DRIJA Genova 76 Built-in-Gas Stove User Manual
- June 3, 2024
Table of Contents
DRIJA Genova 76 Built-in-Gas Stove
Thank you for choosing our gas cook top. To us,e this artifact correctly and
preven any potential risk, read thes,e instructions bef:Ore using it.
Keep these instructions in a pl!ace where you can find easily. lf you are not
sure of any of the information contained in these instructiions, please
contact our customer service center.
The manufacturer shaU not be respc:msibl;e for any damages to persons or
property caused by improper instaUatiori or misuse of your kitchen.
The artifa.ct has been certified for use in countries other than those mar ed
at the stove.
The manufacturer reserves the riight to make any modifications to · he
products a.s ay be considers necessary or usefu[, also in the interests ofr
the user, without jeopar,dizing the main function af and safety features.
The artifact is designed for a domestic and non-commercial environment.
- Auxiliary burner
- Semi- apid1 burner
- Rapid burner
- Trip e ring. wok burner
- Igniter for Gas Burners (only on certain models)
- Safety Device (only on c1ertain models) – Activates if the flame accidentally goes out (spifls, drafts, etc.}, interrupting- the delivery of gas to the burner_
- Control Knobs for Gas Burners and Electric Hot Plates
The position of the corresponding gas burner is indicated on each control knob.
Gas burners
The burners are different in size and power. Choose the most appropriate for
he c!iameter of the kitchen utensHs that are used.
The bum er can be adj LI sted with the corresponding control knob LI s 1ng one
of he following configurations
On those models equipped with a safety device
The knob must press and after being on wait 6 seconds, then release the knob
to, prevent it fmm turning off when you turn it on since your account has a
safe y va.lve.
To light a burn.er: simply press the oorresponding knob and tum it
counterclockw,se to the High s,elting press and hold ntil the b mer ignites.
Caution: If the name accidental:ly goes out, tum off the gas with the control
knob and try to turn it on again at teas 1 minute llater.
1b turn a,ff a burne.r: Tum the knob clockwise until it stops (it must be in
he”•” setting).
- Make sure that after you clean the k;tchen the lids and burners should be well pfaced if they are not properly not going or the flame will be ve.ry high if it ignites.
- The wock holder goes over the burners its function is to help b,etter cooking since the pan is cooked at 360 degrees and not only in the middle.
Before cleaning or mainta·ning your gas pliate, disconnect it from the power
source (batte:ry included).
To extend the life of the gas plater it ·s absolutely ,essential that it be thoroughly cleaned horoughly and, in general, take ·nto account the following:
- Glazed parts and glass top should be washed with warm water without using abrasive powders or corrosive substances that can ruin them;
- he removab}e parts of the burners should be washed generally with soap and warm water, be sure to remove the adhered substances;
- Automat:ic rgn’tion p’n, the end must be cileaned car,efully and, in general, make sure hat the lgnition continues to function normally_
- The, sta:inless steel top pl:ate and other steel parts can g1et stained if they are kept in contact with h·gh ooncentratio.11 rmestone water or corros:ive detergents {containing phosphorus). To extend the shel:f liie, we· recommend you rinse these parts thoroughly with water and dry them by blowing. It is also a good idea to ciean up any spilla.ge.
- After working the glass. plate, the surface should: be cleaned with a damp cl;oth to remove d:ust or food debris. The glass surface sho1uld be cleaned regularly with waITTJ wate and non-corrosive detergent.
First to remove alil ood o grease residues with a, cleaning scraper, Cleaning
scraper (not supplied) (Fig. 1 ) While the cooking surface is warm, clean it
with a suitable cleaning product and paper towels, then wipe with a damp cloth
and a dry surface. Like aluminum foil, plastic items, objects made of
synthetic material, sugar or foods with a high sugar content that have meted
on the surface, it must be removed immediately. While tile cooking surface ·s
still hot, clean it with a scraper and a t an:sparent p.r,otective fHm that
prevents more dirt from accumulating. This also protects tile surface from
dama.ge caused by foods with a hi.gh sugar content Do not use abrasive sponges
or cleaning agents, th·s is vard for chemicalily aggressive cleaners, such as
oven spr:ays and stain removers (Fig. 2)
When deaning the gril1I / pan holder, it i1s recommended to clean it while i
i1s stiill hot. To remove the grill from the pla.te and put it in the, sink,
remove any food or grease residue first, after the g m has cooled, rinse it
with water.
To dean the glass of the stove it ts recommended to use neutral soaps and warm
water, then dry and wipe with alcohol so that the glass is completely clean.
Grease the gas valves
Over time, gas valves can get stuck and it is difficult to turn on / off. For
his case, you must clean the, inside of the valve and grease it.
Kind Reminder: This procedure mus:t be performed by a, technician
authorized by the manufacturer.
Practical advice
Practical advice on the use of burners
For best performance, foHow these general guidelines:
- Use the appropriate cooking utensils for each burner (see table) to prevent the flame from reaching the side of the pot or pan;
- Always use kitchen utensils with a flat bottom and keep the lid on;
- When the contents bnil,. turn the knob to ”Low.”
To identify the type o,f burner, refer to the designs in the section entitled ‘Burner .and nozzle spe cificatiions”.
Is there a problem?
If you find that the gas plate may not work. suddenly or may not work
properly_ Before ca.lling customer service for help, let’s verify what we can
First, verifry and confirm that there are no interruptions in gias and
electricity supplies, particularly if the gas valves are kept open.
The burner cannot ignite or the flame is not uniform around the burner, check to make sure that:
- The gas holes in the burner are not clogged;
- All moving parts of the burners a re fixed correctly;
- There is no air flow around the cooking surface.
The flame does not keep the burner burning with thermocouplej check to make sure that:
- Press the knob completely;
- Keep pressing the knob for long enough to activate the thermocouple.
- Gas holes .are not obstructed in the .area corresponding to the thermocouple.
The flame goes out when the knob is t.urned’ to the ‘Low’ setting check to make sure that:
- Gas holes are not clogged.
- There is no air flow around the cooking surface.
- The minimum has been set correcUy (see the section entitled Minimum regulation ).
The kitchen battery is not stabfe1 check to make sure that:
- The bottom of the kitchen utensils is perfectly flat.
- The kitchen battery is centered correctly on the burner.
- The support grilles have not been inverted.
After verifying all this, the gas plate still does not work properly, call the Customer Service Center and inform them about:
- Indicate the problem it presents
- The model number of the gas stove as indicated on the packaging box.
Never call technicians who are not authorized by your supplier and refuse to use spare parts that are not from the manufacturer
The following instructions are addressed to the qualified installer, so
installation and maintenance procedures can be followed in the most
professional and expert manner.
Important: Unplug the electrical connection before performing any
maintenance or regular maintenance.
Positioning for gas hob
Important: this unit can be installed and used only in rooms with permanent ventilation.
The following requirements must be met:
The room must be equipped with a ventilation system that ventilates smoke and combustion gases outside the rooms. This should be done by hood or electric fan.
Air must be allowed for adequate combustion. The air flow for combustion purposes must not be less than 2 m/ h per kW of installed capacity. The air supply will be effected by the inflow from the outside through a duct, its internal cross section is at least 100 cm? and should not be accidentally blocked.
The gas plate without safety devices, to prevent the flame from accidentally going out, must have ventilation that operates in two volumes. For example, a minimum of 200 cm2 (Fig. 3). Otherwise, the room can be indirectly ventilated through adjacent rooms that are equipped with outside ventilation ducts. Although the adjacent rooms are not shared areas, the rooms, but the risk of fire is hidden (Fig. 4). -
Intensive and prolonged operation of the gas plate that needs to intensify ventilation, eg. open windows or increase the power of the air intake system (if present).
Liquefied petroleum gases are heavier than air, therefore, deposit them down. Rooms in which LPG tanks are installed must be equipped with outward ventilation to prevent gas leaks Therefore, LPG tanks that are empty or partially flled should not be installed or stored in rooms or spaces below ground level (warehouses, etc.). It is a good idea to keep only the tank currently operating in the room and make sure it is not closed to the heating source (ovens, fireplaces, stoves, etc.). Installation of the built-in gas stove The gas plates are designed with a degree of protection against excessive heating, the device can be installed next to the cabinets and the height must not exceed the plate.
For proper installation, the following precautions must be followed:
The plate can be located in a kitchen, a dining room or in a bed / living room, but not in a bathroom or shower.
The furniture standing near the unit, is taller than the work tables, must be placed at least 110 mm away from the edge of the table.
The cabinets should be placed near the hood at a height of at least 420 mm (Fig.5).
The plate must be installed directly under a cabinet, the latter must be at least 700 mm from the worktop, as shown in Fig. C.
Fixing accessories (hooks, screws) are provided to place the plate on the top of the table, measuring 20 to 40 mm thick (see Fig. 6).
In the event that the gas plate is not installed in a built-in oven, a wooden panel must be inserted for insulation. This panel should be placed at least 20 mm away from the bottom of the plate.
Important: When installing the plate in a built-in oven, the oven must be placed in two strips of wood; In the case of a junction cabinet surface, remember to leave a space of at least 45 x 560 mm from the back. -
When installing a plate in a built-in oven without forced ventilation, be sure to have air inlets and outlets to properly ventilate the interior of the cabinet.
Gas connection for gas hob
The gas plate must be connected to the gas supply by a registered installer.
During installation, it is essential to install an approved gas tap to isolate
the supply of the plate for the convenience of any subsequent extraction or
service. Connect the plate to the gas network or to the liquid gas, it must be
carried out in accordance with the prescribed regulations in force, and only
after checking that it is adaptable to the type of gas to be used. Otherwise,
follow the instructions in the paragraph entitled “Adaptation to different
types of gas.” In the case of the connection to the liquid gas per tank, use
pressure regulators that comply with the current regulation.
Important For safety, for the correct regulation of the use of gas and
the long life of the plate, make sure that the gas pressure conforms to the
indications given in table 1 “Burner and nozzle specifications”
Connection to non-flexible tube (copper or steel)
- The connection to the gas source must be made in such a way that it does not create any tension point in any part of the gas plate.
- The board is equipped with an adjustable “L” shaped connector and a gas supply gasket.
- The connector must be removed and the gasket must be replaced.
- The gas supply connector to the plate is threaded 1/2 gas cylinder.
Flexible steel tube connection.
The gas supply connector to the countertop is threaded, 1/2 “connector for
round gas pipe.
Use only pipes and sealing gaskets that meet current standards. The maximum
length of flexible pipes must not exceed 2000 mm Once the connection has been
made, make sure that the flexible metal tube does not touch any moving parts
and does not crush.
Check the seal
Once the plate is installed, make sure all connections are properly sealed,
use soapy water to test, never use flames
Electric connection
The board is equipped with a three-pole power supply cable that is designed
for use with alternating current. According to the indications on the
nameplate located under the nameplate. The ground wire can be identified by
its greenish yellow color
In the case of installation on a built-in electric oven, the electrical
connections for the plate and the oven must be independent, not only for a
safe purpose, but also suitable for future disposal.
Electrical connection for gas hob
Adjust the power cable with a standard plug for the demand rate indicated on
the nameplate or connect it directly to the mains. In the latter case, a one-
pole switch must be placed between the board and the mains, with a minimum
opening between the 3 mm contacts in accordance with current safety codes (the
switch must not interrupt the connection cable to land). The power supply
cable must be positioned so that it does not reach a temperature greater than
50°C than the ambient temperature at any point.
Before the actual connection, make sure that:
- The fuse and the electrical system can withstand the load required by the board;
- The power supply system is equipped with an efficient ground connection in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by law;
- The plug or switch is easily accessible.
Important: the cables in the main cable are colored according to the foliowing code:
- Green and YellowW – Earth
- Blue Neutral
- Brown – Live
Since the colors of the wires in the main wire may not correspond to the colored markings that identify the terminals on your plug. proceed as follows: Connect the green and yellow wire to the terminal marked “E” or green or green and yellow. Connect the brown wire to the terminal marked “L” or red. Connect the blue wire to the terminal marked “N” or black.
Burner and nozzle specifications
Adapting the Gas hob for Different Types of Gas
G2D | G3 1 0 | |
Burner | Thermal power (kW) | Nozzle |
1/100 (mm)
| Thermal!power (.kW)| Nozzl1e 1/100
Auxiliary (Small) (A)| 11,.(0()J| 71| 1 . .0|
Semi rapid
,(Medi . um)
| 11).88l|
Rapid , (R)| 33J.)0J| 115| 3.0| 84
Tripl . e ! Ring .(TR)| 33.A4| 150| 4.0|
Supp l ly pre,ssures| 20mbar| 3Dmbar
At 15°C and 1013 mbar dry gas
- P.C.I.G20 37.78 MJ/m
- P.C..G25 32.49 MJ/m
- P.C.I.G2.350 27.20MJ/ m2
- P.C.I.G25.1 32.51 MJ/m 30.98 MJ/m
- P.C.I.G27
- P.C.I.G30 49.47MJ/Kg
Replacement of burner nozzle: loosen the nozzle with a dedicated
wrench(7).Fit the new nozzle according to the required gas type (see table 1
for reference).
After you have converted the gas hob to another gas type, make sure you have
placed a label containing that information on the appliance.
How to con vert a gas source?
Adiustment of the reduced valve flow
Burners| Flame| Converting the hob from LPG to natural gas| Converting the hob
from natural gas Gas to LPG
Regular burners| Fulll fiame| | | Replace the burner Nozzfe according to tne
guidelines in table 1Loosen use adjustment
Note acoordiing To the guidelines in table 1
Saving name| Lossen the adjustment Spindle (fig.7 below ) And adjust the
flame| Spindie (see fig.7 helow ) And adjust the flame
Valve adjustment
Valve adjustment should be done with the control knob set at Burner ON saving
flame position.
Remove the knob, and adjust the flame with a tiny screwdriver (see fig.7 below
To check the adjusted flame: heat the burner at full open position for 10 minutes. Then tum the knob into the saving setting. The flame should not extinguish nor move to the nozzle. If it extinguish or moves to the nozzle, readjust the valves.
Flame selection
As the burners are adjusted correctly, the flame should be light blue, and the
inner flame should be clear. The size of flame depends on the position of the
related control knob.
See fig.8 for various operating options (flame size selection); the burner
should be set at a large flame during the initial phase of cooking, it make
food boil quickly. Then should turn knob to the saving flame position to
maintain the cooking. It is possible to adjust the flame size stepless.
It is prohibited to adjust the flame between the Burner OFF and Burner ON
large flame positions.
High quantity of energy can be conserved if the hob is used correctly,
parameters are designed correctly, and appropriate cookware is used. The
energy conservation be as follows:
- Up to 60% are conserved when proper pots are used,
- Up to 60% are conserved when the unit is operated correctly and the suitable flame size is chosen.
- It is a prerequisite for efficient and energy-saving operation of hob that the burners are kept clean at all times (in particular the flame slots and nozzles). Adapting to different types of gas
Adaptation to different types of gas
APPLIANCE CATEGORY: laH l2E l2E la laHs laELS l2ELW l3 I3ap la8P l38p lapP
l2Hs. ll2E3BP laHs3ap laELWLS3R/P II>FLLaB/P
| Type of Gas| Pressure| Noule
| Nominal Cl1arge| Reduced Charge
mbar| 1/WOmm| ofli| lih| kW| kcal/h| kW| kcal/h
| Natural
| 20| 7 1| | %| 1| _0| 8.60| 0.40| 344
| ·-
| 52|
| –| 1.0| 000|
| Natural| 20| 97| | ·-| 171| 1| .8-| 1548| 0.60| 516
| 30|
| –|
| 1548|
| Natural
| –|
. 28 6
| 30| 84| 226| –| 3.0| 2580| 0 . 90|
Triple-ring woks|
| 20| 150| –| 416| 4 . 0| 3440| 1.8| 15- 4
Butane G30| 30| 100| 34()| –| 4.0| 344()| 1.8| 1548
- Before installation, make sure that the local distribution condition (nature of the gas pressure) and the setting of the appliance are compatible”
- “The setting conditions for this device are indicated on the classification label”.
- “This gas plate is not connected to the combustion products evacuation device. It will be installed and connected in accordance with current installation regulations. Special attention will be given to the relevant requirements regarding ventilation.
- “CAUTION: The use of a gas plate leads to the production of heat, humidity and combustion products in the room in which it is installed. Make sure the kitchen is well ventilated, especially when the plate is working: keep the natural ventilation openings or install a mechanical ventilation device.
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