HYPRO WM1-6 Single Phase Electric Energy Meter User Manual

June 6, 2024

Single-phase electrical energy meter WM1-6
Single-phase electrical energy meter WM1-6Z
Single-phase electrical energy meter WM1M6


The meters WM1-6, WM1-6Z, and WM1M6 (MID certified) are intended for energy measurements in single-phase electrical power networks and can be used in residential, industrial, and utility applications. Meters measure energy directly in 2-wire networks according to the principle of fast sampling of voltage and current signals. A built-in microprocessor calculates energy, power, and power factor from the measured signals. It also controls LCD (WM1-6 and WM1M6 only), LED, and installed modules.
Housing is provided with terminals protection covers, which can be sealed up against non-authorized access. They are built to be fastened to EN 60715 standard guides.
1.1 Overview

  • Single-phase direct connected DIN-rail mounting meter.
  • MID approval (WM1M6).
  • Class 1 for active energy according to EN 62053-21 and B according to EN 50470-3.
  • Class 2 for reactive energy according to EN 62053-23.
  • Basic current 5 A (Ib).
  • Maximum current 65 A (Imax).
  • 230 V rated system voltage input (Un).
  • Voltage operating range (-20 % … +15 %) Un.
  • Reference frequency 50Hz or 60 Hz.
  • Power consumption voltage circuit < 8 VA at Un
  • Temperature range climatic condition as indoor meter according to EN 62052-11.
  • Display LCD 7+1 digit (100Wh resolution) – WM1-6 and WM1M6 only.
  • Multifunctional front red LED.
  • Pulse output (option) according to EN 62053-31:2001.
  • Serial communication (option).
  • Tariff input (option).
  • A DIN-rail mounting according to EN 60715.
  • Sealable terminal cover.
  • 2-DIN modules width.
  • External bistable switch control (option).


  • To prevent electrical shock and/or equipment damage, disconnect electrical power at the main fuse or circuit breaker before installation or any servicing.
  • Make sure, that no voltage is present in the installation.
  • Prevent the disconnecting device from being switched on accidentally.
  • Connect the module according to the electrical diagram. WM1-6Z has a built-in antenna.
  • Please install WM1-6Z as far as possible from metal elements.

Module installation requires a great degree of skill and may be performed only by a qualified and licensed electrician.
Even when the module is turned off, the voltage may be present on its terminals. Any work on configuration changes related to connection mode or load must be always performed by a disconnected power supply (disable the fuse).
Do not connect the module to loads exceeding recommended values. Connect the module only in accordance to the below diagrams. Improper connections may be dangerous. The electrical installation must be protected by overcurrent protection fuse 65 A and rated breaking capacity 1500 V (ESKA 522.7..) must be used according to wiring diagram to achieve appropriate overload protection of the module.
2.1 Electrical diagram 230VAC ****LI ……………… Live input
NI ……………….Neutral input
LO ……………………..Live output
NO …………………..Neutral output

2.2 Connection of modules
Meter can be equipped with different modules. WM1-6 & WM1M6

RS485 serial communication with the MODBUS protocol enables data transmission and thus the connection of the measuring places into the network for the control and management with energy. They can also be equipped with tariff input (option). Both supported only on WM1-6 and WM1M6.
A built-in pulse output (option) is designed for sending data to the devices for checking and monitoring consumed energy.
Triac output for triggering an external relay. Supported only on WM1-6Z.
Check labels on the side of the meter to check what modules are built-in.
It is possible to connect two external modules. One is controlled by a built- in optical (IR) communication port on the side, the second is controlled by Triac output.
The picture above indicates the connection of two external relays to WM1-6Z. BICOM432-40-WM1 connected via optical (IR) communication port and IKA232-20 connected via Triac output.


3.1 RS485
Galvanic separated serial RS485 communication module can be built-in. There are 5 different baud rates possible for RS485 communication:

  • 1200 bits/s
  • 2400 bits/s
  • 4800 bits/s
  • 9600 bits/s (factory default)
  • 19200 bits/s

It uses the MODBUS RTU protocol to read and change the settings of the meter and to read measuring results. RS485 serial communication can be used together with optical (IR) communication in order to control a bistable switch Iskra BICOM.
WM1-6Z does not support RS485 communication.
3.2 Optical IR
Meter has a built-in optical (IR) communication port on the side as a standard. A Special WM-USB adapter (size 1 DIN module) can easily be attached to it. It can be used for direct communication with PC to change settings of devices without RS485 communication. Communication settings for WM-USB are fixed to:

Communication speed,……………….. 19200 bit/s
Frame………………………….. 8, none, 2
Address……………………  33
Drivers for WM USB are installed automatically when MiQen 2.1 software is installed. If not, it is possible to install them manually from …” MiQen 2.1 installation folder” / Drivers.
Supported on all variants of WM1 (WM1-6, WM1-6Z, and WM1M6).
Supported only on WM1-6Z.
Z-Wave is a wireless communications protocol for home automation. It is oriented to the residential control and automation market. A Z-Wave automation system can be remotely controlled via the Internet, using a Z-Wave gateway or central control device which serves as both the Z-Wave hub controller and portal to the outside.
Module Inclusion (Adding to Z-wave network)

  • Connect module to the power supply
  • Enable add/remove on the main controller
  • auto-inclusion (works for about 5 seconds after connected to power supply) or
  • press service button S for more than 2 second

For the auto-inclusion procedure, first set the main controller into inclusion mode and then connect the module to the power supply.
Module Exclusion/Reset (Removing from Z-Wave network)

  • Connect module to the power supply.
  • Bring module within a maximum of 1 meter (3 feet) of the main controller.
  • Enable add/remove mode on the main controller.
  • Press service button S for more than 6 seconds.

By this function, all parameters of the module are set to default values and their own ID is deleted.
If service button S is pressed more than 2 and less than 6 seconds module is excluded, but configuration parameters are not set to default values.
Association enables Smart meter module to transfer commands inside Z-Wave network directly to other Z-Wave modules.
Associated Groups:
Group 1: Lifeline group (reserved for communication with the main controller), 1 node allowed.
Configuration parameters
Parameter no. 7 – Input 1 switch function selection
Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):

  • default value 4
  • 0 disabled
  • 2 IR external relay control – monostable push button
  • 3 IR external relay control – bistable switch
  • 4 External relay control – monostable push button
  • 5 External relay control – bistable switch

Parameter no. 10 – Activate / deactivate functions ALL ON / ALL OFF
Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):

  • default value 255
  • 255 – ALL ON active, ALL OFF active
  • 0 – ALL ON is not active, ALL OFF is not active
  • 1 – ALL ON is not active, ALL OFF active
  • 2 – ALL ON active, ALL OFF is not active

The smart meter module responds to commands ALL ON/ ALL OFF that may be sent by the main controller or by other controllers belonging to the system.
Parameter no. 11 – Automatic turning off IR external relay output after a set time
When IR external relay is ON it goes automatically OFF after the time defined by this parameter. The timer is reset to zero each time the module receives ON command regardless of where it comes (push button, associated module, controller,..). Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):

  • default value 0
  • 0 – Auto OFF disabled
  • 1 – 32535 = 1second – 32535 seconds. Auto OFF enabled with define time, step is 1s.

Parameter no. 12 – Automatic turning on IR external relay output after a set time
When IR external relay is OFF it goes automatically ON after the time defined by this parameter. The timer is reset to zero each time the module receives OFF command regardless of where it comes (push button, associated module, controller,..). Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):

  • default value 0
  • 0 – Auto ON disabled
  • 1 – 32535 = 1second – 32535 seconds. Auto ON enabled with define time, step is 1s.

Parameter no. 13 – Automatic turning off External relay output after a set time
When the External relay is ON it goes automatically OFF after the time defined by this parameter. The timer is reset to zero each time the module receives ON command regardless of where it comes (push button, associated module, controller,..). Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):

  • default value 0
  • 0 – Auto OFF disabled
  • 1 – 32535 = 1second – 32535 seconds. Auto OFF enabled with define time, step is 1s.

Parameter no. 14 – Automatic turning on External relay after output set time
When the External relay is OFF it goes automatically ON after the time defined by this parameter. The timer is reset to zero each time the module receives OFF command regardless of where it comes (push button, associated module, controller,..). Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):

  • default value 0
  • 0 – Auto ON disabled
  • 1 – 32535 = 1second – 32535 seconds. Auto ON enabled with define time, step is 1s.

Parameter no. 40 – Power reporting in Watts on power change
Set value means percentage, set value from 0 – 100 = 0% – 100%. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):

  • default value 10
  • 0 – Reporting disabled
  • 1 – 100 = 1% – 100% Reporting enabled. Power report is sent (push) only when actual power in Watts in real-time changes for more than set percentage compared to previous actual power in Watts, step is 1%.

If the power change is less than 1W, the report is not sent (pushed), independent of the percentage set. When reporting Watts, the module will automatically report also V (Voltage), A (Amperes), Power factor, kbar (Reactive Power).
Parameter no. 42 – Power reporting in Watts by time interval
Set value means time interval (0 – 32535) in seconds when the power report is sent. Available config. parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):

  • default value 0
  • 0 – Reporting Disabled
  • 1 – 32535 = 1 second – 32535 seconds. Reporting enabled, Power report is sent with time interval set by entered value. When reporting Watts, the module will automatically report also V (Voltage), A (Amperes), Power factor, kbar (Reactive Power).

Parameter no. 45 – Reset Power counters
Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):

  • default value 0
  • 0 no function
  • 1 reset counter 1 – KWh
  • 2 reset counter 2 – K vary
  • 4 reset counter 3 – kVAh
  • 15 reset ALL counters

Parameter no. 100 – Enable / Disable endpoints IR external relay and External relay
Enabling IR external relay and External relay or both of them means that endpoint (IR external relay) and endpoint (External relay) or both will be present on UI. Disabling them will result in hiding endpoints according to parameter set values. Note that hiding endpoint has no impact on its functionality. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):

  • default value 0
  • 0 – Endpoints IR external relay and External relay disabled
  • 1 – Endpoints IR external relay disabled, External relay enabled
  • 2 – Endpoints IR external relay enabled, External relay disabled
  • 3 – Endpoints IR external relay and External relay enabled

After parameter change, first exclude a module (without setting parameters to default value) and then re-include the module.
If you don’t have an IR BiComm relay module mounted and you enable IR communication (Parameter 100 is 2 or 3) there will be no valid IR relay state reported. It will report IR COMMUNICATION ERROR and LED2 will blink.
Parameter no. 110 – Maximum Power auto-off
Set value means Maximum Power Consumption (0 – 15000) in watts (W), when relays are turned off according to Parameters no. 111 and 112. Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Bytes DEC):

  • default value 0
  • 0 – no function
  • 1 – 15000 = 1 W – 15000 W Maximum Power Consumption.

Parameter no. 111 – Delay overpower off
Set value means the number of seconds to power off the relay (defined by Parameters no. 110 and 112) before the restart (30 – 32535) in seconds (s). Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Bytes DEC):

  • default value 30
  • 30 – 32535 = 30 s – 32535 s delay.

Parameter no. 112 – Relay to power off
Set value selects relay to be powered off when the threshold is reached (defined by Parameters no. 110 and 111).
Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC): default value 0

  • 0 – switch between the 2 relays (power off relay 1 first, after power on, if power consumption is still over,power off relay 2, ….)
  • 1 – always power off relay 1 (IR external relay)
  • 2 – always power off relay 2 (External relay)
  • 3 – always power off both relays (relay 1 and relay 2)

Parameter no. 130 – Serial Number
Read-only. Unsigned Value (16bit). 2 decimal places.
Parameter no. 131 – Meter Software reference
Read-only. Unsigned Value (16bit). 2 decimal places.
Parameter no. 132– Meter Hardware reference
Read-only. Unsigned Value (16bit), 2 decimal places.
Parameter no. 140– Voltage U1
Read-only. Unit: V. Binary Unsigned Value (24bit), 1 decimal place.
Parameter no. 141– Current I1
Read-only. Unit: A. Binary Unsigned Value (24bit), 3 decimal places.
Parameter no. 142– Active Power Total (Pt)
Read-only. Unit: W. Binary Signed Value (24bit), 1 decimal place.
Parameter no. 143– Reactive Power Total (Qt)
Read-only. Unit: kVAR. Binary Signed value (24bit), 1 decimal place.
Parameter no. 144– Power Factor Total (PFt)
Read-only. Unsigned Value (16bit), 4 decimal places.
Parameter no. 145– Energy Counter 1 – Active power accumulated (import)
Read-only. Unit: Kwh. Signed Long Value (32bit), 1 decimal place.
Parameter no. 146– Energy Counter 2 – Reactive power accumulated
Read-only. Unit: K varies. Signed Long Value (32bit), 1 decimal place.
Parameter no. 147– Energy Counter 3 – Apparent power accumulated
Read-only. Unit: KVAh. Signed Long Value (32bit), 1 decimal place.
Parameter no. 148– Energy Counter 4 – Active power accumulated (export)
Read-only. Unit: Kwh. Signed Long Value (32bit), 1 decimal place.
Z-Wave Classes

Z-Wave Device Class:
Z-Wave Supported Command Classes:
Endpoint 1 (IR external relay):
Device Class:
Command Classes:
Endpoint 2 (External relay):
Device Class:
Command Classes:

Endpoints are shown/hidden by Parameter No.100
BASIC SET/GET on root device is mapped to basic set/get of both endpoints.
This product can be included and operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from any other manufacturers. All constantly powered nodes in the same network will act as repeaters regardless of the vendor in order to increase the reliability of the network.


Metering functions are done with compute engine (CE). Each 250 ms, firmware is transforming the values of these registers to human-readable values. There are four different energy counters, which can be configured each to measure one of seven different types of energy. For MID meters, these energy counters are configured only in production. For Non-MID counters, they can be also reconfigured during use. These are:

  • Total Absolute Active Energy (kWh)
  • Total Absolute Reactive Energy (vary)
  • Total Absolute Apparent Energy (HVAC)
  • Import Active Energy (kWh)
  • Export Active Energy (kWh)
  • Import Reactive Energy (vary)
  • Export Reactive Energy (vary)

Actual measured values:

  • Active Power
  • Reactive Power
  • Apparent Power
  • Power Factor
  • Voltage
  • Frequency
  • Current

As an option device can have built-in:

  • Tariff input that supports measurement of energy in two tariffs. When there is the voltage on it (check values in technical data) it stores data in Tariff 2 registers otherwise in Tariff 1 registers. Tariffs can be set via communication by MiQen software. Supported on WM1-6 and WM1M6.
  • Pulse (SO) output module that counts absolute active energy with a fixed pulse rate 1 imp/Wh.
  • Triac output/Digital input for triggering an external relay. Supported only on WM1-6Z.

6. LCD
No LCD display on WM1-6Z.
On LCD measured data are presented. Display scrolls automatically. Displayed quantities and scroll time can be set via communication by MiQen software.
6.1 Display description

  1. The tariff set for displayed counter

  2.  Energy import ( → ) Energy export ( ← )

  3.  kWh display

  4. vary the display

  5. Value

  6. Info: kVAh display
    A – currently active counter
    S – apparent power
    PF – power factor
    U – voltage
    F – frequency
    I – current

  7. W – active power
    var – reactive power

  8. inductive/capacitive

Startup displays: ****

Energy counter displays:
up to 4 counters – are displaying current energy counter settings (tariff, import / export / total, active / reactive / apparent), its value and current activity (counting (A) / not counting ( )).

Energy counter: Set  Ariff: 1 (T1) dir.: imp. (→) Value: 123.4 kWh Currently: active (A)| Energy counter: Set tariff: 2 (T2) Energy dir.:  XP. (←) Value: 123.4 vary Currently: not active| Energy counter: Set tariff: 2 (T2) Energy dir: total Value: 123.4 kV Currently: no data

Other displays:
are displaying measured quantity (P, Q, S, PF, U, f, and I), its value, the direction of active energy flow (import /export), reactance (inductive/capacitive), and active tariff. Some examples of displays are shown below:

P (W) Value:  123.4 Inductive E flow:  XP.(←) Current tariff: T2| S (VA – no unit displayed) Value: 123.4 Capacitive E flow: exp.(←) Current tariff: –| Power factor values: 0.87 Inductive E flow: exp.(←) Current tariff: –

7. LED
Multifunctional LED counting pulses for Active Energy 1 imp/Wh. If constantly lit indicates no load (I < 0,02A).
All parameterization can be done via communication with MiQen software (version 2.1 or later). WM1M6 (MID) has limited parameterization. Counter settings and counter reset are not enabled.
With MiQen software meter can be set to Test measuring mode that displays measurements with a precision of 2 digits. After powering off meter automatically goes back to normal operation.
8.1 Security – password
Meter has the possibility of a two-level password (4 characters from A to Z).
Password Level 1 – enables resetting the counters.
Password Level 2 – enables all available settings and resets.
If the meter password is forgotten, the device serial number should be sent to Iskra d.d. to receive the device’s default password.


If the meter is used under specified conditions, it should not be necessary to recalibrate it during its lifetime. If degradation in the performance is observed it has probably been partly damaged and should be sent for repair or exchanged. In the meter firmware and parameter control function is integrated. In case of ERROR 1 or ERROR
2 indication on LCD the meter should be returned to the manufacturer.
9.1 Firmware upgrade
The firmware upgrade is only possible for the WM1-6 (non-MID) and WM1-6Z type meters. The upgrade is done via proprietary software using an optical IR communication port.
Do not interrupt the power supply or communication line during the upgrade – the device could become inoperative! Repairing of the device, in this case, is to be done by authorized service.



Rail mounting according to DIN EN 60715
Mechanical input:

Main inputs Contacts capacity:
Connection screws:
Max torque: Optional modules
Contact capacity:
Max torque:| 1.5 … 16 (25) mm2
3.5 Nm (PZ2)
0.05 … 1 (2.5) mm2
0.6 Nm

Measuring input:

Type (connection):
Reference current (Iref):
Maximum current (Imax):
Minimum current (Imin):
Transitional current (Itr):
Starting current:
Power consumption at Iref
Voltage (Un):
Power consumption at Un:
Nominal frequency (fn):| single phase (1b)
5 A
65 A
0.25 A
0.5 A
20 mA
< 0.1 VA
230 V (-20 % … + 15 %)
< 8 VA
50 and 60 Hz


Active energy and power:
Reactive energy and power:
Standard:| class 1 (B)
EN 62053-21,
EN 50470-3 class 2
EN 62053-23


Number of digits:
Height of digits:| 8 (7+1)
4.52 mm


Pulse rate:
LED on:| red
1 imp/Wh
no load indication

Pulse output (option):

Pulse rate:
Pulse duration:
Rated voltage DC:
Switched current
Standard:| 1 imp/Wh
32 ±2 ms
40 V max
40 mA max
EN 62053-31 (A&B)

Serial communication (option):

Protocol:| RS485
1200 to 19200 bit/s
8, N, 2

Optical communication:

Address:| IR
via WM USB adapter
19200 bit/s
8, N, 2
33 – fixed

Digital/Tiff input (option):

Rated voltage:
Input resistance:| 230 V (± 20%)
450 kOhm

Triac output (option):

Rated voltage:
Load:| 230 V (± 20%)
max. 3 W

Ambient conditions an d Safety:

According standards for indoor active energy meters.
Temperature and climatic condition according to
EN 62052-11

Dust/water protection:
Operating temp. range:
Storage temp. Range
Enclosure material:
Indoor meter:
Degree of pollution:
Protection class:
AC voltage test:
Installation Category:
Wireless range:
Weight(with packaging):
Frequency range:
Dimensions(W x H x D)
Package dimensions
(W x H x D):
Colour:| IP50
-25 … 55 °C
-40 … 70 °C
self extinguish
complying UL94 V
4 kV
300 Vrms cat. III
EN 50470
up to 30 m indoors (depending on building materials)
150 g(170 g)
868.4MHz, Z-Wave
Din rail 35 mm
36 x 90 x 64 mm
37 x 91 x 78 mm
RAL 7035


It is forbidden to deposit electrical and electronic equipment as municipal waste.
The manufacturer or provider shall take waste equipment free of charge.
EC Directives conformity:
EC Directive on Measuring Instruments 2014/32/EU
EC Directive on EMC 2014/30/EU
EC Directive on Low Voltage 2014/35/EU
EC Directive WEEE 2002/96/EC


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