Bosch DIP-72xx Divar Ip System Manager User Guide

July 3, 2024

Bosch DIP-72xx Divar Ip System Manager


  • Product: BVMS 12.0.1 Updates SystemManager package
  • Date: 25-Apr-2024


Document History
This document is distributed online and updated on regular basis, whenever new patches are released and added to the package. The latest version of this document is always available on the Bosch Security and Safety Systems Download Store.

Date Version Changes
19.01.2024 1.0 Initial release
25.04.2024 1.1 Update for package version 1.1

BVMS 12.0.1 Updates System Manager package

  • DIVAR IP System Manager application is the central user interface that offers an easy system setup, configuration and application software upgrade for  DIVAR IP all-in-one 4000, DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000, DIVAR IP all-in-one 6000 and DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 (DIP-72xx, DIP-73xx) systems.
  • The contains a set of BVMS 12.0.1 patch installers software packages for the DIVAR IP System Manager application. It is used to install patches for BVMS 12.0.1 on the DIVAR IP appliances managed by the DIVAR IP System Manager.


Installation prerequisites and operation notes

DIVAR IP System Manager application version 2.3.0 or higher shall be installed and started.
To download the BVMS 12.0.1 Updates System Manager package 1.1,  go to Then, under the Software tab, select BVMS Appliances from the list and click Select.
Locate the file from the list of all available software packages, and save it to a storage medium such as a USB stick. Unzip the files on the storage medium. Do not change the folder structure of the unzipped files.
Connect the storage medium to your DIVAR IP system and follow instructions in the Upgrading software section of, for example,  DIVAR IP all-in-one 4000 / 6000 systems User Manuals to install desired BVMS patches on your DIVAR IP.

List of BVMS 12.0.1 patches available in the package

ID Description
428234 FIXED : OC crash transcoding stream




| FIXED : FW8.90 improvements, capabilities not up to date or devices could not be added or red


| FIXED : Licensing and CentralServer improvements
419002| FIXED : Security Issue


| FIXED: Frame rate mp4 exports



| FIXED: CC crash clicking the VCA tab – RTOS, Black cameos via SSH
452047| FIXED: OPC events missing

Known limitations and issues

  • If DIVAR IP System Manager application version 1.5.0 is used, it may become non-responsive while updating the user interface data, if many packages are installed. To avoid this, make sure you update DIVAR IP System Manager application to version 2.3.0 or above.  Please see corresponding release notes for this application.

Release Notes for individual patches

428234 – OC crash transcoding stream

Patch ID: 428234
Patch Title: OC crash transcoding stream
Patch Target Version: BVMS-

Patch Details:
This patch fixes issue 428234 preventing the Operator Client to crash.

Problem Details:
Issue 428234 caused the problem that the Operator Client crashes when changing the stream to Transcoder. Affected Bosch VMS Components / Machines:

  • Bosch VMS Operator Client
  • Bosch VMS Config Client
  • Bosch VMS Management Server

List of Replaced Files:

  • GCA2.dll [Version]

429121, 418648, 425002 – FW8.90 improvements, capabilities not up to date or devices could not be added or red

Patch ID: 429121, 418648, 425002
Patch Title: FW8.90 improvements, capabilities not up to date or

devices could not be added or red
Patch Target Version:| BVMS-

Patch Details

  • This patch fixes issue 437547 by preventing the Configuration Client to crash during an onvif device scan. This patch fixes issue 429121 (including 428843, 429118, 429121, 429283, 432574 and 432588) by improving the Config Client and Config Wizard in the area of FW 8.90.
  • This patch fixes issue 418648 by correcting the calculation of whether the capabilities of an encoder are the same.
  • This patch fixes issue 425002 by updating encoder capabilities correctly when camera sensor mode (frame rate) changed.
  • This patch fixes issue 433376 by discovering the type of a camera correctly.
  • This patch fixes issue 433383 by updating the device capabilities correctly, when adding via Config Wizard.

Problem Details:

  • Issue 437547 caused the problem that the Configuration Client may crash during an onvif device scan. Issue 429121 (including 428843, 429118, 429121, 429283, 432574 and 432588) caused several problems related to FW 8.90 when trying to add and authenticate these devices.

Issue 418648 caused the problem that the update of device capabilities always generated a mismatch when older encoders (e.g. Autodome 700) where replaced by newer multi-sensor encoder, although update was executed.

Remark: If old device was using the codec “H.264 MP (Low Latency)” the codec of the new camera will not be updated in the UI in the Cameras&Recording tab. Nether the less the configuration is done correctly.  To avoid this delete the old camera and add new camera from scratch.

  • Issue 425002 caused the problem that the device capabilities are not up to date after changing the sensor mode settings in Config Client.
  • Issue 433376 caused the problem that the type of a camera is not discovered, if the camera was added via scan and requires an inital password.
  • Issue 433383 caused the problem that the device capabilities are not up to date after adding devices via Config Wizard.

Affected Bosch VMS Components / Machines

  • Bosch VMS Config Client
  • Bosch VMS Config Wizard

List of Replaced Files:

  • AppData\Client\Shared\Spring.Maps.xml
  • Bosch.Cctv.VideoApi.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Client.ConfigClient.AddEncoder.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Client.ConfigClient.ScanWizard.Imp.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Config.DeviceStatePinger.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Config.DeviceTree.Extension.AMG.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Config.DeviceTree.Extension.OnvifExtensions.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Config.DeviceTree.Extension.VrmExtensions.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Config.RecordingSettingConfig.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.ConfigWizard.ConfigWizardApp.DeviceData.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.ConfigWizard.Pages.DevicePasswords.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.ConfigWizard.Pages.DeviceSelection.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.ConfigClient.Common.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.ConfigClient.Common.If.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.ConfigClient.Common.Wpf.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.Shared.ConfigurationApi.If.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.Shared.Controls.MapControl.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.Shared.Controls.MapControl.If.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.Shared.RcppCapabilities.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.Shared.RcppCapabilities.Imp.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Shared.VideoApi.Support.dll [Version]
  • ObjectRepository.Packages.Core.dll [Version]

434853, 434801 – Licensing and CentralServer improvements

Patch ID: 434853, 434801
Patch Title: Licensing and CentralServer improvements
Patch Target Version: BVMS-

Patch Details

  • This patch fixes issue 434853 by solving the problem that the Central Server do not start after renaming the BVMS configuration file.
  • This patch fixes issue 434801 by solving a licensing problem.

Problem Details

  • Is sue 434853 caused the problem that the Central Server do not start after renaming the BVMS configuration file.
  • Issue 434801 caused the problem that the Systeminfo.json file cannot be downloaded, which leads to a licensing error.

Affected Bosch VMS Components / Machines:

  • Bosch VMS Config Client
  • Bosch VMS Config Wizard

List of Replaced Files:

  • Bosch.Utilities.dll [Version]

419002 – Security Issue

Patch ID: 419002
Patch Title: Security Issue
Patch Target Version: BVMS-

Patch Details:
This patch fixes issue 419002, preventing security issues.

CVE identification numbers:

  • CVE-2021-3449
  • CVE-2021-23841
  • CVE-2020-1971
  • CVE-2021-4160
  • CVE-2021-23840
  • CVE-2022-0778
  • CVE-2022-2097
  • CVE-2021-3712
  • CVE-2021-3711
  • CVE-2022-2068
  • CVE-2022-1292
  • CVE-2023-0465
  • CVE-2023-0466
  • CVE-2023-3817
  • CVE-2022-4304
  • CVE-2023-2650
  • CVE-2023-0286
  • CVE-2023-0464
  • CVE-2022-4450
  • CVE-2023-0215
  • CVE-2023-4807

Problem Details
Issue 419002 caused a security problem via a vulnerability.

Affected Bosch VMS Components / Machines:
Bosch VMS Management Server

List of Replaced Files:

  • Bosch.VMS.Backend.DeviceAdapter.TattileAdapter.dll [Version]
  • libcrypto-3-x64.dll [Version] exchanges former libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
  • libssl-3-x64.dll [Version] exchanges former libssl-1_1-x64.dll
  • ntcp.dll [Version]
  • ntcpsdk.NET.dll [Version]
  • licenses\opensource\OpenSourceLicenses.txt
  • licenses\opensource\component_licenses\tattile_open_source_licenses.txt

444625, 441937 – Frame rate mp4 exports

Patch ID: 444625, 441937
Patch Title: Frame rate mp4 exports
Patch Target Version: BVMS-

Patch Details

  • This patch fixes issue 444625 by preventing a buffer underrun error during playback of a recorded 1 fps video stream with audio.
  • This patch fixes issue 441937 by improvements in the area of mov-/mp4-exports.

Problem Details

  • Issue 444625 caused sometimes a buffer underrun error during playback of a recorded 1 fps video stream with audio.
  • Issue 441937 caused the problem that in mov- or mp4-exports the video is shown with low frame frate and either delayed or no audio.

Affected Bosch VMS Components / Machines:

  • Bosch VMS Operator Client

List of Replaced Files:

  • Bosch.Vms.Shared.Export.Mpeg.ArchiveStreamProvider.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Shared.Export.Mpeg.FfMpegFacade.dll [Version]
  • BVIP_VDP_DiBos.dll [Version]

440210, 438736, 435719 – CC crash clicking the VCA tab – RTOS, Black cameos via SSH

Patch ID: 440210, 438736, 435719
Patch Title: CC crash clicking the VCA tab – RTOS, Black cameos via

Patch Target Version:| BVMS-

Patch Details

  • This patch fixes issue 440210 by preventing Configuration Client to crash.
  • This patch fixes issue 438736 by improvements in the area of the SSH connection. This patch fixes issue 435719 with a common improvement.

Problem Details

  • Issue 440210 caused the problem that the Configuration Client crashed when clicking the VCA tab – RTOS cameras.
  • Issue 438736 caused the problem that a Workstation connected through SSH to the Enterprise Server lose connection to the camera and displays a black cameo.
  • Issue 435719 caused a common problem.

Affected Bosch VMS Components / Machines:

  • Bosch VMS Management Server
  • Bosch VMS Configuration Client
  • Bosch VMS Operator Client

List of Replaced Files:

  • AppData\Server\CentralServer\ServerDependenciesInjection.xml
  • AppData\Server\WebServices\Spring.ServerSettings.xml
  • Bosch.Vms.Backend.CentralServer.WcfServices.DeviceControlService.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Backend.CentralServer.WcfServices.UserPreferenceService.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Config.OffsiteConfig.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.OpClient.Remoting.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.OpClient.ServerManagement.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Frontend.OpClient.Wcf.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Server.UserAuthenticationService.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Shared.Communication.UserPreferencesClient.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Shared.UserService.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Shared.UserService.Imp.dll [Version]
  • Bosch.Vms.Shared.WebServices.Contracts.dll [Version]
  • BvmsCentralServer.exe.config
  • BvmsSshServer.exe [Version]
  • BvmsSshServer.exe.config
  • BvmsWebServiceHost.exe.config
  • ConfigClient.exe.config
  • ConfigWizard.exe.config
  • ObjectRepository.Vms.ImportExport.dll [Version]
  • OperatorClient.exe [Version]
  • OperatorClient.exe.config
  • Rebex.Common.dll [Version 7.0.8816.0]
  • Rebex.FileServer.dll [Version 7.0.8816.0]
  • Rebex.Networking.dll [Version 7.0.8816.0]
  • Rebex.SshShell.dll [Version 7.0.8816.0]
  • Rebex.Terminal.dll [Version 7.0.8816.0]
  • VL_ConfigManager.dll [Version]

452047 – OPC events missing

Patch ID: 452047
Patch Title: OPC events missing
Patch Target Version: BVMS-
--- ---

Patch Details

  • This patch fixes issue 452047 by adding missing camera OPC events (“GlobalChange”, “Blurry” and “ReferenceImage”).
  • After having the patch applied, add the new addresses to the BIS configuration.

Problem Details:
Issue 452047 caused the problem that camera OPC events are missing.

Affected Bosch VMS Components / Machines:

  • Bosch VMS Management Server
  • Bosch VMS Operator Client

List of Replaced Files:

  • Bosch.Vms.BISProxy.dll [Version]
  • BVMSOpcServer.exe [Version]

Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploration, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.


  • Q: How often is the document updated?
    • A: The document is updated regularly whenever new patches are released and added to the package.
  • Q: Where can I find the latest version of the document?
    • A: The latest version is always available on the Bosch Security and Safety Systems Download Store.
  • Q: What systems are compatible with the
    • A: The package is used to install patches for BVMS 12.0.1 on DIVAR IP appliances managed by the DIVAR IP System Manager.


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