GYS EXAFEED 4L Battery Chargers & Body Welder Machine Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024

GYS EXAFEED 4L Battery Chargers & Body Welder Machine Instruction Manual
GYS EXAFEED 4L Battery Chargers & Body Welder




Read and understand the following safety recommendations before using or servicing the unit. Any change or servicing that is not specified in the instruction manual must not be undertaken.

The manufacturer is not liable for any injury or damage caused due to non compliance with the instructions featured in this manual . In the event of problems or uncertainties, please consult a qualified person to handle the installation properly. Read the welding machine’s instruction manual before using the wire feeder.


This equipment must only be used for welding operations in accordance with the limits indicated on the descriptive panel and/or in the user manual. The operator must respect the safety precautions that apply to this type of welding. In case of inedaquate or unsafe use, the manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage or injury

This equipment must be used and stored in a place protected from dust, acid or any other corrosive agent. Operate the machine in an open, or well-ventilated area.

Operating temperature:

Use between -10 and +40°C (+14 and +104°F).
Store between -20 and +55°C (-4 and 131°F). Air humidity: Lower or equal to 50% at 40°C (104°F).

Lower or equal to 90% at 20°C (68°F).
Altitude: Up to 1000 meters above sea level (3280 feet).


Arc welding can be dangerous and can cause serious and even fatal injuries. Welding exposes the user to dangerous heat, arc rays, electromagnetic fields, noise, gas fumes, and electrical shocks. People wearing pacemakers are advised to consult with their doctor before using this device. Protect yourself and others. Ensure the following safety precautions are taken:

PROTECTIONSIn order to protect you from burns and radiations, wear clothing without cuffs. These clothes must be insulated, dry, fireproof and in good condition, and cover the whole body.

Wear protective gloves which guarantee electrical and thermal insulation.

Use sufficient welding protective gear for the whole body: hood, gloves, jacket, trousers… (variable depending on the application/ operation). Protect your eyes during cleaning operations. Do not operate whilst wearing contact lenses. It may be necessary to install fireproof welding curtains to protect the area  against arc rays, weld spatters and sparks.Inform the people around the working area to never look at the arc ray or the molten metal, and to wear protective clothes.

Ensure ear protection is worn by the operator if the work exceeds the authorised noise limit. Ensure ear protection is worn by anyone in the welding area .

Stay away from moving parts (e.g. engine, fan…) with hands, hair, clothes etc… Never remove the safety covers from the cooling trolley when the machine is plugged in – The manufacturer is not responsible for any accident or injury that happens as a result of not following these safety precautions.

The pieces that have just been welded are hot and may cause burns when manipulated. During maintenance work on the torch, you should make sure it’s cold enough and wait at least 10 minutes before any intervention. The cooling trolley must be on when using a water cooled torch in order to ensure that the liquid does not cause any burns. ALWAYS ensure the working area is left as safe and secure as possible to prevent damage or accidents.


The fumes, gases and dust produced during welding are hazardous. It is mandatory to ensure adequate ventilation and/or extraction to keep fumes and gases away from the work area. An air fed helmet  is recommended in cases of insufficient air supplyin the workplace. Check that the air intake is in compliance with safety standards.

Caution, welding in small work areas requires surveillance from a safe distance. Welding certain pieces of metal containing lead, cadmium, zinc, mercury or beryllium can be extremely toxic. The user will also need to degrease the workpiece before welding. Gas cylinders must be stored in an open or ventilated area. The cylinders mustbe in a vertical position secured to a support or trolley. Do not weld in areas where grease or paint are stored.


 Protect the entire welding area. Compressed gas containers and other inflammable material must be moved to a minimum safe distance of 11 meters. A fire extinguisher must be readily available. Be careful of spatter and sparks, even through cracks. It can be the source of a fire or an explosion.

Keep people, flammable objects and containers under pressure at a safe distance. Welding of sealed containers or closed pipes should not be undertaken, and if opened, the operator must remove any inflammable or explosive materials (oil, petrol, gas…). Grinding operations should not be directed towards the device itself, the power supply or any flammable materials.


Gas leaking from the cylinder can create a hazard if present in high concentrations around the work area. Transport must be done safely: Cylinders closed and product off. Always keep cylinders in an upright position securely chained to a fixed support or trolley

Close the bottle after any welding operation. Be careful with gas bottles placed in areas of high temperature, or in sunlight. Cylinders should be located away from areas where they may be struck or subjected to physical damage. Always keep gas bottles at a safe distance from arc welding or cutting operations, and any source of heat, sparks or flame. Be careful when opening the valve on the gas bottle, it is necessary to remove the tip of the valve and make sure the gas meets your welding requirements.


The machine must be connected to an earthed electrical supply. Use the recommended fuse size. An electrical discharge can directly or indirectly cause serious or deadly accidents.

Do not touch any live part of the machine (inside or outside) when it is plugged in (Torches, earth cable, cables, electrodes) because they are connected to the welding circuit. Before opening the device, it is imperative to disconnect it from the mains and wait 2 minutes, so that all the capacitors are discharged. Do not touch the torch or electrode holder and earth clamp at the same time. Damaged cables and torches must be changed by a qualified and skilled professional. Make sure that the cable cross section is adequate with the usage (extensions and welding cables). Always wear dry clothes in good condition, in order to be insulated from the electrical circuit. Wear insulating shoes, regardless of the environment in which you work in.


The electric currents flowing through a conductor cause electrical and magnetic fields (EMF). The welding current generates an EMF field around the welding circuit and the welding equipment.

The EMF fields may disrupt some medical implants, such as pacemakers. Protection measures should be taken for people wearing medical implants. For example, access restrictions for passers-by or an individual risk evaluation for the welders.

All welders should take the following precautions in order to minimise exposure to the electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by the welding circuit::

  • position the welding cables together – if possible, attach them;
  • keep your head and torso as far as possible from the welding circuit;
  • never enroll the cables around your body;
  • never position your body between the welding cables. Hold both welding cables on the same side of your body;
  • connect the earth clamp as close as possible to the area being welded;
  • do not work too close to, do not lean and do not sit on the welding machine
  • do not weld when you’re carrying the welding machine or its wire feeder.

People wearing pacemakers are advised to consult their doctor before using this device. Exposure to electromagnetic fields while welding may have other health effects which are not yet known


The wire feeder is equipped with handles for easy transportation. Be careful not to underestimate the machine’s weight. The handle cannot be used to hang the machine from other equipment. Never lift the machine while there is a gas cylinder on the support shelf. A clear path is available when moving the item. Do not place/carry the unit over people or objects. The removal of the wire reel from the machine is recommended before undertaking any lifting operation. The machine is fitted with non-insulated lifting eye bolts, they are designed for wire feeder maintenance and not for wire feeder lifting during welding operations. If they are used during welding, the eye bolts must be insulated from the building’s earth.

Stray welding currents/voltages may destroy earth conductors, damage electrical equipment or cause components to warm up which may cause a fire.

  • All welding connections must be firmly secured, check regularly !
  • Check that the metal piece fixation is strong and without any electrical problems !
  • Attach or hang all the electrically conductive elements,such as the trolley in order to insulate them
  • Do not place any electrical equipment such as drills on top of the welding machine without insulating them !
  • Always place welding torches or electrodes holders on an insulated surface when they’re not in use !


Rules to follow :

  • The wire feeder must be switched on with all access panels closed.
  • Put the wire feeder on a floor with a maximum incline of 10°.
  • The machine must be placed in a sheltered area away from rain or direct sunlight.
  • The equipment’s protection level is IP23, which means :
    • Protection against acess to dangerous parts from solid bodies of a ≥12.5mm diameter and,
    • Protection against the rain inclined at 60° towards the vertical.
      These devices can be used outside in accordance with the IP23 protection index.

The manufacturer does not incur any responsability regarding damages to both objects and persons that result from an incorrect and/or dangerous use of the machine .


  • Maintenance should only be carried out by a qualified person. Annual maintenance is recommended.
  • Ensure the wire feeder is disconnected from the welding machine, and wait for two minutes before carrying out maintenance work.
  • Remove the casing 2 or 3 times a year to remove any excess dust. Take this opportunity to have the electrical connections checked by a qualified person, with an insulated tool.
  • Regularly check the connection cable between the wire feeder and the machine. If damaged, the connection cable cable must be replaced.
  • Warning ! If the welding machine is transported/handled by another solution than the one recommended by the manufacturer; the wire feeder casing must be insulated from the transporting/handling solution. Rules to follow :
  • The wire feeder must be switched on with all access panels closed.


Only qualified personnel authorized by the manufacturer should perform the installation of the welding equipment. During set up, the operator must ensure that the machine is unplugged. It is recommended to use the welding cables supplied with the unit in order to obtain the optimum product settings.

Risk of injury due to moving parts!

The wire feeders contain moving parts that may catch hand, hair, clothes or tools which can lead to injuries! Take extra care.

  • Do not place your hand on mobile/pivoting/wire feeding parts of the machine!
  • Make sure that all panels remain closed when in use !


  1. Lifting ring
  2. Connection cable access
  3. Reel support
  4. Wire feeding motor
  5. Rocker switch Wire inch / Gas purge
  6. Transport handles
  7. Man to Machine Interface
  8. EURO connector
  9. Water connector
  10. Water connector
  11. Remote control cable connector
  12. Connection cable control connector
  13. Gas connector
  14. Power relay connector
  15. Water connector
  16. Water connector


  1. Voltage display
  2. Wire speed / current display
  3. Amperes indicator
  4. m /mn indicator
  5. Overheat indicator
  6. Disruption of normal operations indicator
  7. Voltage adjustment knob:
  8. Wire speed / inductance adjustment knob
  9. ductance selection button
  10. Wire speed indicator
  11. Inductance mode indicator
  12. Active remote control indicator
  13. Locked keypad indicator
  14. Locked keypad button
  15. Remote control selection button / remote control activation
  16. 2T indicator
  17. 4T indicator
  18. Spot/Delay indicator
  19. Gas purge
  20. Wire inching


The EXAFEED 4L wire feeder has been solely designed to operate with the EXAGON 400 CC/CV welding machine (ref. 010925).
The connection between these two elements is done via one of the followingconnection cables :

Cooling Length Section Reference
Air 5m 70mm² 047587
10m 70mm² 047594
95mm² 047600
15m 95mm² 038349
20m 038431
Liquid 1.8m 70mm² 037243
5m 70mm² 047617
10m 70mm² 047624
95mm² 047631
15m 95mm² 038448
20m 038455


The connection between the welding machine and the wire feeder must be done while the power supply is of

Connection cable on the wire feeder :

  • Open the connection cable’s access panel (FIG 1 – n°2)
  • Pass the cable through the opening at the back of the wire feeder
  • Lock the connection cable on the wire feeder by twisting it clockwise by 1/4 then lock the support using the screw supplied with the connection cable.
  • Perform the connection.

Connection cable on welding machine :

  • Connect the earth clamp on the positive (+) or negative (-) terminal depending on the wire type.
  • Connect the connection cable on the remaining terminal for power.
  • Connect the command connector on the 10 pin DIN connector located between the welding machine’s power connectors.


  • Remove the torch shroud (FIG-4, F) and contact tip (FIG-4, E). Open the door of the machine.

FIG-4, A :

  • Place the reel on the driving pin of the reel support. For a 200 mm (10kg) wire reel, tighten the wire reel support to the maximum.
  • Set the brake (FIG-4, 2) to prevent wire entanglement when the weld stops. In general, do not excessively tighten the brake, which would cause the motor to overheat.

FIG-4, B :

  • Set the rollers that fit the intended use of the machine. The supplied rollers are double groove rollers (Ø1/ and Ø1.2). The indication on the visible side of the roller is the diameter in use. For a Ø1.2 mm wire, use the Ø1.2 groove. For aluminium welding, use suitable rollers (U groove).

FIG-4, C :

To change the wire, proceed as follows :

  • Untighten the wheels (FIG-4, 4) at the maximum and lower them, insert the wire, then close the wire feed motor and tighten the wheels according
    to the instructions.

  • Start the motor by pressing the torch trigger (FIG 1 – n°5)

  • Make the wire come out of the torch by 5 cm, then put a suitable contact tip at the end of the torch (FIG-4, E), as well as the shroud (FIG-4, F).

Remarks :

  • A torch liner that is too narrow may cause wire feeding problems as well as motor overheating.
  • The torch connector must also be securely tightened to prevent overheating.
  • Check that neither the MIG/MAG wire nor the wire reel are in contact with the machine’s mechanical parts, otherwise there si a danger of short-circuit.


On the machine, press the button several times until the LED light switches on below the symbol . Both display show and the knobs are inactive, all controls are now operated from the wire feeder’s interface (FIG-2).


  1. setting the welding voltage : Adjust the welding voltage using the main knob depending on the work to be carried out. The voltage setpoint is indicated on the left side display.
  2. Setting the wire speed : Adjust the wire speed using the right knob depending on the work to be carried out. The speed setpoint is indicated on the right side display.
  3. Setting the inductance : While pressing the button , turn the knob , the index shows a value from -9 à +9. The lower the inductance level, the harder and more   guiding the arc. The higher the inductance and the softer the arc with little splatter.


Refer to the chapter « menu access » for more details regarding welding parameters

  • « SPot », welding duration (in seconds) in Spot / Delay mode.

  • (1) « DeLaY », stop duration (in seconds) in Spot / Delay mode

  • « PrEgaz », Pre gas, duration (in seconds) of the gas flow between the pressing of the trigger and the start of the wire feeding.

  • « I Start », starting current (relative scale from -5 to +5), the default value is 0

  • « Creep Speed », wire creep speed (percentage) before arc ignition

  • (2) « Hot Start », Activation / deactivation of hotstart settings (On/Off)

  • (3) « Creep Voltage », voltage (percentage) at arc ignition

  • (3) « HotStart Speed », speed (percentage) during Hotstart

  • (3) « HotStart Voltage », voltage (percentage) during Hotstart

  • (3) « HotStart time », duration (in seconds) of the Hotstart phase

  • (4) « Crater Filler », activation / deactivation of crater filler mode (On/off)

  • (5) « Crater Filler Speed », speed (percentage) during crater filling

  • (5) « Crater Filler Voltage », voltage (percentage) during crater filling phase

  • (5) « downSlope time », duration (in seconds) of the downslope from main welding current to crater filling phase

  • (5) « Crater Filler time », duration (seconds) of the crater filling phase

  • « burnback », energy required to draw back the wire (relative scale from -5 à +5), the default value is 0

  • « Post Gaz », duration (in seconds) of the gas flow after the welding stops

  1.  these settings are only available in Spot / Delay mode.
  2. the Hotstart settings are only available in Spot / Delay mode.
  3. these settings are only visible if H.S. is set to « On ».
  4. the CraterFiller settings are only available in Spot / Delay mode.
  5. these settings are only visible if C.F. is set to « On »


During welding, the machine measures and displays the welding current and voltage. After the weld, the average current and voltage values are displayed during 30 seconds, as soon as a knob or a button is pressed, the welding parameters are displayed. Depending on the operation (short-circuit, globular or spray-arc), the average voltage can slightly differ from the setpoint voltage.


The current settings are automatically saved and loaded at start up. On top of the current settings, it is also possible to save and load settings per each mode.

There are 50 memory slots

The saved settings include :

  • voltage, wire speed and inductance,
  • advanced settings.
  • 2T / 4T / SPOT DELAY mode

Save new settings :

  • Hold buttons and during 3 seconds. appears, release the buttons.
  • Turn one of the two knobs . Validate by pressing the button .
  • The display indicates a memory set (01 to 50) while blinking.
  • Turn the knob to select the memory set in which the desired settings will be saved. Validate by pressing the button .
  • The settings are saved / the menu exit is instantaneous. Load existing settings :
  • Hold buttons and during 3 seconds. appears, release the buttons.
  • Turn one of the two knobs . Validate by pressing the button .
  • The display indicates a memory set (01 to 50) while blinking.
  • Turn one of the two knobs to select the memory slot containing the settings to load. Validate by pressing the button . The settings are loaded / the menu exit is instantaneous.

Quick Load mode: Easy recall of saved welding parameters :

When the « Quick load » mode is active, the user can sequentially recall previously saved welding parameters, by briefly pressing/releasing the trigger. Slots 2 to 50 can store customisable welding parameters. (Example : Setting 5 will allow the user to recall, using he trigger, programs 01 to 05).


2T mode:


  1. If the Hotstart phase feature is deactivated, the welding starts immeditately after the arc ignition (Start).
  2. If the Crater Filler feature is deactivated, the wire is drawn back immediately after the trigger is released.

4T mode:

The 4T mode allows the user to manage various steps with the trigger The behaviour varies depending on the activation / deactivation of the Hotstart and Crater Filler features.


  1. if the Hotstart feature is active, the Hotstart phase lasts until the trigger is released. If the Hotstart feature is deactivated, the pregas phase lasts while the trigger is held (no graph).
  2. if the Crater Filler feature is active, the Crater Filler phase lasts while the trigger is held. If the Crater Filler is deactivated, the postgas phase lasts while the trigger is held (no graph)

Spot / Delay mode:

The Spot / Delay is a 2T mode to weld beads of a specific length (Spot settings expressed in seconds) with a specific spacing (Delay settings expressed in seconds). If the Delay setting is set to 0.0 seconds then a single weld bead will be welded, you will have to release and press the trigger again to weld another weld bead.


A remote control (ref. 047679) can be connected to the EXAFEED wire feeder via the connector (FIG-1, 5). The remote control acts on the voltage (1st potentiometer) and the wire speed (2nd potentiometer). Thus these settings cannot be accessed on the wire feeder’s interface.


Operation :

Press the button for 3 seconds, the display shows and goes back to current display. The LED (FIG-2, n°13) switches on.

No button is enabled, the knobs can adjust the voltage and wire speed (value at +/- of the percentage, defined by the «tol» setting) (see the welding machine’s instruction manual).

To unlock the commands, press the button for 3 seconds, the display shows then goes back to current display. The LED (FIG-2, n°13) switches off.



  1. settings available only in Spot / Delay mode
  2. settings unavailable in Spot / Delay mode
  3. Settings avaiable only if Hot start mode is active (H.S. set to On).
  4. settings unavaible in Spot / Delay mode
  5. settings available only if Crater Filler is active (C.F. set to On)


The warranty covers faulty workmanship for 2 years from the date of purchase (parts and labour).

The warranty does not cover:

  • Transit damage.
  • Normal wear of parts (eg. : cables, clamps, etc..).
  • Damages due to misuse (power supply error, dropping of equipment, disassembling).
  • Environment related failures (pollution, rust, dust).

In case of failure, return the unit to your distributor together with:

  • The proof of purchase (receipt etc …)
  • A description of the fault reported

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