ZAXCOM RX200 Wide Band 2 Channel ENG Receiver User Manual

June 27, 2024

ZAXCOM RX200 Wide Band 2 Channel ENG Receiver

ZAXCOM RX200 Wide Band 2 Channel ENG Receiver



  1. OLED Display

  2. INC Key – Used to increase the parameters of a menu item.

  3. UHF Antenna Connectors (2) – SMA connectors.

  4. Receiver Sataus Indicator
    Red – RX200 is not getting a valid signal
    Green – RX200 is getting a valid signal

  5. DEC Key – Used to decrease the parameters of a menu item.

  6. Menu Key – Used to advance to the next menu item.

  7. Power Switch


  1. Audio Out Connector – TA5M
    The same connector is used to output either analog audio or AES audio. The audio assignment is set in the setup menu.

  2. DC Power Input – Switchcraft 760K
    The RX200 will accept external DC voltage from 6 to 18 volts.

  3.   Time Code Out – BNC
    If the RX200 is receiving valid time code from the transmitter it will automatically output the received time code.

  4. Com Serial Port – This is reserved for future expansion.


  1. Side Mounted LEDs – The LEDs give visual indication if RF and / or audio are being received by the RX200. The LED settings are adjusted in the extended menu.
    Mono mode LED colors
    Anytime audio is present
    When the signal hits -33 dBFS
    When the signal hits-20 dBFS
    When the signal hits-10 dBFS
    When the signal hits-5-dBFS
    Stereo mode LED colors
    When the signal is -20dBFS or less
    When the signal is between -19 and -6 dBFS
    When the signal is -5dBFs and above

  2. Battery Compartment – The thumb screw opens the battery door. The RX200 will work with alkaline, NiMH or lithium AA batteries.

Home Screen

Home Screen

This is the UHF frequency that the RX200 is set to.

Transmitter Battery Level
The battery diagram displays a rough indication of the transmitter’s battery level. For a more accurate battery reading the battery type being used in the transmitter needs to be set in the transmitters extended menu. The battery symbol will start to blink just before transmitter shuts down.

RF Signal Strength
The RF strength meter shows the radio signal strength of the transmitter. The RF signal is depicted as a staircase pattern with the lowest step (low signal strength) on the left and building up to the right (higher signal strength).
When more stairs are showing the stronger the signal is.

Transmitter’s Record Status
This is the current recorder status on the transmitter that is feeding the RX200

  • STOP – The recorder is stopped.
  • REC – The recorder is recording.
  • PLAY – The recorder is playing back.

Audio Level
Displays the incoming audio level, the meter extends from the left to the right. The vertical bar is the -20dBFS mark and the far right side of the box is 0dBFS. Two meters will be displayed when a stereo signal is being received. A single thick meter will appear when a mono signal is being received.

RX200 Battery Level
This is the voltage level of the internal (INT) or external (EXT) battery that is powering the RX200. The RX200 will automatically switch to the higher voltage source, which is usually the external DC input. Therefore if the RX200 is connected to a DC source and external power is lost then the RX200 will seamlessly switch to the internal batteries. So please note that if the RX200 has internal AA batteries installed and is being powered by a cameras DC output, if the camera is powered down the RX200 will remain on using the internal batteries unless the power switch on the RX200 is turned off.

Time Code
Displays the time code the RX200 is receiving and outputting.

Receiving Antenna
This shows the antenna that is receiving the RF signal.

Main Menu

Navigating the Main Menu

  • To enter the main menu – press the MENU key.
  • To advance to the next menu press the MENU key again.

Exiting the Main Menu

  • To exit the main menu at any time press and hold the MENU key for 1.5 seconds.

Frequency Select

The frequency select menu is where the RX200 receive frequency is set. This frequency needs to match the frequency that is set on the corresponding transmitter. To adjust the frequency press the INC key to increase the frequency and press the DEC key to decrease the frequency. Also displayed is the modulation format, a signal strength meter and an arrow showing which antenna the signal is being received on.
Frequency Select

Frequency Scan

The frequency scan menu is where the RX200 can scan the user specified frequency range and search for a clear frequency. After the scan is completed a graphic display of the RF that is present in that specified range will be shown and the RX200 will also suggest a clear frequency. That frequency can be accepted by pressing the INC key. Or press the DEC key to skip the first chosen frequency and have the RX200 suggest another frequency.
Frequency Scan 

Scanning for a frequency

  • Turn off the transmitter.
  • From the frequency scan menu press the INC key to initiate a scan.
  • While the RX200 is scanning, the frequency being examined is displayed in the bottom half of the screen. Once the scan has completed a graphic map of the scan will be displayed. The low end of the frequency range is on the left side and the high end is on the right. Wherever RF is found, a vertical line will be drawn.
    The line extends from the baseline up. The length of the line indicates the level or strength of the found RF at that frequency.
    Scanning for a frequency

Selecting the frequency

When the scan is complete the RX200 will draw a vertical blinking line on the display to indicate where the first suggested frequency is, and the frequency in MHz will appear below the scan graphic.

  • Press the INC key to accept the new frequency.
  • Press the DEC key to decline and suggest a different frequency.
    Selecting the frequency

Setting the Scan Range

The scan range menu sets the frequency range that the RX200 will scan when doing a frequency scan. Pressing the INC and DEC key will cycle through the scanning options. If the scan range is changed the RX200 will automatically jump back to the scanning menu when the MENU key is pressed.
Setting the Scan Range 

Available Scan Ranges

  •  All 200 – All frequencies from 512.0MHz through 698.0MHz will be scanned..
  • LO 100 – Corresponds to the frequency range of 3.5 transmitters, when selected the RX200 will scan all frequencies from 512.0MHz through 614.0MHz.
  • HI 100 – Corresponds to the frequency range of 3.6 transmitters, when selected the RX200 will scan all frequencies from 596.0 through 698.0MHz.
  • BLK (20 -26) – Allows the RX200 to scan a specific block (Blocks 20-26).
  • Block 20 – 518-542 MHz
  • Block 21 – 536-572 MHz
  • Block 22 – 560-590 MHz
  • Block 23 – 590-614MHz (block 23 needs to be enabled)
  • Block 24 – 614-644 MHz
  • Block 25 – 638-668 MHz
  • Block 26 – 662-698 MHz

Test Tone Output

The test tone menu allows the RX200 to output tone from the TA5 outputs. This is useful to set levels and check routing. Pressing the INC and DEC key will cycle through the different tone settings.

  • OFF – No tone is being outputted.
  • -20dBFS -Tone is simultaneously sent to both outputs at -20dBFS.
  • +0dBFS – Tone is simultaneously sent to both outputs at full scale 0dBFS.
    Test Tone Output 

Time Code

The time code menu displays the time code that the RX200 is receiving from the transmitter. The RX200 will automatically detect and adjust and display the time code frame rate.
Time Code 

Extended Menu

Navigating the Extended Menu

  • While in the home screen press and hold the DEC key to enter the extended menu.
  • To advance to the next menu press the MENU key.
  • Press and hold the MENU key at any point to return to the top of the extended menu.

Exiting the Extended Menu

  • Hold the MENU key to jump to the top of the extended menu. Then press the INC key to exit the extended menu.

Audio Out

The audio out menu sets the audio format that the RX200 will output on the TA5 connector.

  • AES – The RX200 will output AES audio.
  • ANALOG – The RX200 will output analog audio.

Please note that some Sony F5 cameras may not be able to lock on to the AES signal out of the RX200. If this is the case, from the home screen of the RX200 press the INC or DEC key to send a signal to the AES out that will cause the camera recognize and lock to the AES signal from the RX200.
Audio Out

Output Level

The output level set the output audio level of the RX200.

The RX200 can output audio at:

  • 0dB – Line level
  • -10dB – Consumer level
  • -35dB – Mic level
    Output Level 

Mute Time Code Until Jammed

If mute time code is set to on, the time code out of the BNC is muted and will not output any time code until the RX200 receives and locks to the time code that is being sent from the transmitter. This is to prevent incorrect time code being outputted.
Mute Time Code Until Jammed 

Time Code Output Level

The time code output can be adjusted for equipment that needs a specific time code voltage. The RX200’s time code output is adjustable from .01 to 1.5 volts.
Time Code Output Level 

Software Update

This menu is where the RX200’s software is updated from.
When in this menu pressing the INC key will start the update process and the RX200 will wait and search for software that will be transmitted from a Zaxcom TRX / ZHD / ZMT transmitter or a TRX900CL (running firmware version 1.80 or higher). After the RX200 starts to receive the program from the transmitter the RX200 will automatically begin updating the firmware.
Software Update 

Modulation Select

The modulation menu is where the receive format is set. Modulation is simply the way a transmitter “modulates”, or sends, its signal to the RX200. This setting needs to match the modulation mode that the corresponding transmitter is set to – if the two setting do not match the RX200 will not be able to receive and decode the signal from the transmitter.
Modulation Select 

Modulation types

  • STEREO – Select when receiving audio from a TRX900CL – Camera Link, Maxx transmitter, or a stereo LT or LA transmitter.
  • ZHD 96 – Select when receiving signal from a ZHD transmitter set to ZHD-96.
  • XR MONO – Select when using extended range modulation (XR).
  • MONO – Select when using a mono transmitter and XR modulation is not available in the software.
  • EU – Select when using a transmitter that is set up for European broadcast standards.

Blue LED Set

The LED meter mode sets the action of the side mounted LEDs. The side mount LEDs were designed to give visual confirmation that audio and RF is being received at the RX200.

  • BLUE ONLY – The middle LED will illuminate blue when the RX200 is receiving a valid RF signal and the other LEDs will not illuminate.
  • BLUE PLUS METERS – In mono mode the bottom LED will illuminate blue when a valid RF signal is being received. Then when audio is being received the LED’s will illuminate according to the level of the signal. In stereo mode the middle LED will illuminate blue when a valid RF signal is being received. Then the LED above will illuminate when audio is being received on the left channel and the bottom LED will illuminate when audio is being received by the right channel.
    Mono mode LED colors
    Anytime audio is present
    When the signal hits -33 dBFS
    When the signal hits-20 dBFS
    When the signal hits-10 dBFS
    When the signal hits-5 dBFS
    Stereo mode LED colors
    When the signal is -20dBFS or less
    When the signal is between -19 and -6 dBFS
    When the signal is -5dBFs and above

LED Brightness Set

The LED brightness menu sets the brightness of the side mount LED’s.

  • Off – The LEDs will not illuminate.
  • Numeric Value – (variable values) – Adjustable brightness levels.
  • Bright – The LEDs are on their brightest setting.
    LED Brightness Set 

OLED Brightness

The OLED brightness menu adjusts the brightness of the OLED display. The brightness can be adjusted from 0 to 3 with 0 being the dimmest setting and 3 being the brightest.
OLED Brightness 

Hide Encryption Menu

This menu allows for the encryption menu to be hidden preventing accidental changes.

  • HIDDEN – The encryption menu does not appear when cycling through the menu settings.
  • SHOW – The encryption menu will appear.
    Hide Encryption Menu 

Encryption Code Set

This menu is where the encryption is turned on and the code is set. This code needs to match the encryption code of the associated transmitters. If an encryption code is set on the transmitter the transmitted audio will be encrypted and can only be listened to if the RX200 has the same matching encryption code entered. When the codes do not match, all that will be heard is white-noise.

These two sets of numbers are formed into a single six-digit encryption code which provides a total of 16,777,216 possible combinations. For non-encrypted operations all six numbers should be set to 0.
Adjusting the encryption code

  1. To change the designated character, press the INC or DEC key
  2. Press the menu key to advance to the next character.
  3. To exit this page, press and hold the MENU key.
    Encryption Code Set 

Frequency Presets

The RX200 has 16 user assignable frequency presets so that specific frequencies can be quickly recalled.

Access and navigating the channel preset menu

  1. From the home screen press and hold the DEC key for 1.5 seconds which will access the extended menu, then quickly press the DEC one more time to access the channel preset menu.
  2. When in the channel preset menu pressing the MENU key will cycle through the 16 presets (0 through 15).
  3. To adjust each preset frequencies press the INC and DEC key.
  4. To advance to the next preset press the MENU key.
  5. To exit the preset menu press and hold the MENU key.

Selecting preset frequencies

  1. From the frequency adjust menu press and hold the DEC key until the RX200 frequency reaches the minimum frequency of 512.0MHz. Then continue to press the DEC key to access the 16 preset frequencies.
  2. Pressing the INC and DEC keys will cycle through the 16 preset frequencies.
    Frequency Presets 

Wiring Diagrams

Audio Output Connector TA5

Single Analog Channel out – TA5

TA5 out on RX200 XLR into Camera or Mixer
PIN 4 No Connection
PIN 5 No Connection

Two Analog Channels out – TA5

TA5 Out on RX200 XLR into Camera or Mixer
PIN 1 PIN 1 on both XLRs
PIN 2 PIN 2 – Left
PIN 3 PIN 3 – Left
PIN 4 PIN 2 – Right
PIN 5 PIN 3 – Right

AES Digital out of TA5

The TA5 connector is also used to output AES digital audio. TheTA5 will output a stereo pair on pins 1, 2 and 3 with pin 1 being ground.
When receiving audio from a mono transmitter the RX200 will output the same audio on both pairs on the TA5.
IMPORTANT: While sending digital audio, it is necessary that the unit on the other end (recorder, mixer, etc.) have digital inputs with a sample rate convertors, as there is no other way to synchronize the output data with the recorder’s digital input.

TA5 out on RX200 XLR into Camera or Mixer
PIN 4 No Connection
PIN 5 No Connection

12 Volt DC power – Switchcraft 760K

DC Power In


Operating Frequencies

UHF Audio

512.0 MHz to 698.0 MHz (Blocks 20 through 26)

Antenna Cutting Chart

Antenna Cutting Chart


Each RX200 is shipped with the latest firmware version installed.
Each time the RX200 is powered up, the firmware version number is displayed briefly on the OLED screen.
As newer firmware becomes available, it can be downloaded from the Zaxcom website

Updating the RX200 firmware using a TRX, ZHD or ZMT transmitter

Please note a TRX transmitter needs to be running firmware version 9.21 or higher. A TRX900CL needs to be running 1.80 or higher. And there are no version requirements for a ZHD or ZMT transmitter.

  1. Format a micro SD card in a transmitter.
  2. With a computer take the formatted card and perform the following:
    • Delete the “DELETE.ME” file from the card.
    • Download the new RX200 firmware and load it into the card (RX2-XXX.BIN).
  3. At the RX200:
    • Verify the receiver mode is set to mono mode.
    • Verify encryption is off (ID1 and ID0 are both set to 000)
    • Set the UHF Frequency to the same frequency as the programming transmitter.
    • From the extended menu go to the software update page and press the INC key.
    • The screen will display waiting for program. This indicates the receiver is ready to download the new version.
    • Place the RX200 within 10’ and line-of-sight of the programming transmitter. All of the units should remain motionless to insure they receive a strong and undisturbed signal.
  4. At the transmitter:
    • Insert the card.
    • Press and hold the MENU key while powering up the transmitter.
    • If the receiver has a good connection, the status indicator on the RX200 will be green.
    • Verify the allow IFB remote control is set to OFF – if applicable.
    • Advance to the Send QRX Program menu.
    • Press the INC key.
    • The transmitter will indicate that it found the program on the card and has started sending it. Please note the transmit process will cycle over and over until manually stopped.
  5. The RX200 should indicate it is receiving the program.
  6. After the software cycle, all of the RX200 should be re-programmed. If there is a reception error, the RX200 automatically restarts the process with the start of the next cycle.
  7. When the RX200 is done updating the software “SUCCESS . . . REBOOT NOW” will be displayed.
  8. At the Programming Transmitter:
    • Press the MENU key to stop the download process.
    • If appropriate, change the allow IFB remote control back to ON.
    • Cycle its power.
  9. At the RX200:
    • Cycle the power
    • Verify the new firmware version number is displayed during the boot process

WARNING: After the RX200 has received its entire program, it will erase and burn its firmware into the ROM.
During this process, which only takes a few seconds, you must not turn ‘OFF’ the RX200.
Do not turn off the RX200 until “SUCCESS . . . REBOOT NOW” has been displayed.
If the program is never fully received, it is safe to cycle the power.



Receiver RF Channels : 1
Diversity method : antenna switching
RF Modulation : proprietary digital method
RF Frequency Range : 518 to 698 MHz
RF Frequency Step : 100 KHz
RF Signal Bandwidth : 200 KHz
Channel Separation : 500 KHz (700 KHz recommended)
Sensitivity : -114 dBm
Antenna Connector : 50-ohm SMA female (x 2)

Receiver Audio – Analog Output (x 2)

Dynamic Range : 116 dB
Distortion : 0.002%
Frequency Range : 20Hz to 16kHz
DAC Bit-depth : 24 bits
Connector: TA-5M
Audio Output : Active analog balanced
Audio Output Level : -35dBm (mic), -10dBm (consumer) or 0dBm (line)

Receiver Audio – Digital Output

Signal Format : AES Balanced
AES dynamic range : 123dB
Frequency Range : 20Hz to 16kHz
AES output : AES3 balanced at 96KHz
Audio Output Connector : TA-5M


Timecode output connector : BNC
Timecode output level : .01VPP, .2VPP, .5VVP, .9VPP, 1.5VPP
Time code output rate : 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97 ND, 29.97 DF, 30


External Power : 6 to 18 VDC (140mA @ 12VDC)
Power Connector : Switchcraft 760k
Internal Power : 4 AA Batteries
Li-Ion Battery Life : Up to 12 hours
NiMH Battery Life : Up to 8.5 hours
Alkaline Battery life : Up to 7 hours


Serial Control Port : RS422
Weight : 7.7 oz. (without internal batteries)
Dimensions : 1.0″ x 3.5″ x 3.5″ (25mm x 89mm x 89mm)
Display : Graphic White OLED Panel

Product Support

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Zaxcom Warranty Policy and Limitations

Zaxcom Inc. values your business and always attempts to provide you with the very best service.

No limited warranty is provided by Zaxcom unless your RX200 (“Product”) was purchased from an authorized distributer or authorized reseller.
Distributers may sell Product to resellers who then sell Product to end users. Please see below for warranty information or obtaining service. No warranty service is provided unless the Product is returned to Zaxcom Inc. or a Zaxcom dealer in the region where the Product was first shipped by Zaxcom.

Warranty Policy

The Product carries a Standard Warranty Period of one (1) year.

NOTE: The warranty period commences from the date of delivery from the Zaxcom dealer or reseller to the end user.

There are no warranties which extend beyond the face of the Zaxcom limited warranty. Zaxcom disclaims all other warranties, express or implied,
regarding the Product, including any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. In the United States, some laws do not allow the exclusion of the implied warranties.

Troubleshooting & Repair Services
No Product should be returned to Zaxcom without first going through some basic troubleshooting steps with the dealer you purchased your gear from.
To return a product for repair service, go to the Zaxcom Repair Services page and fill in your information; there is no need to call the factory for an RMA. Then send your item(s) securely packed (in the original packaging or a suitable substitute) to the address that was returned on the Repair Services page. Insure the package, as we cannot be held responsible for what the shipper does.
Zaxcom will return the warranty repaired item(s) via two-day delivery within the United States at their discretion. If overnight service is required, a
FedEx or UPS account number must be provided to Zaxcom to cover the shipping charges.

*Please note a great resource to troubleshoot your gear is the Zaxcom Forum:

Warranty Limitations

Zaxcom’s limited warranty provides that, subject to the following limitations, each Product will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to Zaxcom’s specification for the particular Product.

Limitation of Remedies

Your exclusive remedy for any defective Product is limited to the repair or replacement of the defective Product.

Zaxcom may elect which remedy or combination of remedies to provide in its sole discretion. Zaxcom shall have a reasonable time after determining
that a defective Product exists to repair or replace a defective Product. Zaxcom’s replacement Product under its limited warranty will be manufactured from new and serviceable used parts. Zaxcom’s warranty applies to repaired or replaced Product for the balance of the applicable period of the original warranty or thirty days from the date of shipment of a repaired or replaced Product, whichever is longer.

Limitation of Damages

Zaxcom’s entire liability for any defective Product shall, in no event, exceed the purchase price for the defective Product. This limitation applies even if Zaxcom cannot or does not repair or replace any defective Product and your exclusive remedy fails of its essential purpose.

No Consequential or Other Damages

Zaxcom has no liability for general, consequential, incidental or special damages. These include loss of recorded data, the cost of recovery of lost data, lost profits and the cost of the installation or removal of any Product, the installation of replacement Product, and any inspection, testing or redesign caused by any defect or by the repair or replacement of Product arising from a defect in any Product.
In the United States, some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the limitations above may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.

Your Use of the Product

Zaxcom will have no liability for any Product returned if Zaxcom determines that:

  • The Product was stolen.
  • The asserted defect:
  • Is not present,
  • Cannot reasonably be fixed because of damage occurring when the Product is in the possession of someone other than Zaxcom, or
  • Is attributable to misuse, improper installation, alteration, including removing or obliterating labels and opening or removing external covers (unless authorized to do so by Zaxcom or an authorized Service Center), accident or mishandling while in the possession of someone other than Zaxcom.
  • The Product was not sold to you as new.

Additional Limitations on Warranty

Zaxcom’s warranty does not cover Product, which has been received improperly packaged, altered or physically abused.

Zaxcom Digital Wireless are protected under following patent #’s: 7,711,443/7,929,902/D608,339/8,835,814 B2/ 9,336,307/10,276,207/10,901,680/D608,339/11,610,605

For a full list of patent information, please visit:

FCC Notice:

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. The equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that which the receiver is connected
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by Zaxcom, Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate it.


230 West Parkway, Unit 9
Pompton Plains, NJ 07 444
September 1, 2019
We certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following product:
QRX200, QRX235, QRX212, MRX214, RX-12, RX-12R, RX200 and URX100 wireless
microphone receivers
Restrictive use for residential, office and professional use only
Conforms with the essential requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and
R&TTE Directive 99/5/EC, based on the following specifications applied:
EN 300 422-2 v1 .3.1 Radio Parameters
EN 301 489-9 v1 .4.1 Immunity
EN 60950: 2006/A 1 :2011 Product Safety (low voltage directive)
EN 50566: 2013 RF Exposure Safety
Our authorized representative in Europe is Mr. Roger Patel, Director of Everything
Audio located at Elstree FIim Studios, Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Herts WD61JG in England.
SignatureGlenn Sanders
Zaxcom, Inc.


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