Schneider Electric PowerChute Business Edition v10.0.5 User Guide

June 3, 2024
Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric LOGO PowerChute™ Business Edition v10.0.5
Release Notes
User Guide


The PowerChute Business Edition Release Notes have the following sections:

  • What’s new in this release
  • Known Issues

Additional resources:

How to Log On
You can access the user interface of the PowerChute Business Edition Agent in two ways, locally and remotely.
To access the PowerChute Business Edition Agent on a local Windows computer, select the Windows start button, then select PowerChute Business Edition > PowerChute Business Edition.
To access the PowerChute Agent remotely, in a Web browser type the server name or Agent IP address and port:

For example, if your server is named COMP1, enter:

If you have forgotten the username or password created during installation, you can reset the credentials by using the PowerChute configuration file. See Resetting your Username and Password in the User Guide.

What’s new in this release
The following features are new to PowerChute Business Edition v10.0.5:

  • Support was added for Easy UPS devices with the SRV prefix, including SRVLPM1KRIL, SRVLPM2KRIL, and SRVLPM3KRIL.
  • Security fixes and library updates, including:
    • Upgrading the OpenJDK version bundled with PowerChute to OpenJDK 17.0.1.
    • Upgrading the Log4j version to 2.17.1 to address Log4Shell vulnerabilities.

Known Issues

Disconnecting the USB communications cable from the UPS stops the PowerChute service.
This issue occurs for some UPS devices with the SRV prefix, e.g. SRVLPM1KRIL, SRVLPM2KRIL, and SRVLPM3KRIL. The PowerChute service will automatically restart in ~1 minute. To establish PowerChute communications, reconnect the cable.
A “Self Test Failed” event sometimes triggers an “On Battery” event.
This issue occurs for some UPS devices with the SRV prefix, e.g. SRVLPM1KRIL, SRVLPM2KRIL, and SRVLPM3KRIL.
When the UPS device’s external battery is disconnected and its runtime falls to 0, the “Battery Discharged” and “Insufficient Runtime Available” events occur and are logged in PowerChute, resulting in a shutdown of the PowerChute machine.
This issue occurs for some UPS devices with the SRV prefix that does not have an internal battery, SRVLPM1KRIL, SRVLPM2KRIL, and SRVLPM3KRIL.
When a self-test is initiated via the Diagnostics screen, the test progress is not recorded in the “Self Test Status” section of the Diagnostics screen and the result is not recorded in the Event Log.
This issue occurs intermittently for some UPS devices with the SRV prefix, e.g. SRVLPM1KRIL, SRVLPM2KRIL, and SRVLPM3KRIL.
When attempting to uninstall PowerChute v10.0.5, the PowerChute installer may incorrectly run.
This issue is more common with Windows 2022, Windows 10 20H2, and Hyper-V 2019 Server. To resolve the issue, manually uninstall PowerChute following the steps outlined in Knowledge Base article FA159894.
PowerChute loses communications with SMTL1500RM3UC, SMT1500RM2UC, SMT700X167, and SMT750ICH UPS UPS devices when connected via a serial communications cable and an “On Battery” or “[Outlet Group] commanded to shutdown using delay” event is resolved.
This issue is specific to these UPS devices when connected to PowerChute with a serial communications cable. To resolve the issue, manually restart the PowerChute service.
PowerChute loses communications when the Internet Expander 2 (IE2) card is disconnected and reconnected from the UPS SmartSlot.
Disconnect and reconnect the IE2 card twice to regain communications.
The below SNMP OIDs do not work as expected in a MIB browser: ups Adv Battery Num Of Batt Packs, ups Adv Test Calibration Results, ups Adv Test Diagnostic Schedule, ups Outlet Group Config LoadShed Control Skip Off Delay.
Make the necessary configuration changes via the PowerChute Web UI instead of a MIB browser for the affected kids.
When the PowerChute service is stopped or restarted, an error may be displayed in the Windows Event Viewer:
Windows could not stop the APC PBE Agent service on the Local Computer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
This issue is specific to Windows Server 2022 and Windows 10 systems and does not affect any functionality.
When the serial communications cable is disconnected and reconnected multiple times from UPS devices with the SRTL prefix, e.g. SRTL3KRM1UNC, SRTL3KRM1UC, communications may be lost with the UPS.
This issue is specific to these UPS devices. It is highly recommended you do not quickly disconnect and reconnect the communications cable. To resolve the issue, uninstall and reinstall PowerChute to regain communications with the UPS ensuring that the communications cable is connected.
During an install, upgrade, or uninstall, an error may occur.
Ensure the APC folder is not open in Explorer or the command line and click “Try again” in the error dialog box.
When the Windows installer is left idle for 10 minutes, the PowerChute service may not start after installation is complete.
The PowerChute Windows installer must be run from start to finish without any delays or interruptions.
When the pcbeproxy.ini file is edited to add incorrect values, the “Account Lockout” event is logged to the PowerChute Event Log.
This issue only occurs when incorrect values are added to the UPSSleep section of the pcbeproxy.ini file. No workaround – this issue does not impact functionality.
When PowerChute is installed on Linux using a non-default location, the JRE directory (APC/PowerChuteBusinessEdition/JRE) is not removed following an uninstallation.
This issue only occurs in the above scenario. You must manually delete the JRE directory and its contents.
Following an upgrade to PowerChute v10.0.5, PowerChute does not retain the Open JDK version used if it was changed via the Java Upgrade feature. After the upgrade, Power Chute will use OpenJDK 17.0.1. which is bundled with v10.0.5.
No workaround.
When the OpenJDK version is upgraded in an RHEL 7. x environment, an error is displayed in the terminal pointing to line 206 in the script:
No such file or directory

You must manually edit line 206 of the script to add the new JDK path. For more information, see Knowledge Base article FAQ000219751 on the APC website.
When PowerChute is installed on an RHEL 7. x system, the Java CPU utilization may increase to 100% in 3-5 days.
To resolve the issue, it is recommended you remove any files in the /temp directory and restart the PowerChute service regularly. For more information, see Knowledge Base article FAQ000207745 on the APC website.
During PowerChute installation on a Japanese or Chinese Windows Server Core 2016 system, the Chinese/Japanese symbols do not display correctly in the installer.
No workaround – this issue only occurs on Windows Server Core 2016 systems.
When a shutdown is initiated via the Shutdown Now screen in the PowerChute UI, an error may be displayed in the Windows Event Viewer:
The APC PBE Agent service terminated unexpectedly.
This issue occurs due to a timing issue with the PowerChute shutdown process and active threads. This issue is specific to Windows Server Core systems and does not affect any functionality.
When the PowerChute service is stopped, an error may be displayed in the Windows Event Viewer:
Timed out(30000 msec) occurred while waiting for the transaction response from APCPBEAgent service.
This issue occurs due to a timing issue with the PowerChute shutdown process and active threads. This issue is specific to Windows Server Core systems and does not affect any functionality.
For some UPS devices with the XU prefix, e.g. XU1K3LLXXRCC, XU2K0LLXXRCC, when the UPS shuts down following a critical event (e.g. Low Battery), communications are not re-established after the critical event is resolved.
This issue is specific to these UPS devices. To work around the issue, manually restart the PowerChute service.
When registering an ESXi host via the life add server command, the following error may display:
Failed to add ESXi host.
This error erroneously displays and can be ignored. Verify that the ESXi host was successfully added using the VIP listservers -l command.
When PowerChute is configured with a Smart-UPS 1000X, the PowerChute UI incorrectly reports the UPS Model as a Smart-UPS 1000XL.
No workaround – this issue does not impact functionality.
After installing PowerChute on vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) 6.5, the PowerChute UI is inaccessible until vMA is restarted.
No workaround – you must manually restart vMA. For more information, consult your VMware documentation.
During installation on Hyper-V 2016 Server systems, a popup dialog may appear asking you to install the C++ redistributable package when the package is already installed on your system.
This issue occurs when PowerChute is uninstalled and later re-installed on the same system. When PowerChute is uninstalled, the C++ redistributable package is not automatically uninstalled. The popup dialog asking you to install the C++ package can be ignored.
Java upgrades do not complete on vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) 6.5. Description/Resolution This is due to the space requirements for a Java upgrade and the limited disk space available on vMA. For information on how to resolve this issue, see Knowledge Base article FA365729.
PowerChute Business Edition does not support VMware ESXi 6.7 and above.
For more information on the supported versions of ESXi, refer to the Operating System, Processor, JRE, and Browser Compatibility Chart.
Initiating a shutdown through the Shutdown Now screen does not shut down the UPS if an Interface Expander 2 (IE2) card is inserted.
This is an issue with the IE2 card for both Smart and Simple Signaling configuration with PowerChute Business Edition.
Some UPS devices with the SMX and SMC prefix, e.g. SMX3000LVNC, SMX3000HVNC, SMC1500I, do not allow the values for High and Low Transfer Values to be edited in the UPS Settings screen.
This issue is specific to these UPS devices. When the values are edited and saved, the new values do not persist and instead, the previous values remain. To work around this, you can change these values using a Network Management 2 (NMC2) card.

Some UPS devices with the RT prefix, e.g. RT 2200 XL, and RT 1000 XL, display some events in the Event Configuration screen that are not supported by these models. For example, AVR Boost Enabled, AVR Trim Enabled, AVR Boost Not Enabled, AVR Trim Not Enabled, Extended Undervoltage, Extended Overvoltage, Frequent Undervoltage, and Frequent Overvoltage.
This issue is specific to these UPS devices and does not affect any functionality.
No record is logged in the Event Log if you try to put your UPS into bypass mode, and it is unsuccessful.
This issue is specific to UPS devices that support bypass.
If a “Power Failed” or “Low Battery” event is triggered on some UPS devices with the C postfix, e.g. SMT 750 C, SMC 1500C, the UPS does not shut down.
The outlet group(s) connected to the UPS do shut down; however, the UPS itself does not. Manually turn off the UPS until these power-related events are resolved, i.e. when the power returns.
On some UPS devices with the SUA prefix, e.g. SUA3000RM, the “Replace Battery” event is logged in the Event Log and the UPS status changes to “Replace Battery” in the Battery Management page after a “Self Test Failed” event.
This issue is specific to this UPS model.
On Type B UPS devices, except models with the SRC prefix, e.g. SRC1K1, SRC2KI, SRC1K1-IN, and SRC1KUXI, a self-test can be initiated if the battery percentage is below 70%.
This issue is specific to Type B UPS devices. Visit Knowledge Base article FA315835 to find out more about UPS model types.

Bypass-related events are not shown in the Event Configuration screen for some UPS devices with the SRC prefix and UXI postfix, e.g. SRC2KUXI, SRC2000UXI, SRC3000UXI.
This issue is specific to these UPS models only.
Some fields in the Predictive Battery Replacement section of the Battery Management page may behave differently for UPS devices with the SRT prefix and LI postfix, e.g. SRT1500UXI-LI, SRT1000RMXLI.
The “Battery Installation Date” field cannot be modified, and the date might not reflect the correct factory installation date. The “Predicted Replacement Date” field shows the manufacture date of the battery pack instead of the battery replacement date.
No events are logged in the Event Log for Runtime Calibration if PowerChute is configured with Simple Signaling and communicating with a 990-0128D cable.
This issue is specific to using the 990-0128D cable with Simple Signaling.
PowerChute reports an unsuccessful SNMPv3 connection attempt in the Event Log, though the SNMPv3 connection has been successful.
Certain MIB browsers attempt initial connections before using the correct username specified in PowerChute.
SNMPv3 connection has been successful, and Event Log reports indicating an unsuccessful connection attempt can be disregarded in this scenario.
The 940-0023 cable does not perform properly with a Back-UPS or a UPS using Simple Signaling.
PowerChute Business Edition requires the 940-0020 or the 940-0128 cable for UPS communications using Simple Signaling. If you were using the 940-0023 cable with a previous PowerChute product, you must replace it with the 940-0020 or 940-0128 cable when you use PowerChute Business Edition.
PowerChute Business Edition Agent does not install on a system that is using the SJIS locale.
The SJIS locale is not supported by PowerChute Business Edition. The Japanese local supported by PowerChute is euc and UTF-8.
During the boot process, the server momentarily pauses and displays messages similar to below:
modprobe: modprobe: can’t locate module char-major-4
This is an issue that will not affect the performance of PowerChute.
RPM uninstaller reports:
error: cannot remove /opt/APC/PowerChuteBusinessEditionAgent directory not empty
This is inaccurate. The directory is properly removed during the uninstall.
Following a power failure event, UPS devices with the SRC prefix, e.g. SRC1KI, SRC2KI, do not automatically turn on when power is restored before the UPS turns off. You can configure power failure events through the Shutdown Settings screen and select one of the following options: “Immediately”, “After UPS has been on battery for”, or “At runtime limit”.
Manually turn the UPS on after the power failure event is resolved. If the power failure was caused by the removal of the power cable, reconnect the cable after the UPS turns off.
An error message is shown after stopping or restarting the PowerChute service on Windows operating systems:
Windows could not stop the APC PBE Agent service on the Local Computer.
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
This error message can be ignored. PowerChute continues to operate after the service is started.

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