Rowenta HU522x Aqua Perfect Humidifier Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

Rowenta HU522x Aqua Perfect Humidifier


Air that is too dry can cause or aggravate sinus and respiratory problems, lead to dry skin, nose and throat and dry out plants and furniture. Your humidifier is an effective device for diffusing water vapor in the surrounding air. Humidity, which is expressed as Relative Humidity (RH), is the quantity of vapor present in the air expressed as a percentage of the maximum quantity of vapor that the air can hold at the same temperature without causing condensation. Relative Humidity is measured with a hygrometer.

Your humidifier uses two complementary humidifying systems:

  • A cold vapor system: a piezo disc that vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency to create tiny water droplets.
  • Heated mist system for anti-bacterial and turbo effects.

It can thus be used to automatically increase the level of humidity of the surrounding air and it also has an electronic hygrometer for precise control of the Relative Humidity.

The use of a humidifier is particularly recommended in winter but the house should still be regularly aired.
First, place the humidifier in the room requiring priority treatment. It is suitable for a room up to 577 sq ft. (53,6m2).


  1. Product base
  2. Safety lock
  3. Water tank
  4. Adjustable nozzle
  5. Top cover
  6. Tank carrying handle
  7. Tank stopper
  8. Cleaning brush
  9. Touch panel
  10. Digital screen
  11. Temperature & humidity sensors
  12. Water tank light
  13. Piezo disc
  14. Heating element
  15. Water level sensor
  16. Fan air outlet


  • Controls
  1. On/Off button

  2. 3 HUMIDITY SETTINGS: Auto Comfort – Control – Continuous

  3. Mist volume button (min/max): 3 speeds

  4. TIMER button

  5. WARM MIST button

  6. NIGHT button : On/Off Light & Sound
    Digital screen

  7. Timer : 1 to 12 hours

  8. Room temperature indicator in C°


  10. Co = Continuous mode

  11. Required (target) relative humidity in % RH

  12. Mist volume

  13. Warm mist (red light)

  14. Low water level indicator (red light)

It is essential to read these instructions carefully and to observe the following recommendations.

  • This appliance is not intended for persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacities, or without the necessary experience and knowledge unless they are supervised or have been given instructions beforehand on the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
  • This appliance may be used by children aged 8 and over and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacities, or without the necessary experience or knowledge, if they are properly supervised or have been given instructions beforehand on how to use the appliance safely and made aware of the risks involved.
  • Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
  • Cleaning and maintenance must not be carried out by children unless supervised.
  • Never obstruct the air inlet grids which are located under the appliance.
  • WARNING : Micro-organisms can grow in the water tank and be blown in the air when the water tank is not cleaned regularly and properly (see MAINTENANCE paragraph).


  • This appliance has been designed for domestic use only. It can therefore not be used for any industrial application.
  • The guarantee is void in the event of any damage caused by improper use.
  • Do not operate your appliance in a very dusty atmosphere or where there is a fire risk.
  • Before each use, check that the appliance, power cord and plug are in good general condition.
  • Never insert objects into the appliance (e.g. : needles…)
  • If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, an approved after-sales service centre or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid any danger.
  • Keep this appliance out of the reach of children.
  • Never pull on the power cord or the appliance, even to disconnect the plug from the wall outlet.
  • Unroll the power cord completely before use.
  • The regulations concerning the removal of oil and refrigeration agent when the appliance is being disposed must be observed.
  • Do not use the appliance outdoors.
  • The appliance must be installed in accordance with your country’s national regulations.
  • The appliance must be fully assembled before connecting to the mains.
  • Never use the appliance in any position other than an upright position.
  • Place the appliance on a flat, horizontal and stable surface that is not sensitive to humidity. Do not place the humidifier on any wooden furniture, Hi-fi system, TV, or any other electrical appliance.
  • Only use drinking water. It is recommended to change the water in the tank at least once a week if water is standing for more than a week.
  • Never cover the appliance.
  • Never use the appliance without its nozzle.
  • Never touch the appliance with wet hands.
  • Never move the appliance when it is in operation.
  • Never put water in the evaporation duct, it could cause an overflow.
  • Never use the appliance near to inflammable objects and materials (curtains, aerosols, solvents, etc.…).
  • Never leave water in the tank when the appliance is not being used.
  • Make sure the water in the tank is replaced before each time of use.
  • Please be aware that high levels of humidity may encourage biological organisms to grow in the environment.
  • Never allow absorbent materials such as carpet, curtains, or tablecloths to become humid or damp…
  • If the appliance is to be left unattended for a prolonged period of time: it is important to turn it off, unplug it, empty the water tank and the vaporization compartment, then clean and allow the appliance to dry.
  • Empty and clean the humidifier before storage. Clean the humidifier before next use.
  • Clean the water tank. Regular cleaning is recommended; approximately once a week (depending on use). See MAINTENANCE paragraph.
  • WARNING : Micro-organisms can grow in the water tank and be blown in the air when the water tank is not cleaned regularly and properly (see MAINTENANCE paragraph).
  • Be aware that high humidity level may encourage the growth of biological organisms in the environment.
  • Do not permit the area around the humidifier to become damp or wet. If dampness occurs, turn the output of the humidifier down. If the humidifier output volume cannot be turned down, use the humidifier intermittently


Before using the appliance for the first time, check that your voltage matches the one indicated on the appliance.
Your appliance can be operated from an electric socket without an earth contact. It is a class II (double insulated ) appliance.

Before switching on your appliance make sure that:

  • The appliance is positioned in accordance with these instructions,
  • The appliance is on a flat and stable horizontal surface which is not sensitive to humidity and at least 7,87 inches from any other object,
  • The air inlet grids located under the appliance are totally unobstructed.

How to use your appliance:

  1. Remove the top cover (5).

  2. Turn 1/4 up the safety lock (2) located between the base and the water tank and lift the water tank thanks to the carrying handle (6).

  3. Unscrew the tank stopper (7).

  4. Clean the tank (see paragraph on CLEANING) and fill it with cold water (minimum 0.5 gallon/ maximum 1.55 gallons).
    PLEASE NOTE: We advise you to use slightly hard water to avoid the appearance of white dust; you can use tap water, bottled water, distilled water or boiled water.
    If you live in a hard water area, use clean, cool tap water. Please remember that the tank must always be filled with cold water.

  5. Tighten the stopper and check that there are no water leaks.

  6. Check that the base of the appliance is clean and that there are no foreign objects.

  7. Check that the water level sensor is not obstructed.

  8. Reposition the tank on the base.

  9. Turn 1/4 down the safety lock (2) located between the base and the water tank, to lock the water tank on the base.

  10. Adjust the nozzle so that the steam is not directed at an obstacle, which could adversely affect the humidity regulation.

  11. Wait for forty seconds for the water fill in the vaporization compartment.

  12. Plug the appliance in.

  13. Turn the appliance on. The digital screen lights up and the device starts directly in AUTO COMFORT.


This appliance has 3 operating modes (AUTO COMFORT, CONTROL , CONTINUOUS) as well as
various additional functions.
switch on / standby (stop); button A.
Press button (A) to start the appliance or to put it on standby. The digital screen lights up and the
device starts directly in AUTO mode.
Selection of operating modes using button B. Select one of the three modes by repeatedly pressing the button B.
The appliance will automatically adapt the humidity level according to the room temperature for optimal comfort at home. In order to reach the optimal comfort in the room you are in, this setting takes in account the room temperature and calculates the optimal humidity level. When the humidity in the room is lower than the program, the appliance operates at maximum speed. When the humidity in the room is reached, the appliance stops working and re- starts at maximum speed as soon as the humidity in the room is lower than the program. The humidity and the temperature in the room are measured every 60 seconds.

Temperature| £19 °C| 20-21°C| 22-23°C| 24-25°C| 26-27°C| 28-29°C| 30-32°C| 33-36°C| ³37°C
Humidity target % RH| 65 %| 60 %| 55 %| 50 %| 45 %| 40 %| 35 %| 30 %| 25 %


  • Humidity level: Button B for adjusting the required (target) humidity level;
    Select the required humidity level by pressing button B several times.
    The humidity level displayed is the required level that you have set (between 45% and 90% RH).
    You can select the warm mist function with Control mode.

  • Mist volume: Button C
    Select the required mist volume by pressing button C several times. There are three speeds available.
    You can adjust the mist volume in order to reach faster the required level of humidity.
    PLEASE NOTE: This setting cannot be used for AUTO COMFORT mode.


Press the Button B, until the continuous mode, “Co” appears on the digital screen. The appliance operates until reaching 90% RH (safety limit) or until the reservoir is empty. The mist is permanently emitted and you can adjust the mist volume. The appliance will stop working automatically when the humidity level of the room is over 90% RH and it will re-start when the humidity level of the room measured is 80% RH.

WARNING: In the continuous operating mode, the humidity in the room can reach very high levels that are not beneficial to health and can damage certain objects. The recommended optimal humidity level is between 50 and 60% RH.

  • Mist volume: Button C
    Select the required mist volume by pressing button C several times. There are three speeds available.

  • TIMER: Button D for programming the automatic stop of the appliance.
    Select the number of hours that you want the appliance to run for (from 1 to 12 hours) before the appliance automatically stops, by pressing button D several times. The display will show the remaining time. Anytime, you can change the timer, increasing the time by pressing the button, until 12hours.

  • WARM MIST function Button E: Heated mist for anti-bacterial and turbo effects Press button E to start or stop the “Warm Mist” function. On the screen, the red pictogram appears or disappears. After 10 minutes of use, the mist becomes warm.

After 30 minutes of use on warm mist position, the anti-bacterial action starts and allows you to fight the growth of germs in the water base of the device. This function also comes as an extra to the other operating modes and allows you to increase the humidity output by 20%. As soon as the level of humidity of the room is lower, the warm mist re-starts (on the screen the red pictogram appears). Removes up to 91% of Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria representing most of the bacteria known to exist after 30 minutes of use on warm mist position – under normal conditions of use – tests
carried out by an independent laboratory.

  • NIGHT function: On/Off Light & Sound: Button F.
    Press button F to turn the function on or off. This function allows you to switch off the light of the water tank as well as the beep sounds of touch button.
    PLEASE NOTE: If night mode is activated the sound indicator for empty tank will not work. Only light indicator N for empty tank (red picto) is blinking.

  • EMPTY TANK INDICATOR: red light N and sound indicator
    If the water level is too low or if the water tank is removed, the three beeps are activated along with the red pictogram (N) blinking on the screen. If the water tank is not filled or replaced after 15 minutes, the appliance will stop automatically. Fill the tank and replace the water tank on the base, the appliance will work normally.


IMPORTANT: this type of appliance requires regular and thorough maintenance. Like for any humidifiers with stagnant water, we recommend to give the appliance a complete clean once a week (depending on use) to avoid bacteria proliferation. You must always switch off and unplug your appliance before undertaking any maintenance on it.

Never put the product base under tap water because of risk of water entrance by air outlet. It is important to clean the water tank, the vaporization area (around the piezo disc, the heating element and the piezo disc.) and the air inlet grids located under the appliance regularly. Never use detergents or scouring products for cleaning your appliance. Never immerse the base of the appliance, the power cord or plug in water or any other liquid. We recommend to use cold boiled water or distilled water.

  • Cleaning the tank:
  1. Clean the tank and the tank stopper using soapy water and dry it with a soft dry rag.
  2. To clean the inside of the tank, pour water into it and shake vigorously. Empty and dry with a soft dry rag.
  3. Make sure to pull out the water from appliance and dry it before you store it for a long period of time.
  • Cleaning the vaporization compartment (around the piezo disc 13), the heating element and the piezo disc.
    Rinse regularly (every 3 days) the water base with fresh water and dry it with soft dry rag.

IMPORTANT: make sure that no water gets into the fan air outlet (16). Regular cleaning of the piezo disc and heating element will avoid scaling. Do not use hard or abrasive utensils, only use the brush provided with the device. In case of scaling appearance, please refer to the paragraph “CLEANER AND DESCALER PROVIDED WITH THE APPLIANCE”.
WARNING: we recommend to give the heating element and the piezo disc a complete clean as soon as scaling sediment appeared on them to preserve same level of performances.
IMPORTANT: Never use abrasive cleaners as these are likely to spoil the appearance of your appliance. Instead, clean your appliance with a slightly moist rag and the brush provided with the device.
If you have any questions, please see the ROWENTA international guarantee card enclosed with this product, where you will find the Consumer Service contact details.



  1. Turn off the unit and remove the water tank.

  2. Add the powder from 2 bags to 0.6 liters of hot water in a container. Stir until the powder has completely dissolved.

  3. Fill the water base with this solution and wait for 1 hour to take effect.

  4. Empty and remove the scale using the brush provided with the product.

  5. Rinse out the whole compartment with fresh tap water.
    (IMPORTANT, make sure that no water gets into the fan air outlet).

  6. Your appliance is now ready to be used again.
    WARNING: keep out of reach of children – harmful if ingested – Irritating to eyes and skin.

EYE CONTACT: Flush immediately with water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical advice. SKIN CONTACT: Wash immediately with soap and water.
INGESTION: drink enough water to spit ; may cause upset stomach -Get medical advice/attention.
Citric Acid >99%
You can also use the ANTI-CALC KIT of KRUPS, sold as an accessory, F054 (F054001). Please notice, only 20 grams of the powder are necessary for the descaling operation of your device.

When the appliance is not in use, it should be stored in a dry place. Make sure to empty the tank, clean and dry the appliance before storing it.

Never dismantle your appliance yourself. An incorrectly repaired appliance can be a danger to the user.
Before contacting an approved Service Centre from our network, make sure that the appliance is in the normal operating position and the air intake and outlet grills are totally unobstructed.

Problem Possible Cause What to do

The appliance does not work when switched on

| The target humidity is reached.| Increase the target humidity in CONTROL MODE or select the CONTINUOUS MODE.
The water level indicator is blinking.|

Refill the water tank.

The water tank isn’t well positioned.| Check the positioning of the tank on the base.
The appliance isn’t on a flat surface.| Check the positioning of the appliance (tilt).
The water level required has not yet reached the vaporization compartment.|

Wait at least 20 secs.

The RH% of the room is over 90%.| Wait till the RH% of the room gets below 80%.

The humidification capacity is too low

| There is natural or artificial air replacement in the room which interfere the increase of HR%.| Check if doors and windows are closed.
Check if there is no air conditioning working in the room.
The air inlet grids and nozzle could be blocked.| Remove any blocking items from the grids and the nozzle.
There is too much scale in the water basin or on the piezo part.| Clean the water base according to Maintenance Instructions.

The Humidity selected rate is too low.

| Increase Vaporization Speed in CONTROL MODE.
Increase Humidity setting in CONTROL MODE.

The ambient humidity is too high

| The appliance is working in CONTINUOUS MODE.|

Change the mode.

The humidity target is too high.| Select a lower RH% target.
There is condensation in the room| The room temperature is too low.| Heat the room up.

The appliance is too noisy

| The appliance is unstable.| Place the appliance on a flat and stable surface.
There may be resonance in water tank due to low water level.|

Refill the water tank.

The mist suddenly stops coming out

| Programmed timer period has run out.| Turn your product on.
The water level indicator is blinking.| Refill the water tank.
The target humidity level is reached.|

The warm mist function doesn’t produce any warm humidity

| The product is in the warm-up phase.| Wait a few minutes till the end of the phase.
The mist is too fine to feel the warmth.| Increase the speed level.
The room temperature is too cold and the mist may cool down too quickly.| Increase the speed level and Heat the room up.
The appliance does not work with no display on screen|

There is no power supply.


Plug in power plug in main sockets.

There is abnormal smell mist

| It’s first use of appliances.| The smell will disappear after several minutes of use.
The water used is dirty or has rested too long in water tank or water base.| Clean the water tank and the water base according to the Maintenance Instructions.
Mist fog is coming out from around nozzle| There are apertures between the nozzle, the cover and the water tank.| Reposition the cover and check if the nozzle is well plugged in the cover.


Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point. If this appliance uses batteries: help us look after the environment, by not throwing away your used batteries. Instead, bring them to any one of the special battery collection points. Do not throw them away with your household waste.

These instructions can also be found on our internet site
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