Aquasound EMC50PRO-TW N-Joy Music Center with Mini-Box Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

Instruction manualAquasound EMC50PRO TW N Joy Music Center with Mini

N-Joy Music Center

Important note:
This system / this controller requires a Wi-Fi connection for some of its functions. For proper operation of this system, it is important that your Wi- Fi network has a good / very good coverage on the location you are going to use this controller.
This system / this controller utilizes Bluetooth. For a good operation of this system, it is important that the distance between the controller and Bluetooth receiver is a maximum of about five meters.

Checklist included parts

Thank you for purchasing this AquaSound product. The N-Joy Music Center is a waterproof audio system for in the bathroom or kitchen. Follow the color of the model you have purchased to see what parts are included in your set.

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fig1Wall mount placement:

The Wall Mount is also the charger for N-Joy Controller. Find the most strategic place – with regards to the range to the Bluetooth receiver – to locate the wall mount. There are 3 ways to connect the wall mount to a power outlet:

  1. Built-in: With the included adapter and USB/Micro-USB cable (300 cm):
    Aquasound EMC50PRO TW N Joy Music Center with Mini Box -
fig2 Make sure a 5/8” electrical conduit pipe is built into the wall, ending on one side on the spot where you wish to place the wall mount, and on the other side near a power outlet. The length of this 5/8” tube should not exceed 250 cm. Lead the power cable through this tube, with the Micro-USB side on the end of the wall mount. Insert the included adapter in the power outlet and connect the USB cable to it. Connect the Micro-USB to the back of the wall mount. Make sure the surface where you will place the wall mount is clean and dry. Remove the cover layer of the tape strip on the back of the wall mount. Place the wall mount and press it to the wall for 5 seconds. The wall mount is placed and ready for use.
  • Check if the wall mount functions in charging the controller before you place it on the wall, the wall mount cannot be easily removed once attached. 2. Built-on: With the included adapter and USB/Micro-USB cable (300 cm) :
    Aquasound EMC50PRO TW N Joy Music Center with Mini Box -
fig2The USB cable will remain visible with this method. Connect the Micro-USB to the back of the wall mount. Insert the included adapter in the power outlet and connect the USB cable to it. Make sure the surface where you will place the wall mount is clean and dry. Remove the cover layer of the tape strip on the back of the wall mount. Place the wall mount and press is to the wall for 5 seconds. The wall mount is placed and ready for use.
  • Check if the wall mount functions in charging the controller before you place it on the wall, the wall mount cannot be easily removed once attached. 3. With the optional built-in set:
    This requires the optional EMC-sit. This product may be installed in zone 3 only. Refer to the drawing to the right to determine suitable locations.
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fig3 Build the conduit box into the wall at the spot you wish to place the wall mount. Pull two electrical wires (230V) through the conduit pipe and leave around 10 cm visible in the conduit box. Connect the build-in adapter and place it in the conduit box. Insert the Micro-USB in the back of the wall mount. Place the wall mount exactly over the conduit box. Make sure the surface where you will place the wall mount is clean and dry. Remove the cover layer of the tape strip on the back of the wall mount. Place* the wall mount and press it to the wall for 5 seconds. The tape will ensure a waterproof closure for the conduit box. The wall mount is placed and ready for use.
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fig4 Final result:
    The final result is a wall mount/charger that is ready to be used.
  • First check if the wall mount functions in charging the controller before you place it on the wall, the wall mount cannot be easily removed once attached.

How to use the controller:

  • The N-Joy controller is only waterproof (IPX7) while the cover of the Micro USB and Micro-SD slots is in place.

  • Turn the controller On/Off by pressing the ON/OFF button (A) at the front of the controller.
    Press & Hold button (A) for 3 seconds. In a short time, you will see the N-Joy logo.
    Press & Hold button (A) for 3* seconds. The controller will shut down.
    Press & hold button (A) for 10 seconds for a hard shutdown of the controller.

  • Volume buttons V+ and V- (B) to decrease or increase the volume.
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  • If you want to operate the controller from the wall mount, do so in the following way.
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First time setup of the controller:

Welcome screen
When you start the controller for the first time it will automatically load the welcome screen that will help you to set up the controller for use. Select your language from the list.Aquasound EMC50PRO TW N Joy Music Center with
Mini Box - fig9

Wi-Fi Setup
The first step in the set-up process is connecting the controller via Wi-Fi so the controller will be able to access the internet and through that play internet radio and download updates if they are available. Scan for available Wi-Fi networks, then select your Wi-Fi network and enter its passcode. You can also test if the connection has been successful.
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fig10 Bluetooth set-up
The next step is the connection of the controller to the receiver, Sound-Bar or Speakers via Bluetooth. Check if the device to be connected is turned on and have the controller scan for this device. After the scan, you press the ‘Pair’ button next to the correct device. The Bluetooth name will vary depending on the product you have purchased
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fig11 Activation
The last step in setting up your controller is it’s activation. Insert the activation code* and your email address to do this, this email address will only be used to keep you informed on software updates for your controller.
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fig12You will now be taken to the controller’s home screen. In this screen, you can use the various functions of the N-Joy Music System. Set up is complete.

  • You will find the activation code on the front page of This manual.

Listening to internet radio:

Main screen Radio
In the radio screen, you can select stations to be played by the N-Joy Music Center. If you wish to add or change a station pre-set, press and hold the button for this pre-set.
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Adding a Radio station
After pressing and holding a pre-set button, choose the country from the list that is shown from which you wish to add a radio station. This country will be saved for next time, and can be changed by changing an existing radio pre-set.
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fig114 Select Radio station
You will now be shown a list of available radio stations. Select the station you wish to add. You can also search for specific radio stations via the search button.
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fig15 Playing the Radio
The radio station is added to the radio screen and can be played from here.
If you return to the home screen while the radio is playing this will be indicated by the ‘ ‘ symbol on the radio button. you can tap this button to stop the radio playback.
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Playing your own music:

Main screen My Music
When you open the ‘My Music’ screen, three buttons will be shown. When you select ‘Quick start’ your last chosen music will automatically continue playing. You can pause the music in this screen or select the next or previous song. Choose ‘Song’ if you wish to select a song from a list. Select ‘Artist’ if you wish to select an artist from the artist list.
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fig17If you return to the home screen while your music is playing this will be indicated through the ‘ ‘ symbol on the ‘My Music’ button. You can also tap this button to stop the music playback.

Sorting by Artist
The artist screen in the music library will sort the music by artist, by selecting an artist you will be shown all the songs you have from this artist. You can choose at which song to start playback.
When you have selected a song it will immediately start playing in the Quick Play mode.
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fig18 Sorting by Song
On the song screen all songs stored in the music library on the controller will be displayed. You can select a song to be played from this screen. After this song, the next song in the list will be used for playback.
When you have selected a song it will immediately start playing in the Quick Play mode.
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fig19 Quick-player
In the QuickPlay screen, your selected music is being played. You can switch here between playback of ‘All’ songs, ‘current ‘Artist’ or current ‘Album’. You can also toggle the shuffle function in this screen.Aquasound EMC50PRO
TW N Joy Music Center with Mini Box - fig20

Spotify on the N-Joy controller:

To enjoy Spotify with the controller a ‘Spotify Premium account is required. If you do not have a ‘Spotify Premium account, you can visit the Spotify website to upgrade your ‘Spotify free’ account to a ‘Spotify Premium account.

Main screen Spotify
When you open the ‘Spotify’ screen you will see three buttons.

  • Playlists:
    These are the personal playlists that you have created on your mobile phone or computer.

  • Categories:
    Spotify displays different music categories here for you to choose from.

  • Search:
    You can search for a specific song, album or artist here.

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Now Playing
While a song is playing you will be able to see the available information about this song by pressing the ‘Current’ button. You can also skip to the next song, or return to the previous one.
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Please note:

  • The screens shown above will only be visible when you have correctly stored the user name and password of your Spotify Premium account. You can store these in the  Settings → Spotify screen, for detailed instructions, see page 30.

Setting up Spotify on the N-Joy Controller:

To enjoy Spotify with the controller a ‘Spotify Premium account is required. If you do not have a ‘Spotify Premium account, you can visit the Spotify website to upgrade your ‘Spotify free’ account to a ‘Spotify Premium account. To set up Spotify on your N-Joy controller you will need your Spotify user name and password.

  1. Go to the settings screen and select ‘Spotify’.
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  2. The Spotify login screen will appear. Press the Login button.
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  3. You will be directed to the Spotify login service. Select ‘Log in to Spotify’.
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  4. Enter your Spotify user name and password and press Login.
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Allowing external Bluetooth connections:

Bluetooth screen
Via the ‘Bluetooth’ button on the home screen, you can allow external devices to connect with the N-Joy Music System. Doing so will stop the playback of music via the  Controller. As long as you remain on the screen shown to the right, you will be able to connect to external devices. Instruction for the often-used devices can be found on the next pages.
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This button is disabled by default but can be added to the home screen via Settings →Bluetooth.
Disconnecting devices
For the proper functioning of the N-Joy Music Center, it is of utmost importance that external Bluetooth devices are disconnected before you leave the Bluetooth screen. To remind you of this, a warning (see image) will be shown before you leave the Bluetooth screen After leaving the Bluetooth screen, the playing of music via the controller will be
resumed.Aquasound EMC50PRO TW N Joy Music Center with Mini Box -

Depending on the system purchased it may be possible to connect external devices via AUX-IN (cable not included) with your system. When you wish to play music from this external source this is also done via visiting the Bluetooth screen. When you visit the Bluetooth screen playback via the controller will be stopped and the system will automatically switch to the sound from the AUX-IN.


  • A Bluetooth connection will always take precedence over a device connected by AUX-IN.
  • When AUX-IN is connected, a Sound-Bar will never switch itself off.

Pairing / connecting an iPhone®

Follow the below instructions for connecting an iPhone to the N-Joy System (Perform these steps on your iPhone):®

  • Press Icon “Settings” Settings

  •  Press Icon “General” General >

  • Press “ Bluetooth”
    Turn Bluetooth on (ON), only needed when Bluetooth is turned off (OFF).
    Your iPhone is now searching for nearby Bluetooth devices.

  • A list of all nearby Bluetooth devices appears.

  • Select “Sound-Bar” or “AquaSound” from the list (first time code = 0000 or 1234).

  • In about 10-15 seconds the device is connected with your iPhone.√ You can use your iPhone as usual. You can play music on your iPhone, the sound will be streamed to the Bluetooth device.

Make sure that the volume level is set to a low level. High volume may cause harm to your ears.
For stable streaming, the distance between iPhone and Bluetooth receiver may not exceed 5 Meters.

Note: Above instructions are specific for iPhones. The above steps can be slightly different for iPad® and iPod®-Touch.

Pairing / connecting an Android® SmartPhone:

Follow the below instructions for connecting an Android ® SmartPhone to the N-Joy System (Perform these steps on your Android SmartPhone):

  • Press Icon “Settings”
    You can find this icon behind the [Menu] button on your SmartPhone.

  • Press Icon “Wireless and Network”

  • Turn Bluetooth on (only if the check box is unchecked).

  •  Press “Bluetooth settings”.


Press “Scan for devices” / “Find nearby devices”
Your SmartPhone is now searching for nearby Bluetooth devices.

  • A list of all nearby Bluetooth devices appears. 
  • Select “Sound-Bar” or “AquaSound” from the list (first-time code = 0000 or 1234). 
  • In about 10-15 seconds the device “Sound-Bar” or “AquaSound” is connected to your SmartPhone.

√ You can use your SmartPhone as usual. You can play music on your SmartPhone, the sound will be streamed to the connected Bluetooth device.

Make sure that the volume level is set to a low level. High volume may cause harm to your ears.
For stable streaming, the distance between SmartPhone and Bluetooth receiver may not exceed 5 Meters.

Note: Instructions may vary slightly depending on Android versions.

Miscellaneous Settings:

Miscellaneous Settings
Changing the other settings of the controller can be done via the Settings menu.

On the first screen, you will find the option to change the Language, check for software updates, and set a Touch sound. You can also change Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings, or change the email addresses that you would like to receive news about updates for your N-Joy controller.
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In the second screen, you can change Screen settings and the Time shown on the controller.

Screen settings
You can select how long the screen will remain active after you last touched it. You can set different times for when the controller is connected to the charger and for when it is not being charged. You can also set the brightness of the screen here.
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A screen that is active longer and/or has a higher brightness will cause your controller to have a higher energy usage.


Below you will find some solutions to possible issues with your N-Joy Music System.
Problem: the system is not playing any music When the system is not playing any music, no radio, and no personal music, check whether the Bluetooth connection is still active (on the top-right of the screen, a Bluetooth symbol ‘ ‘ will be shown). When this symbol is not shown, go to the ’Settings’ screen and choose ‘Bluetooth’. You can scan for Bluetooth devices and restore the connection.
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Problem: the system is not playing radio
When the system is not playing radio, but music stored in the controller is being played, check whether the controller is connected to your Wi-Fi network (in the top right of the screen, a Wi-Fi symbol ‘ ‘ will be shown). If this symbol is not shown, go to the ‘Settings’ and choose ‘Wi-Fi. You can scan for Wi-Fi networks and create a connection to these networks here.Aquasound
EMC50PRO TW N Joy Music Center with Mini Box - fig37 Problem: radio is interrupted / choppy
When the system is playing radio poorly, the problem might be that the Wi-Fi signal is lacking in strength. Check in the ‘Monitor’ screen how strong the Wi-Fi connection is. If this is listed as weak, please try to improve the strength of your Wi-Fi network.
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fig40 Problem: the songs stored in the controller are played choppy
This problem can be caused by the distance between the controller and the Bluetooth receiver. This distance should be no more than 5 meters. If the distance is greater than 5 meters, please move the receiver, or use a longer antenna.
Aquasound EMC50PRO TW N Joy Music Center with Mini Box -
fig41[email protected]


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