GYMFORM Vibromax Vibration Plate – Vibration Plate for Cardio and Strength Training User Manual

June 3, 2024


GYMFORM Vibromax Vibration Plate – Vibration Plate for Cardio and

Strength Training

GYMFORM Vibromax Vibration Plate - Vibration Plate for Cardio and Strength


Please concentrate on the positions and on your breathing at all times. Your breathing should be full, slow and regular. The time duration recommended for all programs is 15 minutes. We recommend to make 1 session per day


If maintaining a position for 10 minutes is difficult for you, try taking 30 seconds breaks until your body gets used to the vibration training.

Beginner standing Position

GYMFORM Vibromax Vibration Plate - Vibration Plate for Cardio and Strength
Training 1

Beginners’ Standing Position Place your feet shoulder width apart onto the main plate. Bend your knees slightly to offer increased support. Muscles Worked Lower back, buns, thighs and calves.

Buda Position

Buda Position – Sit onto the main plate facing away from the machine. Please fold your legs. Please pay attention that your back is straight and your core is tensed. Muscles worked – Lower back, buns and thighs.

Attention position

Attention Position – Place your feet shoulder width apart onto the main plate. Do not bend your legs but extend them in a straight line. Muscles worked – Upper body, arm muscles and full back.

Side seat

Side Seating Position – Sit onto the plate and put your feet through the side of the bars. Extend your legs keeping your toes po-inted and off of the floor. Muscles worked – Buns and thighs.

Side step position

Side Step Position – Stand off of the machine with your hands on your hips. Face side ways to the ma-chine and place one foot on the plate. Muscles worked – Waist and thighs.
Note: You may change the leg variation at any time.

Front step position

Front Step Position – Face the machine and put one foot onto the plate. Pay at-tention to keep your back straight and your core ten-sed. Muscles worked – Front thigh and calf muscle.
Note: You may change the leg variation at any time.

Leg raised floor position

Leg Raised Floor Position – Lie with your back on the floor. Place one foot onto the plate. Extend the other leg in a straight line kee-ping your toes pointed. Rai-se your hips off of the floor. Keep your arms and palms flat on the floor. Muscles worked – Bun, thighs and triceps.
Note: You may change the leg variation at any time.

Double leg raised position

Double Leg Raised Po-sition – Lie on the floor with your feet onto the platform. Raise your hips off of the floor. Your upper body should be in a straight line with your hips. Keep your arms ex-tended on the floor. Muscles worked: Buns, thighs and calves.

Calf position

Calf Position – Lie with your back on the floor. Pla-ce both of your calf mus- cles onto the plate. Muscles worked – Calves.

Press up position

Push Up Position –Adopt the push up position facing away from the machine with your feet on the plate. Please pay attention that your head is in line with your shoulders. Your back should be in a straight line. Muscles worked full body. Note: for an advanced move you can perform prush ups whilst using the Vibromax.

Shoulder position

Shoulder Position – Kneel on the floor facing the ma-chine. Place your palms onto the plate. Muscles worked shoul-ders, arms and back.

Triceps position

Triceps Position – Sit on the floor with your back on the edge of the platform. Pla-ce your palms facing away from the machine onto the main plate. Raise your hips off of the floor. Hold this position. Muscles worked Triceps, arms, core. Note: for an ad-vanced move you can per-form tricep dips (stretching and flexing your elbow) whilst using the Vibromax.

Lower abs position

Lower Abs Position Facing away, lie on the platform with your head outside of the main plate, your hips on the plate, and your palms on the ground. Muscles worked – Lower stomach.

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