KitchenAid 4KCDS250T1 Instant Hot Water Dispenser Instruction Manual

July 31, 2024

4KCDS250T1 Instant Hot Water Dispenser



  • Model: 4KCDS250T1
  • Product Type: Disposal
  • Manufacturer: KITCHENAID, Inc

Product Usage Instructions:

Tools and Materials Needed for Installation:

Before beginning the installation of your KITCHENAID 4KCDS250T1
disposal unit, make sure you have the following tools and

  • Installation Instructions
  • KITCHENAID Instant Hot Water Dispenser
  • Self-Service Jam Breaker Wrench (for clearing jams)
  • Long-handled tongs or pliers (for removing objects)

Important Safety Instructions:

Ensure to follow these important safety instructions when using
your disposal unit:

  1. Read all instructions before using the appliance.

  2. Supervise closely when children are around the appliance.

  3. Avoid putting fingers or hands into the waste disposer.

  4. Always switch off the power before attempting to clear a jam or
    remove objects.

  5. Use a self-service jam breaker wrench to loosen jams as per the
    Use and Care Guide.

  6. Use long-handled tongs or pliers to remove objects from the

  7. Avoid putting certain items like clam and oyster shells, drain
    cleaner, glass, china, plastic, large bones, and metal into the

  8. Keep the drain cover in place when the disposer is not in
    operation to prevent objects from falling in.

Grounding Instructions:

Proper grounding is essential for safety. Follow these grounding
instructions based on the type of unit you have:

  1. Cord-Connected Units: Ensure proper grounding by
    plugging into a correctly installed and grounded outlet.

  2. Permanently Connected Units: Connect to a grounded,
    metal, permanent wiring system with an equipment-grounding


Q: What should I do if my disposal unit is not working?

A: If your disposal unit is not working properly, first
check if it is receiving power. If the unit is getting power but
still not functioning, contact a qualified electrician or service
technician for further assistance.

Q: Can I use my disposal unit to grind all types of food


A: No, avoid putting certain items like clam and oyster
shells, glass, china, plastic, large bones, and metal into the
disposal unit to prevent damage and ensure proper operation.


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Optional tools and materials needed for some installations:

Installation Instructions
Proper installation ismr responsibili~ Read instructtons carefully before begInning Installation. Make sure you have everything necessary for correct installation.
Tools and materials needed for installation:

Askabwt the KItchenAid@ Instant Hot’ water dispenser- the faucet that ccroks as it pours

Instructions pertaining to risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.

Important safety instructions:
WARNING. When usfng electnc appliances, basic precautions should always be followed, lncludlng the folIowIng
1. Read all the wxtructlons before using the appliance
9. To reduce the risk of ,n,ur): close supew~s~on IS necessary when appliance 15used “ear children.
3. DO not put flyers or hands Into waste disposer
4. Turn the power swtch to the OFF posItIon before attemptIng to clear a jam M remove an dJJeCt from the disposer
5. When attemprlng to loosen a jam in a waste disposer. “se a self sewce lambreaker wrench as described I” Use and Care Guide
6. Vhen atremptlng to remove objects from a waste disposer, use long-handled tongs or pliers

7. To reduce the nsk of injury by materials that maybe expelled by a food- waste disposer, place the stopper in the dralnlgrlnd ps1t1on when gnndlng. Do rot put the fclowng Into a disposer:
a. Clam and oyster shells
b. Drain cleaner
C. Glass, chlna or plastic
d. Large, whole bones
e. Metal, such as bottle caps, tin cans, or alummum foil.
8. W-m not operating a dlsposet, leave the drain cover in place to reduce the rlskof objects falling Into the disposer
9. a. GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CORD-CONNECTED UNITS. This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding prowdes a path of least reswance for electnc current to reduce the risk of electnc shock If this appliance IS equipped wth a cord havng an equipment-groundlng conductor and a grcundlng plug, the plug must be plugged Intoan appropriate Outlet that IS property Installed and grounded I” accordance with all local codes and ordinances

DANGER – Improper COnnectIon of

the equipment-groundmg


can result I” a risk of electnc shock

Check v&h a quaIlfled electncian or

sew~cemw If yw are I” doubt as to

tiether the appliance is properly

grounded Do rot modify tie plug

provided wth the appliance – If It WIII

not fit the c&let, have a proper outlet

mstalled by a qwllfled electnc~an.



This appliance must be connected to

a grounded, metal, permanent wnng

system; cw an equipment-grounding

conductor must be run with the circuit

conductws and connected to the


terminal or lead

on the appliance.

Save these instructions.
INSTALLER-Please leave lnstallatlon lnstructlons wth the homeowner or occupant.

@I988 KltchenAd, Inc Form No/Pan NO 9167/4’211430

For service information, call your local KitchenAid Distributor. Prepared by KilchenA,d:’ St Joseph, Mich,gan 49085

Prlnred ,n ” S A

Start the in&Nation




Food Waste Disposer


In Mllllmeters.

3 Remove old disposer.
Compare your new disposer mountrng assembly wrth the exrstrng mountrng. If the mounting assembkes are the same, complete Steps 3A, 8, D, E.

A. Using a pope wrench, disconnect the drain lrne &we rt attaches to the drsposer waste line prpe

B’ – Distance from bottom of sink to center Ike of disposer outlet Add 1Q 7 mm tien

B. If old dlspour mwntlng Is the sdme a5 your new one, rnsen end of jam- breaker

sramless steel srnk is used.

wench of screwdwer into right srde of a

C* – Length of waste line pope horn center IIW of disposer outlet to end of waSte line


disposer mounting ring lug at top Of drsposer Hold drsposer wth other hand

me. IMPORTANT: Plumb waste line to prevent standrng water in the drsposer motor

Turn Jam-breaker wench of SCrWdliW counterclockw4se unth lug lanes up with one of the sink-mwntlrg assembly scrw6


CAUTION: Hold dlsposcr 4th one hand

Check that all parts were

while turning to prevent It from frlllng when the mounting rmg Is dlsconnccted.

Remove drsposer Go to Step 3-D.



Drawing shows Just one model type.

C. II old disposer mounting Is different from your new one, remove the nuts on the

mountrng rrng usrng plrers or an adjustable

wench. Remove old drsposer. You may

need to remove a clamp or burst the

drswser to remove It

InaP rins
2 Electrical supply
Before attemptrng to rnstall electrrcal supply to your drsposer, you must be very famrlrar wrth electrical power and proper procedures If you are not, contact a qualrfred electwan Thus applrance IS equrpped wrth copper wires. Use 3-conductor copper cable rn accordance with the local code to make ccnnectrons to the unit. A Remove the fuse or turn the circurt breaker to U-e “0W position for the circuit you plan to use for your drsposer Use a separate PO-ampere, llS.volt, 63 Hz onty crrcurt for the drsposer. If you are nplaclng a” old disposer, go to step 3. For a first tlmc Installation, connect 15. or PO-amp, 115~Volt cable from~unctior box to swtch.
6. For continuous feed models. Install a 15- of PO-amp wall swtch above the countertop and junction box inside c&net as show Whp swatch and elecmcal wiring can be obtarned locally) Position titch in a corwenrent locatron Connect swtch to junction box. All wlrlng must comply wkh locsl codes and ordlnmces. NO. 14.gauge wee is the smellest srze wire allowable for use with a 15-amp crrcurt. No. lQ-gauge wrre IS the smallest allowable for use wrth a W-amp crrcurt Go to Step 4.
The drsposer can be rnstalled usrng a power supply cotd wrth a 3.prong groundrng plug Th6 type of power supply cord 1sa&able from local sources

D.Tum disposer upside down and remove the electrical plate.
E. use a xwwdrrver to remove the grounding we. Remove wire nuts horn power mres Separate dwoser power wires km the cable wres Loosen screv.6) on warn relief and remove cable from the disposer.
lfold disposer mounting is the same es your new disposer mounting, go to step 5.
E Loosen screws and remove the mountrng rrng and back-up rings.. A hammer may be needed to looSen rings..
G. Push old sink sleeve up through the srnk hole and remwe
H.Clean sealant horn smk hole nm using a xre+.driver or putty knfe to scrape away all traces of putty of caulklrg from the sink hole rim. Hole nm must be as clean as possible for a gad, watertrght seal.
4 To install our sink’s firs Y disposer :
&Use wrench to looser! nut at top of “P”.Wap.

B. Remove nut at top of sink strainer Remove extension pope.
C. Loosen the large-diameter nur at the base of the strarner by placmg the tip of d screwdwer on the rldjr of the nut and gently tapp~nj the wrwdrlver ~0th a hammer
D. Remove nut
E. Push the straner assembly up through the sink hole and remove
5 Clean sink’s drain line.
If installing in a new home, go to Step 6. Remove drain trap. Using anaujer, clean out the horlzcmtal drain pope that run5 from the trap to the main waste pipe.
6 Separate the mounting assembly.
A Holdlnj the mountlnj assembly with one hand, “se the other hand to ,nsert,ambreaker wrench Into one of the lugs of the lower mounting rlnj Turn assemblycounterclockwse and remove
B. Loosen scr- on mountmg assembly until the/ are level with mountlnj rung surface
c. Use ScrewdrIver to pry off snap r,ng
D. Take assembb apart and set aslde
7 Apply rubber asket or putty so sink flange. ,?
a The rubber sink flange gasket should alway; be used where powble Place rubber gasket over sink flange Go to Step 7-C
B. If slnkopenmj does not permit the “se of a rubber seal, plumb& putty may be used Form putty rntoa long roll by roll~nj It behveen your hands Press roll under sink flange nm
C. Place flange Into sink drain hole. Fust down gently, but flrmb to make sure flange sits evenly over gasket or I” putty PANEL B

8 Attach the upper mounting
~wo,`mg ,om?::?k:p!!ond rub&r gasket, tin the metal bsck-up ring (flat side up), up and over sink flange.

B. Holdmj ttx rubber gasket and metal backup nng in place, attxh the mwntlng ring to the sleedve wth the three mounting rrnj screw-s Do Not bqhten screws at this t!me.

C. Push rubber gasket, metal back-up n”g and mounmg rmg further up sink sleeve. Slrde snap ring wto srnk sleeve untrl It pops Into place I” the sleeve groove.

D.Tijhten mounting scr- until entlre

mounting assembly IS seated evenly and

tkhtlvawnst sink


9 Make electrical connections.

A Remove electrical plate from the bottom of the new disposer Pull out the black end Vmrte electrical wires Locate the green jroundnj screw under plate.

8. Insert strain relref Into hole Insert power supply cable through strain relief. Pull cable wres through open~nj where dlswser wres are located. nghten strain relref


c. Connect power supply cable bwres to the

disposer wires us~nj electrical wire nut5 M

by solderlnj wires together Be SUR to



black. Wrap wore conratlcns with

electrical tape. Put wires back inside

drsooser housmq.

10Check for proper grounding.

Electrical ground is required on this appliance.
Do NOT reconnect eletical CUrTent to main service panel until proper ground Is installed.
k If the cabk kadlng to the dlswser has three wires, attach tine green groundlnj we to the green groundlng xre.v Go to Step 10-D.

B. If the cable does NOT have a grounding wire, attach a length of copper wire (no smaller than the other cable wire) to the jreen grcwndmg screw
C. Attach theotherend of thegrwndmj wire to a grounded metal cold water pipe! DO NOT ground to a gas sUpply line of hot water supply Ilne. Use grounding clamp to secure wire to pipe. If noa-meta or plastrc pipe IS used in water connections or water supply, you must have a qwlified electrtcian install a proper ground.

,, ,

D. Check to see if you Iwe a water meter in p.rr home. To have a grounded water pipe, dw meter must hewe a wire clamp to either side of the meter You can ground the water pipe b securely clampng a length of No. 6 copper wire for PO0 amp service (of less) to tare metal as show. Use grounding clamps, wtified by C.SA, to attach wire to p&.x

11O.ptional $slsh~her


n you do not plan to connect a dishwasher drain to the disposer, Step 1%

go to

lay disposer on its side. Insert top of scravdwer at an angle Into dran hole opening. Tap screwdrwer wltJ- hammer until molded plug papsout. Remove loose plug from dlsooser

to mounting assembly.
A LB f3-e dIsposerand posita? It so that the dispowi three mountlnj ears are lined up under tk ends of the sink mounting assembly screws.
B. Holdanj the disposer I” place, turn the locrer mounting rng wth edrs to the rIjht until all thnc ears IoCk Into place I” the mountmj assembly The dwoser wll now
13gg;p hang by Itself The mounting ring WIII be
locked I” place later.
waste line pipe to drain trap.
A. Remwe wry focelgn materials that may have dropped InsIde the dwoser grIndIng chamber

B. Turn the dqxserarwnd.

Compare your

dlspxer waste lne pope wlti the two types

illustrated in C and D. Attach waste line

pipe as specified.

C. If xat already assembled, place the gasket

cwer the end of waste Ione pipe. Gasket must

be nstalled as shown to prevent laklnj

Insert tube into disposer opening Place

flange Over waste lne pipe and gasket

Secure flange to dlsposermth screw



D. Insert the jsskecet Into the dispxer dlsclwje outlet Gasket will be held I” place by rhe waste IIM pipe flange Place flange Over waste Ime pope Secure flange and waste line pipe to d1spae.r with scre&) prwlded.

E.Rotate disposer until waste line pipe all jns wth drain trap.

Make sure all connections local plumbing codes.

compty with

F. If tube Is too long, w off excess tubing ml- a hackad Make sure cut IS clean and straight.


G. If dnln Is too short, measure how far trap outlet IS horn tube and buy a drain trap extension wth a slip nut. Install trap eltenslon.

H. ~hrn ~r%s, tljhten the slip nut on the trap. For double sinks, we recommend use Of separate traps for disposer and second sink.

Connect to dishwasher drain.
If you do not plan to conneCt a
dishwasher drain to the disposer, go
to Step 15.

Make sure connections local plumbing codes.

Comply With

A. A dIshwasher drain connectcx kit may be purchased from a hardware stow Use worm gear hose clamp on dlshwasher cOnrrzct!On

Remove clamp or fining from end of dishwasherdran hose

8. Slide large end of rubber coupler over disposer inlet tube Fasten coupler to dlsposerwth clamp prowded

C. lnsat one end of the plastic tube Into the coupler and fasten wth Pp mm clamp.

D. Slip the jear hose clamp over the


hose pushlng It back

51-76 mm. Slip drain hose over plastic tube

Slide clamp in place and tIghten.

Be sure to tlghten all three clamps.

15 lock disposer in place.

lnserl screadrwer of Jam-breaker wench<ld-e-_of a_d-w.x_rxp_r __mn_un.tlnq _Iu.q~

at the top of the dqxxer. Turn screwdrIver

orjam-breaker wench

to rljht until

dlscoser is locked firmlv I” olace.

16 proper
A Slowly run water through unit Then place
stopper seal in pasWan and fill wk.
8. Remove stopper and permit water to flow Check for leaks at all plumbang connections. If there IS a leak, tlghten the connection at that pomt
C. Turn water on Run dispenser for one mwte. Check that disposer IS operatlng correctly Check for l&z at all plumblng connectlom again. If there ISa lea& tIjhten the coanectnn at that pant


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