Additionally, the required information is only the minimum
necessary to schedule an application for hearing and Hillsborough County
reserves the right to request additional information during review of the
If you are viewing this form electronically, you may click on each underlined
item for additional information.
For any items marked N/A, justification must be provided as to why the item is
not included.
Part B: Project Information
IMPORTANT: All revisions should be notated with removed text stricken through
and added text underlined.
Additional Submittal Requirements for a Major Modification to Planned
Project Description/Written Statement
Variation for Site Design and Variation Criteria Response Form (if applicable)
Proposed Plan Development Site Plan (Digital copy in PDF format with paper size set to no smaller than 24″ x 36″
with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, if digital file is signed/certified or otherwise locked, an identical unlocked
file shall also be submitted) Must include the following:
· Land Use Information Within the Project
· Land Use Information Outside the Project
· Transportation Information
· Utilities Information
· Environmental Information
Required Transportation Analysis
Supplemental Information (optional/if applicable. This may include: a) report, b) Special Surveys, Approvals, or
Reports Required Where Development is Dependent on Such Surveys, Approvals or Reports, c) Indications as to the
Nature and Succession of Staging, d) Proposals on Provision and Continuing Operation and Maintenance of Facilities
for Common Use, e) Commitment for Completion and Adherence to Approved Plans, and f) Compliance with F.S.
Chapter 723)
7 of 17
Included N/A
qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq
qq qq qq qq qq qq
Included N/A
qq qq
Specific Submittal Requirements for Major Modification to PD
Revised Planned Development General Site Plan Requirements (If the area of the
Major Modification does not encompass the entire existing PD boundary
the below information shall at a minimum be provided for the area of
modification.) Requirements
Location of the area subject to this Major Modification request indicated
within Original PD General Site Plan
The name and type of the proposed PD and the names of the developer(s),
architect(s), engineer(s), and planner(s) associated with the project.
Scale with scale bar and scale statement (i.e. 1 inch = 50 feet), date and
north arrow. Engineering scale shall be utilized.
Legal description of the proposed PD. Additionally, the border of the proposed
PD shall be graphically delineated with a distinct line labeled “PD Boundary”.
A vicinity map showing the location of the project within Hillsborough County.
Community Planning Area(s) in which the project is located. If the project is
located in more than one planning area or is not completely contained within a
planning area, the boundaries of the planning area(s) within the project shall
be graphically delineated.
Overlay district(s) in which the project is located. If the project is located
in more than one overlay district is not completely contained within an
overlay district, the boundaries of the overlay district(s) within the project
shall be graphically delineated.
Special zone(s), including but not limited to the Coastal High Hazard Area,
Wellhead Resource Protection Area, Surface Water Resource Protection Area and
Potable Water Wellfield Protection Area, in which the project is located. If
the project is located on more than one special zone or is not completely
contained within specified zones, the boundaries of the special zones lines
within project shall be graphically delineated.
Designated scenic roadway corridors within the project or adjacent to the
A “Project Data Table” with the following information. The table shall be
formatted and annotated in a manner that facilitates cross reference with the
plan graphics.
Gross acreage in the proposed PD and Comprehensive Plan designation of the
property. If there is more than one Plan designation, the acreage in each Plan
designation shall be separately identified.
Acreage of natural water bodies. If the project has more than one Plan
designation, the acreage of natural water bodies in each Plan designation
shall be separately identified.
Acreage of environmentally sensitive areas, by type, and man-made water
bodies. If the project has more than one Plan designation, the acreage of
environmentally sensitive areas, by type, and man-made water bodies in each
Plan designation shall be separately identified.
If residential uses are proposed, the type and number of requested dwelling
units and gross density. If nonresidential uses are proposed, the amount of
requested floor space and gross FAR for each type of use (retail, office,
etc.). If more than one use is proposed, the acreage of each use
pocket/area/tract shall be identified along with the amount of natural water
bodies, environmentally sensitive areas and man- made water bodies in each use
pocket/area/tract and gross density/intensity of the pocket. Additionally, if
the project has more than one Plan designation, the designation of each use
pocket shall be identified.
Land Use Information Within the Project
Current zoning(s) and Comprehensive Plan designation(s) of all property within
the project. If a Com prehensive Plan boundary flex is requested, the proposed
flex line shall be delineated and the flex shall be reflected in the Project
Data Table calculations.
All plats, parcel lines, rights-of-way, easements and property folio numbers
within the project. If a plat, or portion thereof, is proposed to be vacated,
a note shall appear on the plan stating such intent. Easement labels shall
include information describing the nature of the easement and providing OR
Book and Page or Instrument Number(s) of the document(s) containing the
easement. Any labels describing previously vacated rights-of-way shall include
the relevant ordinance number and hearing date on which the right-of-way
vacation was approved.
8 of 17
Included N/A
qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq
Included N/A
qq qq
Specific Submittal Requirements for Major Modification to PD
Land Use Information Within the Project (continued)
Location, footprint and proposed use of existing structures, if any, that are
to remain under the pro- posed development. If the structures are to be
utilized for nonresidential purposes, the floor space of each structure shall
be identified. If the structures are to be utilized for residential purposes,
the number of dwelling units in each structure shall be identified. If the
structures are to be utilized for a Public, Private or Charter School, Child
Care Center, Community Residential Home, Church/Synagogue or other similar
use, the maximum number of seats or beds shall be identified. Development
standards for all proposed uses, including minimum lot size, minimum lot
width, required yards (front, side and rear), maximum building height, maximum
FAR (nonresidential uses), maximum building coverage and maximum impervious
surface. The location, boundaries, acreage, proposed use and density/intensity
of each discrete portion, pocket and/or phase of the proposed project, if
applicable. If specific architectural designs for non-residential or multi-
family structures are proposed, building elevations or renderings shall be
shown on the plan. The general location and nature of fences, walls, and
buffering to be provided with specific attention to the project periphery.
Landscape buffer alternative(s), if proposed, shall be identified and depicted
on the plan. Location, boundaries and acreage of proposed common open
space/recreation areas.
Location, boundaries and acreage of areas proposed for public park lands or
public school sites.
Location, boundaries and acreage of water bodies and identification of each
body as natural or man- made.
Building envelopes for non-residential and multi-family structures proposed
within two hundred (200) feet of the PD boundary. “Typical lot layouts”
showing required front, rear and side yards for single- and two- family lots
proposed within two hundred (200) feet of the PD boundary. If such lots have
varying yard requirements, then a typical layout for each lot type must be
shown. Designated historic landmarks and other historical or archaeological
sites and structures, and notation of whether said resources are to remain.
Land Use Information Outside the Project
Current zoning(s) and Comprehensive Plan designation(s) of all property within
150 feet of the project boundaries.
All plats, parcel lines, easements and property folio numbers within 150 feet
of the project boundaries. Easement labels shall include information
describing the nature of the easement and providing OR Book and Page or
Instrument Number(s) of the document(s) containing the easement. Any labels
describing previously vacated rights-of-way shall include the relevant
ordinance number and hearing date on which the right-of-way vacation was
Current uses of properties, including location and general footprints of
existing structures, drive aisles, sidewalks, parking, etc. within 150 feet of
project boundaries, except that where such properties are zoned PD and the 150
feet of project boundaries, except that where such properties are zoned PD and
the existing land conditions do not reflect the currently approved development
pattern, the approved development pattern (as provided for on the applicable
Certified General Site Plan) shall be shown on the plan. Additionally, the PD
rezoning number, and latest modification number if applicable, shall be
Designated historic landmarks and other historical or archaeological sites and
structures within 150 feet of project boundaries.
9 of 17
Included N/A
qq qq qq qq qq qq qq
Specific Submittal Requirements for Major Modification to PD
Transportation Information
Existing and proposed points of ingress and egress for principal pedestrian,
vehicular, mass transit and waterway facilities, and the general circulation
patterns within the PD district for such facilities indicating the hierarchy
(i.e. local, collector or arterial roadway), if applicable, of project
roadways. General circulation patterns shall demonstrate connectivity between
project phases, pockets or areas.
Existing points of ingress/egress that are to remain, be closed or modified
shall be identified and labeled as appropriate. Alternatively, where such
connectivity is not provided the applicant shall submit written justification
as to why such connectivity cannot be provided within a section titled
“Internal Connectivity” within the project narrative.
Existing and proposed Shared Access Facilities shall be identified. The label
shall include the folio number(s) of the adjacent parcel(s) sharing such
facility (e.g. “Shared Access Facility with Folio 12345.0123)”. This
requirement does not apply to adjacent parcels within the same PD zoning.
A note shall appear on the plan stating if project roads will be public or
private and, if the latter, whether they will be gated. If driveways are
provided, a note shall appear on the plan stating that the project driveways
are to be privately maintained and whether they will be gated.
Existing and proposed cross access points between the project site and
adjacent properties. The nature of such cross access shall be labeled (e.g.
“Proposed Pedestrian Cross Access” or “Proposed Vehicular and Pedestrian Cross
Access”). If cross access is constrained by physical barriers, the barriers
shall be shown on the plan. Alternatively, where such required cross access is
not provided the applicant shall submit written justification as to why such
connectivity cannot be provided within a section titled “External
Connectivity” within the project narrative and submit the required Section
6.04.02.B. Administrative Variance Request.
The approximate amount of right-of-way to be preserved by the project, if
applicable, in order to comply with the Hillsborough County Corridor
Preservation Plan shall be shown. The area shall be labeled “+/- ____ Feet of
Right-of-Way Preservation per Hillsborough County Corridor Preservation Plan”.
The applicant shall provide one or more of the following, as applicable:
· A statement within a section of the project narrative titled “Transportation
Infrastructure Serving the Site” naming the roadway(s) being accessed, stating
whether the roadways meet standards found within the Hillsborough County
Transportation Technical Manual (TTM), and which TTM Typical Section the
applicant believes each road conforms to.
· If the applicant believes the project should qualify for the County
Engineer’s de minimis criteria, they shall include such statement within a
section titled “Substandard Roads” within the project narrative and summarize
project and roadway details necessary for staff’s consideration. Projects
generating 10 or fewer peak hour trips in total are generally exempted, at
staff’s discretion, from improving a substandard road to current County
standards between the project driveway(s) and nearest roadway meeting
standards provided the facility being accessed meets minimum life safety
standards (i.e. 15 feet of pavement within a 20-foot wide clear area).
· If roadway(s) accessed do not meet County standards, and the applicant does
not believe the project meets the de minimis criteria, then the applicant
shall include a statement within a section of the PD narrative titled
“Developer Commitments” committing that they will improve the roadway network
between each project access and the nearest standard roadway, which may be
require the developer to dedicate or otherwise obtain additional right-of-way.
· Should the applicant request a Section 6.04.02.B Administrative Variance
from the Section 6.04.03.L requirement (in the case they are seeking a waiver
of substandard road requirements), or a Design Exception in accordance with
Section 1.7.2. and other applicable sections of the Transportation Technical
Manual (TTM), in the event they are seeking relief from a Typical Sections
standard found within the TTM, then developer shall include such statement
within the project narrative in a section titled “Substandard Roads”.
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Specific Submittal Requirements for Major Modification to PD
Transportation Information (continued)
Included N/A
Most Transportation Related Administrative Reviews must be processed concurrently with a PD zoning or PD
zoning modification. The applicant shall submit requests for the following together with a “Supplemental
Information for Transportation Related Variances (SITRAR)” form which can be obtained from Development
· Section 6.04.02.B Administrative Variances (i.e. variances to most portions of Section 6.04 of the
· Design Exception Requests (i.e. deviations from technical standards in accordance with Section
1.7.2. and other applicable sections of the TTM); and,
· Requests for Determinations of Required Parking for Unlisted Uses pursuant to Sections
6.05.02.G.1. and G.2. of the LDC.
The approximate amount of right-of-way to be dedicated and conveyed to Hillsborough County or another
governmental entity (for reasons which may include proffering by an applicant or as otherwise required), if
applicable, shall be shown and labeled as appropriate (e.g. “+/- ___ Foot Right-of-way Conveyance Area See
Conditions of Approval”.
Where applicable, the following information shall be provided on the Site Plan for all roadways, alleyways and
driveways adjoining, traversing, or within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the project boundaries:
· Points of ingress and egress and/or driveways and curb-cuts.
· Roadway names and type of facility (i.e. public or private ; and roadway, alleyway or driveway)
qq qq
· Rights-of-way, both public and private shall be shown. Additionally, width
information shall be provided. Where right-of-way width varies, the locations
of the minimum and maximum widths shall be shown and dimensions provided.
Where right-of-way has been established via maintenance, such information
shall be shown on the plan and, where possible, the Book and Page or
Instrument Number of approved Maintained Right-of-Way Maps, as recorded within
the Official Records of Hillsborough County, shall be provided.
· Lane and shoulder widths, or where no lane markings are present, label and
show pavement widths).
· Type of surface (i.e. concrete, asphalt, gravel, etc.).
· Number of lanes and configuration of roadway segments and intersections.
qq qq qq
· Location of all existing sidewalks, bikeways, and transit facilities.
Proposed transit facilities required per shall be identified on the plan.
· Location and type of all existing and proposed raised separators, medians,
median openings and modifications thereof.
· Location and types of all existing and proposed traffic control devices
(i.e. stop signs, traffic signals, stripped crosswalks, school zones,
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), etc.).
Included N/A
Included N/A
Utilities Information
Requirements Identification of type of water/wastewater service utilized by
project. Location of IWWTP, if applicable.
Environmental Information
A general interpretation, based on aerial photographs and soil surveys, of the location of all water courses, lakes, conservation areas, preservation areas, wooded areas, upland habitat areas, or other such natural physical features within the project boundaries. Additionally, all such areas outside the project within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the project boundaries shall be shown.
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Specific Submittal Requirements for Major Modification to PD
Required Transportation Analysis
Included N/A
q q q q
q q
q q q q
q q
For projects generating 50 or fewer total (cumulative) peak hour trips, a
letter shall be submitted which provides trip generation information and a
statement similar to the following: “Pursuant to the Development Review
Procedures Manual, this project is not required to submit a transportation
analysis. Project trip generation is attached hereto.”
A trip generation and site access analysis shall be provided with the initial
application submittal if the total (cumulative) project peak hour trips are
greater than 50. The analysis shall be Signed & Sealed by a Professional
Engineer (PE), a Professional Transportation Planner (PTP) or American
Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) accredited professional.
If the application if for a Public-School Facility, Private or Charter School,
the applicant shall be required to meet with Development Services staff to
determine a methodology for additional analysis which may be required. For
Private and Charter Schools, such analysis shall include the additional
requirements contained within Section 6.03.13 of the Hillsborough County Land
Development Code. Methodology meeting notes shall be attached to the
Transportation Study.
Where required, trip generation and site access analyses shall follow the
below format, and include the below information, unless otherwise approved by
· Within a section titled “Project Overview” include: 1. A brief description
of the project (location, size, acres). 2. A description of the project’s
existing and proposed entitlements. 3. For projects with existing constructed
uses, a description of the amount and type of the uses proposed to remain, if
any. 4. An overview map of project location. 5. Information regarding the
purpose of the report.
· Within a section titled “Proposed Access Summary and Study Methodology”
include: 1. A description of roadways and other transportation facilities
where access is proposed, included posted speed limits. 2. A description of
the nature of each access (i.e. pedestrian only, or vehicular and pedestrian;
right-in/right-out only vs. full access, etc.). 3. A description of the
project study area. 4. A general methodology statement, including
documentation of any deviations from best practices.
· Within a section titled “Traffic Count Data” include: 1. A summary of data
collection efforts in support the project. 2. A description of the type of
count conducted (i.e. manual collection, video collection, tube count, TMC,
etc.) for each facility. 3. A description of the dates and times counts were
collected (including the day of the week, i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc.). 4. A
description of any peak season adjustment factors applied, and data sources
utilized. 5. A statement as to whether any anomalies were present within the
transportation facility being studied (i.e. construction, special events, road
closures, etc.) that would have potentially impacted data collection efforts,
as well as any data anomalies identified during the collection process. If any
were identified and if there were any mitigating factors, further describe.
· Within a section titled “Trip Generation Summary” include: 1. A tabular
summary of trip generation data for each proposed use. Where possible, include
the Institute of Transportation Engineer (ITE) Land Use Code, ITE Land Use
Description, and whether average rates or equations were utilized. 2. A
tabular summary of internal capture and pass-by trip adjustments applied, if
any. 3. A description of the data sources used for trip generation, internal
capture and pass-by rates. 4. Statements regarding any special considerations
and supporting data, if any, necessary to support trip generation for uses not
included within the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s Trip Generation
Handbook, latest edition, or where a land use code selected wasn’t an exact
match for a proposed use but was the closest analog available.
12 of 17
Specific Submittal Requirements for Major Modification to PD
Required Transportation Analysis (continued)
Included N/A
q q q q
q q q q
· Within a section titled “Trip Distribution Summary” include: 1. A tabular
and/or map summarizing directional distribution percentages. 2. A description
of the data sources and methodology used to determine directional
distribution. 3. When trip distribution deviates from traffic count data
and/or where engineering judgement was utilized, the specific observations,
data and analysis used to support such deviation shall be provided.
· Within a section titled “Safety Considerations” include: 1. A statement
regarding whether or not the applicant is aware of any special safety
considerations for the proposed project access, and the extent to which any
agencies were consulted regarding same (e.g. for projects occurring within or
nearby a school zone, whether the Hillsborough County Public Works Department
Traffic Operations Section was consulted, and if so, provide documentation
regarding the substance and outcome of such conversations). 2. Where projects
provide stubouts for future roadway extension, the analysis shall include a
discussion regarding the configuration and design of internal roadway networks
(i.e. how the project will be designed to minimize unplanned cut-through
traffic), design/safety considerations relative to the proposed access/ cross-
access, and quantification of trips likely to use such access/cross-access and
any safety/design considerations or recommendations related thereto (i.e.
proposed traffic control devices, traffic calming or other design
recommendations), which shall also be included in the access “Recommendations
· Within a section titled “Access Recommendations” include: 1. A description
of all recommended site access and any other proposed roadway or intersection
improvements, median modifications, etc. 2. A description of recommended new
traffic control or traffic calming devices, if any, whether internal or
external to the project. 3. A table summarizing access management
recommendations which includes: a. Number of Trips by Specific Movement b.
Turn Lane Warranted for Each Specific Movement (Yes/No) c. Minimum 95% Queue
Length per Synchro d. Minimum Queue Required Per TTM e. Minimum Turn Lane
Length Required f. Minimum Turn Lane Length Proposed
· Required Graphics/Tables: 1. Existing (Background) Traffic (AADT) 2.
Existing (Background) Trips (AM Peak) 3. Existing (Background) Trips (PM
Can be combined into one graphic if desired.
1. Proposed Distribution Percentages (Inbound and Outbound, AM Peak) 2.
Proposed Distribution Percentage (Inbound and Outbound, PM Peak) 3. Gross
Project Traffic (AM Peak) 4. Gross Project Traffic (PM Peak)
Can be combined into one graphic if desired.
1. Existing + Project (Total) Traffic (AADT) 2. Existing + Project (Total)
Traffic (AM Peak) 3. Existing + Project (Total) Traffic (PM Peak) Can
be combined into one graphic, but do not separate pass-by traffic. Although
not required, can provide additional graphics showing pass-by if desired.
If the application if for a Public-School Facility, Private or Charter School,
the applicant shall be required to meet with Development Services staff to
determine a methodology for additional analysis which may be required. For
Private and Charter Schools, such analysis shall include the additional
requirements contained within Section 6.03.13 of the Hillsborough County Land
Development Code.
13 of 17
Included N/A
qq qq
Specific Submittal Requirements for Major Modification to PD
Required Transportation Analysis (continued)
For all other applications, transportation review staff may require additional
analysis if, in staff’s sole discretion, project development may create
traffic safety issues or otherwise result in potentially unsafe conditions, or
where necessary to properly analyze project access. All such additional
required analyses shall be Signed and Sealed by a Professional Engineer (PE)
or prepared by a Professional Transportation Planner® (PTP) or American
Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) accredited professional. Any additional
support information which may be required as determined by Hillsborough
Requests for exceptions to any of the above identified requirements shall be
made in writing to the County Engineer or their designee.
14 of 17
Application No:
Variations for Site Design
Non-district LDC regulations that may be considered for variation as part of a
Planned Development request include Part 6.05.00 (Parking/Loading), Part
6.06.00 (Landscaping/Buffering), and Part 6.07.00 (Fences/Walls). Does the
request include a variation from non-district regulations? q No q Yes If yes,
indicate each variation being requested
in the space below. (example: A variation to Section 6.06.06 to allow a
10-foot buffer where a 20-foot buffer is required)
15 of 17
Application No:
Variations Criteria Review Form
For each variation being requested, you must provide a detailed response to
each of the following criteria. If additional space is needed, please attach
extra pages to this application. 1. Explain how the variation is necessary to
achieve creative, innovative, and/or mixed-use development that could
not be accommodated by strict adherence to current regulations.
2. Explain how the variation is mitigated through enhanced design features. Design Features must be clearly indicated on the site plan and the applicant must demonstrate how the feature is proportionate to the degree of variation being requested.
3. Explain how the variation is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Hillsborough County Land Development Code.
4. Explain how the variation will not substantially interfere with or injure the rights of the adjacent property owners.
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Airport Hazard Evaluation (Effective June 1, 2017)
Properties located within the map areas depicted below may be subject to a
separate Airport Height Zoning Permit approval process of the Hillsborough
County Aviation Authority (HCAA), which includes a Determination of “No
Hazard” from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), pursuant to the HCAA’s
Airport Zoning Regulations. FAA Determinations can take up to 45 days to
complete. Additionally, pursuant to an Interlocal Agreement between the HCAA
and Hillsborough County, any Land Development Proposal within proximity to
Tampa International Airport and Tampa Executive Airport and Educational
facilities and landfills located with certain mapped areas will be transmitted
to HCAA for review.
For additional information and questions: Tampa International Airport
Information Link: TampaAirport.com/Airport-height-zoning
Contact: Tony Mantegna / Tampa International Airport Phone:
813-870-7863 E-Mail:
17 of 17
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- Height Zoning & Permitting | Tampa International Airport
- Accela Citizen Access
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- Height Zoning & Permitting | Tampa International Airport
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