Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit User Guide

July 15, 2024

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Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit Trigger settings
Reference guide

E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit

Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit

Trigger Settings reference guide


E-VAULT Setup runs the first time the module is powered on, or after a major update. This process initializes E-VAULT with a trigger settings profile designed for your ALCHEM-E kit model.
The factory settings deliver great out-of-the-box playability, but to get the best experience, it is advisable to spend some time adjusting the trigger settings of each drum and cymbal.
The information in this guide is designed to help you dial in trigger settings across the whole kit that fit your dynamic playing style.


Press the TRIG button to access the Trigger Workspace. Use the Drum-Cymbal selector to switch between the Drum Trigger and Cymbal Trigger screens.Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - Drum

  1. Save Trigger Profile Btn
  2. Screen – Profile Name
  3. Drum-Cymbal Selector
  4. Trigger Indicators
  5. Trigger Settings Tabs
  6. Input Selection Btns

Selecting Inputs
When the selector is used to switch between the Drum and Cymbal Trigger screens, the Input Selection buttons also change at the bottom of the screen.
How to edit the trigger settings:

  • Select the input button of the drum or cymbal that you want to edit.
  • The selected input’s trigger settings instantly load to the tabs, and the trigger indicators on the left of the screen will respond to playing on that input.
  • Use the Drum-Cymbal selector and the input buttons to quickly switch between the trigger settings of each drum and cymbal.
  • Save the trigger profile after each session editing the trigger settings.

Save Trigger Settings
E-VAULT saves the trigger settings of all inputs to a data structure called a Trigger Profile.
To save the trigger profile, press the [ Save] button.
Unsaved changes to trigger settings remain in system memory while the module is powered on. Save the trigger profile to ensure your changes are not lost.
The trigger profile is also saved as part of a system backup. E-VAULT’s backup function is accessed from the System Workspace Menu. Backups are an effective way to save and load different trigger profiles.


The Trigger Indicators are displayed on the left side of the Drum and Cymbal Trigger screens.Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit -
Input Type
The trigger indicator design for each zone changes depending on the selected input.
The color of the indicator corresponds to the strength of the hit (MIDI velocity).Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - Trigger
Indicators 1


The drum and cymbal inputs utilize trigger settings with similar functions. The table below provides an overview of these general functions. A comprehensive breakdown of trigger settings based on input type can be found at the end of this guide.
ALCHEM-E drums and cymbals have specific presets designed to optimize trigger response. The E-VAULT Setup process loads a trigger profile that sets the presets for your kit model. Unused inputs will remain without a preset selection. When expanding your kit, assign the correct input preset for the connected drum or cymbal.
Threshold (dB )
The threshold level is a common setting applied to all trigger zones of the selected input. Signals below the threshold level are ignored, while signals above it result in triggering. The input’s threshold therefore determines the minimum point at which a trigger input is recognized.
Zone Mode
The zone mode settings offers flexible control over zone triggering, which can be useful when triggering external sound sources via MIDI. Depending on the input selected, there are some differences to the function of zone mode settings:

Zone Mode Setting| SNARE | TOM 1-4| HIHAT | RIDE | CYM 1-4
OFF| Triggering is off for the input
1| Zone A is active. If zone B, C are hit, then zone A will trigger| Zone A, B are active. If zone C is hit, then zone A will trigger
2| Zone A, B are active. If zone C is hit, then zone B will trigger| Zone A, B are active. If zone C is hit, then zone A will trigger
3| Zone, A, B, C are independently active. This is the default setting.

The KICK input has only 1 trigger zone (A). Triggering can only be switched on or off.
Zone Gain (dB)
An input zone’s dynamic trigger response reflects the interaction of three settings: Threshold, Zone Gain, and Velocity Curve. Gain is used to set the maximum point of the trigger dynamic range for the input zone. Gain should be adjusted so the player can just reach peak triggering with their strongest hits (MIDI = 127).
Velocity Curve
If Threshold and Gain can be said to define the minimum and maximum points of a trigger zone’s dynamic range, then the Velocity Curve setting controls how played dynamics map to the trigger response within that range. E-VAULT offers a range of curve settings to meet the player’s needs. A simple graphic representation of the curve shows the relationship between player input (x-Axis) and triggering response (y-axis).

Velocity Curve Setting Curve (Line Type) Application
-1 to -10 Exponential (A Curve) An exponential curve setting can counteract the effect of a hard-hitting player consistently “clipping” the trigger response. Setting an exponential curve will make it a little more difficult to achieve medium and high dynamic levels.
0 Linear (B Curve) A 1-to-1 mapping between played dynamics and dynamic

trigger response. In many cases, a linear setting will work perfectly well and will feel natural.
1 to 10| Log (C Curve)| A Log Curve setting will help the player achieve a greater trigger response with less hitting force. If the player tends to play very lightly, a Log Curve setting can help the player trigger at medium and high dynamic levels.


Zone Detection Sensitivity
Detection sensitivity settings are adjusted to achieve an optimal balance of trigger response across different
zones. The aim is to set the detection sensitivity at a level where the zone is triggered consistently.

  • If triggering a zone is difficult or inconsistent, try increasing the detection sensitivity.
  • If the zone triggers too easily or unintentionally, decrease the sensitivity.

The drums’ default detection sensitivity settings are generally effective for players that have mastered a consistent technique for playing the head, rimshot, and cross stick/rim click.
For cymbals, individual playing styles result in greater variation of triggering responses, so more time may be needed to dial in the optimum detection sensitivity settings.
Choke Sensitivity
The cymbal choke function is based on your touch and the electrical capacitance of your body. The system is very sensitive. If you feel your touch is not consistently triggering the choke, increase the sensitivity value.
Note that the proximity of other metal objects such as cymbal stands can affect the choke, so you may need to decrease the sensitivity value in that situation.
Choke Delay Time
The delay time controls when the system begins to mute the sound after the choke touch is detected. Shorter delay times result in immediate muting when the cymbal is choked. The default values may not suit all players, so the choke delay time value can be adjusted so the sound mute response to the choke gesture feels natural for the player.
Some additional hard-coded aspects of the choke function are linked to the delay time setting and are designed to simulate a natural-sounding choke.
Example Setting -300ms:
The mute envelope will engage after 300ms. The envelope’s decay is a short, fixed value. The decay is the same for all negative values.
Example Setting +300ms:
The mute function will engage after 300ms, but if you release your choke in under 300ms, the decay time is set slightly longer to simulate a quick and loose choke that does not strongly mute the sound – a natural response.
But, if you release your choke after 300ms, then the decay is fixed and short to simulate a tightly held choke.
Please refer to the trigger settings tables in this guide for a full breakdown of settings by input type.


Access the Drum Trigger screen and select the [KICK] button to display the KICK input’s trigger indicator and settings tabs.
The KICK input has one zone (A: Head) for trigger setting adjustment.
Press the (A) button on the trigger indicator to switch the graphic indicator on-off. Setting zone mode to ‘OFF’ also turns off the indicator.Zildjian
E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - KICK TRIGGER
SETTINGS KICK Trigger Settings Tabs
The table describes the functions of the settings in each tab.


| Setting| Function|


Basic| Preset| The trigger preset should match the bass drum model connected to the input. This is set automatically during the E-VAULT Setup process.| No Assign Bronze 18” Bass,Gold 18” Bass, Gold 20” Bass
Threshold| Set the threshold level to determine the minimum point of triggering for the KICK input.| -96.0 to -40.0 dB
Zone Mode| Toggle this setting to enable or disable kick triggering.| OFF, 1 ZONE
A: Head| Head Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong kick.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Head Gain to acheive natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10


Access the Drum Trigger screen and select the [SNARE] button to display the SNARE input’s trigger indicators and settings tabs.
The SNARE input has three zones (A: Head, B: Rimshot, C: XStick) for trigger setting adjustment.
Press the (A, B, C) buttons on the trigger indicator to switch the graphic indicators on- off. Adjusting zone mode also turns certain indicators on and off.Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - SNARE TRIGGER
SETTINGS SNARE Trigger Settings Tabs
The table describes the functions of the settings in each tab.


| Setting| Function|


Basic| Preset| The trigger preset should match the drum model connected to the input. This is set automatically during the E-VAULT Setup process.| See ‘Preset List’
Threshold| Set the threshold level to determine the minimum point of triggering for the SNARE input.| -96.0 to -40.0 dB
Zone Mode| This setting controls how different zones are triggered in response to playing. Triggering can also be disabled (OFF).| See p.5 ‘Zone Mode’
A: Head| Head Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong head hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Head Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
B: Rimshot| Rimshot Detection Sensitivity| Adjust the detection sensitivity so that snare drum rimshot hits consistently trigger zone B (Rimshot).| 0 to 100
Rimshot Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong rimshot hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Rimshot Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
C: XStick| XStick Detection Sensitivity| Adjust the detection sensitivity so that snare drum cross-stick hits consistently trigger zone C (XStick).| 0 to 100
XStick Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong cross-stick hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with XStick Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10

Preset List: No Assign, Bronze 14” Snare, Bronze 10” Tom, Bronze 12” Tom, Gold 14” Snare, Gold 10” Tom, Gold 12” Tom, Gold 14” Tom.


Access the Drum Trigger screen and select one of the TOM buttons to display its trigger indicators and settings tabs.
Each TOM input has three zones (A: Head, B: Rimshot, C: Rimclick) for trigger setting adjustment.
Press the (A, B, C) buttons on the trigger indicator to switch the graphic indicators onoff. Adjusting zone mode also turns certain indicators on and off.Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - TRIGGER
SETTINGS TOM 1 -4 Trigger Settings Tabs
The table describes the functions of the settings in each tab.


| Setting| Function|


Basic| Preset| The trigger preset should match the drum model connected to the input. This is set automatically during the E-VAULT Setup process.| See ‘Preset List’
Threshold| Set the threshold level to determine the minimum point of triggering for the selected tom input.| -96.0 to -40.0 dB
Zone Mode| This setting controls how different zones are triggered in response to playing. Triggering can also be disabled (OFF).| See p.5 ‘Zone Mode’
A: Head| Head Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong head hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Head Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
B: Rimshot| Rimshot Detection Sensitivity| Adjust the detection sensitivity so that tom rimshot hits consistently trigger zone B (Rimshot).| 0 to 100
Rimshot Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong rimshot hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Rimshot Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
C: Rimclick| Rim Click Detection Sensitivity| Adjust the detection sensitivity so that tom rim hits consistently trigger zone C (Rimclick).| 0 to 100
Rim Click Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong tom rim hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Rim Click Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10

Preset List: No Assign, Bronze 14” Snare, Bronze 10” Tom, Bronze 12” Tom, Gold 14” Snare, Gold 10” Tom, Gold 12” Tom, Gold 14” Tom.


The settings described in this section apply to the HIHAT input. Setting for hihat control and ‘D’ zone foot sounds (chick, splash), are adjusted on the hihat control screen [HH CTRL] – see p.10
Access the Cymbal Trigger screen and select the [HIHAT] button to display the input’s trigger indicators and settings tabs.
The HIHAT input has three zones (A:Bow, B: Edge, C: Bell) for trigger setting adjustment.
Press the (A, B, C) buttons on the trigger indicator to switch the graphic indicators on off. Adjusting zone mode also turns certain indicators on and off.

Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - HIHAT TRIGGER
SETTINGS HIHAT Trigger Settings Tabs
The table describes the functions of the settings in each tab.


| Setting| Function|


Basic| Preset| For the HIHAT input the preset options are preconfigured. It is only possible to assign the E-Family 14” HiHat to this input.| No Assign, E-Family 14” HiHat
Threshold| Set the threshold level to determine the minimum point of triggering for the hihat input.| -96.0 to -40.0 dB
Zone Mode| This setting controls how different zones are triggered in response to playing. Triggering can also be disabled (OFF).| See p.5 ‘Zone Mode’
A: Bow| Bow Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong bow hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Bow Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
B: Edge| Edge Detection Sensitivity| Adjust the detection sensitivity so that hihat edge hits consistently trigger zone B (Edge).| 0 to 100
Edge Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong edge hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Edge Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
C: Bell| Bell Detection Sensitivity| Adjust the detection sensitivity so that hihat bell hits consistently trigger zone C (Bell).| 0 to 100
Bell Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong bell hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Bell Gain to achieve natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
Choke| This tab is blank. Choke settings do not apply to the hihat.


To set up the E-FAMILY hihat, access the Cymbal Trigger screen and press the [HH CTRL] button.
The [Set] tab displays the three step buttons used in setting up hihat control.Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - HIHAT

  1. HiHat CTRL Range Value
  2. HiHat Graphic
  3.  HiHat CTRL Scale Bar
  4. Trigger Indicators
  5. Trigger Settings Tabs
  6. Input Selection Btns

HiHat Control
The scale bar and range value combine indicate the position of the top hihat cymbal relative to the bottom cymbal. After setting, the hihat graphic animates the open-close movement.
To set up the open-close control function of the hihat, follow the instructions below for each step:

Step 1: Calibrate

  1. Unlock the hihat clutch and allow the top cymbal to rest on the bottom cymbal. The foot should not touch the hihat pedal.

  2. Press the [1. Calibrate] button to set the calibration point. The message COMPLETE is displayed adjacent to the button.
    Step 2: Set Open Point

  3. Lift the top cymbal to the desired height and lock the hihat clutch. You should see the indicator bar and range value start to change.

  4. Press the [2. Set Open] button. The open point is set and shown on the scale. The message COMPLETE is displayed adjacent to the button.
    Step 3: Set Close Point

  5. Close the hihat with natural foot pressure.

  6. Press the [3. Set Close] button when the range value is lower than the calibrate and set open point values. The close point is set and shown on the scale. The message COMPLETE is displayed adjacent to the button.

Each step can be performed independently when required. The instruction message ‘RETRY’ displays when an invalid (INV) value is set. Save your settings after each change.


After completing the 3-step setup, you can begin playing the hihat. Additional hihat control  settings allow you to further refine its response. The hihat’s bow, edge, and bell zone triggeringare controlled similarly to other cymbals. To access these settings, press the [HIHAT] button on the Cymbal Trigger screen – see p.10
Understanding HiHat Control
The ALCHEM-E hihat employs magnetic force variations to gauge the distance between the top and bottom cymbals, measuring the open-close state. Calibration is important for accurate measurement, and it’s recommended to periodically run through the three-step hihat control setup. The diagram illustrates how the various hihat control settings interact to deliver the openclose, foot chick, and foot splash functions.Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E
Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - Understanding HiHat
Control HiHat Control Settings Tabs [HH CTRL]
The tables describe the functions of the settings in each tab.


| Setting| Function|


Set| 1. Calibrate| Unlock the clutch and allow the top cymbal to rest on the bottom cymbal. Press the button to set the calibrate point to the current range value.| Min: 30
2. Set Open| Lift the top cymbal to the desired height and lock the clutch. Press the button to assign the current range value to be the set open point.| Min: 500
Max: 1023
3. Set Close| Close the hihat with natural foot pressure. Press the button to assign the current range value to be the set close point.
On the scale, the set close point must be lower than the calibrate point (actually, 1. Calibrate point – 27).| Min: 0
Max: 223
Ft Chick| Foot Chick Gain| The chick sound’s dynamics are determined by the hihat’s closing speed. The principle is that faster closing requires greater force.
•  If the foot speed is slow and the chick sound is too quiet, increase the gain until the maximum volume level is achieved.
•  If the foot chick sound is consistently too loud when triggered, reduce the gain.| -24.0 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the curve in combination with the gain setting to achieve a natural dynamic control over the foot chick sound.| -10 to 10
Ft Splash| Foot Splash Gain| In similarity with the foot chick, the volume of the foot splash sound is determined by the hihat’s closing speed.
•  If the foot speed is slow and the splash sound is too quiet, increase the gain until the maximum volume level is achieved.
•  If the splash sound is consistently too loud when triggered, reduce the gain.| -24.0 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the curve in combination with the gain setting to achieve a natural dynamic control over the foot splash sound.| -10 to 10
Offset| Splash Sensitivity| Splash Sensitivity determines the system’s responsiveness in recognizing a quick open-close motion as an attempt to trigger a hihat splash.
•  A lower setting requires a faster open-close action to trigger the splash.
•  A higher setting allows slower open-close actions to trigger the splash.
Try experimenting until you find a setting that works consistently for your splash playing technique.| 0 to 100
Splash Point Offset| The splash point [B] is always slightly above the foot chick point [A]. The offset adjusts the relative splash point. A higher offset value makes it easier to trigger a splash, but may lead to unwanted triggering when playing foot chicks.
Adjust the Splash Point Offset setting only if you cannot dial in splash triggering using the splash sensitivity setting. The range is from -32 to -1, with -1 representing the shortest distance between top and bottom cymbals, and -32 the largest distance.| -32 to -1
Calibration Offset
| In hihat playing, the felt close point is influenced by variations in foot power and the angle of contact between the cymbals. To achieve consistent open- close control and foot chick triggering, these variations must be compensated for.
The Calibration Offset setting serves this purpose, but for most players, adjusting it from its default value is generally unnecessary.| 0 to 100

*Refer to the diagram. For optimal performance, it is recommended to leave these advanced settings unchanged from their default values.


The settings described in this section apply to the following cymbals inputs: RIDE, CYM 1, CYM 2, CYM 3, and CYM 4.
Access the Cymbal Trigger screen and select a cymbal button to display the input’s trigger indicators and settings tabs.
Each cymbal input has three zones (A:Bow, B: Edge, C: Bell) for trigger setting adjustment. Press the (A, B, C) buttons on the trigger indicator to turn the graphic indicators onoff. Adjusting Zone Mode also turns certain indicators on and off.
Cymbal Trigger Settings Tabs
The table describes the functions of the settings in each tab.

Tab Setting Function Values
Basic Preset The trigger preset should match the cymbal model connected to
the input. This is set automatically during the E-VAULT Setup process. See

‘Preset List’
Threshold| Set the threshold level to determine the minimum point of triggering for the cymbal input.| -96.0 to -40.0 dB
Zone Mode| This setting controls how different zones are triggered in response to playing. Triggering can also be disabled (OFF).| See p.5 ‘Zone Mode’
A: Bow| Bow Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong bow hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Bow Gain to acheive natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
B: Edge| Edge Detection Sensitivity| Adjust the detection sensitivity so that cymbal edge hits consistently trigger zone B (Edge).| 0 to 100
Edge Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong edge hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Edge Gain to acheive natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
C: Bell| Bell Detection Sensitivity| Adjust the detection sensitivity so that cymbal bell hits consistently trigger zone C (Bell).| 0 to 100
Bell Gain| Set the gain level so that maximum dynamics are achieved for a strong bell hit.| -24 to 24 dB
Velocity Curve| Adjust the velocity curve in combination with Bell Gain to acheive natural dynamic response.| -10 to 10
Choke| Choke Sensitivity| Increase the touch sensitivity of cymbal choke.| 0 to 100
Choke Delay Time| Adjust to set a natural-feeling onset time for the choke.| -500 to +500 ms

Preset List: No Assign, E-FAMILY 16” Crash, E-FAMILY 18” Cr/R, E-FAMILY 20” Ride.


E-VAULT has additional drum and cymbal trigger inputs available for kit expansion. The trigger preset ‘No Assign’ is set for these inactive inputs.Zildjian E-VAULT Alchem-E Bronze Ex Electronic Drum Kit - ADDITIONAL
Additional Inputs by Kit Model
The table shows the additional trigger inputs that are available for each kit model.
Drum inputs can be used to connectan ALCHEM-E snare or tom drum.
Additional cymbal inputs can be used to connect an E-FAMILY cymbal, but not the 14” hihat.

Kit Model Drum Inputs Cymbal Inputs
Bronze EX TOM 4 CYM 3, CYM 4
Gold TOM 2, TOM 4 CYM 2, CYM 3, CYM 4
Gold EX TOM 4 CYM 3, CYM 4

Set Up a New Trigger Input

  1. With E-VAULT powered off, connect the drum or cymbal to the compatible trigger input on the module’s rear panel.
  2. Press the power button to start E-VAULT.
  3. Press the [TRIG] button to access the Trigger Workspace.
  4. Use the Drum-Cymbal Selector to switch to either the Drum Trigger or Cymbal Trigger screens.
  5. Select the input button corresponding to the drum or cymbal connected in step 1.
  6. Select the [Basic] tab.
  7. Open the ‘Preset’ dropdown list and select the option that matches the model of the connected drum or cymbal. This selection enables the input with default trigger settings.
  8. Adjust the input’s trigger settings for the input to align fit your playing style.
  9. Once you have finished editing the trigger settings, press the [ Save] button to save the trigger profile.

E-VAULT’s factory kits do not have instruments assigned to TOM 4, CYM 3 and CYM 4.
Expanding your kit setup to utilize these trigger inputs necessitates editing the kits and assigning instruments from E-VAULT’s sound library.

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