CIRGO Courier E-Bike Rent User Manual
- August 7, 2024
Table of Contents
CIRGO Courier E-Bike Rent User Manual
Check tyres pressure
If you can push down on them with your thumb, then they need pumping up.
Action: Use a bike pump to inflate the tires to the recommended pressure range of 40-60psi.
Every ride
Check brakes
Squeeze the brake levers and check the brakes are working and no grinding sound. Also, glance down at the brake disc to check they are aligned with the brake calliper.
Action: Check and align the brake disc with the brake calliper
Every ride
Check quick release and bolt
Be sure any quick release and bolts are firmly secured.
Action: With one hand, open and close the quick-release lever while gradually tightening the adjusting nut clockwise. Continue tightening the adjusting nut until you feel resistance from the lever when it reaches a parallel position with the hub. Grip the front fork with your fingers and use the palm of your hand to apply force to the quickrelease lever. It should require considerable force to fully tighten the lever.
Every ride
Check saddle and seat clamp
Check it is held secure and aligned straight. Action: Tighten the saddle clamp if loose. Tighten the left and right nuts x2 on the saddle and ensure that the saddle is positioned on a straight horizontal line.
Every 150 miles
Check tyre
Check for worn or cracked tyres.
Action: Contact Circtech at 020 8087 0287.
Every 150 miles
Wheels Assessment
Give them a spin and check they don’t wobble side to side majorly. Also, check the rims are not damaged or heavily worn.
Action: Contact Circtech at 020 8087 0287.
Every 150 miles
Check Battery Holder
Check for looseness of the battery holder or any missing fasteners.
Action: Tighten any loose fasteners and replace any missing fasteners.
Every 150 miles
Lift the bike and twist the handlebars. If they turn smoothly and\ without any resistance, all is well. Also, check for looseness.
Action: Tighten any loosen fasteners.
Every 150 miles
Check pedals and cranks
Try to wobble them and check they are held firmly.
Action: Tighten any loosen fasteners.
Every 150 miles
Check the frame
Inspect the frame for any cracks or major dents. Also, check cables for any fraying.
Action: Contact Circtech at 020 8087 0287.
Every 150 miles
Inspect accessories
Check for loose accessories such as the rear rack.
Action: Tighten any loosen fasteners.
Every 150 miles
Disc Brake
Check for loose brake lever.
Action: Fix it with local mechanic.
Every 150 miles
Check Lights
Check the front, rear and brake light is working.
Action: Connect any loose connector or contact Circtech at 020 80870287.
Every 150 miles
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Do not hang the lock on the rear rack.
Power off the Battery Pack completely before connecting to or removing it from the Battery Holder. Ensure the charging cap is always closed when riding outdoors.
Remove the Battery Pack from the charger as soon as the light turns green. Use only the provided charger to charge the Battery Pack.
Icy roads or snow? Risk of accident, falls and accidents.
DO NOT expose battery and controller terminals to water. Always keep battery and controller connected especially in the rain. Keep it dry! Rain + electricity = trouble.
How to handle Belt System
Handling The Belt
Gates Carbon Drive™™ belts are extremely durable and offer long life when properly handled. However, caution must be used before and during installation to avoid damaging the carbon tensile cords that make up the backbone of the belt’s strength. Excessive bending and twisting creates crimps which can lead to belt breakage under high load.
Do not twist, backbend, crimp, invert, bundle or zip tie the belt. Do not use the belt as a strap wrench or chainwhip. Do not lubricate, pry on, or roll on the belt.
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