COSTWAY EP23761 Portable Electric Space Heater User Manual

June 6, 2024

EP23761 Portable Electric Space Heater


Package Contents……………………………………………………… 3 Safety Infomat1on …………………………………………………….. 4 Fequently Asked Questio15 ….· …… ·……. ·……. …….· …….· ….. 6 Preparatil ………………………………………………………….. 8 Troubleshooting ………………………………………………………. 8 Control Panel …….· ……. · …… ·……. ·……. …….· …….· ….. 9 Operating Instructions …………………………………………………. 11 Care and Maintenance ……·.··……..·..·…..·……·.·……·…..·..·….. 12 One-Year Limited Warranty….. …… ……. ……. ……. ……. …. 14 Replacement Pats List ………………………………………………… 15


For replacement pats, call outechnical suppot department at 657-341-0362’00 a.m. – 5 p.m., PST, Monday – Friday


Control Panel I PoweBoad

PART# 01.01.647


DC Fan


Manual Reset Switch


Limit Switch


Infrared tube Temp Sensr Master Switch


c=:J 49



The manufactlEwarants this heater against defects in mateials andwoknanship on functional pats, fo a peiod of 1 year from the original date of puchase. You sales eceipt showing the date of purchase of the product is your proof of purchase. Keep it in a safe place fo futureference. Thiswarranty is subject to personal use only, commercial o rental applicationswill not be coveed.

This product is madewith the highest quality mateials and iswarranted to be free from defects in materials

and workmanship distributed by the

at the timef puhase. This Limited waranty nanufactudelivered in the continental


to the oiginal purchaserr gift recipient. This warranty becomes valid at the time of purchase and

teminates eithe by the specified time frame listed above and/owne transfer. Any refunds
monetay compensations must be claimed through the place of puhase ltaile and not through

the manufacturer. Any extended warrnties (warrnties that cove above and beyond this manufacture warranty) that ae sold through a retaile or thiP.ay, are not directly correlated with this products’ limited warranty, and may be directed to said retaile0 thipay for coverage.

This waranty extends through the manufacturer of the product, and coves functional pas only. Cosmetics ae not coveunless unequivocally determined it is awokmanship defect. Shipping damage should be addressed with the shipping company, retaile or place of puhase, not the manufacture unless the manufacturewas the direct shipper.
The manufactuer’s sole obligati n unde thiswaranty shall be Limited t furnishing the oiginal purchase placement pats fo units deemed repairable by the supplie’s waanty depatment. The puhase
is responsible for insuring any pas shipped or eturned, if desired. The puhase issponsible to
ppay any shipping cha es (bothways) including, but not Limited to taxes and duties. All exchanged pats and productsplaced unde thiswaranty will become the propety of manufacturer. The manufacture serves the right to change manufacturers of replacement pats or products for use, in oder to cover any existing waranty.

The purchase may be asked to provide the supplierwith proof of puchase documents (including the date of purchase) if requested. Any evidence of alteration, erasing fo-gery of proof of purchase documents will be just cause to VOID this limitedwaranty. Products, inwhich the seial numbehas been defaced o removed are not eligible fowarranty coverage.

This waanty does not apply if the unit has been subject to neligence, fabrication, misuse, abuse, o repairs, alteration by non-manufacturer authoized personnel, inappropiate installations any case beyond the cntrol of the manufacturer. Examples of waranty invalidation may also include, but are not limited to:

· Use of lacquer o paints in (and around) the heaters · Heater placed on non- approved surfaces · Electrical requiment deficiencies (15-20 amp dedicated outlet) · Use on extension cotime-s/sue protectoGFCI · Outdoor applications · Nomalweateaweathering · Pet/consume accidents

The manufacturer shall not be liable for any loss due to use ( or misuse) of the heater otheincidental or consequential costs, expense o damages without iefutable foundations. Under no cicumstances shall the manufactler o any of its Psentatives be held Liable for injury to any person or damage to any propety, however aising. Any implied waranty shall have duration equal of the applicablewaranty stated above. Specifications are subject to change without notice o obligation.

This limited wa·ranty gives the oiginal purchase specific legal ights. Othe ights may vary from state to state.



DESCRIPTION Infrared Heater RemoteControl Control Panel (peassembled to Infrared HeaterII Master Power Switch (preassembled to Infraed HeateA))



Plse readand undetand this entire manual before attempting to assemble, operateinstall the product.
basic precautions should always be followed to reduce the isk of fielectic shock, and injury to persons, including the following:
· This heatemust be plugged into a 120 V, 15 amp (or more) circuit of its own. D not plug anything else into the same ciuit. If unsure if you home meets this specification, consult a certified electrician prio to use. Risk of “‘overheating, malfunction, propey damage, injury, or even death may result if not adhered to!
· Connect to a properly grounded, 3-prong outlet only. Do not connect the heateto extension cords, SUe protecto·s, timedirect breakeSan outlet with other appliances connected t the same
outlet. Risk of ” overheating, malfunction, property damage, injury, or even dth may result if
not adhered to! · This heateis hot when in use. Tavoid burns, do not let bare skin touch ht SUfaces. Use handles
(certain models) 0wheels to move this heater. · Keep combustible materials, such as furnitur pillows, bedding, papers, clothes, and curtains at least
3 ft. (0.9 ml from the front of the heateand keep them away from the sides and rf the heater. · Extme caution is necessary when any heateis used by or neachild1, invalids, pets, or when the
heateis left operating unattended. · Always unplug the heatewhen not in use. · Do not operate any heatewith a damaged c0plug or after the heatemalfunctions, has been
dropped, or damaged in any manner. Contact the manufacture for resolution options. · Do not use outdoors. Exposure to outdoor elements such as rain, snow, sun, wind, o extreme
temperatures may cause the heater to become a safety hazard. · This heater is not intended for use in bathrooms, laundry areas, and similaindoolocations, noany
locatio1s that use GFCI outlets. · Neveplace the heatewhere it may fall into a bathtub oother wate1!ceptades. · Do not run the counder capet. Do not cover the cord with throw rugs, runnersr similar coveings.
Aange the coaway from traffic aas and where it will not be tripped over. · The heater must be plugged into a wall outlet that is a dedicated circuit with a minimum 15 amp rating
on that individual ciruit. · Tdisconnect the heatefirst turn the powe button to the OFF position and then remove the plug
from the wall outlet. · Do not allow foreign objects to enteor block any ventilation or exhaust opening as this may cause
electic shock, fire damage the heater. · Allow at least 3 ft. of unobstructed space to the front and rear f the heateto allow fomaximum heat,
air, and ventilation flow. · A heatehas hot and arci19 0spaking pas inside. Do nt use it in areas where gasoline, paintr
flammable liquids are used ostored, nor use flammable solvents to clean the heater. Keep the heater dry at all times. · Use this heateonly as descibed in this manual. Any otheuse not recommended by the manufactur may cause fire, electic shockiury to pesons. · Do not use abrasive solvents to clean the heater as it may cause damage to the finish or casing. · T prevent a poible fi do not block ai intakes o exhaust in any manner. Do not use on soft SUfaces, like a bed, where opening may become blocked. · Always plug heaters directly into a wall outlet/eceptacle. Neve use with an extension cord or relocatable power tap (outlet/powestip].

A WARNING: Befoe peDming anynainaice task’ turn othe power switch in the reaof the unit,
unplug the unit, and allow it to cool completely. 1. To keep the heateclean, clean the outer shell with a soft, damp cloth. Use a mild deteent if necessary. After cleaning, dry the unit with a soft cloth.
CAUTION: DO NOT let liquid enter the heater. 2. DO NOT use alcohol, gasoline, abrasive powders, furnitue polish, ough brushes to clean the heater. This may cause damage odeteioratin to the Slface of the heater. 3. DO NOT inmerse the heater in water. 4. Wait until the unit is completely dry before use. 5. If you will not be using the heate foa while, take the batteies out of the remote control and sto fofuture use. 6. Storthe heatein a cool, dlocation when not in use. To pvent dust and dirt build-up, use the Oiginal packaging to repack the unit.

Factory No


.Please review these frequently asked questions on the next few pages pior to using you heater. My heater emits a strange odor when I first open the box and when I turn the heater on for the first time. Why is this happe1ing?
A. This is nomal. This heater is treated with a special heat safe/resistant coating. This odo will sometimes be present when the box is opened. When the coating is exposed to heat, it produces this particular odo during the first few hours of operatin. This will dissipate aethe break-in period. If you ae sensitive to
.odors, you may want to pburn the unit in a garage with the doo open until the initial odo dissipates. If my heater runs on its max wattage sing, how many BTUs is that?
A. This heater is intended to be used as supplemental heat in aeas most needed. It may take several minutes to several hou to heat you area, depending on vaious facto. The below chat provides BTU translations fodifferent wattages.




. 500


Can the heating elements be replaced?

A. Replacement heating elements can be obtained from the manufacturer. All pa1s may be puhased through the manufactif your product is out of waranty. If you feel that the elements are definitely
.faulty ight ut of the bx, contact CustomeSuppArepresentative can then direct you t the next step. Once I plug the unit in and turn it on, hlong will it take to heat my room?

A. The heating process in the heate begins immediately upon poweing on and setting the desired tempeatuabove the ambient temperature. A noticeable change in the ambient temperatuf the room will vary due to vaiables such as the location of the heater (in the home], floor plan and size of the room, how well the room is insulated, how many doors/windows, how much bare conete (acts as a heat
sink with any type of heatingI, the opening and closing of an exteridoor, long hallways, high ceilings, etc.
Customers with smallerooms experience quick heat changes. Roms with la eand open floplans
.can expect up t24 hurs to completely heat up. I do not have a grounded outlet. can I use adapters, a 2-prong power strip?

A. NO! If you do not have a grounded outlet, contact a cetified electrician foadvice. Removing oalteing any part of the heater”s original design o intent (including the powe cord] will void the waranty and make you liable fo any unexpected or hazardous results.

1. Turn the heate m or off by pressing the Pwebutton on the control panel (CJ or by pssing the ON/OFF button on the remote control (Bl.
Once the power is off, heating elements will stop woking first. The fan will contime working fo up to 90 seconds to dispense residual heat inside the heater. This is a mmalfunction.
2. Select a heat setting by ping the MODE button on either the control panel (Cl othe remote control (Bl to toggle between the two heat settings and the fan only mode.
Power foHigh mode is 1,500 W; LW is750W.

3. Set the thermostat by pssing the arrows on the control panel [Cl othe remote control [Bl.

You can set the temperature on the heater

anywhere between 50F and 90°F o between
c 10 and 32°C. Once you have chosen the

desired temperature, the heate will main

on until the room temperature inceases to

htheeatteemwpie. llcatyucle onn

the and

digital off to

displa. The maintain the

desired room temperature.

Note: To switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius, press and hold the Temp Up button on the control panel (Cl h 5 seconds.

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Temp Up Button

DESCRIPTION Increases the set temperature value


Mode Button

Toggles between the two heat modes and fan mde


Temp Down Button Decreases the set temperature value



Pwers the heate on r off


Short press: Displays ambient room temperature




Long press fo3 seconds to activate lock function.


Tiner Button

Engages the on/off time

.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS The temperature on my heater donot match the temperature display on my wall, or external thermostat. Why?
A. This is completely nomal. The temperature display on yU heater may vary from the temperature display on anothe thermostat [like the one mounted to your wall o a puhased external thermtat). This is because the temperature sensor on the heatereads the temperature directly around the hea ter. With the heater nea the cold flor [and heat rising). anyadings on elevated o external themostats will die in -eadings on the heater. The best way to opeate you heater is to set the unit on High and dial up to a temperature that feels comfotable to you. Then, leave it at that temperatureegadless of the
.mismatch. The heater will cycle off when the set temperature is met oexceeded slightly. Can I use more than one heater at a time ? Can I use the heater and another appliance at the same time?
A. Yes, but make sure they are not plugged into the same cicuit. Each heateequiS its own minimum15amp circuit with no other items plugged into that circuit or outlet. This is because heaters a considered appliances and draw out high ampe·age. If you are unsure your ciuit meets these requirements, veify with a certified electrician.
A ” WARNING: Risk of fire, damage to propeinjury may esult ifquirements are not met. .Whydomyheater’sfan contin rundtheset temperature is reached or thePOis tumed off?
A. This is nrmal. The heater’s fan will contime tun even afte the heateautomatically cycles down. The fan continues to un so that evelast bit of heat is blown out of the heat chamber while allowing the unit to continue filteing you air. Once the internal box/components cool completely, the fan should then shut off n its own. In this case, allow a few minutes aftethe heat cycles off [with power on). The fan will
.shut off fastewhen the poweis turned off. Myheater’s power cord gets warm. Mycois showing signs of heat ornelting at the outlet. Is this normal?
A.A warm pwecod is normal. These powecds a ated safe foup to 105C/221F by the UL, CSA, or ETL. The exception is, if you detect heat, smoke, o signs of melting at the contact pint of the wall outlet, it may be due to Loose or worn wall contacts [or acing). Please sto using the heater immediately, contact warranty suppofoa replacement powe coand have a certified electicianplace the wall outlet as soon as poible.


Place the heater on a firm, level surface and plug into a grounded 120 V, 60 Hz powe outlet and turn on the power switch on the rear of the unit. Only operate heater in upight position.
Please note that infd heate’S do not heat like a traditional space heater: You should not expect infrared heaters to blow hot ai like a taditional space heater: Infrad heaters heat objects not air. Infrared heate’S are intended to supplement an already heated, insulated room. Square footage specifications assume a single enclosed room not an entire home. Infrared heaters do not heat through walls, floors, and are not intended to replace a main heat sUce. Infared heat can take at least 24 hours to warm a room but operate much more efficiently to maintain the desired temperature. Infrared heaters will not wok well in uninsulated unheated spaces like screened in porches, RV”s, gaages, unheated basements, etc.

The heater does not turn n.



1. The poweCis not plugged in. 1. Plug the powecord into an electicaloutlet.

2. The electricity at the main fuse box is not woking.

2. Check the electricity at the main fuse box.

3. The themostat on the heate is set lowethan the room temperature.

3. Increase the themostat tempeatun the heater fo a higher heat setting.

4. The poweswitch in the back f 4. Switch the poweswitch to the ON position. the unit is not in the ON position.

The htefan is running but heat mode does not tum on

1. The unit has oveheated.

The heate
displays an error code “E1″

1. The heate has oveheated. 2. Insufficient powe to the unit

The heate displays an errocode 00E2 ”

3. The ai vent is clgged.
4. Insufficient ai flow to the heater. 1. Temperature sensonot
functioning properly.

1. Unplug the unit from the wall outlet and plug it in again.
1. Unplug the heate from the wall, wait a few seconds then plug the powecod back in.
2. Make sure the unit is plugged into a dedicated 3-prong outlet, with no extension cords oSUe protectors.
3. Clean the air vent located on the back of the unit. see page 13.
4. Move the unit at least 3ft from the wall.
1. Please contact technical support.




Low Heatlndicato

2 High Heatlndicato

3 Digital Display

4 Timer Indicator Light

5 FanlndicatoLight

6 Powelndicatr Light

7 TimeButton

B Temp-DwnButton

9 PoweSwitchButton

10 Temp-Up Button

11 Heater Mde Button

DESCRIPTION Indicates when Low Heat mode is on Indicates when High Heat mode is on Readout of the set room temperature or timer value Indicates when the timer function is active Indicates when the fan is on Indicates when the unit is receiving powe from the wall outlet Powersff unit aftea selected time Deceases the set temperatuE PoweB the heateON oOFF Inc-eases the set temperature
Tggles between Hi I Low I Fan Modes


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