QUASAR SCIENCE R2 LED Linear Light User Guide

June 5, 2024




What’s in the Box


R2 OverviewQUASAR SCIENCE R2 LED Linear Light 2

R2 Interface Layout


Mounting R2

  • Mount Dual Screw Baby Pin directly to the light using 3/16 Hex wrench.
  • Mount Dual Screw Baby Pin to Ossium Rail Slider using 3/16 Hex wrench for added convenience and versatility
  • Mount Rotator* using 5/32 hex wrench directly to the light.
  • Mount Rotator* using 5/32 hex wrench to Ossium Rail Slider for added convenience and versatilityQUASAR SCIENCE R2 LED Linear Light 4

Getting Started

  • To set the Intensity, Color Temp, +/- Green, Saturation and Hue:
  •  Press or until desired function is shown on screen, and press to select.
  •  The selection carets “> <” will move from the “>Function<” to the “>Value<”.
  •  Press or to set the value. Press to save.
  •  The selection carets “> <” will move from the “>Value<” back to the “>Function<”.

Key Interface

  • Power Button: Light On: Press and hold for 1 second. Light Off: Press and hold for 2 seconds. Double Tap: Go to Status Screen.
  • Output Button: Toggle the button to enable/disable light output for manual mode operation. Change the color/intensity without the change affecting the environment.
  • Link Button: On CRMX: For RX, press and hold to unlink light. For TX, Single tap to send pairing signal.
  • Double Tap to bring up Wireless Menu (Pg 13.)
  • Left / Minus Button: Decrease a value or navigate Left.
  • Right / Plus Button: Increase a value or navigate Right.
  • Enter / Save Button: Enter selection, Save Value.
  • Upgrade Port: USB-C Port for performing software updates with a USB-C Thumb DriveQUASAR SCIENCE R2 LED Linear Light 6

Status Lights

The Data and Wireless Status Lights can be various colors based on the connection type and status. Check that the light is in the correct wired and wireless modes and that Status lights are enabled in the config. See Page 8 for color combinations.

Button Shortcuts

Main Menu – Manual Mode

  • Intensity                                  0 to 100% by 1%

  • Color Temp                            1,750K to 10,000K by 1 Just Notable Difference

  • +/- Green                              -G 100 to G 0 to +100 G — Ex. +G 25 = 1/4 +Green, -G 50 = 1/2 -Green (Magenta),

  • Saturation                                0 to 100% by 1%

  • Hue                                        0° to 360°

  • CT Preset                              3,200K – 4,300K – 5,600K – 6,500K(D65) – 7,500K(D75) – 10,000K – 2,000K – 2,500K – 3,000K

  • Color Preset                          Red – Orange – Yellow – Green – Cyan – Blue – Violet – Magenta

  • Effects                                   Rainbow – Short Circuit – Paparazzi – Strobe – Fire – Emergency Lights – Demo* (See Page 17-18)

  • Config                                  Light Settings (See Page 11)

Config Menu

  • DMX Channel                            Set the DMX Channel

  • Number of Pixels                      Set the number of pixel groups in the light to control in groups. (See Page 12)

  • Profile                                      Set the DMX profile for the light. (See Page 18-23)

  • Wired Settings                          Select the Wired data options to control the light. (DMX, Art-Net, sACN) (See Page 13)

  • Wireless Settings                      Select the Wireless data options. (CRMX, Bluetooth, WiFi) (See Page 14)

  • Lead / Follow                          Set Lead/Follow mode for the light. (See Page 15)

  • Output Mode                            Set the light to Normal Output, High Output, or Low Output Mode. (See Page 16)

  • Power On Mode                      With Button, turns on with Power Button. With Input, turns on when power is connected. (See Page 16)

  • Status Lights                            Turns the status lights on/off for use on camera.

  • Languages                                English (Check the website for additional languages.)

  • Lamp Hours                            Displays the total hours the light has been powered on. Press Enter to See LED Hours.

  • Update Firmware                    Set the light into Update mode.

  • Firmware                                Displays the firmware version on the light.

  • Reset to Default                      Sets the light back to all its default values.

Pixel Selection & Layout

  • When choosing DMX profiles, each Parameter Channel Group are repeated per pixel.
  • When a Q100R2 is set to 1 Pixel for an example, it will control the entire light as 1 pixel and require 1 set of DMX Data to control it.
  • When a Q100R2 is set to 48 Pixels for an example, it will control the light as 48 pixels and require 48 sets of DMX Data to control it.
  • The Layout of the pixels start from the “Gaffer’s Left” when looking at the light projected towards the Gaffer, with the controls on the right side.QUASAR SCIENCE R2 LED Linear Light 7

Wired Control Menu

  • Wired Mode                                             Choose DMX512 or Ethernet Mode to Wire Control the light.

  • DMX                                                        Control the light with DMX512.

  • Ethernet                                                    Control the light with sACN or Art-Net.

  • DMX Settings

  • DMX Channel                                            Set the DMX Channel 001 to 512.

  • Terminate                                                   Terminate the DMX Signal when last in line.

  • Ethernet Settings

  • View IP Address                                         Show the IP address automatically received through DHCP or the Static IP address set.

  • IP Address Mode                                        Set the IP Address Mode.

  • DHCP (Auto)                                             Allow the light to obtain the IP address from the router automatically.

  • Static                                                           Allow the light to set the IP address manually.

  • Save DHCP as Static                                   Save the info received from the DHCP Router and save as a Static IP, changing Mode to Static.

  • IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway              Enter the IP address, Subnet mask, and Gateway.

  • Universe                                                        Set the Universe for the light.

  • DMX Channel                                              Set the DMX Channel 001 to 512.

  • Ethernet Mode                                              Choose the Ethernet protocol: sACN/Art-Net, sACN Only, Art-Net Only.

Wireless Control Menu

  • Wireless Mode

  • Wireless DMX                                        Lumen Radio CRMX wireless DMX. Press and hold to Clear. Tap transmitter to pair.

  • Bluetooth                                                Enable the light to connect over Bluetooth.

  • WiFi                                                        Enable the light to connect to a wireless network to receive Art-Net over WiFi.

  • Off                                                          Turns off all Wireless functionality.

  • Wireless DMX Settings*                          Shows the Hardware and Firmware of the CRMX TimoTwo.

  • WiFi Settings*                                         Connect to a Wireless Network to receive Art-Net over WiFi. Turn the light into a  wireless access point to allow mobile device to set up wireless settings.

  • Status Lights On/Off                              Turns off status lights for use when light is seen on camera.

  • Reset Wireless Settings to Default           Reset All Wireless Settings to factory default.

Lead/Follow Mode

  • Lead/Follow mode allows one light to control many lights at once. The Lead transmits color and intensity data, wired or wirelessly, to the
  • Follows. When the Lead changes levels, the Follows will change as well. This applies to on board FX as well.
  • To use Lead/Follow mode, go to Config -> Lead/Follow. Set the leader to Lead and set all of the followers to Follow 1 to match the leader.
  • Follow 2-8 are used with effects to do the same effect with different timings. This will run the same effects, intensities and levels but not in sync.QUASAR SCIENCE R2 LED Linear Light 8

Output Mode

There are 3 different Output Modes, which are used to increase the light output or the resolution in different areas of the dimming range.

  • Normal Output: Normal operating temperature, standard light output.
  • High Output: High operating temperature, maximum light output.
  • Low Output: Gives maximum resolution in the low dimming section of the light. Maximum power is about 25% of High Output

Power On Mode

Power On mode is used to define how to turn on the light.

Effects Manual

Main Menu

Effect Result
Rainbow Scroll through the hue from 0° at full saturation
Short Circuit Light is on with random bursts of turning off
Paparazzi Light is off with random flashes of turning on
Strobe Rhythmic flashes on
Fire A fire flicker effect
Emergency Lights Flashing lights of various colors
Demo Scrolls through the Hue Wheel and all Effects

Effects Parameters

Item Result
Effect Choose effect
Intensity Set Intensity of effect
Color Set base color temp
Temp Set +/- green of the color temp
+/- Green Saturate the effect
Saturation Set the hue



| 0-200% for the speed of the


| 100% is normal speed

Effect Controls (Manual)


Weight Result
Rate 0-200% for the speed of the effect

100% is normal speed

Maximum| Highest intensity level of effect
Minimum| Lowest intensity level of effect
Weight| Low, Centered, High
Preset| +/-400K Color at 2400K, 3200K,4000K, 5600K

Emergency Light Submenu

Item Result
Pattern Single, Double, Triple, Quad
Color Presets R&B, B&B, R&32, R&56, B&32, B&56

R&B&32, R&B&56

Color 1 & 2| Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Magenta,
| 2000K, 3200K, 4000K, 5600K, 6000K

DMX Profiles & Pixel Patching

DMX Profiles for the lights come in 2 types. Basic DMX Profiles that include HSIC, RGB, CCT modes and FX Profiles that have  additional channels to trigger the built in FX.

DMX Profiles (Basic)

When programming the light pixels, each Pixel acts as its own single “light” unit, ie, a Parameter Channel Group (PCG). Each PCG contains a set of DMX channels defined by the selected DMX Profile, to control a given pixel.

DMX Profiles (FX)

The FX Profiles are built upon the same profiles as the Basic Profiles. For example. Profile 9 is Profile 1 + FX Channels. When using DMX profiles with built in FX, an FX Channel Group (FCG) is added at the end of the patch. Changes in the FCG applies to the entire light

DMX Pixel Patching Examples

If the Number of Pixels = 1, the entire fixture functions as 1 group controlled by the currently set DMX Profile. F or DMX Profile = “1: HSIC Mode – 8 Bit – 5 Channels”, that group has 5 DMX control channels: 1. Intensity (%) 2. Color Temp (K) 3. +/- Green (-G 100 to +G 100) 4. Hue (deg) 5. Saturation (%)

Example 1:QUASAR SCIENCE R2 LED Linear Light 10
Example 2:

DMX Profiles (Basic)

#| Name| Bit Depth| # of Channels Per Pixel| Channel Description
1| HSIC| 8 Bit| 5| 1: Intensity 2: Color Temp 3: +/- Green Control 4: Hue 5: Saturation
2| HSIC-16| 16 Bit| 8| 1+2: Intensity 3: Color Temp 4: +/- Green Control 5+6: Hue 7+8: Saturation
3| HSI| 8 Bit| 3| 1: Intensity 2: Hue 3: Saturation
4| XFade with +/-G| 8 Bit| 3| 1: Intensity 2: Color Temp 3: +/- Green Control
5| XFade| 8 Bit| 2| 1: Intensity 2: Color Temp
6| CCT & RGB| 8 Bit| 7| 1: Intensity 2: Color Temp 3: +/- Green Control 4: Crossfade 5: Red

6: Green 7: Blue

7| CCT & RGB-16| 16 Bit| 9| 1+2: Intensity 3: Color Temp 4: +/- Green Control 5+6: Crossfade

7: Red 8: Green 9: Blue

8| RGB| 8 Bit| 3| 1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue
13| RGBTD| 8 Bit| 5| 1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue 4:2000K 5: 6000K
14| RGBTD| 16 Bit| 10| 1+2: Red 3+4: Green 5+6: Blue 7+8:2000K 9+10: 6000K

DMX Profiles (Basic) Parameters

Parameter DMX Value Value
Intensity 0-255 0 – 100%
Color Temp 0-255 1,750K-10,000K
+/- Green See Chart at right
Hue 0-255 0° – 360°
Saturation 0-255 0 – 100%
Crossfade 0-255 0 – 100%
Red 0-255 0 – 100%
Green 0-255 0 – 100%
Blue 0-255 0 – 100%
DMX Value % Effect
--- --- ---
0-10 0-4 No Effect
11-20 5-8 Full Minus Green
21-119 8-46 -99% to -1%
120-145 47-57 Neutral
146-244 57-96 1% to 99%
245-255 96-100 Full Plus Green

DMX Profiles (FX)

#| Name| Bit Depth| # of Ch Per Pixel| # of FX Ch| Parameter Channel Group (Repeated per Pixel)| FX Channel Group (One Group per Light)
9| HSIC- FX| 8 Bit| 5| 3| 1: Intensity 2: Color Temp 3: +/- Green

4: Hue 5: Saturation


x+1: FX x+2: FX Rate

x+3: FX Size

x = Total Number of Channels in Parameter Channel Groups

10| HSIC- FX -16| 16 Bit| 8| 3| 1+2: Intensity 3: Color Temp 4: +/- Green

5+6: Hue 7+8: Saturation

11| CCT & RGB- FX| 8 Bit| 7| 3| 1: Intensity 2: Color Temp 3: +/- Green

4: Crossfade 5: Red 6: Green 7: Blue

12| CCT & RGB- FX


| 16 Bit| 9| 3| 1+2: Intensity 3: Color Temp 4: +/- Green

5+6: Crossfade 7: Red 8: Green 9: Blue

DMX Profiles (FX) Parameters

Effect DMX Value %
OFF 0-26 0-10
Rainbow 27-38 11-15
Short Circuit 39-51 16-20
Paparazzi 52-64 21-25
Strobe 65-77 26-30
Fire 78-90 31-35
Emergency Lights 91-102 36-40
Future Use 103-255 41-100
Item Result
--- ---
Effect Choose effect
Intensity Set intensity of effect
Color Temp Set base color temp
+/- Green Set +/- green of the color temp
Saturation Saturate the effect
Hue Set the hue
Rate 0-200% – Speed of the effect 100% – Normal speed
Size Fire Effect: Set the +/- of the Intensity Ex: Int 50%, FX Size 10 =

50-10, and

50+10. Result = 40-60 Fire Emerg Light: Set the Blink Pattern

Basic Specifications

Model Q25R2 Q50R2 Q100R2
Wattage Max 25 watts Max 50 watts Max 100 watts
Weight 1.76 lbs (0.8 kg) 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) 5.84 lbs (2.64 kg)
Dimensions 23 x 1.75 in

(584.2 x 44.5 mm)

| 46.9 x 1.75 in (1161.7 x 44.5 mm)| 90.86 x 1.75 in (2307.8 x 44.5 mm)
Power Consumption| 120v = 0.25 amp 240v = 0.13 amp| 120v = 0.45 amp 240v = 0.25 amp| 120v = 0.90 amp 240v = 0.50 amp
| 12v = 2.50 amp 24v = 1.30 amp| 12v = 4.50 amp 24v = 2.30 amp| 24v = 4.80 amp


3 year warranty from date of purchase.The customer must provide proof of purchase.This warranty is transferable.Quasar Science will pay for:The replacement parts, repair and/or labor costs to correct defects in materials and workmanship.Service must be provided by Quasar Science or an Authorized Quasar Science Service CenterQuasar Science will not pay for: Damage resulting from accident, misuse or abuse. Acts of God. Any failure that occurs for any other reason than materials and workmanship. Any shipping or handling costs.Disclaimer of implied warranties/limitations of remedies:Implied warranties, including the extent applicable warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are excluded to the extent legally permissible.Any implied warranties that may be imposed by law are limited to 3 years or the shortest period allowed by law. Some states, provinces or countries do not allowlimitations or exclusions on how long an implied warranty of merchantability or fitness lasts, the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.If this product fails to work as warranted, the customer’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be repair or replacement according to the terms of this limited warrantyQuasar Science, LLC does not assume any responsibility for incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you mayalso have other rights which vary from state to state, province to province or country to country


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