SPEKTRUM SPMXSEM1040B Firma 2-in-1 Crawler Motor + ESC Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

Firma ™ Firma 2-in-1 Crawler Motor + ESC ™ 2-in-1 Crawler Motor + ESC
Instruction Manual

All instructions, warranties, and other collateral documents are subject to change at the sole discretion of Horizon Hobby, LLC. For up-to-date product literature, visit horizonhobby.com or towerhobbies.com, and click on the support or resources tab for this product.

Meaning of Special Language
The following terms are used throughout the product literature to indicate various levels of potential harm when operating this product:
WARNING: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create the probability of property damage, collateral damage, and serious injury OR create a high probability of superficial injury.

CAUTION: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create the probability of physical property damage AND a possibility of serious injury.
NOTICE: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create a possibility of physical property damage AND a little or no possibility of injury.

WARNING: Read the ENTIRE instruction manual to become familiar with the features of the product before operating. Failure to operate the product correctly can result in damage to the product, personal property and cause serious injury.
This is a sophisticated hobby product. It must be operated with caution and common sense and requires some basic mechanical ability. Failure to operate this Product in a safe and responsible manner could result in injury or damage to the product or other property. This product is not intended for use by children without direct adult supervision. Do not attempt disassembly, use incompatible components or augment product in any way without the approval of Horizon Hobby, LLC. This manual contains instructions for safety, operation, and maintenance. It is essential to read and follow all the instructions and warnings in the manual, prior to assembly, setup, or use, in order to operate correctly and avoid damage or serious injury.

Age Recommendation: Not for children under 14 years. This is not a toy.
NOTICE: This product is only intended for use with unmanned, hobby-grade, remote-controlled vehicles and aircraft. Horizon Hobby disclaims all liability outside of the intended purpose and will not provide warranty service related thereto.


Continuous peak current 40A/160A 40A/160A
Main applications 1/10 rock crawler 1/10 rock crawler
LiPo/NiMH Cells 2-3S Lipo, 6-9 Cells NiMH 2-3S Lipo, 6-9 Cells NiMH
BEC output 6V/7.4V adjustable, continuous current 4A  (Switch mode) 6V/7.4V

adjustable, continuous current 4A  (Switch mode)
Input plug|  IC3|  IC3
Weight| 201g (including wire plug)| 201g (including wire plug)
Parameter setting| SPMXCA200 Programmer Box Required| SPMXCA200 Programmer Box Required
Motor KV| 1400Kv| 2300Kv
Diameter/length of Motor| 37mm / 58mm| 37mm / 58mm
Shaft diameter / exposed shaft length| 3.175mm / 16mm| 3.175mm / 16mm
Motor Poles| 4 poles| 4 poles


Improper gearing will cause excessive heat buildup in the motor and speed control. Use your vehicle’s kit manual in order to find the manufacturer’s recommended pinion size.  It is best to monitor the system’s operating temperature when you are operating on new and different tracks or racing surfaces. Your system’s operating temperature should never exceed 160° F (71° C). The best place to monitor the system’s temperature is at the center of the end bell. If the temperature is higher than 160° F (71° C) after a 5-minute run, the gearing should be lowered (change to a smaller pinion gear).
CAUTION: Once the battery is connected to the system, stay clear of the rotating shaft and pinion gear. Failure to do so could result in personal injury.

Installing the System

Always ensure the mounting screws are long enough to properly seat into the motor. However, ensure the screws do not enter into the motor too far, which could cause damage.
The maximum depth that the mounting screws can enter into the motor is approximately 3/16 in (5mm). We suggest using the mounting hardware included with your vehicle.  The use of screws that are too long will damage the system and void any warranty. When installing the motor into your vehicle, it is very important that the gear mesh is correct and smooth with no binding. The vehicle’s motor mounts usually feature adjustable slotted mounting holes so that you can adjust the gear mesh properly.

Proper gear mesh (how gear teeth meet) is important to the performance of the vehicle. When the gear mesh is too loose, the spur gear could be damaged by the pinion gear of the motor. If the mesh is too tight, speed could be limited and the system will overheat. Insert a small piece of paper in between the pinion and spur gears as you are installing them. Push the gears together while tightening the screws that mount the system. When the mesh is at the correct distance, remove the small piece of paper by rotating the spur gear until the paper comes out. Check the mesh at multiple points around the larger spur gear before finalizing the motor mounting position.

Connecting the System

  • Connect the receiver; Insert the servo connector coming from the motor into the throttle channel of the receiver.
  • Connect the battery; The Firma 2-in-1 ESC motor has an IC3 battery connector. Connect a 2-3S LiPo Battery with an IC3 or EC3 connector when you are ready to operate your vehicle.

NOTICE: Do not connect a dedicated receiver battery to the receiver along with the ESC. When the ESC is turned On it will provide the receiver with 6V regulated power from the main battery through the throttle connection. The ESC may be damaged if the receiver is also connected to a dedicated receiver battery.
NOTICE: Always disconnect the battery from the system when you have finished operating your vehicle. The system’s switch only controls power to the receiver and servos.  The system will continue to draw current when connected to the battery, resulting in possible damage to the battery through over-discharge.

ESC Calibration

When using a new ESC it is important to calibrate it so the ESC matches the throttle range on your transmitter. If you install a new radio system or make changes to your throttle/brake values in your transmitter, you must redo the ESC Calibration Process. Failure to calibrate the ESC to your radio system will result in the ESC not working correctly. Set the Fail-Safe on your radio to a neutral position to ensure the motor stops in the event of a signal loss.

  1. Power ON your transmitter, and begin with throttle values at 100% for dual rates and travel, and at neutral for trim and sub-trim. Verify there are no ABS braking functions activated before proceeding with calibration. For transmitters without an LCD, turn the D/R knob to the max setting, and center the throttle trim.
  2. Connect a battery to the ESC.
  3. Press and hold the power button. The red LED on the ESC will start to flash and the motor will beep, release the power button (The ESC will enter the programming mode if the power button is not released within 8 seconds).
  4. With the throttle trigger and trim in the neutral position, press and release the power button. The Green LED will flash once and the motor will emit one tone.
  5. Pull the throttle trigger to full throttle, and press and release the power button. The Green LED will flash twice and the motor will emit two tones.
  6. Push the throttle trigger to full reverse, and press and release the power button. The Green LED will flash three times and the motor will emit three tones.
  7. Power of the system by pressing the ON/OFF button.
  8. Power ON the system by pressing the ON/OFF button. The system is ready for operation


  1. Power ON your transmitter.
  2. Connect a battery to the power connector coming from the motor.
  3. Press and release the ON/OFF button to Power ON the vehicle.
  4. The Motor will emit two tones to indicate 2S LiPo, and three tones to indicate 3S LiPo.
  5. After the operation, press and release the ON/OFF button to power the vehicle, or unplug the battery.
    IMPORTANT: Always unplug the battery after the operation. If you leave the battery connected for an extended period of time, it will slowly drain the battery to zero volts and cause permanent damage to your battery.

Programming Options

Programmable Item| Option 1| Option 2| Option 3| Option 4| Option 5| Option 6| Option 7| Option 8| Option 9
1.   RPM/Throttle Matching| Enable| Disabled| | | | | | |
2.   Cutoff Voltage| Disabled| Low| Medium| High| | | | |
3.   Max. Forward Force| 25%| 37.5%| 50%| 62.5%| 75%| 87.5%| 100%| |
4.   Max. Reverse Force| 25%| 37.5%| 50%| 62.5%| 75%| 87.5%| 100%| |
5.   Drag Brake

6.   Drag Brake Rate

| 50% Level 1| 80%
Level 2| 95%
Level 3| 120%| 135%| 150%| 165%| 180%| 195%
Level 4| Level 5| Level 6| Level 7| Level 8| Level 9
7.   Punch| Level 1| Level 2| Level 3| Level 4| Level 5| Level 6| Level 7| Level 8| Level 9
8.   BEC Voltage| 6.0V| 7.4V| | | | | | |
9.   Motor Rotation| CW| CCW| | | | | | |

  1. RPM / Throttle Matching
    The motor RPM will change when the vehicle encounters obstacles or terrain changes (RPM is based on the loads on the vehicle). This setting manages how aggressively the ESC will change the RPM under load.
    When the throttle input remains unchanged, setting this item to “Low” provides the feeling of a brushed motor. Setting it to “High” provides a strong sense of speed-governing, making the vehicle maintain speed at a given throttle setting regardless of the resistance.
    The default setting is enabled.

  2. Cutoff Voltage
    Low Voltage Cutoff (LVC) for Lipo Protection. This item is mainly for preventing LiPo packs from being over-discharged. If the LVC is enabled, the ESC will reduce the output to 50% and cut power 10 seconds later when the voltage goes below the cutoff threshold. The red LED will begin a repeating single flash when the ESC enters LVC.
    If the LVC is disabled, the ESC will not cut off the power when the voltage is low. We don’t recommend setting the LVC to “Disabled” when using a LiPo pack, Without LVC it is easy for a LiPo battery to be damaged due to over-discharge.
    • NIMH – For a NiMH pack, we recommend setting this item to “Disabled.”
    • Cutoff Voltage – The ESC will set the cutoff for the pack based on the voltage the battery is at when the battery is connected.

  3. Max. Forward Force
    The power is applied to the motor when the throttle trigger is at the full throttle position. You can reduce the value for better driving feel/control when you drive a crawler over difficult terrain.

  4. Max. Reverse Force
    The power is applied to the motor when the throttle trigger is at the full reverse position. We recommend using a low value for most drivers.

  5. Drag Brak
    Braking power when the throttle is at the neutral position. Higher drag brake values are used to provide a stronger hold or hill brakes.
    IMPORTANT: Drag brakes will consume more power and heat will be increased, start with small values and use with caution. Improve ventilation to ESC if heat is excessive.

  6. Drag Brake Rate
    This feature manages how rapidly the ESC applies drag brakes. Choose the drag brake rate from level 1 (very soft) to level 9 (very aggressive); lower values ramp the brakes slower and prevent sudden stops or jerky stopping movements.

  7. Start Mode/(Punch)
    Set the punch from level 1 (very soft) to level 9 (very aggressive). This feature is very useful for preventing tires from spinning. Punch levels 7 and above require high discharge capable batteries. If the car stutters or suddenly loses power when accelerating it may indicate the battery does not have adequate discharge capabilities for the application. Reduce the punch value, pinion gear size, or change to a higher C-rated battery.

  8. BEC Voltage
    • Option 1: 6.0V Appropriate for most standard servos. Not recommended for High Voltage (HV) servos.
    • Option 2: 7.4V Appropriate for high voltage servos. Do not use this option with standard servos; it’s possible a standard 5 – 6 Volt rated servo will be damaged at this voltage setting.

  9. Motor Rotation
    Change this setting to reverse the motor rotation. Do not change wiring with this 2-in-1 motor/ESC system.

Programming with the SPMXCA200 Smart Programmer Box

  1. Connect the programming box to the switch.
  2. Connect a battery to the ESC.
  3. Power on the box and select the parameter with the SELECT button.
  4. Change the values of the selected parameter with the EDIT button
  5. Press the SAVE button to save the changes. The ESC requires a power cycle to implement the saved changes.

Factory Reset
It is possible to restore the default values if necessary. After connecting the ESC to the programming card, press the “RESET” key and then press the “SAVE” key to save, the factory settings can be restored.
After applying a factory reset, you must perform the calibration procedure before operating your vehicle.

Status LEDs

  1. During the start-up process;
    • The red LED keeps flashing rapidly indicating the ESC doesn’t detect any throttle signal, or the neutral throttle value stored on your ESC may be different from the current value stored on the transmitter. Redo the ESC calibration process if your ESC is flashing and not working.
    • The green LED flashes a number of times, indicating the number of LiPo cells you have plugged in.

  2. In Operation – What lights you should see.
    Driving stage
    • The throttle trigger is in the neutral range, and the green light goes out.
    • When forwarding, the green light flashes; when the throttle is at the end position of forward, the green light is always on.
    • When reversing, the green light flashes; when the throttle is at the end position of backward and the max. reverse force is set to 100%, the green light is always on

  3. Error or Warning LED codes
    • The red LED flashes a short, repeating single flash, indicating the low voltage cutoff protection is activated.
    • The green LED flashes a short, repeating single flash, indicating the ESC thermal protection is activated.
    • The green LED flashes a short, repeating double flash, indicating the motor thermal protection is activated.

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
The ESC is not starting, and no status LED Is lit. 1. No power getting to


2. ESC switch was damaged.

| 1.   Check all ESC and battery connections and check the status of the battery.

2.   Contact the Horizon Hobby Service center

After the ESC is powered on and finished LiPo detection, the green LED flashed X number of times, and then the red LED flashes.| 1.  The ESC didn’t detect a throttle signal.

2. The neutral throttle value stored on your ESC is different from the one stored on the transmitter.

| 1.  Check if the throttle wire is plugged in backward or in the wrong channel, and verify the transmitter has good batteries and is powered ON.

2.  Re-calibrate the throttle range after you release the throttle trigger to the neutral position.

The vehicle runs backward when you pull the throttle trigger forwarding.| The default motor direction doesn’t match your chassis.| Reverse the motor using the SPMXCA200 programmer box
The motor suddenly stopped or significantly reduced the output in operation.| 1.  The control link receiver was influenced by radio interference.

2.   The ESC entered the LVC protection.

3.  The ESC entered the ESC thermal protection.

| 1.  See your transmitter manual for more information on troubleshooting the radio link.

2.  If the red LED keeps flashing indicating the LVC protection is activated, replace the battery.

3.  The green LED keeps flashing indicating the ESC thermal protection is activated. Allow the ESC to cool before use.

The throttle response is bad close to neutral and the vehicle wants to crawl.| 1.  Worn potentiometer on throttle mechanism of the transmitter.

2.   The ESC calibration was not proper.

| 1. Repair or replace your transmitter.

2. Re-calibrate the throttle range or fine-tune the neutral position on the transmitter.

When pressing the SET button to set the throttle neutral position, the green LED didn’t flash and no beep was emitted, or you were unable to set the full- throttle endpoint and the full brake endpoint after the neutral position was accepted.| 1.  The ESC throttle cable wasn’t plugged into the correct channel on the receiver.

2.  The ESC throttle cable was plugged in backward.

3.  The throttle range set on your ESC is different from what your transmitter has set

| ‘I. Plug the throttle cable into the throttle (TH) channel on your receiver.

2.  Refer to your receiver manual to verify the proper connection.

3.   Re-calibrate your transmitter to the ESC.

Automatic Motor Pairing (Optional)
If the motor has been subjected to severe impact or has abnormal heating and abnormal power output during operation, you will need to follow these instructions are for automatic motor pairing.
1. Disconnect the throttle cable from the receiver, and remove the motor pinion.
2. Connect the battery, press, and hold the power button. The switch for the ESC will flash red, then a short double flash that repeats after about 8 seconds, then you can release the power button.
3. It will enter the automatic motor pairing process and the motor will automatically rotate (the greed light inside the ESC will flash at the same time).
4. When the motor stops, the green led will turn solid.
5. After the automatic motor pairing is completed, the ESC will self-check (power-on tones). Reconnect the throttle line and restart/repower the ESC to operate normally.
IMPORTANT: Remove the motor pinion before performing the automatic motor pairing, if the drivetrain is connected it will prevent proper
If the motor has been subjected to severe impact or has abnormal heating and abnormal power output during operation, you will need to follow these instructions for automatic motor pairing.
1. Disconnect the throttle cable from the receiver, and remove the motor pinion.
2. Connect the battery, press, and hold the power button. The switch for the ESC will flash red, then a short double flash that repeats after about 8 seconds, then you can release the power button.
3. It will enter the automatic motor pairing process and the motor will automatically rotate (the greed light inside the ESC will flash at the same time).
4. When the motor stops, the green led will turn on solid.
5. After the automatic motor pairing is completed, the ESC will self-check (power-on tones). Reconnect the throttle line and restart/repower the ESC to operate normally.
IMPORTANT: Remove the motor pinion before performing the automatic motor pairing, if the drivetrain is connected it will prevent proper operation.

1-Year Limited Warranty

What this Warranty Covers
Horizon Hobby, LLC, (Horizon) warrants to the original purchaser that the product purchased (the “Product”) will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a  period of 1 year from the date of purchase.
What is Not Covered
This warranty is not transferable and does not cover (i) cosmetic damage, (ii) damage due to acts of God, accident, misuse, abuse, negligence, commercial use, or due to improper use, installation, operation, or maintenance, (iii) modification of or to any part of the Product, (iv) attempted service by anyone other than a Horizon Hobby authorized service center, (v) Product not purchased from an authorized Horizon dealer, (vi) Product not compliant with applicable technical regulations, or (vii) use that violates any applicable laws, rules, or regulations.
Purchaser’s Remedy

Horizon’s sole obligation and purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be that Horizon will, at its option, either (i) service, or (ii) replace, any Product determined by Horizon to be defective. Horizon reserves the right to inspect any and all Product(s) involved in a warranty claim. Service or replacement decisions are at the sole discretion of Horizon.  Proof of purchase is required for all warranty claims. SERVICE OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS THE PURCHASER’S SOLE AND  EXCLUSIVE REMEDY.
Limitation of Liability

HORIZON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR  COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, EVEN IF HORIZON HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Further, in no event, shall the liability of Horizon exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted. As Horizon has no control over use, setup, final assembly,  modification, or misuse, no liability shall be assumed nor accepted for any resulting damage or injury. By the act of use, setup, or assembly, the user accepts all resulting liability. If you as the purchaser or user are not prepared to accept the liability associated with the use of the Product, the purchaser is advised to return the Product immediately in new and unused condition to the place of purchase.

These terms are governed by Illinois law (without regard to conflict of law principles). This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Horizon reserves the right to change or modify this warranty at any time without notice.

Questions, Assistance, and Services
Your local hobby store and/or place of purchase cannot provide warranty support or service. Once assembly, setup, or use of the Product has been started, you must contact your local distributor or Horizon directly. This will enable Horizon to better answer your questions and service you in the event that you may need any assistance. For questions or assistance, please visit

Warranty and Service Contact Information

Country of Purchase Horizon Hobby Contact Information Address

United States
of America| Horizon Service Center
(Repairs and Repair Requests)| servicecenter.horizonhobby.com/RequestFomi/| 2904 Research Rd.
Champaign, Illinois
Horizon Product Support
(Product Technical Assistance)| [email protected].
Sales| websalesehorizonhobby.com
European Union| Horizon Technischer Service| [email protected]| Hanskampring 9

D 22885 BarsbUttel, Germany

Sales: Horizon Hobby GmbH| +49 (0) 4121 2655 100

FCC Information

Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
Firma 2-in-1 Crawler Motor + ESC

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Horizon Hobby, LLC
2904 Research Rd.,
Champaign, IL 61822
Email: [email protected]
Web: HorizonHobby.com

IC Information
This device contains license-exempt transmitter(s)/receivers(s) that comply with Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada’s license-exempt RSS(s). Operation is  subject to the following 2 conditions:

  1. This device may not cause interference.
  2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

    EU Compliance Statement:
Firma 2-in-1 Crawer Motor + ESC
(SPMXSEM1040A / SPMXSEM1040B); Hereby, Horizon
Hobby, LLC declares that the device is in compliance with the
following: 2014/30/EU EMC Directive; RoHS 2 Directive 2011/65/EU;
RoHS 3 Directive – Amending 2011/65/EU Annex II 2015/863.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the
following internet address: https://www.horizonhobby.com/content/support- render-compliance.

EU Manufacturer of Record:
Horizon Hobby, LLC
2904 Research Road
Champaign, IL 61822 USA
EU Importer of Record:
Horizon Hobby, GmbH
Hanskampring 9
22885 Barsbüttel Germany
This appliance is labeled in accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU concerning waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This label indicates that this product should not be disposed of with household waste. It should be deposited at an appropriate facility to enable recovery and recycling.

2021 Horizon Hobby, LLC. Firma, EC3, IC3, and the Horizon Hobby logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, LLC. The Spektrum trademark is used


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