Stephan SPK10 Electric Tool Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

Stephan SPK10 Electric Tool

General safety information for power tools

Read all the safety information, instructions, illustrations and technical data provided on or with this power tool. Failure to adhere to the following instructions may result in electric shock, fi re and/or serious injury.
Keep all the safety information and instructions in a safe place for future use.
The term „power tool“ used in the safety informati-on and instructions refers to power tools operated from the mains power supply (with a power cable) and to battery operated power tools (without a power cable).

Workplace safety

  • Keep your work area clean and well illu-minated. Untidy or unlit work areas can result in accidents.
  • Do not operate the electric tool in an en-vironment where there is a risk of explo-sions and where there are infl ammable liquids, gases or dust. Electric tools produ-ce sparks which could set the dust or vapours alight.
  • Keep children and other people away from the power tool while you are using it. If you are distracted you may lose control of the power tool.

Electrical safety

  • The connector plug from this electric tool must fi t into the socket. The plug should never be altered in any way. Never use ad-apter plugs together with earthed electric tools. Unaltered plugs and correct sockets reduce the risk of an electric shock.
  • Avoid bodily contact with earthed sur-faces such as pipes, heating, ovens and fridges. The risk of electric shock is increa-sed if your body is earthed.
  • Keep the tool out of the rain and away from moisture. The ingress of water into an electric tool increases the risk of an electric shock.
  • Do not use the power cable for a purpose for which it is not designed, for example to carry the power tool, hang it up or to pull the plug out of the socket. Keep the power cable away from heat, oil, sharp edges and moving parts. Power cables that are damaged or tangled increase the risk of an electric shock.
  • If you use an electric power tool out-doors, use only extension cables that are suitable for outdoor use. The use of an extension cable which is suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of an electric shock.
  • If operation of the electric tool in a damp environment can not be avoided, use a earth-leakage circuit-breaker. The earth-leakage circuit-breaker reduces the risk of an electric shock.

Safety of persons

  • Be careful, watch what you are doing and use an electric tool sensibly. Do not use the tool if you are tired or under the infl u-ence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inattention when using the electric tool can result in serious injuries.
  • Wear personal protection equipment and always wear safety goggles. Wearing personal protection (such as dust masks, non-slip safety shoes, safety helmet or ear protection, depending upon the type and use of the electric tool) reduces the risk of injury.
  • Make sure that the appliance cannot start up accidentally. Ensure that the electric tool is switched off before you connect it to the power supply and/or insert the battery, or pick up or carry the tool. If your fi nger is on the switch whilst carrying the elec-tric tool or if you connect the appliance to the mains when it is switched on, this can lead to accidents.
  • Remove all adjusting tools or wrenches before you switch on the power tool. Any tool or wrench in a rotating part of the power tool could cause injuries.
  • Avoid abnormal working postures. Make sure you stand squarely and keep your balance at all times. This will enable you to control the power tool better in unexpected situations.
  • Wear suitable clothes. Never wear loo-se fi tting clothes or jewelry. Keep hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothing, jewelry or long hair can be caught by moving parts.
  • If dust extraction devices and dust coll-ection devices can be fi tted, they must be connected and must be used correctly. The use of a dust extractor can reduce the dangers posed by dust.
  • Do not allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security and do not ignore the safety regulations covering electric power tools, even if you are familiar with the power tool after having used it many times. Carelessness can lead to serious inju-ries in just a fraction of a second.

Using and handling the power tool

  • Do not overload your power tool. Use the correct electric tool for the job in hand. The correct tool will enable you to work better and more safely within the specifi c performance range.
  • Do not use an electric power tool if the switch is defective. An electric power tool that cannot be switched on or off is dangerous and must be repaired.
  • Pull the plug out of the socket and/or remove the battery pack before making any adjustments to the tool, changing accessories or putting the power tool down. These precautions will prevent the power tool starting accidentally.
  • Keep unused electric tools out of the reach of children. Do not allow people who are not familiar with the power tool or who have not read these instructions to use the tool. Electric tools are dangerous if they are used by inexperienced people.
  • Look after power tools plug-in tools with care. Check that moving parts function correctly and do not jam, and whether any parts are broken or damaged such that they adversely aff ect the function of the power tool. Have damaged parts repaired before you use the power tool. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained electric tools.
  • Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Carefully maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges will jam less and are easier to control.
  • Use the power tool, accessories, plug-in tools, etc. as set out in these instructions. Take account of the conditions in your work area and the job in hand. Using electric tools for purposes other than the one for which they are designed can result in dangerous situations.
  • Keep the handles and grip surfaces dry, clean and free from oil and grease. If the handles and grip surfaces are slippery, it will not be possible to operate and control the power tool safely in unforeseen situations.

Using and handling the cordless tool

  • Only charge the batteries in chargers that are recommended by the manufacturer. A charger that is designed for a certain type of battery may pose a fi re risk if it is used with other types of battery.
  • Use only the correct batteries in the elec-tric tools. The use of other batteries may result in injuries and a fi re risk.
  • Keep unused batteries away from paper clips, coins, keys, nails, screws and other metallic objects that could cause a short circuit between the contacts. A short cir-cuit between the battery contacts may cause burns or a fi re.
  • In case of incorrect use, fl uid may escape from the battery. Avoid contact with it. If you touch it by accident, rinse the aff ec-ted area with water. If you get the fl uid in your eyes, also seek medical advice. Leaking battery fl uid can cause skin irritation or burns.
  • Never use damaged or altered rechargeable batteries. Damaged or altered rechargeable batteries can behave unpredictably and lead to a risk of fi re, explosion or injury.
  • Never expose a rechargeable battery to fi re or high temperatures. Fire or temperatures over 130°C pose a risk of explosion.
  • Follow all the instructions on charging and never charge the rechargeable battery or cordless tool outside the specifi ed allowable charging temperature range. Incorrect charging or charging outside the allowable charging temperature range could cause irreparable damage to the battery and increase the risk of fire.


  • Have your electric tool repaired only by trained personnel using only genuine spare parts. This will ensure that your elec-tric tool remains safe to use.
  • Never perform maintenance work on damaged rechargeable batteries. All maintenance work on rechargeable batteries should only be performed by the manufacturer or authorized after sales service outlets.

Additional safety instructions
We pay a great deal of attention to the design of every battery pack to ensure that we supply you with batteries which feature maximum power den-sity, durability and safety. The battery cells have a wide range of safety devices. Each individual cell is initially formatted and its electrical charac-teristic curves are recorded. These data are then used exclusively to be able to assemble the best possible battery packs. Despite all the safety precautions, caution must always be exer-cised when handling batteries. The following points must be obeyed at all times to ensure safe use. Safe use can only be guaranteed if undama-ged cells are used. Incorrect handling can cause cell damage.
Important: Analyses confi rm that incorrect use and poor care are the main causes of the damage caused by high performance batteries.

Information about the battery

  1. The battery pack supplied with your cordless tool is not charged. The battery pack has to be charged before you use the tool for the fi rst time.
  2. For optimum battery performance avoid low discharge cycles. Charge the battery pack frequently.
  3. Store the battery pack in a cool place, ideally at 15°C and charged to at least 40%.
  4. Lithium-ion batteries are subject to a natural ageing process. The battery pack must be replaced at the latest when its capacity falls to just 80% of its capacity when new. Weakened cells in an aged battery pack are no longer capable of meeting the high power require-ments and therefore pose a safety risk.
  5. Do not throw battery packs into an open fi re. There is a risk of explosion!
  6. Do not ignite the battery pack or expose it to fi re.
  7. Do not exhaustively discharge batteries. Exhaustive discharge will damage the battery cells. The most common cause of exhaustive discharge is lengthy storage or non-use of partly discharged batteries. Stop working as soon as the performance of the battery falls noticeably or the electronic protection system triggers. Place the battery pack in storage only after it has been fully charged.
  8. Protect batteries and the tool from over-loads. Overloads will quickly result in over-heating and cell damage inside the battery housing without this overheating actually being apparent externally.
  9. Avoid damage and shocks. Replace batte-ries which have been dropped from a height of more than one meter or which have been exposed to violent shocks without delay, even if the housing of the battery pack appears to be undamaged. The battery cells inside the battery may have suff ered serious damage. In this respect, please also read the waste disposal information.
  10. If the battery pack suff ers overloading and overheating, the integrated protective cut-off will switch off the equipment for safety rea-sons. Important. Do not press the ON/OFF switch any more if the protective cut-off has actuated. This may damage the battery pack.
  11. Use only original battery packs. The use of other batteries may result in injuries, explosi-on and a fi re risk.
  12. Protect your rechargeable battery against moisture, rain and high humidity. Moisture, rain and high humidity can cause dangerous cell damage. Never charge or work with bat-teries which have been exposed to moisture, rain or high humidity – replace them immedia-tely.
  13. If your equipment is fi tted with a detachable battery, remove the battery for safety reasons after you have fi nished your work

Information on chargers and the charging process

  1. Please check the data marked on the rating plate of the battery charger. Be sure to con-nect the battery charger to a power supply with the voltage marked on the rating plate. Never connect it to a diff erent mains voltage.
  2. Protect the battery charger and its cable from damage and sharp edges. Have damaged cables repaired without delay by a qualifi ed electrician.
  3. Keep the battery charger, batteries and the cordless tool out of children’s reach.
  4. Do not use damaged battery chargers.
  5. Do not use the supplied battery charger to charge other cordless tools.
  6. In heavy use the battery pack will become warm. Allow the battery pack to cool to room temperature before commencing with the charging.
  7. Do not over-charge batteries. Do not ex-ceed the maximum charging times. These charging times only apply to discharged batteries. Frequent insertion of a charged or partly charged battery pack will result in over-charging and cell damage. Do not leave batteries in the charger for days on end.
  8. Never use or charge batteries if you sus-pect that the last time they were charged was more than 12 months previously. The-re is a high probability that the battery pack has already suff ered dangerous damage exhaustive discharge).
  9. Charging batteries at a temperature below 10°C will cause chemical damage to the cell and may cause a fire.
  10. Do not use batteries which have heated du-ring the charging process, as the battery cells may have suff ered dangerous damage.
  11. Do not use batteries which have suff ered curvature or deformation during the charging process or which show other non-typical sym-ptoms (gassing, hissing, cracking,…)
  12. Never fully discharge the battery pack (re-commended depth of discharge max. 80%) A complete discharge of the battery pack will lead to premature ageing of the battery cells.
  13. Never charge the batteries unsupervised.

Protection from environmental influences

  1. Wear suitable work clothes. Wear safety gog-gles.
  2. Protect your cordless tool and the battery charger from moisture and rain. Moisture and rain can cause dangerous cell damage.
  3. Do not use the cordless tool or the battery charger near vapors and infl ammable liquids.
  4. Use the battery charger and cordless tools only in dry conditions and an ambient tempe-rature of 10-40°C.
  5. Do not keep the battery charger in places where the temperature is liable to reach over 40°C. In particular, do not leave the battery charger in a car that is parked in the sunshine.
  6. Protect batteries from overheating. Over-loads, over-charging and exposure to direct sunlight will result in overheating and cell damage. Never charge or work with batteries which have been overheated – replace them immediately if possible.
  7. Storage of batteries, battery chargers and cordless tools. Store the charger and your cordless tool only in dry places with an ambient temperature of 10-40°C. Store your lithium-ion battery pack in a cool, dry place at a temperature of 10-20°C. Protect them from humidity and direct sunlight. Only place fully charged batteries in storage (charged at least 40%).
  8. Prevent the lithium-ion battery pack from free-zing. Battery packs which were stored below 0°C for more than 60 minutes must be dispo-sed of.
  9. When handling batteries beware of electro-static charge: Electrostatic discharges cause damage of the electronic protection system and the battery cells. Avoid electrostatic char-ging and never touch the battery poles.

Batteries and cordless electric equipment contain materials that are potentially harmful to the envi-ronment. Never place any rechargeable batteries or cordless electric machines or tools in your household refuse.
The rechargeable battery should be taken to a suitable collection center for proper disposal. If you do not know the whereabouts of such a coll-ection center, you should ask in your local council offi ces.
To ensure that any defective/damaged lithi-um-ion batteries are properly packaged and delivered when you send them to us, please contact our customer service or the point of sale at which the equipment was purchased.
When shipping or disposing of batteries and cordless tools, always ensure that they are packed individually in plastic bags to prevent short circuits and fi res.
Do not lose these safety instructions.

Additional safety instructions

  • This tool may only be used for dry grinding/sanding operations.
  • Use of the tool on materials containing asbes-tos is prohibited.
  • Keep your workplace clean and well illumi-nated.
  • Make sure that the workpiece is sufficiently secured so that it cannot slip.
  • Keep children away.
  • For your own sake, keep the machine clean at all times and check it for signs of damage each time after using it.
  • Make sure that the switch is set to OFF befo-re you insert the plug into the power supply socket.
  • Make sure of your footing, particularly when working on ladders and platforms.
  • Harmful or toxic dust can be produced when working on wood or metal. Touching or inhaling this dust can be harmful for the operator and other persons nearby.
  • To protect your health, always wear safety goggles and a dust mask during sanding/grinding work!
  • If you discover any damage to the machine, use the exploded diagram and the spare parts list to determine which parts need to be ordered from Customer Service.
  • Important: Wear safety goggles and a dust mask.

Do not lose these safety instructions.

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