amazon Baby Product Listing and Content Guide

June 8, 2024

amazon Baby Product Listing and Content Guide

a drawing of a face

Please note that you have sole responsibility for ensuring that your offers comply with legal requirements. Amazon cannot advise you on legal issues. If you are unsure which information you need to provide for your product, or if you have questions with respect to legislative requirements, we recommend that you seek independent legal advice.

This Style Guide will help you to offer your products effectively and to maximize your sales.

Your commercial success at depends on the quality of product information filed. The product details page replaces the traditional consumer consultation. Product offers, which are correctly set out in detail, with a consistent title and product images, will be easier for customers to find and so will sell more often and be returned less often.

Comprehensive product information also means that the pages will be found more easily and more quickly by search engines. The more content you provide on your product page, the higher the likelihood that the page will rank higher in leading search engines and will therefore be found and called up by more visitors.

Further information and the up-to-date files are accessible at Seller Central:

General guidelines for baby items

For all products in the following categories, please use the inventory files (Flat Files) for baby items:


  • Albums, christening candles & baby ornaments
  • Car seats & infant carriers
  • Nursery furniture and nursery furniture accessories
  • Bedding articles
  • Decoration
  • Bottle- & breastfeeding
  • Health & baby care
  • Prams and pushchairs
  • Dummies and teethers
  • Pregnancy
  • Safety
  • Playing and learning
  • Baby wearing and bags

The following are excluded:

  • Baby clothing and accessories Clothing
  • Baby Shoes Shoes
  • Baby food Grocery
  • Picture books, read-aloud books, parenting and other advice books Books
  • Lamps and night lights Lighting
  • Nappies, baby oils, creams, baby pharmaceutical items Health & Personal Care

Special case for toys:

Please upload all toys using the Toys Flat File, except those which fall in the following categories (here, please select the baby item file template as usual):

  • Baby rockers
  • Pram toys
  • Baby walkers
  • Mobiles
  • Comforters
  • Play centers and baby gyms
  • Music boxes
  • Play rugs and discovery blankets
  • Doorway bouncers

Overview of fields for key product features

The following fields can be used to communicate key product information and to optimize product visibility. The table only serves to provide a rough overview. More precise descriptions follow subsequently

  Description Corresponding field name
EAN Indicate the correct EAN/UPC for the item. standard-product-id
Product title The product title appears next to the image and appears
in search results. title
Brand Exact brand name used to market the product brand
Product images Up to 9 images can be used. The higher the resolution,

the better.

The minimum resolution is 500 pixels, from 1,000 pixels zoom can be used for the image.

| main-image-url, swatch-image- url other-image-url1-8
Product features/Highlights| To provide a first impression quickly, use bullet points under Highlights. Short and precise is the motto here.| bullet- point1-5
Product description| Detailed description of the features and possible uses of your product in written form.| description
Category filter (Browse Nodes)| The product category, in which the item should be displayed on the page.| recommended-browse-node1-2
Search terms| Synonyms or search words, by which your item can be found. Several terms are possible per field with a total maximum of 50 characters.| search-terms1-5
Variation relationships| If you want to offer an item in multiple flavors and packaging units, then a variation relationship needs to be created here, so that all variations can be displayed under a parent item on the details page.| parentage, relationship-type, parent-sku, variation-theme, colour, colour-map, size, size- map details pages overview

Here you can see an example details page for a child seat. The most important elements are featured with the respective field terms in the template file.

  1. EAN

For your product details, always use the original EAN from the manufacturer (“standard-product-id”). Duplicates created by generating new EANs for items which already have a manufacturer EAN make it harder for the customer to make a decision to purchase.

  1. **Product title

Title / product name (“title”)

Please always provide the title of your products in a uniform format and with correct spelling. This will ensure consistent naming throughout the Amazon website. This makes it easier for the customer to identify products and increases the likelihood of a purchase.The product title must be constructed as follows:
1) Brand product:
Formula: [Brand] [Item number] [Item name] [where applicable: Item type] [key specifications such as colour, size etc.]** Insofar as you list variations of an article (“child” variations), the product title must include the relevant variation attributes such as colour or size. This information should also be provided for individual products which are not part of a variation. For parent products, use a generally-applicable title without colour and size information.

2) Products without a brand (“no name” items):
NEVER use a brand name for these.
Formula: [Item number] [Item name] [where applicable: Item type] [key specifications such as colour, size etc.]



Brand product


Formula| Brand| Item number| Item name| Item type| Specifications
Example| Hauck| 604038| Dream’n Play| Travel Cot| 60×120 cm, Colour Yellow/Blue/Navy
Result:| Hauck 604038 Dream’n Play Travel Cot, 60×120 cm, Colour Yellow/Blue/Navy

The following general principles apply:

● The shorter, the better: limit yourself to those features that are necessary to differentiate the product from others. Use a maximum of 80 characters.
● Please pay attention to correct use of upper and lower cases for product names, product descriptions and bullet points. Avoid using block capitals (BLOCK CAPITALS). So do not write “SOOTHER” but, rather, “Soother”.
● Provide the brand or manufacturer with the correct spelling. Do not name the supplier or wholesaler. If the brand is not known, state “unknown”.
● The product title must not contain information about pricing, shipping, nor company information or promotions relating to your offer. Please avoid using time-related information such as “Offer for a limited period only”.
● Except for proper names, product titles must be in English. Please always provide the brief description in English. Please always indicate what kind of item it is. Customers generally search for “Blue potty” and not “Mother care potty” even when the potty has such a name.


Do not include search terms in the title; use the fields provided for these (search-terms 1-5). The search terms entered will be valued in the same way as the information in the title, therefore allowing for a reliable product title and search words rolled into one.

  1. **Product images


High-quality product images play a decisive role in the decision to purchase. Because customers cannot handle the products, it is even more important that you use multifaceted images to depict the product clearly for customers. Ideally, your images will be high resolution so that the zoom function can be used. In addition, it is recommended that you upload several pictures featuring different viewpoints or detail views of the product. Naturally, it is crucial that the product corresponds exactly to the selling title.

Colour model

Product images on the Amazon website use the RGB colour model.

Images in the CMYK colour model or Indexed Colours cannot be processed. With these, there are significant colour deviations in online presentation. Printable material is usually in the CMYK model. Please convert these types of image accordingly, before you upload them.

Image size

The image must have a minimum size of 500 pixels along the longest length. Zoom can be used for images from a size of 1200 pixels, i.e. the customer has the option of enlarging the picture to look at the product details more closely.

The product must take up 80-90% of the area of the total image area.

Main image

The whole product must be seen in the image (nothing must be cropped out), as well as clearly discernible and illuminated and depicted from an informative perspective. Images must be free from text, borders, frames, logos, labels, pricing notices and watermarks. Accessories or different possible combinations are not permitted. For the image background, please select 100% white (RGB 255,255,255 this requires editing). A light shadow to separate the product from the image background is permitted (see example: travel cot).

Examples of good main images

Examples of bad main images

Additional product images

Coloured backgrounds are permitted. The product can be portrayed in the environment in which it is used, as long as the background does not distract from the product offered. Text, schematic representations and drawings are allowed so long as they contribute to a better understanding of the product (see example: pink changing bag). Lifestyle pictures are also allowed. The product must, however, be immediately recognizable and depicted in meaningful surroundings (e.g. a mother with travel cot bag).

In the event that the product can be purchased in different designs (e.g. colours), a separate variation must be created for each separate item and a separate picture in JPG format with RGB colour model must be uploaded for each variation

  1. Product features/Highlights

You can provide up to 5 bullet points, indicating the principal features of the product. In a concise and catchy form, you can make customers aware of the benefits of a product. Each bullet point should contain a maximum of 15 words.

Besides the product image, Highlights are the most important means of influencing the customer’s decision to purchase. Bear this in mind when creating the bullet points.

You can provide up to 5 bullet points , giving the principal features or benefits of the product. In a concise and catchy form, you can make customers aware of the benefits of your product. Pay attention to formulating the bullet points in a sales-focused way.

Words comprising only BLOCK CAPITALS and exclamation marks (!) are prohibited. Please avoid special characters, such as ™, © or ®, as these can lead to display problems.


Suitable for children from 9 to 18 kg (approx. 9 months to approx. 4 years)
• Tensioner securely tightens the seat belt for sturdy installation in the car
• Installed with regular 3-point safety belt
• Spacious seat (height and width) with comfortable support for the child
• 4 recline positions

See more product details

Please remember not to include any pricing, shipping or company information in the bullet points for product features. The Highlights (and also all other information) should assist the customer in his or her decision to purchase.

  1. Product description

The product description is the “traditional consumer consultation”. Use the description to further characterize an item and to distinguish it from similar products.

In the product description, you have the opportunity to provide more detail of the benefits and characteristics of your product. A precise description of an item helps the customer to assess and appraise the item. The more precisely the item is described, the better your consultation and the customer will have a more positive shopping experience.

Content requirements

  * Text should be written in plain
  * Foreign words and unusual abbreviations must be
  * Functions, technologies and potential applications of the product should be described.
  * Information on test results is not permitted
  * Simple key points and enumerations of technical features are not
  * Words written in upper case followed by a colon (e.g. “NEW :”) are not permitted, as these cannot be processed by our technical
  * Write in full sentences.

*Multi-packs (bundles) / Number of units per packet (Item Package Quantity or IPQ)

Information for multi-packs (bundles) gives the customer information relating to the number of units per packet (IPQ) in one offer. Make absolutely sure that you have entered the right IPQ in the data pool and this will be displayed correctly on the details page.

Note: Most manufacturers assign EANs for individual items and sell these as a set (e.g. “2 for 1”).In order to reduce the error rate on the details pages and to minimize customer confusion, it is important that you provide the IPQ of the item either in a set or as a standalone product.

Product Number of units per package (IPQ) Why?
Lindt: Nostalgia – Gift Pack with 100 g Pralines 1 The customer receives

100g pralines in a package.
Columella Extra Fine Olive Oil from Spain
750 ml bottle (Pack of 2)| 2| The customer receives two 750ml bottles.

Note: Provide the number of items that you are selling in the product file. This should prevent different entries for the same product being found on the detail’s pages.

Please take care to provide the quantities of your products. You can only use one ASIN for one quantity. If you want to offer the product in a different quantity, please use a separate ASIN for this. Bundles with multiple, identical articles must use the manufacturer’s EAN for the individual articles, and input the quantity offered in the “Item Package Quantity” field.

  1. Category filters (Browse Nodes)
    **** The exact assignment of a product to a column in the directory structure (“Browse Node”) is extremely important for visibility of your products on

Filtering of search results works in this way so that the customer can find your item if she or he browses in the product category or navigates within the product categories on the website. Proceed as follows

1) Determine the entry in the directory structure that best fits your product in the Browse Tree Guide (Example: Baby Products/Baby & Toddler Toys/Bath Toys)

2) Next, in the template table assign the appropriate Browse Tree Guide (“BTG” or “classifications list”) number for the product. Indicate the Browse Node as precisely as possible. For “Baby Products/Baby & Toddler Toys/Bath Toys”, for example, enter Browse Node ID 364063031. Always assign the lowest Browse Node from the BTG. The ASIN (i.e. your item) is automatically represented in all parent Browse Nodes


If a customer is looking for a highchair on Amazon and then refines the search results by clicking on the category “Baby/Highchairs”, only those items within the Highchair Browse Node will be shown. Your item will also not be found by browsing through the categories. It is imperative that you put your item in the correct Browse Node.

In addition, automated marketing campaigns are based on Browse Nodes and your products could benefit from these campaigns. Therefore, categorization of your item in the lowest but most relevant Node is very important.

You can find a list of Browse Nodes in the Seller Central Help Pages

If we find an item in the wrong Browse Node, or in multiple Browse Nodes, we will delete it

  1. Search terms
    **** Increase the number of search hits for your item by using relevant keywords. These should not be terms that already appear in the product title, brand or manufacturer name, as these are already referenced in the search. Providing appropriate keywords is a very good way of improving the number of hits in external search engines (outside Inputting false or misleading attributes or third-party brands or third-party manufacturer names is an infringement of Amazon Seller Guidelines and can lead to suspension of your account.

  2. _ **Variation relationships (products in different designs)

**_ Amazon allows you to include products that can be purchased in multiple designs known as variations (“variations”). Variations always consist of two parts

Amazon allows you to include products that can be purchased in multiple designs known as variations (“variations”). Variations always consist of two parts:

1. A main item (= “parent” item):

This product is just a placeholder. As this item cannot be purchased, it has no quantity, price or barcode information. However, it is crucial that you provide this main item with an image and a product description. The title selected applies generally, so does not describe the variations e.g. “Isiyiner Sleeping Bag for Camping”.

2. One or more “child” items:

Only these child items can be purchased by customers. Each individual product should be assigned its own images/prices/delivery times etc. These will be displayed on the Amazon website after the product has been selected. Please ensure that each individual child item has its own barcode (EAN, UPC) from the manufacturer and use these here. It is not possible to represent all variants using a single barcode. It is also crucial that you include the attributes (e.g. size or colour) of the respective variations in the product title of the child item, e.g. 70 cm. This information will later be displayed in the customer’s order confirmation and also in your order reports in Seller Central.

The Parentage column identifies whether an SKU in this row presents the main item (“parent”) or a “child” item. The column Parent SKU indicates the SKU of the main item for product variations. The column Relationship Type gives the relationship to the main item. For variations, this will always state “variation”. The column Variation Theme describes more precisely what kind of variation is in question, e.g. size, colour, size/colour. Please pay attention that you have allocated your products correctly. Where the item is a “child” item in a variation family, indicate the SKU of the corresponding “parent” item.

Here is an example of a good variation:

Important product information for different products

  1. **Child car seats


**Car seats should be portrayed from every angle. In addition, a picture of the seat installed in the car is useful

**** The Highlights or Product Description should, in particular, give details of the safety of the seat and how it fixes to the car.

The following questions should be answered on the product details page:

  * What are the minimum and maximum ages for this child seat?
  * What is the maximum child weight?
  * How high is the seat?
  * How wide is the seat?
  * Does the seat have a plastic cover? Is it made of a robust material, removable and washable?
  * What material is the cover made from?

The following information should be in the Highlights, so that the customer can compare items easily:

● Does the seat have a sleep/recline position?
● Is the headrest height-adjustable?
● How is the seat secured in the car?

  1. Prams and pushchairs

Prams and pushchairs should be shown from all angles and also in the folded- down position. It is also useful for customers to see the prams/pushchairs folded down in a car boot.

**** The dimensions of the pram/pushchair should be entered in the Product Description. The dimensions in folded-down position are also important, as the pram/pushchair will also have to fit in the customer’s car boot.

The following questions should be answered on the product details page:

● What is the seat width of the pram/pushchair?
● How long is the seat/bed surface of the pram/pushchair?
● What size is the tyre diameter?
● Can the item be folded down quickly to put it in the car?
● Is the folding mechanism solid and easy to handle? Can this mechanism be fastened?
● How many wheels do the parking brakes apply to?
● Is there a 5-point-harness?
● What kind of storage area is provided on the pram/pushchair? (Fixed or hangs down when fully loaded with lots of bags or shopping)?
● Does the pram/pushchair have a height-adjustable, fold-down bar/handle, which can be adjusted to suit the height of the customer?
● Is the material cover made of robust material, removable and washable?
● What material is the cover/bag etc. made from?

The following information should be in the Highlights, so that the customer can compare items easily:

● What are the dimensions in folded-down position?
● What does the pram/pushchair weigh?

  1. Furniture

    **** Furniture should be depicted using multiple pictures. A cupboard, for example, should be shown not only from the front but also with the doors open, to show the compartments inside. In addition, particular attention must be paid here to ensure that what is pictured is what will ultimately be delivered to the customer. For complete children’s bedrooms, the first image should illustrate the whole ensemble, and sub-images then portray each individual part of the box contents. Sub-images can present individual items of furniture in a room. Detail images can also be uploaded as additional images (e.g. showing stickers, engravings etc.).

**** Descriptions should provide information, in particular, on details, design, assembly, box contents, dimensions etc. For sets, each component product must be described.

The following questions should be answered on the product details page:

● What is the weight of the furniture on delivery?
● What material is the furniture made of (solid wood, veneer etc.)?
● Is the wood treated (varnished, painted…)?
● Are particular tools required for assembly? If so, which?
● Is assembly easy or is DIY expertise required?
● Can the furniture be adapted to suit children as they grow?
● How is the furniture cleaned and cared for?
● For all textiles (e.g. covers), provide the material composition and care instructions.
● For items where drop-shipping is used, the number of boxes should be provided in Highlights and in the Product Description.
● What accessories are provided (e.g. removable side panels)?

The following information should be in the Highlights, so that the customer can compare items easily:

● What are the dimensions of the furniture (both assembled and as a flat pack)?
● Is the furniture pre-assembled?

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