autoFlo 200P Power Humidifier Installation Guide

August 20, 2024

autoFlo 200P Power Humidifier

Product Information


  • Brand: AUTOFLO
  • Model: 800BP
  • Type: Humidifier
  • Recommended Room Size: Medium to Large

Product Usage Instructions

Before using the AUTOFLO 800BP humidifier, ensure that you have all the parts and components required for operation. Place the humidifier on a flat, stable surface near a power outlet.

Filling the Water Tank:
Remove the water tank from the humidifier base and fill it with clean, cool water. Avoid using hot water or any additives in the water tank.

Adjusting Settings:
Set the desired humidity level on the humidistat according to the provided chart. Refer to the relative humidity chart in the manual for suggested settings based on outdoor temperature.

Once the water tank is filled and settings are adjusted, place the tank back onto the base securely. Turn on the humidifier and adjust any fan or mist settings as needed.

Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal performance. Clean the water tank, base, and any filters as per the maintenance instructions provided in the manual. Avoid over-humidifying the room.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • Q: How often should I clean the humidifier?
    A: It is recommended to clean the humidifier at least once a week to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

  • Q: Can I use essential oils with the AUTOFLO 800BP?
    A: No, it is not recommended to use essential oils in this humidifier as it may damage the unit.

  • Q: What should I do if the humidifier is not producing mist?
    A: Check if the water tank is properly filled and seated on the base. Also, ensure that the settings are correct and that any filters are clean.


The AUTOFLO Model’s 200P, 8008P, and 97 Humidifiers use the evaporative by- pass principal to add moisture into the return air duct of your central heating system. A by-pass humidifier depends upon the air pressure difference between the warm air (supply) duct and the cold air (return) of the furnace. This pressure differential causes a portion of the warm air to flow from the supply to the return through the humidifier. A water pan at the bottom of the humidifier serves as a reservoir. The water level in the reservoir is automatically controlled by a float valve assembly. The motor-driven media wheel is partially submerged in the water pan and partially exposed to the warm air flowing through the humidi­fier. Upon a demand for humidity from the humidity control, water is evaporated as the by-pass system forces warm air through the wet rotating media wheel. When this moisture-laden air enters the return duct it is mixed with cool dry air flowing through the duct. This air mixture will gradually increase the relative humidity in the home or office.


Refer to the rating plate on the furnace for minimum clearance to combustible construction. All parts and connections of an AUTOFLO humidifier must be installed outside of the minimum clearance require­ments for rear, top, sides, and flue of furnace. Do not install where humidifiers or water connections may be exposed to freezing temperatures or outside weather. Attic installations are NOT recommended. If you have central air conditioning, carefully plan the location of the plenum opening to prevent damge to the cooling coil or other devices inside the duct.

All of the above models can be mounted on the supply or the return duct of the furnace. Plan your location carefully with ease of installation & service in mind.


CAUTION: Installation should be performed by qualified personnel only. Use eye protection and gloves when drilling and handling sheet metal. All work must be performed to local & national codes and ordinances. Use multi- conductor 18 awg solid copper wire. Provide over-current protection as required. DO NOT omit the drain or overflow tubing.


Tape the mounting template to the chosen location. Use a level or plumb line to make sure the template is level. Before proceeding, verify that adequate clearances are available for servicing the media wheel and removing the water pan. If necessary relocate the template. Extend and bend the by-pass duct and check to see if it will reach from the face of the by-pass template to the side of the humidifier template. If by-pass duct is not long enough, relo­cate the templates. If necessary, additional lengths of by-pass ducts are available from your local home center. Drill (6) 1/8 inch holes as indicated on the templates. Drill or punch a starter hole and then use a pair of sheet metal snips to cut out the opening. Remove the templates and tape.

Install (2) 3/4 inch long sheet metal screws halfway in to the two uppermost holes that were drilled through the mounting template. Hang the AUTO­FLO model 200P, 800BP, or 97 from the two long screws on the top lip. Install (4) 3/8 long sheet metal screws through the side flange and then tighten all six screws.

Mount the duct adaptor to the by-pass opening with (2) 3/8 inch long sheet metal screws. Install the baffle between the duct and the adaptor. The baffle should be open during the heating season and closed for cooling season. Install and tighten the remaining (3) 3/8 inch long screws

The humidistat can be mounted on the cold air return duct to sense the cool dry air returning to the furnace. Mount the humidistat a minimum of 5 feet upstream of the bypass connection to the return air duct. The humidistat can also be mounted on an interior wall near the furnace ther­mostat as well. The electrical connections and basic wiring are the same for duct-mounted or wall- mounted humidistats.

Route the flexible by-pass duct from the duct adap­tor to the side of the humidifier. If the provided by-pass duct is not long enough, you can purchase additional by-pass duct at your local home center. Hard-drawn round duct and adjustable fittings can also be used. Drill two holes through the by-pass duct and duct adaptor and install (2) 3/8 inch long sheet metal screws. Each of the flanges on both sides of the humidifier have two pre-punched holes. Use these holes as guides and carefully pierce the by-pass duct from the inside of the humidifier. Use (2) 3/8-inch long sheet metal screws and attach the end cap to the other end of the humidifier to seal off the unused end.

Typical field configurations for UP FLOW and HORIZONTAL FLOW furnances and air handlers. Your actual configuration may vary. Additional by-pass duct may be required, but keep the by-pass duct as short as possible. The by-pass duct should never be routed across the front of the furnace. All furnace access doors and openings must remain unobstructed for proper furnace operation and servicing. Remember to cap off the unused end of the humidifier.



  1. Model 200P Humidifier
  2. Small parts bag containing:
    • a. Two #8 x 3/4″ sheet metal screws
    • b. Seventeen #8 x 3/8″ sheet metal screws
    • c. Strain relief
    • d. Two wire nuts
  3. 24vac transformer
  4. End cap
  5. Baffle
  6. Duct adaptor
  7. 1/4 inch plastic tubing
  8. Saddle-tapping valve kit
  9. Mounting template (not shown)
  10. By-pass adaptor template (not shown)
  11. Autoflo 24vac humidistat
  12. Drain tubing


  1. Current sensing relay
  2. Small hose clamp for drain tubing
  3. Electrical wire and enclosures for both line voltage and 24vac connections


  1. Model 97 Humidifier
  2. Small parts bag containing:
    • a. Two #8 x 3/4″ sheet metal screws
    • b. Seventeen #8 x 3/8″ sheet metal screws
    • c. Strain relief
    • d. Two wire nuts
  3. 24vac transformer
  4. Baffle
  5. Duct adaptor
  6. 1/4 inch plastic tubing
  7. Saddle taping valve kit
  8. Mounting template (not shown)
  9. By-pass adaptor template (not shown)
  10. Autoflo 24vac humidistat


  1. Current sensing relay
  2. Electrical wire and enclosures for both line voltage and 24vac connections


  1. Model 800BP Humidifier
  2. Small parts bag containing:
    • a. Two #8 x 3/4″ sheet metal screws
    • b. Seventeen #8 x 3/8″ sheet metal screws
    • c. Strain relief
    • d. Two wire nuts
  3. 24vac transformer
  4. End cap
  5. Baffle
  6. Duct adaptor
  7. 1 /4 inch plastic tubing
  8. Saddle-tapping valve kit
  9. Mounting template (not shown)
  10. By-pass adaptor template (not shown)
  11. Autoflo 24vac humidistat (not shown)


  1. Current sensing relay
  2. Small hose clamp for drain tubing
  3. Electrical wire and enclosures for both line voltage and 24vac connections


The transformer should be wired in parallel with the furnace blower motor line voltage. This will allow the humidifier to run only when there is a call for fan. The transformer is designed to be attached to a 4″ square outlet box. The electrical box must be mounted and wired in accordance with local building codes & the National Electrical Code. SHUT OFF THE POWER TO THE FUR­NACE BEFORE PROCEEDING! NOTE1: Check wiring in the furnace for humidifier (HUM) terminals. If present, check to see if it is 120vac or 24vac. If it is 120vac, connect the transformer primary leads to these terminals. If it is 24vac, you do not need the transformer. Simply connect one side of the humidistat to one HUM terminal and the other HUM terminal to the motor of the humidifier. Then make the last connection of the motor to the humi­distat. If you are using the transformer you will need to connect the 24vac common from the transformer to one of the motor wires and then the 24vac hot from the trans­former to the humidistat. Then from the humidistat to the other wire on the motor. Make sure not to route wires where they can be burned or chaffed. See the example wiring solutions to the right of this page.

With the humidistat set to its highest setting, the motor should start shortly after the furnace blower is activated. If the motor does not start refer to the troubleshooting guide in this manual.
CAUTION: Check the transformer, the motor, the humidis­tat, and any other field-installed devices. as well as all field wiring.
A qualified Electrician should be consulted to deter­mine if line voltage is present at the transformer and that 24vac is present at the humidistat and at the motor.



Water supply for the humidifier must be taken from a nearby water line. If the humidifier is installed in, above, or adjacent to a decorated living area, an emergency overflow pan is required below the humidifier. Do not use any line connected to an air conditioning coil. Lines connected to an ale coil normally contain refrigerant not water. Do not use any line serviced by a water softener, make the water connection upstream of a water softener. A water softener is not a de-mineralizer. It merely exchanges hard ions for softions in the water. These soft-ions or minerals will build up in the humidifier, causing a need for frequent servicing. The evaporation of softened water may also produce a white powder which may be carried into the ductwork and ultimately into your home. You have been supplied with 10 feet of plastic tubing for making the water connection. If more tubing is needed, longer lengths of 1 /4 inch OD plastic or copper tubing is available from your local home center. Follow the instructions on the saddle-tapping valve kit and install the valve. The valve should be mounted on top or on the side of the water line to prevent the valve from clogging with any sediment from the water line. Prior to connecting to the float open the valve and flush the water line into a bucket. This will clear any sediment from the line that may clog or impair the float operation. Attic installations are not recommended.

Remove the front cover and check the water level. The float has been set at the factory for normal water pressure conditions. The float should completely shut off the water flow when the water level is 1-1/4 inches to 1-3/4 inches above the bottom of the pan. If additional adjustment is needed, adjust the float bulb screw located on top of the float arm above the bulb. Turn the screw clockwise to lower the water level, turn it counterclockwise to raise the level. The hex nut may be loosened and the entire float assem­bly may be moved up or down to adjust the water level. Adjustment of the crutch screw is not recom­mended. You should maintain a water level that is high enough to wet the media wheel as it turns, but not so high that water runs out of the overflow spout. Refer to the drawing on this page.

We recommend that a drain line be used as an emergency overflow for the model’s 200P, 8008P, and 97 humidifiers. Use a hose clamp to connect the supplied drain hose to the overflow spout, if available. The spout is on the right-hand side of the water pan. Do not use rigid piping because the water pan must be removable for routine cleaning and service. Keep the hose as short as possible and avoid sharp bends. The drain line should be routed on a continous downward slope and into a suitable drain.

The proper relative humidity for your home depends upon several factors such as outdoor temperature, type and placement of insulation, vapor barriers, quality of windows and doors (including frames and jams), and effectiveness of weatherstripping. With all these variables it is nearly impossible to recom­mend a single proper humidity setting. The best humidistat setting is one that you are comfortable with.
As the outdoor temperature fluctuates, it may be necessary to adjust the humidity level in your home several times during the season. Refer to the “Rela­tive Humidity Chart” as a starting point for your proper humidistat setting. In a tight, well insulated house, the humidistat may be set higher than in a drafty, poorly insulated house.

Cold air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air. Any cold drafts or cold- faces such as windows and doors (including frames and jams) may cause water vapor to condense at these points. Also, if your home is well-insulated and weather-stripped but lacks effective vapor barriers, water may seep through the walls and ceilings. This moisture may condense either inside or outside the walls or in the attic. If any of these conditions are observed, the humidity level should be reduced before water damage occurs. Consider purchasing a model 072000 Smart Humidistat. The 072000 monitors the outside air temperature and automatically adjusts the RH set point as the outdoor temperature falls below 35 degrees F.


Suggested Humidistat Settings

Suggested RH set points for different outdoor temperatures


All power humidifiers require some maintenance to keep them operating at peak performance. The autoflo model 200P, 800BP, and 97 humidifiers have been designed to simplify this required maintenance routine. Proper maintenance of your autoflo humidifier should include the following three procedures:

  1. Annual replacement of the evaporator pad.
  2. Occasional cleaning of the water pan.
  3. An annual cleaning, general inspection, and shutdown of the unit.

The evaporative pad should be replaced with the one for your model humidifier for model 200P, use a catalog #200EP pad. For a model 800BP, use a catalog

200EP. For a model 97, use cata-log #97EP. When the pad becomes clogged or

brittle it needs to be replaced. The rate of evaporation depends upon both the surface area of the pad and the ability of the air to pass through the pad. To remove the pad, turn off power to both the humidifier and the furnace. Open the service door and lift the rear of the wheel. Disengage the front of the wheel from the motor and lift the wheel and pad up and out. To clean the water pan, turn off the water supply valve. Remove the drain line from the water pan. Locate the two thumb screws which are located on each side of the humidifier. When you remove these screws the water pan which is full of water will be free to fall downward. With this in mind, hold the bottom of the pan with one hand and loosen the thumb screws with the other. Support the water pan in a level position until the water can be dumped into a suitable receptacle. Remove mineral deposits from the water pan. A mild detergent or vinegar and water solution is acceptable for cleaning the pan. When replacing the water pan, the float must be gently lifted into position. This will prevent damage or bending of the float assembly. Re-install the two thumb screws and attach the drain line. Turn on the water supply to the humidifier, check the float operation and check for leaks. Annual (spring) shut-down should consist of replacing the evaporator pad, thoroughly cleaning the water pan, and rotating the by-pass baffle to the closed position. After performing these procedures, leave the water and electrical power off to the humidifier for the summer or cooling season. To restart the humidifier in the fall, turn on the water supply, power up the humidifier, and rotate the baffle to the open position. Set your humidistat to the desired setting.



Troubleshooting support for the AUTOFLO products when you are on the job site.
Call 1-847-683-7990 Monday-Friday 8AM to 5PM CST or for information on any AUTOFLO products including models 200P, 400/S00BP, and 97.

BestAlrPRO® 281 Keyes Ave. Hampshire, IL 60140
Fax 847-683-7301


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