CARTFT CTFPND-9B 7-Inch Android Tablet User Guide
- June 6, 2024
Table of Contents
CAR TFT CTFPND-9B 7-Inch Android Tablet
User Guide
Product introduction
CTFPND-9 has optional features (wifi, BT, GPS, 3G, back camera, front camera, RFID, light sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer)
3G – pls insert the SIM card when the device is completely off
the front camera – there are 6 IR LEDs around the camera. if you enable the
flash function in the front camera,
then you will see the IR LED is on. In this case, the picture will be in black
and white
Direction of SIM card and SD card
There is a TTL serial port (Tx/RX) or OTG from 10 pin USB connector
pls see the above schematics of our USB connector in our PND, it is 10 pin connector.
Pin 4 and 6 can be used for USB or TTL serial interface (Rx/Tx) and Pin 8 is ID pin which is used to distinguish for USB or serial interface.
if it is connected to GND, then pin 4 and 6 will be Rx/Tx interfaces.
if it is connected to Vcc, then pin 4 and 6 will be D- and D+. -
There are Rs232 interface and OTG from the cradle.
Highlights: OTG port from the device (10pin USB connector) and cradle are sharing the same pins. Only 1 OTG interface can be used.
Pin 1 – NOT connected
Pin 2 – GND (black)
Pin 3 – RDX (White)
Pin 4 – CTS in CTFPND-9(-B), NC in CTFPND-9-C (yellow)
Pin 5 – RTS in CTFPND-9(-B), NC in CTFPND-9-C (Orange)
Pin 6 – Ignition (Green), can wake up the device in sleep mode. See the
software section for more details.
Pin 7 – Don’t connect pls
Pin 8 – NOT connected
Pin 9 – cable shielding
Pin 10 – TXD (purple)
Pin 11 – car battery input (12-28V) (Red)
Pin 12 – NOT connected
Highlights: for RS232, it is master mode definition.
if you are using OTG with an external device, you can only charge the device
by 12V input.
Remove the cradle cable (12pin Molex connector) if you don’t want to use it.
- you can find the rubber plug in our black box (see below picture).
- open the cradle casing with a screwdriver
- remove the 12pin Molex cable from the connector
- put the rubber plug in the hole and close the cradle casing
Option for ignition control the power supply
If the ignition is OFF, the power supply will be cut. The customer uses their
application to control the device to power off or sleep mode.
If the ignition is ON, there is a power supply and cable to charge the device.
so, when the engine is ON, the device will power on automatically.
If you want to try this feature, pls open the cradle. There are switches
inside the cradle PCB. (only production batch >1642)
Device installation
There are a few options
Directly attach the mount to the device (no cradle in this case)
Cradle attached to car mount with different screw length
Mount options:
There are many car mount options. You can use the 2 screw holes (black color)
or 4 screw holes (yellow color) to attach the different mount systems.
The 4 screw hole depth is 5mm long-only, pls prepare the correct screw. Pls,
note that the wrong screw length may damage the cradle.
Option 1:
Low-cost windshield car mount
Low-cost dash mount
We have strong tape on this mount but need to make a screw to lock it on the
Option 2:
Many mount options from RAM MOUNT
You can choose the amount you like from their website
Example 1 (RAP-B-166-2U)
Example 2 (RAM-B-138-224-1U)
Example 3 (RAM-B-138U-A)
Example 4 (RAP-B-138-AU)
Option 3:
You can also choose mount from HR (
There is 4 hole plate that you can lock in the cradle with 4 screw holes.
then, you can choose the amount from HR.
Option 4:
Mounting solution from a truck expert (ARAT)
Option 5:
There are other mounts that can support these 2 screw holes and 4 screw holes
at the back that can be used.
From my understanding, there is another mount company that also uses these 2
or 4 screw holes as standard.
Pls, let me know if you need another mounting system or solution.
New silicon sleeve
It can have more protection for the device.
- It also supports a stylus. There is optional clips that you can install at the back of the sleeve.
- There is a new cradle (dock) to match the device with the sleeve. This cradle can be used for the device with or without the sleeve.
Software support
We can provide serial port apk and NFC demo. Pls, contact our Sales for details.
Pls also see the software setting for serial port
two serial ports are available on the device :
- one shares the USB data pins of the mini A/B USB connector. Only TX and RX pins are available, voltage is TTL 3.3V.
- one is on the Pogopin interface (pins 3, 5, 6, and 7). TX, RX CTS, and RTS are available, voltage is RS232.
On the software side, the tty devices corresponding to these ports are :
- for the RS232 port, /dev/user_external_tty
- for the TTL port, /dev/user_tty
In addition, one I2C port is available both on the USB and Procopin connectors.
- The I2C interface is accessible through /dev/user_i2c
if your application wants to read the ignition state, pls use the below API.
the 12V input is reported to the application as a keypress (high level
pressed, low level depressed) in the java Android API, this key is
A second way to access the ignition state is to register a broadcast receiver
for the action “HK. topic on.intent.action.IGNITION”
The current ignition status is given by the extra boolean “state”.
This intent is sticky, ie the application will be immediately notified of the
current status at registration, even if no transition occurred.
Here is a code sniplet :
private static final String ACTION_IGNITION =
private BroadcastReceiver mIgnitionReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
boolean state = intent.getBooleanExtra(“state”, false);
Log.d(TAG, “ignition event is on”);
Log.d(TAG, “ignition event is off”);
Video input function (only for CTFPND-9-C)
It can support only analog camera input (resolution 640×480). This is the default function in CTFPND-9-C
In the CTFPND-9-C cradle (V17 cradle), we will have a C3 connector for the camera and some open wires (video trigger). This video trigger can support only 12-24V
For the camera connector (C3 in the diagram), it can provide a stable 12V power supply to the camera if needed. If you want to need 12V, we can connect another cable
From the software side, we will make a demo app that can install in software for automatic pop up the video if the trigger is high. We can also provide you with the source code and API to make your own application.
You can connect the scanner to our CTFPND-9
Plug the special USB cable with marked “scanner” to the mini USB port of the scanner.
Plug the other end of the special USB cable with marked “MDT” to the CTFPND-9 cradle
Turn on the scanner
Inserted a USB flash drive or a memory card in the scanner.
When scanning is finished, the image is saved on the memory card or USB flash drive. Will show in the ES File Explorer in the Device
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