Bushnell 368250 XGC User Manual

June 7, 2024

368250 XGC

Model # 368250

User Manual

Lit # 98-1367/2-09

User Manual

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 2



Important Information




Package Contents


Additional Requirements


Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC Features


Battery Installation


Keypad Function




Section 2: Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC…………………………………………………….9

Main Menu


Play Golf






Map Course




Owner Information


Section 3: Yardage Pro XGC Sync Application………………………………………21





Download Courses


Send Courses


Save Courses




Limited Warranty…………………………………………………………………………………….28



User Manual

Dear Valued Consumer:
Congratulations on your purchase of the Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC. We sincerely hope you will find your Bushnell product both enjoyable and easy to use. Knowing the exact distance for each shot will assist you in lowering your score and enhance your overall golfing experience.
This User Manual was created for you to get the most out of your new device and assist with the initial setup. It only takes a few minutes to read, after which you can immediately begin using your new Yardage Pro XGC and enjoying its many features.
Also, please visit http://www.bushnellgolf.com/gps/gps_rangefinders.cfm to learn more about GPS downloads and explore the benefits of becoming an iGolf Member. As a member, you have access to all the features and benefits iGolf.com has to offer, including access to an extensive database of GPS enabled golf course files for use on your Yardage Pro XGC.
Thank you for choosing Bushnell.


User Manual


Important Information
Legal Disclaimer By using this product, you agree that Bushnell Outdoor Products will not be held legally responsible for any injury or damage to you or any person or property caused by the user’s improper operation and/or poor judgment while using this product.
Note: See Limited Warranty for other limitations to our liability.
Additional Information The Global Positioning System (GPS), a network of 32 satellites orbiting Earth, is operated and maintained by the U.S. government. This GPS device requires at least 3 satellites to be acquired to accurately determine your position. Any change made to the system by the government could affect the accuracy and performance of this product.


Bushnell Golf GPS Website www.bushnellgolf.com is an online resource for all our Golf GPS product owners, and it also serves as a portal to access iGolf.com GPS course files to use with these Bushnell products. Setting up your iGolf.com membership allows you access to download GPS files and many other benefits.

User Manual

Download Course Files 1) Go to http://www.bushnellgolf.com/gps/yardage_xgc.cfm, and click the Download link. If not already an iGolf member, fill in the boxes and click Join Now. 2) Search for desired course using simple terms to broaden results (i.e. Augusta National Golf Club: search for Augusta). 3) Select course name from search results and download GPS file. 4) When prompted, SAVE the file. 5) Use Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC Sync to transfer golf course file to device.


User Manual


Package Contents ­ Additional Requirements

Package Contents 1 – Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC 1 – USB Sync Cable 1 – AC/DC 5V Adapter 1 – Belt Clip 1 – Storage Pouch 1 – Software CD 1 – User Manual 1 – Quick Start Guide

Additional Requirements* PC with Windows Vista/XP/2000 or Mac OSX PC with CD- ROM PC with USB port

  • Required to transfer files from computer
    Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.



User Manual

Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC Features

USB Connection

Hole Number Par
Go to Map Screen Function Buttons Power Button

Distance to the Back Distance to the Center Distance to the Front
Go to Score Screen

Enter Button

Up/Down/Left/Right Buttons Menu Button

User Manual


Battery Information
Battery Information This product contains an internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Under normal operating conditions, a new battery will last 14 -16 hours on a full charge. However, battery life may be reduced due to a variety of factors (external temperature, etc). All rechargeable batteries lose their effective charge length over time.
The internal battery can be charged by connecting the included USB cable to the device and a computer. Alternatively, the battery can be charged by connecting the USB cable to the device and using the included adapter to plug the charger into a standard 110V wall outlet.

· Keep battery cover closed at all times. Risk of explosion if battery is replaced with incorrect type.
· Do not attempt to open, disassemble or service the battery. Battery must be replaced by qualified technician.
· Do not crush, puncture or short external contacts. Do not expose to temperatures above 140o F (60o C).
· Properly recycle or dispose of battery. Do not dispose in fire or water.
About the SD Card Slot The battery compartment includes a slot for a micro-SD card. A card storage function is not currently provided, but will be incorporated in a future update. Please check www. bushnellgolf.com periodically for the latest firmware and software releases.



User Manual

Keypad Function ­ Start-up

Keypad Function
Power Button
· Turns the device on and off Menu Button
· Launches Play Menu Right/Left Function Buttons
· Switches between screens Right/Left Toggle Buttons
· Moves between fields · Changes hole number (+/-) Up/Down Toggle Buttons
· Scrolls up/down · Switches between screens Enter Button
· Selects highlighted option · Activates Shot Distance

Left Function Button

Right Function Button

Power Button Enter Button

Menu Button

Up / Down / Left / Right Toggle Buttons

Start-Up Power On
Press and hold power button until the welcome screen appears (about 2 seconds). Power Off
Press and hold power button until the screen goes blank. The unit will automatically shut off after 45 min. elapsed without user input.


User Manual

Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC
Main Menu

Main Menu The Main Menu displays all the features available to the user, which are explained in detail in subsequent sections of this User Manual. To begin using the device, scroll to highlight any feature using the Function buttons and press the Enter button.

Feature Descriptions
Home …………………. View current time, satellite strength and battery level Play Golf………………. Select to play golf using GPS data Reviews ………………. Select to read the latest reviews from iGolf.com News …………………. Select to read the latest news and opinions from iGolf.com Map Course …………… Select to create and customize golf course files Settings ………………. Select to customize additional features Owner Information……… View the owner’s name and phone number


Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC
Home This feature is the main interface to display the current time, satellite strength and battery level. Use the Up/Down buttons to move between the screens.

User Manual


User Manual

Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC
Play Golf

Play Golf This feature is the main interface to display distance information and record scores. Course information must be first downloaded or manually entered using the Map Course feature. If GPS data is available, distances to the front, center and back of the green and up to five custom points per hole will be displayed upon satellite acquisition, as well as the georeferenced map of each hole. The user is also able to enter the score and putts for each hole.

1. Select Course Highlight “Play Golf” on the Main Menu and press Enter. If a satellite fix is available, the golf course closest to current location (within 1,000 yards) will automatically be highlighted. If a satellite fix is not available, scroll to highlight the correct golf course. Once the desired course is highlighted, press Enter.
2. Select Tee Box Highlight the desired tee box and press Enter. Only the tee boxes available in the data file will be displayed.


Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC

User Manual

Play Golf
Screen Operation
Right/Left toggle……….. Move between holes Up/Down toggle ……….. Move between Main
and Custom screens
Right/Left Function ……. Move between Main,
Map and Score screens
Menu …………………. Go to Play Menu Enter …………………. Go to Shot Distance
Score This feature allows the user to input his or her score and putts for each hole played. The hole number, par and handicap are also displayed on this screen for reference. Use the Right/Left buttons to highlight the correct score and putts. Use the Up/Down buttons to move between fields. This information will be used on the Score Summary screen which is found in the Play Menu.
Map* This feature displays the shape of the current hole. Using the Up/Down/Left/Right buttons, the user is able to move the cursor to any area within the hole. The distance from the user to this point is displayed at the top of the screen along with the distance to the center of the green. The data for some courses includes an “auto zoom” feature which automatically updates the image and “zooms in” as the user moves closer to the green.
Shot Distance This feature allows the user to measure the distance of any shot taken.
1. From the Shot screen, press Enter to activate the Shot Distance feature. 2. Distance from the start position will automatically update as the user moves. 3. Once the user reaches the end position, press Enter to freeze the shot distance measurement. 4. Press Enter again to reactivate the Shot Distance feature and establish a new start position.

User Manual

Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC

Play Golf
Play Menu From any Play Golf screen, press Menu to access the Play Menu. This menu allows the user to easily view status or modify settings being used for the current
course. 1. Score Summary Allows the user to see statistics for the current game being played. 2. Course Information Displays general information about the course being played. 3. Map Golf Hole Allows the user to map the current hole being played without having to exit the game. 4. Battery Level Displays a horizontal bar representing the power remaining in the battery. 5. Satellites Displays various circles to show current satellites being tracked and GPS signal strength. 6. Select Tee Box Allows the user to change the current tee box selection, to check par and handicap for a hole based on its scorecard data file. 7. Yard or Meter Allows user to select unit of measurement displayed. 8. Exit Returns to Main Menu.


Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC
Reviews This feature allows the user to read reviews on the device that are loaded from iGolf.com when the device syncs with the computer. Highlight “Reviews” on the Main Menu and press Enter. Use the toggle buttons and the Enter key to select different categories and reviews to read.

User Manual


User Manual

Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC

News This feature allows the user to read news and opinions articles on the device that are loaded from iGolf.com when the device syncs with the computer. Highlight “News” on the Main Menu and press Enter. Use the toggle buttons and the Enter key to select different categories and articles to read.


Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC

User Manual

Map Course
Map Course This feature is used to manually input course name and map GPS data points. Existing course files may be customized or new files created using the device. Highlight “Map Course” on the Main Menu and press Enter.

1. Select Course Scroll to highlight the desired new or existing golf course and press Enter.
2. Course Name To revise name, highlight “Course Name” and press Enter. Names should be distinguishable from other golf courses entered. Scroll to highlight the character and press Enter. To delete characters, scroll to “BKSPC” and press Enter. When finished, press SAVE.
3. Course Data Highlight “Course Data” and press Enter. Highlight desired hole and press Enter. Input par and handicap information, using the toggle buttons to select values and move between options. When finished, press Save. Repeat these instructions for all desired holes for the course and press Save to exit.


User Manual

Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC

Map Course (continued)
4. Map GPS Points To add or revise GPS data highlight “Map GPS Points” and press Enter. Select the desired hole and press Enter. Highlight point to map* and press Enter. Stand at desired location, confirm satellite strength and press Register to mark the point. Do not move until process is complete. Repeat these instructions for all desired points. When finished, press Save. Repeat for all holes.

Map Course

*If mapping a Custom Point, the user may customize the name prior to registering GPS data. The user may select from a list of common abbreviations, or choose a six (6) character name, to easily identify the point on the course. If the user chooses not to customize the name, proceed directly to “Register”.


Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC

User Manual


Settings This feature provides various configuration settings to personalize the device, such as screen contrast, distance measurement and GPS performance. Highlight “Settings” on the Main Menu and press Enter.

1. Battery Level

This feature displays the status of the battery in

the device. Battery information is displayed using

a horizontal bar representing the amount of power

remaining in the battery.

2. Satellites

This feature displays the GPS satellites recognized

by the device. Satellites providing location data to the

device for use in distance calculation are represented

by yellow satellite icons. At least three satellites providing location data are

required before GPS distance can be calculated.

3. Device Settings

… Screen contrast Adjust to aid viewing in various light conditions

….. Yard or Meter

Select yards or meters as the measure of distance

WAAS ………… Select if location correction is used to improve GPS accuracy.

Commonly known as WAAS, this system of satellites and

ground stations provides GPS signal corrections for much of

the U.S.
Stabilizer ……… Allows the user to select the rate at which the device refreshes

GPS position. With “Stabilizer On” (default setting), the device

will not refresh GPS distance readings once movement has

ceased. This is useful to users who experience fluctuating

distance readings, even though they are stationary.
Clock …………. Select 12 hour or 24 hour display.


User Manual

Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC


Settings (continued)
4. Delete Course This feature allows the user to permanently remove a golf course file from the device. Scroll to highlight the golf course to delete and press Enter. To remove course from device, confirm by pressing Yes.
5. Set Owner Info Allows the user to input the name of the owner of the device. To add or edit the owner’s name highlight “Name” and press Enter. Scroll to highlight the character and press Enter. To delete characters, scroll to “BKSPC” and press Enter. When finished, press SAVE. To add or edit the owner’s phone number highlight “Phone Number” and press Enter. Scroll to highlight the character and press Enter. To delete characters, scroll to “BKSPC” and press Enter. When finished, press SAVE.
6. Time Zone Allows the user to set the time zone for the clock displayed on the home screen.
7. Default Settings Allows user to return device to factory default settings. All data, including course files, will be permanently deleted. It is recommended all files are saved to computer prior to accessing this setting.
8. About Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC This feature displays general information pertaining to the device including version of software.


Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC
Owner Information
Owner Information This screen displays the owner information entered in the “Set Owner Information” section of the Settings menu. Name and phone number information are displayed. Highlight “Owner Information” on the Main Menu to view.

User Manual


User Manual

Yardage Pro XGC Sync

Introduction The Yardage Pro XGC Sync application provides the user with all the tools required to enable communication between the device and Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Mac OS X computer. Using this interface, the user can control every aspect of golf course file management. From accessing the iGolf.com database to syncing course files, Yardage Pro XGC Sync encompasses many functions which enhance the GPS experience.

Software Features
Search …………….. Search for golf courses on iGolf.com to download My Courses …………Course files saved on computer ready to send to device My Device…………..Course files on device ready to save to computer Settings……………. Change COM Port and modify course file locations Web Browser ………. Direct access to features available on bushnellgolf.com
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Mac OS X is a trademark of Apple, Inc.


Yardage Pro XGC Sync

User Manual

Installation Follow these instructions to assist in the proper and complete installation of the Yardage Pro XGC Sync application software on your computer. Confirm the XGC is NOT connected with the USB cable to the computer before beginning the installation.
To install Yardage Pro XGC Sync on a Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Mac OS X computer:
1. Insert CD included with the product into computer. 2. Open appropriate CD drive to view contents. 3. Select “Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC Sync Installer” to launch program. 4. Select “USB Driver Setup” to install required drivers. 5. Select “Sync Application” to install sync software. 6. Launch software from “Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC Sync” icon on desktop.
Note: If you experience any problem with the installer (make sure you try restarting your computer first), click the “Product Support” link at http://www.bushnellgolf.com/ gps/yardage_xgc_support.cfm, and download and install the latest version of the Yardage Pro XGC Sync application.
*Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.


User Manual

Yardage Pro XGC Sync
Download Courses

Download Courses (GPS Download tab) This feature provides direct access to iGolf.com where users may search for golf courses and members may download files. Click the “GPS Download” tab. Select “Member Login” to access account. If not yet an iGolf.com member, use the “Join Now” link to enroll. For further assistance, please note:
1. If search returns more than one page of results, use Advanced Search to narrow results.
2. All GPS files contain scorecard information. 3. Once downloaded, the course file will appear in the “My Courses” section
of the sync application.

Yardage Pro XGC Sync
Send Courses

User Manual

Send Courses This feature allows the user to transfer golf course files from a computer to the device. Select course files from the “My Courses” section of the sync application and press the “Send” button to transfer the courses to the device. For further assistance, please note:
1. Before you can transfer the course files, the device must be powered on and connected (with the USB cable) to the computer. The device will then display “USB Mode”.
2. Multiple courses can be selected and transferred at one time (by holding down the Ctrl key on your PC as you click on the names of the courses).

User Manual

Yardage Pro XGC Sync
Save Courses

Save Courses This feature allows the user to transfer golf course files from the device to a computer. Select the course files from the “My Device” section of the sync application and use the mouse to drag the courses into the “My Courses” section of the sync application. For further assistance, please note:
1. Before you can transfer the course files, the device must be powered on and connected (with the USB cable) to the computer. The device will then display “USB Mode”.
2. Multiple course files can be saved at one time (by holding down the Ctrl key on your PC as you click on the names of the courses).

Yardage Pro XGC Sync

User Manual

Settings This feature allows the user to specify how the device communicates with a computer and where course files are stored. Select “Settings” from the “My Device” section. For further assistance, please note:
1. Always set COM to “AUTO” unless specific port being used is known (does not apply to Mac users).
2. The default course file storage location is: (PC) C:My DocumentsBushnellYardagePro XGC. (Mac) Users/Username/Documents/Bushnell/YardagePro XGC.
If the setting must be changed, note new location and save downloads from iGolf.com in same folder.

User Manual

FCC Statement

FCC Compliance Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC interference limits for Class B digital devices FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation, and are more stringent than “outdoor” requirements.
Operation of this device is subject to the following conditions; (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
· Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
· Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
· Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
· Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The device does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by an Authorized Bushnell repair center. Unauthorized repairs or modifications could result in permanent damage to the equipment, and will void your warranty and your authority to operate this device under Part 15 regulations.
The shielded interface cable which is provided must be used with the equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules.

Specifications and designs are subject to change without any notice or obligation on
the part of the manufacturer.

Limited Warranty

User Manual

Your Bushnell® product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for one year after the date of purchase. In the event of a defect under this warranty, we will, at our option, repair or replace the product, provided that you return the product postage prepaid. This warranty does not cover damages caused by misuse, improper handling, installation, or maintenance provided by someone other than a Bushnell Authorized Service Department.
Any return made under this warranty must be accompanied by the items listed below:

  1. A check/money order in the amount of $10.00 to cover the cost of postage and handling 2) Name and address for product return 3) An explanation of the defect 4) Proof of Date Purchased 5) Product should be well packed in a sturdy outside shipping carton, to prevent
    damage in transit, with return postage prepaid to the address listed below:

IN U.S.a. Send To: Bushnell Outdoor Products Attn.: Repairs 8500 Marshall Drive Lenexa, Kansas 66214

IN CaNaDa Send To: Bushnell Outdoor Products Attn.: Repairs 25A East Pearce Street, Unit 1 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 2M9

For products purchased outside the United States or Canada please contact your local dealer for applicable warranty information. In Europe you may also contact Bushnell at:

Bushnell Germany GmbH European Service Centre Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 80 D-50827 Köln GERMANY Tel: +49 221 995568-0 Fax: +49 221 995568-20

This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights which vary from country to country.
©2009 Bushnell Outdoor Products


Customer Service: 800-423-3537
www.bushnell.com ©2009 Bushnell Outdoor Products


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