Keepr 1.2 Device And Application User Guide

June 26, 2024

Keepr 1.2 Device And Application

Welcome to Keepr

Welcome to Keepr – we’re glad to partner with you, wherever you are on your journey.

The following sections will help you navigate setting up the device and your app, making sure you get the most out of Keepr. If at any time you have questions while using Keepr, please reach out to our dedicated customer representatives.

Please note, while Keepr™ is an eCective tool to help you manage your relationship with alcohol, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or diagnose a disease.

Let’s get started.

The Device

Once you receive your shipment, you should have:

  • The Keepr device
  • USB-C charging cable
  • Quick Start guide

Before setting up, please make sure to charge the Keepr device to at least 30% for best results. Please avoid getting the device wet or keeping it in extreme hot or cold temperatures.

The App

First, download the app from either the Apple Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, you can create your Keepr account directly in the app.

**Step 1: In the first login screen, click Sign up now at bottom:


**Step 2: Create a new password on the following screen:


When prompted, grant access to camera and/or location when the app is in use. If you’re planning to use Keepr to help drive accountability, enabling both is strongly recommended – however, not necessary to use the app.

Key features of the app are:

  • Taking and recording a sample
  • Adding, promoting, and removing contacts
  • Viewing and sharing your results history
  • Requesting samples from contacts
  • Creating a schedule
  • Bluetooth device connection
  • Location Sharing & Photo Capturing

How to Connect the Device & App

Once the device is charged and you open the top, you’ll see a “sample now” on the front screen.

At the bottom of the device, you’ll see a small round button next to the charging port. Press and hold the button for 5 seconds to enter Pairing mode.

Once the bottom light flashes blue, you’ll have to go to the app to activate the device pairing – simply opening the app should complete the pairing. The app will indicate that setup is complete, and the screen will display the Bluetooth icon.

If a Bluetooth connection is not established in 60 seconds, the bottom light stops flashing blue. The app on your phone also displays a notification that the pairing was not successful. Repeat the previous steps as many times as necessary to achieve connection. If you’re still having trouble connecting, please reach out to our customer care team.

How to Take a Sample

There are two ways to take a sample with Keepr.

If you simply want to check your BrAC without recording it (meaning, it won’t be saved to your history and you can’t share the results out) – just open the device, place your lips on the mouthpiece, and simply blow until you hear the click. Your results will show on the front screen.

If you want to record the result to your history or send the results to a contact, open the Keepr App on your phone and tap the “Test Now” button at the bottom. Here you can indicate whether your result will be private (only viewable by you) or shared (viewable by your contacts).

Now you’ll be able to take a recorded sample, which includes your photo and location (if enabled). Make sure you blow into the device until you hear a click, indicating enough breath has been collected to test. This result will be logged in your history.

To avoid contaminating your sample, wait 20 minutes after eating, drinking, or smoking before completing these steps.

How to Connect to Others

If you’re using Keepr to help promote healthy habits and accountability, you’ll want to set up Contacts in the app. Contacts include any trusted friends or family who you’ve invited to help you make the best, safest decisions whenever you consume alcohol.

There are two types of contacts that Keepr supports:

  • Standard – these are base level contacts. You’ll be able to share or request samples with Standard contacts and they can also view all your (shared) results, photos, and track any missed sample requests. Standard contacts can be removed from your contact list at any time.
  • Authorized – this is a contact that has super user rights over your account. They have the same capabilities as a Standard contact, as well as create testing schedules for you to follow. You can promote or demote any contact to be an

Authorized contact at any time; the requested contact will have to approve the promotion or demotion as well.

To add a contact in the Keepr app:

On the home screen, select the Contacts button.

On the Contacts screen, for Add Contact, enter the email address of the person you want to add as a contact.

Once submitted, you should see the email under pending contacts.

The invited contact must log in to the app, navigate to their Contacts screen, and select Confirm for your invitation.

Once approved, you will see the invited user show up as a Standard contact under your contacts list.

Coming Soon: How to Promote an Authorized User

Once you’ve added a contact to your list, you can promote an Authorized contact. To do so, navigate to Contacts, select the desired contact, on the subsequent screen, request Authorized User privileges.

Then, the invited contact will see an invite in their contact screen. Once the user accepts your invite, you will now see them denoted as Monitored. They will see you as an Authorized User.

Coming Soon: How to Demote an Authorized User

Log in to your Keepr app and navigate to Contacts.

On the Contacts screen, select the desired Authorized User. On the subsequent screen, demote the Authorized User’s privileges by clicking on Release Admin Privileges and when prompted, accept the demotion.

Confirm the contact status change.

The Authorized will now show as a standard contact in your list. They will be notified next time they log in to their app.

If you’d like to remove yourself as an Admin:

Expand the row of the desired Supervised contact and select Remove yourself as Admin. Confirm your selection.

Coming Soon: How to edit your Contacts settings

To set up what information you share with each of your Contacts, complete the following steps.

  1. On the home screen, navigate to the Contacts Tile.
  2. On the Contacts Tile, select the desired Contact.
  3. On the subsequent screen, to begin adjusting sharing conditions, select Edit and then toggle any of the following conditions on or oC.
  • Breath Alcohol Content. If enabled, the Contact can see the Breath Alcohol Content value of your shared sample results. Breath Alcohol Content value of your shared sample results.
  • Sample Location. If enabled, the Contact can see the GPS location the app captured for each of your shared breath samples.
  • Sample Photo. If enabled, the Contact can see the photo the app captured for each of your shared breath samples.
  • Live Location. If enabled, the Contact can see your current GPS location whenever they select your name in their list of Contacts.
  • Sample Requesting. If enabled, the Contact can request that you take a breath sample.
  • Scheduling. Only Authorized Users can enable this sharing conditions. They can only enable or disable this condition when they first become your Authorized User. If enabled, your Authorized User can create, modify and view your sample-taking schedule.

How to Remove a Contact

Log in to your Keepr app and select the Contacts button.

On the Contacts screen, tap on the desired Contact and select Remove Contact.

The removed contact will no longer be shown in your contacts list.

How to Request a Result

To request a sample from one of your contacts:

Log in to your Keepr app and select the Contacts button.

On the Contacts screen, expand the row of the desired contact and select Request Breath Sample.

In your app, the contact’s row displays “Breath Sample Request Sent.” You’ll be able to cancel the request from this view. It also displays in your list of Outgoing requests on your home page.

When the Contact next logs in to their app, they will be notified that you requested a sample in their Incoming requests list on their home page.

Once your contact takes and shares the requested sample, the result will display under their name in your contact list.

How to Test without Sharing

You have two ways of testing your BrAC without sharing the results:

  • To test without recording the results in your history, simply use the Keepr device directly without opening the app. Your BrAC will show immediately after testing, then disappear when you close the device.
  • To test and record your results, open your Keepr app, select test now, and toggle to Private. The Keepr app will then record your results without having it available to any of your contacts.

How to View My Results History

Log in to the Keepr app and scroll down to the History screen.

On the History screen, the default view will be your history.

To view results by days, weeks, or months at a time, toggle between the options at the top of the screen.

To view results from specific dates, use the left and right arrows.

To view additional information about the results, select the down arrows to expand the page.

How to Share Results

Log in to the Keepr app and scroll down to the History screen.

On the History screen, the default view will be your history.

To view results by days, weeks, or months at a time, toggle between the options at the top of the screen.

To view results from specific dates, use the left and right arrows.

To share the currently displayed history with other email addresses or contacts, select Share Report.

In the sharing screen, select any Contacts you want to share this history with.

If you want to share the results with non-Contacts, enter those email addresses in the field and select the plus icon.

After all desired Contacts and non-Contacts have been selected, select Share Result. Everyone you shared the history with will receive an email showing the sample history.

How to View Someone Else’s Results History

Log in to the Keepr app and scroll down to the History screen.

On the History screen, use the drop down to select the contact you’d like to view.

To view results by days, weeks, or months at a time, toggle between the options at the top of the screen.

To view results from specific dates, use the left and right arrows.

To view additional information about the results, select the down arrows to expand the page.

How to Create a Schedule

Schedules are useful if there is a routine that you’d like to build accountability into – for example, if the user drives at a certain time every day, or has some kind of shift schedule. By creating a Schedule in the Keepr App, you or an Authorized contact can pre-set sample requests to automatically pop up at the predetermined time and automatically log once completed.

When scheduling multiple test requests for the same day, keep in mind that you cannot send or schedule more than one request every 20 minutes.

When you use a time range (instead of a single, specific time), the app will randomly notify your Monitored User to take a breath sample at some point during that range.

Login to the Keepr app and scroll down to the Schedules section.

Tap add new schedule to the right of the section name.

Input your schedule needs, including day, time, and frequency.

Assign contact to schedule (if needed) and save.

Your newly created schedule will show up in the Schedules section, where you can edit, rename, toggle on/oC, or delete.

Troubleshooting Device

Device is not taking a reading

If your Keepr device is not taking a reading, please make sure:

  • Your device is charged and powered on
  • You are only using a sustained blow (not inhaling)
  • You are blowing until you hear a click

If your device is still not reading results, please reach out to our customer care team for further assistance.

Device won’t charge or power on

If your Keepr device is not charging or powering on, please make sure:

  • You are using the included cable to charge
  • Your cable is fully plugged into both the power source and the Keepr device
  • Your power source is turned on (especially if you are plugging directly into surge protectors)
  • The device is not in extreme cold or warm temperatures (temperatures below 5C°/41°F or above 40°C/ 104°F)

If your device is still not charging, please reach out to our customer care team for further assistance.

Device won’t pair with the app

If your Keepr device and app aren’t pairing, please make sure:

  • Your Keepr device is charged and powered on
  • Your phone has Bluetooth enabled
  • You’ve followed the device pairing instructions here

If your device is still not pairing with the app, please reach out to our customer care team for further assistance.

Device is showing error codes

EXX: ‘E’ followed by any two-digit number, indicating an error that cannot the fixed by the user. Contact Customer Service.

U01: Insufficient Breath – This error displays when you have not exhaled hard enough or for long enough into the Keepr for it to take a sample of your breath.
U02: Temperature Out of Range – This error is displayed when the device detects temperatures above or below its recommended operating range.

Troubleshooting App

I can’t login to the Keepr App

If you are not able to login, please reset your password on the login screen of the app.

If you are still having trouble, please reach out to our customer care team for further assistance.

App isn’t pairing with device

If your Keepr device and app aren’t pairing, please make sure:

  • Your Keepr device is charged and powered on
  • Your phone has Bluetooth enabled
  • You’ve followed the device pairing instructions here

If your device is still not pairing with the app, please reach out to our customer care team for further assistance.

I’m not able to…

If you’re not able to complete an action on the app – either take a reading, add a contact, or anything else – please reach out to our customer care team for further assistance.


Why would I want to promote a contact to have Authorized access?

Keepr is valuable as an accountability tool, whether to build trust or share in creating better habits. Examples of some reasons how some people use Authorized access:

  • Parent / child to build good, safe habits around alcohol consumption, communication, and decision-making
  • Spouses in recovery who want to reinforce support and accountability even when they are not together in person
  • Attorneys looking to support their clients who receive a DUI in proving sobriety as they work to earn back trust of loved ones and critical stakeholders
  • Friends who want to lend extra support to keep each other on track in their drinking habits and resulting safe decisions

There are so many diCerent reasons to promote a contact, and they are all personal to your goals and journey. Keepr is committed to creating an accessible, judgment-free way for you to use the device and app in a way that best serves you.

What do all the diXerent device symbols mean?

| Charging

Indicates that the device is currently charging using the USB-C cable.

| Critically Low Flattery

Indicates that the device has no power remaining.

| Critically Low Battery

Indicates that the device has no power remaining.

| Bluetooth Connected

Indicates that the device is currently connected to a cell phone using the Keepr app.

| Getting Ready/Calculating

Indicates that you should wait to act until the device has finished preparing. This icon displays both during the device’s startup process and also while the device calculates your Breath Alcohol Content level.

sample now

| Sample Now

Indicates that the device is ready to collect your breath sample. For instructions, refer to the Take a Sample procedure above.


| Results

Indicates the Breath Alcohol Content calculated from your sample. This sample displays up to 2 decimal points, and is automatically logged and shared with your Contacts according to your configured permissions.


| Error

Indicates that the device has encountered an error. Refer to the Troubleshooting section. If the error starts with the letter “U”, then this was a user error rather than a device error.

How do I maintain my Keepr device?


Do not submerge the Keepr device in water or put in dishwasher. Only clean the device using a damp cloth with water.


It is crucial to store and operate the Keepr device only in specific conditions. The device is unlike most other consumer electronics, containing a variety of sensitive components used to measure your Breath Alcohol Content. Device abuse and improper storage may result in deteriorated measurement instruments, which may provide inaccurate sample result values.

The device should only be stored in the following climate:

  • 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • 30 to 60 percent relative, non-condensing humidity

What is Breath Alcohol Content and how is that related to Blood Alcohol Content?

Include description of how breath alcohol is related to blood alcohol level given the type of sensor used to measure BAC, e.g. The alcohol concentration in the breath is related to that in the blood, and because of this, an individual’s BAC can be determined by measuring alcohol in the breath. The ratio of breath alcohol to blood alcohol is generally estimated to be 2,100:1. Therefore, 2,100 milliliters (ml) of alveolar air will contain approximately the same amount of alcohol as 1 ml of blood.

How does a breathalyzer work?

  • Include description of how the fuel cell works, e.g. The device uses a professional grade fuel cell sensor to analyze your breath, then transmits this reading to your smartphone if you are using the connected app where your Breath Alcohol Content (BAC) estimate is displayed. The device will display your BAC as well in case you are using it on its own.


  • Do not insert anything other than the USB-C cable provided with the product into the USB-C port.
  • Inspect the charging cable prior to use. Do not use the charging cable if it has become frayed or otherwise damaged.
  • Do not inhale through the device.
  • In the event of lithium-ion battery leakage, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with the skin or eyes. If contact has been made, wash with copious amounts of water and seek medical advice.
  • Do not immerse the device in any fluid.
  • The mouthpiece presents a choking hazard for children. Keep the mouthpiece out of the reach of children.
  • Detachable mouthpiece contains a magnet. Ingesting magnets can cause serious injury or death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnets are swallowed or inhaled.
  • Users with allergies to plastics should not use the device.


Note: When disposing of this device, do so in accordance with local laws and guidelines.

Note: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment oC and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diCerent from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Note: The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc and any use of such marks by Keepr™ is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Note: The FCC requires the user be notified that any modifications or changes made to this device that are not expressly approved by Keepr™ may void the user’s authority to operate it.

Note: Keepr™ is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or diagnose a disease.

Note: Keepr™ is designed to detect trace amounts of any alcohol, which means being near any alcohol-based substances like mouthwash, perfume, or nail polish remover could impact results. Do not test in the presence of methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol or acetone.

Note: While Keepr™ is accurate according to industry standard ranges, no breathalyzer can result your exact breath alcohol content, especially when used in various conditions. Results do not determine level of intoxication or ability to operate motor vehicles or heavy machinery.

Note: Do not use the device if the ambient humidity is below 10% or above 95%. Avoid testing in high wind, smoky or enclosed spaces.

Note: Wait at least three minutes between tests. Poor ventilation may also lengthen the time required for warm up between tests.

Note: Minimum blowing time is required. To record a result, please blow forcefully enough into the device until you hear a click.

Note: Do not blow smoke, saliva or other contaminants into the mouthpiece, as the sensor may become damaged.

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