June 5, 2024



  • Read this document carefully before using this device. The guarantee will be expired by damaging of the device if you don’t attend to the directions in the user manual. Also we don’t accept any compensations for personal injury, material damage or capital disadvantages.


  • 72 x mm sized.
  • Dual 4 digit display
  • 0/4-20mA, 0-10V, 1- 5V analog or digital input (Specify at Order).
  • Heating or cooling control selection.
  • PID, On-Off Temperature control selection.
  • PID Auto-calculation (SELF TUNE).
  • Humidification or drying control selection.
  • Internal supply output for sensor.
  • Time and temperature-dependent fan relay output selection.
  • 2 Relay outputs with time setting for incubation operations.
  • Adjustable buzzer alarm feature for measurement values.
  • CE marked according to European Norms.
    BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 01BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders
  1. Input
    AS….. ..Analog Input
    DS….. .Digital Input
    Sensor must be ordered separately.

  2. Supply Voltage
    230………230V AC
    110……….110V AC
    SM……..10…30V DC
    8…24V AC

  3. Mod Bus
    RSI………Mod Bus
    Specify at Order).
    Please see page 6 for Modbus Connection Diagram.

  4. SSR
    SSR………Mod Bus
    Applies to the heat output)


BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders TABLE
O1BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional
Laser RangeFinders TABLE 02 BOSCH GLM 100
C Professional Laser RangeFinders TABLE 03 BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders TABLE
04 BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional
Laser RangeFinders TABLE 05


BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 03

  1. To removing the device from panel : – While pressing both side of the device in direction 1 and push it in direction 2BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 04

BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 05


  1. While panel mounting, additional distance is required for connection cables.
  2. Panel thickness should be maximum 10mm
  3. If there is no 90mm free space at back side of the device, it would be difficult to remove it from the panel.

SENSOR (Must be ordered separately)

**EHTD-CB-100 Digital Output Humidity Temperature Sensor

BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 06 EHTD-CB-100 ( Used with EHTC7425A-DS-XX )



BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 07
BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 08
Note :-

  1. Mains supply cords shall meet the requirements of IEC 60227 or IEC 60245.
  2. In accordance with the safety regulations, the power supply switch shall bring the identification of the relevant instrument and it should be easily accessible by the operator.

ENDA EHTC725A is intended for installation in control panels. Make sure that the device is used only for intended purpose. The shielding must be grounded on the instrument side. During an installation, all of then cables that are connected to the device must be free of energy. The device must be protected against inadmissible humidity, vibrations, severe soiling. Make sure that the operation temperature is not exceeded. All input and output lines that are not connected to the supply network must be laid out as shielded and twisted cables. These cables should not be close to the power cables or components. The installation and electrical connections must be carried on by a qualified staff and must be according to the relevant locally applicable regulations.


BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 09
Displaying and Changing Temperature Set Values
BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 10

  • During “Running Mode”, if      key is preset, temperature setpoint value flashes for 3 seconds. While flashing, by pressing  and    keys, temperature value can be changed
  • If no key is pressed for 3 seconds or if one of the set keys is pressed again, adjusted set value is saved and the “Running Mode” is entered.

Displaying and Changing Humidity Set Values

BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 11

  • During “Running Mode”, if  key is preset, humidity setpoint value flashes for 3 seconds. While flashing, by pressing    and    keys, humidity set value can be changed
  • If no key is pressed for 3 seconds or if one of the set keys is pressed again, adjusted set value is saved and the “Running Mode” is entered.

Locking & Unlocking Keypad

BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 12

  • During “Running Mode”, if    and    keys are pressed together for 2 seconds, L o c message is displayed and the keypad locked. While keypad is locked, if  and  keys are pressed together for 2 seconds,
  • u n L message is displayed and the keypad unlocked and “Running Mode” is entered. While keypad is locked, if one of the key is pressed, L o c message is displayed. During keypad locked, temperature and humidity set values can be displayed but can not be changed.

Activating / Deactivating Control Outputs

  • During “Running Mode”, if    key is pressed for 2 seconds,C.d,5 message displayed and the control outputs become deactivated and device works as an indicator.
  • While control outputs deactivated, by pressing      key for 2 seconds, C.E n B message displayed and device continues to control functions.

Stopping Buzzer Alam

  • When an alarm condition occurs, an audible alarm is triggered. By pressing  key, buzzer alarm can be turned off.

Default Settings

  • Powered on device by pressing   key  d. p a r message appears on display and device reset to default settings.

Displaying Revision Number

  • If    keys are pressed together in “Running Mode”, revision number r.001 appears on display.


Capture 2

  • Rotation process runs sequentially for left and right directions, Rotation process runs consecutively as opened until open duration time(r.on)and closed until close duration time (r. o f F)

Error – Warning – Alarm Definitions

  • Sensor Failure. Check the sensor connection. The audible warning is activated. Temperature and humidification outputs are disabled. Analog outputs are zero.
  • Temperature Alarm. Audible warning is activated. Current temperature flashes.Outputs are disabled when the upper limit is exceeded.
  • Humidification Alarm. Audible warning is activated. Current humidity flashes.Outputs are disabled when the upper limit is exceeded.
  • Self tune menu has been entered.
  • During self tune menu, indicates that the measured temperature value is greater than 60% of the set value. In this case, self tune process can not be started.
  • Self tune process is running.
  • Self tune process has been successfully completed.


  • In order to start the Self-tune operation, t.Pid parameter must be set to YE5 .
    BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 13


Device has two menus as user and hidden menu. User menu is the frequently used parameters and the hidden menu is where all parameters are found. Menus can be transferred between parameters. If SET and keys are pressed together for 2 seconds in the hidden menu, the parameter is transferred to the user menu. Up to 10 parameters can be transferred to the user menu in this way. If SET and keys are pressed together for 2 seconds in the user menu, parameter is removed from user menu.
BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 14
The marked parameters are valid only for the humidity temperature sensor model with analogue input.


BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders

BOSCH GLM 100 C Professional Laser RangeFinders 16

  • Termination should be accomplished by attaching 120 Ohm resistors to the start and at the end of the communication line.
  • Applies to devices with Modbus function.



CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS| Minimum| Maximum| Unit Type| Default
U n i t| Temperature unit OFF= °C ,ON= °F| °C| °f| | °C
d . p n t| Decimal indication OFF= no , ON= YE5| no| YE5| | no
5nd| Buzzer OFF= no , ON= YE5| no| YE5| | no
t . i n p| Temperature, input type (: 0 0 ~2 2 0 0 mA,               4 4 ~ 2 2 0 0m : A, : 0 0 ~1 1 0 0 V,            :1 1 ~5 V 5 ) Only available in humidity temperature sensor models with analog output.| 0-20| 1-5| mA / V| 0-20
t . u p l| Temperature Upper Limit. Only available in humidity temperature sensor models with analog output.| t . L o l| 125| °C / °F| 60
t . L o l| Temperature Lower Limit. Only available in humidity temperature sensor models with analog output.| -40| t . u p l| °C / °F| -40
t . H y 5| Temperature hysteresis| 1| 20| °C / °F| 2
t . o FF| Temperature of set value| -20| 20| °C / °F| 0
t . c n t| Temperature control. Lo :Output is active when the temperature is below set value (cooling control),

H i : The output is active when the temperature is above the set value (heating control).

| LO| H i| | H i
t . P o n| Temperature output delay time after power-up| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| min:sec| 1 : 00
t . P i d| PID temperature control selection (: n O o n-Off control          Y E P 5 I : D control)| no| YE5| | no
t . p b| Proportional band for PID control| 0| 100| %| 14
t . t i| Integral time for PID control| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| min:sec| 1 : 56
t . t d| Derivation time for PID control.| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| min:sec| 0:35
t . P c p| Periodic time for PID control| 00 : 00| 02 : 00| min:sec| 0:20
h . i n p| Humidity input type (: 0 0 ~2 2 0 0 mA,               4 4 ~ 2 2 0 0m : A, : 0 0 ~1 1 0 0 V,            :1 1 ~5 V 5 ) Only available in humidity temperature sensor models with analog output.| 0-20| 1-5| mA / V| 0-20
h . u p l| Humidity Upper Limit. Only available in humidity temperature sensor models with analog output.| h . L o l| 100| %RH| 100
h . L o l| Humidity Lower Limit. Only available in humidity temperature sensor models with analog output.| 0| h . u p l| %RH| 0
h . H y 5| Humidity hysteresis| 1| 20| %RH| 2
h . o FF| Humidity of sset value| -20| 20| %RH| 0
h . c n t| Humidification control. Lo : Output is active when the humidity is below set value (cooling control),

H i : The output is active when the humidification is above the set value (heating control).

| LO| H i| | H i
h . P o n| Humidification output delay time after power- up| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| min:sec| 1 : 00
F . C n t| Fan Control (: n F o an not active, Y : E F 5 an active)| nO| YE5| | YE5
FtYP| Fan output type selection (: t T i h m e E fan runs at time-dependent.,

t E m p : The fan runs at temperature-dependent.)

| t i m E| t E m p| | t E m p
F5Et| Fan setpoint value| -40| 125| °C / °F| 38


| Fan temperature control

( L : T o t he fan will be activated when the temperature value below the setpoint. ,

YE5 : The fan will be activated when the temperature value above the setpoint).

| ****


| ****

H i

| | ****

H i

FHY5| Fan hysteresis value| 1| 20| °C / °F| 1
F . o n| Fan ON time duration.| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| hr:min| 1 : 00
F . o FF| Fan OFF time duration.| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| hr:min| 1 : 00
F . t 5 P| Fan alarm setpoint value.| t . l o l| t . u P L| °C / °F| 50
F . A H 5| Fan alarm hysteresis.| 1| 20| °C / °F| 2
r . C n t| Rotating Control (: n R o tating not active,         Y : E R 5 otating active)| nO| YE5| | YE5
r . o n| Rotating ON time duration.| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| min:sec| 1 : 00
r . o FF| Rotating OFF time duration.| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| hr:min| 1 : 00
A . P o n| Alarm message display delay time after power up| 00 : 00| 99 : 00| min:sec| 1:00

A . tt p

| Temperature alarm configuration (AB5 : Absolute alarm, rEF : Relative alarm)

A . b 5 : ** Alarm values are A t L o ** and At H i

r E F : ** Alarm values are At l o ** = t . 5 E t A.t l o and A. t H i = t . 5 E t + A.t H i

| ****


| ****


| | ****


A . t H i| Temperature upper level alarm (If AttP is changed, this parameter must be re-programmed).| A . t L o| 125| °C / °F| 125
A . t l o| Temperature lower level alarm (If AttP is changed, this parameter must be re-programmed)| -40| A . t H i| °C / °F| -40
A . t H 5| Temperature alarm hysteresis| 1| 20| °C / °F| 2

A . h t p

| Humidity alarm configuration (AB5 : Absolute alarm, rEF : Relative alarm)

A . b 5 : Alarm values are A . h L o and A . h H i

r E F : Alarm values are A . h l o = t . 5 E t A . h l o and A . h H i ** =    h . 5 E t + A . h H i**

| ****


| ****


| | ****


A . h H i| Humidity upper level alarm. (If A . h t P ** is changed, this parameter must be re-programmed)| A . h L o| 100| %RH| 100
A . h l o| Humidity lower level alarm.(If A . h t P is changed, this parameter must be re-programmed)| 0| A . h H i| %RH| 0
A . h H 5| Humidity alarm hysteresis.| 1| 20| %RH| 2
Adr5| Slave device address selection| 1| 247| | 1
baud| Communication speed (baud rate)selection| OFF| 19 . 2 0| Bps| 9600**


Holding Register


| ****

Data Type

| ****

Data Content

| ****

Parameter Name

| Read / Write Permission
Decimal| Hex
0000d| 0x0000| word| Temperature set value| t . 5 E t| R / W
0001d| 0x0001| word| Temperature set value Upper Limit| t . u P L| R / W
0002d| 0x0002| word| Temperature set value Lower Limit| t . L o L| R / W
0003d| 0x0003| word| Temperature upper level alarm| A . t H i| R / W
0004d| 0x0004| word| Temperature lower level alarm| A . t l o| R / W
0005d| 0x0005| word| Temperature hysteresis| t . H Y 5| R / W
0006d| 0x0006| word| Temperature of set value| t . o f f| R / W
0007d| 0x0007| word| Temperature alarm hysteresis| A . t H 5| R / W
0008d| 0x0008| word| Humidity set value| h . 5 E t| R / W
0009d| 0x0009| word| Humidity set value Upper Limit| h . u p l| R / W
0010d| 0x000A| word| Humidity set value Lower Limit| h . l o l| R / W
0011d| 0x000B| word| Humidity hysteresis| h . H y 5| R / W
0012d| 0x000C| word| Humidity of set value| h . o f f| R / W
0013d| 0x000D| word| Humidity upper level alarm| a . h H i| R / W
0014d| 0x000E| word| Humidity lower level alarm| a . h l o| R / W
0015d| 0x000F| word| Humidity alarm hysteresis| a . h H 5| R / W
0016d| 0x0010| word| Temperature output delay time after power-up| t . p o n| R / W
0017d| 0x0011| word| Humidity output delay time after power-up| h . p o n| R / W
0018d| 0x0012| word| Fan setpoint value.| F5Et| R / W
0019d| 0x0013| word| Fan hysteresis.| FHY5| R / W
0020d| 0x0014| word| Fan alarm setpoint value.| Ft5p| R / W
0021d| 0x0015| word| Fan alarm hysteresis.| FAH5| R / W
0022d| 0x0016| word| Fan ON time duration.| f . o n| R / W
0023d| 0x0017| word| Fan OFF time duration.| F . o FF| R / W
0024d| 0x0018| word| Rotating ON time duration.| r . o n| R / W
0025d| 0x0019| word| Rotating OFF time duration..| r . o F F| R / W
0026d| 0x001A| word| Alarm message display delay time after power-up| A . P o n| R / W
0027d| 0x001B| word| Integral time for PID control| t . t i| R / W
0028d| 0x001C| word| Derivation time for PID control.| t . t d| R / W
0029d| 0x001D| word| Temperature input type (0: 0-20 , 1: 4-20 , 2: 0-10 , 3: 1-5 )| t . i n p| R / W
0030d| 0x001E| word| Humidity input type (0: 0-20 , 1: 4-20 , 2: 0-10 , 3: 1-5 )| h . i n p| R / W
0031d| 0x001F| word| Proportional band for PID control| t . p b| R / W
0032d| 0x002A| word| Periodic time for PID control| t . p c p| R / W
0033d| 0x0021| word| Address selection for slave device.| Adr5| R / W
0034d| 0x0022| word| Baud Rate| bAud| R / W
Input Register


| ****

Data Type

| ****

Data Content

| ****

Parameter Name

| ****

Read /Write Permisson

Decimal| Hex
0000d| 0x0000| word| Measured temperature value (°C / °F)| | R
0001d| 0x0001| word| Measured humidity value (%RH)| | R

  • Holding and Input Register parameters of type integer, those “signed integer” is defined as the decimal port of and associated with these parameters. (So,”14.0” is a parameter value of “140” will be read in). Relevant parameters for a period of “mm : ss” type ones in seconds, ”hh :mm” while those species defined in minutes.
    1.3 COILS


| ****

Data Type

| ****

Data Content

| ****

Parameter Name

| ****

Read /Write Permisson

Decimal| Hex
00d| 0x00| bit| Temperature unit OFF= °C ,ON= °F| U n i t| R / W
01d| 0x01| bit| Decimal indication OFF= no , ON= YE5| D . P N t| R / W
02d| 0x02| bit| Buzzer OFF= no , ON= YE5| 5nd| R / W
03d| 0x03| bit| Temperature control OFF = l o , ON = Relative alarm H i| t . c n t| R / W
04d| 0x04| bit| Humidity control OFF = l o , ON = Relative alarm H i| h . c n t| R / W
05d| 0x05| bit| Fan Control (: n F o an not active,         Y : E F 5 an active)| F . c n t| R / W
06d| 0x06| bit| Fan output type selection (OFF =   t i me , ON = t E m p )| F . t Y P| R / W
07d| 0x07| bit| Fan temperature control (OFF =   L o , ON =   H i )| F . 5 t A| R / W
08d| 0x08| bit| Rotating Control (: n R o tating not active, Y : E R 5 otating active)| r . c n t| R / W
09d| 0x09| bit| Temperature alarm configuration OFF = A b 5 , ** ON = Relative alarm r E F| a . t t p| R / W
010d| 0x0A| bit| Humidity alarm configuration OFF =
Ab5 , ON = Relative alarm rEF| a . h t p| R / W
011d| 0x0B| bit| PID temperature control selection OFF =
yE5 , ON = no| t . p i d| R / W
Discrate Inputs**


| ****

Data Type

| ****

Data Content

| Parameter Name| ****

Read /Write Permisson

Decimal| Hex
0000d| 0x0000| bit| Temperature relay output status (0=OFF; 1=ON)| | R
0001d| 0x0001| bit| Humidification relay output status (0=OFF; 1=ON)| | R
0002d| 0x0002| bit| Fan relay output status (0=OFF; 1=ON)| | R
0003d| 0x0003| bit| Right Rotating relay output status (0=OFF; 1=ON)| | R
0004d| 0x0004| bit| Left Rotating relay output status (0=OFF; 1=ON)| | R


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