HUMIDAIRE FH-200 Drum Type Humidifier Owner’s Manual

August 3, 2024

This Owner’s Manual is provided and hosted by Appliance Factory Parts. HUMIDAIRE FH200
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FH-200 Drum Type Humidifier

  • Evaporative drum. * Adjustable float.
  • Powerful 3-watt motor. ¢ Adjustable humidistat.
  • 20 gallonoutput capacity * 24-volt system. per day. ° Complete system for most
  • Plastic housing installations.

The drum contains all the small parts and installation hardware. it is closed by a found metal damper that wal be used later in the installation process.
‘Open the drum to remove all the parts, then re-aeserable the drwn withoul the damper.

Required tooling

Tin snips, 3/32″ Grit, pliers, scrawdrivers, electric drill, hammer, centre punch, medium sand paper.

Typical installations (Piease see Fig. 1)

There are two frequently encountered types of installations: LOW-BOY fumace and Hi-BOY furnace.

Humidifier location

How it yrorks: This humidifier uses a motor driven evaporator pad. Warm ait is by-passed from the warm ait plenum and forced through the evaporator pad while it turns in the water pan. Humid air os drawn beck ito the return duct.

  • 1135 recommended to install this humadifies on the celui duct (cold air).
  • Identify the retum duct and choose the side which allows fhe best access for installation and maintenance.
  • The humid#ier must be instalied in such a way that if a jeak occurs, the water could not cause any damage to the property.

Humidifier reversal (Please see Fig. 12}

‘This humidifier is factory assembled with the air inlet located on the tefl side. It is reversible, if necessary.
However, if it is suitable as supplied, please go directly to Step S (installation).

  • sede reversal ts necessary, please do the following:
  • Lift the front of the water pan to disengage it from the sides of the lumudifer.
  • Remove the two screws located al the fop of the humidifier body.
  • Open the two sides of the humidifier and remove the water pan.
  • Bend the two sides in the opposite direction and finish with the top.
  • Put the two screws back in place, taking care tp nol sin the plastic malertal.

Instalting the humidifier (Please see Fig. 2, 3 and 4)

  • Please refer to the general view of a typical instafation.
  • Bag Mo. 1 contains all the material you nead to install the humidifier body.
  • Choose the location of the template and make sure that a distance of approximately 14” between ihe furthest left vertical Iine of the humidifier opening and the centre of the alr take-off colar can be obtained. This dimension is given for a typical installation.
  • Apply the humidifier template (#1) on the return duct, level It and the attach it to the duct with adhesive tape.
  • Starting from the vertical Ene of the opening (the one closest to the warm air duct), measure 14° ant mark the centre of the air take-off opening.
  • Mark the four screw holes and the four comer holes through the temptale and pierce the duct with a 3/32″ crf.
  • Remove the lemplate and cut a rectanguisy opening thal will correspond to the back opening of the humidifier.
  • Take the four 3/4″ screws and screw them approximately half vray into the four holes you just drifled in the duct.
  • Hook the humidifier on the four screws by paseing the screw heads through the key holes af the back of the humidifier, then let the humidifier sit in he slots. The ribs around the humisifier back opening must Rt into the rectangular opening in the duct. Check hat the humidifier body is levelled from side lo side and Irom back ta front. Then fasten the humidifier tp the duct with te four screws.
  • Fasten the motor to the side of the humidifier. Bag Mo. 5 contains the motor and two screws.

Installing the air take-off collar (Please see Fig. 10)

  • Center the ait take-off collar on the point previously marked on the warm air duct.
  • Hold the collar on the duct and mark the four fastening holes and the inside zone of the collar.
  • (Deill the four fastening holes (3/32” dia) and cut a round opening for the air take-ott collar.
  • Fasten the air take-off collar to the duct with screw 81 white making suse that the air shutter is installed between the coltas and the air duct.Wnstall screws #2 and #3.
  • Close the cpenieg tp appraxtmatety 50%. It you used a longer flexible duct than the one supplied, then the opening should be 75%.
  • Open the air shutter to 100% if the fexible duct length exceeds 4 feet.
  • Install screw #4 by piercing the shutter, which wall hold it in position.

Installing the figuible duct (Please see the general view Fig. 2}

  • Neasure the required duct length so it does not sag. Cut the excess partion,
  • Slide the flexitve duct on the air take-off collas and secure it by inserting the plastic pins through the vinyl in between two reinforcement wires.
  • Repeat this operation at the humidifier side.

Instafling the automatic valve (Piease see Fig. 4)

Bag No. 2 contains ail the material you need to instal the automatic valve.

  • Remove the iittle knock-out on the left side to open an oblong hole where the valve has to be instatted.
  • Install the valve irside the casing and fasten it with the hexagonal plastic nut. The valve body Is held in a vertical positon by two ribs on the humidifier body.
  • Take the float (8) and install it behind the valve lever (F) with the pivot pin ¢£) fitted in the round hole (Please sue Fig. 5).
  • Insert the screw (A) in the kidney-shaped opening through the valve lever {F) and the float ann (8) and screw it Inin the nut (C) installed in the hexagonal housing of the fost arm.
  • Partially tighten the screw {A).

Jnstalfieg the pan into the humidifier

  • Slide the water pan into the humidifier, between the twn plastic raits located at the rear of the unit.
  • Stightly open the sides of the humidifier and insert the two side tabs of the water pan into the two rectangutar hole in the sides of the humidifier.
  • Push the front of the water pan down fo snap the two tabs in the sides of the hurnidifier,

Connecting the water supply tubing to the humidifier (Please see Fig. 6)

Please ensure that operations 10, 11 and 12 are completed in sequence. The plastic tubing MUST be kept away from hot surfaces (e.g. the warm air duct or the exhaust vent}. Please measure carehaly before cutting.
Important: Rough up both ends of the ptastic tubing (approx. t inch long) with sandpaper in a rotating action.

  • Skip the plastic compression nut onto the tubing, then the ruber sleeve, and finafly fit one of the brass inserts (1/2″ long, supptied with the brass valve) into the end of tubing.
  • Push the tubing fully into the valve. Then tighten the plastic compression nul securely by hand, yeithout stripping,

Installing the supply valve on a copper pipe (Please see Fig. 13)

A plastic bay containg a brass valve and all the material required to install the supply valve. The water supply is taken from the nearest cold water pipe suitable for the suppty valve installation. Shut off the main water valve.
aution: Please make sure that the piercing needte Is completely backed up info the valve body by tuming the handle counterclockwise.

  • Assemble one side of lop clamp to bottom clamp with a screw and a nut.
  • Make sure that the rubber gasket is in pluce over the piercing needle and position the valve assembly on the capper water line.
  • Assemble the other side of the top champ to the botiom clamp with the remaining screw and nut.
  • Tighten the two screws so that the valve is firrnly attached to the water pipe. The two sides of the clamp must be parallel.
  • Tum the valve handle completely cluctonise until it stops. This will plesce the copper pipe and cose the valve.

Connecting the water supoly tubing to the supply vaive (Please see Fig.


  • Slip the brass compression nut onto the plastic tubing. then the nylon sieeve with its most tapered end towards the end of tibing.
  • Fit the second brass insert (1/2” long, supplied with the brass valve) into the end of tubing.
  • Push the tubing fully into the supply valve. Then tighten the brass compression nut with a gmail veranch.
  • NOTE: The brass sleeve supplied with the brass valve is to be used only If the plastic tubing is replaced by copper tubing (optional).

Instaiiing the drum

  • The drum shaft has a fist ond that fits Into the motor. The opposite end of the shaft snaps into position in the centre of the air colar.

Adjusting the water level (Please see Fig. 7)

The water level is adjusted by aflering the height of the foal. The maxinum yeater level in the pan is at approximately 3/4” from the top of the water pan. This is also the optimal level.

  • Open the main water valve then the supply valve installed on the water pipe and adjust It to gat a moderate water flow,
  • Loneen the screw (A) and adjust the float in such a way that it closes the automatic valve when the water level reaches 3/4” irom the top of the waler pan.
  • Tighten the screw (A) when achieved.
  • Wait until the automatic Falve completely closes and check ail Mitings. B necessary, tighten the compression ruts a little more without siripping.

Installing the humidistat (Please see Fig. 1, 2 and 8)

This humidifier is supplied with a duct mounted humidistat The RETIJRN duct mounting allows a better “sensing” of all the air returned to the furnace without being disturbed by a sudden increase in moisture level (kitchen or bathroom), thus offering superior humidity control. Bag No. 4 contains all the material you need to install the humidistat.

  • The humidistat should be installed on a flat and vertical surface or the RETURN duct al approximately 6 inches from the humidifier top.
  • Attach the humidistat template (#2) on the duct with adhesive tape.
  • Mark and drill the mounting holes and cut an opening for the humidistat.
  • PuSh the two quick connectors on the humidistat terminals #2 and #3 and attach the two previously stripped wires to them.
  • Check that the metal of the duct neither touches the connections nor cuts the wire insulation.
  • Run the control wires through an opening located at the bottom of the front panel.
  • Install the humidistat in the opening and fasten it to the duct. The mechanism is exposed in the duct.
  • Complete the wiring of the humidistat according to Ag. 9.
  • Temporarily install the control knob on the humidistat.

Installing the transfonner (Please see Fig. 9)

This humidifier is equipped with a transformer that can be plugged in to any electric outlet.
Connect the transformer at the end of the twisted wire after finishing the humidistat installation.

Humidifier start-up

  • Plug the transformer and slowly turn the humidistat control knob to the maximum setting. You should hear a click and the humidifier drum Should start turning slowly (1 revolution per minute).
  • carefully check that both ends of the water supply tubing are firmly held in place by their respective compression fitting.
  • Check that the water level in the pan is at the right level and that the float closes the automatic valve completely.
  • After peeling off the backing, affix the face plate to the cover of the humidistat and re-install the control knob.
  • Set the humidistat to a median value (40 o/o).
  • Make sure that there is no leak before leaving the installation unattended.

Adjusting the relative humidity setting

  • A relative humidity environment of 40% is recommended. However, you should take the outside temperature in consideration before setting the humidity level. Please refer to the table on the humidistat to help determine the proper level.
  • Each adjustment of the humidistat should be followed by a period of 24 hours to allow the general humidity level to stabilize in the house.
  • if your house remains unoccupied during the winter season, set the humidistat to 30% to prevent condensation.

Humidifier maintenance tips

  • Neither stop nor rotate the drum manually. Do not relllOYll the drum when it is rotating as it may cause permanent damage to the motor.
  • The evaporator pad should be replaced at least once per heating season.
  • Depending on the water quality, the water pan and the float should be cleaned once a month.


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