SmartE MG37 Game Controller User Manual
- August 3, 2024
- SmartE
Table of Contents
MG37 Game Controller
Product Specifications:
Type: Wireless Controller
Compatibility: Android/iOS/PC (Win7/8/10), Switch, PS4,
PS3 -
Connection Type: USB Type-C
Battery: 3.7V/300mAh
Input Voltage: DC 3.3-4.2V
Charging Current: 0-20uA
Charging Voltage: DC 5V/500mA
Weight: 58g
Product Usage Instructions:
1. Compatibility:
The controller is compatible with Android, iOS, PC, Switch, PS4,
and PS3.
2. Connection:
Connect the controller to your device using the provided USB
Type-C cable for a stable connection.
3. Charging:
To charge the controller, connect it to a power source using the
included charging cable. Make sure to use a DC 5V/500mA power
supply for optimal charging.
4. Controls:
The controller features various buttons including A, B, X, Y,
L1, R1, L2, R2, D-Pad, Select, Start, and Turbo for enhanced gaming
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: What devices are compatible with the controller?
A: The controller is compatible with Android, iOS, PC
(Win7/8/10), Switch, PS4, and PS3.
Q: How do I charge the controller?
A: To charge the controller, connect it to a power source using
the provided USB Type-C cable and ensure the power supply is DC
@0 CE
LED2 4.P4/P3 TYPEC — USB f LED2 LED2 5 R1 2 LED1 “Xbox Wiless Controller” LED1
Steam “Steam ”
6 2.4G f±2.4G PC /Switch PS3 2.4G USB L1 2 LED1 + LED2 LED1 +LED2
1 Android /iOS /PC(Win7/8/1 0)
/Switch PS4 PS3
2 Turbo
6 3601!
7 D-Pad
1 0 §
1 1 E AB
1 2 TYPE Type -C
f N Switch NSwitch Pro
7 PC /Swifh /PS3 @PC USB j LED1 X-IN PUT 5 D-INPUT LE Steam “Steam @NSwitch N
Switch NSwitch Pf TypeC NSwitch LED @)PS3 USB PS3 LED
9 a LE3 b LED3 g C D3
a b 1 C 5 LED
1DC 3.3-4.2V 25mA 1 0-20uA DC 5V/500mA 58M 3.7V/300mAh 4-1 0 ,.N 2 30
@ AB
(J) 3D
@ RB @ RT @ LT @ LB @ Type-C
1 1
2 1
4 A , B , X, Y
4 2 3D 3 60
5 4 L1 R1 L2R2; 6.Select1 7.Start 1
8.Clear 1 Switch
9 1 3
1 0.Turbo 1
, . 2
3 4. 5
1 V3 Shooting Plus V3 App Google Play Store B 2 LED1 ‘GamefödPlus V3″ LED1
Shooting Plus V3 App a Shooting Plus V3 App , App
b ‘V3” “START” App C
d “” e “” ” START” “V3 f “SELECT”
2.iOS V3 0 ShootingPlus V3 App : App Store “ShootingPlus V3″ X 2 Jitll LED1 +LED2 © ‘GamepadPlus V3” LED1 +LED2
1 1 1
l 1
I 1 I l 1 I I 1
I I l
iPhone iPad i0S1 3.3.8 ShootingPlus V3 App a ShootingPlus V3 App App b iPhone
C. Shooti ngPlus V3 App, “V3” “START”App d (b e t ” ” 9 “” “START” @i0S1 3.4 A
(LED2 IOS M Fi “DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless Controller” ShanWan MFi APP
oo NSwitch
R2 2 LED2 LED1
dMG37 EN99..V001
Prod uct Manual
Stretch Controller Manual
– FfñB On Gam· · llllllllllR&D –
® ,e) C E
4.P4/P3 oonsole Bluelo mo Conned the conhnller and oonsole with lYPE-C da
cable lhe HOME b ir Ar the oormection is d, unug tho coblo.At th 1.. 1h. LED2
indir light on’ @Once am p,… lhe Switch bufn dif. LED2 will
yd 1he coonoon wlll amallcal rmod! 5. LaP uetfïlh mode O · ·nd hold e R1 +Sh
bun simu..neously for2 ds. At thls Ume, lho LED1 Indicator light -.. lckly;
:2J Tum on Blu cn ” OOm and ..lect 81 nam x Ws COnf² Onnn “””fI and the LED1
ind ltt on; “u p ames on m pl· and m b supfø op1lon m .steammmoo Coler
6. Wireless 2.4G m (requires ou “co,ver) <D2.4G wireless receiver supports:
PC equipmenfesla veh sy8iem/Sh oonso1e dosmart TVf bof¨PS3 50Ie. @lnsort tho
2.4G wirole.. receiver int<, the USB inlerfco of the osponding d8Vlfí abo 1·
!)Press 1he L1 +Swh buon of the controller a1 the same time for 2 conds, the
oontfller enl WlreIe ;nng mode, and the LED1 ·LED2 indioalors flash quickly;
fer the wirel..S Onnectlon i$ UCeeI, the LED1+LED2 indicars will be on and the
game started ; @wnon connectln; the NSWlt<:11 consolo ba… pl…. oonftnn f¯al
‘Pro controller wi connection· is tufed on in lhe system settifCs of the
NSwitch console;
7. WI mode :J,wired suprte PC uipment /Switch console base/ PS3 ol·lsm·rt TV;
@PC ” confÆion U a USB e 1o conn !roller aod oomputer. Aller lhe ,rmeciion,
LED1 of the oont,ull,. Ih up. At lho; time, it defaulf tc X-INPUT mode;
Thank pu for choosing ou, game controller To give u a
pleasant gaming expe,ience. please read the complete manual and all ·ly
instructions before using this ntroller lo ensure safe and correct use. The
instntions In this manual are based on the device’s default settings. All
pictures, statements and text Information in this manual are for reference
only, please refer 10 the aual pnodu if tnere are any updates to the oontent
wout prior notice, t· updat·· WIll be corpord into the new version of the
Avallable features and addttlonal sefices may vary depending
on the device, ·cfware or ··vice provider
1 .Suble r openg gam on 1df× syste,,,r,OS systsm/PC (Winf8J10)ISwi C0080lelPS4
oono|oPS3 oone/ h fÙsmart TVf box and o1,r pe1ms; 2.Supports Turbo one-
cli bust function, eeing your hands and making tne game sier. 3.Th signal
channel indicators aocura1ely indic, e controtter Onn.c1lon tu. .nd bfi SIJ$
6.T left and right joysck> oan be operad with 360’ precision, holplng plars
aCh1.V9 dIru11 opora11ons sueh as fln<>-tunlng and aiming; 7.The carelully
designed D-Pad can be operaled in eight didions, and tho ke ·”‘ smooth and
non1ick; 8. Ligh1weight key layout, life can ch millions ol limes, high
quallty and durable; 9. Built-In highpaclty polymer llthlum befery, 1th built-
In short circuit and r-voltago protedioo, I po,r ccnsumplion and high b” h 1
O.Ergonomlc design, – mtortable grtp, and lighfeight slruc1u. ma i ble lo u..
a long m 1 1 .The up, d<Mn, left, right and AB’ll:’f keys backligh wh ara ry
p· and hold tho Switch b,tton foo- 5 OOnds b tch tu ONPUT mode Al l the
conLED2 Ilg up; It is foommended to play ga on the Sem pleff and m m ch th.
.u” oon in ”St..m-ng1.,i1e,om mon Controller $ngs’: ®Nlch red connon on
oonnocUng tho NSWttcll base. pleaso cotm 1ha1 ‘WI oonfÜn for Pro controller’
is IIJmod on in tho ·m ings oftho NSwilch oonsolo: u.. tho provi Type cable lo
oonnect tho oonf®llor ond NSwilch f«·so. Aflor tho oonnoction iuuoco,sful, the
corresponding LED light will be on; S3 SOImart TV wired connection: Plug in
tho USB cable and connect ii to tho PS3 console/smart TV. Ar lhe nnoctlon, Ile
coponding LED tight on tho controller II stay on;
a::8TURBO function The action key· ude (A/8/XJY/LJZLJR} 8 k all of which con
manually ·et the TURBO funon: ® Sng m.thod; Pr… and hold Una action buon, then
lighUy pfØss tho TURBO f¬utton to tum on, pr. and hold tho act,oo buon. n
ttghUy press the CLEAR button, the TURBO functtoo will be fumed ofu, @ A lh·
produ.. uts down and “‘ previously TURBO funon will be automatically cleared.
If lho TURBO function is enabled, ii rrusl be reset:
a::9. Controller charging/sleep/kelshuldm functions: Controlle, ch func1ion;
a. Wn th. bary is low, t LED3 indicator light nashos quickly , b. When
charging, the LE03 indiodightflh slowly ; c When fully chad. the LED3 ind
light sys on : Cl) Controlleroleep/1ke up/shuldm function a.If no bn i·
pressed n 5 rrinures, ii will automalically sleep; b.Wh fu need lo use in, p
HOME button tor 1 second ID w up the conle and you can fÛoonnect: c.Undor tho
fùer ps and hold tho HOME button 5 seconds productI shut down ond all LEO
lndlc f111 111n fð;
lng Mage
DC 3.3-4.2V
Working Cu1T8nt
SI.nd-by CufÇ
USB input voltegeJrrent
DC 5Vl500mA
U d;sl·nce ning·
BaUy vol1agc.pacifµ Bary stand timo w;lh fully aed Charging time
3.7V/lOOmAh 4-10 hours 2 hours
Standby time
30 days
Note: The above paramete.. .e or mmnoo only, plse refer lo th· ·ctual of t produ
G) Len 3D jstick @ Indicator @ Switch button @ Direction keys
ght 30 ck @start button
@ Clea key/Screenshot
@ Turbo button
@ RB key @ RT key, @ lT @ LB key @ Type-C @ Rel
1 . 1 powe buf turn on the controller or e<ecute the instclJons of tho
console. 2.1 group of direction keys: up, down, lofl, nght. Cross direction
operaon; 3.4 funelicn control ks A, B, X, Y. Button design makes finger
toh oon mo ns and fr 4.T lefl and nghl joy flble 30 joyslic 360-dree aleround
pr OP.ratlon. 5.4 funcrion ks: L 1 , R1 , L2, R2. N button dign, qu response.
6.Select 1: button design, often used forwaup menus. 7. 1 start button: button
dign, which can be used to oonfinm the cur,ont oralion. 8.1 ctr key: Turn off
y bu Used in Swilch mode, it can be Ud es e reenshol k
9.1 et button: Ps and hold the button in the reset hole for 3 nds ID dose the
controller and disconnect the ca,troller from the fne. 10.1 turbo y: You can
selthe k.ys b fl· oontlnucusly
1 ) Pl111 not sf³fi, p in rrid or hh nf÷fu”‘ p
2) Do mt koo puncture, or attempt disassomble ttis prod avoid unn damage f tho
product. 3) This product is an electronic product, please do not thf ii afy
wilh 9arbage 4) Do not use the oontler near fire or olher heat sou 5) Please
do not disossemble lhis product wif°out aulhonzation or non0fw 01f’ this pet
fill not d by the ar…IOS warfnw.
1 . Android VJ Bluetooth mode
(r;<Jeerch, dmload and insloll Shooting Plus VJ App: S..rch and
down|oad to th6dmid mat in Cl”dna, and saarch and dnload
in Gle Play Ston, in overseas;
,s and hold lhe Blch button simultaneously for 2 seconds
At this time. the LED1 ind,tor light flashes qui
@Turn on Bluetfìth on the Android device and select the pa
Bluetooth device named “‘Gamepad Plus V The conndon i.
SUsful and the LED1 indi,tor light is always on;
@U3e t Shooting Plus V3 p tool to ·dJust tho key poslUons to
play more gam..
a.Connect the control!., open the Shcotlng Plus 113 App, and push
the App to the bcound;
b.Aft launching the ga dir&etly, dick the “V3′, flOng ball ioan
on $Cn Ct P’··· tho “STAR k 0n lh· COntroII.t to ontor
the app’s key ngmg inte”
c Dmg the ioan in the k changing interfaoe 1n the d
operation position in the game
Set. (Click the icon to select key properti..
d.Cl;ck “Sa” de.iCcklictkh’e’Cl”oVs3e.”
on Iha menu on the menu flong ball
ba,· bar
oarnpdrethsesnth”eGo’,SnTflAnnR”tokseayag ain
icon again) to exit 1he key changing
!.During tho gafco, you can press tho “SELEC k.y on tho
conter to callou the set y prom
2.iOS Apple V3 Bluetooth mode G&.., downlo end III healing PlusV3 “App In App
@P and hold a X+Sh bum e samo time 2 fÅd& N. this Ume, the LED1 ·LED2
iadicalo,s II sh quicfy;
(IDTum on fe Bluetnh fvnction on e Apple dce end select
d Bluetfîth e nlGomel Plus V3″. Tho cool is . r~l the LEOt +LED2 indicoto ·”‘
·lways on: @:<Support, iPhone or iPad blet devifë, end systems below
iOS13.3.8: @Use tho Shooting Plus V3 App tool to adjust tho key positions to
play mora gem
Waanf Caf for Game Machine
l ” “ma l U add· I
lI p
I D… o I 1 I s 1 I ZI” “· | | P d: | ” ..
t§ .§
R 1″”m1″”~l l,Ob…t,hO1 .. “””” im”M”‘,lonndgI,tIll,1L I”n” WI[“ml
I I F&UI f-1 g I ;r«j n
a. Connect the controller, opee Shooting Plus VJ App, and push the App to the
background ; b. Start tho game and take a scn·hot of th· g·m· In 1f1· me
inteace (use the iPhooe’· own screenshot buttons) C. 0ln 1 Shooting Plus V3
App, click the “V3” floating ball pfÚss th· “START. K on the conlI.r to en1.r
th changing Int d. ps and hold a blank area on the “‘en to ·rt long me
n,onshots. CIiek to solect t p1cturo lo se1.ct 1h· me roonshot (b. oenshot
otthe oon). (Durtng the . of selecting pictures, there wlll be a reminderto
aceS album, pt…. .Ilow ·J. ·· D the y ioon ,n Iho ky changing int to lh· d
operation position on t ga (Click 1he loon to ..!eel key attributes) f Cli on
Iha monu ,, and then “Confirm” lo save g.Cli I” on menu bar o PS th. .STAR
again to 1 e f nging ln1nace @Fo device< with iS13.4 o abo· P and hold
the A+HOME key (LED2 hes Quickly) to ente 10S MFl mode, and ..arch th·
Blualooth name ‘1)UALSHOCK 4 \l..s ConI1.r device on you, phone, play games in
the ShanWan Mel APP game areade ptarm:
3.NSwitch Blu9tc mode (J)connecting to the oonsote r lhe fit time: Click
‘Cootroller’ ‘Change Grip/Ords,’ on tho NSwil main monu interfao to onter lho
conIroII. P.irin9 mode; @Pss a ho|d lh. R2h bun muusly for 2 sOnds. Al. s
lime, lhe LED2 lnd.,,,lo, ight flashes qukly, and e conl|er a e ons ·
autnmal’caly pmd ” 1he omection is I. the LED1 light Is a|”s on! @ OOnn you n
P’s the Sw button d; LED? wi|l h y a lhe connon will BUOIIy
FCC Caution. (1)§ 15.19 Labelling requirements. This device complies with part
15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation. § 15.21 Changes or modification warning Any Changes or
modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. § 15.105 Information
to the user. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate
the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and
receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help. RF warning for Portable device: The device has
been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requi rement. The device can be
used in portable exposure condition without restriction.
— 2024041 7
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