VGC VR-N76 APRS Handheld Radio User Manual

July 31, 2024

User Manual

Download The APP

For Android users, please go to Google play to search for HT to download the APP.
For IOS users, please go to Appstore to search for BS HT   to download the APP

Radio Connect With The APP

2.1,installed APP,Open the APP, Selected [Pairing ] on the VR-N76 main menu, App will show”Detected new device VR-N76,do you want to link now”, Click [Yes],App is connecng the radio. a dialog box will pop up to requiring Bluetooth authorizaon.(as shown in Figure 1) Click [Pair] Then connect succussfully. OR Click “Bind new device”, Then let the radio enter Pair Status, pop up (walkie talkie, wireless PTT) to select the device you want to bind, aer confirmaon, the system prompts to turn on the Bluetooth funcon and click [Allow] to pair the device(Figure 1), some mobile phones do not [Allow] pairing prompt will pop up, please pull the phone from the top down to the mobile phone system noficaon bar (Figure 2), open the [Allow] pairing prompt and allow it.
2.2, Open The APP,enter the main page click to open the main Menu,Click to switch device interface and main menu,Swipe le to collapse the menu。
For more APP operaons, please read the APP operaon instrucons. You can check the paper manual that comes with the product, or you can go directly to our website to download the electronic version and save it for review at any me.

What’s In The Box

Please carefully remove the radio from the packaging box. We recommend that you verify that the items listed in the table above are in the box before discarding the packaging materials. If any items are lost or damaged during transportaon, please contact your dealer immediately.

Product Overview

Buon definion

  1.  Menu/Confirm key;
  2. In standby mode, press the le and right buons to switch the screen display state. Press the up and down buons to switch frequencies or channels up and down;
  3. Return buon. In the dual-watch state, pressand hold the return buon to switch between the main band and the sub-band;
    • key, in standby mode, long press the * key to switch between VFO and channelmode;
  4. key, in standby mode, press and hold the # key to lock the keyboard. Press and hold the # key again to unlock the keyboard.

Introducon to basic funcons

5.1 Turn on/of the radio
Turn on the radio: When the radio is off, turn the [Power/Volume] switch clockwise. Aer the radio makes a “click”, the power of the radio is turned on The screen displays the model of the radio. Aer a few seconds, the radio emits a beep.
Turn off the radio: When the radio is turned on, turn the [Power/Volume] switch counterclockwise unl the radio makes a “click” and the informaon displayed on the screen disappears, that is, turn off the power of the radio.
5.2 Volume adjustment
When the radio is turned on, turn the [Power/Volume] switch to adjust the volume and the screen will indicate the current volume level through the progress bar.
Turn clockwise to increase the volume;
Counterclockwise to decrease the volume.
5.3 Split screen display In standby mode, press the le and right arrows to switch the standby display.

  1. After turning on GPS posioning and receiving satellites, the speed and altude informaon of the aircra will be displayed on this interface. The second icon in the upper le corner is the satellite icon and satellite signal strength.(Figure 3) VERO CHINA is The ID name set for this device.

  2. This interface displays the latest call records. BG5VIC is the name of the other party’s device in the latest call
    The speed is the opponent’s current running speed.
    The altude is the altude of the other party.
    The distance is the distance between the other person and me.

  3. This interface displays a list of recent calls. You can use the up and down arrow keys to select the informaon you want to view, and then press the select key to view the caller’s detailed informaon.

Please note : The call history displays the last 30 entries and will not be saved aer shung down.
Only the latest one with the same ID is displayed.
Electronic compass *This radio has a built-in electronic compass sensor, please do not approach strong magnets. If an 8character symbol appears, please perform correcon operaons in the menu.

  1. Sensor prompt icon.
    The “=” icon in the middle of the electronic compass means that it is disturbed by the external environment.You need to enter the menu [Compass] and perform correct ion operaons according to the on-screen instrucons. At this me, aer entering the menu [Compass], the screen will prompt “Please place the device on a level surface (screen facing up), and then press the [0K] buon in the upper le corner of the keyboard.

  2. Sensor prompt icon.
    The “8” icon in the middle of the electronic compass indicates that it is disturbed by the external environment.
    You need to enter the menu [Compass] and perform correcon operaons according to the screen prompts.At this me, aer entering the menu [Compass], the screen will prompt “Please calibrate the sensor according to the figure 8 rotang device”.At this me, please hold the device and stretch it forward, and draw the figure eight (ie ” “) quickly and forcefully. It is beer to complete one to eight characters in about 2 seconds.

If it is somemes close to a strong magnet, the screen will prompt an icon, and the icon will be restored immediately aer it is far away, and no correcon is required at this me. If the electronic compass is found to be unresponsive during use, please enter the menu [Compass] to calibrate the sensor to avoid being misled by the strong external magnesm.
5.4 Main and sub channel switching
In standby mode, press and hold the [Back key] to switch between the main and sub-channels, and the channel with large fonts displayed on the screen is the currently operable channel(main channel).
5.5 VFO/Channel switching
In standby mode, press and hold the key to switch between VFO and channel.
5.6 Locked the Keypad
In standby mode, long press the # key to lock the keyboard, long press the # key again to unlock the keyboard.
5.7 Set the VFO frequency
※ Set the VFO frequency of the radio through the keyboard:
When the radio is in VFO mode, you can input the frequency of the main channel through the number keys, if you want to input 434.62500MHz, just input 【4】【3】【4】【6】【2】【5】【0】【0】. Press
key to set step frequency, press # key to switch AM/FM mode.
※ Adjust the VFO frequency/channel by the up and down arrow buons:
When the radio is in VFO mode, click the up and down arrows to adjust the frequency/channel by increasing/decreasing the step value. Up adjustments increase frequency values/channels, and down adjustments decrease frequency values/channels.
5.8 Storage frequency
In VFO mode, enter the frequency you want through the number keyboard, such as 438.500, press OK to confirm, press the menu “save tochannel”, select a blank channel to save.
5.9 Saving frequencies with CTCSS/DCS
In VFO mode, input the frequency you want through the number keyboard, such as 438.500,press OK to confirm,Open the radio seng menu, enter the transmit TX/RX subtone menu, select the required subtone frequency. press OK to exit,press the menu “save to channel”, select a blank channel to save.
Tips: In the CTCSS selecon interface, use the keyboard to input the corresponding CTCSS number within 1 second, and you can quickly adjust to the corresponding CTCSS value.
For example: 754N. You only need to enter 75, 754N will be displayed. Select it to set it successfully.
5.10 Edit channel
Open the channel list menu, click Edit, edit the channel content, and save it.
5.11 Frequency Scanning
Open the frequency scan menu, input the start frequency that you want, * key to switch the input frequency step, # key to switch the scan step, press the le and right arrows to start scanning, le to scan the frequency down, and right to scan the frequency up.
5.12 Tone Scanning
Set the frequency to be scanned on the standby page, open the Tone scan menu,it start working.
5.13 Bulk air copy
Turn on the radios to be programmed one by one, switch the menu to “ receive channels”, open the programmed radio and switch the menu to “send channel “, when each radio to be programmed is displayed as completed, the frequency of the current list will be was copied to another radios.
5.14 FM Radio
Open the FM radio menu and press the up and down buons to automacally search for FM radio frequencies. You can also enter your radio frequency directly using the keypad.

Signaling Sengs

ID: Please input your call sign or your ID
Allow Check: Allow your partner to send instrucons to check your current locaon, and your locaon will be feedback to the partner’s device.
Signaling Preamble : When sending signaling, add a preset code to make the end tone sound more rounded.
Send Message: Send text message to partners
Call: When the receiving device receives the CALL command, the radio will ring, please enter the ID to be searched.
Check: When the receiving device receives the CHECK command, the radio will feed back the current locaon, This requires the receiverALLOW CHECK to be effecve, enter the ID to be searched
Nearby People: This opon sends the CHECK command at the current frequency, and all radios of the same frequency will feedback their current posion opon ,please aer receiving the command.This opon requires the receiver ALLOW CHECK to be effecve.

APRS Sengs

Call Sign: Please input your Call Sign.
Path: Choose the path for APRS .
Password: If you don’t know the verificaon code for your call sign, please send  an email to and aach the call sign cerficate.
7.1 Digital Mode
Enable: Turn On/Off the digital mode.
Share Locaon: Set the transmission me of the shared locaon.
When you need Transmit and Receive the APRS data,sharing me selected the me that you wanted and Enable selected.
When you need ONLY Receive the APRS data ,sharing me selected OFF and Enable selected. it means that only data is received at this me.
Digital Channel : The channel currently used for data transmission.
APRS:When using APRS protocol for transmission, the call sign must be obtained in advance before it can be used.
BSS: Use our own BSS protocol, suitable for people who have not obtained a call sign.
Digital Mute: The radio does not make data transmission sounds when transmitng data. Including but not limited to APRS, ID, locaon informaon etc.

Programmable Buons Descripon

Programmable Buons, different shortcut operaons can be realized through programming [PF1] key/[PF2] key, this funcon can only be operated through APP,Some buon states will restrict each other, so aer seng, please confirm that all funcons are available
Factory default sengs are:
[PF1] key: Short Press Turn On /Off FM Radio Long Press Sub Channel PTT
[PF2] key: Short Press Power Level Swicth Long Press Turn On/off Monitor

Toggle Scan| In standby mode, press the button programmed as ” Toggle Scan ” to quickly turn on/off the scanning function.
Toggle Talk Around| In standby mode, press the button programmed as “Toggle Talk Around” to quickly switch between the taihround mode and the repeater mode.
Toggle Radio TX Enable| In standby mode, press the button programmed as “Toggle Radio TX Enable” to quickly limit theransmission or enable the transmission function.
Transmit Power Switch| In standby mode, press the button programmed as “Transmi Power Switch” to select ultrahigh power, high power, or low power.
Radio Switch| In standby mode, press the buttorprogrammed as “Radio Switch” to quickly turn on/off thEFM Radio function.
Toggle Monitor| In standby mode, press the buttorprogrammed as “Radio Switch” to quicklyTurn on/off the squelch
Prey ChanneVNext Channel| In standby mode, press the button programmed as ” Prey ChanneVNext channel” to quickly switch to the Prey/Next channel
Prey Channel Group/ Next
Channel Group| In standby mode, press the buttorprogrammed as “Prey Channel Group’ Next Channel Group” to quickly switch to previous’ Next Channel Group
T-CALL| Transmit 1750Hz Tone
Main-PTT| Press the key programmed as “Main PTT” in standby mode to quickly transmit the main channel.
Sub-PTT| Press the key programmed as “Sub PTT” in standby mode to quickly transmit the Sub channel.
Send Location| Manually send APRS location once
Toggle Dual CH| Switch between singlewatch and doublewatch status
Dual CH Main Channel Swithc| Switch Main Band between A/B Band.

Two Way Radio Menu List

First level menu Second level menu Third level menu
Channel Edit (the up and down buttons to switch the AB Band, and the left

and right buttons to switch channels)
Signaling| Send Message:| (a paragraph of text needed)
Call:| (Usename or Callsign needed )
Check:| (Usename or Callsign needed )
Nearby People| ( Nearby people will use the current frequency to transmit a search code.lf the device with the samefunction receives this code, it will feedback their location information back. For details
please click the APP setting age
Radio Settings| Dual Watch|
Talk Around|
TX Subtone|
RX Subtone|
Channel Group|
Squelch Level|
TX Time Limit|
Tail Elimination|
PTT Follow|
PTT Release|
General Settings| Connection:| Pariring
Paired Devices
Signaling Settings| ID
Send ID
Allow Check
Signaling Preamble
APRS Settings.| Call Sign
Digital Mode;| Enable
Share Location
Digital Channel
Sound Settings:| Mid Gain
BT Mic Gain
Keep Connected
Display Settings:| Language
Screen Timeout
Time Zone
Imperial Units
Low Power Mode
Reset Settings
Restore Factory Settings
Sync Settings| Send Channels
Receive Channels
Frequency Scan| * key to switch the step of the input frequency, # key to switch the scanning step
Tone Scanning| Enter and start working
GPS status| Click the menu button to switch the positioning system or turn off the positioning system
compass| Calibrate the compass with a figureof-eight rotation
Status| Firmware Version, battery information
Pairing| Select pairing, the red and green lights flash alternately, and enter the pairing mode
FM Radio| enter FM radio mode

*When performing GPS/BDS posioning, please confirm whether this funcon is turned on, and ensure that the posioning operaon is performed outdoors in the open air. The GPS mark on the head of the machine must be in the open sky.
(Note: The first posioning is a cold start, which will take a lile longer. If you cannot receive it for a long me, please turn off the phone and re-enable this funcon to ensure that the first posioning is performed in an open environment.)

Technical Specificaons


Frequency Ranges:| VHF:136-174MHz (.144-148 Ham Band )
UHF:400-470MHz (430-440 Ham Band)
300-550MHz(RX Only)
FM :87-108MHz

AM:108-136MHz’ •(RX Only)
Channel Steps:| 2.5KHz/SKHz/6.25 KHz/ 10KHz/ 12.5 KHz/25 KHz/50 KHz/100 KHz
Channel Bandwidth| 12.5/25 kHz
Frequency Stability:| ±2.Sppm
Number Of Channels| 16’12
Battery Voltage| 7.4V
Battery Capacity| 2600 mAh
Operating Temperature| —20t.’To -I- 60t
Size| 60X40X130mm (not include antenna)
Weight| 312 g
Antenna Impedance:| 500


Sensitivity:(12dB SINAD) 0.16uV
adjacent channel selectivity 68dB
Intermodulation Immunity 6SdB
Spurious Response Immunity >6SdB
Audio distortion 53%
audio output power 2W


RF output power 5SW
adjacent channel power suppression 5-68dB
Clutter and Harmonics 5-60dB
FM noise 45 dB
FM distortion 53%

Note: All specificaons are subject to change without noce or responsibility.

EU Declaration of Conformity **


We, hereby declare that the essential requirements set out in the RED Directive 2014/53/EU, have been fully fulfilled an our product with indication as below:
Preduct Name Two Way Radio
Brand Name/Mede) VGC / VR-N76
The following standards have been applied for the investigation of compliance:
EN IEC 62368-1 -2020+A11:2020
EN 50566:2017
EN IEC/IEBE 62209-1528:2021
EN 62479:2010
EN 50663:2017
ETSLEN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 (2019-11)
ETSI EN 301] 489-5 V2.2.1 (2019-04)
ETSI EN 301489-17 V3.2.4 (2020-09)
ETSI EN 301 489-19 V2.2. (2022-09)
EN 55032:2015/A1 2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
ETSI EN 303 413 V1.2.1 (2021-04)
ETSI EN 300 686 V2.1.2 (2016-08)
ETSI EN 300 219 V2.1.1 (2016-08)
ETSLEN 300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07)
ETSI EN 303 345-1 VL.1.1 (2019-06)
ETSI EN 303 345-3 V1.1.1 (2021-06)
The conformity assesment procedure referred to in Article 17 and detailed in Annex [II of Directive 2014/53/EU has been followed with the involvement of the following Notified Body:  LGAI Technological Center S.A/Applus (Nr.0370) and issued the EU-type examination certificate.
Furthermore, the ISO requirement for the in-process quality control procedure as well as the Manufbcturing process has been reached. The technical document as well as the test reports will be kept for a period at least 10 years after the last product has been manufactured at the disposal of the relevant national authorities of any Member State for inspection.
Detail contact information for this declaration has been listed below as the window of any issues.
Manefacturer Information;
Address No.4 Chongmin St, Qingmeng Area,Quanzhou Fujian, P.R.C 362006
Name/Title Jimmy Ho
Tel. No. 86-595-22496660
Fax No.

Signature / stamp —_— Date: Apw. 22, 2024

is the trademark or registered trademark of VERO Global Communication Co.Ltd
©2024 VERO Global Communication Co.Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Address:No.4 Chongmin St, Qingmeng Area,QuanzhouFujian, P.R.C


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