JOYO PXL-Live Dual 4 Channel FX Pedal Switching System User Manual

June 5, 2024


User Manual

Thank you for choosing the PXL-LIVE Effect Pedal Controller. Before use please read the manual for instructions on using the PXL-LIVE, and to avoid misuse and damage to the PXL-LIVE.


  1. To avoid breakage, do not apply excessive force to the switches or controls.
  2. If the exterior becomes dirty, wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use liquid cleaners such as benzene or thinner, or cleaning compounds or flammable polishes.
  3. Do not place this product in humid surroundings, in case of damages to internal circuits.
  4. Do not exceed the voltage limit at DC 9V; otherwise, it will cause damage to this product.
  5. Please purchase a power adapter separately.
  6. Please use a power adapter of 500mA or higher OUTPUT, to ensure the normal function of PXL-LIVE.
  7. Please wire all effect pedals and plugins before opening the amplifier, to avoid the current surge caused to your amplifier.
  8. Please make sure the polarity of your power adapter is the same as this product casing printed, any error on power polarity would cause damage to this product.
  9. Do not dispose of this product along with your household trash. By disposing of this product correctly, you can avoid environmental harm or health risk. The correct method of disposal will depend on your locality, so please contact the appropriate local authorities for details.

WARNING: Use of this product in any country other than that for which it is intended could be dangerous and could invalidate the manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty. Please also retain your receipt as proof of purchase otherwise your product may be disqualified from the manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty.

Brief Introduction of PXL-LIVE

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to effectively control your effect pedals, rack mount effects, and amplifier in one central location? We believe the answer is yes. As guitar setups get more and more complicated, managing them becomes a bigger headache. The PXL-LIVE was created to address these issues.

Dual Four-Channel Design

Flexible dual four-channel design, It can be used as 8 separate channels or used as 2 separate sets of 4 channels (looping). If you have an amplifier with an internal effects loop, you will realize this is a really great function. You can use your Wah-Wah, Compressor, EQ, Distortion, etc. to set up a single loop channel in connected to the front of your amp. Then have your modulation, delay, and reverb set up as a separate loop that takes the output of your amp’s effect pedal loop.

2 Programmable Trigger

Often we would like our amp’s tone and pedals to be switched simultaneously. The PXL-Live offers two fully programmable triggers (two relays), which can help you to do this by connecting to your amp’s function control (like FX, reverb, channel switching, etc.). Each of the two triggers has the following programming features:


*MOM or LATCH Mode

  • Trigger external equipment’s function when the current patch is activated.
  • Trigger external equipment’s function when the current patch is inactivated (LOOP1 & LOOP2 are bypassed)

With these characteristics, the PXL-LIVE can be used to control 2 Loops, allowing you to use your amp and effect pedals in one central performance control system, and instantly switch tones with a flip of a switch.

(The PXL-LIVE triggering mechanism is a switch used to activate your external devices. It has two modes; one is MOM, which uses relay electronics to quickly activate. The other one is LATCH, in this model, Relay will change from one state to another, and it remains unchanged till the next command is received. Further, there are also two polarities to be set up, Consult your user manual for more information about how to operate it.)

Programmable MIDI Controller

Today many types of professional audio equipment have a MIDI connector, allowing users to control functions or parameters of the device. To realize it, a MIDI controller is included in the PXL-LIVE and it can transmit the following messages:

MIDI Program Change.

MIDI Continuous Control message (MIDI CC#).

Note: It can support at most two messages simultaneously.

Being able to transmit the above MIDI messages, together with its other features, the PXL-LIVE can become your control center when you perform, allowing you to switch tones with simplicity and ease.

Attention: PXL-LIVE’s MIDI connector does not support inputs. In other words, PXL-LIVE cannot be controlled by another MIDI controller. In the next section, we will discuss how to use the PXL-LIVE.

Control Panel


  • When connected to IN, and LOOP2 OUT is connected, 8 channels are used, then the PXL-LIVE is in an 8-channel mode, shown in 1 and Fig.2.When connected to IN, both LOOP1 and LOOP2 out are connected, and the PXL-LIVE is in Dual LOOP modes. Both Loops are independent, shown as in Fig.3 and Fig.4
  • When in Bypass mode, all connected effects are bypassed, and you will have a pure tone of your amp.

General Connection

Operation Instructions

Tuner and Mute controls
When not in edit mode, step on the MUTE switch, the PXL-LIVE turns on the TUNER OUT connection, allowing the signal to reach your connected Tuner, and then you can tune your instrument. The second time you press the MUTE, PXL-LIVE will turn off LOOP1 OUT and LOOP2 OUT connections and both will be muted, and then you can silently tune the instrument. The third time you press the Mute switch, the PXL-LIVE will exit Tuner mode. The TUNER OUT connection will be inactive, cuts off tuning functions, and it will reactivate LOOP1 OUT and LOOP2 OUT connections.

Switching Banks
When not in edit mode, step on BANK+/-, to change memory banks. The new memory will not immediately be available. You need to step on A/B/C or D for the settings to take effect. During the process of switching banks, the display will read Banks 1-8 and show A/B/C/D.

Edit Usage

Edit mode and edit options.
When not in edit mode and BYPASS is not engaged, press MUTE for more than 1 second to go into edit mode. At this time the display will show “EH” and it indicates the Edit mode has been entered. Use the BANK+/- to select the item to edit, you will be able to see the following in the display:

EH: Allows editing of LOOP2’s 4 channels.
EL: Allows editing of LOOP1’s 4 channels.
EF: Allows editing the action of T1-2 when the patch is activated.
EB: Allows editing the action of T1-2 when the patch is inactivated.
EM: Allows editing the modes of T1-2. There are 2 kinds of available active modes–M and L corresponding to MOM and LATCH styles.
Consult your connected equipment manual for more information.

EP: Allows editing the Polarity of T1-2. You can choose from two available settings of ON or OFF. Consult your equipment manuals for more information.
MA: MIDI setting when patching status changes from INACTIVE to ACTIVE. Consult your equipment manuals for which MIDI setting is suitable for you.
MB: MIDI setting while patch status changes from ACTIVE to INACTIVE. Consult your equipment manuals for which MIDI setting is suitable for you.

For a detailed explanation please consult the MIDI setup chapter.

Edit LOOP combination
After entering edit mode, use the BANK+/- to adjust screen options to either EH or EL(see the last chapter), because both channel’s operation is similar and EL will be used to illustrate here, that once EL is displayed on the screen, the next step is to turn on or turn off LOOP1’s channel(s).To do this, simply press the A/B/C/D buttons corresponding to:

A: L4 B: L3 C: L2 D: L1
Pressing the buttons will either turn on or off the corresponding channels. After editing is finished, you can press mute for 1 second or more to save the current setting. If you want to cancel the changes, you can simply tap on MUTE, the PXL-LIVE enters NON-EDIT mode and no previous changes will be saved.

Edit Trigger
To edit triggers you must follow the following sequence (of course if you’re experienced, you can skip the sequence and select the appropriate part to edit): Polarity > Mode/style > NON-BYPASS action > BYPASS action

  1. Trigger Polarity Editing
    After entering edit mode, press BANK+/- to show EP on the screen. At this time you can adjust T1-T2 polarity and observe the corresponding lights to T1-T2, The 2 lights on or off indicate the corresponded channel polarity on/off. Press the A/B button to setup trigger polarities corresponding to:
    A: T1 B: T2
    For instance, if you want to adjust T1’s polarity, press A and observe the corresponding light to T1. After editing, you can press BANK+/ to select another item to edit, or choose to exit edit mode or save changes.

  2. Trigger Mode Editing
    After entering edit mode, press BANK+/- to show EM on the screen. At this time you can adjust the T1 -T2 active mode and observe the corresponding lights to T1- T2. To set up trigger modes, you can press the A/B switch to turn on the corresponding trigger:
    A: T1 B: T2
    For instance, if you want to set up T1’s mode, press A and observe T1 indicator light. The light on represents MOM mode, while the light off represents LATCH mode. After editing, you can press BANK+/- to select another item to edit, or choose to exit edit mode, or save changes.

  3. NON-BYPASS Trigger Actions
    NON-BYPASS means PATCHES are activated, and FX pedals in the two loops start processing if the connected LOOP CHANNEL is ON. If PXL-LIVE triggers any function on your amp and makes it a tone change at this time, your pedals and your amps will change their tone simultaneously.
    After entering edit mode, press BANK+/- to show EF on the screen. At this time you will be able to set up the T1/T2 actions in NON-BYPASS status. There are two indicator lights and there on or off corresponding to equipment functions being activated or inactivated. To set up the action of T1-T2, you can press the A/B switch to turn on the corresponding trigger:
    A: T1 B: T2
    For instance, if you want to set up T1’s mode, press A and observe the T1 signal light. The light on represents that the equipment functions being activated, while the light off represents functions being inactivated. After editing, you can press BANK+/- to select another item to edit, or choose to exit edit mode or save changes.

  4. : NON-BYPASS to BYPASS Trigger Actions
    NON-BYPASS to BYPASS means PATCH status changes from ACTIVE to INACTIVE, the LOOP1/2 are bypassed. FX pedals in the two loops lost their signal input, your guitar signal will be sent directly to the amp. If PXL-LIVE triggers any function on your amp and makes it a tone change at this time, you truly get an amp tone without any FX pedal processing.
    When using amp and effect units as a system, we would have our system to enter effectively into a BYPASS loop while still allowing some control over amp functions. PXL-LIVE’s triggers will allow users to do this. Even when LOOP1/2 is in BYPASS mode, it’s possible to send control messages to the amp, causing the amp to switch channels or turn on/off reverb. To set up NON- BYPASS to BYPASS Trigger Actions you can enter edit mode, and press BANK+/- to show EB on the display. There will be two corresponding lights to T1 -T2 . These 2 lights on or off corresponding to equipment functions being activated or inactivated. To set up trigger modes, you can press the A/B switch to turn on the corresponding trigger:
    A: T1 B: T2
    For instance, if you want to set up T1, press A. The indicator light on represents the equipment functions are being activated, while the light off represents the functions are being inactivated. After editing is finished, you can press BANK+/- to select another item to edit or you can press MUTE for 1 second or more to save the current setting. If you want to cancel the changes you can simply tap on MUTE, the PXL-LIVE enters NON- EDIT mode and no previous changes will be saved.
    MIDI Setup
    The PXL-LIVE can send two sets of MIDI data (for example, it can send MIDI CC+ MIDI program change or MIDI CC+CC). To set up MIDI functions, the following sequence must be followed: Ex > Ax > Cx > Nx, where “x” represents 1 or 2, as in El ,A1,C1,N1, or E2, A2, C2, N2.
    To set up the MIDI controller, you must first enter edit mode, and press BANK+/- until the letters, MA or MB are displayed. The MA option allows you to set up MIDI actions(what kind of midi message to be sent) when PATCH status changes from INACTIVE to ACTIVE, The MB option allows you to set up MIDI actions(what kind of midi message to be sent) when PATCH status changes from ACTIV to INACTIVE(LOOP BYPASSED)

  5. MA setup
    When “MA” is displayed, press A/B, causing El > Al > Cl > N1 > E2 > A2 > C2

    N2 to be displayed.
    El: MIDI message 1 message type setup.
    When “El” is displayed, press C/D, and OF/PC/CC will be displayed. Choosing OF will turn off the MIDI controller; the PXL-LIVE will not transmit any MIDI data. Choosing PC, the MIDI controller will transmit a Program Change message. Choosing CC, the MIDI controller will transmit a MIDI CC message.
    Note: When El is in OF state, A1 will display “–“, indicating that the parameter is unable to be changed.
    Al: MIDI message 1 transmit Channel Setup
    When “Al” is displayed, press C/D and the numbers 01-16 will be displayed. These numbers represent the MIDI channel you wish to transmit to. For example, if you want to control an effect with a MIDI connection that receives MIDI channel 1 data only. To control the effect, you must set up the PXL-LIVE to transmit commands via MIDI channel 1 too. So, you have to set up the Al option value to 01, otherwise, you will not control your effect.
    Note: When El is in OF state, Al will display “–“, indicating that the parameter is unable to be changed.
    C1: MIDI message 1 Parameter 1 Setup
    When “Cl” is displayed, press CID, the numbers 01-2.8 will be displayed. These numbers represent 001-128. On reaching 100, the decimal point will be moved. For example, 123 is displayed as 2.3.
    When El is set up with PC, the numbers 1-128 represent 128 possible tones. When El is set up with CC the numbers 001-128 represent 128 controller numbers. Pressing the C/D button will allow you to choose which “number” to set up. Typically, a program change message is usually used to change tone presets, and a CC message is used to adjust parameters of the effect, like delay time or modulation depth, etc. For example, if you want to change the tone preset on your FX processor units. Firstly, you need to select which is the right channel setting that your FX processor can receive. Secondly, set the Cl to PC (a program change message will be sent). Another example, if you want to change the FX delay time on your processor, you will first set the transmit channel which must be the same as your FX processor setting, and set the Cl value to the right MIDI controller number (1-128) which must be the same as your FX processor setting, then use N1 (we will talk about N1 in the next section) to set up the control value to be sent.
    Note: When El is in OF state, the readout will display “–“, indicating that the parameter is unable to be changed.
    N1: MIDI message 1 Parameter 2 Setup
    When “Ni” is displayed, press C/D and the numbers 01-2.8 is displayed. These numbers represent 001-128. On reaching 100 the decimal point will be moved. For example, 123 is displayed as 2.3.
    N1 parameter is available only when El is set up as CC. This parameter is used to specify the control value of the MIDI CC message. A MIDI CC message consists of the transmit channel, the controller number, and the control value. These messages are usually used to control some parameters of an effect. To change the parameter, the Cl value must be the same as what your FX processor set. And the transmit channel must be the same too. For example, controller 12 on your FX processor is defined as a delay time controller and receives a control message on MIDI channel 15. A 1-128 controls the delay time from 0.02sec to 1 sec. If we want to change the delay time to less, we have to set the El option to CC, Al set to 15, Cl set to 12, and, N1 set to 128.
    Note: When El is in OF or PC state, the readout will display “–“, indicating that the parameter is unable to be changed.
    E2, A2, C2, and N2 settings:
    The settings are all the same as El, Al, Cl, and N11 after editing is finished, you can keep pressing (not holding) the mute switch until a MA is displayed on the screen, then use BANK+/- to select another item to edit. If you want to save the setting, press the MUTE switch for 1 second or more to save the current settings. If you want to cancel the changes, you can simply tap on MUTE, till the PXL-LIVE enters NON-EDIT mode and no previous changes will be saved.

  6. MB setup
    The goal of this design is to let users to bypass the entire FX effects pedal to get a pure tone into the amplifier, at the same time they can still change amp channels or change effects via MIDI, to get another tone setting. When “MB” is displayed, press A/B, causing El > Al > Cl > N1 > E2 > A2 > C2 > N2 to be displayed. To edit the MB option, Please refer to the MA setup section.
    After editing is finished, you can keep pressing (not hold) the mute switch until an MB is displayed on the screen, then use BANK+/- to select another item to edit. If you want to save the setting, press the MUTE switch for 1 second or more to save the current settings. If you want to cancel the changes, you can simply tap on MUTE, till the PXL-LIVE enters NON-EDIT mode and no previous changes will be saved.

Technical Parameters

Power Consumption  : 240mA @ DC 9V
Channels  : 4LOOPSx2
Other Controls  : Trigger x 2, MIDI Out x 1
Weight  : 1.68kg
Dimension  : 54.1X6.7X5.3cm


Address: 2/F. Lushi Industry Building, 28th District, Baoan. Shenzhen. 518133 China. Email:[email protected]
Tel: 0086-755-29765381

Guitar Effect Pedals
Guitar Pimps

JOY0 Rudio UK Limited

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